Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 09, 1921, Page 11, Image 11

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Schall-FoUy Nuptial.
The wedding ol.Misa Mary Either
Full)', daughter 'of Mr. itnd Mr.
Michael J, Foley, and Dr. J. Sidney
Schall, aon of Mr. and Mrs. J. A.
hchall, took place Tuesday morning
at ist. John's church, Kev.- W. J.
Convey officiating. The bride wore
a peacock blue gown, cut with a
jenny neck, and long loose sleeves,
and heavily embroidered and beaded.
Mie wore a black picture hat and
carried a shower of sweet peas and
Ward rosea. 'Mist Frances Foley,
aUter of the bride, was the only at
tendant, and was gowned in canton
crepe m- two shades of tan. She
carried pink roses. Dr. Schall was
attended by his brother, ilillman
Schall, and the usher were Dr. M. T.
King and James Muldoon. A wed
ing breakfast for the wedding party
and the two families followed the
ceremony. It was given at the home
of the bride's aunt, Mrs. M. A. Foley
at the Portland apartments. After a
two weeks trip the young couple will
return to make their home in Omaha,
at the Hanscom apartments. .
Nebraska Woman - Delegate . to
National Council -
Mrs. Margaret Cams of Lincoln
spent the week end with her sister,
Mrs. Robert- M. Taylor of Omaha.
She left Monday-evening for New
York and Philadelphia where she
will attend the national council of
women as a delegate from the State
League of .Women .Voters.'
Mrs. Cams, who was a guest of
the national council of women at
the international . council held last
September at Christiana, Norway,
was invited by the national council
president, Mrs. Philip North Moore
to he present at the meeting which
will take place November 10-16.
While in New York Mrs. Cams will
attend an informal dinner of the
Women Lawyers' association of
which she is a member. .
For Miss Stein.
Mrs. N. S. Rothenberg will be
hostess to 30 guests at a bridge tea
Saturday, November 12, at the Bran
deis Renaissance room, honoring
Miss Gertrude Stein, who will be
bride of November 20. ..
Other affairs for Miss Stein in
' dude a luncheon Thursday at the
Brandcis restaurant, followed by an
Orpheum party, when Mrs. Simon
Whitebrook of Council Bluffs will
be hostess,, and a Sunday evening
bridge party given by Miss Esther
Solomon at her' home. ,
Luncheon for' Witter Bynner.
Witter Bynner, poet and dramatist,
who spoke before the Fine Arts so
. ciety Tuesday afternoon, was honor
guest at a luncheon given by the
Fine Arts society, preceding the lec
. ture. - Those present were the Mes
dames Ward -Burgess Warren
Blackwell, Edgar M. Morsman, jr.,
W.vE. Martin, - Charles Russell,
Messrs. Charles Lyttle, Witter Byn
ner, Maurice Block, John.T. Stew
art, 2dt F. A, Rrogan and E. ,M.
Fairfield. '. ' : :
-.. . Old People's Home Deficit. '
"The finance committee, '.the advis
ory board, and the trustees .of the
Old People's Home met for' dinner
at the Blackstone, Saturday night,
to discuss the financial condition of
the home.JfThe-budget shrews a def
icit of about $10,000 this year.; It
has been-decided to canvass for the
atrfount- the week , after: Thanksgiv
ing, just' following the annual dona
tion week when supplies-and money
are acceptable. '
-..Dinner. for Guests.-. ?
Mr. .and Mrs..Toin .Davis enter
' tained; at -dinner at -their home
Tuesday even. rig in honor of Mrs.
Graver, Coors f a,nd Mrs. Berriati
Hughes, the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Glen Wharton. ' The other guests
were Mr. and Mrs. Wharton, Miss
Elizabeth Davis, .Roger Keeline, Ben
Gallagher, Dry C. ' A: Roedei.
Tea for P. E, O.: Teachers.
The Omaha P. E, O. association
will give a tea in honor of the P.
