Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 20, 1921, Page 8, Image 8

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20. 1921.
Titled Women
Arc Successful in
Trade Ventures
Members of Knglish Nobility
Are Conducting Prcimniaking
Anil Furniture Hio and
Other ltalilifliments.
London. Nov. J',-Vliile the re
sults of war hae given new ap"l
to many phases it KkkIMi life, none
of thce is causing wider and more
favorable romni'nt than the itcres
that many women of the old nobility
are making of busino venture.
Minv uoinrn whose family line-
?Ke trails bark to the dint past when
knighthood wa in llower bear new
litlc today. 1 hey sic known as
Madame tin or Madame that in
litiMne! circles. The fact that they
at occupied with matters more e
riouhati drawing room small talk,
iflfcrts Hheir high social position ntt
a hit. Many of them still maintain
their lofty position among the elite
of British nobility and at the Eng
lish court.
Mr. Fortesijue, who lia made a
great meres of her small but ele
gant dressmaking shop, is well
known to American. At her home
hire she entertained a bit; number
of the Rotarians at a Riirdcn party
when they were touring England.
She is the wife of the king's librar
ian and a noted historian.
Succeeds as Pa.'nter.
Lady Eileen Ordc, daughter of the
duke of Wellington, i another who
has taken up the serious life. Her
husband, who is an artist,- has a
studio in Faris, and there she fol
lows the artistic life as well. She
has made a great success of hand
painted gowns. The painting is
done on chiffons largely, and the
best effects are obtained from white.
The designs represent old flowers of
dainty shading and coloring.
The countess of Derby, wife of
the former British ambassador to
France, has gone in for poultry'
raising on a large scale, as have
many other women of title and so
cial distinction.
Society was surprised a few weeks
ago when it became known that
Mrs. Romilly, sister of Mrs. Win
ston Churchill and wife of Lieut.
Col. Bertram Romilly, had opened a
hat shop in the fashionable shopping
section ot .Maytair.
Works at Dressmaking. '
Many women of society who pos
scssed some artistic talent are just
beginning to realize the value of its
development and encouragement.
While there is a feeling prevalent
among the many that it is bad form
to be idle these days, or occupied
with, nothing more serious than
bridge and balls, the mounting taxation-
imposed here, amounting to al
most one-third of the ordinary in
come, and running into vast sums
for the big incomes, has had telling
effect on the fortunes of many who
were regarded as affluent before the
war descended on Europe. v" .,-
Speaking of the Winston Church-'
ills reminds me that there are other
relations in business. Mrs. Fox Pitt,
a cousin of Winston Churchill, is
doing a thriving dressmaking busi
ness under the name of Elizabeth
Phelps. Her husband is a cousin of
Mrs. Winston Churchill, Mrs. Fox
Pitt says she intends following the
example set by other society women
of England recently, and 'is leaving
shortly for a, tour off America.,
Conduct Furniture Shops. -
: While a number of titled women
of less social renown than these
mentioned here are engaged in dress
making or millinery business' to add
to the family income, -a number of
society women , have gone in for
other lines of trade. An antique
furniture shop claims .. the attention
of Mrs. Methuen, daughter-in-law of
'Jford Methuen. Lady Bentinck, wife
of Lord Henry Cavendish, a half-
brother of the present duke ot Port
land, and connected with some of
the proudest and oldest families of
England, has felt the call of business
and, like many of her titled sisters,
has opened a small furniture shop.
One of the: most distinguished
members of not only English but a
broader European society who has
to a certain degree Substituted so
ciety for business is Mrs. Rodd, wife
of Sir James R.' Rodd. who has had
a long and Tionorable diplomatic
career, having at one time served as
the councillor o f .the embassy at
Rome, among his many other diplo
matic posts. Mrs. Rodd always has
moved in the highest circles of
fashionable society, but as going Into
business is no longer a novelty here
among society women, no one ap
peared surprised when it was learned
that she was interested in an antique
furniture shop here. '
Aside from actual business ven
tures, many titled women are prov
ing a great success with the pen and
brush, and are turning this talent to
commercial benefit.
Dietary Diseases Most
, Deadly, Asserts Doctor
Columbus, Nov.' 19. "Nearly all
diseases which take us off before our
;m hav their oricrin ill dietary de-
ficiences," declared Dr. Harvey W. j
Wiley, in an address ncre.
