Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 22, 1921, Page 8, Image 8

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Omaha Monday with lirr (rompan
it. Miss Emma Menke. No luncheon
will be given (or Mme. Sunduh
preceding her lecture.
Mme. Standiah il id to tc un.
tike any reculit appearing in the
country, with the possible exception
of Yvette Guilbert. For the !eau
ty of her diction, she a secured for
four audience in Chicago during bet
ter speech week.
Remove Mains from mattress by
roverintf stains with a thick paste
of atarch and water. I'Ince mattress
in tun and altrr an hour rub oil
dry paste. Two applications of the
paste may he needed.
Drama League
Mine. Marie Lydia Slandish, who
v ill appear before the Omaha Drama
league, Tuesday at 4 p. m , UrandeU
theater, in a program of mediaeval
Icscitds and tory souks, arrived in
Day Nursery to
Remain Open
Society ;( Daily Employment Line at Y. W. C. A.
According to Mr. E. M. Syfert,
acting chairman (or the Day Nur
try, the nursery will remain pn,
probably for the wintrr. Any deficit
between now and the first of the year
will be met by Mri. George A. Joe
lyn and Mrs. Charles T. Kountze.
Board members are now at work to
raise funds lor the future.
Mrs. II. H. Balririge was in charge
' at the home Monday. The place is
. being renovated for the winter aea
. son.
' Mrs. Otii M. Smith will give the
first of a series of teas for the benefit
of the nursery at her home Tuesday
Corson-Van Burgh.
The wedding of Miss Adelaide
Van Iltirgh, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. V. N. Burnh, and Dexter W,
Corson, son of V. A. Corson, for
mer Omaha attorney, took place Sat
urday afternoon at the Kountze
Memorial church. The Rev. Dr.
Baltzly officiated. ' Miss Christine
Paulson was the bride's attendant,
and Lee L. Larmon was best man.
The bride wore a goinj-away suit
and hat to match. Only members
of the family and a few close friends
were present. Alter a short wedding
trip the young couple will be at
home in Omaha.
Pasadena Guest to Be Entertained.
Many festivities arc already
planned for Miss Clara Bull, who
will arrive Wednesday to be the
gi:et of Mrs. Herbert French. Miss
Eull is on her way from New York
to Pasadena, where she makes her
home, and she has been a popular
visitor in Umaha 111 past years. Mr,
and Mrs. F. L. Devcraux will enter
tnin at dinner for Miss Bull Wednes
day evening. Friday evening she
ill be the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
J. C. French at a theater party to
bee May Kobson: baturdav Mrs,
Herbert French will give a bridge
party of four tables for her guest,
and Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs,
Arthur S. Kogcrs will entertain at
a supper party for Miss Bull.
For Bridal Couple.
Mr. and. Mrs. F. F. Pitts enter
tained Monday evening at a dinner
at the Athletic club and an Orpheum
box party for Miss Daisy Jane Fry
and Robert Ross Made. Their other
guests were the Messrs. and
Mesdames Lynn Campbell, George
Rice, Thomas F'ry; the Misses Eliza
beth, Anne, Ethel and Alice Fry, and
the Messrs.Lake Detiel and Wilson
For Recent Bride.
Miss Ruth McCoy entertained a
bridge party Monday evening
for Mr. and Mrs. Edward Connor,
who recently returned from their
wedding trip. The guests . were
chiefly members of the wedding
party. There were four tables.
In Appreciation. 1
The board of trustees of the Old
People's home, Fontenelle boulevard,
wish to thank the public for the
Thanksgiving donations to the home
and for the many courtesies extended
to the old people throughout the
) : O. L. L. Club Party.
A Thanksgiving party will be
given on Wednesday evening at Kel
p'ne hall by the officers and members
of the' O. L. L. club, of Our Lady of
Lourdes parish. There will be cards
and dancing and poultry prizes will
be awarded. '
Mrs. Syfert Honored.
