Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 12, 1921, Page 15, Image 15

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v oociety
Soon to Go Abroad.
In honor of Mri. J. A. Fyke nd
Mitt Eunice Fyke, who are leaving
next week (or a yeir in fcurope,
many larcwtll tnlertainmenti are be
in liven. Mist Elsie Smith will be
hostess at a luncheon ior them on
Saturday, and Miti Alice Sbeehy will
give a bridge Aarty in their honor
the lame afternoon.1?' On Monday
ftira. tuthDert Vincent will entertain
at luncheon at the,Athletlc club (or
Mr. Fike and Miss Fike. and for
Hector Taradise, Mrs Fike'a son-in-
law. Jhe three travelers will leave
V on Tuesday and will spend a few
days in Chicago and in New York
before sailing on November 23.
Sunshine Club.
The Sunshine tlulof the Maple
Leaf Chapter. O. K. S., entertained
the Masters of the Blue Lodges and
the husbands of its members at
luncheon in the Masonic temple
Wednesday. The speakers were Mrs.
Eleanor M. Adams and Carl Her
ring. The club meets twice a month
to sew for charity. This year's of
ficers are: President, Mrs.. Preston
Madill; vice president, Mrs. Edgar
L. Hoag: secetary and treasurer,
Mrs. G. E. Cogswell.
Luncheon for Mrs. Long.
Mrs. W. W. Long entertained at
luncheon Thursday at her home for
Mrs. Clifford Long, recently of San
Francisco. Covers were also laid
for the Mesdames J. P. Fallon, John
Shcahan, Helen Seymour, James
Kussell. J. W. Arnoldi, J. P. Fallon
and Miss Eileen McCaffrey.
Apron Sale. ,;
The November circle' of the Wom
an's society, First Methodist church,
will conduct an apron sale. Saturday,
November 12, at the Table Supply
store. Seventeenth and ..Douglas
streets. Mrs. J. C. Ludcke will be
in charge, '.' , . , , . '
Maple Leaf to' Meet Saturday.
The regular mceting'bf the Maple
T.eaf chapter, O. E. S.," will be held
Saturday evening', November 12. The
entertainment committee, headed by
Mrs. Grace Zicbarth, have arranged
a program of music and readings.
Bi Beta. Phi, . :.
Pi Beta Pbj sorority will meet at
the University club for. luncheon Sat
urday, 12:30 o'clock. Mesdames Les
lie Johnson, M. R. Laird, George
Wilson and Miss Edith Fisher are in
charge of the affair.
Party For ( Freshmen.. v, J.
The freshmen of (he University.. of
Omaha entertained' at the home of
their president. Raymond Norinc,
Thursday evening.'- Forty members
of the class were present.
Maple Leaf Chapter.
Maple Leaf chapter, O. E. S., en
tertained 275 of its members at a
card party and dance the. Masonic
temple Wednesday evening.' ; ,
Telli Stories to Children.
Mrs. Anthony French' Merrill wijt
talk informally to a group of children
Saturday morninft'jat the; home' of
Mrs. Arthur Guiou. f .
Dinner at Country Club..
Mr. and Mrs. George Redick will
entertain at a dinner af.'the Coun
try club Saturday evening. ""' " i
- -; r . i . r , -
Witter By riner
Comments vonr:
: Witter Bynner, president of the
Poetry Society of America, who lec
tured before the Omaha Society of
Fine Arts, Tuesday afternoon, is
most enthusiastic in his praise of the
November art exhibition which is
hung now in the museum of the
public library. The exhibition is the
work of artists of the middle west.
- "Omaha is very fortunate in hav
ing such a splendid group of paint
ings." said Mr. Bynner, .....
".Noctourne," by Gerald . Frank, of
Chicago, is exquisite in. its delicacy
ot tonal effects iti.isffull of the
spirit of dreamf and abandon, ac
cording to Mr. Bynner.
. "November Snows," by Carl Krafft
of Chicago, was another favorite of
the poet. He complimented highly
the technique of the. treatment.
"It is a stunning thing." said Mr.
Bynner, looking at "The Black
Swan," by Jessie Arms Botke of
Carmol, Cal. "The water is parti
cularly well painted."
The exhibition is open from 9 a.
m. to 9 p. m., and is free to the
public. ! ..-
Distinctive Shoes
For All Occasions
Whether you require footwear for special occa
sions or shoes that will meet the yaryinjr needs of .
everyday wear, we are prepared to' supply you.
Fry shoes are sold at the lowest-price consistent
with the standard of quality. . v
Specially Priced
up from $6.50
why not make your selections from our complete
If Your
Do These
Daily .
1 t-".
