Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 20, 1921, WOMEN'S SECTION, Image 13

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II I r' V I
MUSIC is occupy itig a promi
nent, place on all club pro
grams this week in apprecia
tion Of Omaha's First Music Week,
which is being sponsored byjthc City
Concert club. ,
The political and social science
department of the Omaha Woman's
club will open its meeting with a
musical program Monday afternoon,
J:30 o'clock, at the V. W. C. A. Vo
cal' solos. "The Mighty Deep," by
Jude and "Rolling Down to Rio,"
by Kipling-German will be sung by
Ed F. Williams. Mrs. Hester Bron
son Copper, president of the City
Concert club, will speak on "The Val
ue of Music," and the Misses Mary
Reed and Gertrude Hislop will dance
the Highland Fling, accompanied by
Piper Major George McDougal.
Following the musical David Cole
will speak on "The Industrial and
Economic -Conditions in Europe,"
from personal observation during a
five-month tour abroad.
Mrs. T. II. Dumont, assistant lead
er4, will preside and Mrs. Draper
Smith will nave charge ot tnc pro
gram. D. A. R. Notes.
At the November meeting of the
Shelton chapter of the Daughters of
the American Revolution at the home
of the regent, Mrs. M. A. Hostctler,
the chapter, believing the study of
American history an incentive to pa
triotism, decided to award prizes to
the students of the eighth grade of
the Shelton schools as follows: -To
the "puipl making the best grade in
'American' history for - the present
school year, $3. and to the pupil mak
ing the second best grade, $2.
"The chief aim and object of a
D. A. R. organization is to promote
alt mrasnres that wilt tend to estab
lish more patriotic and loyal Amer
ican citizens, - said Mrs.- nosieuci
McFarlane Lecture.
Mrs. Ida Kruse McFarlane of the
University of Denver will give the
third of a scries of lectures on "New
Fiction and Drama." Saturday after
noon, 3 o'clock, at Orchard and Will-elm's
store. Mrs. McFarlane will
review "The Happy Warrior" and "If
Winter Comes." '
The remainder of Mrs. McFarlane s
talks will be given at Orchard and
Wilhelm's store instead of the First
Presbyterian church. - .
Benefit Musical S ;
Adah chapter, O. E. S.,' will give
a benefit musical for the Christmas
fund of the Old People's home in
Plattsmouth Tuesday evening, De
cember A at the Masonic temple,
South Side.
The- program will he given by
Irma Clow, harpist; Rudolph Hel
gren, baritone; Mrs. Lillian Faber,
violinist; an instrumental trio; Mrs.
Bertha Clarke Hughes reader; Mrs.
Grace Poole Steinberg, contralto,
and Hazel True, pianist.
" Ak-Sar-Ben Chapter Entertain?.
' Ak-Sar-Ben chapter, O. E. S., will
give a dinner for Mrs. Druscilla Mc
Cann, worthy matron, -and members
of Sarepta chapter of Arlington at
the Masonic temple Monday evening,
November 28, at 6 o'clock. Dinner
will be followed by initiatory work.
A meeting of Ak-Sar-Ben chapter
wilUbe held December 12 .at the
temple to arrange for a Christmas
dinner and entertainment .for mem
bers and their families, Wednesday
evening, December 21.
Rummage Sale.
. The women's clubs of the Second
district will hold a rummage sale
December 2 at Twenty-second and Q
streets. South Side. Mrs. L. M. Lord,
president of the district, is in charge
of the ariair.
Those having articles to donate arc
requested to call Mrs. Lord, Harney
0181, and articles will be called for.
Dundee Woman's Club.
The meeting of the Dundee Wom
an's club, scheduled for Wednesday,
November 2.?, has been postponed
until November 30, and will be held
in the auditorium of Burgess-Nash
Parliamentary Law Department
The meeting of the parliamentary
law department of the Omaha Wom
an's club will be omitted this week
owing to Thanksgiving day. Mrs.