E. O. teachers attending the teach
.crs' association meeting here this
week on' Thursday, November 10,
from 4 to 6, at the Burgess-Nash tea
room. All resident and nonresident
P. E, O. members are cordially in-
- vited.; ' , ,
' Surprise Party.
. -A ; surprise party was given by
Jewell , Krejcj. in honor of Irene
Ctosson aitd 'Milbert Krejci, at the
. home of Mr. and' Mfs, E. Closson,
2513 South , Ninth street, Saturday
evening, November 5. The evening
was spent in games, singing and
1 dancing. Thirty guests w$re pres
"' cnt, . - .-. '''-"? 'i t. .
Chi pmega". " ; i :
Mrs. Deyo Crane will entertain the
. members, of Chi ;. Omega - sorority
Wednesday afternoon at her' home,
, Delta Gamma Meeting.
' 4 The Delta Gammas . will meet
W'ednesday afternoon, November 9,
at the home of Mrs. Robert Updike.
Mr. and Mrs. E. A... Baird enter
tained 20 guests at a dinner-dance
Saturday evening at their home.
- V Mrs. E. GC Skinner; and -Mrs. J.
C McNaughton of New York City,
who have been visiting Mr. and
- Mrs". A. N. Eaton, " have returned
home. . .
Things You'll Love
To Make
For the little tot to carry his books
in, make this child's school bag. Any
envelope-shaped bag will do as the
foundation. From some story book
or magarine cut a picture that the
kiddie will like. Glue or stitch it
to the bag. Then shellac it with
clear shellac If treated in this man
ner it will remain in good condition
for months. If it should begin to
look shabby, remove the picture with
hot water, and replace with another
picture. This makes a child's school
bag a little different from the oth-
Mr H'Tn-.h-i i mt
Author andSpeaker
"Is Advocate of
First Person
"I learned one lesson early In my
career as a public speaker," declared
Agnes Greene Foster, who with
Mr. Foster is spending several day
at the Fontenelie. "A speaker can't
be too careful how he addreise hi
audience as 'you! I taught tchool
In a small town when I wa young,
and I had a model school. I wa
aked to talk before a number of
Chicago teachers, , In my youthful
zeal 1 used the word 'yu lnore than
the word T and those teachers went
away saying 'she told us to wash.'
It would have been all right if I
had talked about my own washing.
No one would have cared how often
I washed. Now I stick to the first
Mrs. Foster was one of the earliest
writers of verses for Christmas and
gift cards, and figures in "Who's
Who" as a magazine and newspaper
writer, as well as a lecturer. She
was the compiler of the popular
Friendship Calendar. In her student
day she won an oratory scholarship
for study in Dublin and at the Pans
Conservatoire, and late on she
studied with Steele McKaye, father
of Percy McKaye, who spoke under
the- Fine Arts auspices last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Foster have a coun
try place between Waukegan and
Chicago on the old Green Bay Trail,
where Mrs. Foster does much of her
writing. She is the owner of two
pure bred KJreat Danes of a rare
fawn' shade, Margravine, and her
puppy, Danois, and takes great pnae
in their achievements. ' According to
their mistress, these dogs can always
distinguish the. hum of Mr. Foster's
motor' coming, down the road from
that of all the other passing cars, and
can also telr instantly the dirierence
between an airplane and an automo
bile.. Many. olanes from Fort Sherl
dan fly over the place and the dogs
begin looking up at the sky before
the humans.
Mrs, .Foster spoke highly of "The
Mirrors oi Washington, one ot tnc
hooks she has recently reviewed.' "I
think'it is one of the cleverest books
ever written, and decidedly the book
of the fall," she said. "I have a
private theory that the same author
is responsible for 'The Mirrors of
Downing Street,' and, whoever it is
is a master of English style. I think
he is orobably an Anglicized Amer
ican, who is familiar with inner cir
cles in both countries. Very likely
he . is journalist they have a fac
ulty f" getting more inside informa
tion than anyone else.'