"If we want to build up human
vitality, if we want to resist disease,
if we want to live healthy, useful and
especially, long lives, we should
study carefully that problem which
most nearly affects those things, and
that is food," continued Dr. Wiley.
"By the study of food I do not
mean the traditional study of food,
or what your doctor tells. you, but
what the scientific dietitian tells you.
If we have that kind of advice we
will lay the foundations for that great
work of human uplift, so far as pro
longing human life is concerned,
which will mean so much to the
health and prosperity of the nation."
Fat. New Yorkers in Earnest Race to Reduce
New York. (Special Corropond
nice.) What is the most univerally
popular; topic of conversation today j!
ball? Kailroad ktrikei? The
eallier? None of thee, no matter
how vitally they affect the individual.
Ni. It's teducing. Take any gather
ing of women, some of them either
have reduced, are doing it now, or
ire going to in the near future
(which day may arrivj and may
not). At male gathering, too,
physical fitness is a large part of
their main interest in life.
.Therefore, knowing that no one
wants to be fat who i fat, and no
other wants to be fat who is leaning
in that direction, and knowing fur
thrr that outside of a small minority
with whom fat is an actual disease,
usually an affliction of the thyroid
glands, there is no need of people of
cither ex carrying about extra
weight which dofj nothing to im
prove their hralth and looks and
much to dispel both. Dr. Royal S.
C'opeland, - health- commissioner of
New York, and I have staged a vvar
on the obese goblin.
First Contest in Chicago, 4 -
It came about this wayi'LVvear
ago last spring Health Commissioner'
Dr, John Dill Robertson , and I
staged such a war in Chicago. He
took 25 women and I took 25 men
and for a mouth we carried on a
contest the result of which proved
that even in one month's time many,
many pounds, may be removed from
tne person ot- a number of people
wittt comparative .ease and extreme
comfort and joy to. the reduced one,
In case any donbtincr'Thomas who
reads this about the men being as in
tcrested as women in the abosorbing
work of remodeling overweighted
frames, let me say in that contest the
men came off victorious with a total
male loss of flesh of 268J4 pounds, as
agiinst 127H pounds loss among
the women, or an average loss per
male of 13 and a fraction, as against
1U and a traction pounds per woman.
Since that contest requests have
come to me. from all over for the
staging of another battle. Which
brought me to New York, where the
health commiss:oner has entered 50
women against 50 men under my di
rection and an extremely lively race
for honors and weight loss is prom
ised. I wanted to see if people in
the east were not as vitally interested
in this absorbing subject as those in
the west. I find they are, indeed.
Recruits Storm Office.
. Following the announcement with
request for recruits on both sides in
the Daily News of New York, the of'
fices set aside for registration were
mobbed with heavyweights register
ing around, oyer, and. above the W
mark. . ,
- Policemen had to. be called in to
quell what looked like a riot. It was
heartbreaking not tV be able to take
every applicant. They begged and
pleaded to enter, but even though we
had secured Philadelphia Jack
O'Brien's institute in the Madison
Garden, a huge place of its" kind, we
could not accommodate properly nor
give personal attention to more than
the 50 applicants on each side. ..
"I've simply got to get into this
class," pleaded a girl who would
have been a beauty but for her ex
cess 40 pounds. "I can't get a job
as a model any more."
Love Is Fading.
"I've KOt to jret in," said another.
"My husband is kicking all the time
about how fat I'm getting. I
weighed only 122 when I was mar
ried, and he doesn t love me ntce ne
used to." .
"A heavy fellow doesn't stand a
good chance at a job these days," a
247-pound male .urged in his own
cause. "I go looking and employers
tell me I can't work as well as a fel-
Tlane Travel Blamed for
Rapid Spread of Disease
Paris, Nov- 19. Rapid spread of
disease epidemics throughout En
rope, remarked since 1919, is attrib
uted to improvement " of airplane
The French Academy of Medicine
has recommended that a corps oj
sanitary inspectors be stat'oned to
examine travelers at all air ports,
especially those coming in oa ex
pressed from Poland and the east
Oyster-Toting Mare
Splashes Into Harbor
Baltimore, Nov. 19. Old Nell, the
oyster-totin horse and the pride ot
Yn'W street, walked into the harbor
at the Baltimore Canning company's
landing and was nearly drowned.
. She and her wagon were standing
on the dock near the oyster boat
Bertie, taking on a load. Jack Ander
son, her negro driver, who swears at
and by Nell and says she's the one
horse in Baltimore that can eat an
oyster without sprinkling hay all
over it, was putting the oysters on
the wagon.
