Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 19, 1921, Page 16, Image 16

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! :
Young Folks
and Their
Gir! diigusted with men write
. you and sk if there are ny tftcrnt
men leit. and boyi, I've noticed, like
myieli Uisguntea with the feminine
tex, write and uk if there are any
decent alrli left. Why do they never
meet? Ii it that they try to hide
their decency for fear of beinu ridi
ruled? Or have we all become o
blunted that we don t know fineness
and high ideals when we see them?"
aks C A.
There's a vital question and it goes
to the heart of a situation that is
trauic indeed.
Young folks today are afraid of
being "different. ' Uut why under the
; tun must they let the standard be
set by thoe who have no standards?
Short skirts are pretty and sense
ble when they are skirts -not ruT
fles or tubes for encasing the figure
A skirt two inches from the ground
isn't sensible neither is 1 one two
inches below the knees.' And yet I
know a pretty, graceful girl who was
laughed out of wearing her dresses
12 inches from the ground a sensi
ble, pleasantly attractive and suf
ficiently '"stylish" length.
The girls who ridiculed were
infinitely her inferiors in brains,
character and natural beauty. Dut
somehow they hypnotized her into
feeling that they were "smart," that
they knew what was the correct
thing to do. ,
Result? A pretty, modest, pleasant
ly feminine young person let herself
i be made over into a garish female
creature who was so over-accented
that no man could help feeling that
she belonged at least near the half
wrld from which all this make-np,
artifice and deliberate lure is copied.
Men have still the tradition that
the painted lady is a pathetic outcast
like Barrie's "Painted Lady.'; And
women, seeing the attraction exer
cised by the woman who "makes
, the most of her beauty" or who
overdoes it, lack the discrimination
to enable them to add just the right
There's noth'ng intrinsically wrong
about powdering a - shiny nose,
There's nothing of itself immoral
about putting a bit of color into a
wan check. But the suggestion of
make-up the effect , of it on the
masculine viewpoint has to be con
sidered. "Painted" lady" has alwaVs meant
something definite to man.'- There
fore when man sees paint he takes
for granted that the woman under
it is the type With whom paint was
, first associated.
The society woman, the', actress
have learned to add a bit to waning
charms by a use of make-up which
has dignity and distinction,, perhaps
even if it lacks the glow of natural
ness Hut youth slaps on its tawdry
red and white aS , garishly as , does
the circus clown or the pathetic
prowler of night streets; :-''---:-;-
And man see'ng" "atl women
painted and artificial, " doesn't dis-
. tinguish or see gradations. t. ,
On the other hand, girls seeing
men following the lure of the arti
ficial and finding that men cater to
their weaker (but often alas!
strjknger) natures, don't stop to think
that the thing which charms in pass
ing may not hold. A man' is seen
at theater,' at the beach, or at a
dance w'th a second rate girl who is
merely a momentary amusement to
him. Immediately his sister's chum
decides that if that's what he wants
if men are like that she might
as well meet the demand. '
And no one gels what he or she
wants. Everyone is deceived and
. resentful about it. And iine men
insult tine girls by playing up (or
down) to their outer tawdriness,
' wh;Ie fine girls hold themselves aloft
and cry out in disgust that men don't
care for anything worth while that
. they don't even treat a decent girl
with consideration.
In the meanwhile most of us have
our ideals. But how many of us
have, the courage to stick to them?
TIip Dny Yon Marry. .
G. H.: I think this the rhyme you
mean about the days of the week on
which to marry: ; ,',
Monday for health. ' .' ' ;
., Tuesday for wealth.
Wrdnesday the host day of-8,11.;
Thursday for losses, '
" Friday for crosses,
Saturday no luck at all.
Or this: ,
Wed on Monday, always poor: . !
Wed on Tursdny. wed once more:
V'ed on Wednesday, happy match;
Wod on Thursday, splendid catch;
Wort on Friday, puorly mated;
TVed on Saturday, better malted:
Wed on Sunday. CupMs wootn;
Wed la the morning-, quick undoing.
And, speaking of rhymes and
brides, fio you know this relative to
the color of her wedding gown:
' Married white, you"ve ehesen all right.
