Society B. T. Club. i t The 8. T. club tf RiiJway Mail jrrvit will meet Friday ffternoon f f the home ol Mrs. A. Bergmom. 440J ChU-tgii street. 1 he fallowing officer were elected t the October meetlnr i Mrs. V. S Mohler, president: Mr, E. Luce, vice president: Mn. g, w. Adkms. re cordinf secretary; Mr. L, E. Moore. corresponding secretary: Mr. A, Herguroni, treaiurer; ,Mr. M. K. jtauton, membership: Mrs. C. A Adams and Mn, H. C. Madden. courteie; Mr. Jr. W. Adkma, social committee, Famout Bandmaster Honored. The City Concert club will give a dinner Sunday evening at the Fonte- nolle at 5: JO for John J'hillip Sousa. Soua will prak. and other speakers will be Dr. E. M. Miner of Kansas ( ity, a celebrated band leader, and Governor Samuel McKelvie, who arc also to be honor gui'ita. The public is !;ivitcd and many application for ticket have already been received. It is climated that at least 300 per-,-n. will attend "the dinner. Tickets may be secured at the hotel or ihrough member of the City Concert dub. Ticket Sale Changed. The Tuesday Musical club an nounces a change in the date of their ticket sale for the concert to be Riven by Erika Morini, violinist, at the Prandei theater on Decembers. Memberhip ticketi will be on sale at the box office December 1. Each member may reserve only five seals in addition to his own. Extra tickets '-ay Be purchased at the same time, j The public sale will begin December 5. ? he box office opens at 10 a. m. i , l ' . s' Faculty Club Tea. j The Women's Faculty club of the University of Ncbrcska College of Medicine will be guests at a tea Wednesday afternoon at the home of Dr. Jennie Ctllfas for the women medical students. Mrs. James Pat ton and Mrs. "Jlfas aro the host esses, and ftintr them will be the Mesdames John Totts,1 A. C. Stokes. Arthur Bliss arid B. W. Christie. I, T . ,. . . i. For University Girls. Miss Frances Yeager will enter iai: at luncheon Friday at the Ath letic club followed by an Orpheum pjrty for Miss Isabel Evans, who is home from the University of Ne braska, and for Miss Gertrude Nye of Kearney, who if the house guest of Misi Evans, t Tea for Mrs. Bucholu. - Mrs. John W. Towle has issued cards for a tea at her home next Saturday from 4 to" 6 in honor of Mrs. W. ; H... Bncholtr. who is the guest of her brother, W. M. Rain bolt. . Heart Party for Bride. Mrs. Lynn T. Campbell was host ess Tuesday at a tea for Miss Daisy Jane Fry, a bride of this week. There were five tables of hearts, and the house was decorated with pink roses. Twenty guests wore present. Entertains at Bridge. Miss Patricia Bender will be host ess Friday afternoon, at a,-, bridge tea in honor of Miss Loma McMar tin, who Will be one of the winter brides. There will be' Id guests, '.' Bridge Tea. ''"' Mrs. ( Fredcrick Stott entertained at three tables of bridge this after noon. . ' ? '. Women's organizations in Eng land are banding together for the purpose of fighting the newly-formed British Legion, which has adopted the drastic policy of "turn out the women." The Legion demands the removal of all women labor from all government departments. New York. (Special Correspond The other day at a smart lunch resort a giil took off her coat to show a frock of gray crepe mar ocain. It had one of those twisted girdles of self material, that looks like a doughnut or a crescent roll, and it policed the hips. There were two feet sis inches above the waist line, and just exactly that space be low. For the girl was extremely petite, and, therefore, the low-set girdle was for her a disaster. By cutting her precisely in two it made her appear much smaller than l;e was, and destroyed thi grace which would have been hers in an other type of gown. She could not have furnished a better example of the fact that no woman under five ftet siy should indulge in this pas time of the low w'st w e're eomg in f that sunken gir-! die. For nearly i all the French models show it, Jnd by midwinter I it's going to rage. It is illustrated today in this stunning coat dress of navy kasha, trimmed with gray fur afld with blue and ray braids and j diversified by p lited side panes ; ard unusual treatment cf seams, j in "Y" Secretary Mrs. Carrie Ada Campbell, general secretary for the Omaha Y. W. C. A. i Naturally one of the most in terested people of ' all concerned" in the drive fur 5 ,000 tor titc "budget diiterence," for tuts coming year. "Budget diu'ereiicc," isn't a very interesting term,' says j'.lits Camp bell, '"but it has a very "interesting ana won, white nn.