A luncheon was given by members
of the board of the Omaha Drama
league at the Omaha club Monday
noon, honoring Mrs. E. M. Syfert,
who will retire as president follow
ing the appearance of Mine. Marie
l.ydia Standish Tuesday.
; Motion Picture.
-A movie, "Are You a Mason?" fea
turing John Barrymore, will be pre
sented Wednesday evening at the
coinirandcry room of the Bellcvuc
chapter No. 7, R. A. M., for mem
bers and their families.
(yv --; v rH). .h ' wsH
wi mm
v-. " Smmfi
Dinner at Omaha Club.
Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Crofoot will
entertain 20 guests at the Thanks
giving dinner dance at the Omaha
tlub Thursday evening.
Activities of Women
- Policewomen arc becoming popu
lar in Japan.
There are three widows for every
widower in the United States.
The New York Travelers' Aid so
ciety employs 43 women, speaging 18
. Of the 100,000 factory workers in
.Indiana, nearly 25 per cent, are
Women, other than relatives, are
not permitted to visit prisoners in
Sing Sing prison.
From their earliest girlhood the
women in Korea are taught to shun
the opposite sex.
Mrs. Inez Irwin, wife of Will
Irwin, the author, is herself the au
thor of several books.
This suggests a bread line, but it
is not that. It is the employment line
at the Y. W. C. A. Day after day it
is made up of girls who are taking
advantage of this free service, both
to employer and employe. Mrs.
James M. Patton is chairman and the
members of her committee are Mrs.
Dora Alexander-Tally, Miss lone
Duffy, Dr. Amelia Brandt, Miss
Ccsiah Jones. Mrs. W. H. Kearns and
Mrs. A. P. Dodge, representing pro
fessional, business, mercantile and
home interests; Mrs. Eva G.
Guernsey is secretary and Miss Bca
Swanson assistant secretary.
From Tanuarv 1 to November 1
there were 4.638 calls from employ
ers, 4,302 from girls and women seek
ing work and 1,378 placemen'' were
made. Five hundred and fo;ty-nve
of those were placed in business, 539
in homes and 2'M are all other place
ments, such as. institutional, sewing1,
restaurants, etc. Day women in
cleaning and laundry work are not
sent out from this office.
The greater part of the employers'
calls are from the home and the many
applicants not placed are the busi
ness girls, and with the present un
employment condition it is impossi
ble to place many of thorn, accord
ing to Mrs. Guernsey. Girls and
women come to the department
from all walks in life, the professional
woman with college degree, the
business woman with years of
valuable experience, the girl jus
out of high school, the girl who is
tired of school and docs not want to
finish her course. The department
never loses an opportunity to per
suade a girl to go back to school by
showing her how hard it is for her to
fill any worth while place in the busi
ness world without a Kood back
ground in her studies. The parents
are most appreciative when this is ac
complished. There is the careless
girl coming to the department who
needs much more done for her than
just to get her a "job."
The human clement enters strongly
into the work; there are days that do
not show many placements made, but
the workers try to show a personal
interest in the girls, who there meet
other girls with whom fast friend
ships are often made. Many sad
stories are heard. One who came to
make a study of this department said
after sitting in the office a few hours:
Home-Made Plum
Puddings for
The Woman's Exchange, located
in one of the display rooms of the
Nebraska Power covipany, Fifteenth
and Farnam streets, Atlantic 1710,
will take orders for home-made plum
puddings, fruit cake, pies, etc., for
Thanksgiving on Tuesday from 9 a.
m. until S p. m. All orders mav be
called for Wednesday afternoon.
At a general meeting of the Asso
ciation of Collegiate Alumnae Satur
day afternoon in the aditorium of
Burgess-Nash store the name of the
organization was changed to Omaha
College club. ;
The resignation ' of Mrs. William
Mundorf, who has been in charee of
the Woman's Exchange, was accepted
at mis meeting. Mrs. J. it. Wallace
and Mrs. C. J. Horn will assist Mrs.
