6 THE BEE: OMAHA. MONDAY. NOVEMBER 14. 1921. Classified Advertising Bates per Una teeuat werds ( tleel I det ta Mr llae pr day, eansecuuve day J I per liaa per day, f aaaaacati.a derd J 4a per Una par day. It eoaeecu.lve dart No ada takea for lea thaa total et IM lhaaa rataa apply eimer la ika Daily ar Sunday ilea. All advertisement aapeet In baik morales aa4 dreaiag dally MP'I fur lad ona cnarda. CONTRACT RATM ON APPLICATION Want add a copied at Ika fellawlaf ef. riaai WAIN OrriCI,,..17tli end Paraem St. fouia Mule 4988 South Ink Si. (aunrll Bluff ...la U M. WANT AVU RKCFtVKD Bf J-HQR ATLANTIC 1899 TUB BEE arlll Bsl ha raapaaalbla tot niora fhaa one Incorrect InMrtton al aa advertisement drdered (of more Ida dad lima, closino nouns for want adi. Fvetihig K.lllloo. ...11:48 A. M. lornln tduluo.,.. 1:09 P. M. kunday Edition..... .1:88 P. M.. Saturday DEATH & FUNERAL NOTICES. 'niivKI.R Mis. Kmms. diad November 1 at I.K.I husultal. beers. r-d la survived be two kjiii. William an4 Jnhn; Ihr.a dsuir.lere. Mra. Kls.a Maltha, Mra Anna Hu.hUu and Miss Adells. Funeral ssrvk.es TumiI, Novembe 18.. at I t. til., at Hoffman Funeral horn.. Interment at West Lawn cam fry. BARTON iirure I... died at hla real tltni-r. 72 North 4Sih St., Thursday, November 10: aaed i,s. Funeral hervlrea Monday, November 14- at fllflon HIM Presbyterian church, 45ih and Urant Hie. at 1 o'clock. In. teruient Fortat Lawn cemetery. Friends welcome. LVKK Haley I,.. November 10, 1811 aaed II reara. 7 months and I deys. - Funeral services will ha held at Ilmiley e Immune rhapel, Cuming , st Nlnetrenlh streets, Monday, November 14, at 3 o'clock p. m. Interment Forest l.awn cemetery. AUTOMATIC sealing conrrela burial vaults on dleplay at leading undertak er. Write Omaha Concrete llurlal Vault Co.. Omaha. CEMETERIES. Forest Lawn Tha Isrgest cemetery In Kebraali. .121) acrea lust north of the city llmlta v..ct rf Florence. An Ideal location ssfo from disturbance by tha city' growth, rerpetual care. Not operated for profit. Cemetery office Forest l.awti ireet car terminus. 42d and North city tlnilie. fdy office, 720 Brandel Theater Hiilldlnif. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. F. J. STACK & CO., Successor to , . , Stark s Falconer ' OMAHA'S BERT. SAMBULANCEVoSI! Thirty-third and Farnam. Hulse & Riepen PIONEKR FUNERAL DIRECTORS.- Formerly at 701 3. 16th St.. hava moved to i J 2 4 Cuming St. J a. 1189. EAFE YH EAFE Y 1 Undertakers and Embslmers. Phona HA. 260. Office S61I Farnam. - FLORISTS. T W T . A PMflM oi- A-iJ-IA-J UaiviUVil Ph. Ph. Doug. It44 SAT IT WITH FLOWERS FROM HEM & BWOBODA, 1415 FARNAM STREET. JOHN BATH, 1804 Farnam. Jackaon U0. Hendereon. 1507 Farnam. Jackaon 1218. LOST. FOUND AND REWARDS. I'UR ARTICLES LOST on atreet cara tale phono Tyler 800. Wa are anxious to re store Inst artlelea to rightful owner.. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS ST. Br. COMPANY". LOST Mink collar Friday afternoon. At. 4684. In balcony of Riullo Reward offered. Call LOST Boston Bull terrier, brlndle body, all white head and neck. Return to 604 S. 37th St., and receive reward. LOST Black Lynx collar on Twenty fourth street between Wirt and Miami Saturday afternoon. Reward. WE. 1560. LOST Flity dollar bill near First Nat'l bank. Ret. to 1817 Jackson St. Reward. LOST Solid gold ear ring. Between 2820 N. 23d and 24th and Lake. "WE. 6529. PERSONALS. TUB SALVATION Army Industrial homo aollclta your old clothing, furniture, magazines. Wa collect Wa distribute. Phona Douglas 41S5 and our wagon wilt call. Call and Inspect our new home. 1110-1112-1114 Dodga St. I WILL not be responsible for any debts contracted by Mrs. Oscar Gross from November 10, 1921. Oscar B. Gross. WANT use of piano In exchange for etor . aire. DG. 5899 after 7 p. m. ELECTRIC bath and massage, vlllo block. 318 Ne- SSULPHUR baths. Swedish massage, chi ropody. Evenings to 8. 209 S. 20th St. OSTEOLOGY massage. Appoint. AT. 6366. KENT HOOVER vacuum. 81 up Har. 1071. 1JLECTR1C baths. Swed. mass. WE Mil. EXPERT MASSAGE. DOUOLAS 9649. I- ANNOUNCEMENTS. Accordeon Pleating. ACCORDION, aide, knife, box pleating, covered buttons, all styles: hemstitching, buttonholes. Write Ideal Button & Pleating Co., 808 Brown block, Jackson 1938.- NEBR. PLEATING XlT'f: But- tons. 1808 Farnam. 2d Floor, Dg. 6678. Chiropractors. TAKE CHIROPRACTIC adjustments . at yonr home. lrs. Mortensen. Palmer graduates. Walnut 1910. Contractors-Painting. BRICK plasterer and cement, new and repair work. J. Nau. Walnut 4667. ' Dancing Academies. TTtpTJipja 1818 Farnam. Douglaa 8 440. JV1-'J-'-1 J We have taught more than 16.000 people to dance. Let u teach you. Expert Instruction. Beginners or advanced class or private lessons. . LEARN TO DANCE RIGHT ., . Mildred Maxlne teaches all branches dartclng. Studio Leflang BIdg. DO. 4781. Detectives. KELIA3LE Ex. BIdg.. Detective Bureau. Railway JA. 2066. Night. KEN. JS12, Independent Detective Bureau. 304 Neville Blk. Atl. 6501: night. WaU 4066: K. 0466. JAMES ALLAN, 812 Neville Blk. Evidence secured In all cases Atlantic 1136. p DETECTIVES that get results. 