-an.iig. it means only 15 per cent of ah the money needed to carry on the great insti tution which has so sure a place in American life." The institution is 85 per cent self supporting. Jt has been the ambition of Mrs. Campbell to make the Omaha Y. W. C. A. service the community with a Christian spirit. The records would prove that she ha succeeded, for between 50,000 and 100,000 indi viduals are served there each year in one way or another. If a irl in the Y. W. C. A. home is ill, and therefore . needy, she is l!Ul iUllJU WUt Ul I"-. IK'uiv, carried over until she is on her feet again. When a girl is placed in a position by the. Y. V. C. A. she is not charged a fee, but much work is done to help and start her right in her job. The social ; and spiritual work among girls who come hungering for comradeship must of course be given freely and without expectation of material reward. It is such human and worth while work as this that is enclosed in that little, colorless phrase, "budget dif ference," ,. - .. . . ; , . Get Acquainted Club to Sponsor Thanksgiving Dinner Dance. Reservations for the. first -annual dinner, -dance to be given by the Get Acquainted club on Thanksgiving day, 6 p. ni.,"at the First Unitarian church, Harney' street' and Turner boulevard, should be made with Mrs. Paul K. Harlan, Walnut 3904. The dinner will be preceded by a musical program in recognition of Music week. , Through various organizations in the city invitations have been ex tended to lonely men and women and to those who are unable to go home for the day. ' tlrs.CameA.Caimpbell dip n -k IfotlfOClMI hi , i. mmmm Baking - p i is!ii!gitit tonus, Business Man Wanted by a ftew Nebraska corporation with a wonderful outlook regard less of the country' financial conditions. Business is now on a paying basis. Qualifications desired: Must be capable of handling books, be a buyer, handle finances and act as director of the cor poration. Prefer a married man acquainted in Omaha. Must be willing to work on a nominal salary the first year. Should be able to Invest $4,000.00 to $5,000.00 after the arrangements have proven mutually satisfactory. This is not a promotion proposi tion. It is a concern needing the services oi a man who is willing to invest some money to add to the working capital to take advan tage of the present opportunity. - D R. CARE OF "BEE" Personals Mi. Dorothy Belt will leave Wednesday for Kansa City to be the gueit of Miurs Catherine and Madeline Dickey for the Junior league frolic. he will bo gone three week. . Mr. Harry Bellamy and children, Jack. Betty and Bobby of Kiver For est, III., who have been upending several month with Mrs. Bellamy' parent, Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Walk er, left Tuesday for their home. Mr. Nathan Merriam of California will arrive to visit her daughter, Mr. Barton Millard; and Mr. Millard the tint of next week. She will remain in Omaha until after the Christmas holiday. Mr. and Mr. Letter Klorm. who are in Chicago on their wedding trip, will have with them at Thanksgiving dinner Hal Gilford, a brother of Mr. Klopp, who is at school in Lake Forest. Mr. and Mrs. Carroll R. lieUlen will spend Thanksgiving at Elgin, Neb., with Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Huff, man. Mr. Belden and M.v Huff man were Amherst classmates, and the two families have spent the last five Thanksgivings together. Mr. and Mrs. Warren C David son announce the birth of a daugh ter. Donna Cassie, at the Clarkson hospital November 18. Mrs. David son was formerly Miss Marguerite Miller of this city. 4 Omaha Girl at Empress Miss Melanie Thome, who is ap pearing at the Empress theater this week m a musical comedy skit, is an Omaha girl, having been born and raised here. In private life she is Miss Margaret "Woodarcf, -daughter of E, N. Woodard. .$ Miss Thome. received her training at the University School of Music and Dramatic Art in Lincoln, Neb. Mr.