Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 22, 1921, Page 7, Image 7

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i' v
Theaters to Give ; Brictson to Be Asked
,. Special Programs j To Accountfor $87,725
ri "If XJ 1 Federal Judge Woodrough granted
- r or Music Week rh wot. if
Coacfrt Tbaoktigiing Muni'
iog at StrauJ by Omaha
Mubicians' Occlifotra
Ii" Feature.
Music week opened in Omaha yes
terday with special musical pro
Rrami in theaten and moving picture
house and a musical public affair
luncheon at the Chamber ot uoin
The feature event of the week will
be a concert Thanksgiving Morning
at 11, in the Strand theater by ou
-. members of the Omaha Musicians'
union, directed by Ernest Nordin,
under auspices of the City Concert
'. club. This will be free. K. B. How
ell will make a short address: Myrtle
Frances Wyatt. soprano, will sing:
.- md tittle Rose Dubnoff, violinist, will
. The Concord club quartet, conist
" ing of Dean Smith, Hugh Wallace.
George Campbell and Ed Williams
will sing at various hospitals of the
city during the week,
' Musical events today include a
community sing at the grain ex
change by the Girls' Community
Service league and special programs
by various clubs.
Governor M'Kelvie
To Sneak at Dinner
Chief Executive to Be Pre
6ented Membership Card
By Hi-Y Clubs.
Three hundred boys of the Hi-Y
clubs of Central, South and Com
merce High schools will be present
at the Hi-Y clubs' dinner in the
Y. M. C A. tonight.
At the speakers' table with Gover
nor McKclvie ' will be seated 11
Omaha high school seniors, the offi
cers of the three Hi-Y clubs. They
are George Jt hnston, D. I.. Dimond,
Clark Beymer. Orlando Smith, Con
rad - Holmberg, Charles Seymour,
Lawrence Duckworth, Bowman
Hutchinson, Glen Truax, Herbert
Olson and Charles Kuncl.
George Johnston, lieutenant col
onel of the Central cadet regiment,
and president of the Central Hi-Y
club, will preside. He will present
the governor with a membership card
in the clubs, which was voted him
at the regular meeting last Friday
The Y. M. C. A. quartet will sing
and the Finkerton orchestra of Cen
'. tral High school will play during the
dinner. Younger high school boys
and older grade boys will serve the
dinner to their older boy banqueters.
Officers May Slap.
Unruly L Prisoners
' ' " City Council Holds
City council held, yesterday that a
policeman may slap an. unruly pris-
(, oner, following a hearing on charges
iiled by Edward B. Harrison of Cal
: houn, Neb., against Policeman Charles
J.' Payne. Harrison alleged unwar
ranted use of physical force. The
council dismissed the charges, after
an extended hearing.
"I'm glad to know that we have
' an officer on the force who will use
his open hand rather than a club
v when he is attacked," said Commis
sioner Hopkins, as he moved that
the charges be dismissed.
Immediately after the hearing court
officers arrested Harrison and jailed
him on a capias issued ' by Police
Judge Wappich, October 30, when
Harrison forefited a $100 bond,
posted the night before when ar
rested on the drunkenness and dis
turbance charges. . ' .
Army Supply Depot
To Be Maintained Here
' Omaha will not lose the army
supply depot, it was announced in a
telegram received yesterday by J.
David Larson, commissioner of the
Chamber of Commerce, from 'Wash
ington. "The Omaha depot is ou the map
and it's going to stay there. We
ere reducing forces by rearranging
personnels in all depots due to cur
tailed forces and reduced appropria
tions, but we will not hurt the
Omaha depot any more than others
in comparison to size and territory,"
read the telegram quoting Acting
Quartermaster General Krauthoff.
When the Chamber of Commerce
learned last week that Omaha was
in danger ot losing me aepoi me
federal relations committee, headed
bv Randall K. Brown, kept the
wires hot to Washington protesting
against the move
Father and Son Week to Be
Observed January 22-29
The next father and son week in
Omaha will be next January 22 to
29, under an agreement reached yes
terday when J. H. Beveridge obtained
endorsement of the plan by the Min
isterial union.
