J 3. - - ? Famous TUB BEE: OMAHA. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 20. 1921. 7-15 Polish Star Reveals Loves and .Lives of Harem Wives Pola Negri Stars ! In "One Arabian Night" At Rialto liort Lytell I. Chief Attrao- ; tion at Sun Theater; Buck Jones and William Rus sell at Moon. 4 7 A romance of the harem amid the - gorgeous settings of Oriental gardens life among yeggmen dare-devil antics of the western plains, and a sweet tale of a little immigrant waif from Poland so reads a summary of the cinema attractions in Omaha this week. Probably the most interest ing spectacle promised is "One Arabian Night," fea turing Pola Negri, the Polish beauty, at the Rialto. theater all this week. Miss Negri won her fame in the cinema world ( in "Deception" and "Pas ''sion." j Bert Lytell will be starred in i "Ladyfingers," a story of a safe j cracker, at, the Sun theater for four i days beginning today. Buck Tones win De tne attraction at tne Moon theater the first four . days of this week in "Bar Nothin.' " Norma Talniadje will take the screen this week at the Strand theater in "The Wonderful Thing," part of which was filmed in Centerville, la. . ; "Arabian Nights." ''A' dream of Arabian Nights mag nificence' and romance brought to life.' . That, in a phrase, describes "One ' Arabian Night,", which opens today . at the Rialto theater. . Pola Negri is the star. - - .. The Madame du Barry of "Pas sion" and La Carmencita of "Gypsy Blood" takes the part in this picture of a wild, whirling, dancing .nymph of the desert, for love of whom men fight; In turn, herself loving with the ferocity, of the sandstorms that are her playmates. Here she is more , beautiful than Du Barry, more art ful than Xa Carmencita a composite exaltation of both and yet suggest ing neither. She has been endowed with a role more appealing than any in which she has ever been seen, and her talent as a dancer has been given free rein. ( In her dance before the sheik, in whose harem she is later installed as the favorite, wife, she performs gyrations which probably have never been equalled on the screen, for she formerly was a member of the fa- - t i : : ; 1 J. i a mous JVUIsSiail impend! uoiai, win." r V. f 'Produced the greatest dancers in the r worm. i Bert. Lytell Stars. ; "Ladyfingers," a photodrama Sealing with the career ot a safe cracker who is decidedly out of the ordinary run of such Individuals, is the latest Bert Lytell picture, which will be shown at the Sun theater for our days, beginning today. This Swiftly moving story of an acciden tal criminal is a Bayard Veiller pro duction for Metro, and it reflects that full dramatic quality which won Mr. Veiller, such a reputation in the theatrical world ty his "The Thir teenth: Chair," and "Within the Law.?. "' -' ' Mr. Lytell portrays the character f'the young man who,"-educated by a notorious crook as a safe breaker, visits the Jiome where he is being sought as til t he'1". and in ignorance of his relationship plans to -ply his calling,' resulting in many tense situ ations. Supporting Mr. Lytell are Ora pirew, Frank Elliott, Edythe Chapman,' DeWit Jellings and Stan ley Goethals. , f Hypnotism is the motive force in the 'story of "The Case, of Becky,'' which opensf on Thanksgiving day at the - Sun, .The heroine, played by Constance . Binney, becomes a wicked V' abnormality through the power of a villainous Hypnotist and is . saved through the same medium by ; a' kindly disposed -scientist. It is seldom, if ever, that hypno tism is seen as a favorable science on stage or screen.' Usually it is em ployed for nefarious ends, but in this picture it serves both purposes. Montague Love and Frank 'Mc Cormack appear as the rival hyp notists in "The Case of Becky." Norma Here Also. Once more Norma Talmadge has turned to a famous stage success for a motion picture production, for her latest picture, opening today at Jhe fef Lijfell-suN -Norma ttlddlfi - STRAND Strand theater, is "Th Wonderful Thing, which was t most success ful starring vehicle for Miss Jane Eagles on the stage. Miss Talmadge portrays the role of Jacqueline Hoggs, the part played in the stage vers. on by Miss taulcs. Jacqueline Boggs is the motherless daughter ot "the American Hog King." She has been reared and educated in a French convent, 'and on a visit to England she meets Donald Mannerby, the eldest son of an im poverished tnghsh aristocratic fam lly. Donald flirts with her, and "the wonderful thing" happens. She falls in love with him. A vital need for money makes Donald stifle his better feelings and take advantage of her love by marrying her. Only after several months, during which time Donald learns to love her sincerely, she learns of his motive and leaves him. The story comes to a happy ending, very cleverly worked out Mrs. Lydig Hoyt. one ' of the younger society matrons of Newport and New York, who recently turned iu pmurc Htung, as a rener irom the ennui of society, has the leading feminine role in support of Miss Tal madge. Harrison rord plays Don ald Mannerby . Features at Muse. Bert Lytell, Constance Binney, Alice Lake and May Allison all take important parts in making up the cinema program