- Woodard entertained at an informal reception Tuesday evening at his home in honor of his daugh ter. Twenty-five guests attended. France has 52 sporting clubs for women, with a total membership of more than 6,000. - THE BEE: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 23. 1921. My Marriage Problems Adcle CariiMua' New IUa of "REVELATIONS OF A WIFE" iCerrtbt lit). I Kmww tuttn amic 1m.) Tht Question Midi Aiked Smith ' That Struck Home. A Dr. Mot lnucd hi ultimatum the face of the man named Smith purpled with arrogant anger. I guessed that it wa the tint time in many month that anybody hid dared to cro him, and hi fury wa patent to every one. But the young captain of the trooper appeared not to notice hi wrath, and tpeke (juirkly to the physician fnstead. "How would you like him trans ported, doctor?" "I'd like an ambulance, of course," Dr. Mos retorted, a bit Jejtily. "But whether or not we can wait for one is another question. You were able to keep him fairly hori zontal wherf you brought him in, weren't you, Cosgrove?" "Ye, and with more to help lift him, we'll be able to do far better going to Kingston, How about it, Mrs. Graham? Will you drive us down, or will you?" He turned to Dicky uncertainly, but neither of us had a chance to answer him, for the man named Smith struck in angrily, peremptorily: But this is absurd, Hastings. Are you going to let these people go like this? They come in here with a ridiculous story of having found this man in the reservoir grounds, wounded. Xow, what ware they do ing in the reservoir ground at thi time of night? It is perfectly plain what happened. He intefered with them, one of them gave him thi blow, and then knowing the prob able consequence-they brought him here, thinking they would throw dust in your eyes. They should not be permitted to carry thi man, or, it they do, only one of their party shouW go, the woman, and the rest of the escort should consist of your own men, or people known to you. I myself, will be glad to make one of the escort. And I insist that the others of this party be guarded if not placed under arrest until this thing is investigated." A Wild Thought ' It was plainly to be seen that hi natural arrogance his dislike of hav ing an opinion ot his discredited, or some other less clear, reason was urging him to this demand so pre posterous. In any ordinary assem blage he would have been laughed at heartily. But so great was his influence among the loungers at the inn that from several of them came an assenting murmur. . I must have heard his words, for I found afterward that I could re peat them just as they" fell from his lips. But at the time he was speak ing I was conscious of nothing but his voice. That I had heard it be fore I was certain, and yet I was equally sure that never in my life had I seen him. Could I ever have heard his voice over a telephone or in a crowd, or a speculation so fantastic flashed into my mind that I thought my brain reeling a bit, JOin crueller And Save $235, $140, $40 Complete Xmas Club Outi Beautiful Schmoller & Muel ler Player Piano $23 Muiic Roll Cabinet, Beneb, Scarf and $10 worth Roll Fre. Complete Xmas Club Outfit Schmoller & Mueller Up right Piano. $25.00 Music Cabinet, Piano Drape and Stool Free. Complete Xmas Club Outfit Schmoller & Mueller Phono graph Supreme Tan 10-inch Records and Assortment of Needles Free. Membership in this Club while there is jTet room. $5 secures one of these Xmas Club Players, Pianos or Phonographs Do not forget that the Schmoller & Mueller Pianos, Player Pianos and Phonographs offered at these low prices are of standard high-grade construction and every purchaser receives our written guarantee. We invite you to. call and see the complete Christ mas Club outfits. You will not be urged to buy. Patrons who can not possibly get in during store hours may call on the telephone, and make an evening appointment. Phone Douglas 1623. Name . . Address Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co The Oldest and Largest Music House in the West Established 1859. 