Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 19, 1921, Page 15, Image 15

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j . . l
SchUlfr-Stin Wedding.
Mitt Gertrude Stein. daughter o(
Mr. and Mr. Jacob Stein, will be
come the bride ol I. Mmuel bchlait
, tr Sunday evening at the home ol
lier parent. Kabbl Taxon will per-
form the ceremony, which will be
followed by rtception nd dance
at the Blackstone.
Miia Stein will wear white chiffon
trimmed with lace and carry bride'
roaet. Mr i. N. :. Kothenberg, ut
ter ol the bride, will be matron of
honor and will wear rote and gray,
- and carry chrysanthemum.
Out-of-town gtieit will be Mr.
and Mr. Meyer Taxman and daugh
ter, ora, and Mr. and Mr. J. J. Tax
man of Kama City, Mo.; Mr. and
Mr, v Ben Taxman and Mr. I.
Scrinop.ilcy of Eldnradn, Kan.: Mi
Rose Moier attd Mist Minnie Green
tone of Lincoln.
Celebrate Silver Wedding.
The ailvcr wedding anniverary of
Mr. and Mr. Elmer Perkin of 1802
North Thirty-fifth treet, was cele
brated lat Sunday at the home of
tnrir daughter, Mrs. R. L. Chester,
471S Ohio street. A large company
of neighbors and old friend were
present. Mrs. Alice Smith, sister of
Mr. Perkins who was bridesmaid at
the-wedding In Iowa 25 years ago,
was also one of the guests on this
occasion. Little Vivian Chester car
ried the ring which was used when
her grandparents were married.
Rev. B. R. Vanderlippe performed a
mock ceremony.
Supper-Dance for Bride. j
In honoe of Mis Regina Connell
and Malcolm Baldrige, whose mar
riage takes place the last of this
month, Miss Marion Hamilton and
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hamilton will
give a supper-dance at the Brandeis
icsturant Saturday. Their other
uests via be Messrs. and Mes
dames Isaac Carpenter, jr.; Albert
Sibbernsen, Robert Garrett, the
Misses Erna Reed, Winifred Smith,
Helen Smith, the Messrs. Dudley
Wolfe, Porter Allen, Bob Howe and
Maj. R. M. Walsh. ,
In honor of Miss Daisy Jane Fry.
a hr'de of next week, a luncheon
will be given Saturday by Mrs.
Robert Rosenzweig, Mrs. Charles
Rice, and Miss Lillian Rosenzweig,
at the home of the first named. Fol
lowing the luncheon there will be a
shower , for the bride. Seventeen
guests will be present, and the house
will ' be decorated with pink
At the Duchesne Luncheon.
Lunching., together at the
Duchesne bazar Saturday will be
Mrs. Eva Wallace, Mrs. E. S. West
brook. Mrs. S. S. Caldwell, Mrs. R.
, Huntley and Miss Frances Wessels.
Mrs- M. P. Leary will have as her
luncheon guests the Mesdames
Windsor Megeath, Edward Megeath,
Lloyd Smith, John McCague, the
Misses May Leary, Beatrice Coad,
Kan Murphy. .
Mrs. F. A. Nash will entertain the
' Mesdames George Prinz, Herbert
Wheeler, W. A. C. Johnson, George
Brandeis, W. J. Foy,. C. T. Kountze,
Wrard Burgess, Joseph Barker, A. L.
(Reed, 'Glenn ; Wharton, . Samuel
Burns": - . .
" c Columbian Club.
.! r The Columbian club will hold their
annual - Thanksgiving poultry card
arty Tuesday evening, November
2. at Druid hall. Twenty-fourth and
Ames. The hostesses will be the
.T. II. Dlmtck M. tS. Dougherty
A. II. Durkea J. W. Campbell
R. Pervln P. Dunne
J. it. nwytr ' a. J. 'Doyle
A, J. Doran, J. D. Campbell
F. Dellnsltaus A. J. Dervln
D. Davie Thomee Dean
Club. Women in Lincoln.