Dana Blayney until some one is ap
pointed to fill the vacancy.
Mrs. R. B. Howell spoke on her
trip abroad and Mrs. Winthrop B.
Lane gave a report of the convention
of the Nebraska Federation of Wo
men s Uubs held recently m Seward.
Miss Avis Roberts, chairman 'of
the music section of the club, will
have charge of a program at the So
cial Settlement Friday afternoon,
December 18.
The cltlb will cive its annual
Christmas party for the children of
the Social Settlement at the Settle
ment house some time during the
week of December 18.
C. P.
North Side W. C T. U.
North Side W. C. T. U. wil
Friday afternoon with Mrs.
Lunn, 3338 Taylor street. -j
Bridge Luncheon.
Mrs. John L. Kennedy will be
hostess at a bridge luncheon at her
home in Fairacres Tuesday.
A Story of Today
QHEIK Ahmed BenHassaa
3 was the leader of one
hundred tribes. He was
worshipped by hisfollowers
even above Allah, but he
met his match in the proud
English beauty. Don't miss
the scene where he tries to
break the will of the mad
cap girl.
This is but one of a bun
AreA hif h.soots in as thrill
ing a photoplay as you
ever saw.
. jfMaf
sconce MeiroRo's CxST
tf (.M.HUU
on'l Temporize With Constipation!
Drive it uotot Yosr system.
Kanotz'a Bran, cooked ui kran
bled, will giv joa permanent relief
from eoaatipatioB if it is emtea regu
larly. Ermj member of your family
HouM eat KeUogg Braa erary day.
Th eon&iateat us f bran throughout
t&a aatkm would eliminate nine-teaUM
' of all siekatM vtiiek eaa be blamed on
etnsthpetioB. Ouldrea grow ctrong
Md robist through eating Kellogg '
Bru r-ffuUvrty. Eat at least two tble
rpee&fois daily. Chrotue aufferea
aaooM eat a muck aa eeeaaary.
Pkysieiana ha loag regaized th
wonderfol properties of bran aid yoar
rrmieiaa will indoTM the OS f
KsDonl Bram for eoacti patio. VT
gvanatM that it win permanent
rainsf to th most ttaboora eaaea if H
I racnlary. Banlta win astound
Bran will clear pimply eomplexiona
and sweeten disagreeable breaths.
Ton should know Kellogg 's Bran as
nature-food. It is one of the most
delicious cereals yon ever ate. Do not
confuse it with ''remedies" such as
pills or cathartics which nerer can and
nerer will fire permanent relief from
constipation. Kellogg ' Bran is na
ture 's corrector. It acts as a sweeper,
cleansing and purifying and regulat
ing, whereas pills and cathartics ean
give but temporary action at best.
Bran nerer irritates or makes yon
Kellogg ' Bran, cooked and hum
bled, is need in thousands of homes in
many kinds of foods as well as a
cereal. It makes the best paneakes
you erer at. Use it in raisin bread,
Braffins, macaroons, granea or in many
Chocolate Charlotte Russe.
Heat three cupfuls of milk in a
double boiler with half a cupful of
sugar and two tablespoonfuls of
grated chocolate, cooked to a paste
with half a cupful of milk and a
pinch of salt. Thicken with a table
spconful of cornstarch rubbed
smooth with a little cold milk, take
from the fire, add one egg well beat
en and a few drops of vanilla. Pour
over small sponge cakes and let
stand until cold.
That's Why
You're Tired
Oof of Sorts-Rave No Appelifo
Your Liver Is Sluggish
will helo put you right
In a few days. trSJrt
They act quickly
though gently
ana give na- a
tore a chance rM
to renew your &
neaitn. cor
rect the tm.
mediate effects of constipation, relievo
biliousness, indigestion and sick head
ache. Small PW Small Doee Small Price
The "Society Walk" was the
name officially adopted by
the American National As
sociation for the dance for
merly called "The Scandal
Walk." This dance has been
in vogue since last June and
, has been taught by Miss
Adelaide Fogsr since the
opening of her school.
