Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 09, 1921, Page 7, Image 7

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Up-to-Bate News and Gossip of Interest to Sport Fans
Five Teams
Remain in Race
For State Title
North Platte and Cambridge
Loom Up As Strongest High
School Grid Teams in
With the race for the state high
school foot ball championship com
jug down the final stretch, five teams
are nuking a hard drive to reach the
tape first and thereby capture the
honors that belong to the school
finishing the season w ithout a defeat.
Of the five schools still in the
running, not one is located iu
Omaha, something which is rather
rliusiial. North I'latte, Cambridge,
Lincoln, Grand Island and Jekamaii
stand out as the strongest contend
ers for the state title this season. Of
the live mentioned, Tekamah is the
smallest and is expected to fall by
the wayside before many Friday
schedules ny past. -
Last week witnessed the elimina
tion of Coach Drummond's High
Shool of Commerce siuad from the
title race. The South Jligh Packers
put the elimination stamp on the
IJookkccpers in the form ot a 24 to 7
defeat, and upset the dope.
Omaha Out of Running.
With Commerce out of the run
ning, Omaha cannot claim a team
capable of making a bid for the
championship. Central High elimi
nated South earlier -in the season,
while Heatrice put the dampers on
Coach Schmidt's team.
Of the five undefeated state teams
North I'latte and Cambridge, the lat
ter 1920 champs,- stand out as the
two strongest squads. Lincoln is an
other school which is represented by
a strong aggregation of warriors
., this season. Grand Island eliminated
Ord last Friday, 7 to .0, and while
the Islanders are considered the
class of the western part of the state,
they stand little chance with the
strong North l1!-' eleven or the
Cambridge squad, .-kamah defeated
Pender by the score of 35 to 3 last
week. Although the Tekamah crew
lias cleaned up thus far this season,
the dope is not in favor of the north
eastern squad this year. t
Next Friday Columbus clashes
Vith North Platte at North Platte in
a game that will attract state-wide
attention, due to the fact that the
Discoverers trimmed Omaha Cen
tral last week and have played much
better foot ball within the last three
weeks than they did earlier in the
season. ' ' .
North Platte Has Strong Team.
Fans who have witnessed ' the
North Platte team in action declare
that Coach Neville has developed
one of the strongest squads in the
state,' The backficld is shifty, fast
and capable of holding its own with
any high school in Nebraska. North
Platte's line is a tower of strength
and opens large holes for the backs.
Considering the record of the
North Platte team this season, Co
lumbus is due to taste another de
feat next Friday.
Commerce and Grand Island tan
gle on the latter's field Friday in
another contest slated to have an
important hearing on the title. With
Kline and Camero back in the lineup
chances are good for a Commerce
victory over Grand Island. However,
the Islanders have a classy squad
this year.
According to the schedule, Lincoln,
Tekamah and Cambridge have open
dates this week-end.
Stanislaus Zbyszko
Defeats Caddock
In Match for Title
Des Moines, Ia, Nov. 8. Stanis
laus Zbyszko, heavyweight wrestling
champion of the world, successfully
defended his title here last night
when he defeated Earl. Caddock of
Walnut, la., in straight falls.
After over an hour of wonderful
grappling the Pole by sheer strength
arose to his feet as Caddock was
clinging to his shoulder and neck
and fell over backwards, pinning the
Iowan to .the mat for the first fall,
in one hour, 20 minutes and 20
! Caddock was stunned from the
effects of the first fall and offered
little resistance to the Pole's attack.
After 24 minutes of grappling Cad
dock conceded the fall, being too
weak to continue.
Pennsy-Unable to
Race Australians
Philadtlphia, No. 8. Augtralia
wants to send a team of runners to
the relay races on Franklin field here
next April, but the University of
Pennsylvania has regretfully cabled
'.' the Antipodeans that conditions for
next year make it more or less im
possible to finance the scheme. The
offer came from the University of
Sidney, which wants to meet Amer
ica's best in a distance medley relay
o;i Pennsylvania's famous track.
Pennsylvania is under a promise to
race in England next spring if Ox
ford and Cambridge succeed in get
ting up a meet along the lines of
Pennsylvania's relay carnival.
Open Negotiations
For Hgh Grid Game
Cleveland, O., Nor. 8. Negotia
tions are under way for a foot ball
game between the Havrehill Of ass.)