Aet Cbclac
POSITION it with rid
orcr left kact, tot is witfa
supporting foot, aad P
right foot.
MOVEMENTS 1. Clrcta mt to rtgit,
down, fa to Itfe'tad vf to
lutiiut poIdon
Cocdnnt S tinxt.
Revu'M itiillng
with left foot
left. down, in
up to iiutiug
ContlBuo 3 tuncs
Bepeat each.eaerdM from 40 to 50
Note: All foot exerdaea shooid be
stocking feet or bsrefootod
November Bride
' -Is Entertained
Miss Dorothy Admins, daughter of
Mr. ' and ' Mrs. V. '.P. Adkins 'and
whose rengagement to DavidvJIervey'
vas ' announced (ast month, have "-set
an earlv d&telfor their wedding. It
will take place November 19 at St.
Mark's church at 4 in the after
noon, and will be a .quiet affair. Miss
Helen Adkins, sister; of the bride,
will be bridesmaid, and the test
man will be Herman Harte. ' A
small reception at the home of the
bride will followthe ceremony. '
Various affairs are being given
in honor of Miss Adkins. .Last week
Mrs. William Keenan entertained at
a bridge party at the Brandeis Tea
Room. Thursday Mrs. Frederick
O. Beck gave a bridge party at her
home fpr 20 guests in honor of -Miss
Adkins , . . ' '
Qn Saturday Miss Adkins and'
Miss. Eunice Fyke will be honor
guests at a luncheon given by Miss
Elsa Smith and Mrs. John Lichten
wallner, followed by a bridge party
at the home of Miss Alice Sheehy.
Next Monday Miss Adkins will be
honor guest at a luncheon -,at the
Athletic club given by Miss Louise
Watkins. Tuesday Mrs. Carl Junge
of Lincoln and her mother, Mrs.
W. A. Nitsche, will give a luncheon
at the home of the latter for Miss
Adkins. Wednesday Mrs. W. P.
Adkins and Miss Dorothy Adkins
will givee-a tea at their home. ,
16th and Douglas
Arches Ape Weak
Jrtot toning Oatwd
POSITION Stand with feet partilleL A
IfOVSUXNT 1. Raise inner border op
' ' and oq? knees straight,
toes and heels on floor
, B
' 2. Replace. A
Repeat 10 to 30 times, resting after each five.
Koto: AD foot exercises shooid be done in
. stockings or barefooted.
drcSng ost to
to rigBt, wai
The ; Chinese woman is painstak
ingly particular. as, to the .exact
length and fulness' oir scantiness of
her cgats,: skirts and trousers.
No vember Is Brambach
Baby Grand Month
.'..,. --..-'-,
What You Should Get in Your. Piano
You should get that rare andexquisite tone that fairly entrances
those who love good music! You should get the choicest of the ma-.
terials, of construction, and the most scientific workmanship to insure
permanence of the exquisite tone. 'You should get the refinement of
classic design, that distinguishes the masterpiece from the common
place. . You get all of these, and more, in
The Brambach Baby Grand
- Street
1 POStTTOM fctad trlth ttei together,
Mela thra or four inches
MOVIMKMTt -1. with tot
tofMlMr, lnepinf bcIa m
Isyiat frasa 10 t SO doses, retting after
Hmi All toM wrflni aWald t 4oa
ia mmctiMg fee or bvtfootad,
i ". , ' ." ' "" . '.': . ..
What's What
. -People-, who achieve a certain
standing. bave, to pay the penalties
of success,-but one of the punish
ments which could be " dispensed
and the price is extremely moderate. It will
make a better home for the wife. Durably
built, classic design, exquisite tone and fully
guaranteed. A paper pattern showing the exact
.floor space required by .-the Brambach Baby
Grand will be sent free upon request.
Mini Madge Head of St. Joseph U
pending a few days with her broth,
cr, Walter Head, and Mrs. Head.
Mrs. Ida Flaughcr hat returned
from Fullerton, Neb., where she was
called by the death of a relative.
Mr. and Mrs. D...W. Tillotsbn left
'Thursday for Los Angeles, , Cal..
where they will spend the winter.
I Harold Lynch and Nick Hinlcle
will spend the week-end at the Kip
'pa Sigma fraternity house in Lin
coln. . '
Miss Helen Sinclair is spending
the week-end in Lincoln with Mi
Marie Thomson, a student at the
state university.
Miss Florence McCabe, head of the
Visiting Nurse' staff,- left for Chi
cago Wednesday, evening to attend a
conference of nurses. She will re
turn Sunday.
Mrs. A. L. 'Rushtort and Mrs. A.
