Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 12, 1921, Page 17, Image 17

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Hot Bread as
; a Change ;
f ... . , -L ! .L. J- .
v t,iiaiija iu , me uici every
i -i t
i ubcwwv inouia give ner urmny
i-o w and then surprise in the form
of a. hot. bread. Ho4 breads -differ
from Villi tirr.ltl in tint Ihev art
quickly made and the levering agent
ji tlve.gai formed either by the uii
of-hakmg fowder or cur milk and
.' A constant diet of " hot '.'bread
wight prove, disastrous even to a
strong digeative apparatus, but for
the average healthy human it should
Drove a ntranino' variation. . .
: 'One-enar muffins are among the
siinplest hot bread to prepare , Silt
trigi'ther several times two level
cupfuls of baking powder and half a
teaspoonful r.f salt. To a well
beaten xg aihl .half a cupful of milk.
"Heat this liqtiid gradually into the
' ftpur mixture, using more milk if
necessary so. that the mixture be
comes a drop batter. .
A drop batter is one, about the
consistency of; thick whipped cream
which 'drops 'easily' from the spoon,
b'tjtdoes not run.' One or two:. ta
hle.spoonfuli . of '; melted ' fat or od
illiquid' .be, beaten . into the mixture.
;our into well greased and floured
grin pans and hake in a quick to
mrtriejrate oven about 25 minutes.
These muffins may be' varied by
. the- addition .of. a fourth of a cupful
' of .chopped -dates or raisins or figs,
or part graham or rye flour may be
substituted ' for '. part of the .wheat
flour. . A' couple of . tablespoonfuls
of sugar or molassrg may be beaten
into the batter if desired. - .'.
The griddle or pancake is .easily,
prepared. It is. better to use a pas
try flour as one ttfes for- fine', cake
tlian to use the ordinary brcad.flour.
Many, failures in attempting to- make
Iight.itcndcr pancakes may DC, traced
to the use of - a - bread flour -rich
in gluten. ., ' . :
. If you, cannot .obtain pastry flour
combined three-fourths - of - a cupful
of bread flour with one-fourth bf a
cupful of cornstarch. . Sift this with
two level teaspoonfuls : of baking
powder, one-fourth of a teaspoonful
of salt and one level tablespconful
of sugar. Add half a cupful of milk
to a well-beaten egg. Stir, this liquid
fnto the flour mixture and beat well.
More milk will, be needed .depending
upon the flour used.
Pancake mixture should be thin
enough to pour readily. Add two
tablespooosful of melted fat and beat
until, the mixture is full of. bubbles.
This rather, large addition of fat pre
vents the disagreeable ' sticikng in
cident to ' pancakes. . Pour about a
tablespoonful at a time on to a hot
greased' griddle or frying-pan, and
when the edges of the pancake are
done;turn the pancake with a pan
cake, turner or palette knife. A twice
turned pancake isheavy.
- Pancakes are served piled. one up
on theother. This is done , to help
keep, them warm. Butter, syrup,
honey or sugar are served with pan
cakes. 1 . . . t ' ' ' ?
rlf you are fortunate ! enough" to
possess a .waffle- iron you will; find
' that ,this pancake mixture 'makes
very' aood waffles.'- Only, if xou in
tend to make wjfls of it, you had
better double the quantity, as you
wtll',ind the product t very; popular
with the -family. " , . j . 1 '- r
...There,' aremany1 occasions .when.
Problems That Perplex
'I hate. to think of myself ai a masculine flirt. But I can't, find any
other name for my fickleness. I've been in love honestly, in love about
10 times in as many years. . I m il now and am making good in my pro
fusion. I hive a nice, cosy little apartment, and I enjoy sitting at home
amr reading .or entertaining my irienas mere. . i ne lure oi me origin
lights nieafis nothing to me any more. I like a good show-bcttcr than
a girl show. , ; ! ,"'.'
