10 IHfcJ BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 8, mi. Clittifid Atfvtrtisiif lite ! per lie lcal t r4 I IImI I day per iiii per say, i mmkhui. 1 pet III Mr . t KHHllim 14 pec lis . I momcuiIv day K ads luu far I tha a total af It. Ihan raiaa apply aikr la tha Dally inns tl-s All advertleemeai appear la knik morning sad avamaf Sally pa' iur IB ana cnarga CONTRACT R ATM ON ' APHLICATIOM Waal tia accpl4 at Ika followl f MAIN OFFICl....7ti and Farsam It Baulk IM. 491$ Sou Ik Kill SI, I ounrll llluff it Aral! WANT ADS RECEIVED BI i'MONK TUB BEE will not b responsible for tiiuta than ana tncorreet laaartlaa af aa sdtertisement ard.r.4 lot mora (baa aaa CLOBINO HOUR! FOB WANT ADS Evening kditloa. .11:41 A. M. Msrnlng kditloa P. M. Sunday Edition P. M.. keturdsy DEATH A FUNERAL NOTICES. UYnNK llua-li K., aged 41 years., Nov. 1, al lUtuuiKa. la. Funeral Monday morning 8:36 from family rlinre, 841 Hart 10 ac.ll.t ralh.dral at I a clock. In tsrment Holy Sepulchre. AUTOMATIC sealing concrata burial vault, on display at leading underiak ara. Writ Omaha, Concrata llurlal Vault Co., Omaha. CARD OF THANKS. WR wlh to thank our many kind (rtnd and Dftlchbors for tlu.r klndnMi and sympathy bttowd durtnt tha nloknna and death of our balovnl wtfa nd mot h- ar, alao for tha many baautlful floral ofrrlnfcr Robert Mnninc and family FUNERAL DIRECTORS. F. J. STACK & CO., Suocsaaor to tick A r.lrontr OMAHA'S BKBT. Imo w A MBULANCE S Thirty-third and Fsrnam. Hulse & Riepen PIONEER FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Formerly at Till & ltth St., hava mavad l l:ll Cumln St. J a. Mil. HEAFEY & HEAFEY Undertakers and F-mbalmsra. Phono HA. Ida. Offlcs Sail Farnam. t. CEMETERIES. CHRYSANTHBMUMS F.VEROREEN BLANKETS WREATHS AND TULIPS For decoratlvo purpo.ea at Forest Lawn Cemetery FOREST LAWN GREENHOUSE KENWOOD 0134. FLORISTS. T.P.V?. T.APMfiM !." . Douglas. Ph. Doug. 1244 BAT IT WITH FLOWERS FROM HESH A SWOBODA. 1415 FARNAM STREET. JOHN BATH. 1804 Farnam. Jackson 1008. I.. Henderson. Kii7 Fsrnnm. Jackson 1268. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. lllrlliH. George and Mary Onurilo. 482! South Twenty-sixth street, - boy. William and Anna Mulr, hospital, girl. Charles and Mamla McCague, hospital, boy. Anglo and Anna Mlnkln, hospital, girl. Joseph and Nora Qulnn, hospital, boy, Charles and Marls Montagus, 2462 South Sixteenth street, boy. Stephen and Mary Krlegler, 1220 Dom inion street, boy. Walter and Georgle Korlsko, 1250 South Thirteenth street, trlrl. John and Dora Kosloe, 4417 South Twenty-first street, boy. Shaky and Esther" Lemon, 3155 Curtla treat, boy. Herman and Elizabeth Vlerregger, 3417 Francis street, girl. Deaths. Clayborn Tyler, 70, 431(1 Pierce street. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Richard Leonard, 1,4, Omaha, and Marie Bhsahffer, 17, Omaha. . Robert J. Dinning, jr., 34, Omaha, and Anna M. Jensan, 24, Omaha. Virgil V. Scott. 13, Osceola, la., and Helen E. Davis, It, Osceola, la. William C. Coach, 24, Omaha, and Mil dred Lamphere, 20, Omaha. EH Babar, 48, Kearney, Neb., and Delia Klnnlng, 47, Merrlman, Neb. Vern Lewis, 23, Humphrey, Neb., and Gertrude Wittier, 30, Humphrey, Neb. John R. McAdams, over 21, Chicago, 111., and Marl M. Galivsn, over 21, Oma ha. F. Clifton Clark, 22, Omaha, and Bertha E. Brown. 19, Omaha. LOST. FOUND AND REWARDS. FOR ARTICLES LOST on atreet cars tele phone Tyler 800. W are anxloua to re store lost srticles to rightful owners. OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS ST. RY. COMPANY. Lost brown leather pocket book with keya to Rome Hotel. Bank draft on Chapman State bank, certificate No. H2. Finder keep money and return to West Center Street Box ISO. LOST or stolen, brown and white Scotch Collie dog, 6 months old, aore left eye. Reward, 671S Minna Lusa avenue. KE. 6334. LOST Airedale dog, name "Rags." Walnut 2580. Reward. Call PERSONALS. HOLY noses, disfiguring sr?ars, pox pits, wrinkles, muddy complexion, sagging rheeks, moth patches, deep lines, pores, dlscoratlona and all other disfiguring blemishes and aasymetriea removed pain lessly and secretly by Dr. W. H. Bailey, Plastic and Cosmetic Surgeon. Using the Woodbury system, and the only one In thla territory using the New De Cas sagnao system for removal of Bears and burns, etc., without "cutting" or "fill ing." Thirteen ysars in Denver. Write Bailey Institute. Suites 224, 225, 22ft Empire Building, Denver, Colo. All communications treated with strictest confidence. THE SALVATION Army Industrial home solicits your old clothing, furniture, magazines. Wa collect We distribute. Phono Douglas 4131 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home. 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St. S, A. R. N. Not seen you since left for New York 1909. Write Box 1215, Wash ington, D. C. MI8S o. Jacobs, osteology massages, 203 Karbach Blk.. JA. 2727; Rea., AT. S38S. ELECTRIC bath and massage. 313 Ne ville block. RENT HOOVER vacuum, $1 up Har. 1071. ELECTRIC baths, 8wed. mass. WK 2911. EXPERT MASSAGE.. DO. 9649. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Accordeon Pleating. ACCORDION, side, knife, box pleating, covered buttons, all styles; hemstitching, buttonholes. Write Ideal Button Pleating Co., 303 Brown block, Jackson fcEBR. PLEATING c"0: tana 1808 Farnam. Id Floor. Dg. 6670. Chiropractors. TAKE CHIROPRACTIC aijuatmenta at your home, Drs. Mortensen. Palmer graduates. Walnut 1910. Contractors-Painting. YOU can't duplicate my prices for palnt- insanapapernangtng. call 1XJ. 613C. BRICK plasterer and cement, new and repair work. J. Nsu. Walnut 4601. Dancing Academies. VP TT'P'C' 1613 Farnam. Douglas 6440. k- Wo har taught mors than II, tot people to dance. Let us teach yon. "Expert Instruction. Beginners or advanced rises or private lessons. LEARN TO DANCE RIGHT Mildred Maxlno teaches sll d ranches dancing. Studio Leflang Bldg. DO. 475. Dentists. DENTISTRY Ail kinds of dental work don at the now Infirmary, of tb Cmghtoa University College of Den tistry. Children teeth straightened. F moderate. Extractions free. New location 3Cth and California. Tak Barney or Croevtown or Cuming street ear. Atlantic 2C4i. Detectives. RELIA3LS Dstectlv Bureau. Railway Ex. Bldg.. JA. lOSi Night. KEN Hit. Independent Detectlv Barean. 34 Nevlll Blk. AtL 5501; night. Wal. 4954: K. 4ta. JAMES ALLAN. 112 Nvlll Blk. Evldenc eeevred In ail ea Atlantte 113a. DETECTIVES that get remits. 4l Pas tom Mock. J A. 131. DO. (757. BRINGING UP TUC TALL CCX?n CROWS, jj J X ANNOUNCEMENTS. DrtfrniltinE. NOUVEAU dmsamaklng shop, 411 I'siion mock. Ft'i'S, aulls, drsssts. r.mod'l, rallosd. 11a, a.ut. Kodak Finishing. FILMS davsloped: printing and anlarglng. Writs for prices. The Ensign Co 107 Hoaratd St, CNLAROKalRNTS, oil coloring, developing, printing, Kje Htudlo. til Navllla HIK Patent Attorneys. PATENT ATTORNEYS J. W MARTIN, patent atty.. 171( Dodge. Printing. EIl)V Printing Co., 213 S. 13 St. Do. 647. Miscellaneous Announcements. DIAMONDS pay tha baa. price with privllen to buy back at amall profit. OROS3 JEWELRY CO.. 401 N. 151b St. Doug las (041. RAZOR BLADES sharpened. Single, He; doubla eons, 45o dos. Mall orders so licited. Omaha 8krp Co., 103 N. 18th. OMAHA Pillow Co.. f "a there renovated and made up In new ticking. 10I Cuming, Jsrkson 24f,7. - FULL dress and tuxedos for rent. John Foldman. 10 N. 1Mb 8t. Jackson lll NEW and rebuilt electrical apparatus, LeBron Electric, lis S. 11th St., Omens ROOERS Confectionary Htora. 24tb and rarnam til.. Jackson vizi. BRITT Priming Co. 7 Elks Bldg. FOR SALE. Furniture and Household Goods. Auction Calendar WEEK BEGINNING! NOVEMBER . Auctions Tuesday. Wednesday. Friday and Saturday, starting at 1 P. M. dally, at Stephenson's Auction Sales Room, 1609 Capitol avenue. Phone Atlantic 6265 If you nave iurnuure to aeii. Stephenson, Auctioneer TWO arm rockem 33.60 each, 1 bed com' fort, nearly new, 33.00; feathers 50c per pound, decorated gas globes, baby go-cart 31, walnut bedroom table 8 single couch and mattress 35, pictures. Morris chair .4, tall tree mirror, one arm upholstered chair, corduroy cush ions for window seat, gold metal bed stead with springs 15. 3516 Dodge. Harney 6162, Pianos and Musical Instruments. OEO. A. SMITH Dealer in drums.xylo phones, etc.; Instructions, rspalrlng; 2761 Davenport St Phone Harnov 2967 TRADE your used piano on a new player piano. Balance as low as 810.00 per month. A, Hosps Co., 1613 Douglas. JOHN TAFF saxophone shop, repairing and supplies. 306 Leflang Bldg, D. 8476, Clothing and Furs. FOR sale, a few unclaimed, all-wool . 'Dundee" suits, cheap, alterations free. DUNDEE WOOLEN MILLS, Northwest Cor. 16th and Harney Sts. FURS remodeled, rellned and cleaned. KNEETER ALASKA FUR CO., 203 8. 15th St. Douglas 7288. BLUE satin, fur trimed dress, apricot evening dress, size 14. Kenwood 4618. Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING MACHINES. .All MAKES bought, sold, rented and , repaired, Sole agents (or the CORONA. Oet our prices before you buy. Every machine guaranteed. Central Typewriter Exc. Jackson 4120. lilt Farnam. Miscellaneous Articles. SEWING MACHINES W rent, renalr. sell needles and parts. MICKEL'S 16th and Harney. Douglas 1973. WE buy, aell safes, make desks, show cases, etc Omaha Fixture & Supply Co., S. W. Cor. '11th and Douglas. JA. 2724. WANTED TO BUY. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used desks bought, sold and traded. J. C Reed, 1207 Farnam. D. (146 WE buy waste paper, old magazines, books and newspapers. Wrrite or phone Omaha Paper Stock Co., 18th and Marcy. Douglas 0159. EDUCATIONAL. DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL. Complete courses In accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, comptometry, short hand and typewriting, railroad and wireless telegraphy, civil servlcs and all largo Illustrated catalog. Address BOYLES COLLEGE. Boyles Bldg., Omaha. Neb. English and commercial branches. Write, call or phone Jackson 1665 fo GIRLS, HERE IS YOUR CHANCE. Training school In hair dressing and beauty culture. Position Immediately. 566 BRANDEIS THEATER BLDG. - Van Sant School of Business. Day and Evening Schools. 