THE BEE: OMAHA, SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 6. 1921. 9 A i 4 U.S. Rum Chief to' Train His Guns On Omaha Hotels v JlJ.llliaill'll VI 11UDIV11J IIYV4T- ligation Follows Four Suc cessful Booze Raid ; Last Night. Four successful liquor rtidi by - federal aRtrtU nd police In Omahi .! Friday night led U. S. Kohrer, Z United Statci prohibition enforce ' - mcnt director (or Nebraska, to inti mate an investigation into recent T liquor charge against leading Oma ha hotels is in the offing. - ' "Yes, sir," quoth Mr. Rohrer, "I have a letter now in which 1 am in I formed that at a recent hotel men's - d:nner party liquor flowed freely and guests did' not reach their own I downy couches until some time -after 4 a. ni. 'v Favora Probe. "And I also have been given to ' understand that liquor has been none too hard to get the last two nights at certain leading Omaha hostelrics. I'm beginning to believe a little probe might not go amiss." Seven - persons were arrested in 'I the four raids Friday night, and this morning the rum clcuths hit the trail aR.iin to make further search 1 cs. William Kane and Ray Brown were arrested at their garage at 2105 East Locust street, where , officers charge they bought liquor. A still, eight and one-half 50-gallon - barrels of mash and six gallons of linuor was taken when officers ar- tested Charles Inconito and Charles, r at their home, 1400 North Sev enteenth street 1 Mr. and Mrs. Hector Jianole, 516 William street, were arrested when six barrels of mash and 12 gallons of liquor was found, and' still, four gallons oi liquor and eight barrels of mash,, at 1416 North Seventeenth street caused the arrest of Gaetarro Vacanti. . War Secretary Takes Hot Shot at Senator Watson Washington, Nov. 5. Secretary Weeks, referring today to charges against army nurses in particular and alleged execution of soldiers without courts-martial in general, made in the senate by Senator Wat son of Georgia, made the following statement: "No decent man would make such charges and I measure my words when I say that." Births Exceed Deaths Washington, Nov. 5. Births re corded in the "birth registration area" during 1920 totalled 1,508,874, the public health service announced today, exceeding deaths by 672,720. The birth rate showed a relative in crease of 7.6 per cent over 1919. Raymond J. Abbott Sued for Divorce W :s Raymond J. Abbott, Omaha attor ney with offices at 722 Peters Trust building, was sued for absolute di vorce in district court yesterday b his wife, Mary H. Abbott, 808 North Forty-ninth avenue. In her petition Mrs. Abbott al leges that for the last four years her husband has been guilty of extreme and gross cruelty Neither she nor her attorneys would cite any specific instances of this alleged cruelty to day. The petition was short and to the point. It also begs the court to grant the mother the custody of their two sons. Douglas, 10, and Kenneth, 15. ' Montreal's First Snowfall Of Year Is 5 Inches Deep Montreal. Nov. 5. Montreal's first snow storm of the season today was a record breaker. The McGili uni versity observatory reported that the total tall of 5 inches was the heav iest ever reported here for early November. 408th Telegraph Battalion Forms Permanent Body Colors of Organisation Pre sented to Telephone Com pany Delegates Attend Foot Ball Game. The 408th Telegraph battalipn, composed of 209 telephone men of the Norwcstern group who volun teered for service overseas in answer, to a call issued the day before war was declared, was formed into a per manent organization at a business meeting yesterday in connection with ttie second annual reunion in Omaha. About 60 men of the battalion are attending the reunion. An hour was spent in inspection of the telephone building, following which Col. F. W. McDougall, Davenport, la., who commanded the outfit in France, made a presentation of the battalion colors. At noon funcheon was given at the Rome hotel. Through the courtesy of "Spike" Lhiahan, coach at Creigh ton university and a member of the organization, the men are attending the Creighton-St. Louis foot ball game this afternoon. They will leave for their homes tonight. The colors of the battalion were given into the custody of W. B. T. Belt at a ceremony in the telephone building at noon. The colors will remain permanently in the custody of the Northwestern Bell Telephone company. Girl's Body Found Floating in River The body of Emma Flor, 21, was found floating in the Missouri river south of the city yesterday. It