8 THE BEE: OMAHA. MONDAY. NOVEMBER 7. 1921. Jack and Jill "I think Jimmlg Cray it the wont mollycoddle I ever tw," marled Jack that evening, at they were liniihlnc dinner. He wu drawing icveral lample of woolen suiting from hit pocket and surveying- them with tr wie look. "Why. Jack you wretched old knocker," retorted Jill-irt. "Ile'i the nictst man to hit family, and a good neighbor of oun. And he can beat vou at tennis any day in the veekf "Oh, he'i nice enough, Jill, but to day when I ordered a new suit at my tailor' place, where he intro duced me. "what do you think: ' "I don't know for I ve never been at vour tailor's I" That'i juat it Hi wife ha, though. There ihe was picking out the cloth and bossing the tailor, Dm you ver hear anything so disgust- in: ,' Jill sniffed and after a moment a pensiveness she answered: "Well, you took me down to a friend of yours in the wholesale business and helped choose my fur coat." "Oh, but that was, to get a dis count. I wasn't bossy." "You were, tool You made him show me 11 coats before you were satisfied I" ' : ,. . . "That was to get one that suited you, dear. You say you dress to please me, and I did get a bargain that was a jim-dandy, didn't I?" "Yes, dear. I'll have to agree to that," and Jill was very demure. "By the way, what kind of cloth did you choose?" ' , . Jack held up the sample. . Jill took one disgusted look at it. "Why, Jack, it will make you look like a jockey or a retired bartender. Let's see the others." , Jack scowled . and. gave her the lot. ,' Jill rubbed them, along her little nose and sniffed at them. "There's not a single piece here that is genuine wool. This tailor is a profiteer and is selling you a lot of shoddy. Jack. I'd like to tell him what I think of him. Can't you tell wool from cotton and rag-cloth?" Jack was abashed. "Well, I trusted him, and he told me it was a bargain." "You dear old simple goose," said Jill, adown her nose.. "He does cut well, but I haven't liked a single suit you've had lately. They look so cheap compared with the other men around our neighborhood." "I pay just as much or morel" answered Jack. "I must be well dressed for my office." He looked at the ctoth samples again. They looked like waste rags to him now, but he said nothing more about them. Next : morning at breakfast Jack drew out his samples again. "Don't, you think a single one is wool, dear?" he asked plaintively. "Nor And ,you ought to be ashamed to be so ignorant." "I'll tell you what, then, dear. You get your hat and coat and run down with me the first tfcing to that tailor you're a woman and can tell wool from cotton. I must have a good suit this'time." -. Jill agreed and Jack could not see the smile which the mirror saw. It took Jill just 10 minutes to sift the wool from the shoddy, and to have. Jack change his order. As they started out. Jill looked at him with a little wicked dimple in each cheek.' ' "Are two hf ads better than one?' the asked. ' "No, yur is, better than two. I spent an hour there yesterdayP 'ADVERTISEMENT. HI KIDNEYS BOTHER Take a glass of Salts if your Back hurts or Bladder troubles you. ' No man or woman who eats meat regularly - can niake a mistake by flushing the kidneys occasionally, says a well-known, authority. Meat forms uric acid which excites the kidneys, they become . overworked from the strain, get sluggish and fail to filter the waste and poisons from the blood, then we get sick. Nearly all rheumatism, headaches, liver trouble,, nervousness, dizziness, sleeplessness and urinary disorders come from sluggish kidneys. The moment you feel a dull ache in the kidneys or your back hurts or if the urine is cloudy, offensive, full of sediment, irregular of passage or attended by sensation of scalding, stop eating meat and get about four ounces of Jad Salts from any phar macy; take a tablespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast and in a few days your kidneys will act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, com- ( 1 ... I ' . L 1 I.-- ..CAI QUIT MEAT WHEN for generations to flush and stimu late the kidneys, also to neutralize the acids in urine so it no longer causes irritation, thus ending bladder weakness.