THE BEE: OMAHA. 1KIDAV. NOVEMBER 11. 1W1. Society IfTTlVERY omin tlwuild work evrry day iih hrr haiiili." declared H. Mri. Samuel R. McKHvir, the firt lady ol Nelraka. in a tpeeoh tht made in Kan City Ut wrelc to an audience ol women. "II Toil cannot afford (a kern a maid, oroide will know it. and thry will re spect yon more if you ke-p wiihin your own houtework. aid Ihu tluf at an example by doing all hrr own believei thai every man thould be able to build a campfire and every woman should be ahle to make a home out of raw material. Tha "jail wife" doe not rank high in Mrt. MrKelvie't eatimation. and by the phraaa aha meant the young woman who Is not lirrirlf a producer and who triea to inflate her hutlund'i income to meet her extravagant taitee. Looking on hinhandt as "human cah regmter' i one of the chief eaaiei that there It a divon-e granted every four minutet in the United Statea, according to Mri. McKelvle. Y. W. CHrla Do Their Bit. The federation of industrial e,irl' elubt at tht Y. V. C. A. have adopted a famfly for the year. Earn week one of the clubs rct that tome of their members call on the family, and at Thatikgivinu they are to provide a banket containing a complete dinner. The clubt are alo helping raise the fund for the Y. V. C A., for which a drive is now in piogrcse. Each club has Its own method of making money. One is srllm Christmas cards, another is making calling cards, etc. Dinner for "March King." The City Concert club will give a "musical dinner" in honor of John Philip Sousa at the Fontenelle hotel, 5:30, Sunday, November 27. Governor S. R. McKelvie and Mayor James Dahlman will be among the notables who will speak on that oc casion. A limited number of tickets will be available. They may be secured from the Fontenelle hotel, Mickel Music house, Ed Patton Music com pany, A. llospe Music company, Plain Hair Mist Lenora Hughes, who is an American girl, just returned . from Paris , created a furore in the fa mous French salon of the new Am bassador Hotel, New York, the other day when she appeared with her hair combed straight back from the forehead and also back from the ears, thus ex posing the cars, and tied in a psyche knot. The dancer explained that most Ameri can women have "attractive, artistic ears which should not be hidden.". "While I believe that a certain pro portion of New York women, in cluding those who constantly adopt the latest Parisien styles, will wear long skirts and even the tight-fitting sleeves and high-neck gowns, I feel certain that the vast majority of women, especi ally the younger girls, will insist upon wearing their skirts short," said Miss "Hughes. "Our American girls have attrac tive ankles and they want to show them. The French women are not as attractive physically as American girls, consequently the long skirt appeals to them. Nor will American women tolerate long skirts and high necks, especially if they have attractive arms and necks. Of course, some of the older women will wear these gowns, but they vil not become the vogue. Problems That Perplex Answered by BEATRICE FAIRFAX For Christmas. Dear Miss Fairfax: I am engaged to the best girl in the world and expect to marry her as soon as her school is out next spring. We are planning our home now together. 1 want to know what is and what is not appropriate to get her (or Christmas. I want to get some thing that we can both use in our 'horn later on. What can. you sug gest? Price makes no difference. Are dishes, chinaware or silver ware all right? I had thought of getting her a complete set of dishes, but didn't know if this would be quite all right. Tours, IGNORANT. Pishes would indeed be appro priate, considering your plans, or silver In a pattern she likes would be an excellent choice. A cedar uhest might also be a happy choice. Doing Vp the Hair. Jly Dearest Miss Fairfax: When do you think a girl should put her hair up? I am very anxious to find out. KEBECCA. That depends upon the type and maturity of the girl. Some girls j might wear their hair down at IS in a style which 'would look out of place on another girl 14. I should say 16 would lie a good age for the average girl to put her hair up. i i - Matter of Sense. Dear Miss Fairfax: Will you please tell me how old you think a girl should be before she goes out with a boy? My girl friends go out and I have refused a few invitations to the show or something of that sort. Many thanks for your advise. HELEN. It isn't so much a matter of age as common sense. Girls under IS ought not to go regularly with boys, though occasional companionship is quite all right. Before Armistice Ball Among those who, will entertain at dinners before the armistice ball, to be given Friday evening under the auspices of the Woman's Over seas' Service league, Marion Cran dall unit, are Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Reed, who will entertain nfne at their home. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bal drige will give a family dinner in honor of their guest, Titian Coffey, before the ball. Alpha O micron Pi Luncheon. Reservations for the Alpha Omi cron Pi luncheon and reunion Fri day noon at 12:30 o'clock at the Brandeis restaurant should be made with Mrs. Ernest Bihler or Mrs. Les lie Higgins. i waiks bipdu bsabtt n mM n tictii ua QeMaa filial Btesum. AdnrUaKBt. your inrome by doing at lcat a part of young womaii who tiat nerarii terveo limurwork in a Jl-room niaiieion, Mir Schmollcr & Mueller, or Oakford Music company. For Witter Bynner. Mrs. A. V, Kinslrr will give a tea at her home Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock in honor of Witter Bynner, poet and dramatist, who spoke be fore the Society of Fine Art Tues day afternoon, and for members of the Omaha Woman s Tress club. Colorado-Nebraska Teachers. Reservations for the luncheon qJ the l.olorado-Nrbraiika Teachers club, Friday at 12:15 p. m.. at the Brando's restaurant, should be made with Miss Anne Cosgrove, Douglas ?4J8. Federated Club Notes. The Gretna Community club, com oosed of men and women, has affilia ted with the Nebraska Federation of Woman's clubs, according to Mrs. L. if. Lord, president of the Second district. This brings 25 new women members into the federation and there are now 13 clubs in the Sec ond district. Mrs. C. E. Fetz is president of the Gretna Community club. Dress Vogue For Miss Fry. Affairs for Miss Daisy Jane Fry, who will be a bride Saturday, No vember 26, begin with an afternoon party Saturday, November 12, at the home of Mrs. Charles F. Brinkman. The following Tuesday Mrs. Warren Vickery will honor Miss Fry with an Orpheum party. Another hostess, Mrs. Lester Rigby, will be. at home Wednesday evening, November 16, for the bride-to-be, and Miss Char lotte Tompkins will give a luncheon Saturday, November 19, at the Bran deis restaurant. Mrs. Robert Rosenzweig, Mrs. Charles Wright and Miss Lillian Rosenzweig will entertain at the Rosenzweig home Saturday, Novem ber 19. Monday following, Mrs. Fred Pitts will give an afternoon party, and Tuesday, preceding the wedding, Mrs. Linn P. Campbell will honor Miss Fry with a party at her home. Clarke-Brown. The marriage of Miss Bertha Brown to, Clifton Clarke was solemn ized Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. McClelland. The Rev. Mr. Vanderlip read the marriage lines. Miss Irene Mc Ginty and Lawrence Lafferty were the only attendants. Mr. and Mrs. Clarke will be at home after No vember 15, at 4129 Lake street. Mrs. Maxwell to Winter South. Mrs. J. T. Maxwell will leave next week to spend the winter in the south. As a member of the Asso ciation of Collegiate Alumnae. Mrs. Maxwell has been greatly interested in the woman's exchange being op erated by that organization. Delta Zeta Luncheon. Omaha alumnae of Delta Zeta will entertain at luncheon . Friday, 1 o'clock, at the Brandeis restaurant for sorority sisters attending the teachers convention. Reservations may be made with Mrs. A. V. Beck, Kenwood 2086. Somers Club Elects Officers. At the meeting of the Somers club, held Tuesday afternoon at the home of Miss Marian Turner, Miss Ruth Kinsicr was elected president for the coming year to succeed Miss Helen Walker Book Club Postponed. The Book club, which was to have met Friday with Miss Mary Rich ardson, has postponed its meeting until Saturday, November 19. Mrs. Merrill to Lecture. Mrs. Anthony French Merrill will give the second of her series of lec tures on reconstruction at the Con vent of the Sacred Heart Friday, November 11, I'll, Personals Dr. Julet If. Stean of Worcester,1 Matt., it vikiting hit sitter, Mrs. S, I-inkrnktein, Min