was drawn Irpm the water about a mile and a half south of the place where her hat, coat and purse were found on the bank of the river Oc tober 10. The girl was zn orphan, adopted by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Flor, who live near Albright. Flor said this morning that she had made a previous attempt to end her life. He thought her demented. liii:iliilNlnlHliillililliiiiliilillHliiliiliilnl!iliil!ilHlulMlilti!liillillililiiliil;il"lliliiliii:iliil"liiliili:l!iliililliiliiliiin Telegraphic Briefs Harvey Speech Stuni tarls.' Paris, Nov. I, Ambassador Harvey's speech In Liverpool in which he declared that Anlerlra will never enter any per manent alliance Is regarded in Paris as having; been Inspired from Washington. The declaration of the ambassador has lttarnllv nt linpflpft thit French tiubllc. who have been led by semi-omciai eauoriaia and speeches by both publlq men and prominent Americans In Francs to believe that Premier Briand will return from WaahlnKton with a Franco-American al liance agreement In his pocket. , Polk Threaten Strike. Ppklntr. Nov. S. Lawbreakers have a pleasnnt outlook if the threatened strike of judicial officials and police, which la now threatened, materializes. The Judge of the various lower and higher courts threaten to cease work if they are not paid. The police also are threatening to strike. They ask a $200,000 reserve fund to assure them of full rice bowls. . vans i Bride, ftt; Bridegroom, 8. New Terk, Nov. 6. Miss Verah Sims fle Satge, J2, daughter of Baron and Baron ess de Satge of London, was married Thursday, It became known today, to Capt. Israel John Merrltt, 6, president of the Merrltt & Chapman Wrecking" com pany, a grandfather, and one of the wealthiest residents of Whifestons, L, X. Precautions In Ireland. Dublin, Nov. B. Concurrently with the peace negotiations In London there has been considerable ma-'irvertng; on the part of both the British and Irish armies as If to obtain the best positions in the event that hostilities are renewed. The British force are being eoncentrated In the stronger towns and the rural areas are being evacuated. November 11 Holiday In France. r,.-i- x-.. . "V ., nt nihili ties passed a bill making Armistice day a national holiday. This year It will be celebrated November 11, but afterwards It will be observed on the Sunday following November 11. Wofv!Ue la Sold. Tombstone, Aris., Nov. 5. The old townslte of Charleston, 7 miles from here, was yesterday sold to a land and cattle company for IS4S. Charleston In the early riavs of sliver mining In Arlsona was one of the biggest and most active of the "mi'ii'wm" communities. Today it is dis tinguished from the surrounding country by a tiny railroad station and a few crumbling aaoDe wans. -ui ""- 'Wolfvllle OI wesiera utiwu. Oil Man Isve 20.6,1M. Vow York. Nov. S. The estate of Mrs. Helen C. Bostwick. the widow of Jabet Bostwlck. Standard oil man who died on April 27, 1920. was appraised today It ! "64.184. It consisted chiefly of Standard oil stock. valued at about 120. 000,000. Jap Jobless to Meet. Osaka. Japan, Nov. I. Mass meetings of workers who have lost their places owing to recent labor disputes have been called In Osaka and Kobe for November 11. In accordance it is said, with the suggestion of 8a1riuet Gompers. president of the American Federation of Labor for world wide disarmament eongress, to mark the opening of the international conference at Washington. 19 Executed by Soviet. Moscow, Nov. i. Nineteen former guardians of the Russian treasury, after a public trial, were executed on orders of the soviet. The II who were exe cuted were a part of a band of 5 mem bers, all of whom guarded the diamonds. Jewels, gold, etc., confiscated by the eovtets.' The band was found guilty of stealing 6.000 carats of diamonds and 144 pounds of gold. Greeks Forget Difference. Smyrna, Anatolia. Nov. I. One of the developments of the war In Asia Minor has been the almost complete disappear ance imont the Greeks of party strife and factional animosities. Allegiance to Constantine or to Ytnizelos has been sub ordinated to the greater Interest of the country. Art Critic Seed for goOO.OOO. New York. Nov. I. Damages of $590, 09 are asked In a suit brought yesterday against Sir Joseph Duveen, internatloa.vl art dealer and critic who la alleged to have prevented the sale of the nainticjr. ''Belle Ferroniere." owned bv l . Andre Hahn of Paris, to the Kansas! City Art Institute, ey expressing tne opin ion that the raintlng was a ropy