Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 06, 1921, WOMEN'S SECTION, Image 13

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Club Item inj card party no.
ties for th Sunday Woman's
section mutt reach the club and
society editors before 3 p.m. Fri
day. Business Woman's Club.
On Tuesday evening, November
8, the Onfaha Business Woman's
club will meet on the second floor
ol the V. W. C. A. building. Mem
bers are invited to come direct from
their placet of business and spend
a social hour together, following
which dinner will be served at 6:15
J), in.
The evening will be spent In class
work, classes for this year being
current events, led by iis Celia
Chase; story telling, Mrs. Phebe
V'ullaway, and commercial law, Mr.
Axel Swensen.
Public Speaking Department.
The public speaking department
of the Omaha Woman's club, Mrt.
O. Y. Kring, leader will meet Tues
day, 10:15 a. m., in the Burgess
Nash auditorium. The program will
lie given by Mesdamr. A. S. Har
rington, Frank Wray, W. S. Hogue,
George Tray and Ray Nugent.
The department will present a
play in the auditorium of the store
Friday afternoon, November 18, at
2:30 o'clock. All club members are
invited. .There will be no admission
On Friday afternoon, JDecember 2,
the department will entertain at a
party at the V. W. C. A. in honor
f new members.
Junior Welfare Contributes 200
The 200 garments contributed to
.the Needlework Ouild by the Jun
ior Welfare, an organization com
posed of young Jewish girls, were
given to the Wise Memorial hospi
tal. The association has charge of
the sewing for the maternity board
of the hospital. Miss Sylvia Kulak-
ofsky is president of the organiza
tion. A meeting of the Junior Welfare
will be held this afternoon at the
Lyric building, Nineteenth and Far
num streets.
W. R. C. Notes.
About eighty representatives of
George Crook Woman's Relief
Corps will attend the patriotic
meeting conducted by Gipsy Smith
at the auditorium Sunday afternoon.
George Crook W. R. C meets
Friday at 2 p. m. in the Memorial,
hall, court house. ,
American War Mothers.
The American War Mothers will
meet at the Auditorium Sunday
afternoon, ' 1 :4S - o'clock, to attend
Gipsy Smith's patriotic meeting.
An invitation is extended to all
mothers having a son or daughter in
the late war.
Chautauqua Notes.
Mesdames W. B. Howard, W. L.
Bureess and B. B. Hopper will go
Wafortnr. TJi-h.. Thursday to or
ganize a chautauqua circle. The
meeting will be held at the home of
Mrs. E. A- Teal.
Golden Rod Lodge.
Golden Rod lodge will hold a
Hallowe'en party at the Swed-sh
auditorium, Monday night. All
brotherhood men and their families
are invited. "
Mothers' : Culture Club.
The West Omaha Mothers' Cul
ture club will meet Wednesday, No
vember 9, at 2 o'clock with Mrs.
Peter E. Binorden, 1506 Military
Movie at Yates School.
The Parent-Teachers association
of Yates school is -bringing Charlie
Chaplin in "The Kid" to the school
aulitoriurtnon Friday November II,
at 7:30.
P. E. O. Luncheon
Omaha P. E. O. association will
meet for luncheon Monday, u:JU
o'cloqk in the Burgess-Nash tea
Rum-nage Sale.
The women of the First Central
Congregational church will con
duct a rummage $ale Tuesday at
5011 South Twenty-fourth street.
Maple Leaf Chapter. .
Maple Leaf chapter of the O. h..
Y. W. C. A.
series of Wednesday studies be
ginning November 16 will be given
from 12:45 to 1 o'clock at the Y. W.
C. A, for business women and girls,
under the auspices of the Omaha
Bible Institute. Mr. W. H. Jordon
will speak on the following subjects:
"The Desire of All Nations," "His
Birth Foretold." "Political Prepara
tion of the World for Christ.
"Mary the Mother of Jesus, The
Angel Song," "The Visit of the Wise
Men," Everyone is invited to these
twenty minutes talks which will be
given in the parlor of the Y. W. U
VA class for Sunday-school workers
will be started on November 19,
under the direction of Mr. Jordan.