- , " Jad Saltg ii inexpensive and can- 1 not injure; makes a delightful effer vescent lithia . water drink . which " everyone - should take now and then to keep the kidneys clean and active .. and the blood pure, thereby avoiding serious kidney complications.' ADYFJtTISKMRVr. SISTERS OF CHARITY THE VALUE OF FATHER JOHN'S MEDICINE 1 Sisters In Charge of Children's Home "Have Used It With Great Success for : At the Children's Home in Xew buryport, Mass., there are an average of sixty children under the loving carsj of the Sisters of Charity. In a recent signed statement the " Sister in charge said:- 'We cheer fully endorse Father John's Medicine because- in oar Home it has become ' indispensable. We use it, not only for coughs and colds, but also as a , builder. We tell our friends that we . would not be without it We have . used it with great success and find it ; to have no equal at a builder. (Signed) The Home for Destiture Children, Sisters of Charity, Xew ... nuryport; Mass. la a great many institutions ef a "And yoq don't blame poor Jim niie Cray?" Jack reddened as he suddenly re. membered his speech of last night. "No, not exactly," lie said slowly. Then he caught her tightly as he took her toward the subway en trance to send her uptown. (I'opyught, ltd, Tiiomp.oa Feature Dart mat. Where It Started Smoking. The practice of smoking long an tedated the introduction of tobacco in Europe. The dried leaves of colts foot was a favorite smoke in England before Sir Walter Raleigh brought to bacco from America: smokinir- Dines of bronze'have been found in ancient tombs in Ireland; and a pipe was discovered in the wall of an old Greek building in Constantinople, which waa estimated to date from 500 A. D. (Copyright, 1IJI. Br Tha Wheeler lya- diaalo. Inc.) ADVKBTIMEMENT. FEW FOLKS HAVE GRAYJAIR NOW Druggist Says Ladies. Are Using Recipe of Sage Tea and Sulphur. . Hair that loses its color and lustre. or when it fades or turns gray, dull and lifeless is caused by a lack of sulphur in the hair. Our grand mother made up a mixture of Saie Tea and Sulphur to keep her locks dark and beautiful and thousands of men and women who value that even color, that beautiful dark shade of hair which is so attractive, use only mis piu-time recipe. .... Nowadays we get this fambut mixture improved by the addition of other ingredients by asking at any drug store for a bottle, of "Wyeth's sage . ana, sulphur Compound, which darkens the hair so naturally, so evenly, that nobody can possibly tell it has been applied. You . just dampen a sponge or soft brush with it and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time. By morning the gray hair . disap pears; but what delights the ladies with Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound is that, besides beautr fully darkening the hair after a few applications, it also brings back the gloss and lustre and gives it an ap pearance of abundance. Zemo Heals Skin Trouble Without Staining Clothei No matter how often you have tried and failed, you can atop burn ing, itching Eczema with cooling Zemo. Zemo is a clean, antiseptic liquid treatment for all akin irritations. Clears up rashes and Tetter, does away with pimples and blackheads. All Druggists'. FOR SKIN IRRITATION When Your Complexion Begins To Fade Vou Can Bring Bach That Tint of Youth When tout complexion begins to fad, because of age or neglect, tr.ii aimrJehome! treatment will delight you-and it require but a few minute each day. Wuh the Face, hand, neck or amu with warm water arid Black and White Soap. Lightly apply Beauty Bleach. Allow it to remain overnight. Next morning again cleanse the akin with warm water and soap. Should you exrierien me feut irri tation, uk juit a little toothing Black and. White Cleansing Cream. Black and White Beauty Bleach, the Skin Beautifier, tells for 50c; Black and White Soap 25c, and Black and White Cleansing Cream 25c and 50c the package, AH drug and department stores seD and guarantee these and other Black and Whit Toilet Preparations. Send for a copy of your Birthday and Dream Book and leaf let which tells you about the merits and uses of these high quality toilet requisites; Address Dept. A, Plough, Memphis, Tern. BRONCHITIS , At bedtime rub the throat ana . chest thoroughly with 0KS Valo Rub Owr7 MUIton Jan UmiYtnk Cuticura Soap The Velvet Touch For the Skin Sp,OfftrtaMst.TalcmK.Se.evryweer. Poreameles sMrasa: CrUctxft LartarlM,rjrt. X. sjslssa. Baas. ADVERTISEM KXT. HAVE PROVEN Coughs