High school team and East Tech of
Carter and Jawson
Battle to 10-Round Draw
Milwaukee, Wis., Nov. 8. Tom
my Carter and Joe Jawson. light
weights, battled 10 rounds here
last night and a draw was the ,
newspaper verdict Jawson had to
extend himseit to stay with
tee whnc. .-;-l-t left- c,n-erl to
You Tell 'Em Jack, Your Name's Dempsey
Jack Dempsey. world's champion heavyweight fighter, was snapped by th camera man showing Eddit
Mahoney, Pacific coast lightweight champion, how to perfect his famous right hand.
Mahoney it scheduled to meet Ever Hammer hert November 13.
When Dempsey Isn't Battling
In Ring He's Fighting Country's
Best Lawyers, Judges and Like
AtK. JJt.xMl'St.V IS
beginning to couut
that day lost whose
low descending sun
marks no new legal
battle against him be
gun. Life for the "Utah
mauler" through the
past few years has
been little more than
a succession of lawsuits. Jocose per
sons assert that he has retained fight
ing condition because of the splendid
exercise gained in dodging process
servers. ,
Dempsey first gained real acquaint
anceship with process servers, law
years, judges, juries and the like
through the efforts of "John the
Barber" Reisler to gather Dempsey
unto himself o:ice again..;
John undertook to manage Demp
sey back m 1916, when the big kid
first appeared in
Gotham. But
Dempsey didn't
show an awful lot
of greatness then.
John decided it
wasn't worth hi.'
whil(v to frivolf
around with him.
So he practically
cast him adrift.
Tempus flitted.
Then Jack Kearns
grabbed Dempsey
and piloted him
along to geratness
and a champion
ship. When Demp
sev nroceeded to
arrive "John the Barber" figured he
had pulled a "boner." He decided to
get Dempsey back. But Dempsey
wouldn't do any comeback for him.
The razoring person then sued
Dempsey for breach of contract.
None but a manipulator of an add
ing machine knows in just how
many different towns Reisler sued
Dempsey. But the records show
that legal action against the heavy
weight was taken in Chicago. St.
Lois, Minneapolis, Newark, Toledo,
New York and elsewhere. In each
place Dempsey emerged triumphant.
But everywhere he ran the gauntlet
of process servers.
Eventually he became champion.
Then his ' legal troubles really
started. "
The government indicted him in
San Francisco and it cost Dempsey
$90,000 to clear himself. Frank
Spellman, a former business associ
ate, later filed two suits against him.
One had been tried twice, with a
jury disagreement as the result. The
other is yet to be heard.
Indian Names Dempsey. ,
Somebody in Atlantic City de
cided to do some suing. Then an
Indian out in Oklahoma sued his
wife for divorce and named Demp
sey. It -was because he had seen
his wife gazing rapturously- at a
picture of the champion. It was
quite easy for the champion to
Sol Metit-er will annwrr -question
that Bf readers will submit to him.
They will be answered In tbis column.
Question should be written on one
side of the paper only and should bo
ddreswed to 8ol Metiger. rare the
sporting- editor. The Omaha IW. Tney
will thru b forwarded to biro.
Q. If a d-fenslve team blocks a kick
and It goes out of bounds and into the
ntands or among the spectators, what is
Ui rule?
A. It shall belong to the. siilo whose
pMier blocked the kick at the point
ir here the ball erossed the sideline.
Q. If a fumbled ball crosses the side
lines and goes among the spectators, what
Is the ruler
A. It shall belong to the side whose
player lost tenrbed It in the field of
play at the point where the ball crossed
the sidelines.
Q. When Is an offs'.de player on a
punt allowed to touch the ball?
A. ot eatil H baa toothed aa oppo
ses. Q. Pees the rale regarding communica
tion by substitutes apply to incoming sub
stitute of the offensir. tesm only?
A. It doee eot: a substitat of the He
feosiTe team mast wot eommowtrete with
bta teammate la My way swtil after one
A- They aodoobtedly snoald be and
the rules eommirte. wot entr reeommewde
jUua bat slreaujly axgra that It be
prove that he never saw or had
heard of the woman in his life but
it .cost him a certain amount for
lawyer's fees.
A woman in New York, having
been introduced to Dempsey about
a year ago, boasted in an idle
moment to her husband that "I am
a great friend of Jack Dempsey's."
She was so great a friend of Demp
sey's that if they had met in the
street later, the champion probably
wouldn't have recognized her. Yet
her feminine boast to her husand
got the latter so exercised that he
came close to suing for divorce and
naming Dempsey as an alienator of
affections. : J'
Kearns and Dempsey rented an
apartment in New York. After they
gave it up the lady-like owner of
the place discovered 'that a 50-cent
china ornament had been broken.