The class is open to all who are in
terested. .
Sunday Central building; open from 1
a m, to S p. m. with lunch served from
S to J p. m. tor the accommodation or
those attending- Gypsy Smith meetings.
Monday Federation of Clubs, supper
at 6:45 followed by individual club bus
iness meetings. aS81 ln bfd.!rork
basketry under leadership of Mrs. Oens
I'holps, Interior decorating-. Mr. HuB
Lawson. Instructor, and "Modern Amer
ican Poets," Miss Jessie Towns, Instructor,
at 7 p. m. Personality class. Sirs. Effle
Siren Kittelson. Instructor, at t:3.
Federation sports claas at 8:t with
limn in gymnasium under instruction
o." Miss Veriel Black.
Tuesday Mr. K. Lewis Holland's class
in advertising meets at 7 p. m.
Wednesday Christian Association ath
letic club meets for supper at :15, fol
lowing which Mrs. Effle Steen Kittelson
will give the first of six lectures in a
Cycle ot Talks." Registrations for sup
per must be mads by Tuesday evening.
Morris Girls' club, supper at South Side
center at I'D followed by business meet
ing, and Christmas gifts class under In
struction of Miss Carlotta Corpron. From
8 to t p. m. gymnastics and volley ball
in South High school gymnasium, under
supervision of Hiss Veriel Black.
At central association building Sir.
Maurice Block's claas in "History of Art"
meets at T o'clock and the Federal Art
class and Mrs. Ida M. Hanchett'a class
ln French history meet at 5:10.
Thursday Mr. Hugh Lawson'a class tn
Interior decoration meets at 7 p. m.
Busy Circle club meets at S p. m., for
a sing" lead by Agnes Swanback, work
la beads and basketry, and volley ball
games in gymnasium. ,
Fridav W. W. O. club and Burgess
Nash Cash fclrls meet for supper at S:1S
followed by light gymnasium work ut4
volley ball under the readership ot Misses
Asaiaa Joasjoa asa Betty JCrle.
Celloists on Program
ff ( Nto
I u
qatcubu photos.
Mrs. Martin Donlin and Mrs.
A. R. Burmirc, celloists, will play
at the first monthly program of the
music department, Oumha Woman's
club, in the Y. W. C. A. auditorium,
Wednesday at 2:45. The affair is a
benefit for the building fund of the
club. Members will be admitted on
the club ticket; for others a small
door fee will be charged.
Heads Candle
Miss Jenny Kalina has been
elected president of the Candle
club, an organization 'which does
friendly work .among the younger
girls. The club is to open and main
tains a club room in the Green build
ing, and plans to start a circulating
library and reading circle for dis
cussion. Each member will be asked
to contribute one book of her favor
ite author. The club has 128 mem
bers and any girl wishing to make
more friends is welcome.
S. will hold a dance and card party
at the Masonic Temple Wednesday,
November 9. ' ,
Jolly Seniors. -The
Jolly Seniors will give their
regular weekly dance . Saturday
evening at Croiinse hall.
Orchestra Club.
The Orchestra club will meet
Sunday evening at Crounse hall.
Women of Massachusetts had their
political hopes blasted when the at
torney general ruled that, while
women were entitled to vote they
were not eligible to hold office in
that state.
Christ Child
The Athletic Club foot ball team
has scheduled the following games
for thi smonth: November 6, Wal
nut Hill; November 13, Spaulding;
November 20, Second Street Mer
chants, - and November 27, the
South Second Street Merchants.
The Christ Child Athletic club
will hold the semi-annual election
of officers on Monday evening.
, The Sunset club entertained the
Kuline club and the Christ Child
Athletic club at a Hallowe'en party
on Monday evening.
Piano lessons are given Wednes
day afternoons at the Center by
Miss Dughur. ,
Vsll the coupon for free trial bottle
of Mary T. Goldman's Hair Color Re
storer and you can soon make this
statement yourself. It proves how a
clear colorless liquid and a little comb
will restore your hair te lta original
color In from 4 to S days, whether
your gray hairs are many or fsw.
Test as directed on a single lock.
