vm. 12 TUB 13EK: OMAHA, 1UKSUAV. " NUVWIBhli ' Classified Mvertisiif Rates H pr li b iccual I tror. I ii I dat il pf Us eM r, eKVtl , Ha r r. f nil- It r Mo Dr day. It oaMitl. N 'la tak.a lr ) thaa luil l . 1iim niu ivr (iinar to Hi Diiy unoa M. All ariiaraauia iiipr I eoi morning and olof Stiir ttr fur IB n rhsig. contract iutm on application H ani (4 teji4 l lb followlef - 1 1 ' a l MAIN OrTICE....I7l raraam St. outh l1 ! Souib llH M. t uunrll Vlufl ..II -il WANT ALB lltaKIVICD bt fUOht AT1.AVI1C 1(0 Til B HE It mil cut b r.p.ibl for mar I baa lacorrwl Inwrtlo f a adrliaujasi onJ.rtd lor mo i a Ibia lima. closing iiuvni ron want Ant r.tiin t.dltlo .......11:41 A. M Mamma KUItlu.... Ml P. U kumUy Edition Ml P. at balurdar DEATH ft FUNERAL NOTICES. tl.BMINU Mary A., Nuv.mb.r it, 1121, sd II yeei. I months and la daa, lM'ei la survived by on daughter, Ksnm llenn.lt, and two sons, John anl Guy C. Mamma, of Omaha. rutunl services wilt b held froifl Bralley Dermic chapel, Cumin, al Mn.le.ntb tret, TuMilay, Njv.mber il, at I e'rlovk. lst.rm.nl rore.l Lawn camalary. UKMUk.HH ut lha Danish alilaruood o( I,odg No. I r ru,u.ted to attend the funeral of ur lata aluiar, uorotnuu lln.-n, from reald.nc. Hill J'arkcr, TutaUay, at I p. tn. ANITA I'rJTKRSOtf, PrMldant. l.UY.A TONDKK. Secretary. aVjKIC Joseph il., aged 41 yaaia. Nov.in-b-r JO, 1131. Funeral Tuesday afternoon at 1:10 from N. 1'. Hwanaon a rhapal, 17tb and Cum ing ft., to Forest I.awn camatary. Friend ara wrlcnm. AIUVVKKY Harry A., at rtaldrnc. 157 Ami' avrnu. November 10, 1921, aged 41 years Funeral .ervlces Tuesday afternoon at t p. m. from Masoiila tempi. Nlnl.nth and Douglas. Friend, ara welcome. FUNERAL .ervlce. for Hurry A. Mow.ry will b held In tit Masonic Temple Tuc.day at 1 p. m. Services will be IB chart of Hi. John Lodge, .Number SI, A. V. and A. M AUTOMATIC .eailng concrel burlnl vaulta on dlaplay at leading undortak ara. Write Omaha Concrel Durlal Vault o., Omahu. CARD OF THANKS. WK mall to thank our many frlintla and neighbors. th Antrriiaii Legion nnl War Mother for llmlr klndneaa shown ua and the beautiful floral oifeilnnu given In aympathy at the death of our beloved inn and brother. Mr, and Mr, t'hrl KJoldgaard and Family, CEMETERIES. Forest Lawn Th Urnet fpmrtery In Nebraak. uctpb .iiift north of Hie eity llmltn ttfNt of Flri-np. An Uionl loontton . hh f ft from t:lt'tijrlan'0 ly the clty' Krowtli. IVr;nUiiil cr. Not fiprratil for pruflt. iViiit'tpry offlre For put I.awn strtt iir tfrntinuH. nnl North rty Hrnitn. f'iiy office, Brandeltt Theater Iiuilding, FUNERAL DIRECTORS. F. J. STACK & CO., Successor to ' 8tok & Falconer OMAHA'S BUST. AMBULANCE-RV0LR Thirty-third and Farnam. Hulse & Riepen riONElSR FUNERAL riRECTOM. Formerly at 701 S. 16th St.. havaJ moved to 1224 Cuming 8t. Ja. 1111. HEAFEY & HEAFEY Undertakers and Bmbalmer. 'hon HA. liii. Office !611 Farnam. FLORISTS. f T? V T APATHXT I8i Doutia. Ph. Doug. 244 SAY IT WITH FLOWBRS FROM HESS ft SWOHODA. 1416 FARNAM BTRKBT. FI.ATIRON FLOWER SHOP. 1728 St. Mary's Ave Tel. At. 6819. JOHN BATH. 1804 Farnam. Jackson 190H. ; Henderson. 1607 Farnam. Jackson 1268. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Illrtbs. Edward and Mary Alex, 4816 South Thirty-fifth street, girl. Royal and Mary Dohner, hospital, boy. Atphonse, and Katherlne Dundls, 40J0 C street, boy. , ' J. p. and Sarah Johnson, 5128 North Sixteenth street, tclrl. John anil Lulu Barton, 406 North Twenty-fourth street, boy. James and Louis Walsh. 2513 South Twenty-first street, girl. Matteo and Francesca Dlstcfano, 402 WtlHam street, hoy. William and Buelah Watson, 2756 Lako street, boy. Indus and Elizabeth Lighten, 5836 Miami street, girl. Deaths. Mr. Bernlcs Allc Edgerton, 17, hos pital. Johannu M. Baden, 81, 6313 North Thlrty-elgJith stieet, Frank Klan-, fcO, hospital. Maxine Beckman, Infant, hospital. Mrs. Mattle Kce, 48, hospital. Mrs. Porthea Hansen, 67, hospital. Mrs. Mary Painter, 61, S023 St. Mary a avenue. Loul B. Stewart. 46, hoepital. Wallace V. Uoollttle. 7S, Tenth and fai'kson streets. . Frank Ptacek. 44, 1075 Kavan street. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Alfred M. Tower, 20. Council Bluffs. la., and Grac Carter, IS, Council Bluffa, la. James H. Sheridan, . 27. Omaha, and Marguerit Elslnger, '-i. Omaha. William J. Peacock, 31, Council Bluffs. Ia., and Maria A. Guthrie, 22, Council . Bluffs, la. Luther G. Andrews, 22. T,incoln, Neb., and Helen L. Clark, 22. Omaha. Paul Buncvae. 38, Omaha, and Annie Tanda, 36, Omaha. Theodore V. Reece, 25. Omaha, and Margaret A. IUavka, 21, Omaha. LOST, FOUND AND REWARDS. Lost A Bay Shetland Pony LAST SEF.N TN THS lAPJPT LOW DISTRICT. FINDER CALL WA. S647. . . . Liberal Reward LOST On rolled mattress, between 11th and Cass and 24th and Grace. Notify Orchard & Wllhelm Co. Atlantic S00O. Reward. LOST Shell-rimmed glasses in case, near 16th and Farnam. Tel. Harney S639. LOST Colli dog. Reward. Walnut 1S5. PERSONALS. THK SALVATION Army Industrial homo aolicita your old clothing, furniture, magasines. We collect W dlatrlbute. Fhou Douglaa 4136 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our naw home. 