Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 14, 1921, Page 8, Image 8

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    Jack and Jill
it ir
irtf V asked Jill, t ibe and J ark r-yde
out on the iftrr-thrster train.
She nudgrd him and pointed to
ward a barthcgdfd young; person
silting two ft ahead of them on
the opposite aisle.
"Why, dear, it'i just about the
lame color as yourt that wonderful
rolden hazv tint." '
Jill n not aure whether the
comDariion uii a compliment
"But why ahould he be bare-head.
ea on a incut HKe tmsr Ana
Iter hair chopped off that way?'-
. "Why. little Jill, you're almost
feline I She know her hair looks
Veil that way, and you ice t-he ha
heen to aome dance, iee wtiat a
smart (roik ihe has on. I ahould
say he was a very nifty looker."
Till diseustedly mumbled some
thins; to herelf, and closed her eVe.
as ahe cuddled her tired little head
iiCMinst Tack a shoulder.
"Not like yours, ny dearest. But
Jill' braided her haid in silence an I
taid no more.
Xext evening Jack brought out a
friend and his wife to dine.
"Jill, what on earth is the matter
with your hair?" he demanded their
first instant alone, a the 'company'
buized about the phonograph.
. "Don't you admire it?" she de-
manded provokingly.
"It looks very peculiar!"
"Why you inconsistent brntcl" she
txrlainied. "I copied the coiffure of
that girl you admired on the train I
You said she looked nifty."
"But oh, shucks she had a dif
ferent type of beauty 1"
"Why, Jack 1 As if I were ugly,
If Jill were miffed Jack was miser,
able, throughout what was meant to
.be 'a' jolly evening. 1 1
"She's chopped oft her hair 'with
the " butcher knife!" ' he muttered
tngrily to himself. , '
To make matters worse, his j
friend's wife admired it.
"That cropping just makes you
look too sweet." she gurgled "Your
face looks 'so young and boyish!"
After they had gone Jack smoked
sulkily until Jill went upstairs. .
Then he followed. -
"You look young and boyish! Oh,
to think' that you've ruined your
wonderful head of hair, darlingl It's
Jill's pretty eyes reflected a world
of indignation.
, "You ungrateful man I" she pro
tested. "This is what I get for all
my trouble, I believed you . when
you said it looked beautiful on the
other girl."
"But you are so much sweeter or
at least you were 1". began Jack.
To his amazement Jill suddenly
withdrew a dozen .hairpins swiftly,
and her long tresses floated down
over her dimpled shoulders.. Jack's
eyes bulged!
."Hooray." he cried. "But how did ,
you do it?" -
"The scissors were too dull, or. I'd
have done it. This was just an imi
tation crop, turned up under. I saw
ft in the movies the other night. But
(or Cougi3& Colds
TkU jyiup li difftnat" (torn ll etlitri.
QiiUt wlif. No opinti. lit everywhere.
85 Cent Bottle (32 Dose)
Juit because yon start the day worried
and tired, stiff lees and arms and mm
les, an aching head. burning and. bearing
dawn pains In the back worn out before
h day begins do not thlnli you have
to stay in that condition. ,
Be strong, well, with no stiff Joints,
sore muscles, rheumatic pains, aching
oack or kidney trouble caused by body
aiads acids.
It you suffer from bladder weakness,
with burning, scalding pains, or if you
ars In and out of bed half a dozen times
a night, you will appreciate the rest,
comfort and strength this treatment
shauld give.
To prove The Williams Treatment con
quers kidney and bladder diseases, rheu
matism and all other ailments when due
to excessive uric acid, no matter how
chronic or stubborn, if you have never
tried The Williams Treatment, we w!P
-civs on 85c bottle (3S doses) free if
.oil will cut out this notice and send it
with your name and address. Please send
10 cents to help pay postage, packing.
io., tc The Dr. I A. Williams Company.
Dept. V-20T1, P. 0. Building, East Hamp
ton, Conn. Send at once and you will re
ceive by parcel post a regular 85c bottle
without charge and without incurring any
ebligation. Only one bottle to the same
address or family. 1
Eat leas meat, also take glass
' of Salts before eating
,Uric acid in "meat excites the kid-
nevs,, they become overworked; get
sluggish, ache, and feel like lumps
of lead. The urine becomes ctoudy;
the bladder is irritated, and you may
be Obliged to seek relief two or three
times during the night. When the
kidneys clog you must help them
flush off the body's urinous waste
or you'll be a real sick person shortly.-At
first you feel a dull misery
in the kidney region, you suffer from
backache, sick headache, dizziness,
' stomach ttets sour, tongue coated
and you feel rheumatic twinges when
the weather is bad. - .