409 Pax ton block. JA. 1819. DO. 6757. Dressmaking. DRESSMAKING Call mar hotel. Mrs, Haines, Del- I'URS, suits, dresses, remod'L rellned. Ha. 6S04. HOME dressmaking and designing, erence if desired. Harney 0111. PLAIN eewing done. Call AT. 0783. Kodak Finishing. FILMS developed: printing and enlarging. Write tor prlcea. The Ensign Co.. 1607 Howaid SU ENLARGEMENTS, oil coloring, developing, printing. Kara Studio. 213 Neville Blk. Patent Attorneys. PATENT ATTORNEYS J. W. MARTIN, patent atty. 1718 Dodge. Printing. EDDT Printing Co., 212 S. 13 St. Do. 8847. Miscellaneous Announcements. DIAMONDS pS oav tha beat Brice with ttrrelleff in Kn. back at small Profit. GROSS JEWELRT CO, 4SS K. 16th St. Doug las 6048. KATHERYN L. RTLET. akin and scalp treatment: apeolal morning shampoo and wave. 81. For appointment, call Jackson 3268. RAZOR BLADES sharpened. Single, 36c; double edge, 46a dos. Mall orders so licited. Omaha Bbarp Co.. 188 N. 16th. OMAHA Pillow Co.. feathers renovated and made up In riw ticking. M07 Cuming. Jackson 2467 TVUj dress and tuxedos for rent. John Feldman. 10 N. 16th St. Jackson 8128. WiW and rebuilt electrical apparatus. LeBron Electric. Ill 8. 13th St., Omaha. ROGERS Confectionary Store. 14th and Farnam St Jackeon 1 2T. BR ITT Printing Co.. T Elks BIdg. FOR SALE. Furniture and Household Goods. 1.EAVINO city, must sell furniture at once; library table, gas store, ice box, etc Phone Webster tSil. BRINGING UP SI I g.NOTTo , II iH iWurl IT" '. no7coZI Ml ' "IP" S &'foZ'CoT 1 Pi!,' I LCAVVE TMt ROOM IN JA.il. 0 I . ivC 4CTTO MvE ( , TO HAND IT TO Ilk ano i don r wamt j,,.. . r(?tcooM. V. Sc-l J I'H 'iiSMM . i J frW tobacco r-f v , .lllM.Al I C tz: I ' Sfah'S m4Pii FOR SALE, Furniture and Houachold Goodt. THRXK-roum apartment of furniture for ale. Call Poug. Till, after s p. m. OAS range, good rand., 118. WE 8887. SOFT coal atnve, 1110 Hurdrtts. Pianog and Mutlcal Instrumcntt. FREE 110 In gold and a 18 phonograph to tha p-urrhusrr or a ilka macnine at thd regular price, 8l. Mepl Avenue Drug Co., phona Market 4218. OEO. A. SMITH Dealer In drums.iylo- phones, , elo. ; . Instructions, repairing; 1711 Davenport St. Phona Hsrnev tSI7, TRADE your used piano on a new player piano. Halsnra aa low as siv.ua per month, A. Hoeps Co., 1813 Douglas. JOHN TAKF saxophona shop, repairing and supplies. 301 Lefleng Bids;, P. I4il. Clothing and Furs. FOR aale, a few unclaimed, all-wool 'Dundee" suits, cheap, alteratlona free. DUNDEE WOOLEN MILLS, Northwest Cor, 18th and Harney Sis. FURS remod'led, rellned and cleaned. KNEETER ALASKA FX'R CO.. 208 8. 18th St. Douglas 7288. GENTLEMAN'S winter overcoat, lady s brown dress, 88: beautiful cross roz iur. Prlcea reasonable. . Harney 5080. Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING MACHINES. ' All MAKES .bought, told, rented and repaired. Sole agents for thd CORONA. Ost our prices befora you buy. Evty machine eruaranteed. Central Typewriter Exc. ckon 4120. J f 1 7 Farnam. Miscellaneous Articles. SEWING MACHINES Wa rant, repair, sell needles and parts. MICKEL'S 16th and Harney. Douglas 1871. WE buy, sell safes, make deska, ahow. caaea, etc. Omaha f ixture oe supply t-O., a W. Cor. 11th and Douglas. JA. 3724. WANTED TO BUY. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desfee. used desks bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed. 1207 Farnam. D. 14 WE buy waste paper, old magazines. books and newspapers, write or phone Omaha Paper Stock Co., 18th and Marcy. Douglas 0188. HELP WANTED MALE. Stores and Offices. CLERKS, 18 upward, for postal mall service and government departments. 1125 month. Experience unneceasary. For free particulars of examinations write U. S. School Civil Service, 90 Kqultable BIdg., Washington, D. C. Professions and Trades. WANTED Good chicken pickers at once, steady work. Call or wire Aaron i-ouitry and Egg Co. Fremont. Neb. FIREMEN, brakemen, beginners $160, lat er 3260 .monthly. Write Railway, Box T-1711, Omaha Bee. MOLER BARBER COLLEGES. 118 S. 14th. Write for cats log. Salesmen and Solicitors. DISTRICT salesmanager wanted by large manufacturer for Omaha and vicinity. ' A clean cut proposition for a good re liable man. I60O necessary to handle. Give phone number 1n reply. Box A-l, Omaha Bee. SALESMAN to cover local territory sell ing dealers. Guaranteed salary of $100 per week for right man. The Richards Co.. 200 Fifth Ave.. New York, N. T. REAL ESTATE salesman acquainted with Omaha; state age, character, exp., mar ried or single. X-117, Omaha, Bee. Hotels and Restaurants. CHEF for cafeteria feeding 700. State experience. Small Investment desired. Address Box X-106, Omaha Bee. Miscellaneous. EXPERIENCED man to install metal weather strips. F. H. Turney & Co., 703 So. 27 St. Atlantic 4737. WANTED Elderly white man to help in soft drink parlor. , 1314 N. 24th St, Omaha. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores and Offices. CIVIL service examinations Omaha, No vember. Positions, 31.400-81,600. Age, 18 upward. Experience unnecessary. For free particulars, Instruction, write Ji Leonard (former civil service exam iner), 909 Equitable BIdg., Washing ton, D. C. STENOGRAPHER and general office work; state experience. L-215, Omaha Bee. Saleswomen and Solicitors. LA"DIES In every town to introduce ar ticle iAdlspenslble , to ladles. Good proposition. Dr. A. Fred Wlckersham, Omaha, Neb. ' WANTED Intelligent women to demon trate nationally known household ne cessity. See Mr. Pitt, Hotel Keen, before 9:30 a. m. Household and Domestic. GERMAN girl for light housework: good home; would take newcomer. Harney 2173. 1326 S. 85th 8t. WANTED A girl to assist with general housework. One who can go home nights. Walnut 5684. . Miscellaneous. TWO girls to wait on trade: muat have cashiering experience. Olympla. Candy Kitchen. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTED Men. ladles and boya to learn barber trade: big demand; waged while loaning: strictly modern. Call or write 1403 Dodge St. Trt-Clty Barber College. EDUCATIONAL. DAT SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL. Complete courses In accountancy, ma. ehlne bookkeeping, comptometry. abort hand and typewriting, railroad and wireless telegraphy, civil aervlce and all large Illustrated catalog. Add reed BOTLES COLLEGE. . Boyles BIdg.. Omaha. Neb. English and commercial Branched. Write, call or phone Jackson 15s for GIRLS. HERE IS TOUR CHANCE. Training school In halrQresalng and beauty culture. Position Immediately. 666 BRANDEIS THEATER BLDG. Van Sent School of Business. Day and Evening Schools. S2 Omaha National Bank BIdg. Douglas 6899. BUSINESS CHANCES. WANT to hear from owner having busi ness for sale. 3. C McConney, Ter minal BIdg., Omaha, Nb. FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. GET TOUR ROOM through The Bee furnished room di rectory. Call at office for lltt of choice desirable rooms la all parte of the city. A service that benefits both advertiser and room seeker. TWO large well heated rooms furnished or -unfurnished, with or without meals; garage If desired. Private home west Farnam district. HA. 40:8. FATHER Secure Help Through the Bee FREE No restrictions are made as to the kind of employe. It includes any help in the following divisions: . MALE.: , , Stores, Offices, Professions, Trades, Salesmen, Solicitors, Agents, Canvassers, Hotels, Restaurants, Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Miscellaneous. Confine your ad to 18 words, bring or mail to The. Bee office, it will be run 7 days without cost. This offer does not include firms or individuals outside of Greater Omaha and Council Bluffs. a The Omaha Bee WANTED SITUATIONS. Male. REGISTERED druggist with 10 years ex perience desires permanent position. References. Write W. H. R., 217 South Seventh street. Council Bluffs. ELEVEN years rodse. experience; man ager 4 years: married; aged 29; per manent position: references. Address A. J. F.. 2202 Howard St. YOUNG man, wide awake, willing work er, to connect with large establish ment. Salesmanship preferred. Call Douglas 70S4, Bert Stanley. EX-SERVICE man, high school graduate, experienced bookkeeper, knowledge of accounting, wants position with large concern. Jackaon 2638. EXPERIENCED salesman, stsnographer and correspondence clerk with eight years' experience, married, age SO. Call Harney 1399 morninge. PAINTING, salesman, or any kind of work desired by married ex-service man Permanent work preferred. Douglas 8211. Mr. Overman. EXPERIENCED garage floorman and helper desires position, garage prefer red. Expert driver. Best references. X-109, Omaha Bee. CLERK, graduate, wanta work evenings 6 to 12, Saturday afternoons, Sundays, retail trade, driving car. Box L-307 Omaha Bee. HIGH-GRADE correspondent, excellent In sales promotion work, wants Interview with live organization. Box X-l 12, Om aha Bee POSITION as accountant, credit manager or correspondent, by married man, had several years' exp., ret., X-119, Omaha Bee. MONET produced sales executive, turns merchandise stocks into cash, 10 days: exceptional methods. X-118, Omaha Bee. ACCOUNTANT with eastern C. P. A. ex perience desires connection with I liable Omaha concern. L-201, Omaha cee. RAILROAD clerical exp., position ship ping or bookkeeping depts. Will" work nights. P. D. H., 746 W. Washington Ave., council Bluffs, la. SALESMAN Experienced In selling ad vertising desires position In advertising department of growing establishment. L-219, Omaha Bee. YOUNG man, married, wants work of any kind, experienced hotel clerk or bellhop. Bee, Box L-222. CARPENTER for Inside finish, and brick. layer and laborers wanted. 