October 1st.
When ordering flowers
for any occasion call
Flatiron Flower Shop
1728 St. Marys Ave.
Tel. AT. 5819
Quality and Service
Reed and Fibre
of distinctive design, char
acter and finish now be
ing offered at the H. R.
Bowen Co. at value
giving prices.
Our Eastern Purchasing
Agents secured nearly two car
loads of the very best Reed and
Fibre Furniture "at prices en
abling us to offer this high-class
and now most desirable Living
Room and Sun Parlor Furniture
at prices permitting its use in
every home.
During the past few years
this class of furniture has found
its way into thousands of homes
that heretofore never knew its
use. Being light, substantially
made and finished in ivory, gray
and frosted brown and uphol
stered in shades of cretonne that
are pleasing to the eye, it lends
a cheerfulness to the rooms
everybody desires.
Don't fail to see and get our
prices on this showing of Chaise
Lounges, Library Tables, Flower
Stands, Easy Rockers, Ann
Chairs, Floor and Table Lamps,
etc. You will enjoy shopping at
the money-saving store of H. R
Bowen Co, Then, too, any of
these pieces would make beauti
ful Christmas Gifts.
"This is certainly the tragic depart
ment." Employers are being found in
both business and home life who arc
willing to take some of the girls
who have made mistakes and who
want to be given another chance.
More employers are needed to stand
ready to help in this way.
The "Busy Circle club" is the
name of the club that has been or
ganized by girls from this depart
ii'ent. These girls meet every
Thursday night and any girl who
wants friends and a good time is in
vited to join them.
There have been a number of
cases where girls have gone tt
homes claiming to be bent out by
the department when they have
never registered with the Y. W, C.
A. No girl is sent out by the em
ployment department without an in
troduction slip of which the dupli
cate is kept in the department and
the appointment is first made by tel
ephone. 1 he employment depart
ment telephone call is Jackson 2639,
Business men are asked by the sec
retary in charge to remember that
the best girls in Omaha are reg
istercd and that they do not have to
pay for their positions gained
through the Y. W. C. A.
Via Cincinnati and the L. & N. R. R. P. M. Lv...
S.4S P. M. Lt.. .
7.00 A. M. L. . .
S.SO P. M. Ar...
9.45 A. M. Ar.
, , .Chicago. . .
EnglawtMx!. .
. , . Jackionvilla.
7 55 A.M.
7.31 A. M.
S.15 P. M.
7.2S A. M.
8.20 P. M.
7.00 P. M. Ar. .. ...St. Fatariburc Lt. 11.00 A. M.
Compartment and Drawing-Room Slacplns Cars, Obwrratlon-Club Car,
Dining Car ana Coachu
RequaiU for reaarrationi an Invited and may ba mada through local
Tlckat Afanta, or by addressing W. H. Rowland, District Passangar Repre
sentative, Pennsylvania System, Rooms 405-410 City National Bank Build
ing, Omaha, Neb,
Pennsylvania System"
Tic nperioritr
of Majestic construction
Breakfast in Summer's Glow
Users of Majestic Heaters never miss the Sunshine
Majestic Heaters give instant service, for as long as wanted,
at a small cost.
Majestic Electric Heaters
"Best in Creation for Heaf Radiation"
Majesties are the original
patented heaters of this type
Demand Majesties!
There ore 8 portable type Majestic
There are J stationary type Majestic '
Majestic Electric Development Company
Cut Saa Frisciaco Philadelphia
Sunshine every day. No frost. No snow,
June all Winter. Fragrant semi-tropic
fruits and flowers. Thousands of miles of
smooth motor highways along the Pacific
Ocean, over the mountains and through
the valleys. Old Spanish missions.