Mrs. L. M. Lord, president of the
Second district, Nebraska Federation
tt Wnm.n'i Tliihs. arromoanied bv
Mrs. George" Frater of North Platte,
president of the iixth district, wno
arrived in Omaha Thursday, left Fri
day for Lincoln to attend a meeting
' of the state board, the new president,
Mrs. - E. B. Penney ot . l uJlerton,
presiding. '
. Dinner for Mr. and Mrs.-Howell.
" Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Wead enter?
tainedmt dinrler Thursday evening
for Mr. and Mrs. R. Beecher Howell,
who returned. from Europe this week.
Their other, guests were the Messr.
and Mesdames C M. WiIhelm,;C. M.
Gruenther, James C. Dahlman and
W. J. Coad. "
Luncheon for Guest.
Mrs. Daniel B. Carey entertained
at luncheon Friday for If guests at
Camp Fire Girls
AH firemaker and torchb,earers of
the Omaha Camp Fire organization
ill meet at the Y. " w. U A. sat
rti November 19. at 1 :30 o'clock
to practice songs for music week;
Members are requested to bring
ceremonial dresses.
Th Wap froop met at the home er
Jean Cote Wednesday an ptanneiJ a
hike north ot Florence tor Saturday.
KsT.mbr 1. .
The Minnehaha roap met at the home
of Boberta Ord Wedneedey and worked
on aprone for their eale which la to
be held In a few weeke.
The Tanhadoenah eroup met at the
home of Evelyn Beard Saturday. Rebec
ca Lone waa elected reporter of the group.
The Haehatuaye sroup eewed for the
erpbana at their meeting thla week. They
ara planning to the Iten Biscuit
factory Htm. day. next week.
?lt Ruth Brackena group will meet
Monday at the home of Ruth Rlgdon
when they will aew lor the Chlld'e Saving
Inatltute. "
The Aoklya group with their guardian,
Virginia Davldeon. met Thursday at the
home of June Gilbert. Thla group la to
have tta neit meeting at the Child's Sav
ing Institute and apend the afternoon
darning otocklnge.
The Wanekealan group with their
guardian. Mlae Johanna Johnson, will hold
a ceremonial meeting next Thursday
when honors will be awarded.
The Chaheaha group held a social meet
ing at the home ot Alice Bershelm Toes
day Id honor of AUers birthday.
The Oklsu group will have a hike No
ember . with, their guardian. Miss
Psarle Prante. ,
The Oklebepl group with Mrs. Korman
Xrgaard are supplying three dinner bask
et for Thankegivlng.
All the aerth side Camp Fire groups
are giving home made Jelly, eooklea and
candy to the County hospital for Thanks-gt-ln.
Seventy-five girl representing 1 Camp
Fir group from the north aid visited
the Cad Sam Breakfast Food company
Wednesday aftenvoe. After the tnsper
tteu the glrla were served coco and
, The gvardlan of the Lexs group. Mrs.
Colin MeKensI. gave out little orphan
garments te her glrla Friday.- Each gin
was very anxious to make drees.
At a ceremonial meeting held Satur
day. Mr. Colin McJCeast conferred the
rank oc FVemaker on Urs. J. H. Brown
ie, goardlan f the Witooohl groep. and
her daughter. Jesephlna
Th girl of the Alahl Camp Fir rreao
re making tooted leather pocket books
ed ther Articles for Christ maa.
North Side Branch of Y. W. C. A.
1 i m (
J l
4f Ste f 'V J
Christmas Seal
Sale Opens '
Mrs. V. E. Bolin, - who is in
charge of the .antituberculosis
Christmas seals this year, announces
that 16 booths will open Saturday.
The Order of Docs will be respon
sible for four, including Orchard &
Wilhelm's store,. Burgess-Nash,
Thompson-Belden and Kilpatrick.
Mrs. S. S. Kent, Mrs. W. D. Couns
man, Mrs. O. If. Leptin and Mrs.
A. C. Redman will be in charge, re
spectively.. Miss Margaret Heel will be at
the Eldredge-Reynolds store; Mrs.
A. Kattleman, at Brandeis' store;
Mrs. H. Q. . Marks, . Omaha Gas
company; Mrs. A. C. Johnston, Ta
ble Supply company, and Mrs. L.
E. Poe, Nebraska Power company.
Mrs. Ray Nugent will be respon
sible for four booths, including the
Fontenelle, Hayden Bros., the Sun
and the Strand theaters.