Nell stepped out a little too far
(being too blind to know how far),
and first thing she knew she was
overboard and the wagon with her.
Nell trod water with all four ieet.
Paralysis knocked the oyster in
dustry cold as men came running to
fish Nellie out. Fifty men might
have pulled her out by the tail, but
she didn't have enough tail. So
they sent for the Society for the
Prevention of Cruelty to Animals,
shouting encouragingly at Nellie un
til those experts came and rescued
her. That night she had a straw
bed twice as thick as usual and a
doctor and a lot of prescription for
horse hooch. .
Girls in Knickerbockers
Almost Mobbed by Crowd
Atlantic City, Nov. 19. Two
young women, who sought to give
the board walk a thrill by appear
ing among the promenaders .in1
knickerbockers, were forced to call
an officer to escort them to a taxi
cab to escape being mobbed by the
amused crowd . that surround 'd
them. .
The knickerbockcr pair, wearing
long capes, removed their outer
wraps when they reached the cen
tral part of the boardwalk and im
mediately became the center of a
jam of humanity that crushed closer
and closer to them. Frightened, the
girls decided they had enough and
the gallant policeman acted as a buf
fer in getting them clear and down
a side street.
Institute of State Craft
Proposed to "Women's Body
Philadelphia, Nov. 19. An insti
tute of government '" or ' statecraft;
under the auspices of the National
Council of Women, wilt be proposed
to the convention of -the organiza
tion and endorsement asked for the
project, Mrs. Haviland H. Lund of
Washington announced.
Antoinette Donnelly registering recruits for the reducing contest between 50 fat men and 50 fat women.
(litres, or dewed fruits,
r.rnpefrult or. orange Juli-e.
low who-is lighter.. It's serious bus
iness with me."
Another man who tipped the beam
at 297 confided that his wife wasn t
the same old girl to htm since fie
took on all this weight.
And so it went, running the gamut
of reasons, some humorous, some
tragic, and all reasonable enough.
For after all you cannot plead much
in favor of obesity, can you?
Good Stunt Anywhere.
Now, if it is popular in New York
and Chicago, it is going to .be equal
ly so in your city; So, why not
get in the game with us. Why don't
you start a reducing contest of your
own? You can get a gym to work
in. Or, if you can't, have some meet
ing place and get an army man to
put you through drills daily say a
20-minute workout. Have a leader
on both sides, one who is interested
in seeing the thing go through and
who will carry it through to. a vic
torious finish. You haven't . any
idea the fun it is. Everybody who
is plump is good natured enough to
enter into the spirit of it. And the
good comes not only from the ac
tual daily exercise and diet, but it
lasts longer. You get into the ex
ercising habit, and consequently you
are pioneering an excellent . health
movement. The contest idea is best,
for any rivalry heightens interest in
a thing, as you know. If you can't
get, 25. women pitted against as many
men take 15 ot 10.
I'll start right in now to give ' youJ
some diets, so you will not lose any
time. If you re in earnest, you can
get' your physical director' right
away, or if you cannot get-one you
can do a certain amount of .exercisr
ing yourself daily say 10 minutes
morning and night.
MONDAY. ; ' ''
Apple, email orange, or one-half grape-
iruit. one or two eggs. Tnin
toast, dry. Coffee with
v apoonful hot milk.
Vejret&ble souo (no creamed soups).
Rye bread, - bran bread, or bran biscuit,
Lettuce and cottage cheese salad, or let
tuce and tomato salad; vinegar.
, dressing. .
Moderate helping of lean meat or' nonfat
poultry or fish.
Any bulky vegetable (as carrots, '-turnips.
leiiuce, caDDage. tomatoes, onions,
. spinach).
Fruit dessert grapefruit cocktail, or-
Radium, King of Cures
There are only two kinds of RA
DIUM, ' namely: RADIUM SUL
one sold directly to the sick, hav
ing in it Genuine RADIUM Metal
Element, so necessary to preserve
the power of Energy and to reach
the germ of deep seated, malignant
RADIUM SULPHATE cleans out disease
of Rheumatism, Kidney, Tuberculosis, Ap
pendicitis, Spine, Catarrh, Asthma, In
somnia, Eczema, Tumors, Ulcers, Nervous
ness, Pyorrhoea, Rectum,, Prostate, Pso
riasis, Cancers. Blood Poisoning of every
type, female affections, dropsy, hay fever,
heart, stomach, liver, bladder, neuralgia
and all other diseases that cause suffering,
and it rejuvenates the tired, worn, debili
tated people of all ages, strengthening
every organ ot the body and making them
feel twenty years younger I
We give a money back guarantee, if not
satisfied.' on tuberculosis and cancer, the
two most difficult of all to cure; all other
affections being easily cleaned out by it.
