( (Bomb Found at Masons' Meet in , . Iwrence, Mass. Infernal Machine Discovered On Stcpa of Slate Armory . Lighted Fns Extin-' .7 guiftbed by Rain. Lawrence. Man.. Nov. 18.-A . small bomb, the lighted fuse of , winch had fteen extinguished by the rain, was found last night on the otepi of the. it' attnury. where larae conclave of Masons were ecle 1ra.tirig commencement of work on a new temple. ' ', i Internrban Car Held Up. ' Pittthnrsh. Kov. 18. Five armed men held ud ami robbed a acore of t.uernrera and the crew xi a'Pittl Lurch nd Charleroi interurban car at TrooVliam Stoo. near I'ittsburah, J late la.t niht, obtaining $150 from l the conductor and cash and valuables from the passenccri,. accoming- to reports received by the police. The bandit. ; escaped in a touring car. quid-'of I'ennsylvania state police his been placed on the trail of the .- Woman Foila Yeffrmen. iN'ew - York, Nov... 18. Escaping from wire bonds with which she had hrm tied in a chair Mrs. L. D Grumpy, night clerk at the Central Club of Nurses, yesterday foiled five masked bandits who attempted t riflj. thm filth life. When confronted by four of the robbers, all with revolvers leveled at her head, she fainted, recovering to find herself bound to ner cnair. free drie hand. Releasing herseU sue rlimhed tliroueh an open window and went in search of a policeman, . When she returned with tue po liceman, the robber had , fled, Jeav- ing their safe-cracking jod nan aone. Stockholders. Approve Merger of Oil Firms KVn York. Nov. 18. Stockhold er. f the Union Oil company of Delaware, in special session yester day, unanimously approveu me pro posed merger of the company win the Royal Dutch Petroleum com pany, ever 800,000 shares being rep resented. . .... . Virtually al! properties -of the un ion Oil company are involved. These include Union Oil of California, Co lumbia Oil Producing company, Western Union. Oil, Dunlop Oil. United Western' Consolidated Oil and properties of the National Ex ploration company, Eddystone Oil corporation and the Union Oil com pany's interest in the Texas Oil company as represented by its hold ings of Central Petroleum. , . Scottish Rite Reunion v Closes With Banquet The November convocation of the Scottish Rite -Masons epded Thurs day night with a banquet in there ftrtorv rooms of the cathedral, Twentieth and Douglas streets, ?. ... 'The banquet was served by the i.,!h Rite Woman's club. Bishop ' toastmaster. Walter W. iieaa ana . Raymond G. Young were . other speakers. ' . 1 During the four days ot tne con vention, degrees from the fourth to the 32d were conferred on.' classes ranging, from 95 to..lr43 in the various bodies. Eight of Family Die When Home Collapses in Storm M Mena, Ark., Nov. 18. Eight mem bers of the family of R. EWeems at Wikcs, Ark., 28 miles soutfrof here, were killed last night when the Weems home collapsed dtinag a violent storm. Reports of the deaths, reached Mcna today when a call for eight coffins was received. All wires to Wickes are down, but it is understood little damage was done except on the Weems farm. 4 ' '"" 'WasKngfoiv Notes' By E. C. SNYDER. Wxahlngtoo CorTPXKuln Omaha Bk. Washington, Nov. 18.--The Rev. George Enewcll of.' Hastings,. Neb., paster of the FirSt -. Presbyterian church of that city, who has been representing Nebraska at the' recent Tresbyterian National Assembly at Atlantic City, was a -guest yester day of Congressman Andrews. Postmaster General Hays has dis continued the following, postoffices: i.omax, Custr..county,. mail to' Ed dy Ville ; ,r . ? ' : -V Tostmasters appointed: William L. Miller at Williamson, Luca9 county, Iowa, vice Charles L. Mil ler, resigned; Cyril Palmskey at Rescu, Saunders county,, Vice C. E. Sklenicka, resigned; Mrs. ,. Zella Echo at Hammond, Platte county, Wye. vice R. D. McDonald, de seased. Road Conditions Fnnlhd br Onaaba Ant Clnb.) Lincoln Highway, Et Roads llppry at Wl-aouri Valley and Denlaon; w either cloudy; detour eiitht mites -at Marahall town; roads rough Cedar Kapida and Bella Plainer road from DeWltt to Clin ton now open. Lincoln HlEhway, West Roads ood; Vttla ronfh In extreme wett-ra portion, floady at Grand Island. Ltctat snow at ather points. O. 1 D. Highway Light snow at most lnta; detour at Aahland; roads -good to Incoln and west; no detour except tor all miles between Imperial and Chane; adirise parties to Tenvar to follow tba Tola road from Holyoko to Sterling. Highland Cutoff Light snow, roads till good. S. T. A. Light snows, roads still good. Comhusker Highway Light saow, roada still rood. Omaha-Toreka Highway Light snsws. toads still good. Qeorge Washington Highway Slippery a Blair and Oakland; light snow; roas from Calhooa to Blair now completed. Black Rills Trail Light snow; roada nod to Norfolk. King of Trails. North Slippery at atla. Kins cf Trans, Boots riouy at natts- stooth; roads good; roach aoacAtrnlaoa: set oar still necessary between Loavenwsrta. and Kaaass City an account ot road work ta rregrssa. y - Itrrer to fUrar Head. Roads rood: weather- a-lottdyi' . 