THE BEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 12. 1921. il Masse and Wohlberg houn ami John Swanson of Omalu yemrday !gnrd the-$10,000 hand of Me. Max'OrUn of Omaha "igned the $10,000 bond for Wohl berg. . K. F. Johnnon, former treasurer of the company, surrendered Thumday and wat rdeaird on a bond of $V,(kK). Hay V. McGrrw, also indicted, ha tent word to authoritiei here that he will arrive in 'Omaha within 10 cUy to face the chargei. lie it in Lo Angclra. Father Offen Rcwrd for Any Trace of Hi Mining Son Mr, C. V. Carha.igh, J.1.'o Ohio atieet, U distracted over the disap pearance of her on, Newton, IJ, who hat been mrasing since Auguit 27. A reward of $25 ha been offered by 4lie boy'i father for any trace of lii ion. There had been no trouble at home, according to the father, "New. ton had always teemed to be satis fied and was always good boy," he taid. The mother it grieving and is on the verge of a nervous break down over her ton't absence. Mrs. C. C. Mudge Given $400 Monthly Alimony Mrs, Fdit'Mudge was awarded $400 a month alimony and possesion of the furniture which her husband, Clifford C. Mudge. left at the St. Regis apartments when he was dis covered liwng there with another woman by his wife. The decree of separate maintenance was handed down in Judge Sear' court Thurs day. Mudge recently appeared in fed eral court here to pay a fine for vio lation of the1 Mann act in bringing Trances Reenie of Mcl'heron, Kan., to Omaha for immoral purposes. PuMic Library to Ojifti ew Antfs Avenue Branch A branch of the public library will be established at Twenty-fifth street nnd Ames avenue, equipped with a Urge supply of books, niagailne und newspapers and open the same hours as the Central library, 'I his was decided unanimously at a meeting .f the library board Thursday when the report of a com mil tee, madv up cf Rev. O, D. Haltly, chairman, and J. II. Mithert and Mrs. Frank Miotwell, wat adopted titunimoutly. Mines in the I'nited States rr duced 67.WM,4oS trross tout of iron ore last year, an II per cent increase from the previous year. Finally Give Bonds Jacob Masse and Charlrs S. WoliL erg ire again at liberty after having trnt two days and nights in the unty jail. C. A. Homan of Cal ONE-MINUTE STORE TALK Our Mr. John A. Swanson, who bat Just returned from the eastern roar keta, says: "The prestige of Uils store In the markets of the world has enabled os to serum for the 86th anniversary the finest styles that the foremost rlothea makers produced this Fall, t urning Into the market at this par ticular time ire seen red tallies that enable us to price our vast storks at Inner levels than any other city in America can boast of. Our many po. Iron may now mjoy the double ad iBiitoge of new styles and new prices that will be Pennine annlrer. ury anrprlse values." t JOHN A. SWANSON, Pres. SsMSUUa :VM. L. HOLZMAN, Treas. The Biggest Day in the Nebraska's History SATURDAY NOVEMBER 12 NEBRASKA WAR CERTIFICATES will be delivered on our main floor to all Douglas county so'dlers whose names begin with the letter P. - MHsHMMHsflBMnHHsIM Value Demonstration Supreme And Distribution of O and $ goo The 36th Mile Stone of This Greater Store The 36th anniversary of the founding of this store and the 9th anniversary of the new re gime, is being celebrated by the giving of remarkable values and a gift of gold pieces to our patrons. Many people in the Middle West recall the opening of this store and the many innovations introduced by the founders, in uovatious that are the standard of the legitimate merchants of today in a word, ""A square deal to all," was developed into more than a" theory by this store. Before the founding of this store there was no confidence in western clothes selling methods, with the result that 'Nebraska's stand of "one price to all and that price the lowest," was wel con ,ed with open hearts by all of ' the people and instantly estab lished this store's leadership, which it has maintained with growing prestige year after year. We invite you. to attend our 36th birthday celebration (GoM Pieces Wme $2.50 gold pieces free with individual $5.00 gold pieces free with individual cash purchases of $25.00 or more through- . cash purchases of $50.00 or more through- . out the store. Shop on a transfer. out the store. Shop on a transfer. Prepared for the Enormous Crowds WHO WILL TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE SUPREME OPPORTUNITY OF THE YEAR TO Buy Warm Suits and Overcoats to At $20 1 rpEHNK of choosing from the finest J- stocks ot line clothing m the West, every suit and overcoat priced to give you the greatest value in America priced below the new -lower price levels!. A Guaranteed Saving of $15 to $25. THINK of choosing from an entire floor of suits and an entire floor of over coats we've provided unlimited selections for your satisfactory choice of style and fabric from the world's best clothing makers. Anniversary Surprise Values Men's and young men.'s high-grade suits in scores of fine fabrics1 and models many leading makers included a real surprise for you at '$25 and $35 last year you paid $40.00 and $500 Anniversary Surprise Values High school suits in smart single-breasted, double-breasted and sport styles. Rich new fabrics and autumn colors. Ages 14 to 18 years $15 $18 $20 $25 Last year you paid $25.00 to $400 - : ' , . SHOP ON A Anniversary Surprise Values Warm winter overcoats in single and double-breasted models for