At the last father and son week,
6,311 fathers and sons took part in
banquets and special meetings in 34
churches. Twice that number will
participate in the next week, it is
Dr. Schulte to Lecture
On "Birds of Nebraska"
Dr. Herman von W. Schulte, dean
of the Creighton Medical college, will
speak tonight in the Creighton adui
torium, Twenty-fifth and California
afreets, on "Birds of Nebraska." The
occasion is the first assembly of the
seminary sporsored by Creighton
Omaha Retail Stores Are
Urged to dose Thursday
Th board of directors f the As
sociated Retailers of Omaha met yes
terday and recommended that all re
tail (tores in the city close Thursday,
JeUatogmng day.
son lire .Maiiuiacturmg company,
permission yesterday to bring action
against O. A. Bricston, president,
forcing him to account for J87.7JS.84,
alleged to have been taken from the
company funds in the last four years.
The receiver will start action to re
cover $-0,770 in dividends paid Brict
ou; $5,600 in salary paid to Mrs.
KricUon; to have an accounting of
$4,VJ7 paid to Brictson for traveling
expenses, and $4,168 in rental for his
property at Brookings, S. D.
Music lessons, presumably for the
two Brictson daughters: grocery bills
and insurance totaling $1,003.10 were
paid out of the company funds, it is
Butler and Dunn
Clash in Council
Fight Precipitated on Pro
posal for Abolishment of
Office of Police Inspector.
City Commissioner Butler an
nounced yesterday he would jfler to
the city council this morning an ordi
nance which proposes the abolish
ment of the office of inspector of po
lice. He will propose that Andrew
Pattullo, present inspector, be made
a captain, he said.
Butler and Police Commissioner
Dunn clashed openly for the first
time at council meeting yesterday.
I see tnat Commissioner cutler is
running true to form, remarked
Commissioner Dunn.
"If some others would run true to
form it would be better for the city,"
retorted Commissioner Butler.
Mayor Dahlman defends Dunn's
police administration.
Brief City News
Wife Charges Neglect Mrs. Rhea
Roth, In a cross divorce petition
against Joseph Roth, charges him
with being neglectful.
To Consider Uuilect Budget
committee of the Chamber, of Com
merce will meet tonight .for a final
discussion of matters of appropria
tions. Finds Wife Dead David ttross.
2963 Poppleton avenue, stepped
from the train
formed his Wife
his trip abroad.
Quarters for
guards, expected
be in
Guards Marine
in Omaha this
week to protect the mails, probably
will be quartered at rort Omaha,
according to Acting Postmaster
, Auto Overturned Walter Bates
and his wife, 706 North Sixteenth
street, were seriously injured yester
day morning when their automobile
turned turtle at Thirty-eighth and
Dodge streets.
Duma go Suit On Trial of Mrs.
Emma Duncan's suit for $25,000
against R. B. .Howell, manager of
the Metropolitan Utilities district.
began, in District Judge Redick's
court yesterday.
Dor Gives Fire Alarm The bark
ing of a little black dogr in the
Grand Electric shop, 2918 Sherman
avenue, attracted the attention of
passersby. A fire was discovered in
the shop. It happened Sunday night.
In Need of Home A boy, 8, and
a, girl, 10, brother and sister, their
parents dead, are in need of a home.
Rev. R. B. Ralls of the Nebraska
Children's Home society, 602 Mc
Cagrue building, is in charge of the
Wife Sues Husband That Harry
Conrad, 3801 Boyd street, is '"un
mindful of his marital duties" and
guilty of cruelty is charged by his
wife, Linda, who brought suit for
separate maintenance in district
court yesterday.
Wants Money Back Rudolph J.
Hansen filed suit in district court
yesterday against Peter Elvad and
Fred C. Haver, asking return of
$7,230 which he invested in stock
of the Bankers Realty company.
He alleges misrepresentation.
Switch to Dials Atlantic num
ber telephones will be switched to
the automatic system December 15.
When Atlantic numbers are all
working on the automatic system
work will be started transferring
Jackson numbers to this system.