1 White Polo Bead Light anows: cea trortloa work. Anita to Adair. Stx-mlia Set wrr tgat out Of Caaey; fair ta IMS Motae. I a i, Short Line Roads good. Btne CriH Read Roads rood. ' i By RUBY AY RES. Caltaaa tnm sats4..) Later, when they were alone, sin slipped a hand through his arm "Geoffrey Foster won't come here any more now be knows you are home." ahe said." The Fortune Hunter glanced down at h.r.. ' . i ' ' "Geoffrey ' Foster," - he echoed varuely. His thought had been far enough away, and tt was only when h saw the color rise in her cheeks and the hurt expression of her eyes that he hantened to add:. I should hone he won't I" But or the moment he had quite forgotten that Foster was the-name mentioned by the landlord at the inn as the man who lyw wished ,to mar ry Anne. "It's impossible to go on," he told himself angrily. "Sooner or later I shall give tne came away, and it's not worth the rink. Why the devil can't I clear out now, before I get deeper into the mirer' But when Tommy proposed call ing the gardncr in to lend a hand in moving the boxes upstairs tue' i'or tune Hunter agreed readily and him. self unstrapped the knotted cords that hound tjjem. ' "Which box is the bear skin In? Tommv asked, i arid trsr Fortune Hunter frowned and rumpled his hair ....... ... in perplexity. '"Dashed if I know" he said. He had not the least intention of open ing the boxes, and would not have done so if he could, but for the moment it had seemed easier to yield than to argue with this boy's eager ness. . . P' "And now where are the keys?" Tommv ursred. ibe fortune nunter piungea a hand into his1 pocket;, he tried every pocket in his coat. "I must have, lost them." he said. The excuse was more "than . welcome, though to satisfy Tommy, he took off his coat and turned cverv Docket inside out. I hey re gone, ngnt enougn, ne said. "You probably dropped them yes. terday iwhkn you , went into I the river." Anne said. Don't look so tragic, lommy dear; we can soon get some more that will fit." But the boy's face had fallen again into its fretful, peevish lines. "Something always . happens to spoil my fun,' he complained. "Are you sure they're not downstairs in your room: : Quite sure. Tommv arrunted something inau dible and slipped away, and the For tune Hunter looked at Anne. "And now what do we do?' he asked, trying to speak naturally. He had a painful feeling that no matter who else he was successful in de ceiving, before long Anne would find him out. "Let's go out," she said. ' I want to talk to yon, and there are lots and lots of thing's I want you Jo tell me." .. They went down together into the garden. J "Not here I'm going to take you over to the island," she told him. She looked at him shyly. You know the island where I often usefl to write .my letters to you. Some how I never thought I should ever show it to you, John, though you were so sure. They untied the punt from the M Prepare for Thanksgiving by . taking advantage of the special -offerings we have arranged and mention belor,; ' The prices "have been lowered for this pre-Thanksgiving event. , v" ;-'v"r . -: . 1 - All Other Pyrex Ware Carving Sets Beautiful born handle. 