Eulalia Kyan of Columbut, who hat been vUitmg Mr. and Mrs. Knitely, htf returned home, Mrt. Maion W. Spker of Min ntjiioli and Spicer. Minn., it visit- lug her titter, Mrs, Hugh W, Hale, Mri. F.dgar Howard and daugh ter. Mitt Helm of Columbut, have been visit inr Mr. and Mrt. C. C. Gray. Mr. and Mrt. J. P. Condon an nounce the birth of a daughter, Mary F.llen. November 9, at fct. Josephs hospital. Mrt. II. (1. Jackson of Hollywood, Cal ha been called to Omaha by the death of her tister, Mrs. Wilson H. Atkins. Paul Noonan, a junior at Creix'! ton Law school, left Wednesday evening for Chicago,, where he will spend the week-end. Dr. and Mrs. Louis B. Bushman returned Monday from a week in Chicago. Dr. Bushman has been east at a medical convention. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Tedigo, November 10, at St. Josephs hospital. Mrs. Tedigo was formerly Miss Agnes Daly. , . Xfra Waller fVirhin nf Wnrrea- tfr Mam irtme flite fimntb In vicif her mother, Mrs. Ernest E. Hart, at tne uaKiana aparimenis in council Bluffs. Mr. Corbin will toin her for Christmas. Messrs. and Mesdames C. II. Dack, George O'Brien, Leo Geit ren and Mrs. Albert Bcckman of Columbus, Neb., have returned home following a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Walter bchrader. Miss Mariorie Woodard, who is attending Rosemary Hall at Green wich, Conn., will spend the week-end in New Haven, where she will at tend the Yale-Princeton foot ball game Saturday. Mrs. Jack Firth of Kansas City, who flew here last week in one of the Larsen airplanes with Mrs. H. B. Hartney, wife of Colonel Hartney, and who has been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Stewart, II, returned home Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Laverty leave Sunday for Lexington, Neb., to be present at the 50th wedding anni versary of Mrs. Laverty's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Horner, on Monday, November 14. Mrs. Laver ty's brother, Charles F. Horner, of Kansas City, will also return for the event. Titian Coffey of Los Angeles will arrive Friday to spend the week end at the Howard Baldrige home. He is a brother of Mrs. Baldrige. Mr. and Mrs. Baldrige will give an informal dinner in his honor Satur day evening. Things You'll Love To Make . An interesting overblouse is this smock with plaitcd-fan inserts. Cut an ordinary kimono slip-over. Slit the sleeve up to within one inch from the shoulder line. Slit the bot tom edge of the blouse up to within three inches of the waist line. Bind the neck and all edges with bias bands of silk of a contrasting color. Cire ribbon is very smart for bind ing. Insert plaited fans of georgette that matches the color of the blouse or ribbon binding. Stitch a flat bow JmotK itttkPlajiti-Fai!tefU of the binding riiaterial at the top of each fan. A smock with plaitcd fan inserts is nice to wear for after noon or informal evening affairs. Copyright, 1121, by Public Ledger Co. ; Eight CHOCOLATES INNER-CIRCLE CANDIES' 0 'i HE GRIM COMEDIAN" Starting Sunday at the SUN 1 1 ii v Overseas Girls' President L The armistice ball of Friday night, given by the Marian Crandell unit, Women's Overseas Service league, at the Fontenelle hotel is an as sured success. Some novel features will be introduced during the even ing, dinner parties will precede, and supper parties follow the ball. Miss Helen Cornell is president of the unit. Proceeds from the ball will be used to furnish the recreation room at the Bellevue government hospital and to provide a fund for helping disabled soldiers now in Omaha hos pitals. The overseas girls made 111 calls last month on soldiers in four Omaha hospitals. Graham-Donielson. The marriage of Miss Marie Donielson, daughter of Mrs. N. M. Donielson of New Castle. Wyo., and Hugh Graham, was solemnized Monday morning at 11 o'clock at St. Peters church, the Rev. Father McCarthy officiating. Miss Mabel Graham and George Graham were the only attendants. The out-of-town guests were Mrs. N. M. Doniel son. Alfred Donielson. Thomas Gra ham, all of New Castle, Wyo., Miss Aieleen Nelson of Greybull, Wyo. Mr. and Mrs. Graham will be at home after November IS at 11!) South Thirty-fifth street. Will Gd to Lincoln. One tiartv whn will an tn Linrnln for the Whraska-TCansa's ffame and