Note Its clean daintiness how soft
and fluffy it makes your hair. 2o
streaking, no discoloration, nothing to
wash or rub off.
Fill out coupon carefully and en
close lock of hair If possible. Trial
package and application comb come
by return mail. Full slxed bottle from
druggist or direct from us. Don't risk
cheap substitutes and ruin your hair.
" Goldman Bide St. Paul. Minn.
PlwsiwnJ aw ytmfrm trial bottleof MaryT.
GeMaMS's HsirCoior Restorer with spansi esab.
1 an net ebivstad io any way by accepting this
free-offer. The natural eaiar of my hair is
Baea Jet wars. dartt I
limn brwe.M light broi
y A. f
Once unM
I was USy
Gray! (
ran yzJ
"Mrs. Warfitt VottHtt
" The' Woman's club chorus under
the direction of Henry Cox will ap
pear, accompanied by the celloists
and Miss Gertrude Thieni, violinist.
Others on the program will include
Mesdames James H. Hanley, Bur
ton Laird, E. F. Williams, Raymond
G. Young and Miss Margarite Lil-
Weekly Club Calendar
Junior Welfare OrganlKntion Sunday.
l.iO p. m.. Lyric building, Nineteenth and
Farnam streets.
(let Acquainted Club 'Sunday. 7:30 P.
m. First Unitarian church. Turner boule
vard and Harney street. Meetings are
nnnscctarlan and are open to all lonely
folk. Mrs. Paul K. Harlan, director.
Omaha Walking Club Sunday, t a. m.,
from north end of Florence car line to
Calhoun, all-day outing. Miss Nell Bald
win, leader.
Bishop Vincent thautuuqiia Circle
Monday, 7:16 p. m., court house.
P. E. O. Association of Omaha Monday,
12:30 p. m., luncheon, Burgeas-Nauh tea
Longfellow Chautauqua Monday, 6:30
p. m., Conant hotel. Mrs. Ella Connell,
Clio Club Monday, S p. m., wit Mrs.
William Itoss. 1BS1 I.othrop street. Pro
gram, chautauqua work.
Roosevelt Chautauqua - Circle Monday.
7:30 p. m.. with Mrs. F. A. Cressey, 4204
South Twenty-second street.
Delnhlan Study Circle- Monday. !:J0
p. m., Y, W. C. A. Subject, "Babylonia
Life," Mrs. Alva Smith, leader.
Tennyson Chautauqua Clrcl Tues
day, 1:30 p. m., with Mrs. N. O. Talbot,
C024 Dodge street. Mrs. Judson Shaw,
A. C. A.. Musla Department Monday. 4
p. m., at Burgess-Nash auditorium. Sub
ject, "Epoch of Vocal Counterpoint," MIsg
Isabella Alcorn, leader.
P. K. O, Sisterhood, Chapter B. 8.
Monday, 2:30 p. m., witK Mrs. H.
Jenks, 123 South Thirty-fifth street. Mrs.
R. A. Ralph will speak on "Educational
Work.'' Mrs. Elizabeth Tracy will repoci
on the supreme convention.
Lecture Series Monday, 10:30 a. m.
Blackstone hotel. Mrs. Anthony Franch
Merrill of Chicago will give the first
of series of lectures on y'New Books and
Plays." under auspices of Mrs. W, E.
Martin, subject: "Best Sellers Popular
Omaha Woman's Club, Political and
Social Science Department Monday, 2:30
p. m., Y. W, C. A.. Mrs. Th'omas R. Jones,
leader, miss nutn wesson, loreign mis
sionary worker, will speak on "Conditions
of Life of Women in China," Miss Pax
son, who has lived ln China for the past
10 years, with neadquarters .in snang
hai, has traveled extensively through
out the country. Mrs. F. H. Cole and Mrs.
Edgar Allen will report on state conven
tion, held recently at Seward. -
Omaha W. C, T..U. Tuesday, 2 p. m.,
T. M, C. A room 316. Business meet
ing. .. '"'; ..i .
Loomls Chautauqua Circle Tuesday,' J
p. m T. W. C. A. Mrs. Hellena Wagner,
loader. '.
Omaha ''Society of Fine Arts Tuesday.