Wants to Change . amc Cecil
Gamlen, stock and grain broker,
employed by E. W. Wagner, has
asked the district court to change
his name to John, on the grounds
that Cecil "is Inconvenient and con
trary to the best interests of the
Take Yeast
Vitamon Tablets
To Round Out
Face and Figure
With Finn Flesh
Sum jaw J "JW 7 '
Kl I Mil
Tf yoa re hollow-cheeked, aitow
skinned, guokon-ehested and gener
ally weak or run-down and want to
round exit your face and figure to
pleasing and normal proportion yoa
will find thia simple test well worth
trying: First wign yourself and
measure youraelf. Next take Mastin'a
TITAMOX two tablets with ererj
meal. Then weigh and measure your
self again earn week and continue
taking VITAVON regularly until yon
are satisfied with your gain Id weight
and enercy. Mastin'a VITAMON
tablets contain highly concentrated
yeast-vitamines as well as the two
other still more important Tltamines
I Fat Soluble A and Water Soluble C)
and are now being used ry thou
sand. They posltirely will not up
set the stomach or canse gas. bat on
the contrary are a great aid to di
gestion, to OTercome constipation
and as a general conditioner of the
whole system. Pimples, boils and
akin eruptions sem to Tanish lite
raagte under its purifying Influence,
the complexion becomes fresh and
beautiful, the cheeks rosy instead of
pale, the lips red Instead of color
less, the eyes bright Instead of
dull. So rapid and amaxing are the
remits that success is absolutely
guaranteed or tin trial costs yoa
nothing. Be sure to remember the
me Ifastias TI-TA-MOS the
original and genuine yeast-Titamlno
tablet (her is nothing else like It
so do not seeept imitations or ut
stltufes. Yoa ni get Kastiaa
VITAVON at any ruist.
ess-Nash Company
Table Cloths
Splendid damask cloths with J
colored scalloped edge in 58-
inch width.
Burgaat-Nash Downstsirs Stora.
3 Yards Ribbon
xuxec j ai ua vl quality A m
satin and taffeta ribbon, six fl
inches wide. Just right for . I
sashes and hair bows.
Burgesa-Nash Downstairs Store.,
Our Daily Music I'Jeek Concert
Tuesday, 10:30 A. M. to 12:30 P. M.
Burgess-Nash Salon .Orchestra, under the direction of our.
French Music contrasted with Russian Music
9 to 10:30 A. M.
Tuesday Special
Fur Shop Third Floor
25 Beautiful
Jap Mini. Muffs
at About Regular Price
Only 25 muffs will t
U11C1CU uctwtxii U1C
hours of 9 and 10:30
Burgsss-Nash Fur Shop Third Floor
2 Fiber Rugs
Excellent quality woolen fiber rugs,
conventional patterns in greens, blues and
tans. Size 27x54 inches.
Burgess-Nath Downstairs Store.
Shoes : Slippers
One table of odd lots taken from our
regular stock, included are shoes for chil
dren, comfort slippers for women, and a few
pairs of dress pumps and oxfords.
Burgess-Nash Downstairs Store.
Sale of
.Women's IKIafts
The greatest assortment of millinery this aji
season at this remarkable price. First qual- jl
ity hats in black and colors, for women, II
misses and children. II
Burgess-Nash Downstairs Stors.
8 Yards Apron Ginghams
May b had in blue and white check
or in brown and white check. Special
Tuesday, 8 yards
Burgest-Nash--Downatairs Store.
Navy Blue Serge
Good, heavy quality of navy blue serge,
50 inches wide, excellent wearing quality.
Tuesday, yard,
Burgess-Nash -Downstairs Store.
3 Children's
Vests or Pants
Children's fleeced cotton vests and pants,
vests are high neck, long sleeves; pants are-T II
ankle length. All sizes. Tuesday, 3 for
Burgesa-Nash Downstairs Store.
En a me I ware
One lot of white enamelware, consisting
of dish pans, convex sauce pans, bake pans
and tea kettles.
Burgess-Nash Downstaira Store.
14 Rolls Toilet Paper $1
Crepe Toilet Tissue, in large rolls.
Burgsss-Naah Dowmstalrs Stors.
3 Children's Bloomers
Made of heavyweight luster sateen,
filled elastic top or bone top. Finished at
knee with elastic cuff. The whole cut extra
wide and full. ,' .
: Sizes 2 to 12 years. Black, white. and colors.
" "'' .' BurgsNaah--i-DownUlr Star.
2 Sateen Bloomers
Women's sateen bloomers, with fit
ted top and shirred elastic knees.