A. L Fernald. leader.
Patriotic Order of Dots.
The Benevolent Patriotic Order
of Does will meet Friday afternoon,
2 o'clock, in the Elks club rooms.
Iniation will be followed by a musi
cal program and tea.
Dinner Party at Omaha Club.
Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Crofoot will
give a dinner Thursday .evening at
the Omaha club Covers w ill be laid
for 20 guests.
Women's Auxiliary of American
I--.... 1 t ' i AJ . " ' - J' vn ""ff
General Meeting
of South Omaha
Woman's Club
South Omaha' Woman's club, Mrs.
Samuel Shrigley, president, will hold
an open meeting Tuesday afternoon
at 2:30 o'clock, in Library hall, South
In recognition of Omaha's first
Music week a musical program will
be given. ' Piano selections will be
given by Mrs. John Haarmann;
dance numbers, Miss Dorothy Lord,
daughter of Mrs. L. M. Lord, presi
dent of the Second district. Nebraska
Federation of Women's Clubs; con
tralto solos, Mrs. Grace Poole Stein
berg, leader of the club music de
partment; violin selections, Mrs. Lil
lian Faber. . .
Members- arc privileged to invite
Social Settlement
The children of the Social Settle
ment will be entertained at a Thanks
giving party at the Settlement house,
Wednesday evening from 7 until 9
o'clock. The program will include
harp selections by Miss Irma Clow;
musical story, Miss Polly Robbins
and Miss Dorothy Sherman; vocal
solos, Mrs. Noel Wallace, and vio
lin numbers, Miss Dorothy Lustgar
tcn. Dougnuts and apples will be
served at the close of the program.
On Monday afternoon at 1 :30
o'clock there wilf be a mothers' party
at the Settlement house. The -pro
gram will include music and games. 4
rnday afternoon the (jiris re
serves will be entertained at the Set
tlement from 2 until 4 o'clock. There
will be games 'and refreshments.
The year's schedule of Settlement
clubs and classes is as .follows:
Monday: 'Games. Itlasen Marlon Ooad
and Marjorie Menold, leaders; music
class, 'Miss Iitictle Ely; cooking class,
Miss Mildred Prohaska; evening games.
Mrs. R. J. Killer; Boys' Gymnasium club,
V. J. Curran.
Tuesday: Games; music claiss Miss Clara
Swanberg; girl reserves, Miaa Helen Ove
ftreet; cooking class, Mr. P. A. t.yclc
evening gairjes, Miss A. M. Reynolds; IT.
B. L. P. club supper. Miss Sybl Sheldon;
followed by dramatic art, Miss Edna
Letovsky; Boys' Gymnasium club, W. J.
Wednesday: Games, Miss Polly Robbins;
music class, . Miss Genevieve Johnson;
cooking class. Miss Gladys Reddan; Eng
lish class. Miss Cornelia Scandrett; eve
ning games, Royal Q. B. C. club Bupper,
Miss Sarah Canfield; followed by dramatic
art, Mies Edna Ietovsky; Boys' -Gymnasium
club, W." J. Curran.
Thursday: Games, Misses Dorothy Cav
anaugh and Marion Welter; music,
Miss Lucile Ely; cooking class. Miss Bon
nie Jonesr sewing class, Mesdames R. S,
Trimble. Donald Adams, H. R. JTollmer,
O. C.. Willis, C. R. Cunningham, D. W.
Dremer, S. Hindman, P. K. Harlan, B.
M. Wellman. W. R. Ltbhart. and Misses
Eleanor Sprague, Esther Sprague, Edaa
Shepherd. Lenore Martin. Florence Taylor;
evening games, Mies Mart Ostronic; Girls'
Dramatic Art club. Miss Annetta Plzerj
English clatm. Miss Alma Peters.
Friday: Games; violin class, Joha
Reagan; library, Mrs, C. A. Stewart; eve
ning games. Mrs. M. M. livings; Boy
Scouts, M. M. Levlngs; Boys' Gymnasium
club. G. W. Jenkins; W. I. U I,, club
supper. Miss Gladys Shamp; followed by
dramatic art. Miss Rena Foxworthy.
