THE BEE: OMAHA. SUNDAY. NOVEMIiEK 20. 1821. MM Favor axis Offered by Qiina Delegates lJjr . Nations Also Agree to IlinaYlO Point Japan'. Nayd'Slaml Big Que. j; tion of Arm Meet Vailiinc'too, Nov. - 19. (By The Hsijcialcd Pr$.) A. tatemrnt on Uhaii of Tupn on icvcral questions jitlalim'to tin far fast wai made at toiiy' sejjion of tVie conference tommittee on Pacific and far eastern affairs. It was arranged that a com plete puDiic statement wouio oe is Cued later through the State depart- JOMtii . : .- ' i l lie delegate were in session two heart and it was. announced would old another, meeting at, 4 p. m., onday. Another meeting of the American (conference wai called for 3 o'clock 7today by Secretary Hughes. Further , information from the technical com mittee on the naval limitation pro . cram was expected. j'. Friendly Attitude. - Baron Kato, who presented the apanese viewpoint, was said to ave' shown a tnenaiy attuuae to- " . : . . I -"1 . i - warartne ui nese crooosais ana 10 5 have indicated no material objection 'that Japan would have toward mak ing them a part. of. the proposed igreemerit cm far' eastern -and Pa cific problems.-.- . : - i ' T- The 10. proposals submitted Tliurs Jday by -the Chinese delegation, as Jtvas expected, formed the basis for jthe discussions at today's meeting and all of the delegations were un derstood to have expressed agree jmentj at least in principle with Chi- I, Big (Juestion of Meet ' The precise, attitude of Japan is becoming more and more the . big interrogation point of the arms con ference. When the delegates c-f the ,'fiine Nations assembled again today jto talk about the far east it was Ja jfoan ,to whom they looked for the iint i that would reveal just .what itrend is to be taken by the negotia Stions'.as they affect China. j? In the same way, and perhaps with f5n interest even more intense, the tT. naval experts of the powers were pondering Japan's request for an in crease in its proportionate navai strength, and were wondering whether it would raise a direct is sue with the United States by pro- noting material changes in the ratio fixed in the American plan. Interchanges with Tokio during the two-day recess of committee ses sions were naid to have provided the Japanese delegation with comprehen sive information as to the attitude of their uovernment but there was no .authoritative prediction of how far (hat attitude would be revealed at the preaent stage of the far east ern negotiations. Some of the Jap anese, delegates seemed, to feel it would b better to develop their pol icy point by point. , General Declaration. All the other national groups were ready to make a general declaration of their opinions, but among them there was apparently a feeling that since- China had presented a detailed "bill of rights" the next- word, be longed to Japan because she was the nation most interested. V , , The naval question remained meantime outside the realm". of ac tual negotiations with the experts of the five powers working independent ly to develop their national view points. But it was a live subject in the minds of delegates and technical advisers, all of whom attached great importance " to the announcement that -the--United States would stand determinedly against alteration of the basic ratio of her plan.- .. . . . , Way to Reduce. In the view of the American dele gation "the way to reduce is to re duce," scaling down directly from existing naval strength without favoring any nation in the. process. They insist that present proportion ate strength . is the only possible basis for the reduction, declaring that to open a debate on the subject of "national needs" and "national aspi rations" .rather than existing facts would make the negotiations an end less tangle of argument. So if Japan means to suggest a material change in the fundamental American principle, so that she will have a different ratio after reduction than 'before she', is certain to meet with determined opposition from the American delegation. This govern ment believes the present proportion is a proper one and the American naval advisers, at least, are coun selling that . if the ratio cannot be maintained by agreement, then it must be maintained by a continua tion of competitive building. British Labor Demands End to Anglo-Jap Pact Manifesto Issued Pledges Sup port to U. S. Naval Holiday Plan Asks Land Arms Also Be Reduced. London, Nov. 19.