Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 08, 1921, Page 5, Image 5

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Vaudeville Dancer
Fights Husband's
Suit for Divorce
Aitrt'M Sa)i She Worked in
Restaurant While Her Mate,
Heir to Dig Estate in
Iowa, Was Idle.
Peter McMartin U a good ipender,
Me admit! it.
On the iUml in District Judge
Sean court, where he i suing; his
second wife, pretty I'earl washourn
McMartin, vaudeville dancer, for di
vorce, he told yesterday of squander
ing $4.',(K)0 in the month, which
elapsed between the death of his first
wifo and his niarriajse to his actress
sweetheart in Chicago, November
i, vm
Some of the -money he spent
where lights were low, and the rest
where the lights were much liriRhter.
lie admitted having a "good time."
There was wine, he said, and women,
and presumably song.
Charges Wife Deserted Him.
Twenty-four thousand dollars are
of the amount belonged to him per
honally. The other $18,000, he said,
he borrowed from the McMartin
estate, in which his interest, it is al
leged, runs close to $500,000. To
cover this, he gave his mother a
hotie he built near Barnan, la.,
worth $10,000, and confessed judg
ment for the remainder.
For the last two years, he has been
an automobile salesman for the
Doane Motor company in Omaha.
He charged in his petition that his
wife deserted him.
This charge Mrs. McMartin stoutly
Weeps on Stand.
She wept on the stand a$ she told
of the first visit of D. Cole McMar
tin, a lawyer, and Peter's brother,
to their apartment on One Hundred
and Tenth street, New York, shortly
after their marriage.
Through a bedroom door, she said,
she heard Cole tell her husband that
"thev had looked her up. and found
out what sort of a girl she was, and
that their mother was nearly pros
trated with Brief."
'I told them I wasn't a bad girl,"
she said, her voice trembling. And
then he wanted to settle. He told
me he would take care of my family,
if I would agree to give up Peter."
Then Peter left her in New York,
she testified, while he went to Des
Moines in an effort to patch things
up. He left her $5, and was gone
five day. She had to borrow money
from the elevator man, she said, to
live on until he got back.
Bridegroom Arrested.
She testified that she first met her
husband in an automobile in front of
her home in Chicago. Eight months
later, they were married.- The very
next day, when they left the train
in New York on their honeymoon
trip, three detectives arrested her
husband. At the jail she was not
even permitted to talk to him, and
didn't know what it was all about,
she testified. "
She went to a hotel, where he came
for her three days later and they
moved to a cheaper hotel. A few
days later they moved again, this
time to the apartment on" One hun
dred and tenth street. - ; ,, v
lie went out looking for work,
she testified, but failed to find any.
It; was then he decided to take her
home. With money advanced by her
people, she declared, she returned to
Chicago and he to Des Moines.
Upbraided by Mother-in-Law.
Her voice choked, and she kept
again when she told of her first
meeting with her mother-in-law, Mrs.
Mary C. McMartin. .
Mrs. McMartin, she said, upbraided
her for marrying Peter, instead of
choosing "someone in her own
"What right have you to come
to this house?" she asked.
"But mother," Peter protested, ac
cording to his wjfe, "my wife comes
first. If you can't accept her, we'll
have to go."
"There's the door," was Mrs. Mc
Martin's answer.
Hand-in-hand, the couple left the
house, and went to the Kirkwood
hotel. A few days later, Mrs. Mc
Martin came to the hotel, and begged
them to return. They went to live'
in the big home, but her mother-in-law
would only talk to her when
Peter was in the house, Mrs. Mc
Martin testified. The rest of the
time, she would lock herself in her
Peter's grandfather, C. C. Cole, at
that time chief justice of the Iowa
supreme court, was the only one in
the house who treated her "nice," she
Once more she wept when she told
Iiow Mrs. McMartin gave her some
law books, and asked her to read to
the judge, and then ridiculed her
when she was unable to pronounce
the hard words.