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St. LADY going to California will take two elderly people and locate them com fortably as they wish. Box A-114. KATH RYN L. RILEY, skin and scalp spe cialist JA 3268; shampoo and wave, $1. SL'IJPHUR baths. Swedish maasage, chi ropody. Evenings to I. 20 S. 10th St. LLBCTRO bath-massage. lit Neville Block. MASSAUi. Eve. ft Sun. Appoint AT. i36a. RENT Hoover vacuum, 11.26. HA. 1071. EXPERT MASSAGE. DOUGLAS 1541. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Accord eon Pleating. ACCORDION, aid, knife, box pleating, rovereti buttons, all atylea: hemstitching, buttonholes. Write Ideal Button Pleating Co, 101 Brown block. Jacksoa 113. NEBR. PLEATING ton. 181 Farnam. Id Floor. Dc. 17. Chiropractors. TAKE CHIROPRACTIC adjustment at your bom. Dra. Mortensen. Falmr graduate Walnut III. Contracton-Painting. RICK plaatrr and cement, new and repair work. J. Nu. Walnut IT. CARPENTER, storm sash hung, 4141 EX. Dancing Academies. TTpirp'O Hit Farnam. Douglaa 144. illJ1Jl kJ W oar tanght mar than I5.ee peep! to dance. Let UJ teach you. Eiprt Instruction. Begins or adraacaa ciae r privt leases. 1 BRINGING UP 5 t ro-n. ro?; ANNOUNCEMENTS. Dancing Academies. I.KAKN TO UANCR RIGHT Mildred Ma line teacbe all oraorhee flaniilrg. Ktudio Leflang mag. 1H. I7H Detectives. RKLIAHLR Det'tiv Hirreau, Railway J A. 81H. Nlglrt. K EN. IM1. Kl. Itidr.. Independent let.-tv Bureau. 104 Neville I1IK. Atl. 60i; nignt, wai. ansa; rv. moo. JAMES ALLAN. Ill Neville I4lk. Kvldenc eiured In all raaea. Atlantio 11 J. UKTIHTIVKS that get results. 40 i'a- ton block, J A. I81. 767. Dressmaking. 1 L HS. aulta. dresses, reinod'l, rellned. Ha. Kodak Finishing. FILMS developed; printing and enlarging. writ ror price. The tn.ign to., ii'U Howard HI. KNLAROEMKNTS, oil coloring, developing. printing. Kaa Studio. 811 Neville m Patent Attorneys. PATENT ATTORNEYS J. W MARTIN, ptent atty.. 1711 Dodg. Printing. EDDY Printing Co., 813 8. 13 St. Do. 1647. Miscellaneous Announcements. Dentistry All Itinds of dental work (Ion under the careful supervlalon at professor ut the Creighton university, college of den tistry. Fee moderate, extraction free. New building, 26th and California Sts. Take Harney, Crosstown or Cuming street car. Phone Atlantic 2646. DIAMONDS orlc with privilege to buv back at amall profit. OROKS JEWELRY CO., 40a N, 16th St Doug las 6049. RAZOR BLADES sharpened. Single. 15c; doublw edge. 46c flos. Mall oruers so licited. Omaha Sharp Co., 103 N. 16th. OMAHA PILLOW COMPANY. MaltreBaes mads over In new ticks at natt pric qi new beds. 1907 Cuming. J A. 2467. FULL dresa and tuxedos for rent John Feldman, 109 N. 16th St. Jackson 3128. NEW and rebuilt electrical apparatus. LeBron electric. 818 S. 13th St., Omaha. ROGERS Confectionary Store, Farnam Sta. Jackson 0127. 21th and BRITT PrtntlnK Co., 7 Elk Bldg. FOR SALE. Furniture and Household Goods. LEAVING town and must sell, to be aac rtficed.' must be sold at once, complete equipment for 4-room apartment. Call any time. Webster 6177. FURNITCKB of 4-room apartment; hour from 1 to 6: no dealers, 3031 Howard St. Tel. Walnut 2658. SOLID OAK ROLL TOP DESK, OIL HEATER. CALL WEBSTER 6377. Pianos and Musical Instruments. GEO. A. SMITH Dealer In drums.xyio phones.. etc.; Instruction, repairing; 2761 Davenport St. Phone Harnev 2967. TRADfci your used piano on a new player piano. Balance as low as 110.00 per month. A. Hospa Co.. 1511 Douglaa. NEW mahogany Vtctrola. large size, XI 5150 machine. Sell half price . Walnut 2001. 4206 Dodge. JOHN TAFF saxophone shop, repairing and supplies. 806 Leflang Bldg. D. 8476. BIG bargain in phonograph and recorda. SHLAES PHONOGRAPH, 1404 Dodge. B FLAT tenor saxophone; yours for fair offer. Box A-14. Omaha Bee. Clothing and Furs. FOR sale, a few unclaimed, all-wool 'Dundee' eults, cheap, alterations free. DUNDEE 'WOOLEN MILLS, Northwest Cor. 15th and Harney 8t. FURS romodeled, rellned and cleaned. KNEETER ALASKA FUR CO., 203 S. 15th Kt. Douglas 7288. MINK coat, worn only short time. Inq. of .Lohrman' Ladies' Trillor. DO 7327. FOR SALE Gentleman's dress suit, me dium size, worn once. Douglas 4625. Typewriters and Supplies. - TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING MACHINES. - All MAKES bought, sold, rented and repaired. Sole agenta for the CORONA. Get our prices before you buy. Every machine guaranteed. Central Typewriter Exc. Jackson 4120. 1912 Farnam. Miscellaneous Articles. SEWING MACHINES We rent, repair, sell needles and parts. MICKEL'S 13th and Harney. Douglas 1973. Nathen Steinberg BOTTLES BOTTLES 1019 Harney St. Douglas 5166. WE buy, aell safes, make desks, show caaes, etc. Omaha Fixture & Supply Co., S. W. Cor. 11th and Douglas. J A. 2724. AUTOMATIC card prefa. Harney 7219. WANTED TO BUY. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used desks bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed. 1207 Farnam. D. 6146 WE buy wast paper, old magazine, books and newspapers. Writ or phone Omaha Paper Stock Co., 18th and Marcy. Douglas 0151. HELP WANTED MALE. Professions and Trades. BIO MONEYl PO IT NOW! LEARN THE BEST BUSINESS IN THE BEST WAY. IN THE BEST PLACE AND SHORTEST TIME. LEARN IT ALL AT THE NATIONAL AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. !814 N. 20TH ST.. OMAHA. WRITE FOR FREE CATALOG. FIREMEN, brakemen, beginners 1150, lat er 1250 monthly. Writ Railway. Box T-1711. Omaha Bee. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE.. 110 8. 14th. Write for catalog. Salesmen and Solicitors. HIGHGRAPK specialty salesmen. Nation al organization. Com. paid dally. Best time right now. A. TV. Feigel, 21 Ar lington block. WANTED High-clasa crew manager and canvasser to sell necessary and use ful article. Room 109. Finance Bldg. NEWSPAPER advertising solicitor wanted by established concern. Se Mr. Abra ham at 411 Paxton block. SOLICITORS who are willing to work. Call between I and 10. 11 Howard. WANTED Salesmen, both city and conn try Call Jackson 1511. Hotels and Restaurants. EXPERIENCED chef wanted for cafeteria. No Sunday. Harmony Cafeteria, ISO Harney St. Miscellaneous. ASHES and rubbish hauling, ater 47. Wm. Penn. Call Web- HELP WANTED FEMALE. Saleswomen and Solicitors. SOLICITORS who are willing I work. Call kvtweci I and 19. 111! Hot, ara. 1 c t 1 I I FATHER THt COUfHT CmCXJT 11 WT ee3 WII.U HCXJ TO HIM' OECURING competent help is made a simple matter, by consulting the Situation Wanted adver tisements of The Bee. Today 74 advertising job hunters offer their services, representing nearly every trade and degree of skill. WANTED SITUATIONS. Male. SHOE salesman wishes permanent posi tion; six years' experience; married, can furnish best of ret.; 36 yrs. old; 4 yrs. window trimming. Box A-10, Bee. SITUATION WANTED Work not too heavy; fair education; conscientious; American, 35; references. Evenings phone Douglas 9168 for Earl. . YOUNG experienced, clerk, plumber, bookkeeper, truck driver, undertaker, telegrapher, wants work, anything con sidered. L-257, Omaha Bee ' MARRIED man wanta work on Holsteln dairy farm; 4 year experience, Minne sota state university; good milker. Call Douglas 8534. L. Pol lei. EX-SERVICE man with 21 years expe rience as machinist apprentice wishes to finish trade In some machine shop. Box A-148, Omaha Bee. YOUNG man wants any kind ot uuto driving, references furnished, work, pre ferred in Co. BlUtis, inquire ut lam Ave., Co. Bluffs. POSITION with a reliable manufacturing concern wanted by an experienced auto- bungalow designer. Oscar Larson, Web ster City, Ia. DAVIS BROS. Orchestra. Up-to-the-min ute music, for dances, banquets, recep tions, etc. Walnut 2895. C. R. Davis, 403 Securities E-af.-. EX-SERVICE man desire permanent po sition on truck or touring car; outside work preferred; would consider anything. Call Market 2907. POSITION wanted by young man as pri vate chauffeur or driving truck, In or out of city. Experienced. Box -A-9, Omaha Bee. - - - . MIDDLE-AGED gentleman with bal anced personality, . wants position' as cleric, cashier in hotel, cafe, etc. L-219, Omaha Bee. SALESMAN, five years experience on road, 29 yrs. old, good education, will consider retail connection. L-251, Oma ha Bee. EXP. bookkeeper and accountant familar with .income tax procedure, desires tem porary , or permanent position. Ref. HA. E506. BOY, 17 yeara old. wants work as office boy or apprentice at any trade, auto mobile preferred. Call Market 2399. BOOKKEEPER, order clerk, salesman or buyer; lumber, coal, grain experience; middle aged; married. Box A-6S, Bee. EX-SERVICE man, married, wants work; clerical, bkkpg, anything; steady or temporary. Black 3607, Co. .Bluffs. CARPENTER wants work, any kind, let me -fix your storm doors and windows. Chas. Carpenter, 1921 Chicago St. EXPERIENCED drug clerk wanta place In retail or wholesale store. 218 -Logan St., Council Bluffs. Black 4329. YOUNG man wishes work; anything con sidered. Ray Fleharty. 1527 Second Ave., Council Bluffs, Red 1639. MARRIED man with four children must have employment. Experienced sales man. Can do anything. L-254. POSITION by middle aged handy man; white, married; will take day or night work. A-l references. L-228. OFFICE work of any kind by young mar ried man, 10 yrs. experience In office detail. Box A-13, Omaha Bee. MARRIED man desires job, experienced truck driver, plumber helper, or can do office work. Walnut 2973. YOUNG man wanta position with elec trical firm; has two years exp. and good ref. L-243, Omaha Be. ' ' " CARPENTER wants small jobs, repair ing or new work, living wages, reliable. James Parsons, 110 No. 13th. WORK as clerk or elevator operator, any other ateady, reaponsibie position. Hef. the best. L-248, Omaha Bee. RELIABLE man with Ford truck wants work of any kind. Charles Carpenter, 1921 Chicago. Atlantic 6023. WANTED Carpenter work by good work man. Chas. Bishop, 1030 4th Ave., Co. Bluffs. Ia. Telephone 4803. EXPERIENCED packer wants work of any kind. Can furnish best of reference-. L-217, Omaha Bee. WANTED Position as parts man. auto mobile line; thoroughly experienced. Write L-229, Omaha Bee. WILL drive car to New York or east coast for fare. Excellent driver. Beat References. Market 2907. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Saleswomen and Solicitors. GIRL with a pleasant smile to demon strate toys. Give age, exp.. etc Salary, $16 week. L-266, Omaha Bee. Household and Domestic HOUSEKEEPER without children, in motherless home, t In family; reference given and required. Apply .Elevator Director, Telephone Bldg. HOUSEKEEPER, middle-aged preferred; no children. Elevator director. Tele phone Building. GERMAN girl for housework. Good home. Would take newcomer. 1480 Wirt St Webster S800. Mrs. Baumer. WANTED Girl for domestic work, apply 4605 Sonth Twenty-second Miscellaneous. WANTED Toung woman of education and refinement for nursery governess, no teaching. Answer Boa A-7i. Omaha Be. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTED Men, ladles and boy to learn barber trad: big demand; wage while learning; strictly modern. Call er write 1401 l'odge St. Trt-Clty Barber College. EDUCATIONAL. Van Sant School of BtinM. Day and Eveatnr Schools. X:t Oat)faft KaUooal Bask Bldg. .Pgufla illfiw U. 8. Plteot Offic legitr4. Oh i'm not' TAUK TtUL HIM TO WAIT A NiNUTE WANTED SITUATIONS. Male. WANTED Evening work of any kind by young man. Any hours. References furnl.shed. Box L-253. PAINTER and paper hanger, first-class; will consider anything; married. Call Red 3037, Council Bluffs. YOUNG MAN, exp. chauffeur, mechanic, 6 years; willing to take night job, DO, 6258, ask for Clarence. EXP. grocery or office porter, colored; married; one that can pack or mark goods. Harney 0216. YOUNG man desires position in office; willing to start with amall salary. L 26!. Omaha Bee. YOUNG man desires position as chauffeur. Experienced driver. Age 18 yrs. I.-246, Omaha Bee. YOUNG man desires position as bookkeep. er or typist, 3 yrs. experience. L--247, : Omaha Bee. WORK of any kind wanted by ex service man. Address L-245, Omaha Bee, M. G. EXPERIENCED porter, will give satisfac tion. Heady to work. Call Jackson 2005. ELECTRICIAN 1 wants steady work. Ten yeara experience. Box L-250, .Omaha Bee. BRICK carrier wants job at once. W'ouhl do any kind of work. Box A-12, Omaha Bee.. WANTED work of any kind by young man. Selna Stodvard. 6811 S. 16th St. ASH and rubbish hauling, lawn mulch ing. Webster 4236. . 1569 N. 17th St. COOK and dishwasher, wages reasonable, In or out. L-244, Omaha Bee. HAULING of any kind, any place, any time. Atlantio EXPERIENCED fireman Call Harney 4970. wants work; Female. REFINED, middle aged lady desires po sition as hoiiBeVeeper in respectable motneriess nome. iter. exen. ju-2da, Omaha Bee. EXPERIENCED stenographer desires position at once. Can do clerical work also. Can give references. Kenwood 2696. TO DO copying and addressing envelopes at home In spare time. L-252, Omaha Bee. CAPABLE stenographer with six years' . general experience, desires position. No tary public. Box A-17, Omaha Bee. LADY desires work in plain sewing, dressmaking and alterations. Prices rea sonable. Web. 6986. WANTED Plain aewlng of all kinds; children's clothing a specialty. Call Kenwood 4455. WANTED By middle-aged lady to take care of children, all day or half day. Douglas 7590. TYPIST desires position. Willing worker. Good references. Box L242, Omaha Bee. ANY kind of sewing, call at 2403 No. 19th, or phone Webster 366 after 4 p. m. YOUNG lady wants position as typist or office clerk. Har. 1247. Miss Piper. WANTED Nurse or housekeeping work. 2606 Burt street, Mrs. Holdner. EXPERIENCED silk shade maker. kind of work. WE. 4963. COMPETENT colored woman desires work. Market 2976. WANTED House work by colored girl. Call Market 2975. PRACTICAL nurse Harney 3230. wishes engagement Laundry and Day Work. WHITE woman wants all kinds of day work. Good references. Also care of children nights. Douglas 4901. WANTED Bundle washing, ironing ot by hour or day work, any kind Web. 4796. EXPERIENCED woman wants days work or house work. Call Webster 1863. WANTED Day work. Douglas 8730. Mrs. Alexander. Colored. COLORED girl wants light work part day, ref. Weo. 6486. PLAIN and fancy clothes carefully laundred. Webster 4283. WANTED Bundle and family washing called for and delivered Web. 1091. EDUCATIONAL. DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL. Complete courses in accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, comptometry, ahort hand and typewriting, railroad and wireless telegraphy, civil aervlco and all English and commercial branches. Write, call or phone Jackson 16(i& for large illustrated catalog. Address BOVLES COLLEGE. Boyles Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. GIRLS. HERE 13 TOUR CHANCE. Training school In hair dressing and beauty culture. Posit ton Immediately. 66 1 BRANDEI3 THEATER BL1HJ. BUSINESS CHANCES. A GOOD opening for a general merchan dise tor and a good dentist. Write at nee a time 1 hort. . Box Y-1728, Omaha Bee. WANT to hear from owner having; busi ness for sal. J. C McConney. Ter minal Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. Rooming Houses. 