3Sd and Francis. EXPERIENCED collector wanta old ac counts on commission basis. PersonSl attention given each one. Wal. 0395, WOULD like a Job on a dairy. Am good My age, 27. Box L-220, Omaha milker. Bee. WANTED Position by middle-aged. wnite, single, licensed fireman; seme Janitor work. Box X-107, Omaha Bee. EX-ARMY sergeant, character excellent, desires employment, watchman. Janitor, porter or grocery clerk. Web. 4433. PRIVATE chauffeur, four years expert ence, now open for good position. Ex cellent references. L-208, Omaha Bee. YOUNG man, 18, wants office clerical position; high school graduateiisome ex perience; references. Market 1673. LUMBER and coal experience, office or yard; can handle large volume; I need ' employment. L-203, Omaha Bee. CAN you use some one to look after copy preparation, proof-reading, publicity, teamwork? X-105. Omaha Bee. DRESS gooda and silk salesman 1 open for position, 16 yrs. exp., best refer ences. Box X-118. Omaha Bee. EX-CONVICT wants to go -straight; 8 years' office experience; will do any thing. Box X-105, Omaha Bee. POSITION wanted; experienced bookkeep er, stenographer, secretary; city or out of town. L-213, Omaha Bee. A HIGH-GRADE sausage maker and all around butcher wants position; refer ences. X-108, Omaha Bee.- - COLLEGE Student wants evening work . from 6 p. m. to 13 p. m. Best of references. Walnut 3632. WORK as Janitor or car washer. 2213 Grace. Web. 3026. WANTED Garage or porter work. Doug. 2006. EXPERIENCED lumber man wants work In small town, also handy man. 1605 Locust St. J. E. Dolman. MAN 38. willing to work Janitor, watch man, porter, anything steady and hon est. - L-204, Omaha Bee. WINDOW trimmer deslree postiom Ex perienced in all lines of merchandise. Box X-lll; Omaha Bee. NEBRASKA medical student, experienced n cornetlst, wants orchestra work. Will Join union. Har. 7159. EXPERIENCED stenographer and book keeper deslrea position; excellent typ ist. L-200, Omaha Bee. ONE cook and one dishwasher wants sit uation, out-of-town preferred. Address H. H., Box X-103. Omaha Bee. WANTED Work as an office boy or ap prentice at any trade. Automobile Pre ferred. Market 2399. FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. LARGE front room for 2, 1 -single room. In private, modern home. Breakfast, dinner and laundry If desired. Ken wood 36. i No. 23 Alsatian, 118 South 15th St.. flS.88 PETERS TRUST COMPANY, "Where Omaha Rents." Atlantic 9S44. 17th and Farnam Sts. DUNDEE FOR GENTLEMEN: NICELY FURN1SHEH ROOM IN NEW HOME: GARAGE: REF. REQ. WA. B5S9. WALNUT ln5 Room in quiet 'bnno'ee home, gentlemen, or lady employed. References. WELL heated rm.. pri. bone. Field Club Eist-. en tj.r Use. gentleman. HA- 8148. 0. fl. faleal OAlc Registered. FEMALE Stores, Offices, Professions, Trades, Saleswomen, Solicitors, Household, Domestics, . HoteJs.'JJfifltaurants, Miscellaneous. WANTED SITUATIONS. Male. WANTED Position as experienced truck driver, any . make, best of references. van Atlantic 1346. HOTEL manager or clerk wishes per maneni position, pest or reference. Box iwi:. umaha Hee. n ai i x-oeiiion as Dining office or eager cierit, experienced. Harney 7087. WANTED Porter work, dishwasher. Tyler 2262. houseman or Henry Pease. BBIENCKD elevator man wanta worg. call Atlantic 4740. Fred Caas. CHAUFFEUR, private, young man; references. 1,-206, Omaha Bee. city A middle-aged man wants Janitor work. nigni waicnman or elevator. WE. 4128. ASHES and rubbish hauled. WE. 3376, E. M. Miller, 3336 Ohio street. , Female, DRESSMAKING and alterations done bv experienced seamstress and embroiderer ror jaaies ana children. Price reason able. Atlantic 2147. ' REFINED, mlddlealed lady wants post tlois aa housekeeper In respectable homo, tor father and son. Box L-221, Omaha WANTED Any ..typing or office work. Three years' . experience. Preferably Council Bluffs. ' Address .X-114, Omaha Bee. STENOGRAPHER with some experience wishes stenographic or any office work considered. -Box-- A-100,Omaha Bee, WANTED Position by middle-aged wom an as nouseKseper lor widower or bache lor. Box X-146, Omaha Bee. COPYING, typing, addressing or translat ing sonemian-unguan or, vice versa at home, L-:on, Omaha . Bee. , A-l STENO., accurate, ifflcient and ris , pendable, desires responsible position. Best references, t-L-214. ' YOUNG lady will' accept any kind work. Exp. In telephone operating and clerical work. .Box L-210,' Bed. - NEAT, Industrious, .young lady desires position aa elevator operator; flva years' experience. Weh. 4432s WIDOW, with a boy of 16, would like a Job as housekeeper on farm. Box X-110. Omaha Bee. v . , THOROUGHLY capable stenographer de aires employment afternoons only. X 106. Omaha Bee. ORAPHOTYPB operator wants employ ment. Exp in clerical work and filing. Box J209((Bee. . . . MIDDLE aged woman would like job ax housekeeper In the city. Box L-211, Omaha Bee. YOUNO lady wants position as compto meter operator or typist; can assist on books. References. Harney 6936. P.-B.-- X. OPERATOR -and typist washes position. Will take other work. Call Walnut 0049: , EXPERIENCED colored laundress wished bundles washing. Atlantic 4882. WANTED Sewing of afly kind by expert seamstress. 2824 Dewey avenue. COLORED woman, day work or ahort order cooking. Webster 6376. Male and Female. MAN and wife want Janitor work In an apartment. Call Webster 4771. Laundry and Day Work. EXPERIENCED and neat colored girl wants day work, laundry or cleaning. Webster 7072. DAY work and plain sewing, house clean ing by experienced colored lady. Web ster 4863. COLORED lady wishes housework or laundry work. Market 4680. Mrs. Nora Geary. WET wash, rough dry. finished bundles. Curtains and blankets. WE. 4283. WANTED Laundry work. Phone Web- ster sipee. Mrs. Cunningham. BUNDLE washing neatly work. Webster 0J87. done or day COLORED lady wishes ironing by day. lbii jvenwooa zsso. DAT work and Webster 4771, bundle washing. Call FIRST-CLASS laundrssa with references. w coster zsts. EXPERIENCED laundress wanta work. Webster 4778. BUNDLE washing. Flrst-clssa work done. vougias 7174. NEAT colored girl wants day work. Web- .... - A . ' WANTED Day work. Webster. 