Returns to Her Home.
After three weeks she left for her
home in Chicago. Peter was to fol
low, or to send for her as soon as
he could make arrangements for a
separate home.
Two weeks later he joined her in
Chicago, and then followed a period
of privation, while Peter looked for
work, and Pearl obtained employ
ment as an entertainer in a loop
"What did you do with the
money ?" she was asked.
"Why, it went to pay the rent
We lived on it."
Peter would come after her on
pay nights, the testified. They
moved to a cheaper flat, and pawned
their silverware.
Finally they went to live with Iter
parents. Then they went back to
Dei Moines, but later returned to
Chicago. Peter was planning to buy
a garage, and induced her to sign
a quit claim deed to certain property
he held, in favor of hi mother, the
girl testified. But she never saw
any of the money which it was iup
posed to raise.
Denies Chares of Desertion,
She denied emphatically that she
ever deserted him, and said she was
willing to live with him onre more,
anywhere but in Ins mother s home.
Shortly after she signed the qui
claim deed, the taid he returned to
Des Moinet, and in a few day came
a letter in which lie told her he was
leaving for the west, and that it
would be useless for her to write him,
In the letter, the testified, he made
an unjust accusation against her. She
never heard from him afterward, nor
received a tingle penny from him.
"Your husband was always kind
to you?" she was asked on cross-examination.
"Yes, he always wa kind. The
only trouble I ever had with him
was that he wouldn't work,"
Although she wept several times
while unfolding the story of her
I roken romance, Mrs. McMartin un
dfrwent a gruelling cross-examina'
tion with the utmost composure.
Unshalcen by Cross-Examination.
Not once was her husband's at
torney able to shake her story; she
parried with ingenious naivete his
every line of attack, and in the
pinches, a failing memory served her
Redirect examination brought out
the fact that she knows how to cook;
that she makes $40 a week at her
dancing when the act is booked, and
her expenses consist of $15 a week
hotel bills, her meals, and her stock
ings, which she wears out at the
rate of two pairs a week, at $3.25
a pair.
You follow the stage life because
you like it, don't you?" her hus
band's attorney insisted.
.o. I do it because its the only
work I know how to do. I've been
at it since I was 7 years old. It's a
hard life."
Mrs. McMartin's sister, Dorothy,
testified that she met Peter once in
a restaurant in Chicago, after he and
Pearl were separated, and he ad
mitted his accusation against Pearl
was false, and promised to "make
it all up to her" at his mother's
death, when he would inherit a large
He asked her if Pearl still cared
for him, and she told him she
thought yes. He also asked for a
picture of Pearl, she testified, which
she gave him the next night.
Mrs. C. W. Washburn, the girl's
mother, also testified. The case will
be continued today.
Woman Asks $10,000 of Tram
Company for Alleged Hurts
Suit for $10,000 was filed against
the Omaha and Couucil Bluffs
Street Railway company in district
court yesterday by Linda Wooley,
for injuries she is alleged to have re
ceived when thrown from a car step
at Twenty-fifth street and Capitol
avenue September 6, 1921. She suf
fered an injury to her left leg, she
says, and internal injuries which
necessitated , her being taken to a
hospital. ,;
Nebraska Woman Had Almost
Lost Hope Had Suf
fered For Fifteen Years.
"Tanlac not only improved my di
gestion wonderfully, but it also made
me gain surprisingly in weight and
strength," taid Mrs. John Madsden,
Seventh and Avenue K, East Oma
ha, Neb.
"My trouble was a very stubborn
one and Tanlac deserves all the more
credit for what it has done for me.
I had suffered with stomach trouble,
nervousness, and headaches for 15
years and had almost lost hope of
ever being well again. I was com
pelled to stay in bed for weeks at a
time on account of my run-down
"Tanlac proved to be just what I
had been needing and I could feel
myself getting new life and strength
with every dose. I cannot praise it
too highly."
Tanlac can bring health to you as
it has to thousands of others.