230 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 6890. BUSINESS CHANCES. A CAPABLE MAN WHO CAN IN VEST 310,000 TO 115,000 CASH IN A PROSPEROUS MANUFACTURING BUS INESS ESTABLISHED IN OMAHA IN 1913. STATE AGE AND BUSINESS EXPERIENCE IN FIRST COMMUNI CATION. REFERENCES EXCHANGED. WRITE BOX X-101, OMAHA BEE. "A MILLION people for Houston pre dicted by late J. J. Hill. Our proper ty between high-class residential dis trict and new Pierce Junction oil field. A-l realty investment with chances for oft fortune. Write today tor birdseye . map. Southland Annex, 468 Co:nmer clal Bank Bid., Houston. Tex. Refer ences. First National bank. Salesmen wanted. CASPER, WYO. Reliable information regarding Indus trial, business and labor conditions, wages, rentala and cost of living, by re turn mail for $1. Information Service, 1031 St. Mary 8treet, Casper. Wyo. WANT to hear from owner having busl nesa for sale. J. C McConney, Ter minal Bldg., Omaha, Neb. 7-ROOM modern apt., walking distance; $1,200: terms. AT. 6111 for appointment. HELP WANTED MALE. Professions and Trades. WANTED Experienced linotype operat or for Job work, steady night; Satur day noon; open tight hours; open shop. Monarch Printing Co.. Council Bluffs. FIREMEN, brakemen. beginners $160. lat er $15 monthly. Writ Railway, Box ..Y-1711. Omaha Be. CONTRACTOR repairs four houses; part pay by building lot. or small house. 112 Omaha National Bldg. Jackson 14S. MOLER BARBER COLLEGES, lit S 14a. Write for cats log. Salesmen and Solicitors. L YOUNG man of energy and ambition, willing to travel extenalveiy and able to furnish cash or surety bond can learn salesmanship and a good business ac companying salesman. Write ag and details, Bos X-U, Omaha Be. p-nr in n I I 1i j J svAXW . FATHER OY COLLY- FLY AWAY OH FLY XJ CAN'T EVEN HEAR THE TIRE CMINE& 0 BY WHCN HA,ie. AWAY AWAV. i l Has the jobless man any friends? The most practical And dependable friend is the Situation Wanted Advertisement in The Bee. It helps him get a job and with out costing him a cent. Any resident of Omaha or Council Bluffs can insert an 18-word ad free of charge, provided it. is taken or mailed to the officer Employers are encouraging the advertising job hunter by filling vacancies with help se lected from these columns. The Omaha Bee WANTED SITUATIONS. Male. AT LIBERTY Tenor soloist wishes choir position In city, where class In voice could be organized. Excellent refer ences furnished. Write Box Y-1714, Omaha Bee. EXECUTIVE salesman, available, experi enced ' advertising and merchandising, through' advertising; references some America's best organizations. L-149, Omaha Bee. STENOGRAPHIC or bookkeeping work, by married man; either steady, after noons, evenlnga and Saturdays. Refer ences furnished. Walnut 5386. YOUNG man, wide awake, willing work er, to connect with large establish ment. Salesmanship preferred. Call Douglas 7034, Bert Stanley. EXPERIENCED accountant wants two or , three more small sets books. Reason able charge; high grade work. Walnut 4426. EXPERIENCED office manager, sales man, bookkeeper, cashier and shipper, 13 years' experience; aged 32, married. Box L-169. Omaha Bee. EX-ARMY sergeant, character excellent, deslrea position as watchman; refer ences. J. J. Blahemy, 2677 Burdette. Phono Webster 4432 BUS or truck driver wants Job. Long-distance hauling preferred. Can give refer ences. E. H. Arnold, 3605 Valley St. H. 6335. WANTED Steady position on mainte nance by electrician, 21 years' experi ence mills and shop Box L-161, Omaha Bee. SALESMAN with- car desires permanent position; best of reference. Mr, Kltsel man, Douglas 8347. CARPENTER wants work; will do small jods; reliable workman; lowest wages. Box X-99, Omaha Bee. YOUNG man, a hustler, experienced oi manager and direct salesman. Excellent references. Box L-128, Omaha Bee. YOUNG man, high school grad,, general office knowledge, experienced advertia lng, references, L-148, Omaha Bee. YOUNG MAN. single, three years' expe rience, wishes stenograpnic position in city. References. Kenwood 3334. YOUNG man (19) desires position multigraph operator. Thoroughly ex perienced. Box 127. Omaha nee. CAN you use some one to look after copy preparation, proof-reading, publicity, teamwork? X-105, Omaha Bee. DISH WASHER wants Job. Can also drive a Dodge or Ford. Colored. Call Webster 1873, Leonard Smith. EX-CONVICT wants to go straight; 8 years office experience; will do any thing. Box X-106, Omaha Bee. A DRAFTSMAN (architectural) 8 years experience, work on boards, or will take anything. L-163,' Omaha Bee. BAKER of proven ability on bread and high grade pastries wants good place. F. Elliott, Windsor Hotel. COLLEGE Student wants evening work from 6 p. m. to 12 p. m. Best or references. Walnut 3532. WANTED Job in pool hall by experi enced man; will give any kind of ret. Box 172, Omaha Bee. WANTED Position as experienced truck driver, any make, beat of references. Call Atlantic 3348. WANTED A position as fireman and Janitor; can give good references. Box L-168. Omaha Bee. EXPERIENCED electrician wants work. Will do any kind of work. .References. L 166, Omaha Bee. COOK and waiter wants situation, out of town preferred. Address ti. a.., box X-103, Omaha Bee. GROCERY CLERK wants steady employ ment. Young man. Writ IV Harmony 8t., Council Bluffs. YOUNG man desires position as book keeper or office cleric in rename nrm. L-132, Omaha Bee. YOUNG man desires position as chauffeur or In garage, familiar with all makes 01 cars. Jackson 0620. YOUNG man, can prove good reputation. wants to carry man lor company, ij-uv. Omaha Bee. ' WANTED Position aa billing office or ledger clerk, experienced. Harney 7U3f. GROCERY clerk and salesman wants "position, 15 years experience, wa iij. HAVE Ford ton truck. Ing Job for the winter. Would like haul Walnut 6008. PORTER, bus boy or houseman wanta Job. Ex-service man. Web. 6004. PORTER Job wanted by young colored