'"I want to inarry and share, my home., And about once a 'year I
think I've found the rin'ht woman. But after the first flush of excite
ment has worn off and I'm. sure of the girl I begin to tire. Nothing that
she can;do to make herself attractive stirs me.' ' I .can't feef anything but
an ugly wonder as'to why I ever lost a night's sleep over her. ' '
"Now I keep. my men friends. "'But that isn't enough. I want love.
Shall I take a chance and marry the next girj who makes my blood run
(aster, or; am I missing-something you'd advise me to wait for? I realize
I liven"f told you a thing about .myself. , But there isn't much to say.
I'm just 'an average chap, and when. I think how girls stand for me, I
Wonder if they aren't a pretty, poor lot. I'm losing faith im myself and
in women and in Jove, too. How about itf t . KOOtK l..M..
Who says Roger hasn't told me
anything about himself? Let's diag
nose him on the evidence he offers.
He's .' 31, hoine-loving, , friendly.
at.alyticat, emotional, sensitive, fond
of mental pleasures and a little given
to thinking along the- surface. He
accepts things and . girls at - their
face, value.. I. daresay that hes
wrinkling his forehead and insisting
that-he doesn't,' see 'where-1 get-all
that. But he told. it, to me between
the-lines. . . .' '.
Roger here's a' fjet for yqu to
ponder. "Love is 'not love that dies''
so -'a poet ' once ' wrote, and ' it's
true. Love can be-killed by cruelty.
It can be starved to death. But real
loves does1 not merely, and of itself
cease being. What stops so casually
may have been infatuation or passion
or a. passing lancy ot an intense
sort. It wasn't love.
' Love isn't a mere physical attrac
tion which can , spring - into re
sponsive being once a year. It's a
thing, of deep- .feeling and comes
from the mind and soul as well as
from .the heart.
When you speak of the woman
who tires you, is she also the woman
whose mind stimulates you? Has it
ever occurred to you to make-friends'
with some girl who appealed to you,
instead of making love, to her? Have
you ever stopped; to dig a founda
tion for your house of love .by get
ting a basis 'of mental congeniality
and admiration and" ideals and ambi
tions, shared? Or' do .you jlunge at
the. girl who attracts you, and, in
vesting Jier. with, whatever charms
you . desire your.' beloved' to have,
failed to find out.! what is her. real
personality, until long .after you've
ceased being in-a mood to respond
to1 it?, ; , . .,,.':'.',. ..' . ;. -. '
The real woman under he imag
inary qualities ' with . "which you've
"dowered her ' may he far finer than
the little clothes-horse on - which
you hung your, dreams and emotions
and desires. - And when you were
disappointed arid tired it ' may be
that it was your own fancy that
wearied you not-the girl you made
wear your coat of many colors. i
.s Give1, friendship', i aud truth a
chance. Then 'maybe love-will come
and' stay. Find" ' Out- ' something
about a girl's mind before you let
her lips preoccupy, you.. Her words
may be as stimulating as-her kisses.
And . when you like and admire-the
woman you . love,- when' you enjoy
her mind. as well' as. her - body,
you've a chance at the love that lasts.
'The Use of Sweets
j If 'the family ia served with suf
I ficlcnt nutrition food at home, they
will not constantly crave the sweets
outside. It hat long been known
that instead of a mere delicacy to
satisfy the palate, sugar ia a real
food. It gives the body energy.
To rat so highly concentrated a
food as candy in large quantity, and
especially to eat it before a meal, is
a dietetic error. It has the effect of
irritating the lining of the stomach.
Moreover, it kills off the appetite
for the more substantial foods. But
at the end of the meal, in the first
place, one cannot eat so much of it-
In the second place, the stomach
is welt lined with the other foods
and it does not have the undesirable,
irritating effect. It often has the ef
fort of stimulating the flow of saliva
and other digtive juices w hm taken
at the end of a meal, and thus as
sists digestion. It aUo leaves a
pleasant after taste in the mouth.