4744. Miss Moore. - LAUNDRY work wanted or Phone Doug. 848. piece job. LADY wants day work. Webster 6881. Misjcellaneous. WANTED Cooking or housekeeping on ii in, ,mur ana Hpenractu. svvi v co ster St.. AT. S878. WANTEDr-Poeltton as housekeeper In an elderly couple a neane; car fare for an Invalid.';- 1488 Spalding. PRACTICAL nurse wishes engagements. Excellent references. Market 8804. FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. VERY warm, attractive room, S cloeeta: near two good carltnes. Residence dis trict. Breakfsat If desired. Harney W7. Kounlietpark diet., desirable, warm front room. 81 per month. Ref.4- WE. S892. LARGEand email warm room, private home, walking diet., gent. AT. 041. LARGE, warm room. Si for 2; 13.80 for 1; gentleman. Webster 0288. COZY room la private home for 1 or 2 gentlemen:, walking dlftace. HA 8487. 297, N. up Beautiful, large, mod. room, saltsnid for I nr I Douglas 4l. ihtt- FARNAM- casv Oood room, electricity. EC JIGC5 AND MAGGIE IN FULL rAcc or colors in thc Sunday act FOR RENT ROOMS. Furniihed Rooms. Burt St., 1711 Large front modern room 3 WARM rail., break. If desired. WE. 6118. MODERN rooms, reasonable. WK. 2416. Housekeeping Rooms. THE GUIDE TO the better housekeeping rooms la the directory furnished to advertiser and room hunter,' Call at Ree office for free copy containing desirable vacancies in all parts of the city !602 DODGE, suite of neatly furnished. well heated rooms. No children. Oarage v nesire.i. WARM and light two-room suite, com. plelely modern, garage. Harney 4989. TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms witn hot water heat. 8416 N. 24th St. Board and Rooms, LARGE nicely furnished room in strictly modern home, excellent meals, best of heat, for t or 8. Business men preferred, also garage. 1023 So. !9th St. Har. 2848. NICE, sunny room, private home, in Dun dee, well heated, breakfast If desired, $3.60. Walnut- 36.Vi. Unfurnished Rooms. TWO and three-room apts. ; bath room floor, light and cozy; adults only: walk ing dlslanee. rt7 S. 29th St. FOR RENT HOUSES. Furnished. ' COME and aee my pleasant little 6-room home, new furniture, Ref. Kenwood 2971. Unfurnished. 6-ROOM house, city water, gaa and toilet. Clqnd condition, rent liito. 2602 Chi cago St. Blrkett & Co., 860 Peters Trust BIdg., Jackson 0633. 3337 Fowler Avenue, Six Rooms, $36.00 PETERS TRUST COMPANY, "Where Omaha Rents." Atlantic 0644. 17th and Farnam Sts. OWNER will sell or rent 6-room. strictly modern Montclair home, priced right. Har. 6475. FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS. Furnished. VERY comfortably furnished one-room kitchenette and bath apartments, - 226 Dresden Apartments, ; 24th and Jones, for rent to party j buying furniture. Reasonably priced "as owner has left city. Call at apartment 121, Drake Court, or call Jackson 2806. , Drake Rental Agency. . COMPLETELY furnished 3-room Apt. Private bath. Steam heat. Walking distance. Brown Apt., 608 N. 21st St. Doug. 6644. Unfurnished. APARTMENTS IMMEDIATE POS SESSION .- t. , . . - : - No. 12 Nathan 1540 - Willis Ayenue 8 rooms, living room, bedroom and klchenj $60. . .'... ) . - No. 16 Kingsborough 2538 Dodge Street . S roortns, living' room, dining1 f room, alcove and ktchen. Rent reduced to $60. No. 207 Turner Court, 3106 Dodge Street 3 rooms, 5 -room accommodations; $70. No. 20 Mount Vernon, 526 South 31st Street. " 4 rooms and dining alcove, a very rood, value at S95. Peters Trust Company, "Where Omaha Keats" Atlantlo 0644. ' 17th and Farnam Sts. It You Want a. Beautiful. . Apartment ...-v Make Tour Selection .Today in the new Hanscom Apartments 1029 Park Avenue r The building (Maltese cross type, like the Palmer apartments), is just beintr completed. We are now signing leases for these apartments. There are one, two and three-room suites, all outside exposures. Rental rate from $57.60 to $65.00 per month. We advise you to make your selection today at the build ing, then come to rental office tor res ervatlon. Drake Rental Agency 121 Drake Court. Twenty-second and Jones. Jackson 2805. Aberdeen .Apartments b4 ho. L'btn Avenue. These are light housekeeping1, un furnished- apts. new. sanitary and fire proof; only a small amount of furniture needed. Rent. ?42.50 per montii. Drake Rental Agency 22D AND JONES. JACKSON 2805. Peters Trust Company, WHERE OMAHA RENTS. FOR RENT Business Property. TO LET 10,000 FEET TRACKAGE AND WHOLESALE PROPERTIES WITHOUT TRACKAGE. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO.. 1320 FARNAM. JACKSON 0884. MERCANTILE HOUSE CO.. STORAGE AND WARS. 11th and Jones Sts. STEAM-HEATED, four-room apartment close In. 1610 Chicago. G. P. Stebbln. Tel. Walnut 2299 Garage for rdnt. 8KB r. D. WEAD. 210 HO. 18TH ST Garages. NEW STORE 24TH ' AND LEAVEN WORTH. RENT VERY REASONABLE. JOHN A. ANDERSON CO., 2404 LEAVENWORTH MOVING AND STORAGE. FIDELITY 8atnSavaV CO. STORAGE MOVING. PACKING HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND PIANO& REASONABLE RATES, REDUCED FREIGHT RATES TO ALL PRINCIPAL CITIES. 1107-11 Howard St. Jackson OSS! METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned by H. ft. Bowen Co. Atlantic 8400. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos, moving, packing and shipping. JEKINS OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE, 898 booth Ktfc.' Douglas 4182. ESTIMATES furnished on storsg A mov ing. Contracts takes by Job or hr. Globe Van Storage Co. JA. 4338. AT. 9230. 8:v-:4 North 18th St . POULTRY AND PET STOCK. WHEAT screenings. 8I.2 pr ir. Ids. de livered. Warner. "l N. l'h S .' " FEMALE canaries. St. 81.90. iiU So. IJrd Drawn Cor HORSES AND VEHICLES. FINK, ganlle horse, cheap. Douglas 6716, AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. USED CAR HAHUAINtt. Fords, Dodge, Nsili. Bulck, and ethsr moaeis. Caen, time or trade. New Fords at a discount. Trucks, cabs, ponies, ana winter tops. OOLDHTROM AUTO SALES CO. 1318 Harney St, Tel. Jackson 2446, Central Garage, open day and night. isii rutin ukuan Looks like new, par feet rondltien, cord tire on spare, big oi'kable stesrlng wheel, defender shock absorbers. Must sell at once. Leaving city. First $626 rash takes It. See It at iMH Howard, or call Richards, Doug ias USKZ, SOME bargains In used Fords; prompt , ueuvcry on new roros. M'CAFFRKY MOTOR CO., . The Handy Ford Service Station, 16th and Jarkson Sts. DO. 8(00, Garages ws build are attractive. permanent, low priced, Mlcklen Lumber a) Wrecking Co. Web. 6666. 24th and Burdens Sts. A RE-NEW-ED Marmon 34, Is a better buy at Its price than a new car at the same price. II. Pelton, 8019 Farnam. USED radiators, all makea for sale. Oreen ough Radiator Repair. 2036 Farnam. USED cars bought, sold snd sxchanged, TRAWVER AUTO CO.. 2210 Farnam St. WUTTi7T VRKNTS guns. VYXli. iriLil 32!) SOUTH 1STH ST, HOLLY, expert auto trimmer, 6H 8. '24th Autos for Hire. WHY not rent a one-ton truck and drive It yourself to do your moving ana naui- nigT It will sava you one-nsii yaw moving bill. Drive It Yourself Co., 1314 Howard St. Doug. 336'. Accessories. WHY buy cheap new tires when you esn get thd nest ractory aajusieo iires si bargain prices. Fsbrlcs and cords, all sizes. 33 up. . FLEISHMANS TIRE SERVICE, Service Garage. 16th and Leavenworth. FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loans. WE have cash on hand to loan on Omaha residences. ... JS H. LOUOEH, INC., v , ' 638 Keellne BIdg. , OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATU CO., 1016 Om. Nat. Bk. BIdg. Jackson 2715, $100 to $10,000 made p romplly. P. D. WEAD. Wead BIdg., 810 S. lth St. FARM LAlNDS. Minnesota Lands. EQUITY Idind Exchange. St Paul. Minn. Washington Lands. FOR SALE By owner, 40 acres fine land in Wasblngton; e-room nouse, earn, orchard, berries. T. C. Thompson, Bur lington. Wash. - r ' . REAL ESTATE WANTED. To buy or sell Omaha Real Batata sea FOWLER & M'DONALD 1120 City Nat. Bk. BIdg. ' Jackson 1416. CONSULT us if you contemplate building, or wish to buy or sell Omaha real estate. C. B STUHT CO- , City Nat. Bank BIdg. DO. 8717. CAN sell your farm. Income property or business. . i - ' . .. E. P. LUCEY & CO., Storm Lake, la. GRUENIGKc!:.t,awMfc " 141$ 1st. Natl. Bk. BIdg.' Jackson 1966. WTDITPTT REAL ESTATE. UlltlVU a. a Sells, Rents, Insures. 360 Peters Trust BIdg. Jackson 0683. HAVE inquiries for .homes do yon want to sell your property 7 List It with C A. Grlmmel, Omaha Nat'l Bk. BIdg. PROMPT eales .of your rear estat.e; ws have many buyers and solicit your busl ness. Shonen & Co- Realtors. JA. 4239. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Florence . Nethaway. Flor. prop, no colored. IfE. 1409 REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. INVESTMENT WANTED. I Tiave some gilt-edge first mtg.' pa per and cash to trade on Income prop erty. Only Omaha property considered and It must show' the return. Box A-50, Bee.. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West. OWING to the death of my wife. I offer for Bale my residence at 121 So. S8th St., consisting of eight rooms. Modern throughout, oak floors all over down stairs, mahogany finish on woodwork down stairs, white enamel upstairs. Full cemented basement, large hot air fur nace. Garage for two cars.. Priced low for quick sale. W. C. Bailey,. 433 Rail way Ex., Douglas 7408, BEST offer made buys 4177 Wakeley Ave., fine 7-room bungalow. Cathedral district. Crelgh, 80S Bee. J A. 8248. J. B. ROBINSON, real estate and Invest ment.' 542 Peters Trust. DO. 8097. D. R. BUCK & CO. buy and sell homes. North. NEAR 27th snd Ellison, new, all monm. 6-room bungalow; complete, 84.760. Easy terms. Atlantlo 2849. Vacant. DUNDEE LOTS. . 13,250 East front, close ts car. 23,376 Corner. 81x135. 26.000 Double , corner, Flfty-tecon and Farnam. ALFRED THOMAS & SON CO.