She decided upon suit and process
serves began s doing foot races
with Dempsey. Meanwhile another
batch of servers were trying to
shove papers into Dempsey's hands
notifying him that he had been sued
by a doctor who had been paid $500
for a slight operation upon Demp
sey's nose and who demanded
$1,000. , ' . t
Shimmy Shaker Sues.
' The - climax was reached when
the piano-playing hubby of' Bee
Palmer, - originator of the art - of
shimmy, shaking, decided that the
buster of the prize ring had swiped
the affections of the lovely, blonde
Bee. He appraised the affections of
Bee at $100,000 and promptly sued
Dempsey for that much
"He's nothing but a love pirate"
asserted the hubby.
Haw, haw, ain t that rich me a
love pirate," chuckled Dempsey in
The Question as to .whether or not
Dempsey is or isn't a harpooner of
the caressing attections ot the girl
with the shimmiest shoulders in the
worlf will be decided in court
soon. .
Meantime Dempsey, grins, and de
clares: "I'll wager a little that I know
more process servers than any other
guy in America. Any takers:
(Copyright. 1921. KlnK Features Syndi
cate, Inc.)
Homer Wingate Signs
Contract to Tryout
With Detroit Tigers
Homer Wingate, star semi-pro
Hurler for the Wausa, Neb:, town
base ball club last season, yester
day signed a contract to tryout with
the Detroit Tigers next spring, ac
coring to Harry Sage, popular um
pire who worked games throughout
the state last season.
The Wausa pitcher shoots 'em
from the port side, and is considered
by scouts who have witnessed his
work, to be one of the most promis
ing youngsters recruited from the
sandlots for some time. Wingate
lives at Tilden, Neb., and is 19 years
of age. .
Atlantic Grid Team
Trounces Marquette, 37-0
Atlantic. Ia., Nov. 8. (Special
Telegram.) The Atlantic indepen
dent foot ball team defeated the
Omaha Marquette club in a hard and
fast contest played at Atlantic, Sun
day, 37 to 0. It was a good, clean
same from start to finish. Both
teams played hard, clean foot ball.
Kid" Davis Given
Decision Over Doyle
Salt Lake City, Nov. 8. "Kid"
Davis of Salt Lake City was given a
decision over Jack Doyle of Den
ver, Colo., here last night in a six
lound bout. The men are feather
weights. (
Jim Barnes Wins
Philadelphia. Nor. 8. Jim Barnes,
open golf champion of America, won
the special .so-hole open tournament
at the Trcdyffrin Country Golf club
yestrrpay with a score of 149.
Mayor Clamps Damper
; On Sunday Foot Ball
( Shenandoah, la., Nov. 8. (Spe
cial.) Following one of the
roughest foot ball games ever
played in Shenandoah, Mayor G.
B. Warner has forbidden profes
sional foot ball on Sunday.
Missouri Valley's victory, 20 to
0, yesterday was costly to Shenan
doah, as Michel, halfback, had
his right arm broken and Sim
mons, chaptain and quarterback,
is in bed with bruises and suffer
ing from injuries which caused his
ribs to be pushedapart, .
Basket Ball Bug
Starts Buzzing
The basket ball "bug" has started
to buzz around Central High, and al
ready one of the hardest cage
schedules in the history of the hard
wood -floor sport at the school has
been drawn up. .
Out of the thirteen games already
carded for the purple athletes, four
will be played on foreign soil. The
home . games for . Coach Schmidt's
players will be staged at the
local "Y."
Prospects for a good team at Cen
tral are bright. Captain Beerkle,
Sautter, Percival, ' Keyt, Kbnecky,
Howell and Johnston are experienced
men and no doubt will prove to be
valuable material for Coach Schmidt.
The schedule, with the exception of
open dates on January 6 and 7 and
February 17 and 18, follows: .'
January 13 South High at 8outh. . .
January 14 Benson.
January 20 Sioux City at Sioux City.
January 21 Fort Dodge at Kort Dodge.
January 28 Nebraska City (tentative).
February 3 Council Bluffs at Council
Bluffs. .
February 4 South High.
February 10 Lincoln - at Omaha.
February 22 Commerce.
: February 25 Council Bluffs at Omaha.
February 28 St. Joseph at Omaha
March 3 Lincoln at Lincoln.