-(By The Asso ciated Tress.) A manifesto issued today by the labor party on behalf of the whole labor movement of Great Britain promises support of any steps that may be necessary to make the American proposals for naval armament reductions effective and calls for the extension of the proposals to all forms of armament. The text of the manifesto declares labor movement "welcomes and ac cepts whole heartedly the program of substantial and progressive reduc tions proposed by the United States at' the opening of the present con ference and will support any meas ures necessary on the side of Great Britain for giving effect to these proposals." . The' manifesto also calls for non renewal of the alliance between Great Britain and Japan. "British labor," it says, "recog nizes the existence of and the rea sons for the widespread hostility ir the United States against the con tinuance of the Anglo-Japanese al liance. i Under no circumstance could labor contemplate beini dragged injxi war with Ameri Labor holds that since both Japai and Great Britain arc members c the existing league of nations, th treaty of alliance should not be re newed." ' Omaha Druggists Nabbed ' On U. S. Theft Indictment James Forrest and C. J. Meany ' proprietors of a drug store at 4841 j South Twenty-fourth street, were in dieted by the federal grand jury,- last week, on the charge of receiving property stolen from interstate ship ments, it became known yesterday, ' when they were arrested by deputy marshals. . I Two cases of cigarets valued at ! $160 are mentioned in the indictment. Both gave cash bonds ot $I,UW eacn Officer Pays $15j000 For 22 Brown Hands; They're Full of Water New York, Nov. 19. When lie was told that he might drill a hole at any desired point and take a draught through a tub therefrom, James McLaughlin, former policeman, felt safe in paying $15,000 for 21 brown barrels selected from a great number in a warehouse in the Bronx. But yesterday he was the com plainant in the Morrisania. court against Ralph and Theodore Baird. who gave their occupations as sales man, and McLaughlin says that it is because they sold him 22 barrels filled with water. All of which brings to light a bootlegging con fidence scheme the police say. Bee Want Ads Produce Results. Boy Bandit Hiding Place Unearthed Trio of Boys, 12 Years Old, Tell of Cave, "Lookouts 'Inside Men' and 'Gang. Three 12-year-cJd boys told Judge Willi G. Sears iu juvenile court yesterday how they commit ted robberies, and had a regularly or ganized gang with duly appointed "inside men" and "lookouts," which operated from a ."bandit cave" ren dezvous. The trio, Willis Wisrnu.i; and Ed ward Jackson, 6101 Milit.'.ry avenue, and Paul Schuctzc, 60J7 Binney street, confessed that they brok into the general store of Giles Bros., 6101 Military avenue, last Friday and stoic $2. They were sentenced to walk to Rlverview home and remain there until further orders of the court. According to the Wiscinen lad, he "stood jiggers" bandit parlance for watching for police while the others crawled down a coal chute and opened a rear door. Then they divided the loot In the alley at the rear of the store. With some of the money the boy purchased flashlights and other ac cessories to a yeygman's outfit and some furnishings for, their cave in the Benson district. The lads admitted that they had participated in one or two other small robberies. The, piercing of women'a ears for the wearing of ear rings is a survival of the old heathen customs of mu tilating the body to please some god. WW'Wr'S"Si'Siiw PHONE ATLANTIC 3 000 Einstein Theory Will Be Explained Former Central High Profes sor to Give Lecture Tuesday. ' . r ai Nlll m The "A. B. C.V of the Einstein theory will be discussed by Nathan Bernstein, who will give a special lecture to the public at the Univer sity ,of Omaha gymnasium Tuesday morning at 11:30 o'clock. Bernstein, formerly professor of physics at Central High school, will lecture at the invitation of Glen Reeves, head of the university deaartmcnt ' oi physics. The Einstein theory is of great im portance