Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 19, 1921, Page 5, Image 5

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nt Monday nlKht' dinner and
muting- of the Advertielng-Srllina'
IniRuea "Thaukaiclvlna; featlval" at
(he Hotel Fontenell".
CuiMulnr Club Ki.rmdl Cnneula
of aevrn imtlnne orKamted tlta Con
milar club of Omaha at a meeting
r.eld yeaterday at the Unlvrity
club. J'eler KJuuUt. cotwul for
ijvvedrn, We elected prealdent, An
tonio Venuto, naul for Jtaly, vice
president, and Htanley Serpen, run
aul (or Caecho-HlovakU. eecrelary.
Kiirrd I'aU Car -Mre.- A. C.
Htokea. wife til lr, A. f. Htokea,
4724 Uavenport etrerl, waa finid
fl.60 by Judge Wepplrh In police
court ynterday for drlvln hr auto
mobile pnt a etnndtna- aired car at
Twenty-ninth and rainam at m l.
CIui rijo DlNmlMKNl Mr. A. Nil
tent, owner of the Harney luitltute.
U0 Ilirnry etreet. who fined
ISO by I'oUi'o JtnUe Foster Aug-uat
II. waa tiultted by Judge
Troup In dlairliit court yeetorday.
Hit. waa tltuard with operating- tin
III t-uverntd huuae.
KlnkMld Kllce I'rotct A.
M.tthewa. eeirvtnry of the Omaha
lluy ti'hange, received word yea-t'-riluy
from Oonareaaman Maee I'.
KtukulJ In Washington that he bud
filed written protest ncalnxt any
modinVatlon of the propoaed rciluc.
(Ion of rallwny rata on hay by the
liiteratata Commrrra rotumion.
i:plaliu .Mitiiiib'i'r hytiti-iu 'K. A.
Kemmtan. city manager of Alllitrtre,
who hue been attendimt tho mMltmttl
convention for city iiiun.i:;ei', ex
plained the ayatem of city govern
ment by the manager 5tm to the
membera of the Ktwaula club yea
terdiiy. found nearly dead from na aaph el
ation at US North Nineteenth at net
yuaterday ntoriilna. He waa taken
to Kenger hotipltal, where It la re
ported, ha la very low.
Territory Kklt'iHltnt Importance
of Omaha aa a conaular renter waa
lucrenaed yeaterday when the terri
tory under the Jurladlctlon of Btan
ley 8rpan, Cxecho-Blovaklan con
aul, waa extended to Include aevun
mre weatein atataa and tht terrl
lurl.a of ll.tuitll and Alaaka. '
Wnnta l Takn t'urv llruca
Woodward, for l yrara a dnif ad
dict, plended yrateiilny With Ji
Muniiln. federal narcotic olhi-er, to
have an Inaanlly complaint tiled
NHulnat hint ao he could "take t lie
cure" In an InMltutlon at Lincoln,
Brief City A'cirs
Ciwi:rue hlnklnf Mill hope la
htld (or the recovery of Jimmy Cna-
Inrs0 FjUitP OuMava E. Klkiik -ert,
furrier, who died recently, left
an aetata of 1179.761 lit real eatute
and niur(ca. aeeordina; to an In
ventory filed In couuiy court y.
Tlwnkclvlnc festival -An elabo
rate protirarn hae been prepared (or
i griive, who underwent an operation
' t a k. ... i i . ... , i .
.1 ri'iu iiuBiumi inni runny. i
uffcrln front conipllt-atlona due to
a general phyaU-al breakdown, hla
phyalclapa aay.
Victim of A man believed to
be frank t'rfleiiong of Denver wu
Boa Want Ai Produre RMulta.
Saturday-Day of Greater Values
. -v. o ninth nr.
lit ' fe-: :
I h fei -hip
Mr - : 4
' f .... '
i I ' ?.53 and 3.00 Values-About 700
! 1 WaU cf fait and woolen mate-
i ifWEm r"C flals ia brovn, gray, groen and
i feSf '.i&S& 'fe,V biaek colors; all sizes and
i! V shades; new Fall styles.
I! ,.! - pp;' '. : ' 1.50..
i! . ! MiftCf SJsticn Eats-Staple and
(j ' '4j.jy novelty styles. -
i t u j ;v Jt 1
Giving Greater Values has built thi3 institution, the
largest of its kind in the West.