Tanlac is sold in Omaha by the
Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.
and by leading druggists everywhere.
f)ilt) (ilh!
AH Work Gaoranteca
A. Hospe Co.
. (SU Stasia Tat Baa
. Red this Health Ctcjo ct ccd!
Know wbst Hatcro's Feed cen do fcr yea!
Every man, woman and ehild ad
dieted to pills and cathartics for con
stipation should know that Kellogg; '
Bran, cooked and krumbled, will giro
iprmanent relief naturally if they will
eat it rerolarly! Pilla and cathartics
ean nem do more than gre tempe
nry'ritief, and at the auaa time they
aggravate the defeat intestinal path
Sway and pare ' the way for giatei
Eenogg's Bran, eooked and krnm
bled, is simply natare's food, and
made delicious and appetizing by the
XeUogg process. Eat it as a verj
appetising cereal or sprinkle it on
your favorite cereal or on other food.
Tour phjaieian will indorse the eon
eateat use of bran for eonatipatiom,
e guarantee that Kellogg "s Bran
sufferer from constipation if at least
two tablespoonfuls are eaten each day.
For ehronie eases, eat as much as is
KeOocs's Bran sweeps and cleanses
withoat discomfort. Its natural me
chanical action m woadarfuL 2ftne
tiMtti of all hitman aiinrtM wonld
be efiminatod and there -wovM be a
new and better race of people if bras
was universally eaten daily.
KeBogg ' Bran can be used hi many
delightful foods such as bran bread,
pancakes (the best yon ever ate),
macaroons, ets- Bee recipes on each
P. 8. KeHorg ' Bran will dear n?
a pimply complexion and free the
breath from eiaoxjocs intestinal
4 Days
Items Sold for
the Price
of One,
Plus One Cent
7he WAVmL Store
Sold at
Price of
One Cent
NEXT TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, November 8, 9, 10 and 11, 1921, we shall hold our 8th "One Cent Sale." Such sales have been held in all the
principal cities of the United States during the last few years', generally in the Rexall Drug Stores, and have been the sensation of the hour. We could not hold these sales,
except by the help of the manufacturer, which in the case of most of the items offered is the United Drug Co. of Boston. This sale should be particularly timely just now
when Christmas is approaching, and many of the items offered will make very appropriate, gifts. The plan of the One Cent Sale is as follows: You buy one article at the regular
price and then obtain another of the same kind for one cent. By its means the manufacturer, anxious for a wider distribution of his products, makes a special concession in
price, thus encouraging the retailer to co-operate by holding these sales. Thereby a large volume of merchandise is quickly distributed to the public, of course, without a cent of
profit, but with the effect of quickly introducing some meritorious article, perhaps hitherto unknown, or increasing largely the distribution of well-known and standard articles.
In a few cases we wish to "close out" an item on which we have over-stock and we offe such goods at a positive money loss to ourselves. This is a little more than 50
reduction on nearly every item mentioned. There will be sweeping reductions made on all sorts of standard merchandise which is not mentioned below:
$2.50 Maximum Water .
This Hot Water Bottle is known
everywhere and the regular price
is $2.50 each. Here is an oppor
tunity to get one of the best Hot
Water Bottles made in America
for half price.
This sale. .. 2 for 82.51
The Syringe at the same price.
$2.50 2-qt Maroon Maximum
Fountain Syringe, with all
style fittings, at 2 for $2.51
(Each of the above items is
warranted for one year.)
$2.48 Lady Redfern Expanding
Douche Syringe. 2 for $2.49
15c Zinc Oxide Adhesive Plaster
at 2 for 16$
50 (1 in. by 5 yds.) Zinc Oxide
Adhesive Plaster.. 2 for 51$
50c 1-lb. pkg. Hospital Cotton
at ,...2 for 51$
Many items in sale
not named here.
We have two items only in-the
cigar line, but the values we shall
give will, we believe, convince
smokers that our lc sales are
something worth remembering.
