THE BEE OMAHA. SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 13, 1921. 7 A First Check of r Omaha Bee I, Q. Contest Made J Announcement of " Winners Expected Before December 1 M any Humorous Answers Received. Fint '-cheek of The Bee's "Intclli. gence Queftionnaire" has been com plctcd after many wcrki of work by the judges. Final checking is now going forward at a speed which, it is estimated' will, allow announce ment of the winners some time be fore December 1, " The enormous tank has not been without its diversions, coming in some of the answers given. For instance,' here is a 'youth who tells 1 us that a curriculum is "a race horse whi'e another informs us that it is i . "something to clean by scrapping." I Contestant PUys Safe. I "What ' is - the electro-nneumatic block signal?" was one question to which, a feminine contestant replied, "a light pole in the air with a num ber." Another tells us that the first pneumatic invention which attracted general attention was "a wind mill." One cautious chap played safe on the question, "Who invented the sub marine?" Ue answered, "An invent or," which isn't wrong, but can't be put down as right. Names Five Senses. "What are the five senses?" was a question which drew this remark able elucidation from one contestant, "The five senses are sense, sensible, sensual, scnsulaism and sensuous." is- "What causes the tide?" Answer: "The' water when it hits the bank." So read one questionnaire." And thus it goes. , Out the result will soon be ready to announce. B.P.O.E.Ruler Comiheto Omaha !'. D Local Lodge s Plans 'Elaborate Entertainment , for Him ... Next Wednesday. ' r ' Omaha Elk's 'are making elaborate reparations for the entertainment of W." WiT JJountatnl : grand exalted" ruler, who yill be here next Wdenes ('.ay, accompanied by Fred C. Rob ii.son, grand secretary. The chief entertainment feature will be- a program in the. evening at 8:30 inthe Shrine room of Ma sonic Temple. -The entertainers will be the Elks' band, D. W.' Hungting ton, West sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thiem and; Gertrude Thiem, Lawrence Dodds, Rube . Wrestlers, Ruth Gordon, a male quartet,- and Dr.. H.: A. Waggoner's . saxophone organization. E. C. Page will' pre side. The pram! exalted utev and secre tary will be entertained at .luncheon and' a 6 o'clock dinner will be served at Hotel Fontenelle ' An invitation , has been extended to DcWolf Hop per to attend the evening entertain- jHjnent alter ins pertormance at tnc 7 ' JBrandeis theater. "Support Y. W. C. A;," Says ' Mayor in Proclamation Mayor Dahlman yesterday issued a proclamation, calling on the public to support the Y. W. C. A. campaign for funds which starts tomorrow and continue-? until Thanksgiving day. Li, The, proclamation reads: "Tha T. VT. C. A. has designated No vambor It to 3 as "Annual Finance Week." It la unnecessary to recommend til work or tht Institution to our cltl aena. . It paat hiatory, the wonderful rood it la areompltahlng day by day,' la lis ' ctronf eat claim on our eupporfc. '"I hor that these good women will realise their ambition to raise the necea. eary funds to carry on the work, of ren dering Christian aervlca to the . young women of Omaha, A vlanee at' the rec ord of Its achievements In the ay ol aotstlnr youne; irlrls morally. . education ally, and In every other way, la, most convincing argument In Its favor. Gym nasium classes, romfortabla housing' fa , cllltlea, well-cooked food at lowest prices these are only a few1 of the act ivities of tha T. W. CV A. in thls elty to say nothing of the Immense service rendered young women passing through the city, whoa flrat Inquiry la for the "y." Don't forget tha dates November 14 to I. Every contribution to this good cause will go toward the' moral and mental uplift of the -hundrtda of girls who coma within tha Influences of this lino institution." Gipsy Smith Endorses. Willard Hall Campaign Gipsy Smith visited the site of Willard hall lastj-week on South Tenth street, and was highly pleased ' with the outlook, .he said. Extensive repairs -now are ' being itiiade on former Brownell hall which being converted into a home for working girls. It is planned to be completed by January. The Gipsy j - expressed the hope that this project may have the loyal support of the people of Omaha. Campaign for ' $75,000 now is being conducted. Prominent Eagle Will Address Omaba Aeries The Eagles of Douglas county, consisting, of five aeries, are making preparations for the reception of Del Cary Smith who will deliver an ad dress in the