Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 19, 1921, Page 13, Image 13

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My Marriage
"ReyUtion of a Wife"
The Om Sulfation Bm Dean
Had to Make.
r Cogrov i naturally the moat
courteoua tt men, hut his wrath had
been stirred o inighiily by the ac
tion o( the tall roan at the roadside
inn. that he bad word," ttead
ily and methodically to himiclf lor
a whole minute after we had made
our dramatic ruh from the inn
? round. It wat at artistic a per
vrmance at I ever had heard, and
tven my Puritan training wat not
proof sifaimt it. Despite the (treat
ot the moment. 1 could not cavil ai
lieu Dean for the appreciative
chuckling laugh which tame to her
lips ti Mr. Cosgrove pued for
breath on particularly pictureue
imprecation. . .
"Oh. Pa Confirovel" he Burgled,
"If I could only cuss like that I'd
"Vba--whatl" the big man stam
mered, "say I, J clean lorgot there
were ladici present. I lure beg your
pardon, Mrs, Graham-and-Miss
' Who Smith Is.
''I need no apology, Mr. Cos
grove.'1 ' I made the words espe
cially emphatic, because 1 could not
turn my head to utter them. I was
obeying Dicky's instructions to
"step on the gas," and the machine
needed every atom of my attention.
"Do we turn at that next cornerf"
"So, keep on about a quprter of a
mile beyond the corner, lou can
see Jake Kerne' light when you get
a few yards past the corner."
"Who i theall gent back there?"
rawled Uicky. "ine one who ap-
......I K. ... r....t It ..a?"
ine mugest no-rooa sun in an
this section," I'a Cosgrove returned
emphatically. "His nam! the
name he gives up here-is Smith,
but I'll bet a cooky there was a
ky' or a 'chdt' tacked on before he
changed , it, lie came up here about
191.2, bought up nearly a whole
mountain, built, him. a great, big
bouse, and put' up a lot of other
buildings. lie put barbed wire,
miles of it, all around his boundaries,
and had a regular mystery place up
there. Of course, there was a lot
'of talk during the war, bound to be,
but either he -was 0. K. or had an
awful pull: anyway, he was never
investigated, and since the war
stopped he's got a lot of the men
around here on his pay roll in some
capacity or other, pays big wages,
and they don't dare say their souls
are their own.
"Take that little restaurant man
back there,' Kronish, as nice and in
offensive a little chap as ever lived.
But Smith owns his place, and lets
him have it at low rent the fellow's
a good landlord, and liberal to all
his help and, of course, Kronish
slides- down the pole whenever
Smith rings the fire alarm. But
Smith ' don't own me, thank the
IfOrd, although he . could make it
mast awful unpleasant for us if he
keeps tip this pose of thinking we
had anything- to do with that young
fjjUow, getting hurt. But I'm not
going'to cross-that bridge until we
dome f it. There's Kerns' light
now, Mrs; Grham. Now every
body say your prayers that the doc's
there and can leave."
"Do Stop Fooline!"
Bess Dean twisted herself in her
seat as I stopped the car in front of
the Kerns place, and Mr. Cosgrove
leaped q the- ground, running up
the path like a boy. ' '
"Is he speaking the truth?" she
demanded of Dicky in low, worried
tones. "Will that tall man mako
trouble for ns, try to connect us
with that trooper's injuries?"
"I'm not g mind r reader, little
one," Dicky rejoined airily, "so I
cannot tell you what is passing
through the massive, bean of the
tall, mysterious stranger at the inn.
But this I know, and know full well,
that I do not like that particular Dr,
Fell one little bit, and I wouldn't
mind a chance of slapping his wrist
gently and with discretion, of
course, but still slapping it.
"You know," Dicky went on, "ol$
Dad Cosgrove is a pretty wise gink,
If he's sized this Smith lad up as a
trouble-maker he's probably right.
But even ? you are put in jail to
night, sweet one, do not weep. I
shall bribe the jailer tq give me the
next cell, and provide me with un
limited quantities of chocolate al
monds your favorite confection,
you know and a zither. The al
monds I will slip through the bars
to you, and the bars I will play 0!)
the zither, tra-la-la."