Eat less meat, drink lots of water;
also get frotn-any pharmacist four
ounces of Jad Salts; take a table
spoonful in a glass of water before
breakfast for a few days and your
kidneys will then act . fine. This
famous salts is made from the acid
jsf grapes and lemon juice, combined
'with . lithia, and has been used for
generations to clean clogged kidneys
and stimulate them to normal ac
tivity, also to neutralize the acids in
urine, so it no longer is a source of
irritation, thus ending bladder weak-
. ness. " - . .
Jad Salts tf Inexpensive, cannot in.
jure; makes a delightful effervescent
- lithia-water tlrfnk which everyone
should take now and then to keep
the kidneys clean and active. Drug
gists here say they sell lots of Jad
Salts to folks who believe in over
coming kidney trouble while it is
.trouble, fc
I II nem trust your taste asIn,
Jack lusted a wanton curl and
smiled happily ,
"Well, that other girl was long on
looks, if not on locks, I like your
style better, if my taste is bad. .And
honey girl, long may it wave I"
"And just to think." said Jill, to
her piquant reflection, as she brushed
the B"lden mass, "that men call
Ihrmsclves logical."
CnprtM, ' 1131, Thrmpon Feature
Brvi )
Where It Started
The term "platform," meaning a
political program, has a religious
origin. Early tracts referred to the
programs of various religious sys
tems as their "plat formes;" perhaps
the earliest use of the word occurs
in a. tract published in London in
15U The term "plank" is of Amer
ican origin, and is an obvious carry
on of the metaphor.
(Copyruhl, l3t, Whwlw Syndicate. Inn.)
Neglecting That
Cold or Cough?
LETTING the old cough or cold
drag on, or the new one develop
seriously, is folly, especially when at
your druggists, you can grt audi a
proved and successful remedy as Dr.
King's New Discovery. No drugs,
just good medicine that relieve
quickly, ,
For over fifty years,' a standard
remedy for coughs, colds and grippe.
Eases- croup also. Loosens up the
phlegm, quiets the croupy cough,
stimulates the bowels, thus relieving
the congestion. ' All druggists, 60c
Dr. King's
New Discovery
For Colds and Coughs
Wake Up Clear Headed. That
"tired out" feeling mornings, is due to
constipation. Dr. King's Pills act
mildly, stir up the liver and bring a
healthy bowel action. All druggists, 25c
. r. King's Pills
Keep Your Skin Free From
Eczema and Rashes With
Healing Zemo
Zemo quickly stops Eczema tor
ture. It heals Tetter and rashes,
takes the sting from insect bites, '
relieves all skin afflictions. Rub
it on the scalp. All Druggists'.
Darkens Beautifully and Re
stores Its Natural Color
and Lustre at Once. -
Common garden sage, brewed into
a heavy tea, with sulphur and alcohol
added, will turn gray, streaked and
faded hair beautifully dark and
luxuriant. Mixing the Sage Tea and
Sulphur recipe at. home, though, is
troublesome. An easier way is to
get the ready-to-use preparation, im
proved by the addition of other in
gredient's, a large bottle, at .little
cost, at drug stores, known as
"WyethV Sage and Sulphur Com
pound," thus avoiding a lot of muss.
While gray, faded hair is not sin
ful, we all desire to retain our youth
ful appearance and attractiveness. By
darkening your hair with Wyeth'a
Sage and Sulphur Compound, no one
can tell, because it does it so natur
ally, so evenly. You just dampen a
sponge or soft' brush with it and
draw it through your hair, taking
one small strand at a time, by' morn
ing all gray hairs have disappeared.
After another application or two
your hair becomes beautifully dark,
glossy, soft and luxuriant, and you
appear yeafs younger. ' '
Rheumatism, ' lumbago, neuritis,
backache, .stiff neck, .sore muscles,
strains,' sprains, aching-joints. When
you, are suffering so you can hardly
get . around, ' just try Red Pepper
Rub. "' ' " - "
Nothing has such concentrated,
penetrating heat as red peppers, and
when heat penetrates right down
into ' pain ' and' congestion relief
comes at once.