dress and utility wear. Some rich plaid back models . ; $20 $25 $30 Last year yon paid $35.00 to $50.00 Anniversary Surprise Values Fur collar overcoats. Including many luxurious Imported fabrics. Great coats, ulsters, ulsterettes, full and half belted $40 to $85 Last year you paid $60.00 to $150.00 TRANSFER SHOP IN ANY AND Anniversary Surprise Values Automobile coats great coats, ulsters, full and half belted; chinchillas, velours, plaid back cheviots, every wanted color $25 to $50 Last year yon paid $40.00 to $75.00 Anniversary Surprise Values "Genuine Worombo chinchilla, plaid back ulsters. Half belted models. Satin yokes. One of the finest overcoats In the world , $75.00 Last year yon paid $125M ALL DEPARTMENTS GET A GOLD Anniversary Surprise Values Young men's college styles in sheep and lamb lined coats, with wombat and opossum collars. Full belted styles. Sizes 34 to 44 , . ' $15 to $25 -Last year you paid $25X0 to $10.00. Anniversary Surprise Values Men's odd trousers; thousands ot pairs in fine worsteds, cassimeres and serges; great stocks of all sizes from 28 to 52: unequaled values $3.50 $5.00 $7.50 Last year you paid $5.00 to $12.50 PIECE FREE Buy Boys' Suits, Warm Overcoats, Sweaters, Shirts "The best two-pants suits in the city." Every shopper tells us so we know it's so so will you compare. " ' " 400 new two-pants suits in all wool velours, tweeds, cassimeres, 36th - Anniversary Special $ 10 Buy Full Dress and Tuxedos The S6th .anniversary is every man's "party." ' Here's your opportunity to supply your correct dress needs. Full Dress Suits Silk Lined $50 and $65 Tuxedos Silk Lined $50 and $60 Dress Overcoat Silk Lined S35 to S75 Dress rests, Tuxed. rests, shirts, gloves, silk mufflers, neck-: wear, silk hosiery. Jewelry, dress shoes and plain toe patent oxfords. Other two-pants suits.. $7.50 to $20.0G Beautiful Model Overcoats A mighty surprise awaits you in boys' overcoat buying coma ex pecting to see the finest coats shown 0-t A J 1- O r A in years for boys 2H to 10 years, at.... tpAU p.i)U BOIS MACKISAWS The big roomy kind. The colors and atyles boys like; all pure wool; new prices S7.50 to 315.00 ' . BOYS' Shirts and Blouses largest selec tion of entirely new patterns in collar attached, button down collar land collar band styles. Featuring new checks, stripes, , fine silk carded madras all guaranteed fast colors. The new QK $050 lower prices range. tOC i KEW SILK PONGEE SHIRTS AND BLOUSES HOTS SWEATEES In pull over and shawl collar styles, in all popular" "colors and Reaves. The new lower 'price $2.50 to $8.50 KOTS' UNDERWEAR In heavy and medium weight cotton and wool; best values in the city at the new prices - ' $1.00 to $3.50 Buy Winter Shoes Don't forget to put shoes on your anniversary shopping list we've put the new lower prices on every pair in our vast stock of the best shoes made. x5. Educators Glove Grips ill America's 10 FRRASKA SPECIAL SHOES A5D OXFORDS Tan and black calf. New lower prices Buy Traveling Goods Many will complete their anniversary purchases buying- a trunk, bag or suit case largest selection at positively lowest prices. . Trafeling Steamer Bars -v 'I run Us 15.00 to $47.50 Suit Cases SU0 to Standard Trunk 111 to Io0 $13 to $35 Wardrobe Trunks ,i(U0 to 1100 Boston Ba $340 to M Buy Warm Gloves Greatest Showing Men's the Middle West and Boys' Gloves in $5 and $6 HURLEY CELEBRATED FINE SHOES EXCLUSIVE HERE Traveling; Gada Eatlrc Basemtat 3lrarnt niivu ' a Men's mocba glows cape gloves, silk gloves, chamois ette, Scotch wool, fnr glores lined gloves autmohIl gloTcs. From Terr!) Fownes, Adler, Haller an otherv f 50c to $7.50 " . BUT BOTS' CL0TES oys' gloves and mittens in all wanted weights d styles. Lined and unlined. dress or utility, r and lined gloves and wool mittens. pB.nIg7:.r.50cto$4.50 rCORRECT APPAREL FOR MEN AND WOMEN : Buy Fail Hats Hat headquarters is grandly ready to serve you in your 3Ctn Anniver sary shopping. Nebraska Feature Ilats nt $5.00 Jobn B. Stetson Huts $7.00 and better Wallory Ilats $5.00 and $Q.00 ebraska Qaallty Hats $30-$J.OO Buy. Fur Caps t'he new lower prices enable as to again offer the excep tional values that made this store famous for fur caps. Best qualities and values at $5.00 to $25.00 Buy Cloth Caps Expect to see more than a line of caps bre. A great exposition of caps awaits you, ' CLOTH CAPS FOR DRESS . , J ' OR BLIZZARD WEAR Krlces $1.50 to $3.00 Buy Underwear Choose from the most wonderfully complete showing of Vassar, Su perior, Duofold, Cooper, Wright's Health and other warm union suits. $1.00 to $7.50 The New lower Prices Range . . Buy Shirts Every wanted shirt from every leading maker Manhattans, Eagles. Bates Street Vorke, Beau Brummel; silks, fibre, madras cords, percales, flannels. The New Lower Prices Range ... $1.00 to $10 Buy Sweaters atgest showing of shawl ollar, "V" neck, pull-over sport styles in every color and combination. - Prices Range ... $4.50 to $12.50 Buy Hosiery Wonderful showing ' of English wool hose, silk embroidered clocks, - all silk hosiery, lisle and fibers. : The New lower Prices Range ... .25c to $2.00 i T Buy Neckwear l A vast exposition of new Fall am ana nmuea neexwear. fin est foreign and American silks. The New Lower Prices Bange 50c to $3.50 Buy Bath Rohes Extensive show ing of bath and lounging robea in fine Beacon blanket, Oregon pure wool blanket robes and velvet, silk, brocaded corduroy, import ed tweed robes. The New Lower Prices Range $4 to $25