1514-16-18 Dodge St. Cmaha, Neb. ind I puthed it away a unworthy Of credence. Did He Chant Color? But hi whole attitude and manner io antagonized me he U the over bearing, insolent type of man I most dtttest that I longed to discomfit him before hit satellite. Of course, the exhibition . of Lillian' badge would do it, but that wa not a thing to flaunt liithtly; instead, tomcthing to be laved for use only when everything else had failed. I cast a (wift, furtive glance at Mr. Coigrove and the twin, wondering if they had been discreet in what they had taid, decided that they had, and spoke incisively: "May I ask how you know that we found the man in the reservoir ground?" I was prepared to affect feminine embarrassment if hi answer should how to me that either Pa Cot grove or the twin had definitely named the place of our discovery, but one glance at their face showed me that I had struck 12 with my question. For just a fleeting second I saw startled confusion in the cold, bril liant eye of the man named Smith. But he was too poised to show his defeat. Hi voice was metallic as he answered: "Some one of your party said so." "Which one?" I faced him square ly, compelling his attention to me. I saw that the troop captain, Hast ing, wa glad of my interruption, for he, with the physician and Pa Cosgrove, had not waited for the completion of Smith' demand for our arrest to begin the transfer of Al) VERTISF.M RNT RED PEPPERS STOP PAIN OF RHEUMATISM When you are suffering with rheu matism so you can hardly get arouna just iry Kea repper Kuo ano j you will have the quickest relic! known. j Nothing has such concentrated. ! penetrating heat as red peppers. In stant relief. Just as soon as vou apply Red Pepper Rub you feel the tingling heat. In three minute it warms the sore spot through and through. Frees the blood circula tion, breaks up the congestion and the old rheumatism torture is gone. Rowles Red Pepper Rub. made from red peppers, costs little at any drug store. Get a jar at once. Use it for lumbago, neuritis, backache, stift neck, sore muscles, colds in chest. Almost instant relief awaits you. Be sure to get the genuine, with the name Rowles on each pack age. isAnnual CHRISTMAS CLUB Only $465 Terms, $2.50 per week. Discount of 50 cents a month if paid in two years. Only $310 y Terms, $1.50 per week. Discount of 40 cents a month if paid in two years. Only $80 Discount of 25c per month if paid in 1 year. is limited. Join Now! NOTE This coupon is worth t to every person that purchases a Christmas Club Piano or Player Piano, and $2.60 on purchase of Christmas Club Phonograph. Fill in your name and address, present or mail same to our store, and credit will be given at time of purchase. 1220 O St. 415 Neb. SL Lincoln, Neb. Sioux City, la. lha young trooper from the table to the tar, ad I therefore, had no (ear that I wa delaying things by my colloquy. "You are insolent l" He lilted In chin arrogantly, staring at me in evident amaxtuient that a woman should dare to qucktion him, But I wa standing directly in hi path, which wa o hedged by table that he would have had to use phytic! force to push jue aside. "Xo, only inquisitive," I answered coolly. "And I would alto like to know whether you have accounted for your own movement this eve ning." Did lie change color? , I almott could have sworn that he did. At any rate hi voice wis raucous, snarling, a lie shot a quick que tion back at me: "What the devil do you mean, you-" I interrupted him with a quick glance of alarm toward Dicky, for 1 feared his temper if he should hear the manner in which the man named Smith wa speaking to me. But I need not have feared his interference. TheChild's Life It is filled with problem and worries, and vexation which parent rarely understand. It needs good music for rec reation and rest and spiritual growth, even more than men and women do. The piano, more than any other musical instrument, sup plies the relaxation, the whole some entertainment, the broad ening influence so indispensable in the child' life. Why not provide your child the jperfection of pianos the baby grand ? The Brambach Baby Grand will be a powerful influence for good in the growth of your child. Durably Built Classic Design Exquisite Tone Full Guarantee Price The Brambach require no more room than an upright. A tissue paper pat tern, sent free upon requeat, will show this when tpread up on the floor. $695 The Art and Music Store 1513 Douglas Street NOVEMBERS Brambach Baby Grand Month. A Special Purchase Sale Wm. A. Rogers Silverware Saturday Union Outfitting Co. 26-Piece Chest of Silverware Priced So Low They Make Ideal Christmas