4 p. m., Kontentlle hotel. Witter Bynner,
Omaha Business Woman's Club Tues
day, 6:15 p. m., Y. W. C. A., supper and
class work. ' f.
American Literature Chautauqua Cir
cleTuesday, 1:30 p. m., with' Mrs. Bes
sie Hamilton, 4411 Burt street, Mrs. L.
J. Qrecr, leader.
Omaha Spanish Club Tuesday, S p. tn.,
310 Patterson block. Seventeenth and Far
nam streets. All those Interested in the
study ot Spanish are Invited to attend.
P. E. O. Sisterhood. Chanter B. P.
Tuesday', 2:30 p. tn., with Sirs. VV. 0.
Bronson, 1122 Park avenue. Roll can,
"Educational Notes." Mrs. D. J. Sin
clair, leader.
Extension Lecture Course ( Americaniza
tion and Civics Tuesday, 4 p. m.
Duchesne college and . Convent of . the
EXQUISITELY mounted diamonds of unusual beauty
are offered in our pre-hollday grouping at prices
marveiously low.
If vou have a diamond in an old mounting, the engraved
mountings intricately wrought in platinum and white geld
will have an appeal. Many of them have tiny cut dia
monds cunningly placed in the metal.
John llenrickson, Jeweler-
Established 1882
Another Fontenelle Sunday
Again it is Sunday, and again we suggest The Fontenelle for an
evening of musical charm, wonderful food and delightful en
vironment. After the Sunday concert dinner supreme, served in the Main
Restaurant from six to nine, at two dollars per person, you may
sit on the mezzanine or lounge comfortably in the lobby during
the Sunday Evening Mezzanine Musicale from 8:30 to 9:30
o'clock. , r. , s....
On Sunday, too, the Main
Restaurant also serves a
special table d'hote lunch
eon for 11.69 an ample
repast for those who pre
fer the ir Sunday Dinner
early in the afternoon.
350 Rooms
350 Baths
$3 to $5
Entertainment For
Temple Israel
The return of Rabbis William
Kofiuu of Baltimore, Leo M
Franklin of DeUoit and Abram Si
mon of Washington, D. C, and
I heir wives to Omaha the week end
of November 18-20, on the occasion
of the Fiftieth anniversary of Tem
ple Israel, will be inspiration tor a
number of social events.
Mrs, Rosenau is a former Omaha
girl, a daughter of Myer Ilellman,
pioneer Omahan; and Mrs. I rank
iin, too, spent her youth here. She
was Miss UberfeMer of a family
now prominent in tht western part
of the state. "
First of the festivities will he a
luncheon Friday at the Athletic
club at which Mr. David Rosen-
stock will be host. That evening,
Isidor Zeigler, president of the Tem
ple Israel board, and Mrs. Ziegler
will give a dinner ot 50 covers at
the Blackstone.
Recitation of Kiddush and light
ing of Sabath candles, a picturesque
ceremony in Jewish homes to usher
in the Sabbath, will be observed at
this dinner as a pretty feature, in
deference to the visiting rabbis.
Saturday noon, lemple Israel
sisterhood, headed by Mrs. Nile
Mantel, will give a luncheon lor the
ladies; that afternoon, there will be
a reception at the home of Mrs.
Samuel Wertheimer and in the eve
ning, a dinner-dance at the Fon-
tenelle hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Morris
Levy will conclude the entertain
ment with a dinner at their home
Mrs. Simon is head of the national
rganization of Temple Sisterhoods.
Sacred Heart, Thirty-sixth and Burt
sLrsets. Open to the public.
Omaha Woman's Club, Public Speaking
Department Tuesday, 10:15 a. m., Burgess-Nash
auditorium. Professor Kilwln
l'uls, instructor; Mrs. O. T. Kring, leader.
Subject, "Speech Education."
South Omaha Woman's Club Tuesday,
5:30 p. m. Library hall. General meeting
business session followed by musicals un
der direction of the muaio department,
Mrs. Orace Poole Steinberg. leader.
North Side Mothers' Club Tuesday. 1
o'clock luncheon, with Mrs. A. P. Wid
enor, 2580 Manderson street. Mrs. 8. S.