Saturday: Music class, Miss Helen Corr,
Miss Clara Swanberg. Miss Lucile Kty;
sewing class. Miss Allie Houston, Mrs.
H. W. Johnson; evening, children's danc
ing. Miss Helen Overstreet; Social Danc
ing club, Miss Helen Overstreet.
Get Acquainted club.
The Get Acquainted club will meet
tonight at 7:30 at the First Unitari
an church. Dr. and Mrs. A. Jeffer
son will be host and hostess. There
will be games, followed by a pro
gram and community singing. The
program will include a reading by
Mrs. Camilla Elliott and music by
the Matheny orchestra. Strangers
and lonesome folk are welcome. The
club will give a dinner dance on
Thanksgiving day at 6 o'clock.
Phi Rho Sigma.
Phi Rho Sigma fraternity enter
tained at a house dance Saturday eve
ning. .
Things You'll Love
To Make
For Dotty to play with while hav
ing her hath, make a rubber-sponge j
kitty. With pair of scissors cut a j
red rubber sponge into the shape of j
a kitty.- Sew on shoe buttons for j
the eyes. With black wool stitch the
nose, mouth and whiskers. Tie a nar- j
row ribbon and bell around the neck.
Any little one would be deli-hted
to take a bath with a dear little rnb-ber-sponge
kitty. - . - '
(Copyright tr FwDllc Ledger Compaay.)
The woman's auxiliary of the
American Legion of Nebraska is a
growing organization. At present
there are 120 units in the state. A
campaign for new members will be
carried on in the near future.
Officers elected at the first state
convention held in Fremont, Septcnv.
her .30. arc: Mrs. Edgar B. Penney,
Fullerton, president; iIr. Robert G.
Y. W. C. A.
Sunday The Gipsy Smith Bible
circle for women and girls meets at
4 o'clock, central building. Members
are requested to bring Gipsy Smith
song books.
Monday Federation of Clubs meet
for supper at S:4S,' followed by in
dividual club program and classes in
bead and basketry work and Christ
mas gift-making, under 'the direction
of Mrs. Gene Phelps; interior decorat
ing, Hugh Lawson, instructor, and
sports class, for gymnastic and volley
balk under leadership of Miss Veriel
Black, rccreaton secretary.
Weekly Club Calendar
Younr Jndan Junior t'lul Sunday,
1:30 p. ni.. with Mies Sarah Fish, 3426
Charles street.
Old People' Home. Kontenelle Boule
vard Sunday, 3:30 p. m. Rev. C. F
Duehotm of Qrace Baptist church will be
the speaker. A program o muslo will
also be given.
Omaha Walking; Club Sunday, 3:30
p. m., from Junction of Roosevelt avenue
anil North Eighth street car line, Council
liluffs. to Fairmont park. Miss Margaret
KocblinK, leader,
lift Acquainted Club Sunday, 7:30 1.
ni. First Unitarian church, Turner boule
vard and Harney street Meetings are
nonsectarian and are open to all lonely
folk. Mis. raul K. Harlan, director.
Bishop Vincent Chautauqua Circle
Monday, 7:15 p. m., court house.
I-OBgfellow Chautauqua Monday, t.tO
p. m., Conant hotel. Mrs. Ella Connell,
Roosevelt Chautauqua Circle Monday.
7:30 p. m., with Mrs. F. A. Cressey, 4204
North Twenty-second .street. , .
Tennyson Chautauqua Circle Monday,
t o'clock luncheon followed by lesson at
2 p. m.. T. W. C. A. Mrs. William Bur
ton, leader. . ,
Delphian Study Circle Monday, 2:30 p.
m., y. W. C. A. Subject, "Media, Persia
and Venltia with Chronological Review of
Egypt nd Babylonia." Mrs, O. B. Child,
Lecture Series Monday,1 10:30 a. m.i
Blackstone hotel, Mrs Anthony French
Merrill of Chicago will give the third
of series of lectures on "New Books and
Plays," under auspices of Mrs. W E.