That Dicky was up to some mis
chief I knew by this farrago of non
sense and a certain inflection in his
voice which only appears there
when his gayety has something a
bit malicious m it.
Oh, do "stop fooling and talk
sense a minuter Bess uean jairiy
snapped the words at him, and I
made the mental comment that the
man who married her might find an
able vixen concealed behind her ap
parently cool insouciant exterior.
"What particular brand would
you like?" Dicky inquired with ex
aggerated deference. "Analytical,
experimental, subjective, metaphysi
cal just indicate the tap you wish.".
"I only wish the answer to this
question." her voice had a vicious
edge. "This physician, of course,
has a machine here. I can see it
Over there. Why cannot Pa Cos
grove go back with him? Then we
could go back to the house where
we belong. This fishing trip is up
to the Cosgroves, anyway 1"
Parents' Problems
How can" children be helped to be
fentie when provoked?
-This is a lesson that ' often long
iu the learning. Not all grown-ups
have mastered it perfectly. Teach
the children the proverb. "A soft
answer turneth away wrath, but
grievous words stir up anger." And
teach them to think twice before
speaking; the time-honored custom
of "counting ten" when annoyed is
very helpful. -
tr " '.1 T l.
Aau&as Vuy iu liuuui
. Municipal Meat Market
Kansas City, Nov, 18.--A munici
pal meat market, the object c4 which
is to determine why meat purchased
by consumers -costs so much, is to
be opened here shortly, Mayor
fames Cowgill announced today.
Boys' and Girls'
Short Story Contest
November 7 io 26 -
Write story of not more than 250 words, using
titlea of books which you will find in our Children's
Section or from catalogues of children's books which
we will give you. The stories which contain the
moat titles and which at the same time are the most
original will be awarded the prizes. Books in the
Children's Section may be inspected each day until
The first two prizes, $5.00 each.
The second two prizes, $3.00 each.
The third two prizes, $2.50 each.
The four two arizes, $2.00 each.
The fifth two prizes, $1.75 each.
The sixth two prizes, $1.50 each.
Any boy or girl in the fifth, sixth, seventh and
eighth grades is eligible to compete in the contest.
BurrtM-Na.b Book Shop Mala Floor. ,
Order Your Christmas
Cards Now
We have a most delightfully complete assort
ment of cards that are distinctive and clever in de
sign. You will find the sentiments you wish to
send to your friends expressed effectively in the
most novel and delicate way. They are to be seen
in great variety at reasonable prices.
Leave Your Orders for Personal Engraving Here Now.
Burci-Nh CbrUtmaa Card Shop Mala Floor.
A Wonderful Showing of
' Coats with a richness of fabric that absolutely belies the price. Lined
so exquisitely in soft, durable Crepe de Chines and smart Silks that one al
most wants "to wear them inside out." Styles conservative enough to last,
and smart enough to be just a bit ahead of the minute.
Plain tailored and fur-trimmed in: '
Moussyne Bolivia Opossum
Panvelaine - Wolf Mole
Burf ou-Naab Cloak Shop Third Floor.
Reduced Saturday
Values that demand recognition,
A choice of many of our most de
lightful frocks, in our regular stocks,
now. reduced to this low price for
prompt disposal. In the collectioi
are frocks for street and dress wear
featuring the latest caprices of the
Tricotine Taffeta
Poiret Twill
Canton Crepe
BurgMi-Nash Gown Shop Third Floor.
Famou s D erryvale
At Wonderfully Low Prices
Greater assortments and lower prices are shown
here in our linen department this week than in years
previously. Only a few putstanding values can be men
tioned. If you love beautiful linens, as most women
do, don't miss this wonderful opportunity.
Irish Linen Damask Table Cloths: $4.85 each.
Irish Linen Luncheon Napkins: $6.95 dozen.
Irish Linen Hucjc Towels; $1.25 each.
Five-Piece Irish Linen Luncheon Set: $3.50
Stamped ready for embroidery.