the festivities of homecoming week includes Mr. ana Airs. .Leonard ires tor, the Misses Adelyn Wood, Eliza heth Rartpr. Nan Hunter. M. Wes ton, Dr. Allen Moser, Dr. Charles Mattson, iritz Koenig ana Virgil Haggart. The Charm of Individuality There is an attractiveness In individuality. We like individ uality in men and women, in automobiles, in dress, in speech,. We admire particularly in- dividuajity in tne home. Nothing in the home will add more to its individuality than the right piano. -v.. And the right piano must be a baby grand. The Brambach Baby Grand will give individuality to your home Durably Built Classic Design Exquisite Tone Full Guarantee Price The Brambach requires no more room than an upright. A tissue paper pat tern, sent free upon request, will show this when spread up on the floor. $695 The Art and Music Store 1513 Douglas Street NOVEMBERS BrambachBabyGrand . Month. Travelers' Aid Service Supported by Y. W. C. A. By LAURA SCOTT, The girl was young and pretty, and dimpling tmilet flitted over her face at the thought of the pleasant timet i. he was to have in the big ciiy of Omaha. At the train sped swiftly on, and the flying landscape warned her that the would toon be at hrr jimwey't end, the wondered whrre lie would go, and what she would do first. She wat to earn her living, but no arrangement! had been nude for a boarding place. At the stepped off the train with hrr pretty tuitcase, a young man ap proached, politely asking if he could help in any way, offering to take her to a good boarding place; while the was accepting his invitation to go in his motor, Mrs. Burnham, the travelers aid came along; the young man vanished, and the girl wat taken rare of. Thit it only one of a dozen instances that occur every month at the stations, and it is due to the night and. day watchfulness of the travelers aid that so many girls escape trouble, if not tragedy. This travelers aid is a non-sec tarian, non-commercial, protective association, to safeguard travelers, especially women and children, who, through inexperience, ignorance or illness are in need of protection and assistance. This service is entirely free of charge, rendered by Mrs. II. Burnham at the Burlington station, and Mrs. W. Miller and Mrs. C. L. Mead at the union station. Mrs. Mead has been in this work here for 12 years, and many are the tales she ran tell of venturesome lassies coming to town for a good tiny. In looking over the report of a month's work . recently, one is amazed at the scope of it. From the ushering into life of a little new babe, to the kindly care of the crippled Snd aged, the travelers aid runs the gamut of human experience. Seven little children from 6 to 14 years old.'the youngest a blind girl on her way, to the State School for the Blind at Nebraska Ctty, and each traveling alone, were looked after. How their little hearts must have been comforted by the kindfv women placed there to help them! An 18-year-old bride, accidentally separated from her equally , young husband, slipped from the train, stranded and distressed. By the way, that young husband must learn that nowadays wives are not expected to Big One-Cent Sale Is Now in Full Blast at Sherman & McConnelVs The three Sherman & McConnell Rexall Drug Stores, where the big lc Sale is now in progress, have for the last two days taken on the appearance of a first night performance of a popular opera. However, business is proceeding in an ctrderly fashion, as the sales force in each store has been doubled, and each salesman with a basket on his arm in which to group the purchases of the custom ers makes a scene that is really, from a commercial standpoint, in spiring, and makes one doubt that there ever has been a strike in buying. "Buy one article at the regular price and a second one of the same kind for lc" that's the slogan of this Sale. This Sale will close Friday, but if any articles at all are left they may be obtained at our regular Saturday Sale at the same price. ' - TWO Items for the Price of ONE (plus one cent) In this Sale were nearly 1,000 articles, comprising more than two carloads of goods. Some Leading Bargains in This Sale $1.00 Newbro's Herpicide at 2 for $1.01 50c Goodrich Velvetina Face Powder 2 for 51 (The above item is one of the "Made - in - Omaha" articles, of which we should be very proud, for the Velvetina preparations are sold from the Atlantic to the Pacific and from the 'Dominion on the North to the Gulf on the South.) 