THE BEE: OMAHA. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 24. 1921. 10 Clittifiei Mvertisinf Rates lie pee line fvut words la nasi dey Ice per line Pt ear, 6 oameeeuiiv. d. l.e Be Ilea per day. t eaecuile daya 144 per lln per day, $e conoecuilv. dare NO ad. taken for in a total ol ih IbMt niw apply tiilr la the Dally er unda M All advertlaesnenia appear In both mocalnf sad e suing dell paper. lor ta. . tMfn CONTRACT 81 ATM OM APPLICATION Waal saa accepted at lb. (allowlaf at. Oca: MAIN OFFICII. ...7t and raraam Sta, aula ilde. ... touts tih Kt, Council liiufla It kooit Nt WANT ADD RECEIVED BK t'UO.NK 4TLANTI0 1000 THB BEE will aol k responsible far more Ihaa oaa Incorrect Insertion of aa advertisement for mora than aaa lima glob i no Houm roa want adi Evening Edition 11.41 A. M. Morning k.lltlon.... Ml f. M. unday Edition. .....0:0 P. M, katurday DEATH ft FUNERAL NOTICES. VEKNoN William r., died at hla home, 31104 Ho. )ih Ht, Wednesday, Nov.m- ber 21. aged 71 i.ars. fun. ml service at llulee ft Rlepsn chapel, i::t Cuming, Friday. November ;, at 1 p. ni. Inurmant Forest Lawn ' camstery. Friends ar. Klrumi, CARD OF THANKS? VK W1MII to Ihauk our many friend for thtir kindness during tlx slrkneea and n.ath of our beloved aoa, Paul, and al.o for lha beautiful floral off'Tlngs, espe cially lha teachers and Diinlla of Farn.m hool, for kindni.e and beautiful flural ofroringe. mgnea, Mr. and airs. M. 15. llrnmun, lr. and Mn. K. A. Brnmon and eon. I WISH to thank lha friends and nUli bora, lha members of lh Masomo order, Eastern Star. University fluli and Chrlet- Ian Science Second church, fur their ympalhy and klndnea. and alio tha beautiful floral offerings at tha death of my husband, Harry A. Mowery. Mrs. II. A, Mowery. CEMETERIES. Forest Lawn Tha largest cemetery In Nebraska. 220 acres ju.t north of tha city limit. xrt of Florence. All Ideal location safe from llturbance by tha city's , growth. perpetual care. Not operated for profit. Cemetery office Forest Lawn . street ear terminus, 42d and North illy limit.. City office, 720 Brandela Theater Building. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. F. J. STACK & CO., SucceMtor to Stack A Flconf OMAHA'S BliST. SwAMBULANCEVo64n Thlrty-thlra and Farnam. Hulse & Riepen , PIONKKR FUNKRAL DIRECTORS. ' Formerly at 701 8. Hth St., hava Moved to 2234 Cuming St. J a. lilt. 'HEAFEY & HEAFEY Undcrtaktra and Rmbalmera. Phona H.V. 285. Of flea 1611 Farnam, FLORISTS. LARMON pmDo?.ou.'2" 8AY IT WITH F1.0WKR9 FROM HESS A SWOUOIM, 1413 FA UN AM BTREKT. FL ATI RON FLOWKR SHOP. 17SS Kt. Mary'a Ave, Tel. At. 6819. JOHN HATH, 1K04 p'ornam. .lacknon 1909. L. llemlfraun. 1507 Farnam. Jnckson 12SS, BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 1llrth. Olmrlea and Addle Ailama, hospltnl, boy. John and Mary Whltted, 67S3 Bedford vmiu..' irl. ' (iulceppo and Oluseppa Gra. 1017 Cen ter ttreet, boy. John and Esther Burdlsh, 3010 Pinkncy street, boy. Mnmuel and Anna Rablnowltz. boapltal, bOA ' . " . Ilenjamln and Mildred Linn, hospital, bo:1. . William and Grace TInirle, hospital, boy. ' John and Violet Hall, hospital, girl. William and Maude Talbltzer, 1513 North Twenty-eighth street, girl. Alfred and Orare Smith, hospital, bo. vTlenjamtn and Ruth Sijlveater, hospital, Bin. - ' . Warren and Margulrlta Davidson, hos pital, girl. Charlea and Anna Breasman, 2821 De catur street, girl. ' " Arnold and Anna Sargent, Fifty-second and O streets, girl. Harold and Hasel George, hospital, boy. M. O. and Katherlne Baker, 3309 North (Seventeenth atreet, girl. - Deatha. J William Oscar Taylor, SI, 2918 It street. 1 John A. Smith, 56, 2421 North Twenty-seventh avenue. , Mrs. Frances Vldlak, 47, hospital. Mrs. Myrtle Frost, SI, TiospltrV ' Taul Walters, 44, 601 North So .enteenth atreet. Ruby Brown, li, 815 North Fifteenth atreet. ' Mrs. Ernestine Newman", 69, hospital. Harry A. Mowery, 46, 1607 Amea avenue. Mary A. Fleming. 84. 2419 Valley street. rul M, Bramson, 14, 413 South Twenty-eighth street. Hoslo Campbell, 9, hospital. MARRIAGE LICENSES. : Tha following persona were Issued per linlts to wed: Clyde E. Fratt, over SI, Omaha, and 7.o n a M. McFerren, over 21, Grand Island, Neb. Henry Turner, S6, Omaha, and Jessie Preston, 24, Omaha. . Alfred Both, over . 21, Omaha, and Irsno Agnew, over 21, Omaha, A. Judson Churchill, 28. Omaha, and Amelia Lerach. SO. Owatonna, Minn. John K. Blachurskl, 23, Omaha, and Martha Tlnultes, 23, Omaha. Charles A. Elasser, 22, Omaha, and Ab bie A. Lynch, 1, Omaha, lidwln R. McCormlck, 29, Fort Worth, Tex., and Reglna O'Donnell, 20, Nev Tork. N. T. Thomas Cody, Jr., 28, Ulghmore. S. T., and Julia Kussmann, 22, Nebraska City, Neb. Leonard P. O'Pea, 20, Omaha, and Violet M, Hoden. 19, Omaha. LOST. FOUND AND REWARDS. LADIES' small, open faced watch; car ried la leather wrist band. Name In bark. Valued aa sift. Reward. Call ' W alnut 4695. LUST One rolled mattress, between Hth and Cass and 24th and Grace. Notify ; Orchard A Wllhelm Co. Atlantlo 3000. Beward. SCOTCH Collie dog; brown; white head ; and neck. Reward. James Dempsey, 714 Madison avenue, Council Bluffs, Red " 4301. 