II. Kurtz are among the Delta Gam
mas, who will go to - Lintoln for
Homecoming week and to see the
Nebraska-Kansas game.
Dr. and Mrs. Fred Humphrey will
go to Lincoln Saturday for the Lin-.
coin-is.ansas loot Dan game ana iney
will also attend the Kappa Sigma
dancing party Saturday evening,
Mr. and Mrs. R. Beecher HoweM
who have been in Washington. since
their return from Europe will reach
Omaha Sunday morning. They are
spending a day or two in Milwaukee
on their way home.
' Carl Clegg and Leo Klein, former
students of the University of Illi
nois are attending the home coming
festivities at the university this week.
Miss Inez Klein, sister of Mr. Klein
is a student at the university. .
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Norton,
who are occupying the apartment at
the Judson, which has been taken by
Malcolm Baldrige for himself and
bride-to-be, Miss Regina Connell,
will go east after the first of the year.
Mr. Norton will complete his course
at Cornell university, which was in
terrupted by the war.,
with most easily is the avalanche of
letters which they receive from well-
known or unknown 'correspondents.
Longfellow, the most courteous ot
all our genii, tried to make some
response' to every well-meaning
letter, until he found that the task
occupied so much time and ex
hausted so much energy as to leave
him unfit for his real life work.
Emerson scolded , him roundly:
"Don't answer them; I never do."
"But "when they inclose stamps?"
protested the ultra-conscientious
poet. -"Use the 'Stamps; that's what
I do; serves them right!" :
Punch s ' famous counsel to the
matrimonially inclined, ."Don'tl" is
wise advice when one is tempted to
write a wholly , unnecessary com
munication to a busy man or
woman. Unless the writer is abso
lutely convinced that the letter will
be helpful and 'welcome' it is the part
of good taste and considerateness to
leave it unwritten. -
(Copyright, 1921, by Publio Ledger Co.)
rJhe Art
and Music
Assists at Bazar
I m
Jfrs. T. C. Duffy, with Mrs. J. A.
Sanders and Miss Veronica O'Con
nor, is in charge of the country
store, a feature of the bazar which
opened Thursday noon in 4he Mid
ley dancing academy, 1712 Dodge
street, under the auspices of the
alumnae of the Sisters of Mercy. A
nOon day luncheon is being served
from 12 until 2 o'clock. , Proceeds
will be added to, the huilding fund
for the new (convent and riding
schoql to be erected in Fairacres.
1512-Dou las St
Special Purchase Sale of Over 600
, Beautiful Silk and
Cloth Dresses
' A Wonderful purchase. New, ;
An Extraordinary Sale of SUITS and COATS
We have selected from bur regular stock. 100
' Winter. Suits and marked
that is phenomenally low, especially when style
and workmanship are considered.' A large selec
tion, there being only one cr two of a kind.
100 New Winter Suits
that have sold at $45 and $55.
" Your choice Saturday at
r Wpmen's New Coats
Saturday we offer scores of women s
new coats. Easily worth $35 and $45,
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets Gel
. at. the Cause and Remove It
Dr. Edwards Olive Tablets, th
substitute for calomel, act gently vn
the bowels and ' positively do the
work. ' ' -
People afflicted with bat breath
find quick relief through Dr. Ed
wards' Olive Tablets. The pleasant,
sugar-coated ".tablets are taken for
bad bieath Uy all who know them.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets act
gently but firmly on the bowels and
liver, stimulating them to natural
action, clearing the blood and gently
purifying the entire Tfeygtem. They
do that which dangerous 'calomel
does 'without, any of the bad after
effects. . . - j - . '
All the-benefits of nastj; etckeri
ing, griping catiiartics are. derive!
from Dr.: Edwards' Olive Tablet
without grilHng, pain or apy dis
mspeeable -. effects.'
DrK. M.'tEd wards discovered thd
formula jUffcr seventeen years of
practice - anions patients afflicted
with bowel and liver complaint, with
tha attendant bad breath.
Olive- Tablets are purely a veg
talle compound mixed with eliv-
oil; you will know them by thcii
olive color. Take one or two every
night for a week and note the effect.
;ic and 30c.
Problem That Perplex
Answered by
Announcing t'jisS'Dnl.