ex service man. Phone Harney 667 tor references. MAN with team wants ash and rubbish hauling. Webster 70Z5. MARRIED man wants work all or part time. Morning preferred. L-14. Omaha ee. POSITION as Janitor or night watchman. Telephone evenings. Council Bluffs 621C GROCERY clerk wanta position; married. Beet of reference Call Atlantic 3348. EXPERIENCED elevator man wanta work. Call Atlantic 4240. Fred Cass. HELP WANTED MALE. Salesmen and Solicitors. Solicitors, Canvassers, Salesmen Big Money Special big Xmas proposition, Tak orders for new toy bat that will seU In every home. Ilk hot cakes; make $1 or $50 dally; Sells Itself on ft tntnut demon stration. Call at once. Argus Enterprises, 421 South Fifteenth Street, Omaha. MEN ar making big money quick sell ing Barry combination hand and shop Vise bags. Barry, Crartaey Bldg. V. . PaUal 0IBc Register, J - i THtRE tCOEtj THE DOOR. CELL-I WUZ. LUCKY TO HEAR IT WANTED SITUATIONS. Male. A No. 1 salesman with car wants posi tion; first-class references. A. R. Kitsel man. 1810 Chicago. Doug. 8347. ELEVATOR man wants Job or clerk in hotel, or as collector, L-170, Omaha uee. WANTED Any kind of light work by an elderly man. Address L-141, Omaha Hee, MAN desires Job doing any kind of work. Capable. L-167, Omaha Bee. TEAMSTER deslrea Job. Capable. Dodge. Tex Richardson. LAUNDRY work wanted or piece Job. Friono Doug. 5465. Female. STENOGRAPHIC and clerical position by w!l educated young woman with expe rience. Any office work considered. Box A-s, omana Bee. WANTED, situation as housekeeper, by widow who Is competent, good cook and housekeeper. State wages paid. Jt-88, Bee. STENOGRAPHER, 5 years experience In many lines; can handle own corre spondence; can furnish good refer ences. Harney 6936, EXCELLENT steno., 15 yrs. experience, college graduate; thoroughly qualified; best references. L-174, Omaha Bee. EXPERIENCED young woman will care for rooming house for rooms and small wages. neierences. Atlantic ovois. STENO. wants position. Some bookkeep ing exp. Refined, dependable. Can you use a worker? L-162, Omaha Bee. CLERICAL position wanted by beginner In office, answering phones. Reason able salary. Call Harney 6691. REFINED, neat, capable woman wishes demonstration, or will accept other work. References. X-102, Omaha Bee. REFINED woman with housekeeping ex perience wants management of rooming house. L-153, Omaha Bee. LADY, refined, American, wants position as housekeeper where she will have full charge. L-171, Omaha Bee. THOROUGHLY capable stenographer de sires employment afternoons only. . X 106, Omaha Bee. YOUNG woman with Ford desires position where she can use car. Expert tupist. L 131, Omaha Bee. MRS. MARY PETERSON wishes position as housekeeper; 2 children. 2401 N fit. Market 0737. WILL do typing or keep small set of books during spare time. Box L-160, Omaha Bee. NEAT, clean, Industrious young lady de sires position as maid. Webster 443$. YOUNG girl wishes position as typist. Will do work at home or at office. I. -152. WANTED A place as chamber maid four or five hours a day. WE. 1363. TYPING, addressing, circular work, home. Web. 2014. Male and Female. YOUNG married couple wishes permanent Job on farm by month. Writ Box X-93, Omaha Bee. Laundry and Day Work. EXP. laundress; want day work, washing. Ironing, cleaning; also bundle washing called for and delivered. WE. 1936. LAUNDRY and house cleaning by an experienced colored lady. WE. 6931, Call In the evening. HOTEL maid, experienced, wants posi tion in small hotel. Phone WE 6467, WET wash, rough dry, finished bundles. Curtains and blankets. WE. 4283. EXPERIENCED laundress. Curtains called for and delivered. AT. 4388. WANTED Bundle washing of on or two families. Phone Webster 3105. WANTED Laundry work. Phone Web ster 3086. Mrs. Cunningham. BUNDLE washing called for and deliv ered. Phone Webster 0226. EXPERIENCED lady wishes laundry work. Call Webster $531. WANTED Bundle washing. Ironing, hour or aay wora. weo. iss. BUNDLE washing neatly done or day work. Webster 0267. IRONING and cleaning work, experlenceo. Phone Webster 6467. FIRST-CLASS laundress with references. Webster 3973. EXPERIENCED laundresl Webster 4778. wants work. Miscellaneous. EXPERIENCED woman wants laundry or Ironing in exchange for basement room. Good ret Web. 6880. ' ELDERLY woman seeks car of children. All day or evening. Walnut 1493. Mrs. Cutler, 1316 No. 45th. WANTED Cooking or housekeeping on farm, steady and experienced. 2002 Web ster St., AT. 6879. CHAUFFEUR California ot Omaha Bee. wants to drive car to southern states. L-173, PRACTICAL nurse wishes engagements. Excellent references. Market 3504. HELP WANTED MALE. Salesmen and Solicitors. $20 AND more per day or evening made selling auto apotlites. Distributors, dealers, agents wanted everywhere. Federal Foundry Supply Co., Cleve land, O. MEN with musical talent travel witn aatesmen operate musical exhaust whistle auto demonstrating. L-145. Omaha Bee. Agents and Canvassers. AGENTS wanted to sell ths Gaa Mask raincoat, direct to th wearer. A fortune for some man. Will send asm pie coat on receipt ot $4 and postage. Act Quick. Henry, 4(16 S. Oakley Ave, Chicago. 