Just as soon as you apply Red
Pepper Rub you feel the tingling
heat. Ip three minutes the sore spot
is warmed through and through and
the torture is gone..
Rowles Red Pepper Rub, made
from red peppers, costs little at any
drug store. Get a jar at once. Be
sure to get the genuine, with the
name Rowles on every package.
Cuticura Soap
Are Healthy
lse.OIfawt.TslJfc.iei bi.rnpl
may be followed by aenous
cold troubles; u nightly
V VapoRud
Okt Million Jan LW Ytatitt
. , I I nil .) TfT -Tp"- ' ' 1 1 .... l' ' - I. ,. .LI... .... H.M . I. PL. . I.. . ..HU....I. II. I .Hi II I, J J ,11 1 , TmgT-
. - i
nd S.y It Witb OURS
Hess & Swoboda
1415 Farnam St., Paxton Hotel,
Phone DOuglas itfOl
Mtmbtr Florlult' Trlrgrtph Dollvrr
Ainoeiation. Wi dcllvrc flowers on
hort notice anywhar la the V. 8.
or Ctnsd. .
Space leased for long or short
. . osssssaaBsaaaaa .
City Sales Room 816 S. 24th St.
Service Station 815 S. 25th St.
Harvester Company
of America
Branch House 714 S. 10th St.,
j Omaha, Neb.
Ford Transfer:
: and
re Co.
813 Douglas St., 1102 S. Main,
Omaha Council Bluffs
Prompt Service
Reasonable Rates
(03 0Q33EB (,
Omaha Lace Laundry
Curtains, Panels, Cretonnes,
Lace and ' Austrian Shades
4716 Cuming St. Tel. Walnut 1351
Ladies' Plush Sailors and. Velour:
Hats Cleaned and Reblocked
215 South 14th Street1 "
French Pastry Fancy Cakes
. Bakery, Delicatessen and
Lunch Room
504 South 16th St. ,
2916 Leavenworth St. " ' -
Order Your Personal
Xmas Greeting Cards
' ' '" NOW (
Omaha Stationery Co.
307-309 S. 17th St. Jackson 0608
Fender, Top, Body Work
Repairing of All Kinds
Western Motor
Car Company
Falnam et Bird. HA rney 0868
Reliable Service -
A ipecUliy on Auto Topi, Winter
Curtains and tailored Btt Cover.
Engdahl's Auto Top Co.
Douglas 8677 1718 Caes St.
' Ml SIM illllfl
Storage and Distribution
terms Rate quoted upon request.
ivr.1. f. noEssiG
2870 Farnam St. Harney 1448
A Permanent
' "Always .Onward",
J. H. Hansen
Cadillac Co.
Bring or Send Your
Dress Goods to Us for
Pleating Buttons - Hemstitching
Embroidering Braiding .
Beading Button Holes
Idea! Button & Pleating
1 ' Company
300-308 Brown Bldg., 16th and Douglas
Opposite Brandeis Stores
: Phone Doug. 1936 Omaha
900 separate fireproof, . mouse
proof, dustless rooms for v
Come and Sve for Yourself
Motor Vans for Removals
Bekins Omaha
Van and Storage
806 S. 16th St. Douglas 4163
Paxton-Mitchell Co.
27th and Martha Sts. Harney 1662
Manufacturers of
Brass, Bronze and Aluminum Castings
' Standard Six Cast Iran Bushings
in Stock
- Call, phone or write us for a
sample of our Sheetrock Wall
Board. Sheetrock is the most
durable, strongest and longest
lasting board there is. It comes
in sheets 4-ft.- wide, 4, 6, 8, 9
and 10-ft."long. '
C. Hafer Lumber Co.
Council Bluffs, la.
Vj (Kb
To .the old-time merchants
Whrn merchants, were told tfiut
the street to compete with him
the merrier," and he then bepan to furbiah up all his stock' of tricks
by which he hoped to prove that competition in that particular
town with him was not healthy,
In those days there were
sentation, plain lies, personal and veiled attacks and even arson to
"do" their competitor, Falne advertising, blackguarding, malig
nant persecution and ferlings
the common thing. Anything
competitor that would injure him
therefore permissible.
Such competition caused
Two merchants in the same town
play together, so bitter had the
had a decent word to say to each
ever met and, as for open association, even among the clerks of
rival concerns, hands were held
How different now. The
the life of trade hasn't changed
tition have. The years have taught business rivals that only honest
competition can win,' that a boost is better than a knock and that
if one must say anything about
decent or nothing at all.