Ttuth'i earn, flrnt and h Invlud
a number of bar (learnt friends to
S luncheon. On each ptaca card
wm lied a amall clamnhelL The
dgts of the hll fatnd
together with tiny sold heart atlck
en. Feminine curloatty, of coun.
demanded '4hat theae bt Inatanily
ramovtd and, when the clamahella
wra opened, ther found In
aide a liny card on whlrli wa writ
ten the announcement of Ruth' an
(asamant, tha idea being cenvayed
that the intareatod partita war "aa
happy aa cUnia "
When, a ahort t:m latar, Judith
laaued Invlratlona for a luncheon In
Kuih'a - honor, no one'a auaplclona
war arouaed, though It wna a wall,
understood fact that Judith wua en-'
Raged, or at leaat a party to a vary
Interestlnr "undxratandlns." On tha
gueste being aaatej at tha table,
they found at each plate a place
card with a ring of the kind found
In .prlta-candy packagea tied to it.
A ' maaslve wedding ring waa fuat
lened.'to the card benrlng Kuth's
name. Theae ornate blta of Jew
elry were tried on and paaaed about
for Inspection amid murh merri
ment, when It waa auddenly dlaoov
ered that Juitlth'a ring waa no Joke,
but "an honoat-to-goodnena" aoll
talre. Then the laughter and Jok
ing turned to loving congratulatlona
and good wlnhea.
It waa only natural that Atlne
ahould entertain for her two happy
friends, and the glrla went to her
old fashioned sewing bee with no
expecttlon of there being a sur
prise In store. The afternoon paesed
happily' but uneventfully until, aa
the last course of the dainty re
freshments was being served, the
hostess' little sister passed a basket
or daisies. These were made of
smart; models, carefully selected,
. clever styles that women have shown .
a preference for. At these special !
, prices they are f oremost in value. , ,;j
actually worth
$25.00; on
sale at -'-
$14.75 $17.95
actually worth $45.00;
on sale at
tfyenv down ,to a figure
When in Omaha
Hotel Rome
Bailey the Dentist
' EiuMiahcd 1983
Painlet Extraction of Teeth
Dr. B. W- Bailer
Dfc. Bertram WilUmaon
Mk Dcnti.try Ea.y fat You
70S City Nat.- Bk I6tb and Harscy
"Let's Go Shoppin
With Polly"
A complete shop
ping service, with
absolutely no ex
pense to you a
regular Sunday Bee
heavy w.lilie aer. cut Ii) lha shape
(if Urge iltfUlra ("in 'h llnw i in
ter of eni'h waa Hx4t4v'it, 'This delay
will tell," and It waa found that the
ranter waa lightly stuck to tha flow.
r and, whan pulled, raute off aailly,
L'nderueadi waa wrllten tha really
aurpriains news of A lino's engage.
I)it. ,
Apparently no one rould tUInk of
any mora uriglnal Mens f announu
Ing tha happy event, fur flint ended
tha engagement for that aumiurr.
M. T.t 1'leaae send ft atampad,
M'lf-adilrsaaed envelope, and I will
be glad to give you the advice you
auk for,
I'm jur. a woman, but I've seen
What work diarmamrnt may mean.
I've burned up Willie's nopuun
'Came he pointed it at Sue,
I've apanked Marie I.ouie lor
Hitting l'usy with her shoe.
I've locked Torn in his bedro'U,
After slapping both his hands
For "peppering"' cook with pie crut
With the aid of rubber bands.
I've hidden Koy'a toy cannon
Iiehind the cellar door,
So lie won't attempt destroying
Neighbor's flower any more.
All this I've done, but look, dear;
The baby, sure as sin,
Is scratching Fido's eyes out
With an open 'safety pin I
Oh, and 1 feel for those now ient
To tackle world disarmament I
Violet Alleyn Storey.
Theatrical Notes.:
Ruth Chatferton, on tour in
"Mary Rose," recently' gave a spo,
cial matinee of a new comedy in '
San Francisco. The play was "Jr.
the Sunlight," by Salisbury Field
and Fclton Klkius, and the cast in
cluded: Henry Miller and Blanche
Bates. Miss .Chatterton probably
will be seen in the new play in New
York in the spring.
- actually worth
$35.00; on i
- . sale at
In Pimples On Neck and
Shoulders. CuticuraHeals.
"Ecwra broke out on my neck
and shoulders in the form of small
pimples. They were very thick and
itched and burned so badly that I
could not rest at night. After
scratching them they would : ran
.water and spread and a crust formed
over thenv
.. VTh trouble lasted about three
months. . I saw Coticura Soap and
Ointment advertised and sent for a
free sample. I bought more and after
Mine; one and a half boxes of Coti
Cora Ointment, with the Cqticma
Soap I waa completely healed."
81-ned) Mrs. Christina Skafga,
R. R. C, Box 2S3, Indianapolis.Ind.
Use Coticura for ail toilet purpose.
Urn'. 9mA Tim. W Mtfl Mm--0krUk-
iwii mm. - SoW'
- The For Sale Want Ads will help
jou solve the buying probka.