11 L The For Sale Want Ads will help ou solve the buying problem. i n i a ,T",- v ) SEE J1CC3 AND MACC1C IN FULL TACC Or COLORS IN THE SUNDAY BEE MOT WELL AT WELL? UIVC UP 3TAIRt MSD JOiT VAtiT TO TELL TOO I'M COltSi TO COMPUAJN TO THE mm OWNER OFTM ? .in. . ... . - MNCtlNCi 121 ar Int t Ff ATunc tisvici. Inc. help Wanted male. Hotels and Restaurant. CHEF for cafeteria feedlna 700. Slat experience. Small Investment desired. Address Box X-109, Omaha Bee. Miscellaneous. ANY Intelligent person, either aex, may earn 1100 to 3:00 mommy correspond Ins for newspapers: 86 to 816 per col umn; sll or spare time; experience un necessary; no canvassing. Send for par ticulars. National Press Bureau, Buf falo, N. Y. EXPERIENCED man to Install metal weather strips. V. H. Turney A Co., 703 po. zr ct. Atlantic evar. MAN. handy with tools, to work In screen shop; bang and fit storm sashes. Bee, Box L-167. WANTED Elderly white man to help In soft drink parlor, 1314 N. 14th St., omana. WANTED Elderly man used to work, 2113 South Fourth St. dairy WANTED A man to help In garden at 3427 So. 13th St. PLUMBER'S helpers, Webster 8485. experienced. Call HELP WANTED FEMALE. Saleswomen and Solicitors. LADIES are making big money quick selling Harry combination hand and shopping bag. It's new. Barry, Courtney Bldg. LADIES in every town to introduce ar ticle Indispensable to ladles. Good ' proposition. Dr, A. F. Wlckersham, Des Moines, la. Household and Domestic WANTED Experienced white girl for general housework; four in family; two adults and two boys, aged 7 and 9. Telephone Walnut 6228. WANTED Exp. maid for general house ..work In small apartment; one who can go home nignts. Harney 1891. GIRL for general housework. Family of 8. oood home for responsible girl. 112 North 38th Ave. Harney 2632. Miscellaneous 82.50 PER DAY paid one lady In each town to distribute free circulars for Economy Non-Alcohollc flavoring. Per manent position. F. E, Barr Co., Chi cago. WANTED A housekeeper by bachelor farmer. Three to five adults In family. L-145, Omaha Bee. . HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTED Assistant cashier, experienced posting machine operator, man or wom an. Colorado Country bank, Chalkley A, Wilson, Akron, Colo. WANTED Men, ladles and boys to learn barber trade; big demand; wages while learning; strictly modern. Call or writ 1403 Dodge 8t Trl-Clty Barber College. FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. GET YOUR ROOM through The Bee furnished room di rectory. Call at office for Hat of choice desirable rooms In all parts of the city, A service that benefits both advertiser and room seeker. TWO nicely furnished rooms In steam heated modern apartment; walking dis tance. 221 N. 24th, Apt. 6. At. 1835. DUNDEE FOR GENTLEMEN; NICELY FURNISHED ROOM IN NEW HOME; REF. REQ. WALNUT 0609. FURNISHED rooms with cut rates. 7994. Dg. LARGE front room, 1 or 2 gentlemen preferred. 2961 Pacific. Harney 1690. NICE warm front rm. $3.50 week. Bath, phone. lll4 Sherwood Ave. Web. 6101. NICE front room, mahogany furnished, In modern home. Close in. 2886 Webster. Furn. room. Mod. Reas. Webster 2415. 2822 Farnam. Good room, electricity, gas. Housekeeping Rooms. TWENTY-FIFTH GT 819 8. Nice clean steam heated housekeeping rms, close In. MODERN light housekeeping rooms; 121 so. 31st ave., Har. 3718. HOUSEKEEPING rms.; reas.; Doug. 7886. Board and Rooms. WEBSTER C165 Nice room for 2 girls or couple employed. Modern home. Breakfast and dinner and laundry, $8.50. BEAUTIFUL front room, with board, for married couple or two young men. On Dundee car line. Wal. 1244. FOUR girls or 4 gentlemen In private moderate home, board; $8. walnut mtv, LOVELY front rm., prlv. mod. home, board, 1 child acceptable. WA. 1860. LOVELY room for 2, with board. WaL 1244. Unfurnished Rooms. FIVE rooms, first floor, strictly modern, and two rooms with kitchen privilege. 8416 N. 24th. FOR RENT HOUSES. Furnished. FIVE-ROOM, - strictly modern bungalow, furnished, located in Leavenworth Heights on Marcy near 43d. Rental $65. D. V. SHOLES CO., JA. 0046. 91S City Nat. Bk. 6-ROOM furnished bouse with garage; reasonable to respon. partiea. Web. 1656. Unfurnished. LARGE comfortable apartment in amall apartment building, best Kountze park neighborhood, close to car and boule vard. 4 fine rooms; one-car garage. $80 per month Includes heat, light, garage, water, gaa and phone. Call D. 7716 during business hours. BEAUTIFUL apartment In Clarlnda, 31st and Farnam. including 7 large rooms, 2 baths; also heated garage. Will sublet completely furnished. Including linens, silver, etc., to Oct. 1, 1922, or might lease unfurnished. Call Doug. 7715 dur ing office hours. SIX rooms, modern except heat, newly papered; 612 so. 17th Ave. A. P. TUKEY & SON. (20 First Nat'l Bank. . Jackson 4223. Evenings, Peterson, Douglas 0170. NICE 6-room all modern house, paved street, close to school and car, at 4358 Hamilton St. $80 per mo. Phone Doug. 7714 during office hours. 4181 WAKELY ST. New 6-room stucco bungalow. Strictly modern. Unusual value at $65 per month. Phone Jack son 2443. 8-nOOM, modern house, 2548 Davenport St.,-newly painted and decorated ; now $45. J. W. Robblns. Jackson 0(29. FIVE-ROOM modern brick bungalow. $50, 1414 Sherwood Ave. Web. 8101. FIVE-ROOM modern bungalow. 