La Saramita "King," 10c straight
size 2 for ll$
Box of 50 for $2.75
10c straight size Los Ramos
"Regalia"... S.... 2 for 11$
Drum of 50 for $2.75
Mr. Smoker! Here is your
chance. Inquire at our cigar
counters on the first day of our
lc Sale, as our supply of these
goods is limited and may not last
through this 4-Day Sale.
15c WHIZ and SKAT
Mechanic's Soap
2 for 16c
We have sold the articles offered
here for many years and know
their quality to be unsurpassed.
35c bottle Symond's Inn Vanilla
Extract .2 for 36$
40c bottle Symond's Inn Lemon
Extract 2 for 41$
45c Opeko Tea, Japan and China,
at 2 for 46$
1 lb. Opeko Ground Coffee
at 2 pkgs. for 46$
30c bottle Golden Gate Olive Oil
at.. 2 for 31$
50c Tuscan Italian Olive Oil
at 2 for 51$
45c pint bottle Liggett's Grape
Juice 2 for 46$
Liggett't Opeko Tea, 200 CUps of
Tea to the packet, the stand
ard of excellence, standard
price 45c per -lb. packet,
this sale . . . . 2 packets 46$
30c Symond's Inn Cocoa
at 2 for 31$
30c box Symond's Inn Beef
Cubes 2 for 31$
30c Symond's Inn ',2-lb. Baking
Chocolate Bars. . . .2 for 31$
75c Ballardvale Jam, 1 lb.
size 2 for 76$
Below will be found under sep
arate headings a list of some of
the toilet articles offered in the
sale, but there are many more
items for which we did not have
space. Keep this list and attend
the salo at the earliest possible
25c Violet Duke Talc. 2 for 26$
50c Bouquet Ramee Talcum
(sweetly perfumed)
at 2 for 51$
2oe Williams Violet or La Tosca
Rose Talc at 2 for 26$
25c Lazell's Sweet Pea, Violet,
Babykin, Jap, Honeysuckle and
Wisteria Talcum . .2 for 26$
15c Roman, Violet or Rose Talc
at 2 for 16$
35c Cutex Talcum... 2 for 36$
25c Aubry Sisters or "Cutisan"
Talc 2 for 26$
35c Tetlow's Pussy Willow Talc
at 2 for 36$
30c Soul Kiss Talc. 2 for 31$
30c Pompeian Fragrance Talcum
at , ...2 for 31$
25c Moon Kiss Talc. .2 for 26$
Wool and Velour
Powder Puffs
15c Puffs. .'. 2 for 16$
25c Puffs..: 2 for 26$
Buy one at regular price and get
another of same kind for lc.
50c Violet Duke Face Powder
at . 2 for 51$
$1.00 Bouquet Ramee Complex
ion Powder ... .2 for $1.01
65c LaJeune French Complexion
. Powder, 3 shades. .2 for 66$
15c Bourjois Rouge.. 2 for 16$
25c pkg. Florentine Orris (this
is for sachets) at. .2 for 26$
50c Madam Isebell's Exquisite
Powder 2 for 51$
$1.00 Mavis Face Powder, large
size , 2 for $1.01
25c Kahnweilers Rouge
2 for 26$
60c Harmony Cocoa Butter Cold
Cream 2 for 61$
50c Rolling Massage Cream
at 2 for 51$
25c bottle Glycerine and Rose
Water Hand Lotion
at 2 for 26$
25c Riker's Peroxzone Vanishing
Cream 2 for 26$
35c Rexall Cream of Almonds
at ; 2 for 36$
50c Abonita Benzoin and Almond
Cream 2 for 51$
60c Arbutus Peroxide Vanishing
Cream ....2 for 61$
75c Coco-Bloom Cocoa Butter
Cold Cream at. . . .2 for 76$
65c Creme Marquise Orange
Flower Skin Food. 2 for 66$
35c Huskum Hand Lotion
at 2 for 36$
25c Pond Lily Cream. 2 for 26$
25c Rexall Improved or Riker's
Tooth Paste 2 for 26$
25c Victor's Tooth Powder .