1 ROOMING houses, low price. Stebblns, 1(10 Chicago. O. P. I-ROOM flat, (team heat furnished. Deal with owner. Jackson 1220. FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. GET YOUR ROOM through Th Bee rumtsbed room di rectory. Call at offlc for net cf chcR rietirable rooms la all parts of the city. A nrvtc that benefit both advertiser and room seeaei SEE JICC5 AND MACCIE IN FULL TACE Or COtOM W THE bUNDAY BEC aM fOUMT- WAIT A, iMtNUTe bHEa.i. ee OOwn in AN HOUR ' I r Y '921 ,N PtAlUHg SiHVlCf. . FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. Beautifully f urn., warm and eoiy nil. Prl vat family, Fine location, Harney 1015. STKAM HEATED ROOMS WITH OH WITHOUT HOARD. KB. 4610. BF.AIJTIFL'L 2room apt. Suitable for 1. 2007 PL Mary Ave. AT. 4161. NICELY furnished room, line. Harney 6670. on Farnam car MoliKKN rooms, reasonable. WH 2416. Housekeeping Rooms. rriji.1 Cliriliir 1 1 ' the belter housekeeping room I the directory rurnisneu to averuer uu tuom hunter. Call at Bee office for fre copy containing desirable vacancies in all parts ot in ei;y 3 WARM rooms; water, gas, electricity, toilet; 113 month. 2233 Ho. 6th St. 3 NICKLY Fl'R. HEATED UK, RMS. 135. WALNUT 2005. LAKtiK pRrior room and kitchenette, liar ney 711,9. Board and Rooms. LIVK WELL AT MODEHATK COST. The Merriam Hotel 106 S. 26TH ST. DOUG. 207. LA HOE well furnished room; deslrah! for 2; walking dlxtanre. Board If de aired; private family. 2224 Chicago. Douglaa 68G4. LARGE front room and board, for couple or on In private family.' Best meals. Good neighborhood. 18. Walnut 0979. TEL. AT. 2620 Nicely furnished room with board for 2 young men. price right Unfurnished Rooms. TWO large ligrht front rooms for adults. Walking distance. 607 H. 29in. Rooms Wanted. WANTED Furnished room, near 43d and Cumlnp. A-lo. FOR RENT HOUSES. Unfurnished. New Bungalow 5 rooms to be completed December 1. May be had on lease to May 1. delightfully located In new Edgewood district; SUi so. 3tn of item oa. 1613 No. 36th Street. . 4 rooms, water, electric light arid gas. Rent $21. 5403 Poppleton Avenue"-" 3 rooms, 3 acres of ground. Rent 118. Peters Trust Company, "Where Omaha Rents" Atlantic 0544. 17th and Farnam. FOR RENT, COLORED. Six-room house, new paper through out, 723 So, 17th St. $15 per month. A. P. TUKEY & BON, 620 First Nat'l Bank. Jackson 422S. 3568 Leavenworth, -r., modern $40.01 4206 North 24th St., 5 rooms...... ZO.oo 1330 Park Ave., 9-r., modern 3110 Maple, 3 rooms 15.00 F. D. WEAD 310 So. 18th St. "Atlantic 0151. 3002 North 21st. Brick bungalow, 185 per month; hot water heat; excellent con dition. Possession December 1. Tenant will show through. WE. 1029 or WE. 7032. -ROOM house strictly modern. Close to school and close to car line, 146 per month. Douglas 2696. WEST FARNAM 4216 Seven-room mod ern house; furnished or unfurnished. References .exchanged. 1128 SOUTH 36TH ST. Seven rooms. Key next door. For particulars call Jack son 0421. MKT. 4217. Six-room mod. Near Han scom park end Windsor school. $45. HOUSES for rent, in good location. 715 8. 19th. Jackson 3380. FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS. Furnished. 3-ROOM apt, strictly furnished In new mahogany, furniture Includes piano; very desirable; light, gas and heat fur nished; $75. Call Harney 7169. COMPLETELY furnished 2 and 3-room Apts. ; private bath; steam heat; walk ing distance. Brown Apt, 608 N. 21st St. Doug. 6644. 3 ROOMS with bath, first floor, com pletely furnished with new furniture. Piano If desired. $60. 2960 Harney St. DESIRABLE steam heated 2-room apt. walking distance. Apply 220 Mi N. 23 Unfurnished. Turner Court Apartments 3 rooms, 5-room accommodations, conveniently located, pleasantly ar ranged. 31st and Dodge streets. Rental 180. Peters Trust Company, "Where Omaha Rents" Atlantic 0544. 17th and Farnam. UNUSUALLY large comortable 3-room apartment with 4-room accommodations. Kountze Park district, close to car. Price. $57.60, includes steam heat, hot and cold water, gas, light and phone. Call Douglas 7715 week days. HA. 3582 or WE. 3191 Sunday. BEAUTIFUL, large, comfortable. 7-room apartment In Clarlnda, 3 1st and Far nam; Includes maid's room and bath. Owner will lease unfurnished or fur nished. Phone Doungias 7715 week days; Harney 3582 Sunday. TO LET Six rooms with bath; -Mercur Apartments. W. FARNAM SMITTT, Jackson 0564. 1320 Farnam. TO LET Small Apartment, Mercer Apts. "W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., Jackson 0564. 1320 Farnam. Peters Trust Company, WHERE OMAHA RENT?. FOR RENT Business Property. TO LET. 30,000 square feet, 1108-10 Howard St. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO.. Jackson 0564. 1320 Farnam St. TO LET. 10,000 square feet trackage. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO.. Jackson 0564. 1320 Farnam St. BRICK garage, 44x110 ft. In North Bend. Neb. Address 2631 Randolph St., Lincoln. Neb. Phone Ha. 4326. FOR RENT Some very attractive of fice In the Finance Building. Inquire 409 Finance Building. MERCANTILE STORAGE AND WARE HOUSE CO.. lltb and Jones Sts. STORE room clos In. !! Chicago. G. P. Stebblns, SEE F. D. WEAD. 31 SO. 18TH ST. MOVING AND STORAGE. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household good, and plan, moving, packing and ehiDDinr. BEKINS OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE". 