351a Ka 69th St. FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS. Furnished. COMPLETELY furnished t-roora apt.. private bath, steam heat, walking dia ' tance. Brown Apta, 508 No. 21st St. Douglas 5(44. Unfurnished. Peters Trust Company, WHERE OMAHA RENTS. FOR RENT Business Property. TO LET 1.0 FEET TRACKAGE AND WHOLES ALB rRurfcKi 1 r.o n u nut i TRACKAGE. W. FARNAM SMITH A CO.. : FARNAM. JACKSON 584. MERCANTILE STORAGE AND WARI HOUSB Ctt, 11th sad Jones St. ALL," I I WAIT UNTIL I CET NY HAT Ah ILL CO WITH YOO - JVllL n.. MM. -''vi FOR RENT Butineii Property, SBB F D WE A D tit HO 16TH ST DESK apace. 40"l'axlon Uldg., JA. 141 MOVINQ AND STORAGE. FIDELITY VVft CO STORAGE MOVINO. PACKING HOUSEHOLD OOODS AND PIANOS. REASONABLE- RATES. REDUCED FREIGHT RATES TO ALL PRINCIPAL CITIES. 1107-11 Howard St. Jackson 0i8t METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO Ownsd by R rt Bowen Co Atlantto 1400. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for .household goods and pianos, moving, packing an shinning. JEKTNS OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE. sns noutn iota. Douglas 4183, ESTIMATES furnished on aterase At mov Ing. Contracts tsksn by Job or hr. Glob van at morage Co., J A. 4111. AT. 0330, 20-14 North 16th St. LIVE STOCK. FOR SALE Pigs. 3660 Ida St, Kenwood 1608. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. WHEAT scrsenlngi, 31.26 per 100 lbs. de. uverea. wagner, 801 n. 16th Ht. J. 1142, HAHTZ mountnln canaries: guaranteed singers, box ko. j, jstnel, Mo. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. USED CAR . BARGAIN'! Fords, Dodge, Nash, Bulck, and other models. Cash, time or trade. flew rorus at a aiscount. True, caDs, ooaies, ana winter tope, GOLD8TROM AUTO SALES CO. 1318 Harney St Tel. Jackaon 2468, Central Garage, open day and night, SOMfc bargains in used Fords: nromnt ueuverjr on new roras. M'CAFFREY MOTOR CO., The Handy Ford Service Station. 16th and Jackson Sts. DO. 3600. Garages we build are attractive. permanent. low priced. jucKien i.umDer & wrecking Jo. wen, 6556. 24th and Burdette S,s. A RE-NEW-ED Harmon 34, Is a better buy at Its price than a new car at the same price. H. jl'eiton, zoi 9 rarnam, USED radiators, all makes for sale. Green ough Radiator Repair. 2039 Farnam. USED cars bought, sold and exchanged. TRAWVER AUTO CO.. 2210 Farnam St. WHITELY RENTS GUNS ELECTRIC car and charging plant for sale, 1226 cash. Call Doug. 7256. HOLLY, expert auto trimmer. 812 S. 24th. Autos for Hire. WHY not rent a one-ton truck and drlv It yourself to do your moving and naui nig? It will savs you one-hull your moving Din. Drive It Yourself Co., 1314 Howard St. Doug. 3362. Accessories. WHY buy cheap new tires when you csn get th beat factory adjusted tires at bargain prices. Fabrics and cords, all sizes, 83 up. FLEISHMANS TIRE) SERVICE, Servlcs Garage. 16th and Leavenworth. FARM LANDS. Minnesota Lands. EQUITY Land Exchange. St. Paul, Minn FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loans. WE have cash on band to loan on Omaha residences. B. H. LOUOEE, INC., 638 Keellno Bldg. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1018 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Jackson 2715. 1100 to 810.000 made D romDtly. F. D. WEAD, Wead Bldg., 310 8. 18th St. Miscellaneous. HAVE a well secured second mortgage of $1,700, bearing 7.2 per cent Interest, that I will sell at a big discount- for cash. Box X-84, Omaha Bee. REAL ESTATE WANTED. To buy or sell Omaha Real Estate see FOWLER & M'DONALD 1120 City Nat Bk. Bldg. Jackson 1428. CONSULT us If you contemplate building, or wish to buy or sell Omaha real estate. C. B. BTUHT CO City Nat Bank Bldg. DO. 8787. GRUENIGfR0rq'J,cSar.VuVlu " 1418 1st. Natl. Bk. Bldg. Jackson 1968. FOR real estate, Insurance, rentals, see P. J. TEBBENS COMPANY. 605 Omaha Nat'l Bank. Jackson 218!. PTPTl7T"r RE AL ESTATE. liiivuui jl gens. Rents. Insures. 850 Peters Trust Bldg. Jackson 0831 WTT.T. huv n irond Income Investment, either apartment house, flats or retail stores. Box x-108, omana isee. FOR quick sale list your lot with FIKE & PRICE, Jackson 2419. 819 City Nat'l Bank, HAVE inquiries for homes do you want to sell your property? List It with C A. Orlmmel. Omaba Nat'l Bk. Bldg. LIST your property, vacant or improved. D. V. SHOLES COMPANY. 915 City Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Jackson 0048. PROMPT sales ot your real estate; ws havs many buyers and solicit your busi ness Bhopen Co., fteaitors. J A. szas LIST YOUR BUNGALOW WITH US. H. S. MANVILLE, Realtor Atlantic 2403. 515 Peters Trust Bldg. TO buy or sell real eatate see Glover A Spain, 918-20 city national Dsns, Jackson zst-u. N. P. DODGE CO., quick sales. DO 0829. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. Clear 8-Room Home On 18th St., near' Spencer (business cltsL), future Insured: will exchange on 10 or 15 acres Elkhorn, Valley or Waterloo. Call AT. 3360. Browne & Tracy 543 Securities Bldg. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. u Dundee. JUST VACATED. Offer wanted on compact, south, front. 