Married In green, ashamed to be seen.
Married In gray, you will so far away.
'' Married in red, you will wish yourself,
Married In blue, lovo ever true.
Married la yellow, ashamed of your
fellow. -
Married In black, you -will wish yourself
Married in pink, of you only he'll think.
Marjories No. Marjorie, no rouge
and powder recommendations for a
Dancer at Benefit
Social Usage Modifies 'Not at Home'
Little Lottie Zavett U out of the
dancers who will appear at the
Drsndeis theater Saturday night at
the benefit performance fur the vet
erans of .foreign wars. She ii a
pupil of Mist Dorothy DeVere, who
is in charge of the dance program.
Lottie, who ih serself a Russian, will
give Russian and Spanish numbers.
little girl of 14. That's all wrong.
If you are "in good health, piny
outdoors a lot, and eat Rood food
you will have the store complexion
surpassed every way for charm.
II. J. A.s A girl 6 feet 5 Inches.
23, should weigh about 128 pounds,
A girl 5 feet 7 and 22 would be
able to carry 135 pounds and bo
within the correct regulations.
Methodist Missionary
, , Sopiety Meets.
Mrs. Homer Stuntz was re-elected
president of the - Omaha district.
Methodist Woman's Foreign Mis
sionary society, at the annual conven
tion Thursday at Hirst Memorial
Methodist Episcopal church. Mrs. B.
G. Smiley was chosen recording sec
retary, Mrs. C. E. Bowen corre
sponding secretary, and Mrs. C. H.
Pcnoyer treasurer.
Mrs. J. T. Boey of Lincoln, state
president of . the society, was the
principal speaker at the opening
meeting Wednesday.
- Motion Picture Party.
Mr. and Mrs. George Brandeis
will entertain a number of friends at
a private showing of "The Sheik" at
their home Wednesday evening.
Maccabees Hold Bazar.
Omaha Review, No. 6, W. B.' A.,
of the Maccabees, will hold their an-,
nual bazar at the court house De-:
cember 9-10. j
"Powerful, indeed, is the empire
of habit." Publius Syrus. i
In certain fashionable circles of
society, "not at home" is the for
mula by which a maid is instructed
to indicate to callers that the mis
tress is not receivingregardless of
whether or not she is actually away
from home. Among persons with
whom this it customary there U,
we are told, no falsehood in these
word, since no one is really de
ceived by them. Those who favor
this method assure us that if it
were not possible for women tome
timet to be at home and be free
from the intrusion of calleri, they
would have no time to read or to
rct or to improve their time in any
When begging to be excused it
Is courteous to tell the caller of '.he
hostess' day at home. Busy wom
en nowadays often do have a day at
home, and in that way they manage
to have many afternoons of leisure,
for their friends- take pains nsver to
call save on the at-home days.
It is never cu.stomary for a worn
an to send word to a caller by a
servant that the "Ivrgi to be ex
cused" with some very definite and
ralid excuse. However, when the
caller does not come socially and
there would obviously be no advan
tage in granting an interview it is
perfectly good form to send such a
message. i"or instance, when - an
agent comes and asks to see the mis-
Activities of Women
trest of the house it ft quite proper
to tend down that the "begs to be
excused." Such a message should,
of course, be conveyed with cour
tesy. If the agent hat tome definite
line of goods to show and the mis
tress is sure that she does not want
to make any, purchases the may
send word that "she begs to be ex
cused, at the feelt quite ture that
she cannot be interested in them."
Often, of course, callers come on
various torts of business errands.
Nowadays when women in the home
are almost at busy as men in office
it it more considerate to write be
forehand, or to telephone, asking for
a definite appointment for busi
ness interview. The tame holds
true when the business relates to
some tpecial charity in which the
caller and the hostess are both in
terested. By doing this one avoids
calling when it might not be con
venient. -
Buttermilk Bread
Delicious Try It Today
Table Supply Central Market
rw cniiau oaa.ry
Food Can tar
More than 60 per cent of the fac
tory workers in Japan are women.
The women of lava are being
taught western theories of equality
with men.
' Ncarlv 3,000.000 acres of farm
land in Texas are operated by wom
en. - '
Incompatibility is given as the
cause of half of the divorces in
Switzerland. .