IIow true is that card which
business concerns,-"If your competitor talks about you, put him
on the pay roll." , ' '
Business rivals seldom ever
tors, for they have learned that
breed a contempt and feeling of
to overcome. ,
Nowadays merchants in competitive lines call each other by
their first names. They visit back and forth and one merchant can
go into a rival s establishment and
merly he wouldn't dare to set foot
for it was ten chances to one
'They belong to the same business
Their children play together and
and live happily ever after. ,
Competitors have learned
ducive to business and gives the
"'.' Advance in business education and methods have taught them
that, the best and surest way to
gether, forget hard, personal grudges and work for the better
ment of all.
It's a great sight to see several hundred merchants, all dealing
in the same commodities, meeting in convention to thresh out their
difficulties. Experts lecture on various phases of the business. Mer
chants who have run up against
do not hesitate to arise m .convention and tell about them and in
return get valuable advice from
problems and solved them.
There are various organizations in the city that are for the
mutual welfare of all concerned. They discuss everything in the
open. They talk and act "square" and by so doing get the confi
dence of their fellows, who, when the time comes, hold out a help
ing hand to them.
- The live merchant knows
world, particularly that portion
knowledge from trade journals
association with his rival and by
lor anything he might want to
One of the greatest steps
past 25 years has been that of
saking of the old "anything for
so long among competitors.
There was a good illustration of how business : rivals could
work for the benefit of all this week at the "Made-in-Omaha" show,
where there were 120 exhibits of
Some time ago Omaha manufacturers awoke to the fact that
more of the home-made products
Business depressions all over the
results in curtailed pay rolls and
', The Omaha Manufacturers' association got together and de
vised the scheme of bringing forcibly to the buying public the need
of patronizing Omaha manufacturers, not only to give manufactur
ing an impetus, but for their
goods compared favorably in workmanship and price with those
imported Irom other cities.
They decided that a campaign
goods m each home was the thing.
then placed them before the retail
tailers, and even the salesmen
Omaha got behind the Made-in-Omaha
When quarters for the show
of the Brandeis store 400 manufacturers were anxious to have ex
hibits. There was only room for 120 and the first to come
got the space. :
That didn't set the other manufacturers or wholesalers into a
petulant peeve. The retail merchants placed their display windows
at the disposal of the manufacturers and practically every manu
facturer in Omaha had a display of his wares in some window
during the week. . , r '
The merchants have begun to push Omaha-made goods and
already one big manufacturing concern has announced that it will
be necessary to add 500 women
creased business which has resulted.
To get better acquainted with
tories kept open house and visitors were shown through the estab
lishments. Each day thousands of visitors visited the show, and
the result is this: Manufacturer has .been drawn closer to whole
saler and retailer and they have been drawn very much closer to
the consumer. Omahans have learned definitely just what is made
in Omaha and it is a safe prediction that Omaha-made goods will
have a greater sale in Omaha in the
These great results for good
cept for the co-operation of all business men concerned. It was a
question of the good of the whole, where petty jealousies were put
in the background and instead of each man going into the thing
for himself the welfare of the other
Merchandise was displayed for
pubb'c is the judge. That article which is manufactured and mer
chandised with the greatest degree of honesty is the one that will
enjoy-the greatest popularity.
Competition now amounts to
andj if possible, better than your
fair as his. a
The old order of competition
merchandise now sells on a higher standard of honesty than
ever before.
"rompetition was the life of trade,"
a rival was setting up shop tcros
he would say cheerily, "The more
merchants who stooped to misrepre
of hatred toward one another were
a merchant could ay against his
was in the lino of "business" and
business feuds that lasted for years.
wouldn't allow their children to
competition become. They seldom
other in private that is, if they
up in horror at the mere thought.
old adage about competition being
much, but the methods of compe
his competitor it must be something
, . J
one sees on the walls of many
say anything about their competi
"knocking" or subtle innuendoes
untrustworthiness that is difficult
have the run of the place. For
there. If he did he was guarded,
he was there to do a little spying.
men s clubs and exchange ideas.
have even been known to marry
that the "rough stuff" is not con
perpetrators a bad name.