Black, emerald, purple, rose, copen,
Tuesday only, 5 yards, for
No phone calls. No c. o. d. ,
Burgess-Nash Downstairs Store
8 Huck Towels
Hemmed towels of fine fl
weave and quality. In all
weights. Size 18x36 inches. I
' Burgess-Nash Downstairs Store.
2 Brassieres
11. and W. brassieres and J
bandeaux in satin." treco. mus-
lin, embroidery and batiste
in white and pink. Fastening
front or back. Broken sizes,
odd lots.
Burgess-Nash Downstairs Store.
For Women
2 Vests or Pants
Samples' of well-known
manufacturer, women's pants
and vests, in all styles and
several weights.
Burgess-Nash Downstairs Store.
8 Pairs Children's Hose
Good weight black cotton
hose in all sizes, Tuesday only,
8 pairs for
6 Pairs Women's Hose
Good wearing hose of
dium weight black cotton.
sizes, Tuesday, 6 pairs,
Burgess-Nash Downstairs Stors.
2 Pairs Fiber Hose
Women's fiber silk stockings in f
black and dark brown. AH sizes, 1
2 for $1.00.
Burgesa-Naaa DewBStair Stors.
Special Values Through
out The Downstairs Store
Burgess-Nash Downstairs Store.
2 Flannelette Petticoats
Women's flannelette petticoats,
heavy quality, assorted colors,
trimmed in contrasting colors.
Knitted Petticoats
Good Warm knitted petticoats, of
wool and cotton mixed, in assort
ed colors. Tuesday
' ' Burgess-Nash Downstair Stors
Men's Outing
Flannel Gowns
. A most exceptional offering
just at the beginning of the sea
son. 1,000 samples of men's
outing flannel gowns, all sizes,
16 to 20.
Burgess-Nash Downstair Store
Flannelette Goivns
Women's gowns, splendidly made
of heavy flannelette, in white
and colors, trimmed in contrast- .
ing colors, with fancy braids,'
double yoke back. Cut extra
wide and long.
Burgess-Nash Downstairs Store,
. Notions
Double Mesh Hair Nets: dozen $1,
Cap and fringe styles, every color,
J. and P. Coats' Machine Thread:
22 spools, 1.00
Best 6-cord thread, in black and
white, every size.
Burgesr-Nssh Downstairs Store.
Corsets sl
Made of Broche, Coutil, Batiste
i Odd Lots, Broken Sizes,
Discontinued Styles
in many models. The low bust, elastic
top models, with medium skirt and two
sets of hose supporters are featured.
No Phone Calls. No Exchanges.
Burgsss-Nash Downstaira Store.
21 Bars of Quick
Naptha Soap
Large size bars laundry $ j
. soap, - . J
Burgess-Nash Downstair Store
For Men and Boys
Wonderful Values
Men's Best Make Crown
Suspenders: 2 pairs, $1.00
Men's 2-piece Underwear, $1.00
Shirt3 and drawers fleece lined.
Boys' Flannel Blouses, 1.00
In blue and gray. 6 to 16.
Men's Overalls, S1.00
Double stitched, cut full and roomy,
high back. Sizes 31 to 36.
2 Men's Leather Belts, SI. 00
Black or tan, detachable patent
Men's Handkerchiefs: 12 for $1.00
In sealed packages.
Federation Brand Gloves, 1.00
Engineers' and firemen's gloves.
Mechanics' Hose: 4 pairs, S1.00
Medium weight black.
Waiters' Aprons: 2 for 1.00
Of good qualitv.
Men's Sweaters, $1.00
All sizes, with roll collar.. Gray.
Limited Quantity Men's
Overalls: 2 pairs, $1.00
Blue and gray chambray work shirts. Sizes 15', to 19. Cut
extra full, with two breast pocket3. Double stitched and fast
Burgess-Nash Downstaira Store.
5 yds. Cotton Suiting
A splendid 36-inch fabric, for
children's clothing, in good col
ors, in stripes and checks.
7 yards Crepe
. SO inches widts this will mak
splendid kimonos. Light colored
background with colored figure.
5 yds. Gingham
Check ginghams for dresses, in
light and dark colors.
5 yards Dress Gingham
Very fine quality check gingham,
in light and dark colors, for
Tuesday only, 5 yards for
7 yards Velour Flannel
Printed velour flannel, with a
blue ground, and an attractive
Burgesa-Nash Downstair Store.