Mrs. Charles M. Cook will be sta
tioned at the Moon, Mrs. H. H.
Roberts at the Rialto and Mrs. C. J.
Hubbard at the Empress. The Or
pheum theater has agreed to run-
slides for the seal sale and the Ala
mi to dairy and;. J. Burns Baking
company, will ; carry advertising
signs. ;
her new home on Fifty-third street
in honor of her mother, Mrs. Foster
Stain, of Murfreesboro, Tenn.,. who
has arrived for a visit with Mr. and
Mrs. Carey. , '
. Food Sale for Church.
The woman's auxiliary of All
Saints parish will hold an all-day
food sale Saturday at. the Table
Supply company, Seventeenth and
Douglas streets.
Card Party,
The women of Holy Angels par
ish will entertain at a cird party in
their hall, Twenty-eighth street and
Fowler avenue. Tuesday evening. ..
Furbelows of Fashion.
Silver flowers and fruit are one of
the best of the millinery tricks pt
the autumn. ;
Tulle sashes that trail on the floor
are uncommonly attractive on frocks
for young girls.
Jet is used effectively on the new
hats. On one of red or. orange it
gives a particularly striking effect.
Some of the most attractive hats
show a little jet ornament clasping
the edge of the brim holding a
feather in place.
Specially priced from-'
$650 Up
We cordially invite you to inspect these new models.
16th and Douglas Streets
The North Side branch of the Y.
W. L. A., located at i wenty-secona
and Grant streets, is a community
center for the colored women and
girls of Omaha. Mrs. Charles Offutt
is chairman' and Miss Frankie Wat
kins is the general secretary of this
branch. The bungalow is an at
tractive two-story building. On the
first floor is a large recreation room
where classes are held in rooking,
sewing, millinery, choral and gym
nasium work. Over 100 girls are
in the self-governing clubs with
programs of education and rec
reation. On the upper floor is a
laree dormitory where many a
transient guest is accommodated
until she can find her bearings upon
her arrival in the city.
A large, free employment bureau
is also a part of the Y. W. C. A.
work in this branch. Many other
organizations use this center as a
place for their, meetings as their is
no other available room in Omaha
where the colored women may
meet together. The women of the
North Side branch are entering
upon the coming campaign, of which
Mrs. W. .F. Metcalf is major, with
an interest and enthusiasm that be
speaks certain success in securing
their share of. the budget
Qui Vive Club Has History
y Behind It
The Qui Vive Dancing club will
hold a dance Saturday, night at the
Blackstone. It is the third of the
season. ."' ;
The club was founded over 20
vears aeo under the name of the
Southwest Dress dub, arising from
the fact that full dres was required
and that its members lived in the
Hauscom park region. So many ot
the members attended the St. Marys
Avenue Congregational church that
it was sometimes facetiously referred
to as the . Church Dancing club.
Their dances were held in the Court
ney building on Seventeenth and
Douglas streets The first president
was George Payne. . Other early
presidents were R. D. Dinning,
Charles Black, J. L. Bakery M. C.
Peters, Jay Foster and M. C. Funk
hauser. - -
When . the . Chambers Dancing
academy was opened the club
moved there for its dances. A.mim
hpr of new. oeoole of a younger set
joined and changed the name to Qui
Vive. Later they moved to Turpins,
and for the last three years tney
have hpen tisinff the Blackstone ball
room for their weekly dances. More
recent presidents have been Harry
Weller, J. K, Thompson, Howard
Shin, S. J. Jumper," Frank Manches
ter, and this year, E. E. Stanfield.
Mary Garden, the general director
of the Chicago Opera association,
was born in Scotland, but came to
this country in 1883, when- she was
six years of age.
Shoes of Known
Style and quality are the two
things a discriminating
woman expects when she
buys shoes. They are both to
be found in Fry Shoes. Fry
footwear is fashioned from
the best materials by work
men skilled in the art of shoe
making. The quality is be
yond question and an invest
ment of known value.
Mrs. Philleo and
Mr. Hazelton
Are Wed
Mrs. Flora Philleo and Mr. L. C.
Hazelton were married Thursday
evening; at the home of Mrs. Mary
Hebbard. mother of Mrs. Philleo.