and Colds. similar character throughout . the country, Father John's Medicine, is what the nurses in charge depend upon to keep the children well and strong. They know that it is en tirely safe because it is free front alcohol and dangerous drugs. . v Many similar letters of endorse ment have been received from homes, hospitals and 'institutions, and the names and copies of the letters will be sent on request. . Father John's Medicine is a doc tor's prescription, and is pure and wholesome. It has had more than sixty-five years success for colds, throat troubles and as a tonic add body builder. HP ad Say It With OURS Hess & Swoboda FLORISTS 141S Farnam St., Pax ton Hotel. OMAHA Phone DOuglas 1501 Members Florists' Telegraph Delivery Association. We deliver lowers on short notice an j where la the U. B. or Canada. 5fl3t ( Offices Display MOTOR TRUCKS mwmammmmmmm City Sale's Room 816 S. 24th St. Service Station 815 S. 25th St. TELEPHONE AT LANTIC 3332 International Harvester Company of America Branch House 714 S. 10th St., Omaha, Neb. Ford Transfer and Storage Co. 813 Douglas St., 1102 S. Main, Omaha- Council Bluffs Prompt Service Reasonable Rates mm . Omaha Lace Laundry ., EXCLUSIVE .CLEANERS ' : Curtains, Panels, Cretonnes, ' Lace and Austrian Shades 4718 Cumins; St. Tel. Walnut 1351 Ladies' Plush Sailors and Velour Hate Cleaned and Reblocked RAMSER 215 South 14th Street TRY US FOR French Paalry Fancy Cakes KUENNE'S Bakery, Delicatessen and Lunch Room -504 South 16th St. 2016 Leavenworth St. Order Your Personal Xmas Greeting Cards Now Omaha Stationery Co. 307-309 S. 17th St. Jackson 0805 ITS mm WRECKED CARS REBUILT Fender, Top. Body Work Repairing of All Kinds NIGHT AND DAY , Western Motor Car Company Farnam at Blvd. HA may 0868 Reliable Service A specialty on Auto Topi, Winter Curtain and tailored Seat Covers. Engdahl's Auto Top Co. Douglas 5677 . .1718 Cass St. 'TERMINAL WAREHOUSE OMAHA WAREHOUSE SPACE Available for Long or - - ShorhTerms " Space -Storage UN. F. ROESSIG OMAHA'S RELIABLE AUTOMOBILE PAINTER CADILLAC BUILDING 2570 Farnam St. , Harney 1445 CADILLAC A Permanent Value "Always Onward" J. H. Hansen Cadillac Co. Omaha Lincoln Bring or Send Your Dress Goods to Us for Pleating Buttons - Hemstitching Embroidering - Braiding Beading Button Holes Idea! Button & Pleating Company 300-308 Brown Bids;., 16th and Douglas Opposite Brandeia Stores Pbone Doug. 1038 Omaha 900 separate fireproof, mouse proof, dustiest rooms for furniture. Come and See for Yourself Motor Vans for Removals Bekins Omaha ' Van and Storage 80S S. 16th St. Douglas 4163 Paxton-Mitchell Co. 27ti and Martha Sts. Harney 1682 ' Manufacturers of Brass, Bronze and Aluminum Castings . Standard Size Cast Iron Bushings in Stock Closing Out THEIR ENTIRE STOCK Paints Millwork Lumber At Rock-Bottom Prices Nov Is Your Time to Get Busy . C. Haf er Lumber Co; 13 W. Broadway . Council Bluffs 1 . "Q&WAlRD SERVICE C. F. 5ALADE, in tha Rotariea. , TUSINESS men in general It always interested in the presence of the term in a merits which appear in the leading- journals. In these days almost give service to patrons. Many service. In spite of the much - public has learned through sad cannot easily be purchased in the According td Webster's Dictionary, service means "the condi tion or occupation of a servant; office; waiting at table; labor, assistance, or kindness to another." This explanation of the word is plain enough, yet it is a startling fact that many business men do interpretation. Nevertheless, the point out the errors or omissions ter of service. The intention is manufacturers, dealers and professional men are making correct use of the service ideaJ One merchant tailor, whose men, has a spacious '"moth-proof" storage department in connec tion with his establishment where the owners while they are traveling during the summer or winter. When a man leaves for the seashore or mountains in the summer, instead of storing away his' heavy suits and overcoats at home, with, the risk of the goods being while the house is closed, he sends it is inspected, repaired and is 1 Upon the customer's return tailor for the things needed,' and livered; repaired and neatly pressed, ready for wear. Another merchant tailor offers his patrons professional advice in matters of correct dress. The' for each individual are suggested. many