Enormous Reading
1 Public Since
' the War
."The reading public has been
greatly increased since the war,"
said Mrs7 Anthony French Merrill
at; her lecture on "Best Sellers"
Monday morning at the Blackstone
hotel. . .
,"There are reasons for this. The
wonderful library service given the
soldiers taught them the reading
habit, while others, at home, read to
forget the turmoil of the hour. We
were promised a new world with
the war's end, a universal brother
hood. The promises- have failed
and we are mad. internationally and
"Reading that takes us out of ou'
irritated state of mind, or suggests
ad explanation,- ct offers a better
plan for things, is in demand," Mrs.
Merrill said. -
It is very seldom superior books
are best sellers, in Mrs. Merrill's
opinion. "It is very seldom in
ferior bocks are best sellers," she
added. There is some vital quality
in every book that sells, some com
pelling quality that strikes the pub
lic mind, which forsome reason is
prepared for that kind of appeal.
Supper Dance.
Miss Eva Kornmayer entertained
20 guests atjier home Saturday eve
ning at a Hallowe'en supper dance.
Those present were:
Messrs. and Mesdames Earl A. Edwards,
Glenn R. Hunger and John V. Kornmayer,
Misses Helen Hatcher, Mildred Heln, Irene
Topping, Florence Topping. Eve Saffer.
Messrs. Ben Fletcher, Charles Dodds, Ma
Bon Lathrop, Harry Hansen, Charles Har
ris and Glenn Musgrave.
Miss Madura Entertained. :
Miss Val Madura was honor guest
at the home of Miss Rose Subject,
last Saturday evening, in celebration
of her birthday. The evening's en
tertainment was games, music and
dancing. Covers were laid for 50
guests. -
HAWS HIDDEN BEAUTY Is brousht to lljht
wita a Golden Glint Shampoo. Adrertisement.
1 the chocolate f la
y or wins instant
. Christian Science
First Church of Christ,
St- Maty's Ave. and 24th St. .
Thor. and Friday Era.,
Noramber 10 and 11,
at Eight O'Clock
By Jobn J. FHnn, C. S of
E van ton. III. Mr. FHnn Is a
member of the Board of Lecture
ship oi The First Church of
Christ. Scientist, ia Boston.
All Ara Cordially
Invited to Attend
l IW M 1 lt.y
Mrs. Willis Crane of Washington,
D. C has returned to her home after
a visit with Mrs. A. J. Crane,
Mrs. Waller U. Campbell of St.
Louis is visiting ber parents, Mr.
and Mrs. William II. Oitcnberg.
Cuthbcrt Potter has returned from
a two weeks' vacation and hunting
trip at the Sibbernsen ranch in Colo
rado. ,
Miss Helen McDonald of Valen
tine, Neb., was a guest of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles T. Kountze for the
aviators' ball,
Ltcut. George B Wray of the U.
S. S. Fairfax arrived Monday morn
ing with his wife to visit his father,
George I!. Wray.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Beldcn Morgan
announce the birth of a daughter,
Jacqueline Irene, on November 5, at
the Methodist hospital.. Miss Mor
gan was formerly Miss Irene Ver
non. Mile Inez de Vertc, well known
as a writer on architectural subjects,
spent Sunday in Omaha, with her
husband, Lord Stuart, an attache of
the English delegation to the dis
armament conference. Lord and
Lady Stuart are en route to Wash
ington from the west.
Charles T. Morse of Curtis, Neb.,
is the guest of his sister, Mrs. John
R. Golden, and Mr. Golden while he
is in Omaha attending the meeting of
the State Teachers' association. Mr.
Morse is the suoerintendant of the
school of agriculture of the Universi
ty of Nebraska at Curtis.
Thomas Dunnigan left Monday for
Redondo, Cal., to attend the funeral
of his grandfather, Martin Bohen,
who died suddenly last Sunday at his
home at Redonda Beach. Mr. Bo
hen's daughter, Mrs. Frank Dunni
gan, returned from California only
last week, and was unable to make
the trip again so soon.