Rev. Arthur Atack of the Hanscom
Park Methodist church where both
are members, performed the cere
mony in the presence of a small
comoanv of friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Hazelton will reside
at 1025 South Thirty-first street.
Mrs. Hazelton has resided here
for more than 30 years, coming from
Illinois. Mr. Hazelton has been here
for about the same length of time.
His former home was Vermont.
Both are accomplished musically,
Mrs. Hazelton as a pianist and Mr.
Hazelton as a singer.
Decorate Tea Gowns '
With Hand Paintings
"A novtl idea for a tea gown is
to have the designs hand painted on
the silk to match those used in the
decoration of the boudoir."
No, this is not " the wild imagining
of an over-worked mind belonging
to the writer, but the direct quota
tion from- a leading fashion, journal.
And yet when one "stops to con
sider there are possibilities. If you
live in Greenwich Village and hap
pen to paint futurist pictures, think
what a tea gown -you might own.
Again if you are surrounded witlv
the filthy, lucre of this realm and
have all sorts of ivory and gold and
crushed rose decorations in your
boudoir, it wouldn't be any trouble
at all to call in some famous artist
and order him to paint you up a tea
gown that would put you in har
mony with the decorations.
But if you are just a plain work-,
ing girl with a hall bedroom for a
boudoir, with a gas plate and a sani
tary lounge for adornment well,
what's the use just any kind of. a
muslin nightgown would match up
with the rest, of the interior decora
tions. ' ,
More Than
a Piano
The upright piano is fact
losing its popularity espedaJly
with folks wno appreciate dig
nity and harmony in their home
. surroundings.-
The baby grand is the corn
ing type of piano. It is more
than a piano. Besides being
the ideal from the musical
standpoint and the only satis
- factory piano for the singer, it is
the one adornment of the house
hold which, more than any other,
gives distinction to the home. .
The Brambach
Baby Grand
would glorify yoor home
Durably Built
Classic Design
'Exauisitc Tone
Full Guarantee
The Brambach
req uires no
more room than
an upright. A
tissue paper pat
tern, sent free
upon request,
will show this
when spread up
on the floor. -
The Art and Music Store
1513 Douglas Street
Brambach Baty Grand
Mr. and Mr. Kayiuond Soat re
turned a few day ago from their
wedding trip,
Mr. and Mr. L. M. Colin are
spending November In lx Angeles
... ; .i . 7-.i:
nu mi iiiviviina; in suuincrn iaii
Mi AJma Seymour of Elgin,
N'eb., fiancee of Frank Latemer. U
(pending a few day at the home of
Mr. Latenter parent, Mr. and Mr.
John Latcnser.
Mrs. Frank Colpetter, who hat
been abroad all lummer. will be in
Omaha for Christmas, according to
word received by Mr. and Mr.
Mosher Lolpetzer.
Mr. W. H. Bucholz of Lo An
gele i visiting in the city with her
brother, YV. M. Rainbolt, and oni F.
H. Bucholz. She will remain until
after the Christina holiday.
Mr. and Mr. Georee Flack will
return to Omaha Monday morning
after a 10 weeks' wedding trip abroad.
lull week-end thry are in Boston
to attend the Yale-Harvard game.
Mr. Charle Beaton returned Fri
day morning from Milwaukee, where
she was called by the illness of her
father, Mr. E. A. Wurster. He is
recovering rapidly and Mrs. Wurster
returned to Omaha for a visit at the
Beaton home..
Household Hints
fhirLen far Is vrellenf far rate
baking and shortening generally.
A rtver iic nf different aaiirpe
is a great help toward variety in the
Never leave milk standing in a tin
can, but empty at once into a crock
ery vessel. '
The button variety of mushroom is
best for pickling. They should be
freshly gathered. '
Fill cream puffs just before serv
ing. . 1'iU with preserves, whipped
cream or custard. ' ,
If tired of plain mayonnaise dress
ing try adding chopped celery or a
chopped pimento.
Left-over pitnientos may-be chop
ped and added to scalloped potatoes
or any creamed dish. They give
the dish ' a delicious flavor.