7 -room residence; nearly new; large, sunny rooms, fireplace, sun room, Ruud heater, double garage, etc.; close to car and school. Price $11,000, terms or cash. Call Harney 0222, Mr. Schroed er evenings. Jackson 8241 days. 4865 BURT ST. Flvs rooma, strictly modern, paved street, tiled bath, stucco. E. R. Carse, Douglas 7418 days. Florence Nethaway. Flor. prop, no colored. KE. 1409 REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West. 713 No. 30th All things considered. w think this on of th best bays In the city. 4-reon tnAderm home, white enamel finish, close to car, school, cnuron sna in waiams distsnce. For pii- and terms call Mr. , N Best I Gestring Douglas $11$. (01 Securities Bldg. j '''' aP' I Drawn for The Bee by McM&nut Copyright, I HI, lotsrnational Nw. Servlea- REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. Wen - Six Rooms Garage Cathedral District Only $4,000 Located 1 at 4340 Chicago street on south front corner lot. House only flvs years old. Has in re. rooms on nrst floor and three bedrooms and balh on second floor. Oak floors throughout. Oak finish downstairs., Largs sleeping porch upstairs with enclosed porch un derneath. Floored attic. Full cement basement. Oood fifrnace and plumbing fixtures, garage. House In need of dec orating but Is a decided bargain at ths price ssked. Must have one-half cash. Call for Mr. Reed. Hastings & Heyden 1614 Harney Ht. Atlantic 0050. SIX ROOMS AND OARAGE. JUST NORTH OF COUNTRY CLUB Lot 60x128; three room and recep tion hall, first floor; three bedrooms and bath second floor; oak floors, built in bookcaaes, full cement basement: fine shade and fruit. Thla Is a dandy horn and priced right at $5,000 $1,260 cash. Call Mr. Campbell, WE 0229. R. D. CLARK. Realtors, Atlantlo 3531. 402-3 Securities Bldg. II EST offer made buys 4177 Wskeley Ave., fin 7-roora bungalow, Cathedral district. Crelgh, 80$ Bee, J A. 638. J B. ROBINSON, real estate and Invest ment, 642 Peters Trust. DO. 8097. D. E. BUCK A CO. buy and sell homes. North. New Colonial Bungalow, $2,750 $250 Cash West of Miller Park Just being completed, a lovely four room bung-alow. Has large living- room, kitchen with bullt-tn cabineu, break fast room, two dandy bedrooma, all flnlfthed in hard wood, oak floors. La r ire basement electric fixtures, good well, large lot, close to school and stores and In a pood neighborhood. The Byron Reed Company i;ougiaa 0Z97. 1613 rarnam u Miller Park Bungalow, $1,000 Down 6-room strictly modern bungalow t rooms and bath on first floor finished In oak, built in beamed ceilings In liv ing room and dining room, built In bookcases and buffet and combination bedroom and sunroom; full cemented basement; one dandy large room fin ished on second floor; dand lot on Saved street, paving paid. Close to Car, llllex park and Miller Park school. Payne Investment Co. 637 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. DO. 1780. 20TH AND MIAMI. Seven-room, strictly modern, 2-etory home; oak finish; 4 bedrooms and bath upstairs; full cement ' basement: large lot, south front, paved atreet; garage. Price, $5,750 $1,000 cash. Call Mr. Rice at RASP BROS.. 212. Keellno Bldg. Atlantlo 0721. BRAND NEW BUNGALOW. $500 DOWN AND $35 PER MONTH. Four large rooms and bath, choice oak floors, white enamel kitchen and bath, full basement, floor drain, furnace, 3 blocks to Harney car; price only $4,000 a real buy get busy. OSBORNE REALTY CO., 630 Peters Trust Bldg. Jackson 2282. DANDY ACRE HOME. Five-room cottage with electrlo light" and water: good basement; garage, chicken house, fruit trees, south front, facing the new Florence Field Addition, for only $4,000; hair cash. OSBORNE REALTY COMPANY 530 Peters Trust Bldg . Jackson 2282. 3500 DOWN. 835 MONTHLY Buys dandy six-room, strictly modern home, large lot, two blocks from 36th ana Ames, rnce, 93,0110. uau . sen son 2282. NEW TWO story 6-room modern home. oak floors and finish; fireplace and other built In features. Easy terms. At. 3623. ROOM home, near car and school; good neighborhood near Miller Park; only $3,200, terms. Walnut 6704. KAR 27th and Ellison, new. all modern. 6-room bungalow; complete. $4,750. Easy terms. Atlantic 7640. FIVE-ROOM bungalow 2 years old; gar age, win make price and terms right. At. 3623. South. FOR COLORED t hve a number of 6 and 6-room houses. Can sell on easy terms, $160 to 1260 cash. A. J. DAVIS, , 2820 North 2Cth. - Web. 0838. SOUTH 30th St., 3018 6-room practi cally now bungalow, $4,300. At. 3623. 6-ROOM modern cottage with garage, near Spring Lake Park. Market 1581. Vacant. DUNDEE LOTS. $2,250 East front, close to car. $3,376 Corner, 81x135. $6,000 Double corner. Fifty-second and Farnam. ALFRED THOMAS Sc SON CO. J A. 0064. HAVE a few sightly lota in Ralston which I will sell for real small pay ment down, and the balance easy monthly payments: $200 up. Phone or see Stewart. Phone Ralston 10-W. BUILDING lot. 47x158 ft., ahade trees, near good school: reasonable. DO. 8184. Miscellaneous. A REAL SACRIFICE FIVE-ROOM strictly modem except water, bungalow, all on one floor; liv ing room, dining room, 2 bedrooms, kitchen, nice bathroom; full cemented basement, furnace heat, goot attic. Two nice lota, garage, cistern, cave, all kinds of fruit. This Is a real bargain If you have aome cash. Price $3,150 $2,250 cash. Payne Investment Co., $37 Omaha Natl. Bank Bldg. D. 1780. THE Old Reliable Real Eatat Office. M'CAGUE INVESTMENT CO.. 1506 Dodg St. Douglas t3t. oao lonononoaoaoi Cheaper Than Rent $30.00 per Mo. O You can 1uy this 4-room, anew, completely modern m a nnrtrt CI Dungaiow, si zoza rew ard, on these terms by paying down a few hun dred dollars cash then $30 per month. Cathedral District Dandy 6room, strictly modern bungalow at 4177 Wakeley Ave. Owner leaving city. Price cut to make a quick sale. o Creigh, Sons & Co. o E lavished 1868. 