Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 19, 1921, Page 8, Image 8

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Grain Exchange
Gets One Reply to
Protest on Rates
Senator Hitchcock Saya Ho
Will Fight Rail Bill Until
HoaJ. PutI.CC. Order
Into Effect
The Omaha Grain exchange r
ctiveU yesterday one reply to tele
grams of protest tent to Washington
on Thursday in connection with the
action of the Association of Railway
Executive in oposinjr a reduction of
10 per tent in rate of farm products
for a period of six months.
Charles H. Wright, president of
tin grain exchange, addressed telu.
gram to Senator U. M. JlitcKeock
and G. W. Norris and to Cortgress
men A. W. Jefferis and C. V. Kcavis;
alto a telegram to the Interstate
Commerce commission at Washing
ton, Hitchcock Replies.
Senator Hitchcock's reply received
yesterday read! "The compromise
offer by the railroad i utterly Inaik.
quale and I do not believe it possible
that the Interstate Commerce com
mission will accept it. Aa toon as
the railroad funding bill is again be.
fore the senate, as it will be in a
few days, I shall offer my ontend.
rnent providing that it shall not go
into effect for the benefit of the rail
roads until and unless the order of
the Intertate Commerce commission
pf October 20 is put into effect by
the railroads. Ihere is no other
way in which I can so quickly bring
th issue before the country. It is
evident the railroads intend to tic
this matter up In court proceeding."
The telegram ent Thursday by
President Wright of the gram ex
change to the Interstate Commerce
commission stated that freight rates
on farm product were increased
practically 100 per cent since June,
19m, and added that the proposed 10
per cent reduction would atlmd the
farmer of this territory (cant relief.
This message also stated that inas
much a tariif were not filed In ac
cordance with the decision of the
commission, it is inferred that the
proposed 10 per cent reduction is
meant as a substitute for the order
of the commission in what is known
as the "western hay and grain case,"
Western States Active,
In this hay and grain cite, which
was brought before the commission
in the nanus of many western or
ganizations,, including Omaha, the
commission recommended that rates
on corn, oat and-other grains should
be reduced 21 V, per cent on Novem
ber 20 and that the rate on wheat
should be reduced approximately
M', per cent. - - .
Keprcscntativc of the grain ex
change added that railroad officials
indicated that they would file tariff
before the Interstate Commerce coin
mission in tim to have tin 10 per
Frank Cirian to Go to Trial
Monday ou Murder Charge
Fr.inW firlan. charcred with first
degree murder, will go to trial be
fore a jury in Judge i roup court
Monday morning. y
fit-tan la rharsed with the fatal
shootinpr of Toe Moran in "The Hole
111 IIIK IV ail, III w
Cirian home at Twenty-second and
Pierce streets.
The trial was delayed one week,
due to the illness of Ben Baker,
counsel for Cirian. Deputy County
Attorney Kay Coffey v,ill prosecute
the case.
Family Reunited -After
Many years
Reunion Held at Richlin
Home at Parent Arrivei
From Russia.
Joseph Richlin, 27W Caldwell
treet. greeted hi father, Simcl
Richlin, yesterday, for the first time
since the family wai separated in
Russia, 11 year ago.
The elder Richlin .arrived here
with his only daughter, Dora, 11,
Mrs. Richlin and three other daugh
ters were slain in Minsk Russia, by
invading forces during the war.
Joseph, Harry and Isaac Michlin,
brothers, were happy last night at
the Caldwell street home, where they
listened to the word of their father,
who related incident of the trying
days ince 1914.
Mr. Richlin, the father, I 58 years
old. He (aid that nearly all of -fal
kin were (lain during the wir, ,
Harvey St Firestone, Head of
Tiro Company, Visit Omaha
Harvey S. Firestone, president of
the Firestone Tire & Rubber com
pany of Akron, 0., waa an Omaha
visitor yesterday, arriving here from
Kansas City. He Is having a con
ference, with branch managers,
Mr. Firestone is of the opinion
that automobile and allied industries
are emerging from the after-war re
construction period successfully, and
are establishing a new and sound
foundation which soon will' return
them to a dividend-paying basis.
The census taken this year gave
continental France a population of
36,084,206 as compared with 38,
468,733 IP years ago.
Special for Saturday
Walker's Assorted Chocolates
Those who want to share In a mcst exceptional candy buy
should be here Saturday, All flavors, They are simply
- delicious, . Full pound boxes, $1.00 values, at
The Climax of Price Lowering Has Been
Attained in This
rfr ri
Hia QnD GGE) (3332013
w wiw'"wwwl
Just at the right moment we made bids for enormous quantities of merchan-
dta just a, few days prior to the contemplated railroad strike. Manufgc- ' -'j
turers were doubly anxious to unload regardless ' of losses they should sua
tain. : We bought a full $100,000 worth of this special priced merchandise.