Ihirty-seven per cent of the
women workers in the United States
hold secretarial positions. ' .
Bee Hive Grocery
16th and Cumlnf Jackson 10J4
Wa dslivsr to all part ol city.
SO lbs. Can Suiar ,,...$1.00
t tall can, Salmon. ... ....... .78
2 lbs. Cocoa .40
f boxes Mntchei. ...... ..., .28
1 lb. Coffee 1 .00
I Ih. Uncolorcd Japan Tea ... .60
24-lb. aaclc Flour 1 00
Total $5.00
II lbs. Cane Sugar $1.00
48-lb. Back Blue Dell Flour. . .$1.79
t cans Peas, Corn or Tomatoes, 73c
Mail orders filled at above price.
we seii Skinner's
the highest grade Macaroni,
Spaghetti, Egg Noodle and
other Macaroni Products.
Everybody Likes It!
A Wisconsin hotel chef says it's the most wonderful he ever tasted.
A western clergyman says it's the only breakfast food he can really enjoy and
just what he needs to keep him fit. A salesman in Washington feels the same
way about it. -
In a large boys' summer camp Breakfast Brownies was the only cereal that brought
requests for second servings. v
A nurse in a well-known hospital writes that every time they 'serve , Breakfast
Brownies the dishes come back empty. '.
And many others have expressed enthusiastic approval of
the flavor, wholesomeness and heftlthfulness of Breakfast
Brownies. - Try it in your home.
Breakfast Brownies Company
Minneapolis, Minn., and Helena, Montana
Lincoln Man Fell Off Seventy
Pounds in Weight He
Soon Regains Fifty
"When I lost seventy pounds I
felt like the end of my days must
be pretty near, but thanks to Tanlac
I have gained a good deal ot my"
lost weight back and am feeling like
my old self, again, said B..F. Hub
bard,1 1000 L street, Linc6ln, Neb. .
"Indigestion, nervousness and
rheumatism got the best of me and
I believe I lost weight and strength
about as fast as any man ever did. I
got so weak I could hardly walk and
my wife used to have to help me in
and out of the buggy. ' :
"I was simolv in a miserable con
dition when I began taking Tanlac.
I'm willing to go down in black and
white as saying that I don't believe
there ever was a man who recovered
as quickly what he lost as I did.
Stomach trouble, rheumatism, and
nervousness are all gone now and I
actually have added fifty pounds to
my weight. I'm willing to go to
any limit for, Tanlac at any time."
Tanlac is sold m Omaha by the
Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.
and by leading druggists everywhere.
S aturday Speci als
Friday Order Mean Early Deliveries Saturday
"A Satisfied Customer Is Always Our Aim'
Harney 0188 . . r " 28th and Famam
Pork Loin Roast. OO Fancy Fresh Dressed OQr
per b , &U I Spring Chickens, lb... wf .
SaUuma Oranges, Pomeirranatea, Allieator Pears. Fresh Mushrooms. Ripe
Tomatoes. Fancy Green Beans, Casaba Melons. . If yon don't see, what you
want, ask for it. '
Walter Baker's Chocolates, per
" lb e
' Royal Bakins Powder, tare site;
1 cans for S9c
Snowdrift, a vetetahl compound.
perl-lb. can It
2.1b. ean.t-................ S7e
4-lb. can... 13c
Extra Fancy Ptfre Strained Honey.
It will melt m your moutn. rer
S-Ib. pail ...A......SIA5
The very beat Creamery Batter,
per lb -.4Se
Small Sunkist Oranges, extra sweet,
1 iotm lor .49e
Fancy Florida Grape Fruit, sweet
and jnicy, for ; ...47e'
Extra Fancy Artichokes, ? for... 53c
Iceberg Head Lettuce, each 10c
Fine Michigan Celery. S to S stalks
in a bundle ..25c
Brussels Sprouts, per lb 2Sc
Fsncy Hot Hcuae Cucumbers, 2
for 15e
Per 1-U. pafl
M. J. B. COFFEE The premier coffee of the Orient, roasted and racunm
packed. The leading brand on the Pacific Coast, and offered to you for the
first time. A EEAL Coffee, per lb....... 47c
Watcfc tk Taeadar Papers far Our Taaakarhria: Specials.