8000000 00000000000003030 Butter Makers to Meet in Chicago Association Has for PurpohO. JncrcurSfd Production of Products. Chicago, Nov. 7. Huttcr nulrH will meet here tomorrow for the iv nual convention of the America! Association of Creamery Ihttlfl Manufacturers. The association wai organized in 1908 to increase pro duction of dairy products and im prove the quality of the manufac tured product. It members extenc from the Atlantic to the Tacific, anc they manufacture more than a third of the creamery butter produced in the United iate. Speaker include Senator Hitch cock of Nebraska and Dr. U. W. Hammer of Iowa State College of Agriculture. , Regarding activities of the asso ciation, Secretary McKay said: 'During the past year a tliorougii investigation of the losses of fat in buttermilk their causes and pre ventionhas been made. "The association has lent its strongest support to fair standards and for dairy products and to pro gressive legislation and rulings. "The association has a modern, up-to-date laboratory, where samples of buttermilk, water, condensed milk, standard solutions, or any other ma terial are constantly analyzed for our members." Agreement on Budget Victory for Got-emor Lincoln Reports Say Lincoln, Nov. 7. (Special.) Ap parently authentic reports circulated today on the contents cf the agree ment between Governor McKelvie and the university regents seem to spell a victory for the governor. Under the reported agreement the regents admit the governor has the authority they questioned to act in an administrative manner in han dling the quarterly estimates of the university. The regent9 claimed at the start that the governor had no right to act other than in a clerical way when the estimates were pre sented him. , Furthermore, the regents admit that Governor McKelvie has a right to withhold 10 per cent each quar ter as a reserve fund. If at the end of the quarter the regents can show that they really need the money, which has been withheld, they have a right to use it under the reported agreement. A stipulation of the agreement will be filed in the supreme court to morrow. Municipal Coal Yard Injunction Refused 'Lincoln, Nov. ... 7. (Specials Fifteen privately-owned coal firms ' filed a petition for an-injunction in the Lancaster county district court against "Brother Charley" Bryan's municipal coal yard, reported to be i doing a "land office". business since it opened early in the fall. Judge William Morning refused to grant a temporary injunction, saying that he favors the enterprise and wishes to see it succeed. A hearing on the application for a per manent injunction will be held later. The coal dealers in their petition declared the municipal plant vio lated the federal and state consti tutions and admitted that it wah hit ting their business to a considerable extent. Delay in Mails May Cost Fremont Officials $3,400 Fremont, Neb., Nov. 7. (Special.) A delay in the mails may cost County Judge Waldo Wintersteen and Clerk of the District Court P. T. Mitterling $3,400. Last August they mailed a check for that amount to the heir of an estate in Los Ange les. The envelope was marked for a five-day return. For some reason the letter and check for $3,400 laid in the Los Angeles postoffice for 62 days. The check finally was returned to the senders in tremont, reaching here on October 28. They immedi ately mailed another check for the same amount on that day. Before the check had time to arrive at its destination this time the First Na tional bank, upon which the money order was drawn, closed its doors. Two Sets of Triplets Born ' In Fremont Last Week Fremont, Neb., Nov. 7. (Special.) Although there were only four sets of triplets born in the entire state of Nebraska last year, two such events graced Fremont's record for last week. The first set was born to Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Porter. Despite the fact that the three were, physically periect in every way, tne first two died shortly after birth and the third died the next day. The mother is recovering rapidly. The second set of triplets of the week were born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Carsh. As in the first case, all were boys. Two of these died four hours after birth. The third infant survives and will live, according to the physi cians. Mrs. Carsh is recuperating. Fremont Hardware Company Buys Business Property Fremont, Neb., Nov. 7. (Special.) The Courtright Hardware com pany has completed the purchase of the H. Gus Gumpert property in this ' city, which is considered the biggest real estate deal in Fremont in many years. The consideration is withheld but the adjoining building sold dur ing the war for $55,000. The hard ware company will enter its new home next May. Real Estate Transfers Cell Miller to Hyman H. Miller. 19th St.. 231 ft. N. of Clark St.. K S, 33x140 $ Maude Doan Hasen and husband to Emit Kavalec, J4(h St 223 ft. N. of Woolworth Ave., US. 75x1 J J 1 Emll Holmstrom and wife to Jlahl O. Fltzeerald. 45th Ave.. 1S ft, N. of Miami St.. W 8. $1x125.. 1.5:$ Zelda Will-am to Maud 8. Din- uuo. 5tb St.. 5 ft. 8. ot Izard 8L, S 8, 50x11 ................ .! ti whli whli mud ftel Of, tTnlt tor amou Engl credl of tl condi -whol tori 1 quali bulls,. vealel heav feedel ers, Hoi tive. bulk mixed $7.35 out $7.76 Sha) stead; 1o $8.65, St. 4.000 $4 60 9 J.00 Host r: tot Sbei S5o h 0 4.: yr-lp4 I-iocs, -