at 2 for 26$
35c Calista Chlorate Tooth Paste
at .........2 for 36$
25c Klenzo Liquid Antiseptic
at. ..2 for 26$
50c Ze-Pyrol. 2 for 51
Fine Imported
Tooth Brushes
We shall offer at this sale about
6,000 Tooth Brushes of splen
- did quality and in all approved
shapes and textures
at 2 for 41
We are quite sure Tooth Brushes
that are not so good as these are
being; sold all over Omaha today
at 50c each.
Random Remarks About the lc Sale
This is our 8th One Cent Sale.
Each has been a little larger than the previous one.
The first and original lc Sale was held about eight
years ago in a Rexall Drug Store in conservative New
England, but it was a success even then, and even there.
This will be preferably a "Cash and Carry" Sale,
but at that we can make charges to our old-time cus
tomers or to any person who follows that best of thrift
rules, "Pay bills promptly each month."
This Sale held in THREE ONLY of our five good
Drug Stores, viz.: 16th and Dodge, 1.6th and Harney,
19th and Farnam.
It takes organization and room to hold a lc Sale.
Buy ONE article at the REGULAR PRICE and then
another of the same kind for lc. Yes, that's the plan.
Colonel Lloyd 0. Grimes, representing the United
Drug Co. of Boston west of the Missouri river, will be
Field Marshal of this Sale.
If the crowd is too thick at either of our 16th street
emporiums, go to our 19th and Farnam Street Store,
where there will be possibly a little more room and a
little less rush.
If you visit one of our Stores during this Sale and
find "stock all sold" of item desired, this same article
may possibly be found by promptly calling at another
of our three stores where sale is being held.
We hope you will save this list and bring it with
you to our Sale. It will help materially in your shopping.
No mail orders filled, for we are sure first-hand
buyers will wish all the lc Sale goods we have.
A perfect dentifrice, antiseptic
and deodorant. Cleans and
whitens the teeth. Comes out
flat on the brush.
Standard price 25c per tube,
at 2 tubes for 26$
Violet Dulce Complexion
One of the most striking bar
gains in this lc Sale is the
item of 1-lb. box Beau Broad
way Assorted Chocolates, reg
ularly retailing for $1.00, in
this sale at
I 1-lb. boxe. for $1.01
The name stands for the highest
quality, being one of the famous
Violet Dulce Complexion requi
sites. One of the best qualities
of this complexion powder is that
it does not "show" when used
properly. Delightfully scented
with the Violet Dulce odor, Bru
nette, White and Flesh Tints.
Standard price 50c per box,
this sale at. .2 boxes for 51$
Keep this ad and bring it
with you to our Sale.
Harmony Cocoa Butter
Cold Cream
A wonderful building cream. A
true skin food. The well-known
assimilating properties of Cocoa
Butter make this a distinct im
provement over any other.
Standard price 60c per jar,
this sale at.. 2 jars for 61$
Note wonderful values given be
low on high-grade Toilet Soaps.
15c Rexall Toilet Soap
at... 2 for 16$
25c Rexall Medical Skin Soap .
at. 2 for 26$
15c Renaissance Soap. 2 for 16$
10c Jergen's Violet Glycerine
Soap ...2 for 11$
30c Palmer's Skin Success Toilet
Soap at 2 for 31$
25c Fitch's Shampoo Soap
at."..'. 2 for 26$
20c Fontain French Castile
Soap . . 2 for 21$
5c King Korn Kastile.2 for 6$
Box of 80 cakes for $2.40
10c "Olivilo" Toilet Soap
at ..... ..... .2 for 11$
30c tube Rexall Easy Shaving
Cream at 2 for 31$
10c Colgate's Shaving Soap
at 2 for 11$
$1.00 Durham-Duplex Razor with
Celluloid Case.. 2 for $1.01
35c Durham-Duplex Demonstra
tor Razor with one blade ;
at 2 for 36$
45c Rexall Shaving Lotion
at 2 for 46$
40c Lather Brush, either "Rub
berset" or "Hardright". brand,
at. 2 for 41$
25c Benzoated Lotion 2 for 26$
25c "Champion" Shaving Stick
at 2 for 26$
NOTE how many of the
articles offered are appropri
ate Christmas Gifts.
