Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 23, 1921, Page 10, Image 10

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IHE fcfcE: OMAHA. WaUNtoUAY. iu VEilbkU J3. ml.
K ''
i. t
Oysters Serve in
Ojnira are -In tht market now nd
my Kin ihg family rteedi In pa
rtem attractive guiif.
Hete art nn ay of irving oy
tcrtt ' . f ,
T pytter Sttw.
Tut one tjuare of milk on the fire
to heat, taste ami add a lump
of butter. I'ut the, liquor from one
'pint of ovjtrrj on in a pan and bring
to a boll,' add the oyfri and In
them hn thoroughly. I'our in the
hot millf and Irt boil up onre, then
erve with oyiter crackeri.
., . Fn'e4 Oyter.
Roll trackers very fine and ml
alt and peppef to taMc with them.
In a bowl have a beaten egg; first
dip the drained oyfterj into' the
cracker rrunibs, then into the egg
and thrninto rornmeaL Have tufti-t-tent
butir hgt in a frying pan. and
put in the', dyjtcrs very quickly,
firown oft both aidea and serve hot.
If any of the cracker and egg is left,
mix them together, fry and erve
with the oysters.
Eacalloped Oysters.
Poll cucker finely, apply butter
freely to 'the bottom of the pan in
which the.'oyters are to be baked,
cover well with the oysters, sprinkle
with salt 'and; pepper, then a good
layer of the crackers, over which put
freely small pieces of butter, and wet
with the juice of the oysters, which
has been mixed with milk and cream
or an egg. . Fill the dish in this way.
having the last layer of cracker, and
double the thickness of the others,
upon which' put . more butter and
..liquor enough lo well moisten. Bake
4(Jminutfs..( ,
V Oyster Fritters.
Drain the liquor from the oysters,
and to one tearupful add- the same
quantity of milk, two well- beaten
eggs, pineh Of Salt, and flour enough
for a thin "batter. Chop the oysters,
stir them":iCnd fry in half butter
and lard ra.tljejr hot and serve quick
ly. Oyster Omelet.
Twelve large oysters, six eggs, one
cup of milk, one tcaspoonful of melt
ed butter, salt and pepper. Chop the
oysters, beat the whites and yolks
of the eggs separately. Heat three
tablespoonfuls of butter, pour the
milk, yolks of eggs, oysters and sea
soning in a dish and mix; then add
the whites of the eggs and the melted
butter with little stirring as possible,
pour into the pan that Las. the three
tablespoonfuls of butter- hot and
cook to a brown, turning the omelet
carefully. - ...
Oysters and Cheese. '- ''
Slightly y. jcald oysters, or till
plump, ano -turn them into a well-
. ' " ' '
buttered baking di-h. - Over them
turn a white sauce made very thick.
Do not u' too much sauce. Cover
with cracker crumbs and cheese,
Us one pint of large oysters, one
cup milk, two tablespoonfuls of
bread dour, one tablespounful of but
ter, one-third tableipoonful salt.
Heat one cup milk and pour it over
one-quarter pound ,'tnild cheese,
crumbled Into bits and mixed with
one heaping cup of fine cracker
crumbs. When cheese is melted add
English walnut sized piece of butter.
When thorough!) hot and melted,
turn over the oysters and white
sauce. Dash of cayenne over top.
Hake until cream is "set" and the
top well browned. , .
. Colonial Pudding. ; '
tthlMflrvli- el.'t uut of. molasses,
par urr unleapoonrul "
I cupful of milk. ' ttlponfol of
3 ubioponnrui t url ef raisin.
corn tntal. I tup'ul of mllW.
Soak the tspioca over- night in
cold water. Mix the ko cupfuls of
milk with the corn rrlcal, molasses
and salt, and cook in a double boiler
until the mixture thickens. Drain
the tapioca, and stir it into the other
mixture. Add the raisins, and pour
irto a greased baking dish: add the
half cupful of milk, and .bake for
one hour in a slow oven..
Baked Honey Custard.