China in Need of
Doctors, Says
Miss Paxson
Medical missionaries are greatly
needed in China,' according to Miss
Ruth Paxson, foreign missionary
worker, who spoke before the politi
cal and social science department of
the Omaha Woman's club Monday
afternoon at the Y. W. C. A. on the
"Conditions of Life of Women in
Miss Paxson showed three styles
of shoes that are worn by the
Chinese women. The shoe worn. by
non-Christian women is only one
and one-half inches in length. ' The
wearers of this barbarian type' get
about by creeping along the cobble
stones of the narrow-streets; which,
by the way, have no sidewalks. Miss
Paxson showed photographs of a
child whose feet had been, amputated
owing to gangrene caused i'from
binding the feet. , '
The second type of shoe, copied
from our oxfords, - was about four
and one-half inches -long and shaped
like . a . triangle. It was.- made of
black leather with leather sole and
a semblance of a heel.
The third type, known as the free
dom shoe,, was about as long as our
American size Z . These are made
of brocaded satin with a leather
sole. ' '" ' ."- '
Miss Paxson has lived ' in ' China
for 10. years and has traveled exten
sively throughout the country. She
expects to return there next year.
Glorifying :
the Home
Nowadays the family's place
in the community is determined
- largely by the family home.
It is the Bare index of family
" character.
It is not at all a matter of
size, or wealth, or lavish furnish
ing. It is dependent on uie good
taste with which the horne--be
it mansion or bungalow ia
furnished. l . . -
To glorify your hcan
The Brambach
Baby Grand
wiQ be of first irnpartaace
Durably B$uh
Classic Daigm
Exouitite Tone
Full Guarantee
The Brambach
requires no
more room than
an upright. A
tissue paper pat
tern, tent free
upon request,
will show this
when spread up
on the floor.
The Art and Music Store
1513 Douglas Street
Brambach Baby Grand
1 " -.-'.'" im, Trr- .
guarantee to give satisfactory results.
I ty years or success behind it and is the best In existence. We do not inject
paraffin e. as it is dangerous. Time required for ordinary cases, 10 days.
, The advantages of treatment are: No danger from chloroform, shock and
, bloid poleon, and no laying up in a hospital. Call or write
1 y'K. WRAY HERNIA EXSTTXTTE, 410 Peters Tnst Bkz Omaha.
Problems That Perplex
An OiM-n Out'Bltoil.
If. i. H.i Nt'brwtka law forlild
the marrlaue of flint couslna. You
inn rind out about tha other atie
hy writing to their stats et-reUrle.
As a ruin, tha niarrluaa of tlrat eou-
Inn la considered Inadvisable, as the
laws or heredity show that any du
feeta or bad tendencies art twice as
likely to ba handed down to their
children. Js'evrthel. tlisra ara
plenty of eauea on record where auch
murrto hava takan placa without
any unfortunate results.
' My Dear Mis Falrraxi I am com
Ing for a llttla advice. Give me
atuiia advice as to what to do to
pans time when a hoy visits a girl
In the evening. One cannot spend
the whole evening In tulklnR, and
we usually spend a little time at
studies, but our evening when ho
simply come over.hre are rather
dry. we are botn about 17 or is
also high school students. Would
you pleuiio give me some Instruction)
as how to Introduce a person. If
you arc going with a boy for the
tlrat time along with a group, and
when he leaves you he any a he Is
glad he has met you and asks If he
may call at your house, what should
one say? Should you tell him you
are glad that you have met him? Is
It proper for a girl or boy to write
flrrt? I moved from a small town
to a larger one this Bummer. I
have a friend In my former town
whom I am very fond of. I don't
mean In love or anything like that,
but as a good friend. We quarreled
a short time after I left and have
not kept up our correspondence
outside where he may assist you
across streets or should you keep to
the Inside? Muny thanks in ad
vance. ' -. ( F. A. X
If you have a piano or vlctrola,
why not devote part of the time to
music. - Picture puzzles are always
"Brush Before You Steep"
Urge8fee,25 Mcdiwa She, 10s
TiachemI For dental hygiene lessons
you can get practical suggestions and
classroom helps from Educational De
partment, Colgate &Co.,NewYork City.