These items makes acceptable
Christmas Gifts.
65c Fensdale or Florein Box
Stationery 2 for 66$
75c Medallion Linen Stationery
at...N.... .2 for 76$
1-lb. pkg. Cascade Linen Paper
at. 2 for 51$
50c carton (2 bunches) Cascade
Linen Envelopes
at 2 cartons for 51$
15c pkg. Glenwood Envelopes
at 2 pkgs. for 16$
10c pkg. XXX White Business
Envelopes. . .2 pkgs. for 11$
2 Packages for the
Price of One
25c box of 2 dozen Tablets
at.. ....2 for 26$
65c bottle of 100 Tablets
at 2 for 66$
Standard Medicinal
A partial list is given below of
the items offered in this Sale,
and all on the plan of buying one
at the regular price and then an
other of the same kind for lc.
15c Zinc Oxide Adhesive Plaster
at... 2 for 16$
25c Laxative Aspirin Cold Tab
lets at 2 for 26$
25c Rexall Grippe Pills
at. . . 2 for 26$
25c Rexall Foot Powder
at... 2 for 26$
25c Senna Liver Pills. 2 for 26$
25c Laxative Boro Pepsin
at 2 for 26$
25c Menthol Inhalers, Aluminum
Case, at 2 for 26$
25c Ko-Ko-Kas-Kets, Laxative,
at 2 for 26$
25c Rexall Charcoal Tablets
at 2 for 26$
25c Victor's Corn Remedy
at 2 for 26$
25c Rexall Little Liver Pils
at 2 for 26$
25c Jimpson Weed Backache and
Rheumatic Porous Plasters
at 2 for 26$
25c box Honest John Corn and
Bunion Plasters. ... 2 for 26$
25c O'Neil's Vegetable Remedy
at 2 for 26$
25c P. D. & Co. Peroxide
at .2 for 26$
25c, Tube Zincoxide Ouitment
at 2 for 26$
25c jar Ozonol Ointment (
at ..2 for 26$
25c Phospho Pepsin Tablets
at. . .j,. ..... .2 for 26$
30c'Marshall's Catarrh Snuff
at ....2 for 31$
30c Begy's Mustarlne Salve
at...... ....2 for 31$
Victor's Foot Comfort
at ' 2 for 31$
30c Cascara Aromatic. 2 for 31$
35c Shermac's Carbolated Witch
Hazel, Arnica, Calendula and
Eucalyptus 2 for 36$
35c Rexall Bronchial Salve
at 2 for 36$
35c Riker's Mentholated White
Pine and Tar Syrup 2 for 36$
35c bottle of 100 Hinkel's Pink
Cascara Cathartic Pills
at 2 for 36$
40c Rikura Throat Tablets
at. .... ..2 for 41$
50c Bland's Iron Tonic Tablets
at. 2 for 51$
50c Riker's Milk of Magnesia
at 2 for 51tf
50c Rexall, Gray's or Payne's
Kidney Pills at. . . .2 for 51$
50c Granulated Effervescent
Soda Phosphate, 4-oz. bottle
at..... .2 for 51$
50c Riker's Effervescent Lithia
Tablets 2 for 51$
50c Rexall Rheumatism Compo
sition 2 for 51$
65c Riker's Senna Fig
at 2 for 66$
75c pine bottle White Paraffine
Oil Internal Cleanser
at .2 for 76$
$1.00 Rexall or S. & McC. Co.