3-plere earring, set, guaranteed. Very Special, $3.97 9m oar eonpleto stock ef qaal tty earring sets. Corn Poppers Hearr all steel Corn Popper. Excellent for cm orer gas ranges . . Special, Se Extra ir&rj win Cora Popper. Long' handle a strong ralue Special, 98c - Tilt; mooring at the bottom of the garden and puthed out imo the stream. "Do you know," the girl said, sud denly, 6 I've never seen Tommy so friendly with anyone as he has been with your The Fortune Hunter made a lit tie grimace. "Really! I ihould not have thought that he has shown mc any great mark ol favor. "Oh, but he has," she urged. "A a rule he won't speak to anyone. He used to hate all my any men who came here. ' "Your would-be lovers you mean,' he interpokcd ruthlessly. She leaned over and laid her hand on his. "You need not be jealous; there was never anyone there never has been exceDt vou. He caught her fingers and held them. "Some day you'll realize that I'm She laughed. "Shall I? I haven't realized it during the last 10 years anvway. ' "And I suppose everyone did their best to set you against nte," he said bitterly. "They all said I was a rot ternot fit to breath the same air with you." "Indeed they did not I They nevet dared say one single word not that it would have mattered whatever they had said." . I dare say they thought the more. She moved, coming to sit beside him at the end of the punt, letting it drilt with the stream. You know. John." she said Quiet ly, I think I must be a very paiaful ly faithful sort of a woman, because even right from the very first there never has been a single moment when you. ..." . .. ies," he prompted gently as she paused. Mie laughed rather shakily, turning her face away. 'Its you. who ought to be saying these things to me," she said with a little harsh note in her voice. He put his arm round her, draw. incr her close to him. ' " II I don t say them, if I. can t put what I leel into words, he said des perately, "its because I because I because I feci how unworthy I am. its because i . He iet her go abruptly. "Some day," he said, "you will realize that I'm not worth lov ing. There was a little silence. "Why do you say that?" she 'asked slowly. "You've said it , several times since since you came back." "Have I? Because it's always in my thoughts perhaps, Anne. Suppos- ng i a never we d never met again after all? Supposing something had happened. , I might have died like that poor, devil they found in the-l woods last night." She shivered. uon t. i hate to hear you say things like that. I was always think ing them myself dreading them when you.; were were away! I used to lie awake at night and imagine a!L .manner of frightful things. At first I thought you would die in in "Prison." the Fortune Hunter add ed grimly as she faltered and stopped. She nodded. "Yes it used to turn me cold with Ifear. Supposing never saw you again. . I used to get up -and w'alk about the room tor tours, afraid to go to sleep because ESTABLISHED 188S ILTON ROGERS IV AND SONS COMPANY ANisqiviNQ Specials Pyrex Glass Ovenware Reduced! )-Qt Covered. Casserole, egular $2.50, special S1.88 Plates, , regular 90c; special 68t$ Bread Pans,'-regular $1.00; special 75 Biscuit Pans, regular $1.25; . special .. 94 Ramlkins, regular 20c; special 15t ' Custard Cups, regular. 15c, special .'...lit Radically Reduced . Paring Knives Highest - quality , paring knife, aluminum handle, stainless steel blade. " Special, 39c Nut Bowls ' Crackers Picks Cracker and 6 Picks, -Set,37o . " , Mahogany Bowl, 6 Picks, Special, $1.98 - BEE: OMAHA, - SATURDAY. NOVEMBER IS), 1921. it I did I always dreamt about you and you always looked oh, I don know." She hid her face. - The Fortune Hunter sat very stilt, Us elbows on his knees, and his chin resting on his clenched hands. He had no right to listen, he knew, "Anrthen." she went on present ly, in a muffled voice, "when hea ft was over and you went away abroad without coming to see me 1 thousrht that would have killed me, If it hadn't been for Uncle Clem I believe 1 should have died. He was so good. Ht made me see that you had .done the only honorable thing by going away like that, and givini m ,rl mr, , rkanir mv mind ' She lauched brokenly. "I didn't eVia par. vou lee. dear." The Fortune Hunter- stared straight ahead of him down the river, which lay sparkling in the morning sunlight. "And if I i had come straiaht back?" he. asked uncertainly, She tlionlf her' head. "I don't know." She drew a long siifh. : "It seems such ages and ages ago now." "Ten years is a long time.' "Yes." They were both silent for a littl and then she said: "John, there is omethinir I want to'ask you some thinar I never have asked you I never even mentioned in my letter. but I always-meant if you ever came back that I would ask you, Not because 1 don't trust you, not because I ever thought though what other people said was true, but just oecause i must near you say voitrself." '. "Well, what is itr me fortune Hunter's voice was a little hard an defiant, and she laid a hand quickly on his