and not tie original work of Leonardo Da VlncL Honor Mother af Hera. Fnme. Not. I. A little white-haired --nt woman, donning the characteristic Csiatrese costume and wearing a geld medal for the valor of her dead eon. was the foeae of a. I eyes as she walked through the Mreeta daring the eelebra tT. for the unknown old!er." All the H:i:-.tary aaluted and civilians ralsM hats. eorr even stopping in order to kiss her hand. ' SHORT STORY CONTEST November 7th to 19th I Write, a short story of not more than 250 words, using titles of books which you will find in our chil- 1 dren's section or from catalogs of children's books which we, will give you. The storie3 which contain f the MOST titles and which at the same time are the most original will be awarded the prizes. Books in the children's section may be inspected each day until 5:30. Writing materials will be furnished to 1 all wishing to copy titles of books. Our salespeople in the Book Department will offer all possible assistance. . ;'. PRIZES I The first two prizes ...... $5.00 each The second two prizes. . . .$3.00 each 4 - The third two prizes. .'. . .$2.50 each J The fourth two prizes. . . .$2.00 each The fifth two prizes .$1.75 each The sixth two prizes. ... .$1.50 each 1 Any boy or girl in the fifth, sixth, seventh, and - eighth grades is eligible to compete in this contest. Book Shop Main Floor f 1 Burgess-Nash Company I - "IVBRYBODYS STORK" i m "iiiiiiliiiiiiiiii:ii!liiii:i:iliiiiii;ii;!ijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiili;iniiiii!liiiHiiii!iiiii!iiiiiiii;iiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiii:iiiii!ii;iij:iiiiii;i ; . CHIROPRACTIC Health Talk Results alone is keeping Chiropractic in, the world. It is a fact that health has been restored to thousands of cases after many other methods have failed, by taking Chiropractic adjustments. YOU ARE AS OLD AS YOUR NERVES All the functions and activities of the body are dependent upon the nerve-force Your functional organs, your circulation and that elimination of wastes which keeps your body clean, are all dependent upon your nervous energies, and your nervous energies are primarily dependent upon the , condition of your spine. The first and most serious process indicative of old age is the deterioration of the spine. If you can keep your spine straight and strong and flexible, then you can maintain in perfect health and vigor the great central nervous system upon which the vitality and energy of the human body are dependent. Keep the spinal vertebrae in alignment less they impinge the spinal cord and spinal nerves. Keep the spine straight, as in youth. And keep the spine strong so that it may be kept straight and flexible. Dr. Burhorn's office in Council Bluffs is located in the Wickham Block with Drs. Ruberg & Ruberg in charge. Phone 1075; Res. Black 1145. Our Missouri Valley office is located at No. Ill North 4th St, with Dr. Lee W. Davis in charge. Dr. Frank F. Burhorn and Associates (Palmer School Graduates) Suits 414-426 Securities Bid:., Corner 16th end Faraam Streets. Office hours, 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Lady attendants. Omaha, Nebraska (Complete X-Ray laboratory in each of the ofQces) BURGESS-fkSH Gommc EVERYBODYiS STORK" Handsome Coats Monday at Remarkably Low Prices ' $4950 Straight line silhouettes, flat backs,blouse backs, deep arm holes, tail ored sleeves, tiny belts just about everything in just the right coats. Richly silk lined, supremely tailored, collars of Squirrel, Beaver, Taupe Wolf andRaccoon, or in novel collars of the material: Marvella Panvelaine Evora Bolivia In colors and black. . The Loveliest Coats at the Lowest Trices of the Season Burgest-Nash Cloak Shop Thirl Floor , ' $7050 Blankets and Quilts at Importantly Low Prices 47 Sub Wool Blankets These service able blankets are in hand some plaid designs and beautiful colorings; all, are splendid large sizes for full sized beds. Bed Comforts These are 0SfrtT filled with soft vyj lamb's wool and covered with attrac tive figured French cam bric with"' plain 9 -inch borders. Wool Blankets These are excel lent quality wool blankets in handsome plaid designs and lovely colorings. All have ribbon bound ends. Bed Spreads Also Offer Unusual Values Crocheted Spreads: : Marseilles Spreads: Scalloped Edge Spreads: $1.95 Monday $5.95 Monday Burgess-Nash Linen Shop Second Floor $3.50 Monday Black Silks Low Priced $ 1 95 1 In this wonderful assortment are soft, rich satins, taffetas, peau de soie and crepe de chine, In 