Syrup Hypophospites Com
pound 2 for $1.01
$1.00 Nux and Iron Tonic
Tablets 2 for $1.01
$1.00 Septone Hair and Scalp
Tonic 2 for $1.01
50c Victor's Pain Banisher Lini
ment 2 for 51$
50c Jayne's Children's Cough and
Croup Syrup 2 for 51$
Symonds Inn
Breakfast Cocoa
Made from the pure Cocoa Bean.
Unexcelled in quality. Without
any adulteration.
Standard price 30c per can, this
sale 2 cans 31$
Beautiful White
Celluloid Ivory Goods
The assortment of this class of
goods in this sale is necessarily
not large, but the article offered
will be so attractive in character
and price as to leave no doubt
regarding the genuineness of this
lc Sale.
$3.50 beautiful Long Ivory Han
dle French Plate Mirror
at 2 for $3.51
$4.50" beautiful Bonnet or Dress
ing Mirror, exactly like one de
scribed above, except very
much larger. ...2 for $4.51
$2.00 11-row Ivory Celluloid
Hair Brush 2 for $2.01
$1.75 7-inch Ivory Celluloid Buf
fer with Tray . . .2 for $1.76
$1.75 handsome large Hair Re
ceiver at 2 for $1.76
75c handsome Celluloid Comb, all
coarse and coarse and fine,
at 2 for 76$
Beautiful heavy French finish
9-inch Ivory Celluloid Comb,
regularly retailing for $1.75,
at 2 for $1.76
Hair Tonics, Tints and
This is a partial list only.
50c Harmony Liquid Shampoo
. at.... r 2 for 51$
25c Klenzo Tar Shampoo Soap
at... .....2 for 26$
$1.00 Youth Craft Hair Tonic
and Beautifjer. .2 for $1.01
25c Coconol Shampoo Soap
' at... 2 for 26$
50c "Hay's Sage and Sulphur
(for darkening the hair)
at 2 for 51$
60c Walnutta Hair Stain
at 2 for 61$
25c Violet Dulce Shampoo Crys
tals at 2 for 26$
25c Mason's Magic Shampoo
at .2 for 26$
$1.00 Nettie Harrison 4-Dav Hair
Restorer 2 for $1.01
Toilet Paper Bargains
15c' fine quality De Luxo or
Council Crepe Tissue, also Ce
cil 1,000 Sheet Toilet Tissue,
at 2 rolls for 16$
Per dozen . ......96$
Per case of 100 rolls $8.00
5c quality Hoo Hoo or - Rex
Brands 2 rolls for 6$
Per dozen 36$
Per case of 100 rolls. .$3.00
2 Ounces for the Price
. of 1 Ounce, Plus
1 Cent
85c Harmony Intense Triple
Extract, 1-oz. bottles
at 2 for 86$
This assortment includes
Jockey Club, Trailing Arbu
tus, Crab Apple, White Rose,
Stephanotis, Lilac, etc.
$1.00 True Flower Toilet Water
at 2 for $1.01
(The above Toilet Waters in
following odors: Lilac, Ar
butus, Lily of thq Valley,,
Roset Violet, Wisteria.)
85c 1-oz. Harmony Intense Ex
tracts in following odors: Vio
let, Rose, Lilac, Jasmin, Lily
of the Valley, at. . .2 for 86$
High-Grade 15c Hair
Nets 2 for 16c
In this Sale we shall offer the
well-known "Fashionette" and
"Good Form" Hair Nets, which
are sold throughout the United
States at 15c each, at
2 for 16$
Per dozen ...06$
These come in Cap and Fringe
and in all shades.
Also 15c Double Mesh "Charm
ing Lady" Hair Net at
2 for 16$
Sherman & McCoiminielll Drag Co
5 Good Drug Stores in Prominent Locations
This Sale at Three Stores Only BP Comer dDodg. su.
Corner 16th and Harney Sts.
Big New Store
Corner 19th and Farnam Sts.
A Very Pleasant Store