It is applied one hour each day. Every
phase of the two considered, it is a better
RADIUM than that discovered by Mine.
Curie. It has been proven in this city
that $15 worth of it will cure more and
severer diseases than J60.000 worth of
Mme. Curie's RADIUM discovery at their
respective selling prices; and it is a harm
less, nonsurgical cure for all operable
diseases. It does not waste; guaranteed
to retain its curative properties ten yean.
"You will Slot get beat this time." That
is our slogan, and it is as true as the
sun shines.
Write or call for literature. INTER
North Spring St. Loa Angeles, Cat.
Two lioll4 or codillcd ecus.
Bran muffin or one piece toasted rye
, . bread (without butter).
Coffee, black and unsweetened
Bowl clear soup. Three crackers.
Lettuce and tomato salad, with vinegar
dressing (no oil or mayonnaise).
Coffee or tea.
Lean roast beef or broiled steak.
One large helping spinach, asparagus,
cabbage or cauliflower.
Fruit salad or combination salad with
French dressing.
One piece rye bread, toasted.
Orange, one large.
Two soft boiled or poached eggs.
One thin slice rye bread,
i Black sugarless coffee,
One cup bouillon.
One soda cracker.
Ten stalks asparagus without butter.
One raw apple,
Raw oysters (four).
One slice lean roast beef.
One-half cup plain boiled string beans.
One medium tomato sliced, with vinegar,
salt and pepper.
One small slice Brie or Swiss cheese.
One small cracker.
Black sugarless coffee.
Stewed fruit of any kind.
Egg boiled or poached.
Bran bread toast without butter, y
. Coffee with hot skim milk. .
Clear tomato soup.
Cucumber and tomato salad with French
, , . , dressing.
1 I,.' Fruit unsweetened.
' , , -. Coffee or tea clear.
One serving of any lean meat.
; Carrots unbuttered, .
Lettuce salad. , '
Bran bread. '
Fruit. ' i : r
Coffee or tea clear. "
Stewed apricots or prunes without sugar
One poached egg on one thin slice
toasted gluten or rye bread.
One cup coffee with boiled milk and no
One cup bouillon.
One slice Swiss cheese.
One small slice rye bread.
Broiled halibut steak with lemon.
Cauliflower (plain), large serving.
Lettuce or water cress and egg salad with
. French dressing and very little oil.
One sliced orangp.
Black sugarless coffee.
Stewed penrs or prunes without sugar;
One small slice toasted gluten ,
' ' .or rye bread.
Ono. broiled lamb chop or one small cake,
broiled hsmhurger steak,
llluck sugarlcra coffee.
Stuffed egg salad (without mayonnaise).
Thro smnll crnckers or spinfrh.
with boiled or poached eggs,
Three Bmnll crackers.
Buttermilk or tea without cream or sugar.
One cup vegetable soup.
One medium slice lean roast beef, chicken,
or broiled steak.
Celery or olives or radishes.
Stewed or broiled tomatoes or boiled
. cabbage.
Baked apple.
Black sugarless coffee
or tea.
One oranre.
Two sjlces crisp bacon.
Ons soft boiled or poached eng.
small, thin slice toasted rye bread
(no butter).
Black, sugarless coffee. ,
Beef broth (fat skmmed off), one cupful.
Roast chicken, Moderate serving.
Cauliflower (plain).
Cold slaw with vinegar dressing.
Stewed raisins flavored with lemon
(no sugar).
- Clacft, sugarless coffee or .tea.
Waldorf salad (apple and celery chopped
together) with French dressing.
One brRn muffin.
Buttermilk or skimmed milk, one glass.
Bailey the Dentist
Established 1883
Painless Extraction of Teeth
Dr. R. W. Bailey
Dr. Bertram Willamson
Make Dentistry Easy for Yon
706 City Nat. Bk 16th and Hanie?
H. ij quickly relieved with
Laced Stocking
Open or Swollea Limbs
Varicose Veins
Laces-like legging.