Tbey Will Surprise Yon
The Hlt-hovt Crack Macaroni
E(f Noodlei, Spaghetti and
other Macaroni Products
DO uglas
Just the money alone saved always makes shopping at the Central Market worth
while. So why not enjoy the unsurpassed variety of our wholesome, tempting goods.
Come once and you will come always. We will have a large supply of Turkeys, Geese,
and Ducks for Thanksgiving.
Specials f or Saturday Selling
Pig Pork Roast,
'' per lb.
'Fancy Fresh
Dressed Spring
Chickens, lb.
Choice Steer
Round Steak,
per lb.
Narrow Lean
Breakfast Bacon
, per lb. 4
Big Grocery; Specials
100 lbs. Best Cane 48-lb. sack Omar
Sugar Flour ...... S1.98
1C 48-lb. sack Blue Bell
tfOalD Flour 1.75
10-lb. can Wedding Breakfast Syrup. 45ti
50c size bottle Stuffed Olives... 35d
22-oz. jar Pure Jams, per jar. 23d
3 pkgs. Advo Assorted Jell...... 25
Mince Meat, pkg 12
Tall cans Beech-Nut Baked Beans, 3 cans..33
Elkhorn Milk, per can, 10; case S4.75
Sweet Corn, per can, 11; dozen S1.25
J. M. Corn, per can, 18; dozen $2.00
Advo Corn, per can, 20f! dozen 82.20
Early June. Peas, per can, 15; dozen.. S1.75
Extra Sifted Peas, per can, 20; dozen. .2.20
Central Special Coffee, lb., 30if; 3 lbs 8S
Uncolored Japan Tea, per lb 48d
Fancy Fresh Beef Tongues, lb ....20
Fancy Steer Pot Roast, lb 10tf
Best cuts Steer Shoulder Boast, lb 12 r?
Light Lean Pig Pork Loin Boast, lb. . . . . .21
Fancy Young Veal Boast, per lb...,'. 15
Ortman's Genuine Fruit Cake, lb ..75J
Whipped Cream Puffs, per df)z 60a?
Chocofate, Strawberry, Marshmallow Roll,
special, each 20
French . Rolls, per doz'. .15
Large cans Del Monte Pineapple, can 30
Per dozen $3.50
Large cans Broken Slices Pineapple, can. . . ,22f
Large can Peaches, halves or sliced, can... 25(3
Per dozen $2.90
5-lb. pkg. Sunsweet Prunes 75?
Not-a-Seed Raisins, per pkg. ............ .25d
Sunmaid Raisins, per pkg........ 23
Fresh Assorted Iten's Cookies, 2 lbs .35e ' Iten's Creation Bar, something new, bar. ...5
McCombs Home-Made Crispy Peanut Brittle,
per lb. i V 25t?
Our Double Cream Caramels, the kind that calls
fdr more, per lb..;..; 50
Our 70c Chocolates, Saturday, per lb 59d
Extra Fancy Jonathan Apples, box $2.65
Extra Fancy Alabama Sweet Potatoes, 4 lbs. 25
Extra Fancy Imported Figs, lb 35
3 lbs $1.00
t Pineapple, Tangerines, Persimmons, Pome
granates, Mushrooms, Brussels Sprouts
Golden Dale Creamery Package
Butter, per lb. ........ .41
51bs. Gem Nut Oleo or Swift's
Snowflake, S1.19; lb..24
Cottaare Cheese, h .17r
m i
mm vm&
was iv v
Checked Eggs in cartons,
per dozen , 32
9 I raw. tvdm anrrvar fatc
r- m m 1 111
reparea tor zaie use, g a lit J
s m
niiwumnininSun! a Via U - w r
Alco Nut Margarine or OQ
Dixi Brand, per lb.... a6l7C
. Sklu grapei, remove the i!s in"
insert nut tutati; serve on Irtturt
with Frrnch drtuintf conUiubtg
Hundreds of MIaW Blouie
Coats, with either fur collar and
cuff i or plain, pcially priced
$25.00 and $29.50
See then before you buy.
