Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 13, 1921, WOMEN'S SECTION, Image 17

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Programs in Omaha Replete With Dash and Romance
("Bill" Hart Comes
Back to Screen in
Knockout Western
RoLert'vMcKim Playg Lead
ing Role atIoon; Jack Holt
!' , At Sun in Drama of
' a ,' ' . The Stage. ' ' (
j' .
' Cinofna art in Omaha play
houses this week will be fea
tured with the names of William-S.
Hart, Justine John
fitohs, Pauline Starke, Doug
las. Fairbanks,' Jack Holt and
Robert McKim. In "Three
Word Brand," a dashing
story of virile western punch,
"Bill" Hart makes his return
to the film world which he an
nounced several months ago
he would abandon. The pic
ture will be the chief attrac
tion at the Rialto theater the
first four days of this week.
So chivalrous, dashing and
brave did Doug Fairbanks
appear to Omaha fans during
the past week in his vehicle,
"The -Three . Musketeers,"
that the management of the
Strand theater has held the
picture over for this week.
The story of an actress-mother's
sacrifice of a life of luxury for her
f daughter is told vividly, in "The
hy pougUsyattbank? iVm. ST-teVT? jack Wort ih Qatrfon
. . MOON
Grim Comedian," an attractive fea
ture at the Sun theater this week.
Phoebe Hunt, and 'Jack Holt are
the stars.
Hart at Rialto.
A western photoplay that is as
full of action as the conventional
egg is of meat, is William S.
Hart's new picture, "Three-Word
Brand," that will be featured at the
Rialto theater the first four days of
this . week. Front the opening
scenes when Ben Trego, after plac
ing his twin sons in safety, blows
himself into fragments by igniting a
keg of gunpowder to escape a band
of savages that had him caught in a
trap, to the final fade out when he
holds the girl of his heart in his
arms, there Isn't a wearisome mo
ment. Mr. Hart ' plays three roles
and he portrays them all with con
summate artistry. Jane Novak is
his leading woman and heads a
strong supporting cast of screen
When one wife sets out to bring
about the ruin of another an inter
csting chain of events may be ev
And these events do take place in
the fascinating photodrama, "Wife
Against Wife, which is the attrac
tion at the Rialto theater beginning
Pauline Starke, portraying the
leading role, runs the gamut of hu
man emotions as a little French
model, who is. made the victim of
the jealousy and suspicion of the
wife of an American artist.
The locale embraces the Latin
quarter of Faris and the fircenwich
village section of New York ant
the settings are picturesque and im
At the Sun.
"The Grim Comedian," the feature
attraction at the Sun theater this
week, is the story of an actress-
mother's sacrifice of a life of luxury
that Her convent-bred daughter may
not know of the means by which she
was educated. The mother is a minor
actress who has won the esteem of
a Broadway rounder, and through
JfewMbot Orchestra
1 niMn ii i i.uhKiii
OmakaX favorite
-DAILY 5 ton-
. 1 1 Yrw II II , fl m III
r i u j i v J v y I 1 I II
OtieVeeK w!vC
, W Staitin Today
VikSrr sr , f A drama that vili
I n V . . . . . I I in rh f i cii Al a
?: i & fMs of: smites, tmns
- IfcaJ 1 yi&nrf &ffyfAfiJfC I wveninto a mighty
m(m (i AiLZ baiuiof devotion
his beneficence has been able to pro
vide well for her daughter.
But when the girl grows tip and
wants to come to her mother, the
latter cannot go on with her former
life. The man in the case, however,
is not to be disposed of easily, es
pecially after seeing the daughter.
Then a conflict between the mother's
love for her daughter and the first
genuine affection of the rounder for
the unspoiled girl furnishes a thril
ling climax to an unusual story.
An excellent cast will be seen in
"The Grim Comedian." Among the
players arc Phoebe Hunt, Gloria
Hope, Jack Holt and John Harron.
A Zane Grey KoveL
Imagine a dark-haired, dark-eyed
maid whose white features are a
symphony of perfect beauty, whoe
body is beautiful in any garb, in any
state of repose, in any degree of
graceful action. Add to it beauty
of soul, expressed in subtle ways.
Add to that conception, (ire. inttl-
(Continued on l'ue Right.)
Not aXone the womnn pays for moral
missteps, but the man as- well !
'Miliioib Dollar 'WaHitt,,
who doubted all uomen,
and amused JtiniselP
with, many, paid with,
every ounce of his heart!?
blood when Life , the
$ritn jester turned
the lauijiton-itiitt.
TKey called hint.
and his presence
intke valley struck
fear to the hearts
o the rustlers.
and a Jkntous selected.
1ANE GRExcast oF plaL
You will want b see
this picturc,viiliiis
spirited the vigorous
vest, aiula love
story ihal vill take
you back to your own,
Icharmittfl youth.. ,A
fd i
Hell-Bent came face to face with, the man. who
had killed his vife -There was an, express
ion, of horrible fear bit the face of the man who
called himself Ed.Smitfi and then, came the
hand-to-hand death, stru$61e which- Zane Grey
has pictured with typical realisttu
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