Scour the Coffee
pot carefully after
each meal. It takes
only a minute, but
it is a minute well
spent. , It insures
better Coffee.
74WaUStrMt NewYsrk
the wwmli
Value-Giving Slore
Vacuum Cleaners
make housework easy
slightly used. . . .
Gathering up all the lint and
dirt that becomes embedded
in your rugs and carpets with
out raising or scattering any
dust, a Vacuum Cleaner proves
its efficiency in the home im
mediately. Sold by the H. R.
Bowen Co. on easy payments.
' It Pays to Read Bowen's
Small Ads
Howard, bet. ISA and 16th
... ... . . . - -n . i
reaorting - to a. painful and uncertain '
surgical operation, we are the only reputable
nhrsiclana vho will taJcn mic-h raxe niwtn a
Our treatment has more than twen-
Interesting and there are numerous
guinea to play. itmk ara I uli' rout
ing suIiJhcu for convenmtlon. When
Introducing your boy friend simply
any, "Mlt Smith, may I present Mr.
Jones." It ia perfectly proper for
you to any you are glad bo huva met
hlnj. If you value the boy's friend
since, fit) wrote yesterday uMktng
mo to answer. Ills letter wnn friendly,-
although not as friendly aa be.
This way:
Prunes Stewed Wash Sunsweet
Prunes, cover with warm water,
and soak over night. Heat slowly in . ,
Water in which they were soaked to (
simmering point. Cook until tender ; .
but not broken. Slow cooking de
velops flavor and the natural fruit
sugars so that litde if any sugar is re
quired. Afirelesscookerisexcellent
for cooking prunes. Soakas directed,
'heat to boiling point then set in fire-
less cooker for several hours.
Sen J for complete Recipe Paciet-
toy Tour
' Winter
(or Good
Buy Omaha Made Goods This Week and EVE RY Week at Buy.Rite Prices from Buy-Rit
Stores. Omaha Made Goods Are Good for You, and Are Good for the World.
JMAR Flour, per 24-pound sack,
SKlNNEPi'S Macaroni or Spaghetti,
jmtxna (auiiuursuAr, oars lor , ,,,.,,,,
HASKIN'S Hard Water Castile Soap, 3 bars for
rOlMKLEEN, also an Omaha product, per can 1 4j; 3 cans for
BUTTER NUT and HAPPY HOLLOW Coffee, per la., 43; 3 pounds for
VICTORIA CLEANSER, 6 large cans for .
CLASSIC White Soap, 10 larg bars for
ITEN'S Salty Fairy Soda Crackers Buy them by t oe can, per lb
ESTES Laundry Tablets, per package
Extra Fancy Washington Jonathan Apples
All sizes, per box $2.85
Extra Fancy Washington Delicious Apples -
La-rge sizes, per box $3.75
Extra Fancy Spltzenburg Apples All sizes,
per box $2.85
Genuine Red River Early .Ohio Potatoes -
Fully matured and guaranteed to keep, "
. for Winter use, per busnel $1.75
3ood Early . Ohio Potatoes Smooth- and
firm, for use during the next thirty days,
per bushel $1.60
Remember folks, it is high time you had your
Winter Potatoes in your cellar.
Extra Fancy EATMOR Cranberries, lb.....23tf
Three pounds for....... ; ....636
lust received one carload of new New York:
Sweet Cider, per gallon
10 lbs. of Pure C. & H. Cane Sugar ........