Hand Blocked Irish Linen Draperies: $2.50
"' a yard. ,
Burg Mi-Nosh Llnon Shop Second Floor, :
Dollies That Every Little
Girl Will Love
Dolly Dumpling Dollies
A 21-inch Baby Doll, $4.93
Eyes that open and shut and natural hair so life
like it is a shame to call it a wig, make this doily
a real joy. It is dressed in white pique rompers
trimmed with pink or blue, and has cunning shoes
arid stockings.
17-inch Dolls, $1.69
This doll is 17 inches long and may be had as
either a blonde or brunette. It is dressed prettily
in either pink or blue.
14-inch Dolls, $1.00
A cunning doll in a cunning dress of white with
pink or blue trimmings and a lace yoke.
Bui-geM-Nasa Toy Shop Fonrth Floor.
Many Items of Special
Practical Things for Fall and Winter
Many Christmas- Gift Suggestions
12-Button Gloves
French Kid, with; H50
Brosser and
Grenoble point backs.
Imported Gauntlets
Cape leather, $075
two-tone embroi- "
dered backs.
Real Kid Gloves
Very fine light- $075
weight. Black,
brown, beaver.
- Gauntlet Mittens
Children's wool QC
gauntlets,., f 1 e ece Od ,
lined. -
Charme Linen
Gold-edged letter 7Q
paper in box with I
quill pen to match. "
Kodak Albums
Black , cloth bind- QC
ing. 50 loose tJu
Another Kodak
For One Week Only
All enlargements 1
up to and includ- 10
ing 5x7-inch size.
All reprint orders on photo
work, 2He each.
Bivi-Nua Mala Floor.
Camera Special
2-A Premo Cam- $079
2 y3 x 4 i2
. Costume Girdles
The latest colorings in
metal and wood.
Florentine Jewelry
Bar Pins, Sautoirs,
Bracelets, Lingerie
Clasps, Bandeaux.
J.00 to $2.50
Children s Entertainment
November 12
3 to 4 P. M.
Stories, .
Given by
Miss Gertrude Thompson
Tho purpooe of thli irlo of lecture! I
to Jmtill a love of muilo in thi chill
byvtlmpl meant. Mlu Thompson con
nect the children's favorite pastimes with
familiar folk aongt and the simpler classical
melodies. Mothers are invited to come
with their children.
Bur(M-Htb Fifth Dr.
War Service Certificates
have been issued to all men and
women of Nebraska who served
under our colors during the world
war. To Burgess-Nash'haa been
given the privilege of distributing
these certificates to all those from
Douglas county whose names begin
with the letter B. '
Please ask for these Certifi
cates at any time at the "Ask
Mr Foster" Information Bu
reau, BurfOM-Na.h Third Floor.
Home Special
16-ounce jar Pure Ex
tracted Honey, 30c'
Pelicioiuly pure and absolutely fresh.
48-ounce jar, 80c.
Bottled this week expressly for Burgees
Nash. Burf tsa-Naah Downttalro Store.
Cafeteria Special
For Saturday
Salisbury Steak, Bordelaise, 25c.
Burfoaa-Natb) DownUlra Store.
Flower Specials
' Saturday - .y;;
7 Chrysanthem'ums'riOc.'eac!h,,i'
, Roses, 5c each.
Ferns, 39c . each. .
Narcissus bulbs, 3c each.
1 Violets, 25c each. ., '
Buriot-Nah Mejianlno Floor. -
Candy Specials
Chocolate creams, 44c lb..
Jumbo salted peanuts, 2 lbs.
for 35c " , s ..
Old-fashioned : peanut brittle,
27c lb. ,
Assorted caramels, 1 lb:, 57c
Penochi, 44c lb."
Delicioualy rich with nuts, in vanilla and
piaple flavors. .
BurftM-Nash Downatair Storo
Children s Movie
9 A.'M. 11 A. M.
Jack and the Bean Stalk
- Burfct.-Nata Auditorium Fifta floor.
Women's New Fall
These lace boots are offered to you
at less than the cost of making. Splen
did quality brown Russian calf, made
with military or Cuban heels.
Oxfords of patent Russian calf, and
black kid in several styles. Also $7.95.
Spats in all the new shades, $2.50.
Bur(oM-Nak Sao Shop Maia Floor.