The average city dweller, for va
rious reasons, find it impossible to
make ice cream at home. It u, howv
ever, ne of the way of Introducing
more milk Into the diet. And so. we
often call upon the candy shop for
ice cream. It is more economical to
carry the ice cream home and sere
it tor dessert than to eat it at the
shop. A pint of ice crem taken
home will serve eight with dessert.
It is well to own an ice cream scoop.
This makes the cream into delightful
One hostess, who, by the way
does not know very much about
cooking, is always regarded a good
rook because of her dieru. Vet
she often buys at the candy shop
the main part el the dessert and
by a touch of individuality here
and theie, makes a most attractive,
elaborate-looking dih.
From a pint of chocolate ire
rrcam he scoops eight balls. In
the top of a double boiler she melt
ed a dorm itiarluiulluws. She
added a tabletpooiiful or two of
milk to th in the marthmallow a bit.
At serving time she tut generous
spoonful of united marshmallow
oyer each ball oi chocolate ice cream
oM ihowered the top with chopped
nuts. Two walnuts chopped will be
sufficient for eight portion!.
At other times she surprised u
with ice cream cuke. The high clas
this concoction. It may be made at
Lome at the cost of a fve centl tt
eight portions a two-layer cake, a
putt of vanilla ke cream and two
doreti shelled pecana and a quarttr
of a pound of fudge is used.
The cake is divided Into eight
portions. Just befort serving tim
the ice cream is placed between the
layers, the fudge, hot and melted, si
poured over each and the half osjU
are used to garnish. J
Special for Sunday
Grape Nut
, A special whlek pleases Mery.
body always in demand and
always good.
Ask Toar Dealer
for Deliela.
The Fairmont Creamery Co
one can use emergency .biscuit. Sift
together two cups of flour, four level
teaspqonsful of baking powder, half
a . level teaspoonful of 'salt and . a
level tablespoonful of- fine sugar.
With the tips of the fingers rub
in, two' tablespoonsful of shortening
Put in sufficient niilk or water to
make a soft dough. Drop- this from
a tablespoon, helping with a knite,
on to a., greased, pan. Bak, in ;a
quick oven' about. 12 minutes. These
may be served, with the meat course
or in place of bread or crackers with
jam or-cheese.'- -. , i .. .
' Stuffed Baked Potatoes.
.'' Cut off: the top af a baked potato,
or .vif'gpoc sized potatoes , are used,
cut :.them jrf half, maslvanStseason,
and refill potato skins or shells, piling
potato .Rightly, a butter -and . brown.
potatoes in ' oyen.AOF. sprinkle with
cheese-and brown, and so iforth.
rOnce you become so ,
qocinttd with Gocxh'a Beat
Flour, you utnlcistadd rtaDy
wbajt wc mean wStu wa sa '
"It payt to baf the beat"
Oooch's Beat Flour soakca ,
more lotvts per' sack ' '
' G4BtnitilW
GVBnitsss ial
, O V assist Tfi tlss
Saturday Specia Is
Fresh Dressed Spring Chickens per lb. . . . . . ... . .28c
Choice Shoulder Beef Roast, per lb. . . ........ . .20c
Dold's Niagara Hams, half or whole, per lb. , . .V.28c
Advo Gold Medal Coffee,
Per 3 lb. can.'. .$1.19
Advo Jell "It will whip"- ; "
all flavors, 3 pkgs. for. . . .25c
Fresh Peanut Butter the best
you ever ate 2 lb. can. . .47
"Daisy" Brooms, 4 tie, a won- -
derful value, each 49c
Argo Starch, 3 pkgs. for.... 25c
Pearl "White Soap, large bars,
- none better, 10 bars for. . .49c
Campbell's Tomato Soupr
per dozen ........... .$1-13
Iceberg Head Lettuce, each. .10c
Jersey Sweet Potatoes
4 lbs. for : 23c
Snow-white Cauliflower '
each .25c
Fresh Spinach, per peck 25c
Fresh Artichokes, - each. . . . .25c
The very best Creamery 4
Butter, per lb. 45c
Dromedary Dates, hew pack,
- 3 pkgs. for.... ...63c
' NOTICE We still have a few fancy Early Ohio Potatoes. We will
take Saturday orders for Monday delivery for these at, bo $U5
Pillsbury'a Best Flour, per 24-lb. sack.v, t'., . . ..$1.19
Swansdown Cake Flour, per pkg. ..............37e
Baker's Fresh Bulk Shredded Cocoanut, per lb 35c
. . - Don't miss this.