1 BUNCHES of .keys lost on 13th and Farnam. Call Douglas 8324. Reward. LOST Sapphire and pearl bar pin, val ued as keepsake. Reward. Harney 1411. PERSONALS. THB SALVATION Army Industrial home ' solicits your old clothing, furniture, magaiines. We collect. Wa distribute. Phone Douglas 4135 and our wagon will call. Call ana inspect our new home, 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St. WANTED Tha address of Bertie Lowes I family, alias Betty Love Clark, by a friend. Reward. ' -George, 2UH West 13th 8t., Kansas City. Mo. XATHRYN L. RILEY, akin and acalp spe cialist. JA 326s; shampoo and' wave, $1.- SULPHUR batha. Swedish massage, chi ropody. Evenings to 3. 309 S. 20th BU ELECTRO Block. bata-massaca, 313 Neville MASSAGE Eve. & Sun. Appoint. AT. 636.. RENT Hoover vacuum. .$1.26. HA. 1071. ELECTRIC batha Swed. maaa. WE. 2911. EXPERT MASSAGE. DOUGLAS 9549. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Accordeon Pleating. ACCORDION, aide, knife, boa pleating, .covered buttons, all styiee; hemstitching, buttonholes. Writs . Ideal Button ft Pleating Co, 308 Brown block. Jacksoa 193. NEBR. PIRATING crBuf: tana 180$ Farnam. id Floor. Dc. 667. Chiropractors. TAKS CHIROPRACTIC adjustments at your home. Dra. Morteaeen. Palmer graduates. Walnut 1910. Contxactors-Paintin g. CARPENTERING, remodeling and re Pairing, reasonable. J. O. Krage. KK. 441. SRICK plasterer and cement, new and repair work. 1. Nag. W.I not 4S9T. Dancing Academies Tfl? FP'tl 1 Faraara. Dooglaa 44a. x-1-'---c " Wa hava taught mora thaa 33.9041 people to dance. Let ua teach you. Sapert instruction. Beginnera or advanced class r private lesser. a. LEARN TO DANCE RIGHT lllldred Maxlna teacaea all eranchaa tainclni. Stadia Leflaas Bide DO. 4711. BRINGING UP r Ml III! 1 I- I 11 1 II I I I CVtRM OOOY THINKS I OCX.HT TOCIT EVENWITH MA4,,ie. ILL CO tEC PROF. PWL OtOPHCR' HE't) THJL WIC UV N TOWN- ANNOUNCEMENTS. Dentisti. Dentistry All kind of denial wrk dona nntlfr tha careful aupervlalon of prufeaiiora at tha Cralf hton unlveraliy, collrge of den. tl.iry. r'aea Dioderata, axtractiona frot. New building, JUh and California Take ilarnry, Cromtown or Cumlutf etre.t rar. Phona Atlantlo il. IK. NASH, 7!!4 City Nat'l Kk. AT. 0H7. Detectives. IIKI.IAHI.E Ieteotlv Kureau. Kullway Kx. lll.lg.. JA. tOU. NlKl-.t. KKN. mil. ludepemlent Pnlartlva Huroau. 304 Nevlllo Ulk. Atl. 650l nlKht, wni. 4Q5; K. o.'i.. JAMC ALLAN'. 113 Neville 111 H. Kvl.lenie . u rrrt In all r.oa. Atlantic mi, IiETECTIVES that Ket re.ulla. 40 Tax- ton block. JA. 1S1. TO 6767. , Dressmaking. FURS, suite, druses, rtmod'i, reltned. 11 S04. Kodak Finishing. FILMS developed; printing and enlarging. The Fnslgn Co., 1607 Howard 8 ENLARGEMENTS, oil coloring, developing, printing. Kaje Studio, tl Neville Rlk Patent Attorneys. J. W. MARTIN, patent attorney, 1"1 Dodge. Omaha, also Waehington, D. C. We help sell patents, models mane. Printing. EDDY Printing Co., 212 S. 13 St. Do. 847 Miscellaneous Announcements. TT A HrrtXTTAO We pay the best UiaillUmUO prlca with privilege to buv back at small profit, ukows JEWKLRY CO., 403 N. 16th St. Doug las 6049. RAZOR BLADES sharpened. Single, 86c; double edge, 45c doz. Mall oraers so licited. Omaha Sharp Co., 103 N. 16th. OMAHA PILLOW COMPANY, Mattresses made over In new ticks at half price of new beds. 1907 Cuming. J A. .it. FITLL dress and tuxedos for rent. John Feldman, 109 N. 16th St. Jackson 8128. NEW and rebuilt electrical apparatus, LeBron Electric, SIS S. 13th St., Omaha. ROGERS Confectionery, 24th and Farnam BRITT Printing Co., 7 Elks Bldg. FOR SALE. Furniture and Household Goods. 60 PER CENT ON THB DOLLAR I1NR WKY.K BIG SALE NEW LOCATION 6011 SOUTH 24TH ST. Slaughter of high-grade and staple furniture. Genuine leather high-grade S-Ptece 3160 living room suite (duofold, rocker, chair). 399. Floor coverings, llneoleum, congoleums, 60o yard; 376 cast Iron ranges, 346.60; $100 phonographs, $46.60; dressers $1.60; dressers with mirror, $3.75; kitchen chairs. 25c; rockers, 75c; kitchen tables. $1; Vernis Martin beds. $2.50; Iron beds, 60c; brass beds, $5.00; stand, $1.00; also bedroom suite, dining room set, rugs all grades, bookcases, writUisr desks: monkey stoves, heaters, gas stoves, gas plates and everything needed In a house: Victory Furniture Emporium. . , Emanuel Vaks, Prop. At new location 6011 South 21tn, Op ; posite South Side city hall. Phone Market 3270. Delivery over Greater Omaha. FURNITURE of 4-room apartment; hours from 1 to G; no dealers. 2031 Howard bt. Tel. Walnut 2658. SOLID OAK ROLL TOP DESK, OIL HEATER. CALL WEBSTER 6377. RrtED baby carriage. Call Walnut 1741. Pianos and Musical Instruments. GEO. A. SMITH Dealer In drums.xylo- phones. etc.; Instructions, repairing; 2761 Davenport St Phone Harnov 2967. TRADE your used piano on a new player piano. ' Balance as low as sio.oo per month. A. Hospe Co., 1613 Douglas. JOHN TAFF saxophone shop, repairing and supplies. 306 Leflang Bldg. U. 8476. BIG bargain In phonographa and records. SHI.AES PHONOGRAPH. 