Gifts. It isn't often that one has an opportunity to secure Rogers' Silverware at a reduction, and it is certain that the Special Pur chase Prices on this Guaranteed Silver at the Union Outfitting Co. Saturday will not be equaled again this year. Anyone with a gift in view for some prospective bride or newly wed could select nothing more suitable than a set of Eogers' Silverware 26 pieces in a chest. You make your own terms. BMBP Fortify the system against Colds, Grip and Influenza by taking - laxative msiine tablets which destroy germs, act as a tonic laxative, and keep the sys tem in condition to throw off attack of Colds, Grip and In fluenza. Be sure you get The genuins bears this signature -cms Price 30c Br I told myself bitterly, for hi Wk wa toward nie, and Dru Dean wa clintiitiK to hi arm. 'DOlVEtTS ltrf Valuc-Civing'Store Important Display and Of farlof at tha H. R. Bowan Co. Thi Weak of Draperies, Drapery. Fabrics and Lace Curtains Our eu.tern buyers have made it possible for us to offer at a reasonable price more and bet ter values in Draperies, Dra pery Fabrics and Lace Cur tains. This coming when homes are being redecorated make for economical shopping. Note prices, then shop at Bowen's to advantage at a saving. 4,500 Yards Curtain Scrim In both ci.ecked and colored patterns, suitable for kitchen and bathroom, per ynrd, only 17 C 1.200 Yards Good Quality Marquisette and Voiles Colors, white, cream and ecru, per yard only 29d 1,300 Yards Eilet Marquisettes Newest plain patterns, makes very beautiful sheer curtains and suitable for any room, per yard only ..39e Filet Nets All-Over Patterns With large lace shade ef fect. A comprehensive show ing of .all styles, specially priced at, per yard 29 and 45 New Tuscan Nets Which are now so very popular, plain and figured patterns. Regu lar $1.50 values, special pur chase sale price, per yd., 98 Domestic and Imported Cre tonnes A very desirable showing in both the dark and light effects. Special Purchase Sale price, per yd. . .20, up Clipped Madras 30 and 3 fl inch clipped madras in rose, mulberry and blue. Large va riety of color combinations. ' Priced as low per yard as 79 3,000. Yards Imported Cre tonnes $2,00 and $2.50 val ues. A most complete selec tion of patterns at our special purchase sale price of per yard only 97 1,700 Pair Marquisette and Voile Curtains Hemstitched; hems trimmed with neat lace . edges; good selection of pat terns, at, per yard ..81.89 A complete showing of slips, cover materials ' in Home spuns, Cretonnes, Plain Pop lins, Printed Linens, Stripes. Filet Net Curtains Pretty all-over effects in white, cream and ecru, per pair, only S1.79 Others at $2.98, S3.98, S4.95 and up to S7.95 per pair. 225 Pair Rope Portieres In blues, greens, tans ,and color combinations; short and full lengths, per pair 86.75 803 Pair Imported Swiss and Dutchess Curtains A most wonderful collection from which to make a choice and . a pattern for every taste, per pair up from $7.95 Velour Portieres Reversible md double-faced, in all wanted colors. Very special values at, per pair S27.45 Extension Curtain Rods Ad justed to fit any size window, sizes to 30-inch to 54-inch, complete with fixtures for mounting, at, each .... 14 Specials in Window Shades Good quality oil finish, mounted on warranted steel spring rollers, complete and ready to hang; 36 inch by 6 feet 69 30 inch by 7 feet 79 It Pay to Read Bowen's ' Small Ads. Howard Street, Between ! 15th and 16th ! ADVERTISEMENT A Smooth, White Skin That Defies Weather During the coming months ot biting winds end intense cold, you who would fcep your skins smooth, hite and vel vety, fthould turn tour attention to itior eolired wax. Nothing !e ill so effec tively prevent or remove a chppeJ, rough ened or dleolord surface. By gradually abnorhing th -eather-braten cuticle, the eompiexioA is kept in perfect condition, and even the buty ot expression apttpan more pronounced. If your skin be eoare, blotchy, pimply, freckled, allow nr over red, why not shed It? One ounce of or dinary mercolized wax, to be hed at any druggist's, will completely transform the most unsightly complexion In lest than a fortnight. Use the wax nightly, like cold cream, washing it off morning. If weather, age or poor health ha marred yur face with wrinkle, here's