A7( .'each, two
V7Sm forsama
. limb.
Call me- sand for meat
Bremen t Blank No. 35
Corliss Unb Spec, Co.
Chiropractic For Health
To you who are sick and ailing. Dr. Burhorn
says: "We have proven positively that re
sults can be obtained in ninety-five per cent of
the human ailments by taking Chiropractic
spinal adjustments."
Investigate our methods today if we can
not help you we will not accept your case.
Adjustments at the office are 12 for 410.00 cr
30 for $26.00. House calls made day or night.
Office equipped with private adjusting rooms
and complete X-Ray laboratory. Lady attend
ant. Fhone Douglas 6347.
Dr. Frank F. Burhorn
(Palmer School Graduate)
Corner 16th and Famam Street
Suite 416-26 Securities Building
00 Binds the
And Places a Beautiful
Columbia Graf onola
in your home
Christmas morning
together with the records you select
and buy. Call at once and make
.your selection. We will make im
mediate delivery or hold until Christ
mas. We save you $35 to $100.
Our Stock Is Complete
All Styles
$30 to $300 ,
Choice of beautiful mahogany,
walnut or oak finish. All sold v on
terms of $1.00 down and.the balance
on small weekly or monthly payments.
i " r i
ieJ n
Wa $125.00
Now $85.00
All the Latest Columbia Records
Out-of-town orders receive prompt attention and sent
postpaid on. orders of $5.00 or more. Write for catalog.
Dour- 123
-Boivens Value-Giving Stow
Special Furniture Purchase
by the H. It. H'j'vrn Co. make it possible for Hits htore to offer hijrh-trrade lMninf
Koont .Suites ami ui!d piccea. Heed and Fiber Furniture, as well s a moKt desirable
line of Draporie. Drapery Fabrics and Lace Curtaiii3 at lower prices than have be
fore been offered in yearn. . . ,
Thia immcna purchast?, consiMtinjr of five carloads," will be placed on sale Monday,
November LMsi, jnul we would tulviao thoBe who t;ro desirous of making a nubstantial
waving to be at the utore t their earliest convenience. The articles here listed will
make lastinp, useful and handsome Christmas Gifts, .
This Beautiful 8-Piece Period Dining Room Suite
consiiitiiis of CO-iiu'li Buffet, B4
Ini'h Extension Table and 6
t'holrd uith blue leittlirr t-rats, all.
in the popular Queen Anne de
fiiin end fininhrd in either Walnut
or Mtilmguny $102.50
The above ii a rood exampU of
tho Values to bo obtained at
Bowcii'r. In addition we arc of
ffiinp builds of tho same good
construction, but different In
wooiht, dpr.igns and finisher, at
81 68. S21.1. $255. 8275.
' Value-Givirn Offerings in
Dining Room Tables
This special purchase and offering
opens the way for you to have a
new dining: room table for the holi
days at little cost. Tables range
in size as follows: 42, 45, 48 and
B4 inches. The prices are equally
wide in range, but all are low.
$12.50, (16, $19.50 ana $22.50
Walnut Extension Tables
(48 and 54 inches)
Start your Walnut Suite while our
prices are so far below the
average. .
$27.50, $37.50, $48.50 and $59.50
Odd Diners
Tor your approval we offer many dozen odd din
ers in both Walnut and Mahogany, all periods
ninl styles. Each is substantially constructed
and the prices at which we are offering them
will be bywords for economy for many months
to come. In lots from one to six, - QC
at, euch '. tJIsIO
By coming to the Bowen store you
will be able to replace your old or
broken diners at a most economical
cost; in fact, we offer an immense
number of oak diners, all well made
and finished, at ;
$1.45, $1.75, $1.95
$2.25, $2.75, $4.50
Oak Buffets
Some folks prefer to buy their, furni
ture a few pieces at a time,' either
on account of spare arrangements in
the home, or for economy's sake. To
these folks we come with a presenta
tion of fumed oak and golden oak
buffets, Just the piece that is often
needed to complete the furnishing of
the dining room. A wide range of
economy-building prices prevail In this
showing at ?