Beechnut Baked Beans, l ib. cans. each.. 14
Per dozen cans $1.63
Beechnut Spaghetti, with cheese and To
. mato Sauce, Mb. can usually sold for
25c a can, each 19
Per dozen cans '82.J5
All Buy-Rite Stores
nth mo GsrfUld
tsth and fnmlmr
- - tYtltmt Hill Urarrr
fortieth wiit Hamittfla
itth mM inn
V!MJ;t!UcI u4 (1mc .
ton Our quarrel was over mm
Met.siciit littlo -lrth thing. JeHlnuxy
wu the' iiutiti i-Kiimt. Hliould 1 an
swer Ills letter? Would you unguent
a few topics lor conversation when
meeting a new boy. Wlitn walking
with a boy who hua a broken right
arm, Is It proper to walk on the
ship, of coure, you should answer
hla letter. When a young man Is
Injured his comforts should be con
sidered first, regurdle of convtyi
Rockford Rummage Sale.
The Omaha Rockford College
club will hold a rummage sale,
Wednesday morning;, November , at
4bZ2 South Twenty-fourth street.
natural 1;
made in Nature's
own pharmacy)
CalifomiaBNature -
your grocer has them
is way:
Prunes Baked Wash Sunsweet
Prunes, cover with warm water and
soak over night. Put prunes in acov
ered baking dish or bean pot.adding
the water in which they were soaked.
Bake in a very slow oven until fruit is
tender but not broken. No sugar it
required. The b&king brings out a
new "relishy' flavor in prunes.
Served withcream, plain orwhipped,
or a bailed custard sauce, baked
prUnei make" a splendid dish.
WitfrStt' California Prune and Apricot
$1.05; per 48 po ind sack
3 packages for jJS; 6 packages, for
5,000 lbs. of Exta Fancy Large New 1921. .
crop of Dried Peaches, per lb. 23t
Three pounds for ...... i. flflt
This is Extra Fancy Fruit tha finest that come
on tha Omaha Market.
i.OOO lbs. of Extra Fancy large Dried Apri
cots, per pound .........j.............. 3g
Three pounds for 95
5,000 2-lb. packages of. SUNSWEET Santa ;
Clara Prunes, per 2-lb. package 43
5,000 5-lb. packages of SUNSWEET Santa :
Clara Prunes, per B ib. package ; 95 ej
5.000 lbs. of Yankee Peanut Brittle the
finest, purest Peanut Brittle made; spe
cial, per pound ' 03 a
1,000 lbs. of Chocolate Coated Peanuta;
special, per pound .', '. ., 30
J.000 lbs. of Milk Chocolate Rosettes; spe
cial, per pound '.....;..........,.,
High-Urade Assorted Chocolates, Creams, .
Nougats and Caramels, worth 65c a
pound; special, per lb.. 39); 6 lbs...... $ J .75
1,000 lbs. of Fresh Salted Peajiuts, 2 lbs... .35 "
lust received a fresh shipment of 6-lb. and
10-lb. sacks of PENN YAN Pure New '
York Buckwheat Flour; 5-lb. sack 40fj
19-pound sack ; 754
Close at 1 O'clock Friday, November
. fSOK Stromas St.
Fortieth mm! Fanuua
Sixteenth and t-ca
t inton and Kl 81.
Free Citizenship
Classes by
D. A. R.
Free cititcnhip( classes for men
and women preparing for their final
papers beginning November IS, will
be held Tuesdays and Thursdays,
7:i0 to S J0 p. m., at the city hall
and the public library, South Side.
These classes are endorsed by the
hoard of education, and are being
given nuder the auspices of Maj.
or this way:
Prune Juice Wash Sunsweet
Prunes, cover with wnrm water; soak
over night. Heat slowly in water
in which they were soaked to sim
mering point; cook until fruit is ten
der and somewhat broken. Keep
under boiling point during entire
cooking period; no sugar required.
When cooked pour off juice, strain
through a fine sieve. The prunes re
maining can be pitted and Used for
prune desserts requiring prune pulp.
Grfmerf Inc. , San Jue, Cal.
llled and
from any
t. 55t
11th, Armistice Day! " .
IStb Aw. and 1-euvenirartB
flat aft 8 t aaatlt M4a
The ftreeev OwiMte
Xllk and L St, 8tb S:.