1612 Douglat Street
Special for Sunday
TU sa asaat taMctaaa
a sal asaaa mt .sanUi. mu,
fralta aaa smta. Try lata fa
Braaar traaC
Ask Tear DraJar
far Delkla.
Julius Orkin TheFairmontCreameryCo.
-gm.. . . i
-J 01
We Deliver
Any Fart
Milk, per can,
Pet or Libby.
PeachesNo. 2
cans, 20c
Per dozen,
10 lbs.,
Omar Hour,
48-lb. sack,
Omaha Maid Flour, 48-lb. sack. .81.70
Pearl White Soap, 10 bars 47
Per box $3.35
Advo or Sambo Pancake Flour, 2 pk6s.....27J
Advo Jell, 3 pkgs. for 2.rt
Calumet Baking Powder, per can ...273
Farrell's Wedding Breakfast Syrup.
10-lb. pail ....57
Alaska Salmon, 2 tall cans ..........23
Prunes, extra Quality, 3 lbs. for ........... .434
Ankola Coffee, 3 lbs. for .......91.15
One-balf pound FKEB with every purchase of
three pounds. -
Spring Chickens,
Prime Rib
Roast of
Beef, per lb.
Small Pork Loin
Roast, y2 or 1 7
whole, per lb. C
Loan Pork Koast, per lb, 12d
Armour's Star Ham, hi or whole, per lb...25
Choice Steer Chuck Koast, per lb. ....... .124
Rib Boiling Beef, per lb
Fresh Hams, or who!? per lb........."l7V4
Pot Roast of Beef, per lb
Best Creamery Butter, lb.47k
Extra Fancy Swiss Cheese,
per lb G9
Mozart Imperlala, 15o valur.
114; box 25 S2.4S
Otello, 10c value, 4 for 36;
box 23 Sl.SO
Gee See Clear Havana, 10c value,
54; box 60 ...S2.35
Adelaida Manila, 5c value, 4 for
15c: box 100 r3.25
Gem De Luxe Razor and Dozen
Blades, (3.00 value S1.00
New York Cream Cheese,
per lb 234
Nebraska Early Ohio Potatoes,
per bushel 81.25
Cocoanut Brittle, lb. ......254
Sugar Coated Jordan Almonds,
fl.00 quality, lb 694
Lyon's Chocolate Coated Glace
Fruit, $2.00 value, lb.. 81.00
Jumbo Salted Peanuts,
2 lbs. 354
Ripe Bananas, rer ai.. .
Extra Fancy Qrapefru-.t,
3 for ..254
New Mixed Ni'ta, per lb... 254
Fine Juicy Oranges, doi...424
New Brazil Nuts, S lbs... 35
Extra Fine Sweet Potatoes,
4 lbs. Tor 254
Iten'e Creme' Sandwich,
per lb. ;.. 254
Iten's Lemon Cake, per lb., 184
Oyster Crackers, 2 pkgs... 15
Watch for Our Thanksgiving Specials
Ortman's Genuine Fruit Cake, per lb........ 754
Whip Cream Puffs, per dozen .....604
Chocolate and Strawberry, Marshmellow Rolls,
special, each ..............204
French Rolls, special, oer dozen ....... ...154
.World War Certificatea beginning with letter "H" await veteran at onr Glgax; Tkpt
Open Saturday Till .P.M.
Xafl Orders FtDeeV
Omaha's greatest and moat annllary market la
' ' your IobIcbI Food Shopping; Center. Anaortmenta
are wonderfully complete. Values, bj bis; odda,
, the beat In the mldrilenest, nnd clennllneaa and
. " eourteoua aervlce beckon yon to shop here,
Food Center Agent are now visiting the fans
of thla territory nelectlag the finest of tnrkeya.
ducka, geese and chicken for year Thankaglvlnar
dinner, ttuallty will be the beat and onr direct
buying mean the lowest pooalblo price.
Mr. Harry Cone,
Omnha' beat known retail meat man haa assomed management of the
Food Center Meat Department where he ahall bo In better position thaa
ever before to aerve hla boat a of frlenda and eoatomera.
Fresh Killed Spring
Chickens or
Young Hens, lb.