P. E. O Sisterhood. Chapter B. fi.
Monday, 2:30 p. m., Old People's Home,
fi3L'&, Fontenelle boulevard. Annual
Thanksgiving contributions to the home
will be made at this time. Mrs. B. R.
Vnnderllppe will have charge of the pro
gram and Miss Elisabeth Tracy will bo
Omaha College Club, Music - Section
Monday, 4 p. m., Burgess-Nash auditor
ium. Mrs. W. R. Coates, leader. Mrs
Henry Campbell will read a paper ion
"The Opera.'' This is the first subject
tnken up under the study of "Develop
ment of Monopoly." Violin numbers will
be given by Mrs. Ralph Bryant, accom
panied by Mrs. p. J. Trlbby.
Omaha Woman's Club, Political and
Social .Srtence Department Monday, 2:30
p. in,. T. W. C. A., Mrs. Draper Smith
will have charge of meeting. David Cole
will speak on "Industrial and Economic
Conditions in Europe" from personal ob
servation. Mrs. Hester Bronson Copper,
president of the City Concert club, will
speak on "The Value of Music Week."
The Misses Mary Reed and Gertrude His
lop will dance the highland fling, ac
companied by piper Kaj. George McDou
gal. Vocal solos will be given by B. F.
Williams. Mrs. J. H. . Dumant, acting
fieorge A. Custer Woman's Belief Corp
Tuesday, 2 p. m., Memorial hall, court
' Loomi Chautauqua -Clrcle Tuesday, 2
p. m., Y. W. C. A. Mrs. J.. W. RobertB,
American Literature Chautauqua Circle
Tuesday. 1:30 p. m. with Mrs. B. B.
Price, 2563 Evans street.
P. E. O. Sisterhood, Chapter B. r.
Tuesday, 2:30 p. m. with Mrs. H. M.
Wright. 4336 Cass street.
Ralston Woman' Club Tuesday, 8 P.
m.. Ralston Methodist Episcopal church.
Benefit program for fund for proposed
Ralston Library.
Drama League Tuesday, 4 p. m.,
Frandeis theater. Mme. Marie Lydia
Standish will give a program of medieval
ballads accompanied by music. . ,
Omaha Business Woman's Club Tues
day, 6:16 p. to., Y. W. C. A., dinner and
program. Dr. D. T. Qulglcy will speak
on "Radium and Its Therapeutic Uses."
Omaha Spanish Club Tuesday, 8 p. m.,
310 Patterson block. Seventeenth and Far
nam streets. All those Interested in the
study of Spanish are Invited to attend.
Extension Lecture Course (Americaniza
tion aid Civics) Tuesday, 4 . p. m.,
Duchesne college and Convent of the
Sacred Heart. Thirty-sixth and Burt
streets. Open to the public.
Omaha W. C. T. V. Tuesday. 2 p. m.,
Y. M. C. A., room 316. Educational meet
ing. David Cole will speak on "Condi
tions in Europe as Observed During Five
Of Finest Materials
AtPricesYou Cannot
Salei Room 1710 Douglas. Factory 1921 to 29 S.
Phona Atlantic 0120.
Legion Growing Organization
Simmons, Scoitsbluff, vice-president;
Mr.. V. S. Holmes, Hastings, sec
ond vice president; Mrs. Harry
R. Ball, Lincoln, secretary; Mrs.
Byrde O. Doyle, Long Pine, treas
urer; Mrs. Wilbcr F. Bryant, Mart-
ington, historian; Mrs. J. E. Baird,
t: i.. -. : i :.-.........
ionium, udumidi uviiiiiiiin.cvuuiiti.
The auxiliary is planning consid
erable work for Christmas, assisting
the disabled men in tlic hospitals.