V rree, "
to All Parte
of the City
Open ' Saturday Till 9 P. JL
Mail Orders Filled
1814-1-18 Faraam St. .
Mali Orders Filled
" m wr ' ' certificates await all Omaha World War Veterans whose sir-
World' W ST VCtCrSnS l,me bSinBi ltb H" rlease at C?" Department, jnst
, i , taslde the door. '.
Fresh' Dressed Spring Chickens or Young Hens, lb. 251c
10 lbs. Sugar
Gooch Best Flour, 4S lb;, $1.84
10 bars Crj-etal White Soap 59
6 small packages Sea Foam Washing Powder 256
t large package Sea Foam Washing Powder 25
t large package Crystal White Soap Chips ..29
.' 3 bars, Cj-eme oil Soap .25
;. 4-lb,. sacks. Fresh . Kamo. Pancake Flour ....35
.Quart jars Fancy Selected Olives .....48
1931 Crop Pop Corn. X lbs. for- 25 .
','.'' ' (Guaranteed to Pop.)
Fresh, Black Walnuts,. S lbs.' for ' 25
22 ozs. pure Assorted Jams, per jar ........29
With every purchase of 2 lbs. fancy mixed eookies,
one package Uneeda Biscuits free.
i packages Nabisco '. 25
3 lbs. Food Center Special Coffee Sl.OO
- Have, you tried our Premier Coffee, per lb: ..23 '
, (We Quarantee It) , . .
Fresh Pig Haras, half or whole, lb. ......1TH
Pig Pork Loin, par lb 17U
Pie Pork Roast, per lb. 17U
Fresh Spare Ribs, per lb. 12V4
Steer Round Steak, per lb. .ITH
Steer Porterhouse Steak, per lb 25
Steer Rib Roast, boned and rolled, lb 22 '.4
Steer Pot Roast, per lb. 10
Steer Shoulder Steak. per lb. 12
Fancy Young Veal Roast, per lb. 12 "-i
Fancy Young Veal Stew, per lb 9
Fancy Toung Veal Steak, per lb 25
.Genuine Lamb Stew,' per lb ...6Mi
Young Mutton Shoulder Roast, per lb 10
Y6ung Mutton Chops, per lb. 25
Sugar Cured Picnic Hams, per lb. , ..12
Sugar Cured Bacon, per lb. 19H
No. l Skinned Hams, half or whole, per lb. 23
- Cudahy'a Puritan Hams, half or whole, lb. ..26
Cudahy'a Puritan Bacon, half or whole., lb. ..35
. , ' Oysters and Fish Received Daily.
Ortm&n's Bakery - j
v Products v .
Free Demonstration of Idly i
,-. ..Frodncts -Ortman's,
Genuine Fruit Cake,
perlb. ... ........ ..... ...75
Chocolat Caramel,- '.Cdcoanut,
S-layer Cakes, each , . . . . -50(
Danish' Rolls, per doz, . . . . .20
Bread Rolls, per do2.......12t?
. Um kighaat gnck MaxstiJ,
Spathciti, '.Eg t NooUa anil
thtr Macaroni Products.