auditorium of Labor temple, Nineteenth and Davenport streets, next Wednesday evening. Mr. Smith is a past grand worthy president of the Fraternal Order c4 Eagles, and the first man who ever succeeded himself in that ' position. , He is a lawyer of Spokane, Wash. The meeting wilt be open to the public Omaha Poultry Club Show Will Open November 21 The Omaha Poultry club will hold its eighth annual exhibition at the Auditorium, November 21 to 26. Poultry breeders from 12 states will attend the show and meet with the Rhode Island Red Guh of America. Prizes totaling $2,500 and a num ber of silver cups will be awarded during the- exhibition. Arthur L. KsVCdsort, 222 North Fifteenth street. secretary of trie Omaha rouitry club, hat charge of the show. , China will use airplane to hunt 'randits and smugglers, carry prec- socs metals from the interior to the; coast and explore for new rail and' highway routes,-: -.A V-. .- ' , I From Nursery Rhyme, to Grown-up Time v Third Annual National Children's Book Week At 35c By-lo Serie Three Little Pigs. Jennie Wren. v Handy Pandy and Others. . Dotty Dolly Books. Little Black Sambo. . Peter Rabbit. ' """: At 50c ', ' Toy Books A large assortment of Toy Books, ranging in price from 15c to 75c. Make Believe Series, by Laura Hope. Sleepy Time Series, by Bailey. Little Gingerbread Boy. . Twin FunnyBooks. At 60c 1 A Child's Garden of Verse Stevenson. Snowy Tail, a Champion Jack Rabbit , , Little Miss Veezy Stories. Wonder Story Books. Shaggy Coat. Black Beauty. ' 1 At 75c ' " Volland Sunny Book Series. Loraine and thtj Little' People, Mother Goose. Aesop's Fables. Children of Old Testament, Children of New Testaments.' Five Little-1 Peppers and How .' They Grew. '.' -, Knee Time Animal Stories. . . At $1,00 . , Sara Crewe. Mancy and Nick Books. Ungava Bob. Last of the Chiefs. Hans Brinker and Silver Skates. Once Upon a Time A new book of old-timo fairy tales, 2.50. Tom Brown's School Days Rhcad Edition $1.75. High Benton Worker Hey biger $1.75. A Tale of Two CitiesPictures by Harvey Dunny $3.50. Burgess Animal Book $3-00. Burgesa-Naah Book Shop Main Floor. i'r ' Special Values in Curtains Draperies Madras and Silks for Overcurtains - ; $1.00 to $3.75 -These "are the, most beautiful designs; in all colors and you wril find -they are just the thing for your room. ' rX - -'.!'" '-' ,'-.'. ' Sincfc ihere is.something in a name, you' tyill find ' these cdlorsypf blue and rose truly sunfast and really .. lovely. " ' - . ,;, Pongee Fringe, 75c This fine quality , mercerized fringe in pongee color is the ideal fmish for dainty-curtains, tit is fdjirS inches in Vidth and has a pleasingly silken look; ! . 36-inch Marquiselte. 29c Fyie quality mercerized marquisette in white and ecru. Special, 29c a yard. v Burgeta-Nath Drapery Shop Fourth Floor. v Monday The Bast Special Demonstration Our Factory Demonstrator Will Show Why is the most efficient and economical K make, and should be in' every home as a money and time-saver. It has the peg dolly washing principle, which swings the clothes in the opposite direction to the water, forcing the suds through and through the clothes, thus thoroughly cleaning the most delicate fabrics as well as heavy garments without wear and tear. It is an economy in any home. You can buy one TODAY on deferred easy payment terms. . ' We include with the purchase of the machine no additional price your choice of one copper boiler, No. 8; one Hot Point 6-lb. electric iron; 100 bars Swift's naphtha laundry soap. Price range from $79.50 to $128.50. - BurffVM-Naah Home Fon&ishliiga Department Fourth floor, 1 n? . T TT ul EVER YD EVE R YD OD Y'S STOR B' Monday--a Great Clearance Sale of FINER DRESSES ''"7.'ii,: '.'.. 'V,-,' Dresses from our own regular stock reduced Monday for quick clearance. The last word I'n sma'rfess is.9xprese, .Tricptii),Sattnsi ;Cant6n: Grepes,-aiid 'Crepe . de Chines; all the season's latest Icolors. and trimmings'i!are:ihduded'' ;,; Burgeaa-Nash Cowa Shop Third floor. Children 's Book Week The Third Annual. '.Children's Book. Week Is to. be observed this year from November 13 to 19. . Could" we give one gift . i; Vf , every, child lt: would be the love of books. Th iloj an Is "Mora books fin the home." - It is Kate Douglas Wigg-in who has said, "One of the greatest goods for '.a child is that he shall grow : op in a house with books. It does not matter if there be re circulating library in the same' street that will never take' the place of books in the ' home, books in wall cases, in racks and stands, on the table ' and. window seats, and on the kitchen mantel shelf beside the clock." . The Most Notable Display and " Selling of . Genuine Irish Linens ever held in Omaha. Fa- : ' mous Derryvale linens from Ireland at prices which will, astonish all. Table Cloths and Napkins. Totocls and 'ToVfeling, . Hand'Prinled Drapery Linens. (,HandPrincd Fancy' ' '- , ' i Linens. . . Linens stamped for : embroidery. J ,.v Exhibit on the Second and -Fourth Floors Monday and. throughout the -.week. .