"A'cdncsday-i-Xoon Bible talk from
12:15 to 1 p. m., central Y. W. C.
A, subject, 'His Birth Foretold."
Morris Girls' club, Thanksgiving din
ner party at South Side center at 5:30,
followed by gymnastic and volley
ball. Lohache club, Thanksgiving
party at Central association at 8 p. m.
Thursday Busy Circle club, thea
ter party.
Friday W. V. G. and 'V.tmasco
clubs, supper at 6:15 at ctiral asso
ciation, followed by singing, program
and volley ball.
Saturday Noon Bible'talk 12:15
to 1 p. m. at central building, with
study of Sunday school lesson for
following Sunday.
Months' Travel." Members are requested
to bring Gipsy Smith song book.
Omaha Woman' Club, Current Topics
Deportment Tuesday, i p. m.. Y. W. C.
A. Bible lesson. "Life of Paul," from
14th chapter of Acts; 2:30 p. m., general
discussion of disarmament meeting, cur
rent events and new books, Mary I.
Crelgh, leader.
South Omaha Woman's Club Tuesday,
2:30 p. m., Library hall. Opan meeting.
Musical program in recognition of Music
week, Mrs. John Haarmann, piano solos:
Dorothy Lord, dance numbers: Mrs. Lil
lian Faber, violinist and Mrs. Grace Poolo
Steinberg, contralto solos. Members may
Invite guests.
Omaha Woman' Club, Tublic Speak
ing Department. Tuesday, 10:15 a. zn
Burgess-Nash auditorium. Mrs. O. T.
Krlng, leader. Lesson, "Speech Outline
No. 12," Prof. Edwin Puis. Instructor.
The program will be given by Mesdame
John Oolden, Anson Blglow, Tinley
Combs, James Bone and Oscar Goodman.
France Wlllard W. C. T. C Wednes
day, 2:!0 p. m.. with Mrs. J. A. Palzell.
1123 South Thirty-second street.. Mis. T.
U. Kerscliner, leader.
Mercer Park Chautauqua Circle Wed
nesday. 9:45 a. m.. with Dr. Jennie Call
fas, 903 Mercer Pane boulevard. Mrs.
W, tT. Graham, leader. '
Hellenic Chautauqua Circle Wedne-
day, 1 o'clock luncheon. Prettiest Mile
club, Mrs. L. O. Moore, hostess. Lunch
eon will be followed by lesson.
Knnls Club Wednesday evening, Ft,
Mary Magdalcnes hall, Nineteenth and
Dodge streets. Social meeting All
strangers and lonely folk welcome.
Mn Sigma. Wednesday, 9:30 a. m., with
Mrs. I. Vv. Carpenter, 3636 Lafayette ave
nue. Mrs. George Thompson, leader. Miss
Kate McHugh will speak on "Barrle.
Omaha Woman' Club, Music Depart
ment. Wednesday. 2 p. m Y. W. C. A.
auditorium. Chorus rehearsal. Mrs.
Ward Shrafer, leader; Henry G. Cox. in
structor. Woman' Faculty Club. Nebraska 1'ni
Terslty College of Medicine Wednesday,
2:30 p.- m., with Dr. Jennie Callfas, 903
Mercer Park boulevard. Plans for Christ
mas at University hospital will be dis
cussed. At 4 p. m. women students of the
college will be entertained at tea. Mrs.
James Patton, assistant hostess.
American War Mothers, Omaha Chap
terFriday, 2 p. m., Burgess-Nash audi
torium. Clio Cluli Monday, 2:30 p. m., with
Mis. C. A. Powell, 4912 Davenport street.
Mrs. R. A. McEachron, leader. Subject,
"Chautauqua Reading Course." ,
J. F. W. Club Friday, 1 o'clock lun
cheon with Mrs. A. S. Billings, Jr., 427
North Thirty-eighth street. Mrs. N. V.
Fieler will have charge of the program.