Come Saturday. Oet your share of the money savings,
n Orl
Models to satisfy every taste. Suits and overcoats
for the young fellow who demands extreme styles
as well as conservative styles for the older men.
Values to $85 Offered in 5 Lots
M m
- 3S) s f
Choose from plain tailored Coats or gorgeously fur trimmed Coats
Choose from assortments wonderfully complete and choose these
Coats at the lowest prices of the past several years.
Bolivia Velours Plushes Normandies . Pom Pom Suedine
. Frost Glow Evora Yalama Kerseys
Involved Are Coats to $98.50
$14.95 $19.95 $24.50 $35.00
$39.75 $49.75
Buy Dresses at Lowest Prices of the Year
And buy them on the easiest credit terms possible. You'll
be astonished at the assortments, the beauty of styles
and the richness of fabrics. x
Canton Crepes Crepe de Chines Boushnere
Georgette Tricotines Velvets
Xs Ootf
9H 14 49H 24 29
Woman Badly Hurt
By Deputy's Machine
Tolice wtre notiAed yesterday for
tit first tim of an automobile acci
dent last Tuesday night which re
sulted in tin serious Injury of Mrs.
R. W, Fricse, 3101 Avcnua C
Sht it in Jennie Edmundson
Memorial hospital with a broken leg,
broken arm, cuts about tha head and
face and body bruises,
The car waa driven by Louie
Adolphsen, who hae been a deputy
in (he ollico of Sheriff Croenwcg for
several weeks. It ii reported that
after Ills car (truck the woman in
front of 505 South First street, he
railed a private ambulance and had
her taken to the hospital.
Mrs, Fricse was on her way to a
party at the First street address when
the accident occurred.
Policeman Loses
False Arrest Case
Jury, However. Recommends
That He Be Restored
To Duty.
A Jury In District Judge Staf
fer's court returned a f 1.150 verdict
yesterday against Fred H. l'eterson.
pgliceman, and also recommended
that he be retained on tha force.
Suit waa brought against l'eter
son and hi bondsman, the Lion
Bonding & Surety company, by
John S. McCann for false arrest and
assault last November.
The recommendation of tha Jury
read: ''We. tin jury, impanel. I and
sworn in the case of John S. Mc
Cann against Fred H. Tcterson, do
hereby petition the city council and
the chief of police of Omaha to re
turn Peterson to tha force and re
tain him on th force purely upon
In I merits,"
McCann testified that without any
provocation l'eterson placed him
under arrest, knocked several teeth
out of his mouth and lodged him in
jail for being intaxicatcd.
1 Peterson denied that he struck
McCann and that McCann was
drunk and swore at his wife ai he
passed a cigar store at Sixteenth and
lodga streets.
Pioneer Lyom Editor .
Dies After Short Illoeei
Lvons, Neb., Nov. 18. (Special.)
M. M. Warner, editor of the Lyons
Mirror-Sun for 31 years, died ot his
home. Mr. Warner had been in fail
ing health for six weeks but was on
duty until one week ago, when he
was striken with pneumonia. Mr,
Warner's wife died lajt March. He j
Is survived by one daughter, Mary,;
7, and two sisters, who reside In
South Dakota.
C of C. liureau to Compile
Manufacturing StatUlir
Questionnaires for the compilation
t-f tha manufacturing and Jobbing
output iu Omaha for lb hut year
are being mailed to wholesalers and
manufacturers in Omaha by tha
bureau of publicity of tha Chamber
of Commerce. Ibis Information is
being gathered (or .tatUtiral pur.
poses for tha 1921 manufacturing re.
port of the chamber,
Man, Indicted by Grand Jury
At Lincoln, Arrested Here
William A. Coutant. recent! In
dicted by the Lincoln federal grand
jury, was arrested in Omaha Friday
afternoon. He waa indicted on Ave
counts, charging use of the mails to
defraud.' He formerly was connected
with farm co-operative branches at
irviugton ana j'awnoe uty.
Th Iruli.'lmrnt nllfurt he rmrc.
sentcd himself to be a retired attor
ney from the ratt with funds from
rj.frrn ram lalitta lo iuvt, aad
further allrges ho represented him
self to be urbanising compauira. Mis
bund wkS set at JV-V
Real Dress
Saturday we, will offer 300
Women'a and Misses' Silk and
Cloth Drraaea, formerly aold Up
to 145.00, divided into two
Julius Orkin
I9U Douglas Strt
m .
Good Furniture Is Low Priced
and Plentiful at Hartman's
OUR low prices, due to quantity buying our liberal terma, and the courteous
treatment that we extend to eaoh and every visitor to our store, has made
it possible for ua to make more happy homes in Omaha than any other Institution.