progress is to join forces, get to
difficult problems through the year
merchants who have met the same
what is going on in the business
that affects him, but he gets his
devoted to his particular line, by
coming out in the open and asking
know. ;
forward business has made in the
open, honest dealing and the for
business" idea which held forth
commodities made in Omaha.
should be sold in the home town.
country had lowered sales, which
reduced production. r
own advantage. They knew their
of publicity to introduce their
They perfected their plans and
merchants of the city. The re
in fact, all the business world of
show to a man.
were obtained on the eighth floor
to its pay roll because of the in
the buying public many fac
future than in the past.
could not have come to pass ex
fellow was considered.
the public's inspection and the
making your merchandise as eood
. rival's, and your prices as
' .
fails in this day and asre and
McKenney -Dentists
14th and Famam Street
JA ckson 2872
jf Scrvicc
Contracting Gp
"Jarl's National Brand
Solid Copper Oil Cam"
AH solder on the outside of the can
with a 6-Inch screw cap. Airtight, nonr
explosive and fireproof. Prices: 4-el.,
11.00; S-jhI., 111.00 i R-gal., f 18.00;
10-gal., f 16.00 l'16-gal.. 21.00 J SS-gal.,
I36.00 40-gaJ.. 161.00.
5peclal Attention Civea to Mail Orders
& Company
1703 Leavenworth Street
Second Floor Elks Bldf.
7 I n t- a i'i PERSONALITY
1303 Douglas Street Phone AT. 4683.
8,000 Homes in Omaha and fflTRjeTrffsffpsP
Council Bluffs Are Cowered I , III IM Ht Ol 1 1 I 4 H T 1
With Our " jEiT-iTt-TTu rn I
Call us and let us explain. All work W
guaranteed. Easy terms. ' 1
Northwest Ready 0. L. Wiemer
I Roofing CO. Wall Paper, Paints. Glass.
9 Painting and Decorating
L. Rlefeaberf, Mgr. :.
HA rney 2S74 3122 Leavenworth 1708 Cuming St. ' - Omaha, Neb
I Phone DO uglas S753
j Experience Mt
5K . Thirty years of experi- IfK)
. ence in repairing and re-v J 11
ij" ' building all kfods of ma- jJjU
T chlnery has placed us in a hk
& position to do your 'work HSi
&m rig-ht. We do ail kinds of H
jttp - automobile repairing and jjimj!
y t done right the first j
H 4i7-saiy!ST. omahajieb. p
Use Western Bond Paper
For Your Office Stationery
Wholesale Distributors
Carpenter Paper Co.
Welding Cutting
Reinforced Brazing
General Welding Works
We Specialize in Automobile Welding
1508 Webster St. AT. 4459
There's ona near you. Highest quality
fooda, with quick service.
Cyl in der Grinding
Is Our Specialty
Try us for
"Better Service?
Puritan Mfg. & Supply Go.
Atlantic 3753 1614 Izard
Xtnrrn iftiraM hfl-lDM Ultlied
from a . linfls sheet ob our
ISO-ton prraa. More ssnlury
twcaiue tasra sre no suiKrra
. . kIIm. (ku anil it '
caa t 6e awe. - i-
, Ostaria, Nea.
A car is judged by its paint.
. Let us paint it.
Superior Workmanship
2525 Leavenworth Street
Est. 18S8
JA ckson 3072
Mils Office sod Plant 19-11-43 Virtue SL
JAckfos 1446
, Never Better .
1804 Farnam Street
15th and Dodge Sts.
Modern Policies,
Full Protection
E. M. SEARLE, JR., Pres.
Feathers steam renovated and hot
air dried. All your own feathers back
when we renovate.
1907 Cuming St. Jackson 2467
Sherman & McCciinell
Drug Co.
All the Srugs and Toilet Articles for
all the people all the time. 6 Good
Drug Stores in Omaha.
We Furnish Clean Linen
J. M. JENSEN, Prop.
Phene Poug. 6291 1819 California
Seed Yew Clothes to' Be Cleaned
Dyers, Cleaners, Hatters, Fur
riers, Tailors and Rug Cleaners
2217 Farnam St, Omaha
' We Par Return Charges oa
Out-of-Towa Orders
Alexander Munroe
Sheet Metal and
Furnace Works
1718 Cass St. Phone J A. 4066
All American Chemical Co.
Chemical Manufacturers
and Jobbers
Phone Douf. 4864. 1208-10 S. teth St.
We analjrm and manufacture any thing.
Give Us a Call
i V