- J A. 0084. HAVE a few sightly lots In Ralston which I will sell for real small pay ment down, and the balance easy monthly payments: 2200 up. Prions or see Stewart. Phone Ralston 10-W.. 700 Corner lot, on car line, 50th and Center 858, 25 per month. D. V SHOLES COMPANY. Jackson 0048. Miscellaneous. THE Old Reliable Real Estate Office. M'CAGUE INVESTMENT CO. 1508 Bodge St Douglaa 1348. We Make Omeba RESIDENCE LOANS Monthly Installment Plan, Prepayment any tine. Also Lsans ea Business Propertied Liberal Optional Privileges. Reasonable CamsaiseKSne. Many Socialists Arrested Osaka, Japan, Nov. 13. Many so cialists have been arrested here on charges that they are connected with widespread agitation in the leading cities of Japan. XltDiisi.w.y' for The Be by McManu rt at. Ittl, latensalleaai hews .rvt XIV. Ears Short or Long. Henrietta Hen's heart ' began to thump. She dropped a 'bit of cab- L . - r .1 , , -It a Bi itburned er.0,'Xnd su8a.iy. h c.t . . l. T.aa,.ijr veinui, a tv 'iici . muiv manners. . ' i ; "Goodness I" she said to Jimmy Rabbit, who was busily munching cabbage in farmer Oreen s garden, "You frishten mc!" , ; . He had just asked her this strange )f course ha WAl" said Spot and none too . pleasamlo. question: -Did you ever hear it said that eatintr too much cabbage causes long ears?" And Henrietta Hen didn t want lone earsr ahe knew they would be sure to spoil her beauty.: . limmv Rabbit had no time to say anything more to Henrietta Hen. AI- though he. had. not finished his luncheon, he left the garden sudden- ly in great ha. For old dog Spot began barking just beyond the fence; and Jimmy Kabb;t always wanted to get as far from'' that sound as he could; AV hen. boot scurried into the cab- bage patch a little later. Henietta Hen . called to nim. " What is it? he asked her im- patiently. lm itv a great hurry, I don't like to stop." . ' This is a very important matter, &tL tiTAP SCOT BAILEY 1 1 said Henrietta Hen. "Do you like disappointment tare from my throat, t cabbage?" she demanded. 'I noticed a protuberance in .'his "Cabbage?" he 'repeated alter her - i - . - as a puzzieq iook came- over ins wee. vt-.. .... " lull' liccuil l a-l su am l-uiacu, H-.o Uim rMW. "V, A A VIM IVt lie IVtU at I Ala, VVIUIJ V u didn't come running into the garden iur noun!.,:. aTiiiu jivc icasuii iw believe that you intended to eat some of 'Farmer Green's; cabbages." What's your reason?" old Spot inquired. . You - have long, ears, said Hen- netta.nen. "Nonsensel': cried Spot. "What a person eats doesn't make his ears either long or short." . Are you sure of that? Henrietta Hen wanted to know. "I've never eaten cabbage in1 all my life," he declared. Still she couldn't rid herself of her tears. "Perhaps," she said, . "if you had eaten it your ears would have grown twice as long as they are now. He shook his head..'."I don't think u. . . l ."There's only 'one way . to find out," Henrietta Hen announced. 'tr-. - i. c ui ,n ...f uai a iul ui lauuagt; i yuu iiii AnH 'we'll soon r whether vaur ears are growing longer." But old dog Spot refused flatly to do anything of the sort. He said that his ears suited him quite well, iust as thev were "What !" , cried . Henrietta Hen. "Wouldn't you eat cabbage to oblige . -is j.. Old "Spot said he 'was sorry; but he had no liking for cabbage How can you tell if you ve never .....j :.v .1.1 . tr J j. ... ' iLii . J.e indue nv answer to inai qucs- tion. Instead, he asked her one of his own. "Would you like long ears?" he inquired. ' - - ' ' . - Certainly not! she cried. "How can you tell if j-ou've never tried -wearing any? - he demanded. "Don't be: stupid!"- she snapped, "None of my family wears cars that can be .seen. What a sight I d be with long ears I ' Ears are-very ugly thing.?,- and I only hope that I haven't eaten so much cabbage that mine will begin .to' grow . Do you suppose they'd hang down like yours or .stick up like Jimmy. Rabbit's? He didn't say anything about that" Old dog Spot let out a howl. "Jimmy Rabbit!" he growled. "Was he talking with you just be fore I arrived? "Yesl" said Henrietta. ' "It was he that asked me if I had ever heard that eating cabbage made a person's ears grow." - . . "I might' have known it it 'was that young Rabbit who put such a silly notion into your head," Spot grumbled. "If you hadn't stopped me I'd have stopped him by this time. But it's too late now." . "You don't suppose he was jokiug, do you?" Henrietta inquired. , "Of course, he was," said Spot and none too pleasantry. "Well," Henrietta mused, as rhe pecked at a cabbage leaf, "I must say that I think the joke's on you." (Copyright, 1921. by Metropolitan news paper Service.) My Marriage Problems Adeia Gaiilsaa'd Nv rks af - "Rerel.tion of a Wife" la-1 How Madge Summoned Help At . Last. I do not think I ever have faced a quandary $9 punting it the one which confronted me when I had finished washing the blood from the fare of , the wounded voting state trooper. ' Evert my limitftd knowledge told me that a surgeon's aid was imperii live. I had done all that any on, save a professional could do, and I rould do no good by remaining at hit side. Vet