11 kinds Talcum Powders, 2 for thf price of 1 plus lc (Above list includes Williams, Lazells, Violet Dulce, Cutex, Au brey Sisters, Tetlows, Soul Kiss, Pompeian Fragrance.) 7 kinds Face Powders and Rouges 2 for price of 1 plua lc (Above includes Bouquet. Ra mee, Mavis, La Jeune, Bourjois, Madame Isabell's, etc.) 11 kinds Face Creams and Lotions, 2 for price of 1 plus lc 10 kinds Toilet Soap, 2 for price of 1 plus lc 8 Stationery Items, 2 for price of 1 plus lc 12 Food Products, 2 for price of 1 plua lc 40 or more Medicinal Items, 2 for price of 1 plus lc ShetrniamMCcmtielli lc Sale at 3 of our 5 Good Drug Store Cor. 16th and Dodge 1 Cor. 16th and Harney Cor. 19th and Farnam . f 'Even the most expert care injudcin H travel in a penniless condition, even when he is along. Her father was wired and the wife went back to her husband. A young mother, traveling with a 3-year-old daughter, beating her way from tahlorma to Chicago, was taken off the train ill, and a doctor called, who sent her to the Univer sity hospital, while the chdd was cared for by the Nebraska Home so ciety. An elderly woman was brought in by a train conductor at 1 a. in. Her son was supposed to meet l er, he not only did not do so. but he rc fused to come when telephoned that she was at the station. She was looked after during the night, and turned over to friends the following morning. A prominent business man ot Omaha, in speaking of this branch I Two Only Wonderful Cigar bargains! ' These being La Saramita arid Los Ramos 10c Straight Cigars. . , .2 for H $2.75 for box of SO 7 kinds Tooth Pastes, Powders and Liquids, 2 for price of 1 plus lc 75c Grape Jam. .... .2 for 76J Cocoa, Tea, Toilet Soaps, Sta tionery, Rubber Goods, all on the lc Sale Plan. Ask your neighbor. He has probably already attended this Sale. Denatured Alcohol (For Your Auto) BUY IT NOW at any one of the S Sherman & McConnell Drug Stores "Better Be Safe Than Sorry" 1-gal. can, case or jug, JX) 5-gaI. can for $4.00 15c less on the 1-gal. and 35c less on the 5-gal. if you bring your own container. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. Cor. 16th and Dodge, Cor. 16lh and Harney, Cor. 19th and Famam, Cor. 24th and Farnam, Cor. 40th and Dodge TV O dJtUOKXki of the V. W. C A. work. Mid: "It nothing el were done by the a tociatioir, thit woik alone would make lh organisation worth while," Svruo Feualn la a mild, mnlle alaaiuar and rulalor. iteoaU oal about t oral a 4om. DR. CALDWELL'S SYRUP PEPSIN THE FAMILY LAXATIVE Ttka Dr. Caldvalt'i Srru Papal a than eonatlpaud, bllloua. haadaehy or out of aoru. Von wtll and rourgvn. oral health and eonpleiloa eo Im proved that leaa eoanietice wilt be needed. Tboneaoda of woaaa btvt proved thit true. HALF-OUNCE BOTTLE FREE rWeee fiiimtain. e own tf yen ee mi ym a Half-CWe Tnal Bottle of an Jm Pram m EC OF CHARijS m k you will Urt u KonaSr Am aaaire'. 5imflj irnd your nam and addrtii a rv, W. B. CaUvtil, fit Waaiutitwn St, MondceUe, JU. WnuwHuJoj. ui ftowttf a (Auut m (Mi mnmtm Ui m4 AllVKRTlNKMKfcT I !"JI aff a (Ml WOMEN U1 bf fUd k y l toe ol a lutuT i j 1 Utt 0pwtM wltksat j ! erltisf r wknln. J toff TVooMaia wilt ull K tbf mora ntUfwnorr r o Jrrh inm Dr. CiimVt W S 8rrva Pfpolii IhM from ulM, kVlr Mil tad drtatlo eailMrUc. Rhsumatic Joints Ru6 rain Right Out-Try This! Rheumatism is "pain only." Not one rase in fifty requires internal Iteattnent. Stop drugRingl Rnh jocthing, penetrating "St. Jacob's Oil" directly into your tore, stiff joints and muscles and relirf comes instantly. "St. Jacob's Oil" is a harmless rheumatism cure which never disappoints and cannot burn or discolor the skin. Limber up! Quit complaining I Joallli-SiiongMiialiiy rV eWuiiraiaiiu (onwcsCN Km Art) the most modern of all tonics recently brought to America after successful use abroad many times more effective than any stimulant certain and quick in re- storative results and a permanent nbuMer of gland tissue.' Youth Gland contains ghnd substance, and its use is in very fact equal to the gradual transplanting of glands but without the doubts or uncertainties attendant upon an operation. Youth Gland is