35 to 40-inch widths ; most unusual values at this price. Costume Velvet Beautiful qual ity 35-inch vel vet, for suits, wraps and children's coats; in navy, sapphire, dark brown and black. Exceptional value. Canton Crepe This is a rich, soft quality of 40-inch crepe, in the new fall shades, in cluding navy, henna, brown and white. A very special pricing. Burgess-Nash Silk Shop Second Floor Satin Canton This beautifui fabric is dou b 1 y popular, having the quality of both satin and crepe; in light and. dark navy, brown and black. Very low priced. f . ' Wonderful Values in China New arrivals in all open stock patterns, which were temporarily abandoned during the war, have made it possible for us to offer complete sets in a great variety of patterns at New Lower Prices. - Special Short Sets in open stock patterns, $fi9J service for six. Gold Decorated 42-Piece Sets Popular gold Greek key 14-karat gold $95 border traced with black, a semi-porcelain 42-piece set, complete service for six people, including: Covered and Open Vegetable Dishes Gravy and Platter Three Sets of Plates Fruit and Tea Dishes Attractire Novelties in china, suitable for drifts, showers and prizes, $1.00 to $3.95. Now Decorated China Salt and J Cat, E t c h e d and Decorated Peppers, useful as well as oma- j CUsswara in fancy and practi mental, 50c, 75c and $1.00. I cal novelties. Specially priced. Burgess-Naah China Shop Fourth Floor The Wings of the Aeroplane What Is tho New Romance to us groundlings, who crane our necks to watch the air feats? There is the mystery of a new element, with adventure and discovery ahead; the white wings of the galleons of Columbus lend a similar magic to the imagination f There is the vision of loveliness in light and distance and the beauty of the great bird monsters , themselves, gripping the heart even as the triangle of wild geese in their flight And through all and above it all, there is the romance of power the man-driven flight, with its young courage, its possibilities, its promises. -the Ribbon Shop Announces Lessons in Ribbon Cifl Novelties Miss Anna Crawford will make it possible by her very competent in struction for every wom an to make the most in tricate gifts of ribbons. Just to mention, French flowers, sashes and gir dles, camisoles and gar ter's with cunning ro ettes and sachets will ihow that you will find here the things that every woman desires. Lessons at any hour of the store day. Come to Burgasi-Nash Ribbon Shop Main Floor Underwear and Hosiery at Reasonable Prices Women's Silk Hose: $2.75 Of the purest silk, with lisle-lined soles, toes, heels and gaiter tops. A stocking for particular women. Wool Sport Hose Fashionably $100 sturdy, ho- siery in heather effects. Women's Union Suits Made in all $169 styles, nice- ' -ly tailored and finished with flat lock seams. Regular and extra sizes are $1.69. 2-Piece Undergarments, 95c , Women's vests in high neck, long s'leeves; Dutch neck, elbow sleeves; low neck; no sleeves. The pants are ankle length. Burgsss-Nash Hosiery Shop Main Floor Madame Binner Corsets For comfort one can hardly choose a better corset. It is suited to every type of figure and is made so excellently of fancy Broches that it will keep its shape through a long corsit life. There are waist line and medium top models and, in fitting, an expert gives the most careful attention to de tails. Priced as low as The Rt & G. Corset is an excellent corset, made by the Madame Benner Company in broches, batistes and coutils, $3.00 to $5.00. Burgsss-Nash Corset Shop Second Floor Buy Your Electric Washing Machine NOW Everything is ripe for you to buy -your washing machine NOW. One whole carload of new ma chines are here, in all styles to -choose from. A factory expert is here NOW to demonstrate and ex plain. You can buy one TODAY, on deferred easy payment terms. There i3 no simpler or more thor ough machine on the market or at such reasonable prices. Why spend even one more week of washing in the old hard way? mjmtm To help you to realize that we are concentrating your atten tion on the advantages of buy ing NOW while our expert is here, we include with the pur chase of the machine no ad ditional price your choice of On Copper Boiler No. 8 One Hot Point 6-lfc. Elec tric Iron lOO'Bara Swift's Naphtha Laundry Soap Prices range from $79.50 to $128.50 Easy Payment Terms An adjustable stove Irf On. Minute Electric Washer with folding tub rack. Three posi tion swinging reversible wringer. Burgess-Nash Hoaae Furnishing Shoo Fourth Floor