Specials for Saturday and Monday
10,000 Pon Pon
16c Elona Hair Nets, per $1.00' Piver'a AzriTea or La
dozen ....50 Trefle Face Powder. . .89i
15c Venida Hair Nets, fl.25 Goutorbe Face Powder,
2 for ...... ......25 at . 98
1 Toy Balloons for the children,
- ' " " '. '' ' 6 for ,v 25
MA71-.A i a udc $2.00 Coty's L'Origan Face
The original ana! reliable one 60c Sempre Jovenay. . . .46
15 to 50-Watt....'...4O $100 Ingram's Milkweed
60-Watt ........... 45 . Cream ............. 89
Fuse Plugs, 10 to 30 am-
peres,.at' 10 $1.00 Krank's Lemon
"""" 7- -J 7 Cream, at ........69
DRUG WANTS ' 6 &'4gd
$1.50 Graham's Beauty Secret, 30c Packer's Tar Soap, 21
at ............... $1.15 S0c jar Kfank's Lather
$1.00 Aspirin Tablets, S. K. & Krem . 36
, F., bottles of 100. . .42 t . T
30e Honest John
S 70c Sal -HepaUea... 54
10c Wanous Shampoo Bafrs. sOc Pepsodent Tooth Paste;
4 for .....25 at 36
I ; . , , 30c Kolynos Tooth Paste, 18
Denatured Alcohol, for the 50c Pebeeo Tooth Paste, 3
car. per gallon..... 60 R0c Orazin Tooth Paste, 34
Bring your bottle. 20c, Pears' Unscented Soap.
at ..-.12
"30c Mentholatum ......17 U-rNewbro'8 Herpicide
35c Vick's Vapo Rub.... 27 "' -"f7H
25at DeWitt 8 Early Risen1, RUBBER GOODS
nnr Vt3 " J? Complete line of ' -
$1.25 Nujol ....90 Rubber Good..
1 ' $1.50 2-quart Velvet . Red
1 lb. Epsom Salts.... 10 Rubber Hot Water Bottle,
$1.15 Swamp Root ..89 at .............. 89
60c Barbo Comp. ....46 $2.00 2-quart Velvet Red
30c Eagle Brand Condensed Rubber Combination Hot
Milk 22 ' Water Bottle and Foun-
tain Syringe .,..$1.45
35c DeMar's White Pine Cough $1-50 2-quart Velvet Red
Syrup 24 Rubber Fountain Syringe,
3Qc Laxative Bromo Quinine. . Jg
n- v'f'V'Yr"'ril ""teed for two years. '
7oc Milk's Emulsion 59 1 I
60c Glycothymoline . . . .49 PHOTO DEPT.
60c Mulaified Cocoanut Oil, Film Developed Free When
at i . . 38 Print Are Ordered.
50c Beaton's-Theatrical Cold r-7 .'
Cream, -lb. cans.... 35 . CIGARS.
$2.00 American Alarm Clocks, 8c Heineman Bros.' Famous
at $1.39 H. B. Cigars, each.t.5
60c Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, Box of 50 $2.25
at 48 10c Mozart Bouquet,
4 oz. Peroxide Hydrogen . .8 4 ' Ik ' ' ' ' ' ' V?9
- 6 Box of 60 $3.50
1 10c El Pano (Pacifico size),
50c Phillips' Milk of mild Havana, each ... 5
Magnesia 39 Box of 50. $2.25
$1.25 Pinkham's Vegetable ,
Comp 98 ""
$1.10 Nuxated Iron... 83 PERFUMES
$3.75 Horlick'a Malted Milk, ' $3-00 M"7 Garden Ex-
at $2.89 tract 2.25
Hinkle Pills, bottles of 100, 7S" W'te RSC Extrl'0
each ..l... 25 I P0- 39
Mail Order Receive Our Prompt Attention
Beaton Drug Co.
15th and
What's What'
"King Canute it dead and (one
parasites exist alway,"
The tocial parasite is not nece
arily a grafter; he may be and
quite often is so feeble intellectual
ly that her maneuver have no ulti
mate aim. She yearn to' be i
hanger-on in the following of the
great or the pseudo-great, the
wealthy, the powerful, the famous,
any of whom" posses what pastes
for her onl. .No matter, how well
bred or well educated, how gently
born or richly talented less "nrom
inent people may be, she scorn
them unles they happen to come
into the limelight of conspicuous
success, when she immediately fajlg
ai ineir ii in service aaorauon.