good news. Yon can quickly remove every Tina by Using a harmless, refreshing facr lotion prepared by dissolving one ounce of Powdered saxolite in a half pint witch hasel. The firmer, smoother skin, the more youthful appearance, even after one application will astonish you. Established 1S94. We have RUPTURE s lthnut guarantee to give gatlsfaxtory results. Our treatment has more than twen ty years of success behind it and Is the bert tn existence. Wa do not Inject parafflne. aa it is dangrerous. Time required for oroinary cases, 10 days. The advantages of treatment are: No danger from chlor'form, shock ana blood poL-on, and no laying up In a hospital. Call or write IIt. WRIT T1FRNIA IXSTTiTTF, 410 IVters Tru-I Rll(l., OjaahaV . - r ; BOWEN'S' Valuc-Gh'mg-Store ' Reed and Fiber F U R N I T U R E the all-year-round furniture for the living room and sun parlor is row offered at th II. K. Bowcn Co. at money saving prices. .... The values we are now dis playing in Chaise Lounges, Hi-Back Rockers, Arm Chairs, Settees, Floor and Table Lumps makes the purchasing of gifts easy, and economical. Look at the Big Values Settees in Reed and Fibre 72-inch settees.' upholstered in cretonne and finished in" ivory, gray or frosted brown. Settees of the character and finish here shown certainly add to the attractiveness and comfort of one's living room or sun parlor 835.00 and $45.00 C Reed and Fibre 3-Pieee Suite ' In ivory, gray and frosted brown. Cretonne upholstering. Substantially constructed and well furnished they are amazing values at our Special Purchase Sale prices of S55. 875, 885, 895, 898.50, 8110 Hi-Back Rockers The comfy kind; finished in ivory, gray or frosted brown, with color ful cretonne upholstering. A large number are offered dur ing this, our Special Purchase , ' Sale, at i 12.50, 815.50, $17.50 $19.00, 822.50 Reed and Wicker Rockers The kind you just naturally, pick out to sit in when en tering a room. SVwn in all popular finishes and uphol stered as they are in nil the popular finishes, .they are wonderful values at our Spe-. cial Purchase Sale prices of $10.50, 812.00, 814.00 816.00 Attractive Comfy Chaise Lounges Finished in frosted brown and upholstered in heavy cretonne (you can buy pillows to match) are now of fered by'tho H. R. Bowen Co. at such value-giving prices as - ?23.00, 830.00, $37.50 $45.00 Fro-sted Brown and Ivory ; Floor. Lamps Finished .1. : with wic'ier shades, liiied with figured cretonne, complete $5.50; 87.05, f 9.50 Table Lamps . same finishes ".:" 917.50, $19.95, $23.00 It pay to read Bowen's -Small Ads. Howard Street, Betweea . 15th and 16th iMniirrirrrinr inn n m m,i ifMAs,rxaijMi lees 'Tiotoipavxire Section medium lorvour ADVERTISEMENT Kidney and Bladder TrouiilesHAVETOGO Clogged up Kidney Deposits arc Dis solved and the Toxin (Poison) ' Completely Driven Out, . Drtif gist Told to Guarantee it in Every Instance. . "Your very life." says Dr. Carey, "de pends upon the perfect functioning and . health of your kidneys, so whatever yoo do. don't neglect them." Dr. Carey's famous prescription. No. 7T7. ' known as Marshroot, is not recommended ' for everything, but wa cannot too strong ly urge its use if you suffer from annoy ing bladder troubles, frequent passing of water night and day, with smarting or irrtatlon, brick dust sediment or highly Colored urine, bloating irritability with loss ot flesh, backache, rheumatism or any oihrr tendency to Bright'a Disease, Diabetis er Gravel, for kidney disease in its worst form may he stealing upon you. v Don t wait until tomorrow to begin the use of this wonderful prescription now ob tainable in both liquid and tablet form If you have any of the above symptoms. Kid ney and Bladder troubles don't wear awar. They will grow upon you slowly, stealth ily and with unfailing certainty. Never mind the failures ot the past tf you even suspect that you art Mibjeet to Kidney Disease, don't lose a single day. for the 6 Sherman A McConnell Drag Stores and every good druggist has bees author- 1 in-d to return the purchase money en the . I first two bottles to all who state they hare ' received no benefit- " a BTirceswful treatment lor Rupture resorting to a painful ana uncertain v FT surgical operation. We axe tbe only reputable Dhvmcians who wilt take such case upon a