Pork Roast,
Per lb.,
Pork Loin
Lean Pig
Pork Chops
Per lb, ;
Big Grocery Specials
Large Carnation Milk,
per can 10c)
9 lba. Sug-ar 514
Gooch's Best Flour, per
48-lb. sack ...S1.83
1921 crop English Wal
nut. Pecans, Filberts,
Almonds, Brazil Nuts,
mixed, per lb. ..294
Fancy Sngar Corn, Lima Beans, Fork and Beans,
Tomatoes, or Brown Beansi - - .
No. 2 cans, per can ........ J J
Per dosen cana 81.25
6 lbs. Best Bulk Oatmeal 25e
32-oz. Jar Kamo Mince Meat 48)
Hand Picked Michigan Navy Beans 74
High Grade Bulk Cocoa, tr lb. 12'
4-lb. sack Kamo Pancake Flour for 3Se
SwuuSdown Cake Flour, per pkg. .......... .254
4- lb. bice Premium Soda Crackers 564
Free 1 pkg. Uneeda Biscuit with 2 lbs. Mixed
Cookies for 304
5- lb pkg. N'abisco 254
3 lbs. Food Center Special Coffee 984
Try our Premier Coffee, per lb 234
(We Guarantee It)
Fresh Pig Hams, half or whole, per lb. ....15H4
Fresh Sliced Ham, per lb. .....254
Fresh Spare Ribs, per lb. ........12Vs4
Steer Round Steak, per lb. ...17W4
Steer Pot Roast, per lb ........104
Steer Rib Roast, rolled, per lb. ........... .22)
Steer Porterhouse Steak, per lb. ............254
Fancy Young Veal Roast, per lb. 14H4
Fancy Young Vea) Steak, . per lb. ..........254
young Veal Stew, per lb. ..8H4
Young Mutton Chops, pernio. 254
foung Mutton Roast, per lb; 124e)
Young Mutton Stew, per lb. 0tt4
Sugar Cured Bacon, strips, per lb 16H4
Fresh Made Breakfast Sausage, per lb. ....154
Pure Rendered Lard, per lb .....1244
Sugar Cured Skinned Hams, half or whole,
per lb. .- 21H4
Puritan Bacon, half or whole, per lb. 354
Puritan Hams, half or whole, per lb. 27tte
Fresh Fish and Oystera Received Dally.
Maid Fancy
1.000 lbs. Danish Pioneer Cream
ery Butter, while It lasts. 434
Rex Nut, Gem Nut and Wilson Nut.
per lb 234
Fancy 'Wisconsin, full cream
' cheese, lb. 304
Old English Cheddar Cheese.
shnrp. per lb 604
Checked Eggs, in cartons,
per dozen .324
we Sell
B. If. M.
the) lufhttt rrad Macaroni,
Spaghetti, Egg Noodlea and
other Macaroni Producta.
J2M in Trade
Given Daily to
Lucky Visitor
yisitors to the Food
Center are invited to
cast ballot, with their
name and address, in
box. These will be
drawn daily and first
name drawn out wins
$2.00 in trade. Winners'
names will be published ;
in onr Friday ada every
week. Watch for them.
Cigars Just Inside the Door
Mozart Imperials, . 1 60 . value, net
box of 25 for .......... S2.45
Otello. 10c value. 4 for 2Sei box of
25 for ....SI. 50
Gee-See, clear Havana, 10e value,
- Bet box of 0 for ...'-..-...(2.38
Adelaida Manillas. Se value. 4 for
lSei 100 for S3.2S
Gem Da Luxe Razor and dozen
blades, 12.00 value Sl.OO
Fruits and Vegetables '
Juicy Florida Grape Fruit. 4 254
Excellent "Delicious" Apples, good
New Cocoanuta, I for' 254
Hot House Cucumbers,
t0T : X5e)
Persimmons. KumQuaU. Mush
rooms, Alligator Pears, "French
Ortman'g Bakery Products ;
Ortman's Genuine Frujt Cake,
Per lb. .;..75
Whipped Cream Puffs, doz. .60e
Chocolate and Strawberry Marsh
mellow Roll, special 20 1
French Rolls, special, do....lJ5