8f Sou'b lth. Douglas 41r.. ESTIMATES furnished on storage and moving. Contract taken oy jor er nr. G'nb Van 4k Storage fa, J A. 413$, AT. :. il0-:i North. II -.h St, HOW OOCT5 MY D?e:t look - INC 22 MOVING AND STORAGE, METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned by II R. Bowen Co. Atlantio 1400. HAULING, ashes, rubbish, rmvrt. WK. 40i) POULTRY AND PET STJ3CK. FOR SALE Extra fliie live spring iiuck and chickens. Will dres them If de sired. Call Harney 4836. 14:9 N. 17t)l St. Must SHi-riflre canaries, singers and females. Webster 170, FARM LANDS. Minnesota Lands. K'UUITY lnd Exchange, St. Paul. Minn. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. 60 FORDS AND OTHER MAKES. Cash, Time, Trade New and Uaed See u befor buying. Fonia from tuO and up. Winter Tops and Bodies. GOLDSTROM AUTO SALES CO., 1318 Harney St, Jackson 2468. Central Garnge. Open Day and Night. SOME bargalna In used Fords; prompt oeuvery on new ioras. M'CAFFREY MOTOR CO., Th Handy Ford Servic Station, 15th and Jackson Sts. DO. 3500, EXCELLENT 8-cyllnder Cadillac, model 65. and Dodge Sedan. Will trade lor . real esfato or mortgage. F. D. WEAD .110 S. 18th St. Atlantic 0161. . ttUICK light six, like new, $U0; one-third cash and your note for balance, with no brokrHge charge. Mr, HoJlcrufl. Harnry 0:.53. Garages we build are attractive, permanent. low priced. Mlcklen Lumber Wrecking Co. Web. 6555. 24th and Burdette Sts. MAXWELL touring, late model, very cheap, and will take a small cash pay ment and a note for balance. Mr. Glass, Harney 0354. ' A RE-NEW-ED Marmon 34, Is a better buy at Its price than a new car at the same price. H. Pelton, 2019 Farnam. LIGHT five-passenger, 1921 touring, at a very low price and on terms, with no brokerage charge. Mr. Keller, Har. u.f.-iu. BUY A GUY L. SMITH USED CAR. A Safe Investment. 26th and Farnam Sts. Phono Douglas 1970. CADILLAC 6-passenger Sedan. lat model, good as new, exchange for cheap er car. walnut 4ibs. NASH tourinir, 1920 model, good mechani cal condition and looks like new. Doug las 6960. Apt. 804. USED radiators, all makes for sale. Green ough Radiator Repair. 2039 Farnam. AA"T4TrT17'T V Sells Alcohol, 65c per II11J.1JUJU1 g,l, 320 So. 13th St. USED cars bought, sold and exchanged. TRAWVER AUTO CO., 2210 Farnam St. LIGHT five-passenger touring car. llko new, $325. Mr. Morris, Harney 0355 HOLLY, expert auto trimmer. 812 S. 34th, Accessories. WHY buy cheap new tires when you can get slightly used, not rsDuut or jun tires,, for these prices; 30x3, $5.00; 32x34, $7.50; S2x4, $8.60; 32x4, $11.50; 32x4, $9.00; 34x4, $10.00; 36x4-4. $12.00; 34x4Vi, $13.50; 35x5, $13.00. Cords $2 extra. All tires nonskld. Send $1 per tire, balance C O. D. 5 per cent off for cash with order FLEISHMAN'S TIRK SERVICE, Service Garage , 16 and Leavenworth. Autos for Hire. WHY not rent a one-ton truck and drive it yourself to do your moving ana naui Ing? It will save you one-half your moving bill. Drive It Yourself Co., ' 1314 Howard St Doug. 2623. FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loans. WE have cash on Land to loan on Omaha residences. B H. LOUGEE, INC.. 638 Keeline Bldg. $100 to $10,000 made p romptly. F. D WEAD. Wead Bldg.. 310 S. 18th St. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS. O'K-EEFE REAL ESTATE JO., 1016 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Jackson 2715. REAL ESTATE WANTED. To buy or sell Omaha Real KstiUp pee FOWLER & M DONALD 1120 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Jackson 1426. CONSULT us if you contemplate building, or wish to buy or sell omana real estate. C. B. STUHT CO., City Nat. Bank Bldg. DO. 8787. r'-DTTli'MTr' Realty Co. List with us IjXVUJCjINIvX for quick results. 1418 1st Natl. Bk. Bldg. Jackson 1966. TJ Tt IT XT' rprp REAL ESTATE. JJX1VXVXJ X A sells, 350 Peters Trust Elder. Rents, Insures. Jackson 0633. FOR real estate, loans and Insurance, P. J. TEBBINS COMPANY. 605 Omaha Nat. Bank. Jackson 218- LIST YOUR BUNGALOW WITH US. H. S. MAN VILLE, Realtor, Atlantic 2403. 615 Peters Trust Bldg. HAVE inquiries for homes do you want to sell your property i kisi h C. A. Grimmel, Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg, FARMS, city real estate, bales or ex change. All kinds of insurance. REED CO., 1207 Farnam. Douglas 6146. N. P. DODO El CO.. quick sales.. DO. 0829. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. I HAVE the best income proposition in Omaha for exchange for mtg. paper or city property. This Is good. Box, A-54, Omaha Bee INVESTIGATE exchange system. Forced cash sales. CHAS. METH, 1623 Farnam, REAL- ESTATE SUBURBAN. Dundee. $500 CASH. $60 per month, buys a nifty, cozv. five-room, strictly modern bun galow in Dundee. Not far from car on paved street. Practically new. Call E. R. Carse. at Atlantic 35Q1 evenings, Douglas 7412 days. Florence Nethaway. Flor. prop, no colored. KE. 1409 REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West. SEVERAL choice homes In splendid loca tions, only 1200 down. SHOPEN A CO.. Realtors. Jt 4228. 234 Keeline Bldg. BEST offer made buys 4177 Wakeley Ave., fine 7-room bungalow. Cathedral district. Creigh. 