If you have never purchased from us, and if yow will read this advertisement we
are sure we will see you in the store Saturday seeking a few of the bargains.
For Thanksgiving-Good Furniture
-Inch Table
Here's a bargain! This suite comprises 64
. Inch top table which extends to full six feet,
' and four sturdily constructed diners upholr
stered in genuine blue or Spanish leather.
Ask to See This Bargain !
Oblong Table and Four Chairs
: We cannot aay enough about the qunlity suite which we offer cpe
elal lor Saturday's stilling. We want to show it to yoy com in and
loofc t it yourieif, - ,
Rich Walnut Finish
Table la just as shown, with 45x60-inch
oblong top. Four genuine leather seated
chairs, ail for ,
In Popular Jacobean
This, too, with genuine Spanish leather
chairs and table with 45x6Q-inch tpp.
complete at
ifr a iHiiiiTiFMiaiSTTa nsX 1 R
II 1 T T II ! 1
Smoker 1
and' looso
metal 9 f
54-inch Period Biiffit
Quality "Rocf jord," Make
On of our better elan pieces or fnr.
nlture. All nulld Quartered oak
Just Illustrated Jacobean fln
lata. Hade )y tha Rackford Cabinet
shop. Insuring qual- .
Ity In every respect. )
tg value, opeciai.
o J
5-PiecesMIoldenOak !
Square Pedestal Tabh
r T)
A most attractive bargain offer! On essy
credit if you wish. Rich golden finish tabl
with square pedestal and platform base,
which extends to full 6 feet Four chairs
upholstered with durable brown Spanish
fabrlcold. Very special for Saturday.
This 3-Piece Duofold Suite!
Duoold, Chair and Rocker
There are just six of these ''Kroehler" suites, and there will be bt sit '
fortunate homes fa tie rayored wltn tms very unusuui
bargain. Fumed, golden pr mahogany finish frames,
with durable brown imitation spanisu learner upnm
. stery. Duofold opens up ta full size bed. Complete
Very handy
for home or
office. Fumed
.m Inches . ,
Jacobean Finish
Queen Anne Design
Kote particularly the uniquely hapd
Queen Ann design now so In vogue.
XV offer two styles, tba on with
tha full width drawer at top, and
the other with drawer at bottom.
jtoomy cnina coin, a 0 g
partment and draw- J MZ 1 10 J
era In center. A Vffsi7
The Everlasting
lust aa shown nickel
triiiimed. In blue or
stippled colors. Large
30-lnch baking oyen.
Regularly $168
Regularly Priced at fxas
?$ Yr. Guarantee
A Walnut Finish
Chif f orobe
Full Length Mirror
As illustrated. with
Oueen Anne legs and
full length mirror in
door, not panel as
shown in picture. Bar
gain offer
4 $75 Value
o o -
Or q
1 Card
! Table!
erette Top
y ou e an' t
mis tbls bar
gain. Leath
er e 1 1 top
measuring 2S
by tS Inches,
fold up as
Shawn her.
Big Reductions in Cane Suites!
Attractive Velour Upholstery
Now is you opportunity to buy a good living
room suit at a greatly reduced prioe. The
suites we offer Saturday several styles of
frames and coverings are real values. Includes
suites regularly priced as high as (29$. Only..
r i,
i I
i i
"3 .
Exclusive Disolav on 2nd Floor!
We ean truly boast of one of the finest rug departments in tha
Ity. Not limited stocks and rat terns, but stocks axtensiva enough
4n ha -1 1 rn 1 rt fmH m ,11 f 11 VfiliP V.ITT llkinST.
Met:! Sliding Top!
Just as shown here. Has the
sliding nickeloid work table
and convenient base arrange
ment so necessary
in the prepara
tion of a meal-Only
Buv Now
Later -
Open up to
loubl bud as
pictured. A
efrular a a a
value for Sat
urday ot
- 9x12 Seamless
' Wiltoa VelreU
Am excellent . quality
shown in new and de-
airabl de- A ,
. sign, with JQ 7C
linen fringe ft7 11
9x12 One-Piece
Bmsseli Eagi
Made of wool varna, a
al) X)lorInga a heavy
Jong-wear. -bp'cUU
only i?4s0
Values That Can't Be Duplicated!
Real stove bargains await you here! VV are exclusive agents In
Omaha for CoU'a Hot PUsts and other makes. It will pay you to
iuvcsii.i vit ivcs ueivrc Duying.
16-Inch Cole 'a
Hot Blast
18. Inch Nickel
Trimmed Heater
SIXTEENTH- Between Harney and Howard
Ha perfect hot blast
construction. We offer
this $4f value Saturday
at the very
low price
This heater has mica,
door and Is attractive
In appearances Ordla.
amy you
pay I0.
How .....
iiii.i imr mill lu.inaim iiiim niit'm " -'""'-""-"