1404 Dodge. B FLAT tenor saxophone; yours for fair offer. Box A-14. Omaha Bee. Clothing and Furs. FOR sale, a few unclaimed, all-wool 'Dundee" suits, cheap, alterations free. DUNDEE, WOOLEN MILLS, Northwest Cor. 16th and Harney fits. FURS remodeled, relined and cleaned. KNEETER ALASKA FUR CO.. 203 S. 16th St. Douglas 728S. ONE long, brown Angora cape; one wool sweater. .Atlantlo 3567. Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING MACHINES. All MAKES bought, sold, rented and repaired. Sole agents for the CORONA. Get our prices before you buy. Every machine guaranteed. Central Typewriter Exc. Jackson 4120. 1913 Farnam. Miscellaneous Articles. SEWING MACHINES Wa rent, repair, sell needles and parts, MICKEL'S 15th and Harney. Douglas 1973. LINOTYPE for sale Used . Model 6, In fine condition. Motor, remelting fur nace, and small supplies Set 8-point mats. Priced reasonable. Herald, Wil cox. Neb. Nithen Steinberg BOTTLES BOTTLES 1019 Harney St. ' Douglas 6166. WE buy, aell safes, make desks, show- cases, etc. Omaha Fixture & Supply Co., S. W. Cor. 11th and Douglas. JA. 2724. $65 reed baby carriage, cheap. JA. 2643. WANTED TO BUY. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desk. od desks bought, sold and traded. J. C Reed, 12'U Farnam. D. 6146 WE bur wast paper, old magazine, books and newspapers, Write or phona Omaha Paper Stock Co., lath and Marcy. Douglaa 01S9. HELP WANTED MALE. Professions and Trades. Wanted TWO EXPERIENCED HARD GOODS CANDY MAKERS. APPLT Gordon-Rainalter Co., 801 Douglas BIG MONET! DO IT NOW! LEARN THE BEST BT-BINE-3 IN THK BEST WAY. IN THE BE8T PLACE AND SHORTEST TIME. LEAKS IT ALL AT THB NATIONAL AUTOMOBILE t-CHOOL. I14 N. 2IVTH T O, WHITE FOR FREE CATALOG, FATHER mill i r'. i j c- v i W A Without Cost TO help relieve the unenfr ployment situation, we will publish any 18-word help or'situation wanted ad free of charge. It must be mailed or taken to the office, and or iginate in greater Omaha or Council Bluffs. The Omaha Bee WANTED SITUATIONS. Male. SHOE salesman wishes permanent posi tion; six years' experience; married, can furnish best of ret.; 26 yra. old; 4 yra. window trimming. Box A-10, Bee. SITUATION WANTED Work not too heavy; fair education; conscientious; ' American, 85; references. Evenings . phone Douglas 9168 for Earl. YOUNG experienced, clerk, plumber, bookkeeper, truck driver, undertaker telegrapher, wants work, anything con sidered. L-267, Omaha Bee. YOUNG man wanta any kind ct tutu driving, references furnished, work pre ferred In Co. Bluffs, Inquire 716 16th Ave., Co. Bluffs. DAVIS BROS. Orchestra. Up-to-the-mln ute musio for dances, banquets. recep tions, etc. Walnut 2395. C R. Davis, 402 Securltlea E. POSITION with a reliable manufacturing concern wanted by an experienced auto- bungalow designer. Oscar Larson, w eb' ster City, la. POSITION wanted by young man as pri vate chauffeur or driving truck. In or out of city. Experienced. Box A-9, Omaha Bee. MIDDLE-AGED gentleman with bal anced personality, wanta position aa clerk, cashier in hotel, cafe, etc, L-249, Omaha Bee,. SALESMAN, .'five yeara experience' on road, 29 yrs. old, good education, will consider retail connection. L-251, Oma ha Bee. BAND LEADER, experienced, teach all Instruments, would like boys or begin ners' band in Nebraska. Bee, box L-267. EX-SERVICE man desires employment in a garage; anything considered. Best of references furnished. L 2C2, Omaha Bee. BOOKKEEPER, order clerk, salesman or buyer; lumber, coal, grain experience; middle aged; married. Box A-6S. Bee. EX-SERVICE man, married, wants work; clerical, bkkpg. anything; steady or temporary. Black 8667. Co. Bluffs. BOY, 17 years old. wants work as office boy or apprentice at any trade, auto mobile preferred. Call Market 2399. EXPERIENCED drug clerk wants place in retail or wholesale store, zis Logan St., Council Bluffs. Black 4329 MARRIED man with four children must have employment. Experiencsd sales man. Can do anything. L-264. OFFICE work of any kind by young mar ried man, 10 yrs. experience in omce detail. Box A-13, Omaha Bee. EX-SERVICE man, married, 8 years' ex perience as auto mechanic. Phone Red 3361, Council Bluffs, la. CARPENTER wants small Jobs, repalr- , log or new work, living wages, rename. james rarsons, nv rto. 10m. RELIABLE man with Ford truck wanta work of any kind. Charles carpenter, 1921 Chicago. Atlantlo 6023. WANTED Carpenter work by good work man. Chas. Bishop. 1030 4tn Ave., CO. Bluffs, la. Telephone 4803. EXPERIENCED hardware man retail or whosale, oa road or In store, zo years expeslence. Doublas 6297. PAINTER and paper hanger, first-class; will consider anytning: marnea. van WILL drive car to New York or east cosst for fare. Excellent driver. Best References. Market 2907. YOUNG MAN. exp. chauffeur, mechanic. 6 years; willing to take night jou. vJ. 6258, ask for Clarence. WANTED Evening work of any kind by young man. Any hours. Keferencea furnished. Box L-263. A young man desires position as white chauffeur; experienced, Cleo J. v Jay, 4038 Seward St., City. MIDDLE aged man desires panltor work. Must have work at once Address box I, 263. Omaha Bee. COLORED lady wanta general housework or cooking or any kind of work. Piora Geary, Market 4580. COLORED lady -wants general housework or cooking or any kind of work. Alma Riley. Market 4680. EXP. grocery or office porter, colored; married: one that can pack or mark goods. Harney 0316. EXPERIENCED porter and houseman wanta work. Call Fields at Webster 3235. References. A-l SALESMAN with car wlshea perma nent position. Box L 164. Omaha Bee. EXPERIENCED porter er houseman needs work. Call Fields, at Webster 3235. HELP WANTED MALE. Professions and Trades. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. 110 S. 14tb. Write for catalog. Salesmen and Solicitors. SALESMAN Hair nets, calling dept.. drug atores. etc. Attractive established brand; side line. Room 736, Fontea elle hotel. Saturday a. m. SOLICITORS who are willing to work. Call between 8 and 10. 1619 Howard. WANTED Salesmen, both city and coun try Call Jackson 15Ji. Hotels and Restaurants. EXPERIENCED chef wanted for cafeteria. No Sundays. Harmony Cafeteria, 1509 Harney St. Miscellaneous. WANTED Experienced car washer, none other need apply. Davenport Garage. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Saleswomen and Solicitors. GIRL with a pleasant smile to demon strata toya. Give age. ep.. etc Salary, la week, L-:5i, Omaha Bee. C. 8. falant Office Rsgtatereel WANTED SITUATIONS. Male. YOUNG man desires position In office; willing to start with small salary. L 258, Omaha Bee. MARRIED man 30 years old wants work. Store, restaurant or warehouse. J. Egger, Douglas 8758. EXPERIENCED porter, will give aatisfac- tlon. Ready to work. Call Jackson 2006. ELECTRICIAN wants steady work. Ten yeara experience. Box L-260, Omaha Bee. BRICK carrier wants Job at once. Would do any kind of work. Box A-12, Omaha Bee. EX-SERVICE man wants work of any kind. Call Doug 9136. Tex Richardson. WANTED work of any kind by young man. Selna Stodvard, 6811 S. 16th m ASH and rubbish hauling, lawn mulch ing. Webster 4236. 1669 N. 17tn st. MIDDLE-AGED man wants work of any kind. Married. L-270, Omaha Bee. YOUNG man wants place to earn board and room In city. L.-261, Omaha Bee. COOK and dishwasher, wages reasonable, In or out. L-244, Omaha Bee. CARPENTER wants work of any kind. Phono Douglas 9257. HAULING of any kind, any place, any time. Atlantic 5247. EXPERIENCED fireman Call Harney 4970. wants work JANITOR, porter, bell boy or bus boys, Webster 6109. COLORED man desires Job of any kind. Webster 6106. Female. REFINED, middle aged lady desires po sition as housekeeper In respectable motherless home. Her. exen.. , Xj-be, Omaha Bee. ' A-l Typist desires work at homo. Five years railroad experience. Can furnish best of references, bik. ssdi, uo. uiuiis. EXPERIENCED stenographer desires position at once. Can do clerical work also, can give rererences. wainut ona. WANTED Dressmaking; snappy styles Of house, dresses; work quickly and neatly done. Call me. rnone. at. lseo. YOUNG ladv wants position as clerk In drygoods store ;prefer northern ?ebras- ka. L-268. Omaha Bee. TO DO copying and addressing envelopes at home In spare time, L-252, Omaha nee. LADY desires work in plain sewing, dressmaking and alterations. Prices rea sonable. Web. 6986. WANTED Plain sewing of all kinds; children's clothing a specialty. Call Kenwood 4456. WANTED By middle-aged lady to take care of children, ail day or nan day. Douglas 7590. EXPERIENCED woman wants any kind of institution work. L 265, Omaha Bee. ANY kind of sewing, call at 2403 No. 19th, or phone Webster 3666 after 4 p m. EXPERIENCED silk shade maker, any kind of work. WE. 4953. COMPETENT colored work. Market 2975. woman desire WANTED House work by colored girl. Call Market 2976. PRACTICAL nurse wlshea engagement, Harney 3280. Laundry and Day Work. YOUNG married lady, neat and industrl . ous, desires laundry work, half days 1,-zbs, omana ee. WANTED Bundle washing. Ironing or oy nour or day work, any kind Web. 4796. WANTED Bundle and family washing called ror and delivered Web. 1091. EXPERIENCED woman wants days work or house work. Call Webster 1863. EXPERIENCED colored girl wanta any kind of day work. Webster 6609. COLORED lady wishes day work or chambermaid. Atlantic 3053. COLORED lady wanta day work of any kind. Call Webster 0803. WASHING, ironing, cleaning and caring for children, Webster 6109. COLORED girl wants light work for part day. ref. Wen. 6485. PLAIN and fancy clothea laundred. Webster 4283. carefully Miscellaneous. ORDERS taken for homemade fruit cake- Beat materials used. 1607 Castelar. Douglaa 4412. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Saleswomen and Solicitors. SOLICITORS who are willing to work. Call between 8 and 10 1619 Howard. Household and Domestic. HOUSEKEEPER without children, in motherless home, 3 In family; reference given and required. Apply Elevator Director. Telephone Bldg. HOUSEKEEPER, middle-aged preferred; no children. Elevator director. Tele phone Building. Miscellaneous. WANTED Middieaged lady, buainess ex perience, housekeeping and lignt manu facturing, permanent. Write only, Rog ers. u: Third St.. Council Blaffs, la. WANTED Young woman of education and refinement for nursery governess, no teaching. Answer, Boa A-Ji, Omaha Bee. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTED Men. ladles and bora to leara . barber trade: b!g demand; wages while learning; strictly modern. Call .er write ll2i Dodge BU Til-City iJaxbex CoUegc. SEE J IOCS AND MAGGIE IN FULL PAGE Or CO! ORS IN THE SUNDAY BEE ai try IwTtTtATUM SlUVlCt., NC. JJ2 " k - EDUCATIONAL. DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL. Complete courses in accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, oomptometry, short hand and typewriting. railroad and wlroleae telegraphy, civil aervlca and all Kngllsh and commercial branches Write, cell or phone Jackson 166$ for large Illustrated catalog. Address nOYI.KS COLLEGE, Boylea Bldg., Omaha, Neb, ' Van Sent School of Business, Day and Evening Schools, ' 220 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 6890. GIRLS. HERE IS YOUH CHANCE. Training school In hair dressing and beauty culture. position immediately, CG6 BRANDEIS THEATER BLDG. BUSINESS CHANCES. WANT to hear from owner having busi ness for sale. J. C. McConney, Ter minal Bldg., Omaha, Neb. . FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. NO. 23 Alsatian, 116 South 36th Ave., $18. Peters Trust Company, "Where Omaha Rents" Atlantic 0541. 17th and Farnam Sts. GET YOUR ROOM through The Bee furnished room di rectory. Call at office for list of choice desirable rooma In all parte of the city A service that benefits both advertiser and room seeker. SOUTH room, residence district, one block from car tine; plenty heat and hot water, no roomers, no children. A-16, Omaha Bee, NICE, cosy room 'la strictly private home, all conveniences, walking distance, references required. Call Harney 1965. 8010 DODGE Strictly modern, large, warm room; fine homo, clothes clos ets, hot water heat, facinir park, blvd. TELEPHONE Walnut 1953. Modern fur. nlshed room, $5.00. v Also garage If have car. ' BEAUTIFUL 2-room apt. Suitable for 2. aim? Bt. Marys Ave. at. , ko'OM tor 2, also room to share with a girl. Harney 4824. NICELY furnished room, on Farnam car line. Harney 6670. Housekeeping Rooms. . nii t mm, R fit the better housekeeping rooms le the directory turnisneu id .uvBiuarr nuu 1. . '..II rtam nffln fnr free copy containing desirable vacancies I n ai i psria or rnc :i.r 2709 DODGE Single room, furnished , complete, $4.50; 2 rooms, $6.00; two rooms and kitcnenette, ursi iioor. 2 NICELY FUR. HEATED. HK, EMS. $35. WALNUT 2005. , LARGE parlor room and kitchenette. Har ney 7169. - Board and Rooms. LIVE WELL AT MODERATE COST. ::The Merriam Hotel '106 S. 25TH ST. DOUG. 2076. LARGE front room and board, for couple or one In private family. Best meals. Good neighborhood. $S. Walnut 0979. TEL. AT. 2620 Nicely furnished room with board for 2 young men. Price right. DAVENPORT ST., 2124 Two furnished sleeping rooms'and board. Atlantic-1533. Unfurnished Rooms. SEVEN to nine modern 'rooms at 2216 Military Ave., upstairs, $35. Atlantic ' 0440. Mr. F. T. Lynch. 3 WARM rooms; water, gas, electricity, toilet; $12 month. 2232 So. 6th SL JA. 0567 Five rooms upstairs. Mod. Rooms Wanted. WANTED Furnished room, near 43d and Cuming. A-15. FOR RENT HOUSES. Furnished. 30th and Cass, 7-room modern, hot water heated house complete with fur nishings, $76 per month. 41st Street, east front house, close to Nebraska University hospital and school, 6 rooms, very good house, well furnished. Will lease to May 1, $66 per month. D. V. Sholes Co., Jackson 0040. 916 City Nat, Bank. PARTY leaving city will rent six-room, furnished house, with garage, located In Field Club district, to responsible . party. Will lease to April 1, 1922. O'Neil's Real Estate And Ins. Agcy. REALTORS. 6S4 Brandels Thea. At. 1024. Unfurnished. Duplex, six rooms, In Hanscom park district, 3iui jjorcaa su $oo per month, - Brand new stucco bungalow, fireplace, excellent furnace. 4416 Barker Ave. $70. Six-room house. Good condition. Close in. capltol avenue. $65, 4513 Florence Blvd. In excellent con dition. $60 per month. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION ON THE ABOVE HOUSES AND THEY ARE ALL W ORTH THE PRICE. SEE J. L. HIATT CO.. 1911 Douglas. Atlantic 0063. New Bungalow 5 rooms to be completed December 2. May be had on Haee to May 1st; delightfully located in new Edg-ewood district. 607 South &9th Street. Rent 566, 1615 North 36th Street. 8 rooms, rent 918. 3327 Fowler Avenue. 6 rooms, modern, except beat; rent $30. Peter Trust Company, "Where Omaha Rents" Atlantic 0544. 17th and Farnam Sts. FOR RENT A real home in beautiful ldgewood. New and up-to-date in every respect. Vacuum heating aystem. fire place, nice sun room, restricted neigh bod hood, reasonable rent. Call Walnut 1812. 7-ROOM, modern house, cloee to business section. Call Jackson 0748. - BENSON MYERS CO. 1128 SOUTH 36TH ST. Seven rooms. Key next door. . For partlculara call Jack son 42I. FIVB rooma and bath, part modern, 27th and Seward St., $22. Webster 1534. FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS? Furnished. 