March 4 Sioux City at Omaha,
March 10, 11, 12 State tournament at
Nominations for
Pimlico Futurity :
Close for Two Years
Baltimore, Nov. 8. Nominations
for the Pimlico futurity for 1923 and
1924, have closed with more than
800 weanlings named for the race
two years hence and well over 1,300
mares nimed for the 1924 event, the
Maryland Jockey club announced to
day. With the nominating and starting
fees to which the jockey club adds
a purse of $40,000 it is calculated
that the prize in each of these two
years - will be approximately $60,
000. Dubois Ball Team
Defeats Johnson Creek
Pawnee City, Neb., Nov. 8. (Spe
cial.) -The citizens of Pawnee county
and vicinity had an opportunity to
witness a base ball game yesterday.
This most unusual event took place
at Cromwell Lake park, south of
Dubois, Neb. The Dubois team
played the Johnson Creek team, de
feating it by the score of 8 to 2.
W. C. Pritchard, manager of the
Dubois team, has never been satis
fied with a defeat handed iiim by
the Johnson. Creek team at the end
of the season. He has assured them
a drubbing if he got the chance
again, and lived up to his threat by
the aforementioned score. A good
crowd witnessed the game. The day
was warm and ideal base ball
Ord Player Injured.
Ord, Neb., Nov. 8. (Special
1 elegram.) Joe Dworak, - member
of the Ord American Legion foot
ball team, which played at Corn
stock on Sunday afternoon, was
severely injured by having the liga
ments and muscles torn loose from
the bones in the elbow of the right
arm. He was taken to one of the
Ord hospitals. While it is serious
so far as the use of the arm i rnn-
cerned, yet it is hoped that in the
Course of a few wVm . u -
i v v " iiiut.ii im
provement will be made.
Some folks build a duck blind like
a Belgian fort Then they wonder
what the nutter with the duck.
Jack Herrick, Omaha heavy
weight fighter, is up in arms. A
fight promoter out in O'Neill.
Neb., charges that Jack ran out ot
a match with Jerry Vocok.
The truth of the matter is that
Herrick waa never matched to.
battle Vocok. ,
D'Neill promoter failed to
terms, said Jack, "and I
-The O
meet my
refused to sign a contract. It the.
O'Neill man can produce a con
tract that I signed to meet Vocok
I will be glad to fight the latter
without a cent"
These managers, promoters and
fighters have a hard time.
The Chicago university basket ball
team may play Iowa university in
Omaha this winter, according to an
announcement made last night by a
member of the athletic board.
An invitation to plav Creighton
lias been mailed to the Hawkeye offi
cials, and although the game isn't
cinched, there is a good chance of
signing the Iowa quintet for a con
test on Crcighton's floor.
Today Colgate is the only school
that has signed to play Creighton.
Invitations have been mailed to near
ly every large school in this section
of the country, and when time comes
for the Creighton officials to 6om
plete their schedule several well
known university and college quintets
no doubt will grace the schedule.
Dan Rogers, manager of Rocky
Kansas of Buffalo, has announced
that he would claim the lightweight
championship title and defend it
against all comers.
The manager of Kansas bases his
claim upon decisions over Willie
Jackson of New York and Lew
, Tendler of Philadelphia and failure
of Benny Leonard to defend the
title against Tendler.
While the foot ball season has two
weeks yet to run, 1921 can be right
fully termed the greatest year in
western foot ball. Nebraska's vic
tory over Pittsburg and Notre
Dame's win over the Army, and
three elevens tied for honors in the
western conference race is some
thing which has never happened be
fore. Nebraska's 10 to 0 defeat of Pitts
burgh at Forbes field, Pittsburgh,
last Saturday has stamped the Corn
huskersias dangerous foot ball grid
sters. The proteges of Coach Daw
son surprised the Panther followers
and staged the unexpected by trounc
ing Coach Warner's prides.
When times conies for the Ne
braska officials to arrange .the 1922
schedule, it should not be hard for
them to card at least two eastern
schools, judging from the interest
caused by the Huskers' victory over
Central Gridsters r
Resume Practice for
Sioux City Game
Still tasting the . 2 to 0 defeat
handed them by Columbus eleven
last Friday, Coach Schmidt's Central
High school warriors resumed prac
tice yesterday for their scheduled
game next Saturday with Sioux City
on the latter's gridiron.
The purple-jerseyed athletes are
out for revenge because of the 13
to 7 defeat handed them last season
by the Iowans. This will be the
final trip of the year for the Cen
tral gridsters.