Isaac Sadler chapter, IX A. K, Mr.
Philip 'Wfkh it in cluic of thii
Americanization work.
Train School Mothers.
Mra, E. A. Leonard and Mr. K.
Peterson will, entertain the Train
School Mothers' club Friday after
noon at 2 o'clock t the home of
Mrs. Leonard, 60S Cedar strrct.
Valuc-Civing Store
Accept Thla Opportunity.
To Buy Furniture for
Your Home
$40,000.00 Sale
of fumed, waxed and Roldcn
oak furniture is a sale of ex
ceptional merit.
Home Furnished
for less money If you pur
chase during the progress of
this sale. 1 ; . ,
Today we would call your
attention to some
250 Leather Seat
in Mveral different dulsm all
well made and flniihed, that ara In
cluded in the ale and at auch
moderate prices as
$8.75, $9.50, $10, $12.25,
$14.50, $15, $18, $19
; Better values than the above ara
. not to be had, and as 'Rockers make
touting gifts, buy one todae and
have it laid aside for future delivery-.
Cold Weather
Comfort Blankets
' Be prepared for eold weather;
near zero weather is predicted ; any
way, it will be her soon, so pre
pare. Lightweig'it, large dJO QC
size plaid blankets, VWtwO
Watch our Window Displays
It Pays to Read Bowen's
Small Ads.'
MtBowen (6
Howard St., Bat. 15th and 16th.
Cuticura Is The
Best Beauty Doctor
Dally use of Cuticura Soap, with
touches of Cuticura Ointment now
and then, keeps the skin fresh,
smooth and clear. Cuticura Talcum
la also ideal for the skin. .
Ssu?b Sack ri by Mafl. Addrai: "OaUeara Us
nWrlM, llf. If life!) ,KrM." gold mmt
where. Soap ffic. OinUnentSi And I0e. Tslrmaaw
mV Cuticura Soap shwras without mmt.
Sure Way To Get
Rid Of Blackheads
There is one simple, safe and sure way
that never fails to get rid of blackheads
and that is to dissolve them.
. To do this get two ounces of calonite
powder from any drug store sprinkle a
little on a hot, wet sponge rub over tha
blackheads briskly wash the parts and
you will be surprised bow the blackhead
have disappeared.' Big blackheads, little
blackheads, no matter where they are.
simply dissolve and disappear, leaving the
parts without any mark whatever. Black
heads are simply a mixture of dust and
dirt and secretions from the body that
form in the pores of the skin Dinehintr
and squeezing only cause irritation, make
large pores, and do not get them out after
they become hard. The calonite powder
and the water simply dissolve the black
heads so they wash right out, leaving the
pores free and clean and In their natural .
condition. Anybody troubled with than
unsightly blemishes should certain! tr
this simple mtbod.
How To Remove
Shin Blemishes
Such a BlncKheads. Pimples. Tan,
1 rccKlea and Liver Spots.
Begin tonight Cleuue the tic in with
warm water and Black and White Soap.
With the tips of the fitiRrs, lightly apply
Black and Vt Kite Beauty Bieach-a fragrant
heautifving cream. Allow it to remain
evemignt. The next mtomin. again,
cbwuethe akin with warm water asdi
Black and Whit Soap.
if the skin if the fcart tender or irritated
aae fitti bits of soothing Black aad Whitej
Qeanaing Cream. You can then apply
face powder and route, ii desired. Fronil
the beginning, you'U be deaghted withf
tha beauty treatment because it is so sorei
so simple and nexpenaive.
AO drug store guarantee and seaf
Black and Whit Baauty Bleach SOcJ
Black and While Soap 23c; Black and7
White tkanting Cream 25c and 50c tbej
"Wrt-efof your copy of the Birthday)
and Dream Book, and a leaflet wfaachf
t-Os tob all about the menu and ac of
Elack rd White Toilet Preparations
Address Dept. B, Plough, Mempha, Teamv