3-ROOM apt., atrictly furnished ia new mahogany, fumltura ' Includes piano; very desirable: light, gae and beat fur nished; $75. Call Harney 7169. COMPLETELY furnished 2 and -roora Apts. : private bath; steam heat; walk ing distance. Brown Apt, 806 N. 2 1st St. Doug. 6644. Unfurnished. NO. 116 TURNER COURT APARTS 318T AND DODOE STREETS. ' 3 rooma with 6-roora accomodations; - r.w, attraet've. convenient. 8S0. Peters Trust Company, "Where Omaha Rents" lUuUf mil, lTth ft&d Slav FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS, Unfurnished. IN the Joyce apartments. 4 room.. S7th and California streets. $7$ per month, Peters Trust Company, "Where Omaha Rents" Atlantic 0644. 17th and Farnam Bis. TO LET Small Apartment, M.roor Apia. 3920 Cuming. W. FAHNAU SMITH A CO., Jackson 0664. 1320 Farnam. TO LET six rooma with bath; Mercer Apartments. W. FARNAM SMITH, Jackson 0664. 1321) Farnam. Peters Trust Company, WHERE OMAHA RRNT". $50 6-room modern flat. 1826 N. ICth. Key at Wolff store. 'FOR RENT Business Property. T01 SOUTH 18TH STREET. Desirable corner store, 20x(0, with basement; steam heated. Peters Trust Company, "Where Omaha Rents" Atlantlo 0644. 17th and Farnam Sts. TO LET. 30,000 square feot, 1108-10 Howard 8U W. FARNAM SMITH ft CO., Jackson 0564. 1320 Farnam St. TO LET. 10,000 square feet trackage, W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., Jackson 0664. 1320 Farnam St. BRICK garage. 44x110 ft. In North Bend. Neb. Address 2633 Rsndolph 3t.f Lincoln, Neb. Phone Ha. 4326. FOR RENT Some very attractive of fices In tha Finance Building, Inquire us rinance Hunuing. MERCANTILE STORAGB AND WARE' HOUSE CO., lltb and Jones Sts. STORE room close In, 1610 Chicago. G. P. Stebbins. SEE F. D. WE AD, 310 SO. 18TH ST. MOVING AND STORAGE. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos, moving, packing and snipping. BEKINS OMAHA VAN AND 8TORAGEJ. 846 South 16th. Douglas 4163. ESTIMATES furnished on storage and moving. Contracts taken by Job or hr. Globe Van & Storage Co.. J A. 4338. AT. 0230. 630-24 North 16th St. METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO Owned by H R. Bowen Co. Atlantlo 1400. FARM LANDS. Minnesota Lands. EQUITY Land Exchange. St. Paul, Minn. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. TOU CAN BUY A GOOD RUNNING AUTOMOBILE FOR AS LOW AS $70 Down AT Nebraska' Oldsmobile Co., At 18th and Howard THIS IS THANKSGIVING SALE. BALE WILL CLOSE SUNDAY NIGHT BUY YOUR CAR THIS WEEK. NEBRASKA OLDSMOBILE CO., 18TH AND HOWARD. AT. 1770. FIVE! cars of various makes will be sold at once for $200 each, to give us more floor space Each of these cars has been thoroughly inspected in our shop and overhauled, if the work was needed. Most of these cars are worth much more than we are asking for them and also we will accept. a very small pay ment down and take a note for the balance with no extra brokfrare charge Willys-Overland, Inc., 2562-4 Farnam Street. Open Evenings. 60 FORDS AND OTHER MAKES. Cash, Time, Trade New and Used See us before buying. Fords from $50 and up. Winter Tops and Bodies. GOLDSTROM AUTO SALES CO., 1318 Harney St, Jackson 2468. Central Garage. Open Day and Night. FIVE 1921, latest model, five-passenger touring oars; like new; will be sold at a bia reduction In price and also guaranteed by the factory. Any car in thia lot may be purchased bv 'pay ing a small cash payment down and your noto for the balance. No extra DroRernKe charge will be added. Willys-Overland, Inc., 2563-4 Farnam St. Open Evenings. SOME bargains in used Fords; prompt ueuvery on new roras. M'CAFFREY MOTOR CO, The Handy Ford Service Station. 15th and Jackson Sta DO. 3500. PRACTICALLY new Stephens 6 touring car for $1,100.00. and will take a light car aa part payment and a note for balance. Mr. Hollcroft, Harney 0353. Garages we build are attractive. permanent. tew Dnced. Mlcklen Lumber ft Wrecking Co. Web. 5555. 24tb and Burdette Sts. BUICK Light Six touring, like new, $450. One-third down and your note for the balance. ThiS car can be aeon at zo6 Farnam St. BUY A GUY L. SMITH USED CAR, A Safe Investment. 26th and Farnam Sts. Phone Douglaa 1970. MODEL 67 Cadillac coupe, bargain for cash If taken at once. Pel ton . Garage, ni 1 1 ramam. USED radiators, all makea for aale. Green- eugh Radiator Repair. 2019 Farnam. WHTTlVT.YBe" Alcohol, 65o per WW All X JuJU X rai, t.0 Bo. 13th St. USED cars bought, sold and exchanged. TRAWVER AUTO CO, 2210 Farnam St. HOLLY, expert auto trimmer. 812 a 24th. Accessories. WHY buy cheap new Urea when you can get allghtly used, not rebuilt or J una tiree, for the.e p-ic. 30x3 fc. $5.0: 32x3 "4. $7.f-0; 32x6, $8 50; :iVj, $11.50; 32x4. 39.00: 34x4. 