408 Bee. J A. 0200. CLAIRMONT bungalow, genuine bargain, east front, nearly new. low price, and terms. Call Jackson 3261. J B. ROBINSON, real estate and Invest ment. 643 Peters Trust. DO. 97. D. E. BUCK CO. buy and sell homes. North. NEW BUNGALOW". $60 DOWN Balance tli monthly, buy a neat four-room bungalow (two bedroom. I ; oak floors throughout, whit enamel, b'Jilt-in features. 4xl2l foot let. Price only $4.o. OSBORNE REALTY COMPANY. 630 Pters Trust Bldg. Jackson 2!1. P08ITIVF.LY the best buy In the city. $5,550. 1.5 cash, t-room modern hous. Peslrahle location: large shady soutil front lot; fine garage. Webeter $063. 7-RfXM modern home, east front, pav-d street, fine condition; only $5,000; $1,0 (ash, baL mo. TV A. 6 Drawn for The Bee by McManui Copyright, Intarmtlonal Nw brk WHAT U. S. Ships Will Keccive Half Of Kpjpt Coltou Shipments Valiingtniv,Nov. 21. American liipers will be' given 50 per cent of the direct and imlirect F.gyption cot ton shipments to the United States, according to the Liverpool shipping agreement concluded with the ship ping board, the details of which were received today at sliippinpr board offices. The agreement will cover two crop years. The first ship to sail under the agreement is the ship ping board steamer Oppis. scheduled io leave Alexandria December 15. It's Comfortable In our steam-heated auction room. Plenty of seats for spec tators, no standing up necessary. Just five minutes walk from re tail centers. We offer this week, on Tuesday and Wednesday Nov. 22d and 23d consignments from private homes in all parts of the city, also mer chandise from storage companies. Stephenson, Auctioneer, 1509 Capitol Ave. $25.00 to $35.00 Per Month These three bungalows are for sale on the above terms, with first pay ments from $200 to $1,000 cash. No. 1 4454 Bedford Ave., a fine 4-room, completely modern bunga low, in first-class condition. Has good garage, oil burning furnace, near school and cai-line. $1,000 cash down. No. 2 2823 Seward St., new bunga low of four rooms, ail modern and in good repair. Yours for $200 cash down. No. 3 2504 Bancroft St, brand new bungalow of 4 rooms, modern except heat, at a very reasonable price. Nar carline. Can be bought right, and on easy pay ments. sCreigh Sons & Company cstaniMnea iouo. 60S Bee Bldg. . Ja. 0200. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. North. New Five-Room Bungalow $500 Cash, $55 . Monthly Just being completed and )s without doubt the most complete small house we have ever erected. Oak floors throughout, oak finish in living and dining rooms. Bultt-ln kitchen cab inets, attic partly floored. Full base ment, guaranteed furnace. Located near 2 -tin. and Ca stellar. The Byron Reed Company Douglas 0297. 1612 Farnam St. Near Prairie Park District $750 Down B-room strictly modern bungalow- all on one floor, oak finish and oak floors; full cemented basement, furnace heat, nice attic. Good big lot, south front with garage. Price 14,600. Payne Investment Co., 537 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 170. $4,600; $760 CASH. 5-r., strictly mod., oak finished bun galow; excellent location. A real home, on easy payments. Call Mr. Rice at RASP BROS.. 213 Keeline Bldg., AT. 0721. SOUTHWEST corner IStli and Blnney, double house, all modern, lot 74x124; must be sold to close estate. Make an offer this week. C. W. De Lamater. executor, 401 Karbach Blk. WELL-BUILT 8-r. house, in good repair, near 27th and Seward. $250 rash, $35 per mo. F. D. Wead, 310 So. 18th. Atlantic 0151. NEAR 27th and Ellison, new, all modern, 5-room bungalow: complete, $4,760. Easy terms. Atlantio 8640 South. HOUSE and lot; $1,200; big bargain. G. P. Stebblns. 1610 Chicago. Central. NEAR 30TH AND DODGE. A dandy six-room, oak finished house, only 0 years old; paving and all specials paid; rented for $75 per month. Owner is leaving city and will sacrifice for $6,500. $2,000 cash will handle and bal ance monthly. OSBORNE REALTY COMPANY, 630 Peters Trust Bldg. Jackson 2283. Vacant Property. DUNDEE LOTS. $2,250 East front, clos to car. $3.376 Corner. 81x136. $6,000 Doubl corner, Fifty-seeona and Farnam. ALFRED THOMAS er RON CO. JA. 0064. HAVE a few sightly lots In Ralston which I will sell for real small pay ment down, and the balance easy monthly payments; $200 up. Phone or see Stewart. Phone Ralston 10-w. $300. good lot. 60th and Pine Sts. $26 down. $5 per month. D. W. 8HOLES CO.. Jackson 0046. $300. good lot. 60th and Pine Sts.; $25 down. per monin. if. v. tmoL&S CO.. Jackson 0046. Acreage. WHEN thinking of acreag property think f acreag srcis lists. Browne & Tracy 54? Securities Bldg. Atlsntlc 1350. Miscellaneous. THE Old ReUable Reel Estat Office. M'CAGUE INVESTMENT CO.. 150 Dodge St. Douglas 1141. $200 CASH. Nw 4-room. tneco bungalow. CaU Mr. BUby. WA. !47l er DO. S4I1. Ens fjjj, -GSBa3E& Gov ernor Tells Advantages of Capitol Junket McKeUie AnSwt-rs Attatli Made on Plan for Trip to Sec Plans Says Money Will Be Saved. Lincoln, Nov. 21. (Special.) At tacks on the expense involved in the trip of the ktate capitol commission to New York December , to view final plans of Architect Goodhue for the new $5,000,000 state house were met by Governor McKclvie with the following statement. A trip to Lincoln by Goodhue wit!i final plan for approval of the com. mission would necessitate bringing at