Don Monroe was out in the mole
skins last night and showed up well
in practice. Poucher, another second-stringer,
has been..shifted to the
first squad backfield.
Valley Legion Team
Will Play Scribner
Vallej', Neb., Nov. 8. (Special.)
Valley is - going to celebrate
Armistice day in regular fashion.
The old .burg will be dressed up in
gay colors and bands will blast forth
music for the benefit of the visitors
and natives. . . . .
Folowijig a big program . in the
auditorium,-was service certificates
will be presented to former service
men. Folowing this the undefeated
American Legion foot ball team- of
Valley will pay the fast ' Scribner
team. Proceeds from the gome will
go to the local post. In the evening
a banquet and dances will be given
for the former employes of Uncle
Solid Tire Bike
Racing Rejuvenated
Chicago, Nov. 8. An almost for
gotten pastime was rejuvenated yes
terday when Louis Pearson, a vet
eran rider, won the solid-tired bicycle
race from Al Hartung by a margin
of one minute and S3 seconds. His
time was 11 hours and 10 seconds.
CIUT Hish Winn Game.
" Callaway, Neb.. Nov. S. (Special.)
The local high school foot ball team
defeated the Gothenburg eleven here by
the (core of Jl to 9 In m game tbat wn
featured by the end runs and llne-amash-Ini
attack of the Callaway grldater.
Benedict Trims Osceola Seconds.
Benedict. Neb., Nov. S. (Special.) Th
Benedict High school foot hall team
trounced the Osceola Seconds in a game
played here by the score of IS to 7. The
locals ecored a touchdown soon after the
start of the contest when Cavender, local
halfback, raced 65 yards lor a touchdown.
Glenwood Brats Missouri Valley. .
Glenwood, Neb., Nov. S. (Special.)-
The local high school foot hall team
easily defeated the Missouri Valley squad
nere oy tne score or tz to . Han-y.
Hanks. Bennett and Kates starred, for
the locals.
Young Italian Wrestler Seeking Title
A likely-looking youngster of 24 stepped off a liner from Italy a
few days ar;o. He cornea here see'.ting the Italian wrestling champion
ship, a title that Ronaldo Cardin' now claim. The newcomer an
swers to the name of Giorgio Call a and if looks count for anything
then this son of sunny Italy should prove to be one of the greatest
matmen we have aeen in many a day,, Giorgio was winner of the re
cent national tournament held at Florence. He only threw two
men in this tourney, 16 of the other men entered defaulting to him
after seeing him dispose of the sturdiest men in Italy. While Calia
is the youngest champion ever developed in Italy, he is a giant. He
weight from 205 to 208 pounds when at the top of his form. His
chest measures 50 inches, his waist 35 inches.
L.!r.( i '
Giorgio CaJgk
Aggies to Put
Up Hard Game
r AC BALDRIGE'S Creighton foot ball warriors , will
hI ' meet an opponent whose strength is practically un-
J" known next Saturday when they line up against ihe
Oklahoma -Aggies at Creighton field.
Baldrigp expects the Oklahoma Aggie game to be one
of the, hardest hurdles he will have to clear to round out a
solid string- of victories for the season.
The ' Aggies have demonstrated ?
they.'are of the dynamite variety by
holding- Benny .Owen's University of
Oklahoma team to
a 6 to 0 score, and
Owen's team gave
Kansas university,
conquerors of the
Kansas Aggies, a
a one-sided licking
just; a week ago.
. Hard scrimmage
and signal drill is
the order : of the
dav at Creighton
held this week.
The . Blue and
White mentor is
facing a difficult
task to keep his
men from going
stale with three of the hardest games
of the season coming within a period
of three weeks.' -
He hopes I to pull through the
Oklahoma game' without having to
lay all his cards on the table, so he
will have some new antics to. spring
on the Dakota Aggies, who play here
a week from : Saturday. 1
Veterans Back. ,
In the event he slides by in this
contest, the team will be given a
good rest before the Dakota confab.
If he is forced to bring all his tactics
into play a new attack must be de
veloped for the following game,
which will necessitate another week's
strenuous practice.
The six freshmen and fourth-year
men who were barred frc-m last
Saturday's game because of Crcigh
ton's agreement to play the St.
Louis Billikens under conference
rules, returned to the fold j ester- j
day. !