S age. pnv4rd clnas-
i auDful of honav. - vmon.
4 rurful of (i-oldM U taaapoontul
Beat the eggs sufficiently to unite
the yolks and white, but not enough
to make them foamy. Add the other
ingredients, and bake in- cups or in
a large pan in a moderate oven. The
baking dishes should be set in wa
ter. ' : ' - .
poached Apples.
3 tppl. ' U earful ot'witir.
It cupful of corn A (tw grain of
, syrup. , lr,
.Tare and slice the apples. Boil the
corn syrup, water and salt. together
for-10 minutes.' Add "the apples to
the sirup, and cook them until they
are' soft when pierced with 'a fork,
kemove the pieces of apple carefully,
place them in individual dishes and
pour the sirup over them.
' Pumpkin Pie.
cupful of iiurnp- finnoV
kin (stewaa nd '.4 teaapoonful of
strain).- salt,
'j rupful of light i -.
molw. 2 cupful of rich
1 tcaspoonful o f mill:.
Mix the pumpkin, molasses, cin
namon, ginger and salt. ' Beat the
. A Remarkable Sale
"arranged for, Wednesday. For
details see our advertisement
on page 5. '' . -
1512 Dou-U.
eggs slightly aqd add them and the
milk to the mixture. Bake the mix
ture in one trust until it it firm.
Soft Honey Cake.
ty cupful of putter aoda.
utoiuui. S laaipoanful of
I cupful,' fcsatjr, vlnnainau.
I Of. l laaapoonful of
Sa turful f saur flat'.
mnk. 4 aupful of flour,
t Uaapeenfirt . f ';
Data Custard. '
t cupful of mllW. 1 ( .
ctlpful of dai'4 i,apoonful of
(lan.d, and cut ' aalr.
laio amall placta ) '
Scald the dates with the milk.
Beat the eggs slightly, and add to
them the milk, dates and salt, four
the mixture into greased custard
cups or molds. Set the cups or
molds in a pan of hot watcf and
bake the custard slowly until it Is
firm. Cool it, remove it from the
molds and serve with or without
cream or milk.
Apple Raisin Pie.
Teel and cut in eighths' six apples
and cook untfj afmost tender in a
lemon sugar syrup,. Then add three
quarters of . rupful , of,- chopped,
seeded raisins and cook down quite
thick. Remove 'frpm the; fire, add
ground cinnamon to lastc and a few
drops of vanila' rxfract. - Turn into
a baked pastry shell, and" cover' the
top with a meringna made from the
stiffly .whipped whites of' two eggs
and two tablespoonfuls of sugar.
Set in a very alowoven to brown
over. ' . ' ' . : V-' - '
Never Can TelL : i'
MadgeI hear it was a case ot
mutual attraction a first sight.
Majorie Yes. ' Each thought the
other had money.-i-New York 'Sun.
Whenever good
friend gather at
your tame, rfterve
Coffee. It U th
one beverage that
is sure to please
74WUSrMt Nov York
If Vs f .
l-the universal drink
Biscuits With Many Variations
There are so many Interesting
variations on the plain baking pow
der biscuit that the making of this
standby is worth the mastering. Here
Is a good foundation:
Mix and lift two cups of aiftcd
flour, one teaspoon of salt, four tea
spoon of baking powder. Add two
tablejpoons of lard and buttr mixed,
or of either one. t ut the shortening
into the dry ingredients. Then add
about tcven eighth of milk, very
cold, until a soft, spongy dough re
sults. The milk should be added
gradually. Turn on a floured board
and pat lightly until the mas is a
little over half an inch thick. Cut
with a round cutter and bake rot too
close together in a hot oven. They
should be done in II or 1 2 minutes.
Now, plain biscuits, cut small and
baked golden brown, are delicious
served with honey or jam. Some
times tiny ones are served fplit and
buttered, while still warm, with after
noon tea.
For breakfast this is a good recipe:
Make biscuit dough and add chopped
broiled or fried bacon, chopped
coarsely. Bake as usual.