also rich in Vitamines, Bulgarus and Nuclein therefore rich in thecreatestof all life-eivtnc strength-building powers known to science. Rejuvenates Ret-JIdi Resettles Dr. Arnold Lorand, one of the world's greatest authorities in medical progress, tayt in his book, "Old Age Deferred" (in discussing the glands): "We mutt insist on the atinforcement of' their functions, if changed by age or disease, by means of extracts oo coined from simdar organs of healthy animals.'' This advice you are now, for the first time, able to follow by taking small Youth Gland Tablets. Designate whether you wish "male" or "female." Distribution of Youth-Gland Tablets is almost complete. But if your druggist has not yet received hu supply, uk him to phone his jobber for a special bottle for you, as we are supplying actual demands fmtibefort allowing large stocks. Every package carries full dire tioru and a supply for 13 days' treatment. Youth GliDa Chimloal Uboratorlts Ltd. 8 t. Raaaelnb treat Chtoago, HI "Sold la Omaha by all aterea of the Sherman-McCoancU Drug Co. and other profreaaivo drufflete." AIWKKTISBMENT How Mastin's Yeast Vitamon Tablets Put Flesh On Thin Folks Strengthen Tha Narva and NECK 11 inchdt BUST WAIST If 1 I WAIST 10 helm t I i HllKKtt -r U si I cAif IOIAcAm I4kA Tablets at au gooa aruginsis. bucu aa Sherman & McConnell, Adams-Haight, Alexander Jacobs. 4. L. Brandeii, Harden Bros, and Burgess-Nash. ' . - STIKST THt ORIGINAL AND GENUINE When in Omaha Hotel Rome Eatebliehed 184. RUPTURE ""Vy" VITAMINS TABLET guarantee to give satisfactory results. Our treatment has more than twen ty yeara of success behind It and la the best In existence. We do not Inject parafflne, as it Is dangerous. Time required for ordinary cases. 10 days. The advantages of treatment are: No danger from chloroform, shock and blood poison, and no laying up In a hospital. Call or write PR. WRAY HKRNIA INSTTTCTK, 410 refers Trust Bldg., OmalV Bring or Send Your DroHN Goods to Us -lea- PLBATINQ KMIIROIDERT BBH STITCHING BUTTONS, ETC. Wt do tht work anj give your Itrmtnu thote attractive touchrt to much In dtmarvj at thit tcaaon. Excellent workmanihlp guararv teed, All or Jert given lmmciitt attention. Our new try It circular htijuit come from the preat. Send pottal fori copy today. ItUV. Neat IlaMoa a eel rUallag Co. 311 Brova Bleca Omaha, Nek. ADVrHTINtMKNT Gft a small trial bottle of old-time "St. Jacob's Oil" at any drug More and in just a moment you'll be free from rheumatic pain, soreness and stiffness. Don't suffer! Relief and a cure awaits you. "St. Jacob's Oil" hat cured millions of rheumatism sufferert in the last half century, and is just at good for sciatica, nru raliga, lumbago, backache, sprains and swellings. Send Your Name and Address for an Interett fog Booklet ADVERTISEMENT Invigorate Tha Body fcasy And Economical To Taka Ratults Supritingly Quick. If you want to put tome 6rmi healthy flesh on your hones, in- . crease your nerve force and power, clear your ekin and complexion and look and feel 100 per cent, better, simply try taking two of Mastio'a tiny VITAMON Tablets with each meal and watch result. Mastin's VITAMON Tablets contain highly concentrated yeasts vitamines as well as the two other still more impoiaynt vitamines (Fat Soluble A and Water Soluble C) and are now being used by thousands. They positively will not upset the stomach or cause gas, but, on the contrary, are a great aid to digestion, to overcome con stipation and as a general condi tioner of the whole system. Com plete satisfaction absolutely guaran teed or the trial costs you Dothing. Be sure to remember the name Mastin's VI-TA-MON the original . and genuine yeast-vitamine tablet there is nothing else like it, so do not nrept imitations or substitutes. You can get Mastin's VITAMON Are Positively Guaranteed to Put On Firm Flesh, Clear the Skin and Increase Energy When Taken With Every Meal or Money Back B URNS Cover with wet baking soda afterward apply gently VapoRud Oner 17 Million Jon CW Ytahf 1 I V "lanje balneal f 11 K the ouair." f VJ TKu Kile U box pleated, eepeor H Ullr .-uubla (o Sport Skim. . f We havve a auccesaful treatment for Rupturt without reaorting to a painful and uncertain surgical operation. We are the only reputable physicians who will take such cases upon a