at the Muse theater this week. In "Ladyfingers," featuring Bert if Buck clows - MOON- "PoXaXQgVi -RIALTO Downtown Progruns Sun Today until Thursday, Bert Lytell in "Ladyfingers;" latter half of week, "The Case of Becky." Strand Norma Talmadge in "The Wonderful Thing." Rialto Pola Negri in."0ie Ara bian Night." Moon Today until Thursday, Buck Jones in "Bar Nothin';" latter half of week, William Russell in "The Lady from Longacre," impress Today tin til Thursday. "The Magic Cup;" latter half of week, "The Land of Hope." . . Muse today, "i-adyhngersr to morrow, Tuesday and Wednesday, The Marnaee of Wi ham Ashe:" Thursday, "The Case of Becky;" fnday and Saturday, "Over the Wire." Lytell at the Muse today, an in teresting tale is wound about - a yeggman who ends his little esca pades in life only when love en ters. . May Allison, takes the screen at the Muse tomorrow, Tuesday and Wednesday in "The Marriage of William Ashe." a pulsing drama of passion and politics. Thanksgiving day will find Con stance Binney on the screen at the Muse in "The Case of Becky," a tory of hypnotism, but not without a touch of fun. Alice Lake will be featured at the Muse next Friday and Saturday in "Over the Wire, a picture wherein a woman makes it her life work to ruin and humiliate the man she loves. A modern little city Cinderella is the heroine of "The Magic Cup,' Constance Binney's latest release which opens today at the Empress theater for four days. The Prince Charming in the case is a cub re porter, and they meet,, not at a ball, as in the old fairy story; but in the unromantic atmosphere of a hotel kitchen. ' The male lead oppo site Miss Binney is played by Vin cent Coleman. How the "other half lives, espec ially the half that came to America from some European country, is graphically shown in "The Land of Hope," in many scenes taken in the East Side tenement district, of New York City. In this play, Alice Brady, the star, has the role of a Polish immigrant girl who wins happiness in a strange land after many difficult experiences. "The Land of -Hope" opens on Thanksgiving day at the Empress. Ruth Renick plays opposite Buck Jones in his latest picture. "Bar Nothin," that comes to the Moon theater for four days beginning to day. According to a synopsis of the story. Buck Jones, as a hard-riding ranchman, has a hard time "making up" to the blonde heroine, but final ly captures herhcart, after exposing and punishing the suave villain. Among the thrills furnished by the star is a drop upon a speeding train, followed by a fierce fight in which both hero and villain fall from the train, while crossing a bridge, into the river below. Will'am Russell is to open at the Moon theater on Thanksgiving in his 1 1 1 1 X I V J.V MUSE- 1 Consfance Binney ZMPRZSS latest picture, "The Lady from Long acre." Mr. Russell, in this play, Rets so far from western ranch life as to enact the role of a democratic young lord who rescues a princess from a distasteful marriage. But he has no use for "hgh society." He calls himself Tony, and lives among democratic associates. Mr. Russell is always entertaining and his vehi cles interesting, and "The Lady from Longacre" will prove no exception. V 1 S - OV 'WF 't' f r J f j r- mm y W 3 -M . &- ' fl 1-: Safer r fSSSSm 1KW J X 1 4 IK v1 TODAV ALLVEEI mmmm r wmu m M m SijmpKonij Concert ; Today From 1 to 2 P.M. 40 Selected Artists on Stage Harry Brader Directing Louisa Jan.en Wyll.. Soprano Julius K. Johooon at th Organ Admiaiion prices for Symphony Concert, including performance of "One Arabian Night," SS cents. te fourDaOiay-Startiti(h Today DaysOiy 24th Fort VICTORIA "The Great Redeemer" Music Furnished by Real Orchestra 40th aa4 Hamiltea HAMILTON TODAY at 3:00 P. M. . ALICE LAKE And An Star Cast, in " Unchartered Seas " Also 2 REEL COMEDY Clip This Program J THIS WEEK TODAY (Sam aa San) Monday Tuesday Wednesday "Thi Marriage of William Ashe" Thursday Only CONSTANCE BINNEY In "CASE OF BECKY" Friday Saturday ALICE LAKE "OVER THE WIRE" Wm Today Only ' WW ai i 4' i k. ' mmm mmm mmm mi v. m I 'in a dramatic ( hcart-rippimi romance ojP. . a youn)' crook tuiiri roands as dePt as a. . - "WornaiOs and a hcari as shoui as a maiCs. II 2y Critics to be as good asf Alias Jimmy Valentine?. T1USIC WEEK - SPECIAL FEATURE Hu6o JbrditvLs SurCoxuzcrb OrcliStra Asristtd. Ac Ernest Jfordin. Sn Overture -TIHANDOT" jjjjjjjj) . it 1 I! f & Jf G3min(bTliur5day3Days Only 0 CONSTANCE "THE CASE VA BINNEY OF BECKY1 y yyX This Aiirachloru ai the MUSE Wf& Thureday-One Day Only m mil J!': . " wv mm 1 Excepting r HJ t- ' ' M si: H gf. ' : -: M 11 to 1:30, DXf QZ?QB' . which Wm JjS jf . m , include. W'iJP O jD Sr Symphony V (J j Concert. I lS"""? J J 1 THE DRAMA MAGNIFICENT cyfxc iab of tkc om itkb in ' tko lifo of tko bcaatiful dancer; the vild desert dancer, scoffer ab all mens love, y&b slave at last to -Iter om A more spirited talevas nefer uufoldea vith. a star that has captured tvo cxntinen"bs, "Vlto lives the atmospJuero ofa true Arabian, Nights tale Never itas she- appeared to a greater advahxtae-. yfl&o a CAristie Comedy Scretim ' "saving SISTER SUSIE yecrfurjzuf 2?oroJzy Dezore fjfesl risk fanmithtmp WtsfifflL