lesst four expert technical eugiureri to Lincoln to bring before the com mission in full every detail of the big undertaking before putting the O. K. stamp on the plans. That would mean transportation and ex penses of five men, besides the ex pensc and hazard of moving the plans. Governor McKelvie will pay bii own expenses out of his regular ex. pense budget, as he will attend the annual conference of governors while east. Walter Head, another mem. ber of the commission, is going east on personal business and will sand wich the examination of the start house plans in during that visit, lis will pay for the trip out of his own money, leaving only three members who will draw expenses from tin state capitol commission fund. Governor McKelvie stated that th contract for the basement and foundation probably would be award ed in March and work on it would begin during the summer. The contract for the superstruc ture, he asserted, would be delayed as long as possible in order to get every benefit possible by the falling in price of materials and labor. "I think I am safe in saying that the work on the superstructure will begin a year from next spring," the governor said. Romance in Origin Of Superstitions By H. IRVING KING. j Amber. j Of the many mystic qualities ' which were formerly supposed to pertain to amber its potency as a charm against rheumatism appears ' to be about the only one which sur. vives in popular superstition. But a belief in this quality persists with remarkable vitality and is defended by persons whom one would least suspect of such credulity. Henry Ward Beecher always carried about with him a, string of amber beads to -cure or to ward off his rheumatic attacks; and amber set as jewelry is still sold in London for the cure of this malady. Only a few years ago amber had a much more prominent place in therapeutics. In 1865 the Rev. C. W. King, in his "Natural , History of Precious Stones" wrote: "That the wearing of an amber necklace will keep off an attack of erysipelas has been proved by exper. iments beyond the possibility of a doubt." Oil of amber still has a place ia the U. S. dispensatory and perhaps there still exist some old time doctors who use it medicinally. The ancients, who attached mystic" qualities to all sorts of precious and semi-precious stones, were not likely to neglect amber; that strange sub stance born of the sea and of the color of yellow sunlight. The Rom ans used to place in their mortuary urns pieces of amber and jet, the jet symbolizing the darkness of death find the amber the light of immortal ity. Possibly the black stone was an offering to Piute and the yellow 1 substance an offering to the sun-god, In the medicine of the Middle Ages, which was largely folk-medicine, amber played an important part, and, as has been said, has continued to. play a medicinal role down to our own times. The reverence with i which the ancients regarded amber was increased by the discovery of , its electrical properties. Dr. Kunz says: "The electric property of amber was remarked as early as 600 B. C, by the Ionic philosopher, Thalcs, and from this observation may be dated the study of electric phenom ena." (Copyright, 1921, by The McClure News' paper Syndicate.) Parents' Problems How can boys and girls be taught to do errands correctly? The best method, when sending a boy or girl on an errand, is to write down the place to which the thild is to go and the thing or things to be done there, and give the paper to the child. Deaths and Funerals Funeral services for Mrs. Elizabeth ' -Alice Walker, wife of Edwin II. Walker of Florence, who died yesterday, will be held In the Florence Presbyterian church at Florence next Friday afternoon at 3. Burial will be in Forest I .awn cemetery. The body of H. A. Mowery, rcanager of the University club, who died early Sun day morning, will be cremated at Forest Lawn cemetery this afternoon. Mrs. Emma Fisher. 76, a resident of Omaha 31 years, died Sunday evening at the reaidenr of her daughter, Mrs. L. W. Autisdel, 2887 Capitol avenue. Five. children survive her. Mrs. Laura Autisdel and K. G. Fisher, of Omaha; George L. Fisher of Spokane, Wash.; Fred Fisher of Anaconda, Mont., and Mrs. O. J. Jndd or lowa city. ia. Mrs. rtsher was a well- known as a member of W. R. r. and 1 Spanish War Veteran auxiliary, and was I prominent In the organization of th fa-1 mous Thurston Rifle. Funeral service will b held at the residence, Wednes day at 2 p. m.; burial probably at Iowa City. Is. Real Estate Transfers Thomas J. Craig to John Happe. 4,ld St.. 40 ft. 8. of California. W 8. 43.4x100 $ l,f Vogel Inv. Co. to Frits Muller. Vin ton St.. 14.3 ft. E. or 18th SU N 8, JJ 1x45 and .trip William B. Drake and wif to R. E. MeLeester. 8. W. Cor. Mili tary Ave. and Seward. 30x60... Charles D. Saunders to R. E. M" Iesttr, Military Ave.. 19 ft. S. of 8eward M. 10x70 Merth.na Saunders to R. E. M--Ieeter. Mllltsry Are.. 0 ft. t. of Hewnrd St., 18 R. "5. VcJ eester end wife to Mary Piaf'er. S. Vt, r. Military Ave. ad f-eard. 3x7 J. .Urreen end wife t ltoy M. p,oden t si, f. W. Cos, jatb. acC Xtyaolds, (fail lift if ft , $?t 1 let 1,101 I Mr. I I)