And a prune may be added to each
For Thanksgiving
A Well Known and Favorite
"Delicia" Special
Old English Pudding
The Fairmont
bUcnit after it is formed, being
pushed well into the biscuit. The
prune, of course, should be cooked
and pitted.
Roll biscuit dough half an Inch
thick and spread with butti-r. Then
sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon
and currant. Koll, cut in inch
lengths and bake.
Sugar biscuit j are delicious with
tea or at dessert at luncheon. Form
the biscuits and force down into each
a lump of sugar w hich has been sat
urated with orange juice, but which
has not soaked long enough to lose
its form. Sprinkle a little grated
orange peel over the top of each
biscuit and bake brown.
O'Brien Potatoes.
Cut in dire six or eight cold-
boiled potatoes and one-half a green
pepper. Mince a small onion and
sweat it in a small tablespoon of
butter. Add the potato and pepper
and from two to four tablespoons
of milk, not enough to set, but bind.
Do not stir, but level top and cook
over a medium fire until potatoes
are brown and pepper is tender.
Told like an omelet and serve on a
hot platter.
The seasonable special
which is a delight to all.
Get Your Order
fn Early.
Toor Dealer Can Supply
Creamery Co.
Fruit Compote.
reaches, pearl and large plums,
lemon, lugar, froicn custard tlrei
ing. 1'cel and cut t!( fruit into quar
ters. Make a syrup with sugar,
lemon rind and juice. Simmer the
plums in this until tender, but not
broken. Cook the peaches and
pearl atab in syrup until tender and
clear. Lift the fruits carefully from
tie syrup and arrange in a glass
dish. Chill, and when ready to
sirve pour over a frozen cu.tard
rauce, or heap up with whipped
cream, as preferred, A meringue
may be made with the leltover
syrup poured over the stiffy
whipped whites cf the egg and
beaten until light. Add a little fla
voring of almond or vanilla. I'ou.
this over the fruit, cover with cocoa
nut and chill.
World War Certificates beginning with letter "H" await veterans at our Ciffar Department
Open Wednesday Until 0 P. M.
and Appeal
Tbia wonderful market with
iiu4uwi or yuauty iwuhiuib, icaiuugiYinr is
year, sad here ycu 11 find just what you want at prices decidedly lower thaa you had
expected to pay. (
"Compare These Big Poultry Specials
Fresh Dressed
per lb. and up
Big Grocery Specials
Instant Service to Thanksgiving Shoppers
Largo Can .
32 -oc Jar Kama Sflneemeat 48c?
18J1 Croft Fnj Mixed Nats, lb 29
1S21 Crap California Soft Shell English
Walnuts, lb 34
Quart Jar Fancy l.arae queen Olive 480
1-lb. pttg. Sanmald Seeded Halaln 2t)
Imported Italian Citron, lb 53c
Kxtra Fancy Prune. In. ...14c
Laraje WrlirSt'a Salad Dreulnjc .20d
l-lli. pkar. Currants 2Si
48-1 h. sack Gooch' Best Flour 81.83
Fresh Premlnsa Soda Crackers, lb .14
Suatar Wafers, lh. . 33
Fruits and Vegetables
Genuine Jersey Sweet Potatoes, lb $c
10 lbs. for 4Sr
Best Juicy Florida Grapefruit, 3 for 25V
Fine Florida Bla; Celery, stnlk 15
W carry Alllantor Pears, "French Endive,"
Oyster I'lant. Persimmons, Kumqunts, Mushrooms
and (lutnecs.
Thanksgiving Specials in
Ortman's Bakery Products
Ortman's Genuine Fruit Cake,
Per lb 75)
Tuttl Frultl Cake, lb SO
Whipped Cream Puffs,
per doa. 604
Pumpkin and Mincemeat Pies,
ench 20
1 ,000 lbs. Cottage Cheese Free
A 50c Value for 30c
One Pound Thomsen's Creamed
Cottage Cheese
With each pound of Moxley's famous Dixie or Alco Nut
Wednesday Only
1,000 lbs. Thorn
sen's Creamed
Cottage Cheese
given away free.