Catalina. Big Trees. Yosemite.
Go and take the family, or send the family any
how. Write for beautifully illustrated booklet
"California Calls You" and let us help plan
your trip.
Union Pacific is the best way to go one sys
tem, one management, all the way.
On the way see Salt Lake City with its interest
ing Mormon features. Hear the famous organ
in the tabernacle.
Travel on the de luxe LCS ANGELES LIMITED
-all Pullman, exclusively first class, leaving
Omaha daily at 9:40 A. M.j or the CONTINEN
TAL LIMITED with both standard and tourist
sleepers leaving at 1:20 A. M. (go to bed at 10:00
p.m. if you like.)
IIMon Pacific Astern
5a l
For information, ask Union Depot, Consolidated Ticket Office,
A. K. Curts, City Pass. Agent, U. P. System,
14:6 Dodge St, Omaha
Business Man Wanted
by a new Nebraska corporation with a wonderful outlook regard
less of fhe country's financial conditions. Business is now on a
paying basis. Qualifications desired: Must be capable of handling
books, be a buyer, handle finances and act as director of the cor
poration. Prefer a, married man acquainted in Omaha. Must be
willing to work on a nominal salary the first year. Should be able
to invest $4,000.00 to $5,000.00 after the arrangements have
proven mutually satisfactory. This is not a promotion proposi
tion. It is a concern needing tha services of a man who is willing
to invest some money to add to the working capital to take advan
tage of the present opportunity.
Phone DOuglas 2793
1 cnwi-rv 1 1
mm m
212 North 16th St 2408 Cuming St.
4903 South 24th St
02 or whole)
Beef Chuck
Fancy Lean
Pork Hams
(V2 or whole)
For Roasting
Veal Roast
Special at
Our Big Thanksgiving
Poultry Sale
. Special at this sale only. 24c
Choice Pork Loin Roast 17c
Choice Boston Butts 16c
Choice Spareribs I2V2C
Choice Fresh Neck Bones, 4 lbs. 25c
Choice Fresh Leaf Lard ... .11c
Choice Fresh Pig Hearts, 3 lbs., 25c
Choice Fresh Pig Feet, 4 lbs.. .25c
Choice Fresh Pig Tails 1214c
Choice Rib Boiling Beef 8c
Choice Beef Pot Roast 10c
Choice Beef Chuck Roast 11c
Prime Rib Roast 18c
Fresh Cut Hamburger I2l2c
Fresh Beef Tongue 20c
Choice Round Steak 15c
Choice Sirloin Steak 17c
QtfK.?.ciAL Printers -LmiosRAPEERS STtciGiEEMBORCRs
toosc UAr Devices
Clear Baby's Skin
With Cuticura
Soap and Talcum
0 plANOS'l
far H . . 1 . wF L-
aj irnti' ...
Trni;i Ky
n Wa-k Caf. All
A. Hospe Co.
Cmcn CaM. k, 14 UmnU CHm M I
?. Otutlr rrikm HraaKtn. Ta
bl t4rn. Suiriirt mnHr w tnr.
thmtt rr an kfactaf Mr Ear. ami
At AH' D mm, M O
n. a. iu compact. uraoiT
Ffistiala-Pay Whe-ii Cured
A mild uitui of treatment that cares Pile. Fistula and stke
Rectal Diseases in a short tlmo, without a seere sonneal ea-
eritioo. No Chloroform, Kther ar other aeneral anesthetic .
t en re coaranteed tn eerjr raea aeeeated lor treatment, and no money is to be paid oatii
mred. Write lor book on Rectal Diseases, with names and testimonials ! mora taaa
1.099 prominent people who bar beea permanently cured.
DR. E. IL TARRY Sanatorium, Peters Trust Bids. (Bea Bid.) Osaka. Nek. -
i stroma