316.00; 35x44, $12.00; Jli4V.. $12.50; 3x5ii. $13.00. Cords $3 extra. All Urea nonskld. Send $1 per tire, balance C. O. D. per cent ell for ca.n witn oror. FLEISHMAN'S TIRE SERVICE, "nice Garage 16 and Leavenworth. The Bee Want Ads arc the best Business Booster: .Drawn for The Bee by McManui Copyright. Ill I. Inlemattettal New D.rvtre AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. Autos for Hire. WHY not r.ut a one-ton truck and dilve It ynuraeir to do your moving no pain ing f It will save you oue-balf your moving sin. Drive It Yourself Co., 1314 Howard Ht Doug. 2823. r- 1 1 - i. FINANCIAL. Rcal Eitate Loans. WE have cash oo tand to loan on Omaha residences. B H. LOUQKE. INC. $38 Keellne Bldg 3100 to 810.0H0 rnerto p romplly. F. D WE AD. Weed Bldg.. 810 B lth Bt. OMAHA HOMES EAST N K H. FARMa O'KEKFB REAL K STATU CO.. 1018 Ora, Nat. Uk. Bldg. Jackson ST1 8. REAL ESTATE WANTED. Will Pay $500 to $700 Cash And Mortgage of $1,500 As First Payment On Home We must have a small t-room cot tage this week within 10 blocks of 24th and Amea avenue, that can be bought on above terms at a price around $3,800, Call ua at once, Payne Investment Co. 137 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Douglaa 1780. WHEN thinking of acreage property tmuK or acieage specialists. Browne & Tracy 842 Securities Bldg. Atlantlo 3350. VB have 4 buyere for 6-room bungalows . with 31.000 cash, not over $6,000. Jack son 2419. FIKE ft PRICE. To buy or sell Omaha Real Estate see FOWLER & M'DONALD 1120 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Jackson 1426. CONSULT us if you contemplate building, or wish to buy or sell Omaha real estate C. B. STUIIT CO., City Nat. Bank Bldg. DO. 9727. OR TTF.NTfl He"y Co. List with ua U 1VT tHr 01,ici, results. 1418 1st Nntl. Bk. Bldg. Jackson 1966. RTpTTTjirprp REAL ESTATE. JJIXVIVJCiA A 8ens Rents. Insures. 350 Peters Trust Bldg. Jackson 0633 FOR real estate, loans and insuranc P. J. TEBBENS COMPANY. 605 Omaha Nat. Bank. Jackson 3182. LIST YOUR BUNGALOW WITH US. H. S. MANVILLE. Realtor. Atlantic 2403. 616 Peters Trust Bid HAVE Inaulrles for homes do you wan to sell your property? List it with C. A. Grlmmel, Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. FARMS, city real estate. Sales or ex. change. All Kinds of Insurance, REED A CO., 1207 Farnam. Douglas 6146. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS A Safe Investment In New St. Marys Ave. District Vo. 2552-54-E6 St. Marys Ave., one 10-room and two 6-room houses. Gross rental, $1,440 per year. Property has a south frontage on St. Marys avenue of 112 feet and 86 ft. frontage on 25th avenue. For further information aeo George & Co. Atlantic 3024. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. INVESTIGATE exchange system. Forced cash sales. CHAS. MliTH, 1623 Farnam. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Dundee. 5003 Cuming Street B-room, modern bungalow, hot water neat. in excellent condition. juoc 0x135 ft Terms $1,500 cah, balance monthly nice rent, immediate posse slon. Price on application. Fowler & McDonald, REALTORS, JA. 1426. 1120 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Dundee Bungalow Five large rooms, finished in oak and white enamel, fireplace, bookcases, porch glassed In, furnace heat; priced to sell, can walnut zziz. 6022 WEBSTER STREET. See this for value, now vacant: rooms and double garage, up-to-the-minute; reduced price and terms. Call SCHROEDER INVESTMENT CO., Realtors. Jackson 3261. 638 Railway Exchange. Florence Nethaway. Flor. prop, no colored. KE, 1409 REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West, Classy Montclair Bungalow Five large rooms on one floor, attlo and basement. Living room 12x20, with fireplace. Oak floors throughout. Oak and enamel finish. Complete with gas heater, storm sash, awnings, etc. Ex cellent value at $7,600. For appoint ment to inspect call Grant Benson, Benson & Carmichael 643 Paxton Block. Evenings, Walnut 1580. Atlantic 1640. A Good Buy With a Future This ia a 6-room house on Howard St, Just west of the Blvd.; 66-tt. front age; paved atreet and paving paid; price only $3,500, terms $350 to $500 caab, balance less than rent. Call Mr. Chuda. Harney (306, or (office open until 9 p; m.) Amos Grant Co., Realtors DO $389. 339-3-4-6-8 Brandela Tb, Bldg. Clairmont Home T rooms and Oarage. Located on 47th Ave., corner lot. Pav ing paid. Eaat front. Three rooma and j den first floor; three bedrooms and bath ' second floor. Oak floors and finish, full cement baaement. Make us an offer. Absolutely a bargain. Easy term.. Even ings, call Mr. Voarbees, Walnut 1741. R. D. CLARK COliPANT. Realtors. AT. 3531. 402-2 Securities Bldg. SEVERAL choice homea in apiendid loca tions, only izve onwa. SHUPLN Y CO- Realtors. JA. 4228. 234 Keellne Bldg BEST offer made buye 4177 Wakeley Ave.. line 7-room bungalow. Cathedral d strict. Creigb. 604 Bee. JA. Pjoa. B. ROBINSON, real estate anH In.ail. meat. $42 Peters Trust. DO. $C7. JRK ALF. ST A T E I MP R 0 V E D. '""West. "" $1,000 Reduction A beautiful 1-rMSI bungalow 111 LeeveowuMk, Heights. Tha last thlhg in eun.trui'llan. All tha helli-ln turaa, firapiei, kovkoaaM, built-in but" f.l, KiaaiKa stucco. If you " real baieaia tail quick. 11.800 Sean, $ D. E. Buck & Co. - 4I Omaha Nat'l Bank. Jackson !00. I'.ro, WKIIIIi N.wlon, UA.mJl Buck, KKIlll. Five Rooms LEAVENWORTH HKiUIITS. Fine finish bungalow, about tw y.ara eld. I'.v.d alr..t Completely modern with built-in buffet gad cup hoard. Fine lorattun. Priced al $$,o9 for uulik sale. Ternia Kv.nliiga, call Mr. Campbell, WK ai9. R. I'. I'LAIIK I'OMI'A.ST. Realtors. AT. 9611. 