Cigars Jnst Inaide the Door
Ote'llo Havana- Cigar 10c value,
. 4 for 28,.box of 26. S1.50'
Camels and Spurs, , per
i carton". . .';...'. . V.':; . .11.65 ;
Prince , Albert, full lb. S1.34
Gillette Razors and pkg. of
v blades for 89
Fruits, Vegetables
I-'ancy Early Ohio Potatoes
Per bushel SI. 19'
Per peck .33
gtringless Greerij Beans, fresh,
. per lb. .................10
.Cauliflower, a lbs. for ....25
3 bunches .Ranlishes ..5
Alligator -' Pears Mushrooms .
For Saturday '
Butter Eggs
Thcmsen's Dairy Maid Fancy
Creamery Butter, lb. 4&4
Country Creamery 1-lb. prints.
per lb. .39-
Danlsh Pioneer Creamery Butter,
per lb. 45
Wisconsin Full Cream Cheese,
. per lb. 28
Wisconsin Full Cream Simon Loaf,.
per lb. 22
Rex Nut and Gem Nut. per lb. 23
Creamed Cottage Cheese, lb. 18
Checked Eggs, In cartons,
per dozen ..32
Buy Omaha-Mad e Goods
BASKO FLOUB, 6-lb. sack.....'.. 35c
BASKO FLOUB, 24-lb.sack. ... . ... . . .v.97c
BASXO FLOUB, 48-lb. sack. . . . Jl&O
BASKO PANCAKE FLOUR, small..:.. 11c
BASKO PANCAKE FLOUR, large. . . . . - 32c
BASKO BUTTER, per lb. ....... . . . . . . 46o
EARLY OHIO POTATOES, peck . . . . : . . 42c
WHITE POTATOES, peek.... ........ .33c
ALAMTTO MILK, quart . . ....... . . . 10c
FBESH EGGS, per dozen.:'............ 48c
OMAHA FAMILY SOAP. . ........... 534c
ELECTBIC SPARK SOAP . . . . . ..... .$c
TOILIKLEEN, per can . . . ..... 10c
A Few of Our Eviery-Day Prices
' Glencrest Spaghetti, No. 2 can,18c
Fey Red Kidney Beans, No. 2,15c
Walker's Chill Con-Carne..12c
Snider's Tomato'Soup,1 16 oz.;10c
Campbell's Soup, per can. ..'..12c
Baslto Maine Corn, 11 oz. can. '13c
Basko Main Corn, No. 2 can..19e
Cash Habit Corn, No. 2 can... 14c
No. 214 can Sauer Kraut...;. 16c
No. -2 can Lye Hominy.... 12J2e
Basko Succotash, No. 2 can...23e
Cash Habit Peag, No. 2 rans..21e
No. 214 can Spinach... ....... 23e
"No. 3 can Fancy Tomatoes. ...19c
lis lb. Blue Label Karo 10c
5 lb. Blue Label Karo.. 28c
10 lb. Blue Label Karo 53c
10 lb. Red Label -Karo... 59c
5 lb. Red Label Karo 31e
10 lb. Red Label Karo........ 59c
My Wife's Maple Flavor. 12 oz. 26c
My Wife's Maple Flavor, 20 ot. 44c
114 lb. Maple Flavor Karo..,.. 25c
2H lbs. Brer Rabbit Sorghum 39c
5 fbs. Brer Rabbit Sorghum.. 75c
114 lbs. Brer Rabbit Sorghum 15c
1 pound size. ............... 18c
3 pound size....... 62c
6 pound size....... $1.02
Pint size.. A.... 29e
Quart size........ 54c
Half Gallon size 98c
Gallon size $1.84
Peanut Butter, per lb 18c
Cream Cheese, per lb 30c
American Loaf, per lb. 38c
Swiss Loaf, per lb..... 47c
Brlcl Cheese, per Jb 30e
We Fill All Mail Orders
1 im$ r
DO ugUs
Come Once and You Will Come; Always
Best cull Steer lOl
Shoulder Roast, lb. 162 C
Koast, per lb.
Prime Rolled Rib OI 1
.... i2'
Fancy Younr Veal IA
Breast, per lb 1VC
Fresh Dred Fancy Slr
Sprinf Chlcksns, Pot Roaal,
per lb. - per lb.