Saturday :
AVe invite the men and younR men of Omaha here to view tho
most remarkable exhibits of fine overcoats and suits ever asscm
semblcd under one roof in Omaha. The most complete and diversi
fied gathering of correct outer garments presented by tlu's store
Values at 37.50, 50,00, 75.00 and 85.09
Men 's and Young Men 's Imported
Gaberdine Coats
Men's and Young Men's Imported Gaberdine Coats Suit
able for rain coat or top coat, belt all around, tan in shade.
Fourth Floor
Saturday Value DayMen's Hat Department
Men's and Young Men's
Caps New Winter tweeds,
with or without fur inbands?
$1 to 2.50
Men's Caps Of mixed ma
terials with fur inbands; all
sizes; former price, 75c.
Boys' Hats Of
cloth or beaver.
Boys' Caps New Winter
models in tweeds and mix
tures, with or without fur in
bands. 75c to 1.50
SateMay You Can' Clothe
7he Boy Well at These Prices
Boy's 12.50 2-Pant Suits 7.95
Splendid tailored All Wool Suits of durable fabrics with
;rJ Iwo pairs of full cut knickers. The coats are plain or in-
' verted pleat moctcis. liray, Drown ana neatner v ilK
'J mixtures for bors 7 to 18 years.
Boys' $10 Wool Mackinaws 5.95j
In the favored belted styles, these coats are made of all A!
wool mackinaw cloth in rich plaid colorings and plain
colors. Convertible or shawl collars; C QC
for boys 5 to 18 years.
boys' All Wool $15 $16 O'coats 11.95
Plain coloi"s and rich mixtures, belted styles, many
with yoke back3 and inverted pleats, patch or regular
pockets, wool lined, these overcoats are built for service.
For boys 2 to 18 years.
Fourth Floor
I'hese overcoats are big, roomy, fleecy rug backs the
kind of overcoats that combine comfort and style, dis
tinctive in character, and supreme in quality. Better
fabrics, smarter models, finer tailoring than you would
expect to find at these prices. Every coat a new model
shown this season.
25.00 instead of.. 37.50 .
35.00 instead of..... 50.00
50.00 instead of 75.00 and 80.00
Hart Schaffner & Marx made coats at 35.00 and 50.00
Men' s Two Pant Suits
There's Double Wear with an Extra Pair
A world of value will be found
in these two-trouser suits, every
one is all wool, and measures up
to the highest standard of style,"
fabric and workmanship.- .
At these prices every one Is an econ
omy. They come in stouts, stubs,
longs and regulars. .
SaturdayOpening Sale Fourth Floor
Mein's Shoes
To introduce our new and enlarged Men's Shoe Section, we'U offer
. a smashing special that will make you sit up and take notice. This
is the greatest shoe news we have published in years.
1284 Pairs in The Lot
Values Are 6.00 to 10.00
A special purchase enables us to offer
these shoes at this low price. ;
Such makes as Henry Cort, A mold, Holland, Beals arid
Pratt, J. P.Smith and A.J. Bates included in this sale.
Every pair made of select black and brown leathers, Good
year welt sewed, many with rubber heels. English, medium
. round and wide.toe lasts. Don't judge these shoes by what
5.00 has bought before this time, for this sale is a Friend ,
Maker to start our'Department 'off right. All sizes in the lot.
'Every pair guaranteed to give absolute satisfaction
; ' Extra sales people to assure prompt attention.
However . . ;s J":'.;,..' ; .
' - '.- - , -; ..
Early attendance affords every
advantage in' the matter of
selection and service.
. ' -' ' ' - . '
Fourth Floor.
Per Pair
- - ' i
Ik I
Saturday 800 Men's Sample
anoel Shirts
SAMPLE SHIRTS; every wanted kind of flannel
shirt -in blues, grays, browns or khaki with collar
attached, buttoned down collars, link or military
collars, both heavy and medium weights. 2.33 is
but , half the 'worth of many of these shirts.
Avail yourself of the opportunity to secure Q QQ
them in the height of the Flannel Shirt season
Dress Shirts
At this low price it will be
easy, men, to dig into your sav
ings account to buy three or
more of these high grade shirts.
The patterns are attractive and
the workmanship of the best, so
take advantage of this oppor
tunity and supply your shirt
needs for months to come.
Army Socks
We are selling these
socks at a fractional part
of the cost of the worsted
yarn alone. Buy your
winter supply.
Union Suits
Men who work in the open,
subject to the elements, should
be. lined up at The Brandeis
Store Saturday morning to buy
these heavy fleece lined union
suits. The supply won't last
long at this attractive price.
Now 33c
In Our Mens Furnishings Main Floor South