Scottish Bite Woman' Club Friday, 2
P. m Scottish Rite Cathedral. Social
meeting. Mordames W. A. Smith ana
W. H. Sleeper will have charge of the
program. Each member may bring one
Lecture Series Friday. 4 p. m., Du
chesne college and convent of the Sacred
Heart, Thirty-sixth and Burt streets. Mrs.
Anthony French Merrill will give fourth
of series of lectures on "Reconstruction."
Open to the public.
Kpiscopal Church Woman's Auxiliary,
Omaha Branch Friday, 2:30 p. m., Trini
ty Cathedral parish house. All Saints
branch In charge of program. Mrs. Sam
uel Burns and Mrs. Clarke Colt will read
papers on "Liberia."
P. K. O. Sisterhood, Chapter M Satur
day afternoon with Mrs. Annie Jones, 2333
Deer Park boulevard. Educational meet
ing. Omaha Walking Club Saturday. 3 v.
m from the end of Albright car line over
Walking club trail to Wiley Point camp,
Lillian Gwin, leader.
1-ecture Series Saturday. 5 p. m.. Orch
ard & Wilhclm store, instead of First
Presbyterian church as scheduled. Mrs.
Ida Kruse McFarlane of the Denver uni
versity will review "The Happy Warrior"
and "If Winter Comes."
Omaha College Club. Drama Section
Saturday. 11 a. m., with Mrs. W. L. Pier
point, 436 North Thirty-eighth avenue.
"A Flitch of Bacon." by 8. H. Hinckley,
will bo presented under the leadership of
Miss Anne Johnston. Others in the csst
T.-ill be the Misses Olga Anderson. Zita
Kavangh, Florence Maher, Margaret
Smith and Emma Ellsworth.
and Workmanship
Afford to Overlook
I vrfffiW I
.1 .mil.
(Continued From rage One.)
girdle of silver. She wore some
splendid diamonds. Mrs. Marshall
Field was resplendent in silver bro
cade with diamonds every place they
could be worn.
In strange and strong contrast to
all this splendor was the diminutive
figure Of little -Mm. Sze, wife of
the minister from China, who wore
her native costume, of full dress. It
was a straight semi-full skirt, ankle
length, of soft gray brocaded crepe
with a finish about the bottom of
white silk braid in a tiny pattern.
Her "bodice" was a straight coat
shaped garment which fell . below
the hips, made of the gray crepe
and. finished with the white braid,
with high neck and narrow standing
collar, and long sleeves slightly bell
shaped at the wrists. Her only orna
ment was a narrow band of medium
size diamonds fitting close to her
forehead and tucked into the little
knot of shining black hair at the
back. Her head was innocent of
the slightest curl or ornament. .
Picturesque Figure.
Another picturesque figure was the
delegate from India, the Rt. Hon.
Stinivasa Sastri, a highly bred Brah
min who wore black broadcloth with
rather full trousers and rather ample
frock coat buttoned straight to the
neck and his broad white silk tur
ban, made of a large roll of ' soft
I j -
I clientele : Sm WjJ J
! HardM- r 4
a3V sh-,v fc.
n? r v'i
. , ;V:
white silk, ca his head. The dinner
guests, irrespective of age, rank or
strength entered the White llotife
through the south grounds, or back
yard, and mounted the rather trying
long flight of stairs to the main (jo or.
The dinner guests had their coffee
in the green room, that is tire ladies
did, and most of them were ' still
sipping it when the great line of re
ception guests began being present
ed. The President and Airs. Hard
ing stood in the blue parlor with
the Vice President' and Mrs. Cool
idge and the Secretary of State and
Mrs. Hughes receiving with them.
A buffet supper was served in the
state dining room at 11.
Monday night was an equity gala
night with the secretary of state
and Mrs. Hughes as hosts at a large
reception in the building of the Pan
American union in honor of the for
eign delegates. Arrangements there,
it must be said, were anything but
comfortable. The guests were 40
minutes upon the stairs, ettingroin
the main floor to the recption room,
where the two hosts received alone.