people do not understand the correct use of colors in dress. For the convenience of customers, this tailor carries a stock of shirts, collars, belts, neckwear tion is made of the designs and signs and colors will blend nicely suits and overcoats. A shoe repairing firm of a any part of the town for the purpose of collecting shoes which are to be repaired. Deliveries are also made by motor car. An undertaker who is noted sents a beautiful floral piece to the family of the departed whose burial he has in charge. The gift is always well received. Free shoe polishing service is dealer to all who purchase footwear at his establishment. In New York is located a of a well-known mechanical device. The machines made by thia company are in operation in practically every town and city of the world. Many of the first series of than thirty years ago, are still in use, although great improvements have been made from year to year on the original model. ,. When a customer buys One manufacturer's service does not order. The manufacturers have: tion service. A force of skilled the places where the machines are devices are inspected by the mechanics for the purpose of ascer taining if all parts and attachments are working properly. De fective adjustments, are corrected. Broken parts are replaced at cost of the material and labors ;. , . This traveling inspection service costs the owners of the de vices nothing, and the service is the means of keeping the cus tomers in close and friendly touch with the manufacturers, even in cases where the customers a,re located at a long distance from the company's home office in New iYorkv In various cities of the United States and foreign countries the manufacturers referred to have branch houses where users of their machines may secure parts, supplies and new attachments for the devices at very short notice. '. '., Fire recently destroyed a plant where some thirty of the ma chines had been in operation. diately leased another building and placed an order for thirty new machines at the nearest branch office of the manufacturers. So efficient was the service had occurred several of the new another day or so the entire order like that means something to a business concern. Located in the main corridor cigar stand which is far more than its name implies. The proprietor is a young man who is making remarkable use of the service idea. Hundreds of business men, stenographers, office workers and pro fessional people are constantly passing in and out of the building, and many of them have occasion to stop at the cigar stand for the purpose of buying newspapers, pens, pencils, memorandum books and other articles in the stationery line. There is chewing eum and candies for the fair sex and fections, too. . But the cigar man to those who visit this "cathedral During a recent stormy morning a business man from one of the offices in the building hurried at the stand to buy a good cigar. "That storm caught me napping," said he to the dealer. "Came down to the office without an umbrella this morning. I want to run over to the city hall, so I'll "I have an umbrella here Which I will be 'glad to loan you," answered the dealer pleasantly. umbrellas which areJor any of the care to use them." "Well, that's what I call service, laughed the business man. "I'll borrow the umbrella and forget the taxi. Thanks 1 I will re turn it within an hour. "What brand of cigars does lawyer of the dealer one afternoon. "I am making my first visit to his office and I would like to smokes." . "Mr. Channing doesn't smoke," answered the dealer. "His specialty is chocolate buds." "Good for you! Let's have The lawyer returned to the in a happy frame of mind. "Well, we had a great laugh "Mr. Channing would have given something to learn how I knew that he liked them. Now you may wrap up a pound of them for my wife. Hereafter I shall have you in mind when-1 want candy lor the folks at home." - OlMAlH A" know that tha buying; public term "iervlce," Thia explains the large number of display advertise newspapers, magazines and trade every' business concern offers to firms go so far as to offer perfect heralded message, however, the experience that excellent service open market duty .required or performed in any not seem to understand clearly the purpose of this article is not io of business concerns in the