arm. He smiled ruciauy avoidmar her nleading eyes. "I know what you want to ask was I was I guilty? he said gently, She nodded, her face quivering. The Fortune Hunter laid a han on either of her shoulders, looking steadily into her eyes. I swear by by my love tor you that I was not guilty, he said. Well never speak ot it again, she said proudly. "I knew all the time in my heart I knew." she laughed and stood up. Now I'm going back to my own seat,' she said, "and we'll go over to the island. . Uh, look! I here s uncle waving to us from the bank." she waved back. I suooose we had better see what he wants." (Continued In The Dally Sea Monday jnonuna;.) General Diaz Invited to Omaha by Italians Here Geni Armando Diaz, chief of the Italian army and representative of Italy at the disarmament conference, has been invited to visit Omaha by the uiovanni Amegiio and Cristo forO Colombo societies. In ac cordance with action taken by the societies at a special meeting Thurs day, night a telegram of invitation was sent to General . Diaz by the presidents of the societies and . S Salerno. Sixty Drue Suspects to Be Arraigned November 26 Sixty men and women, charged with violation ot the narcotic raws) and now out on bond awaiting trial, will be arraigned in federal- court the morning of November 26. Bee Want Ads Produce Result. Roasters In a Sale Special !-. Turkey size, oval ' ' Savory'' ' t roaster, all steel, reduced ' Special, $1.88 Lisk All Enameled Roasters "With Inside Tray. $3.00 Up Wear-Ever Aluminum Roasters f $5.95, $7.20, $8.20 Food Choppers Genuine Russian food choppers. They open up to clean. Reduced. Small Sire, special ....$1.B9 Medium Sixe, special.. .$1.9? Large Size, special..... $253 Aluminum Moulds A Thanksgiving Necessity Individual 8ixe, special.. 7c Larger Sue... 20c, 25c, 35c Attorney Made Receiver for . Basket Stores Million Dollar Concern Op erating 53 Store Goes . Bankrupt Business To Be Continued. The Basket, Stores company, $1,000,000 concern, went Ino invol untary bankruptcy yesterday on ac tion bcRtin by creditors in federal court. V. L Randall, attorney, was named as receiver by Judge Wood rouRh. The failure affects a chain of 53 provisions stores , throughout Ne braska and Iowa. Twenty-three are in Omaha. Walter D. Williams is president and treasurer; J. L. King, vice presi dent; Eugene 1'hillipJ, secretary, and F. C. Thayer, superintendent. Keep Stores Open. Stores will be kept open and the business continued as usual, the re ceiver announced. . Recent failure of the Co-Operative Association of Illinois, a powerful financial company upon whom the Basket stores relied for backing, brought about the present em harass ment, according: to Clinton Brome, attorney for creditors. : The largest creditors mentioned in the petition was Carpenter Paper company of Omaha, with a bill of $2,200. ' Acts of preference in making large payments to the Groneweg & Schocntgen wholesale grocery house of Council Bluffs, and to a Chicago house, are charged. W. J. Coad. Omaha capitalist, at one time a large stockholder, has not been connected with ths com. pany for three or four years, accord ing to Vice President King. The latter estimated the company's capi talization as close to $1,IMJ,U0U. Casualties Among Deer Hunters Already Heavy Madison. Wis.. Nov. 18. Although, the deer season was only live days old today, the toll of casualties among hunters was already high, Yesterday and today in the Wiscon sin and upper Michigan woods, four hunters were accidentally shot . to death, and another one was seriously wounded. Two of the victims were mistaken for deer and a third for a bear. Every Used Must Go Mi MACHINES that have been Rented. FLOOR SAMPLES. MACHINES that have been used in windows. MACHINES that have been Rebuilt. Now Is Youf , Chance i to. Buy a Wonderful BARGAIN Buy Now and Save Money MickeFs 15th and Harney Streets ' Real Dress Bargains Satawday we will offer 300 Women's and Misses' Silk and Cloth Dresses, formerly sold up to 145.00, : divided into two groups , . $17.95 $24.75 Julius Orkin 1512 DeagUa Street Railroads Promise Further Reductions VII Wage Cut Is Allowed New Y6tk, Nov. 18-i-Ofnmls ol the Allocation of Railway Lxecu. tives ,anlouneed Jt ' night thai further freight rate - reductions amounting to $-100,000,000 would be put into effect in the even the rail way labor board accedes to the re quests of' the roads for a , lower wage