4"J I Heclllitles Bldg. I). R. BUCK " buy and e.l homea. North. Thanksgiving Bargains le your opportunity to celebrate Chrletmaa In your own home. In Mlnne l.usa we have a splendid bungalnw ,( t rooms and breakfaat room, beautiful ly I In oak and Ivory .n.t.i-l. K.srrptliinally large rooma Built-in booki-axa, Fireplace, cabinet work In Kitchen, Non-reaident owner anilou. to aell and to any responsible parly will make lerma of 180V down. III) per month, A rest elans home In a choice resi dence district. Splendidly arrans.d. All large r6iiua. Living mom 13x1. with,, fireplace, elcxant buffet in dining room. Mirror doors. Beamed ceilings, a bednmna with enclosed sleep ing porch and tile bath on second floor. Large at lie, full baaeinent. Laundry traye. Beautifully finlahed In oak and decorated. Owner will take mort use es flrat payment or to reapon.lhle party might consider aa low aa $500 down, $0 par month. On Larimer. Ave., close to achnol and ear line. Dandy bungalow of t rooms, thoroughly modem. Paved street. Nice south front lot. Can be handled ou $50 down, $32.60 per month. For appointment to show, call Ken. wood 21132. ' Charles W. Martin & Co., . REALTORS, T43 Om, Nat. Bk. XSldr. Atlantlo 0187. $3,850 and Worth It - A new t-room bungalow. Just north of Ames avenue, full cement basement, built-in features: two bedrooms, til. bath. A real bargain. Easy terms. Evenings phone Mr. Smith. KB. 0396; Mr. Shsver, KE. 3768, or Mr. Metcalfe, WA. 2776. N. P. Dodge & Co. ; 404 Mlckel Bldg., DO. 0829. New Five-Room Bungalow; $500 Cash, $55 Monthly Just being completed and la without doubt the most complete small house we have ever erected. Oak floor throughout, oak flnlah In living and dining room.. Bullt-ln kitchen cab Ineta, attlo partly floored. Full base ment, guaranteed furnace. Located, near 24th and Castellar. The Byron Reed Company Douglas 0297 1612 Farnam Bt. Real Sacrifice Price Out-of-town' owner must sell beautiful T-room. all modern home, on Fontenelle Blvd.; large lot, 450 feet deep; double garage; fireplace and large enclosed sun porch; priced for quick sale at $2,060 less than present duplication price. Name your own terms. Evenings phone. Mr. Smith, KE 0396. Mr. Shaver, KB 3768. or Mr. Metcalfe, WA 2775. N. P. Dodge & Co., 404 Mlckel Bldg. Douglas 0829. BUNGALOW, $5,260 THOT WATER HEAT. Located at 4121 North 19th atreet, atrictly bungalow district; has five big rooms all on one fluor. oak finish liv. lng room and dlnlniz room: full ramnnr. rt Dasement with excellent laundry con veners; full floored attic; house In first-class condition throughout; large screened porch; nice lot, paving paid. Absolutely . November, 1821, bargain. $1,600 down. HASTINGS A HE YD EN. 1614 Hnrney St. . Atlantlo 0060; BE HOME OWNER! WHY NOT? 6-R. ELEC. LIGHT, FINE WELL SHADE, BARN, CHICKEN HOUSE; $300 DOWN; PR. $1,800; $25 MO. Lot Is 60x132, V, block to street cars; boulevard and stores. Call Mr. Clark, Kenwood 0859. NEAR 27th and Kill son, new, all mod'rn, 6-room bungalow: complete, $4,780, Easy terms. Atlnntlo 154i 7-ROOM modern home, east front, paved street, fine condition; only $6,000; $1,000 cash, bah mo. WA. 6704. Central. NEAR 80TH AND DODGE. A dandy six-room, oak finished house, only 6 years old; paving and all specials paid; rented for $76 per month. Owner Is leaving city and will sacrifice for $b,600. $2,000 cash will handle and bal ance monthly. OSBORNE REALTY mupivv 630 Peters Trust Bldg. Jackson 2282. South.. Field Club 8307 Walnut Street Stucco, T rooms. Beamed living room with fireplace, bookcases and built-in benches, beamed dining room, panelled walls, good size kitchen, etc. Vestibule in guest closet, mirror door. All oak and newly dec orated. Upstairs has three bedrooms and sleeping porch,- oak and curly birch. Full basement, large attlo with finished room for maid. Stucco garage. House practically new. Owner moving to California. Must sell within 10 days the price la rlghL Binder & Otis Jackson 2561, If You Are Looking for a snap don't fall to see this one E-room all-modern and In first-class condition. Close in; located near 30ti and Hascail St. Can buy this on your own terms. DO. 6136. Best & Gestring Vacant Property. DUNDEE LOTS. $3.20 East front, close to car. 13,376 Corner, 81x136. $6,000 Double corner. Fifty-second and Fsrnsm. ALFRED THOMAS SON CO. JA. 0064. HAVE a few sightly lota In Ralston which I win aell for real small pay ment down, and the balance easv monthly payments; $209 up. Phone of see Stewsrt. Phone Ralston 10-w. Miscellaneous. $450 CASH Balance tike rent, l-reora. new modern bungalow, well located on a paved street near carllne and school: oak floor, and finish. Tile bath. Call for E. R. Carse at DO. 71U days; AX. 3501 evenings. THE Old Reliable Real Rti r,rn. M'CAGUE INVESTMENT CO., . i;oogo et. Douglss 1346. 6-ROOM bungalow at a bargain. Only 8760 rash payment. Douglas 6635. GEORGE F. JONES CO.. Realtor. $2 CASH. New 4-rOOm. atscca bunas low. fall Mr. "Bllby. WA 2478. or DO 7412. WANT TO RENT 7 or -roora house in desirable location. Willing to pay $125 per month, with one years' rent in advance for 1 'i or 2 4 -year lease. Only t in family. Call, write or phone. Creigh Sons & Co. 60S Be. Bldg. Jaduosj 0200 When Out of Employment try A Be Want Ad t - A, f