Parasites thicken . "thn norlal
fringe" which might as . well, and
with more, truth, be called the lunatic
fringe, tor they are not quite sane
these "toadies." a we used to call
them at school. They' lack healthy
self resnect. and even the vain na
tures which feed upon their flattery
have nothing but contempt for. them.
No well-balanced woman is a para
site, and no one endowed with dis
criminating intelligence would toler
ate any of these unwholesome hu
man insects.
(Copyright, J21, by Publti Ledjer Co.)
The newer hats for wear with
formally cut gowns have taken back
all of that picturesqueness which has
been a part ot well-dressed' women
of the past. There are numberless
ostrich plumes' drooping' in every di
rection, except to totally hide the
face. They seem to find absolutely
their best expression when they do
partially hide the face, or the eyes,
or some important teature.
a dozen
i Saturday Only Flowe-r Dept. '
'Bowfn'i ValueGMng Store
Drapery Fabric Remnants
Ready-Made Curtains
(odd pairs)' '
3 Pir. 1 pair, 1 ' pairs and 2-pair lota.
Included In these odd lots are Curtains made of various clauses of
curtain materials, and sure you are to find values PQ. and
at the Bowen. prices of, per pair OaC ue
at a fraction of their real worth.
All ths latest and most desirable patterns shown, at, per yard
' 29c, 39c, 55c, 69c and 97c
giving prices of
$15.60, $22.50, $27.50, $31.50,' $34, $38,
$42.50 and $47.50
Odd Pieces of Furniture
That will fit in nicely with the re-arrangement of your rooms, are
offered Saturday by the H. R. Bowen Co. at prices much less than
the cost of manufacture. Hesitate no longer, but come. Make the
selection of what you .want now and have it in the home to use
Thanksgiving Day.
Wood Seat
Of ' Unquestioned Merit , at
' Value-Giving Prices ;
How often you have, felt the
real necessity of having an-l i
other Rocker in the room and,
. when that need arises, be pre
pared.' Take advantage of our
Saturday lo selling prices on .
;Oak Rockers, and . buy. - A '
choice in fumed, waxed and
golden oak Rock- 0 Qr
ers, for . . . . . . Ps&70
Other that are real
values, too, at
$3.50, $4.25, $5.50,
$6.75, $7.50, $10.25
In 15 and 18 inch sizes.
$1.15 to $3.35
Maka lip your mtad to- hive one
of these Aluminum. Roasters at eur
money savins prices.
Oil Mops
Triangular In shape, therehy allow.
int you to get In evsry corner. Mop
with extra bottle of oil. CC
only 0DC
It Pays to Read
14 rr 1
Howard St., Between loth and Uth
At V4 off Regular
ftere are remnants In Nets,
Marquisette, Voiles, Bcrlmi,
Casement Cloths, Bilks, Sunfasta,
Ripps and Toplins, in pieces op
to eight yards la length. Satur
day all will be offered at H off
regular prices.
Fumed, Waxed
and Golden Oak
Here at this store one finds
no trouble in picking out a
Buffet that will match up
with the balance of your din
ing room furnishings. Finish
ed in fumed, waxed and gold
en oak; each with large linen
drawers and lined silver draw
ers. You will find them ex
ceptionally good at our value-
Library Tables
For real . values in Library
Tables and 'selections from
which to choose, this store's of
ferings Saturday far exceeds
any previous Showing. Visit
. this store and sec what won
derful values are offered you
at any, of the following prices:
$8.75, $10, $13.50, $18,
$19.50, $21, $24.50
and $27.50. r .
Glass Mixing
. Bowls
Fine heavy Glass Mixing Bowls,
always convenient to use and
easy to clean; set, as TQ
illustrated... aC
Bowen's Better
Sweep with a well-balanced,
well-made broom. Such brooms
are now offered at the H. R.
Bowen Co. for ' QQ
only.;. ee7C
Serving Trays
With glass tops, make splendid
Christmas gifts. Priced now at '
the Greater Bowen Q ("
Store at......; JOC
Bowea's Small Ads ;'