First come, first
served. See the
Dixie girl
One-half capful rice, one quail
fruit syrup, one.(uirtr teacpeontui
salt, one muit milk, one cup
ful double errant, one tcupoontul
Cook the rice In the saltej milk
until tender, then pais through a
sieve, To make the fruit syrup, place
in quart of water, one cup raisins,
one-half dozen fig, one lemon sliced,
a stick of cinnamon and a half doren
cloves; simmer until fruit is tender,
then drain off the liquid, and add
to it one cup of sugar and let stand
until cool; mix this into the rice
puree, and the cream, whipped .tiff,
added. Serve in glasses wiih shaved
ice. This can be served either as
a fruit cup at the beginning of
meal, as a dessert or a drink; if used
as a drink, dilute will) a little water
or lemonade.
Bee Want Ads Produce Hetults.
Specials That WiD Astonish
to Every Omaha Housewife
its vast atocki and splendid facilities is surely your logical
Fresh Dressed
Fresh Dressed
Per lb.
Per lb.
rig Pork Roast, per
I'llt Pork Loin. Der
Fresh I'lg Hums, half or nbole, per lb 154
Fresh Spare HI ha, per lh 12H
rrran niicen nam, per in. .Ssocr
Lean Pla; Pork Chopa. per lh , 194)
Fancy Hung Veal Koaat, per lh 14l4
Fancy Young Veal Steak, per II .25S
Fancy Young Veal Stew, per lh 8Vi3
Genuine l.amb l.eara, per lh 24H)
Genuine l.amh Chops, per lh 304
Steer Beef Pot roast, per lh '.tOe
Steer Roand Stenk. per lh. 176
Steer Porterhouse Steak, per lh 25e
Prime Rib Ranst, honed nnd rolled, per lb...22u-)
Frrah Made Breakfast Sausage, per lh 15t
Sugar Cured Baron Strips, per lb ....J7H4
Pnrltnn Bacon, hnlf or whole, per lb. 3-H)
Puritan Hams, half or whole, per lh 28U
Fancy Large Select Oysters, per quart T!?S
Fancy Staadnrd Oysters, per qunrt 65 )
Fresh Fish Dnlly Direct From the Waters.
9 lbs. Best
Granulated) I c
Danish Pioneer Creamery Butter, per lb 434
Rex Nut. Gem Nut, Wllaon'a Nut. per lb..... 234
Fancy April Storage Egg, per do 454
Checked Eggs In cartons, per do 324
Wisconsin Full Cream Mammoth
Cheese, per lb OUC
Cigars Just Inside the Door.
Thanksgiving Specials
Mosart Imperial Cigars, ISc val
ue, box of 25 for 12.45
Otello, 10c value, box 25.S1.50
Camels, carton 81.75
The Highest Grade Macaroni, Egg Noodles,
Spaghetti and other Macaroni Products.
Potato Scones.
Mix and sift together two rupfuU
of flour, four rounding leaspoonfuli
of baking powder and one teapoon
ful of salt. Hub in with the finger
tip four tablrspoouful of creau.
mathrd potatoes and two tableipol(.
fuls of shortening. Mix to a very,
so it dough with tee cold milk and
pat out into a greaaed round pan. Cut
into triangles or wedge-shaped pieces Vya
and brush over with melted butter. V V
Bake in a very quick oven. Break
apart and spread with softened but
ter. Mint is ueful to scare mice with.
Thee pests cannot bear the smell of
it and will never eat any food if
mint, either fresh or dry, has been
scattered near. If a bunch of the
herbs I hung in the pantry mice
will never venture inside.
Mall Orders Filled.
ine great lewt day 01 tn
Fresh Killed
or Younp Hens
Per lb.
lb. ..
lb. ...
Thompsen's Dairy Maid
Creamery Butter
Thanksgiving Candy
Moxley's Dixie and Alco
Nut Margarine are famous
for their rich and delicious
flavor and purity of their
30c per lb.