The delegates, whom the other
guests were asked to meet were scat
tered through the huge hall and few i
met them. Even the Japanese Prince
Tokugawa spent a rather lonely eve
ning, amid the dancing and the mer
riment of the young people who
knew each other. There were no
official introducers and no assistants
to the hosts.
Mrs. Harding had another one of
her large teas on Wednesday after
noon when she asked, the wives or
other hostesses of representatives in
congress to meet the cabinet hos
tesses., This was another step along
I the line of kimpt dying fr thi luy
Siiwon, the iiuitfr it the precision
Calling in the ull'u'iul Cirih. It was
an opportunity for the long lit f
lepresi'iiuiive' lnle!isc to inert tlie
wie of the cabinet circle. J'hi
rather new method of oilicial call
iK. mpRolcd and planned by Mrs.
Harding, was an attempt to make
things (jasiVr for everybody except
fur lirrarlf,
It has been decided by the cabinet
hoteses to remain at home one
Wednesday each mouth throughout
the oflicial seanm, "which this ear
will begin in JVceniber instead of in
January. So the bugbear of doing
away with cabinet days at home to
new disposed of. The only change
is that there will he fewer of the
them thn formerly.
Nebraslunt in Washington,
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard llurtz of
Omaha spent a short time in Wash
ington last week anil were enter-'
L'.ined at dinner by Commander and
Mrs. E. D. Stanley. Frank Har
lison was another visitor and was
also a guest of the Stanleys.
' ill la i i I 11
Rssorts (or Week Ending Saturday, November
flag. Min. Mean Max. M In. Mean
Long Bcarh 74 68 6 I Tasadrna 84 4 1 14
fcCSCi- . Jf
Located in the Colling Centra of the United Stale.
20 Golf Oubs within an hour by motor over splendid
boulevard. Delightful climate. Winter Golf all season.
Every other outdoor recreation and diversion. The
centre of Southern California' social activities. Only
10 mile from Los Angele. r3 miles from the sea
shore. Scenic mountain retreats: finest boulevards in
the world. Privileges of Pasadena Golf Club to all
guest. .
. Far Information, Address
California Hotel Company, Pasadena, California
J. B. Coulston, President
Combines all the Unctions and amusements
of th world's most celebrated resorts with the
advantaco of a high clsn residential and in
dustrial cltr. Fastest growing city in the
wmntrrPopulatioa 1W0, 2,i30; 1021, 75,000.
Only SO miles from Los Angeles. Ample hotel
and apartment accommodation at all prices.
Mild winter cllmtte. Writs for Interesting lit
erature regarding this "Wonder City."
L. W. BALLARD, ExseulUe Seerttary
Chamber el Com m tree. Less, Beach, California
Mii Jeanne Dunn of l ifini'iii,
Neli., armed lu re u I luirtiUv
1 1 1 f 1 1 1 1 1 ;i to nend an liulelinUc tin'c
with tit r sistir, Miss Billy Huiin. Ml
the homo of vrpri'eul dive and Mi,
M. t. Mclui-thlm ui Yoik. Me
Jeanne Hiiuu is a mukiciaii ol ability
(im appeareil in concert in M. I.oui
uhilv she was a student there, with
her sister.
Mrs, Dorothy Snyder Watn will
he heard at the piano tomorrow
afternoon at the musical which Mr.
John I ('aide, wife of the repre
sentative from Lima, (),, will give in
her Chevy Chae home. Mr. Cable
is not only a brilliant pianist, hut is
a cuiiii!mt of no mean nhililv. .
group of her songs have been' sun
by Mrs. Katph Barnard, one of
Washington's lending local singers,
at the Arts club and before the Fri
day Morning Music club, and hav;
xrouocd in mil admiration and en
thusiasm. Mrs. Watson is president
of the Rho Beta chapter of the Mil
I'hi Fpsilou sorority, which gave an
important concert here on Monday
night with, professional talent.
7 " i in"-' 3
1 Eight
if nrJiPi n
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