$15.50, $18.50, $24.50
$36.50, $49.50
Tea Wagons
Those handy little mahogany
or walnut (glass covered) tea
wagons are so convenient,
either in serving guests at
afternoon affairs or in clearing
away the dishes after-the fam
ily's meal is over. Saves
dozens, of footsteps for the
busy . housewife. . Priced at
$18.50, $24.50, $32, $41
Jacobean Oak Buffets
Would you like to add .to the pieces
you have? Our Special Purchase
Sale brings . you the best buy of
many seasons.
Jacobean Oak Buffet
$37.50, $44, $55
The Finishing Touch In the Dining
Room a Buffet! Pick out a style '
and material to match the other pieces
and then note the prices.
$37.50, $48.50, $60
Reed and Fibre Furniture
You will be interested in our showing of Reed and Fiber Furniture, and,
as the demand is growing greater each year for this attractive, light and
useful furniture for the sun parlor and living room, why not buy now
when such economical prices prevail.
Settees in Reed and Fiber :
72-inch Settees, upholstered in Cretonne and finished In Ivory,
Gray or Frosted Brown. Settees of this character and finish
certainly add to the attractiveness and comfort of ' one's .
living room or sun parlor .35 and $45
Reed and Fiber
3-Piece Suites
in Ivory, Gray and Frosted
Brown. Cretonne upholster
ing. Substantially construct
ed and well finished, they
are amazing values at our
Special Purchase Sale prices
$5t $75. $85) SOS
Hi-Back Rockers
The comfy kind, finished in Ivory, Gray and Frosted Brown, with
colorful cretonne upholstering.- A large number are offered during
this, our Special Purchase Sale, at
$12.50. $15.50. $17.50. $19. $22.50
Reed and Wicker Rockers
The kind you just naturally pick out to sit in when entering a room.
Shown in all popular finishes and upholstered, as they are, in all the
popular fabrics, they are wonderful values at ar Special Purchase
Sale price of $10.50. $12. $14, $16
Attractive, Comfy Chaise Lounges
Finished in Frosted Brown and upholstered in heavy Cretonne (you can
buy pillows to match) are now offered at such value-giving
prices as ....$26. $30. $37.50. $45
Draperies and Curtain Fabrics
4,500 Yards Curtain Scrim In both checked and colored patterns,
suitable for kitchen and bathroom, per yard, only. .17
1,200 Yards Good Quality Marquisette and Voile Colors ' white,
cream and ecru, per yard, only , t.29
1,300 Yards Filet Marquisette Newest plain patterns; makes very
beautiful sheer curtains and suitable for any room; per yard, only 39
Filet Net All-Over Pattern With large lace shade effect; a compre
hensive showing of all styles; specially priced at,
per yard . . .29t and 452
New Tuscan Nets Which are now so very popular; plain and figured
patterns; regular $1.50 values; Special Purchase Sale price, yard 98
.Domestic and Imported Cretonne A very desirable showing in both
the dark and light effects; Special Purchase Sale price,
per yard 20 and up
Clipped Madras 30 and 36-inch clipped Madras
in Rose, Mulberry and Blue; large variety of color
combinations; priced as low per yard as....79(4
3,000 Yards Imported Cretonne $2 and $2.60
values; a most complete selection of patterns at
our Special Purchase Sale price of, per yard,
only 97i
1,700 Pair Marquisette and Voile Curtain Hem
stitched; hems trimmed with neat lace edges;
good selection of patterns, at, per yard.. $1,89
Filet Net Curtain Pretty all-over effects in
white, cream and ecru, per pair, only. ..$1,79
Others at $2.98, $3.98, $4.95 and up to
$7.95 per pair.
Frosted Brown and
Ivory Finished
with wicker shades, lined
with figured Cretonne,
317.50 $19.95 $23
Table Lamp Same
$p.50 $7.50 $9.50
225 Pair Rope Portiere In Blues, Greens, Tans
and Color Combinations; short and full lengths;
Per pair $6.75
800 Pairs Imported Swiss and Duchess Curtain
A most wonderful collection from which to make
a choice and a pattern for every taste; per pair,
up from $7.95
Velour Portiere Reversible and double-faced, in
all wanted colors; very special values at,
per pair $27.45
Extension Curtain Rods Adjusted to fit any size
window; sizes from 30-inch to 54-inch, complete
with fixtures for mounting, each.... 14
Special in Window Shade
Good quality oil finish, mount
ed on warranted steel spring
rollers, complete and ready to
36 inches by 6 feet. .69
36 inches by 7 feet. .79
A Complete Showing of Slip
Coyer Material in
-Howard St.. Between 15th and 16tk