- For- , full details see other Sunday 'papers.-. ; , -. - . S-Jr ahirgaaa-Nash Unen Shop. 1 Last JJay 01 Loiiar w eeK : osiery Monday -p: :!(.- Hi -aSaaaiBBstsaaj This is almost exceptional opportunity? to, supply ; i'Every pair is of splendid quality; carefully selected in every hosiery need-t unbelievable savings. . . order that we might offer the best values obtainable. , Pure Thread Silk Hose Semi-fashioned with d&Ubt&'. soles, toes and high spliced heels of goodrrweight. Black, dark brown and Avhitei Sizes 8. to 10, a pair, $1.00. ;. 2 Pair Fleeced Lined A very serviceable and comfortable winter hose, in black, all sizes; 2 pair $1. 1 !1 ' Full Fashioned Lisle Ots i .DAiirtln nlA tnoi and i heels, in black and j ;a pair $1. '1 2 Pair Fine Cotton Double soles, toes and heels, in black, cordo van and white; 2 pair $1. 2 Pair Cotton Hose '-'I Of good heavy, quality - 5 . ihat will give good Wear, in black, all sizes, 2 pair $1. use ' For, Children ' If .you. are gbihg' to need children's stockinpS, see these at'1 ' -ri ";; 3 pairs for $1.00 .'; , -An excellent quality heavy ribbed for 1 boys, and fine ; ribbed for girls, in black or , white. Splendid stockings for school ; and "dress-up." All sizes - . ' ''' . Two Pairs Lisle Stockings With double soles and a 9-irich jerse ribbed top or a 4-inch hem top. These are very spe cial at the price. Sizes 8 14 -to 10. ' ; r: 1 2 Pair Split Soled Black stockings in both tegular 'and extra sizes; 2 pair $1. cu '1 Fine Woolen Hose With high spliced heels double soles and toes, made of fine soft yarn with the- drop stitch fronts, all sizea 8-10 '1 Fine Cashmere Light weight, full fash- .ioned without a seam, 1 . m DiacK only; sizes 0 to 10. a pair $1. Women's Sport Hose Women's sport ' hose, in lxl rib; in the pop-P ular brown heather ef-' fects, sizes 8 to 10. 1 Burgesa-Nash Hosiery Department Mela Floor. Our First Great Showing of Women's Winter The' colder weather brings the need of warm, comfortable underwear our . . new winter line ia most complete. Every' garment is of our usual splen did quality and fit.' All at this sea son's newly lowered prices. Silk and Wool Union Suits 'V..S 7 I Low neck, no sleeves, $050; ankle length. 1 ;- Sizes 4-5-6 for $2.50 " Sizes 7-8-9 for $3.50 -,7, ;r, Silk and Wool Union Suits , High .. neck, long'$oOO sleeves, ankle lengths. J Sizes 4-5-6 ....$3.00 Sizes 7-8-9 ....$4.00 Medium Weight Union Suits Splendid fitting cotton union' suit, one that will give real $ 75 " -Fine Merino Union Suits Regulation or bodice $Q25 tops in low neck, "no-,. . sleeves, ankle and ' knee lengths. . Sizes 4-5-6 ....$2.25 Sizes 7-8-9 ....$2.75 1,1., till. wearing service. I- - . c Low neck, no sleev Sizes 4-5-6 ...$1.75 Sizes 7-8-9 .......... .$2.00. Burfess-Nash Undenrear Department -Main High neck, long sleeves, an i kle length - : Sizes 4-5-6 , ....$2.00 " Sizes 7-8-9 $2.25 Wool and Cotton Bloomers In ankle and sport lengths colors and black, $ 75 taupe and navy. X Floor. Wilton and Axminster Rugs Offer Remarkable Values Monday Axminster Rugs Genuine Wool Wilton Rugs' ' These are of an extra heavy quality andi ft7C: ' These are in a large assortment of t-TftlA are especially attractive for the hall, den f I colors and patterns rugs, attractive and Suv and bedroom, for they, are exact copies of i r j -practical in every home. They, are fin- Orientals, or are to be had in conventional patterns.' j 'ished with hemmed or fringed ends, both seamed or Size 41 ,ix6 i.'. Unusual values at $12.75. ' seamless. Size 9x12. Exceptional values Monday. ' Burfeaa-Naah Hug 'Shef Sixth Floor. '' $72 $65 Sale "Free" Sewing Machines Continuing Our Greatly Reduced Prices "Free" Cabinet ?72 Machines reduced to Finished in walnut, mahog any, fumed oak and golden oak. "Free" Treadle ?65 Machines reduced to Ball bearing throughout runs easier, sews faster. Free" New Type Machine Reduced to The automatic tension adjusts itself to dr7 any size thread or weight material. "Free" Electric Portable Sewing Machine Reduced to $51.00 - A built-in Westinghouse Motor. Biarieae-Naee) Sa-a-lut Maehla Skee Fourth Floor, i 1