To Use Vets Saturday.' j
"Tip" Long resumed his position i
as pilot and Lew Lane was back at
half. "Ike" Mahoney took over i
right end again. I
That Creighton has a strong re- j
serve force was demonstrated last j
Saturday. With seven regulars cut j
of the lineup, the team played a
great game and easily ripped their
way through the Cilltken line for a j
victory- '
. Baldrige dors not expect to have '
a single regular under blankets in
the game Saturday,
Yale Using Movies
To Coach Crew
New Haven, Conn., Nov. 8. The
idea of "seeing ourselves as others
see us" is the latest method of find
ing the flaws and learning correct
stroking of the Yale crews. Yesterday-afternoon
crew practice was featured-by,
Head Coach Corderry hav
ing ulfra-slow motion pictures taken
of the first and second shells in ac
tion. The, films will be shown before
a gathering of the crews and crit
icism made on the form displayed.
New Bottom Prices
Now Prevail
Suits and 0'Coats
made in Omaha to your
$45 to $65
Were $65 to $90
Tailor Beck
1512 Dodge Street
Tht Fastest Cams You Ever Saw
Barker vs. Stanley
The greatest fnotball stars in
America on . the teams and
Playing for Barker
The bif snatch will be played
at the
RIALTO Theater
Every Da This Week
'Two Minutes to Go"
Wosr!. What a Thrill!
Notre Dame
Snows Rutgers
Under 48-0 Seore
HooMcr Llevrn Converts Foot
Ball Came Into Trail Meet
. And Huns Circled Around
Eastern Team.
New VorW, Nov. 8. Noire Dame
today converted it foot ball game
with Rutgers into a track meet and
tunning circles around the eastern
team, claimed a 40-to-O victory.
.. - i .1.
i lie Indiana eleven, which ism
Saturday trounced the Army, play
ed an even faster name today. When
the Indiana bacVl'ield wan t aiding
and abetting in the manufacture ot
successful passes, it was running the
hundred around end in 10 tint.
Just by way of variety, Wynne
nnd Castncr, who each had made 50
yard runs for touchdowns, kicked a
held goal apiece.
Rutgers had only one chance to
score in the second period and
muffed that.
The game was marked by fre
quent fumbles and penalties and a
display of tackling that sent play
ers to the side lines.
Lineup and summary:
Notre Dnrne, 4S. t'os. KulgrO. B.
Kllay ...I.. K liicnnau
(Survey t. T HmHh
II. Aiidortun ....L.C1 Keller
l.ttrsnii ,,...C J. Ki-U'ldf-r
looley It. O U. dcticldcr
Hhaw ,. .n. T !stlli
10. Anderson .....It. K ,, IHcltlnsou
ThottiHS Q. 11. ........ MhIoik.v
Mohanlt H ('hnniller
Caatner It. H liolmoncl
Wynne V. B Wall
Peers by periods:
Nods Dame 17 ID 7 14 1
Kutgera 0 0 0 0 0
Notre Tiame scoring Touchdowns: Caat
ner, 2: Wynne. Kllny. K. Anderson, IchcIi
(suhslltuln for Cashier). Unals from
touchdown! 8hnw, 0. Goals from fii'lii;
Wynne, Castncr. Referee: Tufls. Brown.
Umpire: Kckersall, Chicago. Llnenman:
Maxwell. Kwarthmore. 'i'lme ot periods:
16 minutes each.
Omaha After
Bowling Meet
Omaha's hat is in the rinp; for the
1923 Middle West bowling tourna
ment the pin classic of the middle
west. However, local pin tumblers
will not endeavor to land the tourna-
mcnt for next year when they go to
Des Moines 11 teams strong the lat
ter part of this month to attend the
14th annual tournament there.
' It is expected that the scene of the
next meet will be at Kansas City, as
pin maulers of that city are planning
a strong fight for it. They will re
ceive the backing of, Omaha bowlers.
More than four years have elapsed
since the Middle West bowling
tournament was held at Omaha and
local bowlers believe that by 1923 it '
will be this city's turn to entertain
the maple pushers.
Missouri Sprinter
Uoes to IN. i . Llub
New York, Nov. 8. Jackson
Scholz, former University of Mis
souri sprinter and a member of the
American 400-meter- relay team,
which created a new world's, record
at the last Olympic games, has joined
the New York Athletic club and will
carry its colors in the winter meets.
Oklahoma A. & M.
Saturday, Not. 12th, Creighton Field
You are invited to visit
Santa Claus in the
booth of the
Omaha Toy
Mfg. Co.
On the Eighth Floor of the
Brandeis Stores all
this week.
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