to the student of physics or . . i 1 the man who wants a working sciriititic knowledge, according to HcniMon, beraue Einsteiu's un opular predictions have come true in connection with the solar eclipse of I'm. If the solar eclipse of lVJ.' occurs as the scientist predicts, ac cepted sciiMitilie fundamentals will be revolutionised. The idi a pf relativity and the Idea involved in the theorv of equivalence will be covered in Bernstein's .talk, Week's Bauk Clearings in Omaha Less Than Year Ago Bank clearings in Omaha for the week just ended were $17,071,107.93 less than for the same period a vear ago, according to the Nebraska Bank ers association. Clearings for the week totaled $3S,806,3J9.U, as against $52,877,447.08 last year. However, the last week's clearings surpassed inose or a wecK ago by more than $6,000,000. Last week's total wm $29,229,402.31. , - - 'll'lllliir'lll;'r:lnr'!i!t:'Ti!rl"l :an ':'rt'(it.f;;f't''Sitni't''t 'tMI -IPIl-tTltllraiil.i.-.i..,..,,.,,..,.,. Opening Toy DepartmenC Friday, November 25 'OKamtmmaaCa. SIXTEENTH AND HOWARD STREETS Openbig Toy Department Friday, November ' 25 'til 4d I,;.; PI Fqt Your Convenience, When Choosing Small .:jXlnas GiftSy Monday is One o) Owr ; " Annual Dollar Days The Last Day of Our Sale 2800 splendid gifts many not shown 'in the previous twO'days' selling One to eight pieces of China for One Dollar; Baskets for Waste, Shopping and Needlework; ' Pottery, .Glass and China Vases and Bowls; a few bronze Vthings: candle sticks; toys; Lac- quer things";Smoking Sets; Trays; Incense and Incense' Burners; in fact Gifts for every mem- , ber. of fyour family at just $ 00 EMfid 3lV Values up to $5.00, Please do not ask to sell before 9 A.M. ge Importing f 1313 Farnam Street - - Co II all i onu the . Best A'YV T'"' v '; S.W!HMaTl HURHIP COAL ,That Ever Came to Omaha-Regular Price $16.50Ton ' FOR ONE WEEK ONLY :Per;-v;":' Ton Smokeless, Sootless, not over 'a;. tub full, of ashes to. a " ; ton,' and will hold fire longer than any; coal we know of. . 'Now is your opportunity; to; fill that, empty bin. If you don't say. this is, the best burning coal you ever burned we will take it out and refund your money. . ... Phone Jackson 0725 . 24th and Oak Streets Queen Anne Dining Furniture This popular style is here shown in Jacobean or Golden Oak, pol ished. Prices constitute one of the many, splendid values in our dining room stock. 54-inch Queen Anne Buffet in Jacobean or Golden Oak. . . .48.00 48-inch Table that extends to 6 feet to match : . . .... .49.50 54-inch Table, that extends to 6 feet, to match. . . i 58.00 Chairs with full Spanish Leather slip seats of extra quality to match '. 9.75 Queen Anne Dining Suite In attractive American Walnut. The selected stock is just the right shade of brown and finished with a dull rub. The values are very special 50-inch Buffet, as pictured ...48.00. A splendid Golden; Oak Buffet with mirror top . . ; . . : . . . . . 45-inch Extension Table to match' . at ......... , 29.50 24.50 50-inch Buffet, without mirror 45-inch Table that extends to 6 feet, to match. China Closet to match Boxed Spanish Leather slip seat Chain) to match i 1 China Closet, Golden Oak, ,.- Very Special. .39.80 , 39.50 ,..33.00 ,.. 7.SO Boxed Saddle Seat Dining Chairs, Golden Oak. at. 33.50 3.75 1 ii r t i ' H ' rt-" - i scSv. . ." . Rug Portieres 37.50 57 Fine Quality Axminster Rugs in Oriental Patterns that will please you. These Rugs are slightly imperfect in weave, but the price is 20 less. You . will find them splendid values. 9x12 size . at ............ 200 Small : Axminster Rugs in good colorings that match the designs ? of ' the larger sizes. Due to a slight im perfection in weave, ' these Rugs were bought at a big reduction? , however, their wearing qualities are not af fected. . : Size 27x54 inches at. 3.75 3x63 inches at. .......... .5.50 Printed Linoleums in 20 patterns, including tile and matting effects, in light colors. These linoleums are all 6 feet wide, and. are mounted on a heavy burlap QA base that Insures excellent wear," per square yard. . . . ... , . . ... , . . 5UC of Armure, Damask and Velvet, in all desirable shades, in cluding Blue, Mulberry, Taupe, Rose and Brown, at ...... ... . . .... ". . .6.75, 8.50, 10.00, 15.00 and 30.00 Double Face Velour Portieres in any plain color combination, per pair . . . . ... .. . . . . i ; . .v. . . 