mat rather to illustrate how certain patrons include many wealthy customers' clothing is kept for moth-eaten, or possibly stolen the clothing to the tailor's, where then put away in a safe place. home, he writes or telephones the immediately the clothes are de correct colors in fabrics suitable This is an important service, as and walking sticks. Careful selec colors of cravats so that the de with the designs and colors of ' . large city will send an auto car to for excellent funeral service pre offered by an enterprisine shoe large firm who are manufacturer the devices, manufactured more or more of these machines the cease with the installation of the what they call a traveling inspec mechanics are continually visitinsr in operation. At intervals the The unfortunate company imme that within" a day after the fire devices were installed and within had been attended to. Service of a big office building is a not a few males purchase con offers still more important service of commerce." from an elevator and stopped have to call a taxi." "In fact, I have about a dozen people in the building who may ' - Mr. Channing smoke?" asked a offer him one of his favorite . . . .. ; - - ' a half pound!" stand about an hour afterwards - ... over those buds," he exclaimed. - McKenney-Dentists I4tk and Farsam Streets JAcltson 2872 G. A. Steinheimer Co. TEINHEIMER URFACE AVING ERVICE Contracting Painters "Jarl's National Brand Solid Copper Oil Cans" All solder on tha outside of the can with o-ineh screw tap. Airtight, non explosive and fireproof. Prices I 4-gsl., 19.00; S-gsi., $11.00: 8-gal... 118.00; 10-gal,' HS.OOi IS-ksI.. $21.00; S-yaU $36.00; 60-gal, 161.00. Special Attention Given to Mail Orders CHARLES JARL ' & Company 1703 Leavenworth Street ETHEL THRALL CHIROPRACTOR PALMER SCHOOL GRADUATE Second Floor Elks Bldf. 1303 Douglas Street , 8,000 Homes in Omaha and Council Bluffs Are Covered With Our Ready Roofing THERE IS A REASON Call us and let us explain. All Verb guaranteed. Easy terms. Northwest Ready . Roofing Co. L, Riefenberc, Mr. HArney 2S74 3122 Leavenworth Use Western Bond Paper For Your Office Stationery Wholesale Distributors . Carpenter Paper Co. OMAHA Welding Cutting Reinforced Brazing General Welding Works "WE DO IT RIGHT" We Specialize in Automobile Welding 1508 Webster St. AT. 4459 RESTAURANTS There's on ner you. High- quality Cyl-in-der Grinding Is Our Specialty Try us for "Better Service" . . Puritan Mfg. Supply Co. Atlantic 3753 1614 Iiard Mn durable DerauM prewtd from a titcM ahert on our 150 -ton pre. Mor tualUry bora us titer art no aoldrei lotnti la eoUd food and U can't m nptet, plat izxmii x-z. NEBRASKA 4 IOWA TCCL TANK CO Oattha, Nt. it It 1 1 1 "El 13: '3-1 il C" ttu 'Ifrfr1 S Experience 5fJ;i . Thirty years bf experi- Rj; BIB '. ence in repairing and re- JH building all kinds of ma- jg.A chinery has placed us in s tf K position to do your work WM WE right. We do sll kinds of jlh lJ automobile repairing and jrJSij it is done right the first fflPnELCHIORS&Swif v1 4 Winter tops that will not rattle. Prices right. Superior Workmanship. SEE PFEIFFER 2525 Leavenworth Street Est. 1S88 MALTBY, D. C. JA ckson 3072 WITH A PERSONALITY Phone AT. 4683. 3 sO'MOX O. L. Wiemer Wall Paper, Paints, Glass, Painting and Decorating 1708 Cumin St. - - Omaha, Nek. Phono DOuglas 8753 THE Bee CLEANERS AND DYERS Msls Office sad Plsnt IMI-4J Vlstes St. . JAtkson 1440 1804 Farnam St. The Careful Florist OF NEBRASKA 15th and Dodge Sts. OMAHA Modern Policies, Carrying Full Protection E. M. SEARLE, JR., Pres. FALL RENOVATING PILLOWS AND BEDDING Feathers steam renovated and hot air dried. All your own feathers back when we renovate. OMAHA PILLOW CO. 1907 Cuming St. Jackson 2487 Sherman & McDonnell Drug Co. All the Drugs and Toilet Articles for all the people all the time. S Good Drug Stores in Omaha. Ws Furnish Clean Linen FRONTIER TOWEL SUPPLY J. M. JENSEN, Prop. Phone Doug. 8281 1818 California Send Yoor Clothes to Be Cleaned DRESHER BROTHERS Dyers, Cleaners, Hattera, Fur riers, Tailors and Rug Cleaners 2Z1T Farnam St, Omaha Wa Par Return Charges en Out-of-Town Orders Alexander Munroe Sheet Metal and Furnace Works 1718 Cass St. Phono JA. 4066 All American Chemical Co. Chemical Manufacturers and Jobbers Pheae Doug. 4s4. 1208-10 5. lk St. Ws analrae and manufacture earthing. Giro Ue a Call