I haled to leave him alone. and apparently dying in that lonely place. Suppose he regained edn sciousness, wished to send some mes sage, or suppose some prowling beast harmless enouglr if he were not helpless on the ground my brain ran the gamut of the horrible possibilities my absence might make realties. Besides I never have counted myself more of a coward than most women but I confess that I was, afraid, death) so. to make the journey which I realized I must take to the spot in the roadi where I had left the car luckily I had a key to it in my pocket and lrom thence, to some house where I could get hold of a telephone and summon sur geon. I reflected anxiously that we hart m e by so devious , way I had no idea which way to drive the car when I should reach it. and the hour wai nearly midnight. I here, would !oe but little chance of meeting another motor car, even if I safely accom plished the trip through the woods nath whiclt I must take belore reach ing the place where we had left our machine. Quick Thinking. A glance at the white face of the unconscious boy . on the : grouna steeled mv couraore with the thought of the possible horrors winch mignt come to my own lad when he should have outgrown my care and protec tion. Yet so sireat was my terror of the lurking menace between me and the state road that lor a minute l hesi tated, waited, straining my ears to hear if there were one sound to in dicate the proximity of the rest of the fishing party. Dicky, Bess Dean, Pa Cosgrove and the twins tney might have been translated to some other sphere for any indication I haH aF their tiearnRS. If I only had a revolver! It would not only be a protection against the possible return of the desperado who had so lately crawled away into the woods, but a shot would also be a signal to Pa Cosgrove and the rest. I had not dared to scream for fear the man who had threatened me mitr it return. But a pistol shot was different. It would alarm him as much as it would my friends. . . But I had no revolver, and with a clinching of my teeth I started te crawl ud the path that led to . the shelter of the woods, where 1 would 1 dare to stand upright , And'then a sudden thought sent me back again to the wounded trooper s side. I re- moved gently but rapidly the blanket and coat I had wrapped around him, scanned his belt -for the heavy ser- vice revolver with which. I knew. officers like hiin were equipped. It, was not there, but even as a sob ot blouse, and. tearing it open, took out i . i , .1- the gun, wrapped in a tieavy ciq.tn. i "Ricrht Hare.' l m i . . . o lime to wonoer now now ,n had come there, or why- it had been overlooked by the man who struck , . - T . e " ?own- 1 .,,. "1 1 ' .::V. J 'ALt a little wave of thankfulness for the . few lessons in the use of firearme I had been given, I pointed the heavy gun into the air and fired twice. 2 ' . , , .:.t. . r.. i nen iremDiinjj wiiu nervous icai-, I couched by the wounded troopir, my face toward the direction 'in which his assailant had crawled away, my nerves quivering for the first sound which should .indicate that my shots had been heard. For a second or two there was but the echo of shots, crashing away into the mountains, and ' then ' I heard a faint: "He-ll-o!" It was repeated at intervals of. half a minute, and soon I heard the snap pine CI sucks, men me ouuiiu ui i un ning footsteps, and the excited voices v.. Mrs. Graham! Ted! Mrs. Gra . , , ,.. , ... . . ham! Tel1 the' were calling tensely, excitedly, and I realized that they suPP0S.ed.,.Tfd4. t0 be 7,,th me' nd gsed hat would never have wanaerca so iar away ...... icy .u 1,01 counted upon his protecting care ol mc. " ' .Here 1 0h- P,MS . c?n ' auicklv! ' At the nearness of help thej fictitious- bravery and strengt U fd fe bean to ooze ot.o-r. 1 1 5 .'""": T. . "Rio-ht here! The running loot stpna rounded the bend in the shore. : - t- j . j M Pa Cosgrove and Fred rushed up to me, stopped in amazement at the sight of he wounneo trooper. Good God I Mrs. Granamr trie cider man gasped. "What -is h? Are you hurt?" "No. I'm all right." I said, faintly, fighting to keep my composure and my strength. - "But if you'll ' just take this gun." 1 - - , I held the thing out gingerty, for I . hate the sight or touch of a. revolver, even though I can use one in an emergency. ' ' Pa Cosgrove took it,1 and . then knelt down by the wounded troopef while I told him as quickly as possi -ble what had happened. As' I talked he examined with practiced fingers the bandage I had put on, and I saw -him nod in approval of it. And when I had finished he said decisively: "We've got to get him out of here right away.'j, Have you seen anythin of your husband lately? , Farm Home Near Tecumseh Is Destroyed by Fire Tecumseh. Neb.. Nov. !.. (Spe cial.) The house on J. A. McPher rin's farm, near Tecumseh, together with most of its contents, was de stroyed by fire. The fire originated in a defective flue. The tenant was George Power, and the family was awav from home at the time. Mr. McPherrin had $o00 insurance n the house and Mr. Power had some insurance on his goods,