5 ;43.75, 53J75 Couch Covers of Armure, Tapestry or Moquette. in pleasing .'; -..varieties, full size, from. . .6.75 to 27.50 : Exceptional Value in Moquette Couch Covers shown in Chi . . nese designs and colors, priced at, each. . ... . . .20.00 - Table Runners of Tapestries, Damasks and Velours, in sizes - to suit most any table, at prices from. . . ... .2.50 to 25.00: Warm Bedding ! V - Dainty Wool Nap Blankets with silk-bourid edges. .5.75 " Fine Wool Blankets, 70x80 inches, at. i. .10.00 and 11.50 ' , Attractive Wool Blankets at ...... 4 . . . . . . 7.50 and 8.75 Gift Shop Candle Stick in mahogany and walnut, excellent shapes, . .each ; .-; .....90e, 1.10, 1.75, 2.50 Bbudior Lamps and Shades Mahogany lamps, each. ..... .1.85 and 2.50 Silk Shades, each .2.00 Metal Bases complete with Shades.......... 7-50 Picture Frames iii mahogany, size 8x10 inches... .2.75 - ' Other finishes and styles, may be had. ' . " 'New arrivals in -Service Plates, 1 including Minton, Crown Staffordshire and Doulton patterns, make it possible to select excellent Christmas gifts Comforts, filled wth cotton, 72x84 inches,' ' ' at t . . . .3.85, 5.00, 6.00, Basement Department 7.00 m 7i 1. BO .......3.00 ......;3.95 ..5.95 ......7.20 .4.75 . . .......5.00 in .China. Trunks A Few. Floor Samples The celebrated Hartunn Cushion Top Wardrobe Trunk at unusual reductions from former prices: 55.00 will buy a Hartmann floor sample Trunk that formerly sold for 85.00. 47.50 will buy a Cushion Top Hartmann Wardrobe Trunk floor sample that formerly sold for 65.00. Others at 40.00, 42 50, 47.50, 50.00, 62.50, 75.00 and 80.00 Trunk Department Main Floor Round Aluminum Roaster, 12 inches in diameter, special. . . ; .-. ........ , Round Aluminum Roaster, extra heavy, 13 inches in diameter, special uval Aluminum Koaster, 15x9 inches, special UDiong wear-n.ver Aluminum Koaster, small size. Oblong 'Wear-Ever Aluminum Roaster, medium size Three-piece Carving Set, very special, at... Two-piece Bird Carving Set, very special..... ; . f ' . A complete and beautiful line of Carving' Sets."1 .-:';:tij . " Gas Ranges . Buy your Gas Range here. Save money and get the best values. . Seeing is believ ing we ask you to inspect these ". '- VV High Oven Gas Stove with 18xl8xl9-inch oven, special at. i . : . .. .. . , : . .1 . .47.00 High Oven, Gas Stove with 18xl8xl9-inch oyen, equipped with white , enameled , " doorand splashers, special at .". ... ....... 51-00 A complete line of Detroit Jewel Gas' Ranges up from. ................... .30.00 . . . The largest line of Gas Ranges in the city.' - ' Perfection Oil Heaters up from ...... ....-6.75 Coal Heaters up from 25.00 Detroit Jewel Hot Blast Heaters as low as . . . ..33.00 Very special prices on Climax Oak aid Round Oak Heaters: - ; , ! J 01 N OUR CHRI ST MAS CLUB $ ft Mill 1 00 Per Week Until December zo rut Any In Your Home for Christmas. $100 New Dining Furniture for Thaiiksgiying can surely be bought here to the very best possible advantage. A variety of styles, sizes, " . '.:. finishes and prices to meet requirements of every possible purchaser. And if you want , . - ' lu nun in uui uiu auivc iv ijJiy vu uic new uuc, wc u inaivc juu a lau auuwctiicc. 'Ti.- . V B ( After that re arrange Easy, Convenient Terms for Payment. , 1 Style 210 $150 Adam Brown or Red Mahogany and Fumed or Golden Oak, $150. Height, 45 inches; width, 19 . f inches; depth, 21 mcnes. lnm- Brnncvirirlr mines nickel-plated. Equipped fier. Single diaphragm Ultona. Brunswick double-spring motor, nickel-plated. Twelve-inch turn table. Automatic stop. Tone modi fier. Shelf filing system designed to accommodate albums. Adam Brown or Red Mahogany and Fumed or Golden Oak, 125 00 Height, 45 Vt inches; width, 19 inches; depth, 21 inches. Trim mings -nickel-plated. Equipped with all-wood, Oval Tone Ampli fier. Single diaphragm Ultona. Brunrwick double-spring motor, nickel-plated. Twelve-inch turn table. Automatic stop. Tone modi fier. Shelf filing ystm designed , to accommodate albums. Style 207 Brunswick $125 TV 9 ac nru hi j ft. ti in i. , j.a . i w a i n J r. . . ORCHARD, & 57ILHELM CO. ' ' ' " " i'ij