27U 10c
Lean Narrow Breakfast
Bncon, per lb &
100 lh-Beot Granuluted Sugar
al Sfl.15
16 lbi. Uest Cane SuRar 95
Fancy Young: Veal IP
Roast, per lb IOC
Tig Pork Roast,
per lb.
Vouhr Mutton 1 A
Shoulders, lb 1 VV.
10 bars Electric Spark Soap j9 ,
10 bars Fels Naptha Soap. ,68
10 bars P. & C. N'aptba Soao
at ,(J8
No. 3 cans Assorted Fruits,
per can 25
Per dozen $2.90
Xo. 2 cans Pineapple, can. .22
Seedless Raisins, lb 23
1-lb. pkg. Sunmaid Seeded
Raisin .'23
Dried CurranU, lb. ..... . .23d
Dried Apricot, lb ...23d
!-lb. pkg. Sunmnid Prunes. .75d
43 lbs. Omar Flour. . .! .9S
48 11. Blue Bell Flour 81.78
Pillsbury Panonkc Flour,
per pkg 1 2vd
Our Central Special Coffee,
per lb 30d
3 lbs. for 8f
Our fancy Snntos Coffee,
per lb.
Uncolored Japan Tea, lb.48d B
22-oz. jur Assorted Presem s,
per jar .'.25
Iten's Assorted Cookies,
2 lbs. tor ?,o&
Tall cans Snider's Soup,
per can . . lOd
No. 3 cans Del Monte Spinaeb,
per can .......... .iSSd
So. 3 cans Sauerkraut, can XOt
No. 3 cans Advo Pumpkin,
per run .1 5d
"No. ? cans Pumpkin, can. . . JO
Advo Corn, can 20
Per dozen ...$2.20
No. 3 cans Tomatoes, can . . 1 ?
Per dozen .'. ...'.$ J. 75
No. 2 cans Tomatoes, can. .lid
Per dozen .81.25
No. 2 cans Standard Corn,
per can , ,11
" Per dozen .... $1.25
McCombs Home-Made Peanut Brittle, the crispy kind, per lb. .... .
Italian Cream Chocolates, per lb., 69d; our 70c Chocolates, per lb.
Ortman's Genuine Fruit Cake, lb. 75d
Chocolate, Cocoanut or Caramel 3-Layer Cakes,
each 50d
Danish Cinnamon Rolls, per doz 20 C
Bread Rolls, per doz 12d
Kxtra Fancy Jonathan Apples, bu. . . : . . .$2.90
Extra Fancy Heavy, Juicy Grapefruit, 4 for 25
Per dozen ..; .7o
Black Walnuts, lb., 10d. 3 lbs. for 25d
Per basket ' $1.00
Fresh Alligator Pears, Persimmons, Pome
uranaLes, Celery, Cabbage, Mushrooms "
Swift's Snowflake or Gem Nut
Oleo, lb .25d
5-lb. pail $1.19
Creamery Pkg. Butter, Jb. .41d
Guaranteed Checked Eggs in
Cartons, per doz 32 d
Wisconsin Cream Cheese,
per lb '. .
Special Introductory Offer
Moxley's Dixie or Alco
Nut Margarine
With Every Purchase of One Pound of This -Famous
Brand of Margarine We Will Give V ;
It pooi
( -SJ "oleomargarine
Large ten Elkhorn Milk
Moxley's Dixie and Alco
Nut Margarine are
Famous for their rich
and delicious flavor,
and the purity of their
30c per lb.
Come Early
Only 1,000 cans
of milk to be
given away.
First come,
first served.
See the Dixie
Girl in her
20c per lb., in Cartons.
And You Can Get a
Beautiful Set of Dishes
For Only $5.98 Ask About It
Sommer Bros.
Hanuy 01M .
2Stk and Faraam
EstabbaM isac.