scafe. , This statement was made after an analysis' had been , made of the figures, set forth in Wednesday's nounccment that a 10 per cent re duction in rates cat all farm products would be put into effect immediately. This reduction docs not apply on produce', moving within New Lng land. i . As a result of this 10 per cent cut, shippers, jt. is stated, will save $55, 000,000 annually and this deducted from the SJ55,0O0,OOO that the-roadi expect to save through v.;tge reduc tions, will leave $300,000,000 that the carriers promise to give-the public in lower rates. . City Editor of New York Sun Under Charles Dana'' Dies ' New York! Nov.' 18." John B. Bo- gart, 78, formerly city editor of the New, orkt Sun , under . .Lharles A. Dana,' died yesterday. . , Mr. Boffart. who was known as one of the ; foremost", journalists-, of the country, succumbed to an attack of diabetes. . . . . . , . ' Bandits -.Kill- Aged Wonian Grecnsburir. Pa., Nov. 18 Mrs. Allen Braithawitr, 72,'was killed and her aged husband beaten by robbers who entered their farm home, two miles from here, yesterday. The men escaped after; robbing the house. Five Reasons Why We Undersell - lIe,ITl,,c 8rouni nor rentals do not hare to be met every month here, 2 Selling for rash means no credit losses which othm most par for. 5 Sf y,?8V ,or ?h means ecnrin8 best possible rallies Id the market. The interest on Inrestmcnt for expensive fixtures Is not added to Barker Clottes 1'e maintain no expensive delfTery srstem. . ThinkTt over, men. Then come in Saturday and see what these business methods mean to you in actual money savings. MandJ Take Second Floor Securities ; i Officers Have Narrow Escape From Drowning Boat Containing Omaha and State Sleuths Capsize in V Plattt) Men ' Rescued - With Difficulty. State Sheriff Cus Hyers. Deputy Sheriff Charles Johnson of Omaha and State Officers Toland and Moore had a narrow escape from drowning in' the I'latte river in the northwest section' of ' Douglas county late Thursday afternoon when the boat capsized. . . . The four men were swept down the river: ';)Iycrs and Toland final ly fornd- footinsr on a sand bar, but invf JohnSon and Hyers swept farth er down'thc stream. Toland shot five shot from his' revolver, attract ins' to the scene Deputy Sheriffs Halter and lloye and State. Officer Herring, who were half a mile down flier rive. , , ' i ' By .this time Johnson and Moore had caught hold of a snag, but were nearly t exhausted , from . exposure. Halter, .Hoye and Herring,, with the assistance of -Arthur Cord and Wil liam Cord, jr., farmers,, rescued the officers. . They were taken to the Cord home, and put to. bed while their clothing was dried. . , Johnson was confined to his home yesterday. ' Moore was reported sick in bed at his home in Lincoln... - South. African mines yielded more than IMOp.OOO tons of coal last year, an increase from 1919 of more than l.:00,000 tons. Americans Finest Assembled from the choicest productions of more than twenty of the -'country's foremost clothes builders. . . . : Such a field for choosing is argument enouerh to send everv thinking Clothes Buyer to Bar ker's. But behind these vast as sortments are the most pro nounced values in Omaha. . The Greatest Possible Measure of Values in These Hand Tailored Suits and Overcoats at 4i Wo urge the closest comparison of these values, these styles.. . It matters . not how ' you are built, you can be fitted here. the Elevator and Save at Least $10 Building. PlatUtiioulh Bible Class Holds Is Annual Banqurt riatt.moutli, , Neb., Nov, 18.- (Special.) The' . eleventh annual banqurt of the Young Men's Dibit) clan of the Methodist-Episcopal church was Ik Id lait night. One hundred and 'seventy-five were in attendance. I lines of former Mayor Ed 1'. Smith of Omaha prevented his being present to make the prin. ripal speech of the trening, and in his stead Dr. John P. Toucher of Omaha was secured, Songs by the Y. M, C. A. quartet o! Omaha wers among the entertainment features. Safe Milk ForlnfiaU A Innfids NOCOOBMO .Th "Food-Drink" for AU Aaea. Quick Lunch atHome,Office,ao4 Fountains. A$k for HONJOCS. J8AYoid Imitations t Sabs titatea jMIM fill PIANOS 11 TtlNS-.ll Ann tfcsaT SIEFAIKKII ill TVo-a; Gii!rrt4 A. Hotpe Co. SSU Daattas. Tat BaM. SStt 16th and Famam Sts. 1 Cl"t?' ' 11 Cti" ip'. ', i'-i .?,-'!:: v'v.vv 5.'".t".,5 -fr ,r'i' n 8tret Head Light .anowi; goad ax-J -p ceiour seas MeTia,