Kent, assistant hostess. "Biography of
Meridlth Nicholson." Mrs. Fred Larkln.
Mrs. O. R. Gilbert will review, "The
Main Chance.''
Danghterf oa American Revolution, Om
aha Chapter Tuesday, 2:30 p. m. with
Mrs. R. A. McL'achron. 1923 Wirt street.
Following bufc-iness session Mrs. Charles
T. Neal will speak on "Proportional Rep
resentation." All members of Omaha and
Major Isaao Sadler chapters and their
friends are invited.
Omaha Woman's Clnb, Current Topics
Department Tuesday, 2 p. m., T. W. C.
A. Lesson: "Paul and Barnabasat Antl-
och. 13th chapter of Acts. Current
events. 2:30 o'clock. Mrs. C. L, Hempel
will give a report on the stats conven
tion, held In Seward recently. Notes on
Willa Cather lecture will be given and
Mra. Oeorge B. Parr will give a reading.
General discussion of current events, Mrs.
Mary L Crelgb, leader.
Hellenic Chautauqua Circle Wednesday,
2 p. m., with Mrs. T. C. Taylor ,4107 North
Twenty-nintn street.
Mn Sigma Wednesday, 9:30 a. in., with
Mrs. G. W. Noble, 3505 Hawthorne t-treet.
Subject, ' Shaw." Mrs. Georgj Damon,
Mercer Park Chautauqua Circle Wed
nesday. 9:45 a. m.. with Dr. Jennie Call
fas, 903 Mercer Park boulevard. Mrs.
W. T. Graham, leader.
Extension Lecture Course Medieval His-
tory Wednesday, 4 p. m., Duchesne col
lege and Convent of the Sacred Heart,
Thirty-sixth and Burt streets. Open to
the public.
Frances Wlllard W. C. T. TJ. Wednes
day, all day. Bewing session at Child Sav
ing Institute. Members are requested to
bring lunch, scissors and thimble. A full
attendance is aestrea.
Omaha Woman' Club, Music Depart
ment Wednesday. 2 p. m.. If. W. C. A,
auditorium. Professor Henry Cox. dlrec
tor; Mrs. W. E. Shafer, leader. Chorus re
hearsal, followed by program at z:30 p. m,
Open to the publio.
Dan la Club of Danish Old Peoples'
Home Wednesday. 2 p. in., with Mrs.
John P. Svendsen, 4111 North Twenty-
eighth avenue. Full attendance is de
sired. Plans for the bazaar to be held
November 19 at the Swedish auditorium.
will be completed at this meeting.
Dundee Woman's Club Wednesday, t p.
n., with Mrs. A. J. Cole. 6033 Chicago
street. "Contact," by Frances Noyes Hart,
will be reviewed under the leadership
of Mrs. Ralph Russell and Mrs. W. T.
Johnson. Second half of program will be
devoted to Nebraska's poet laureate, John
G. Neihardt. Leader, Mrs. J. E. Dodds
Mrs. Roger Ilolman will interpret "Hugh
A. C. A., Domestic Education Section
Wednesday. 1:30 p. m., with Mrs. Wil
liam Burton. 149 North Thirty-third
street. Subject, "Parent-Teachem" Asso
ciation in uur uity, speaker, jurs. ira
Porter. Drama Section With Mrs. Burt
ton at 4 p. m. "Fame and the Poet," by
Lord Dunsany, will be given under the
leadership of Miss Elizabeth Mitchell.
Assisting will be: Mesdames H. W. Pot
ter, Hennlngson, J. T. Maxwell, A. F. Leer
makers. J. 11. McMillan and the Misses
Olga Anderson, Clara Solvers and Georgia
McGlbbon. , -
16th at Capitol
" 1 -rr, i hi f
i fie r omeneue welcomes you waay.
I 9 rVl oa s as. -.--J
Hotel PWenelle
""Where Realization Exceeds Expectation'
Assists at Bazar
Mrs. John Sanders, vice president
of the alumnae of the Sisters of
Mercy, will have charge of the coun
try store, a feature of the bazaar,
which will be given under the aus
pices of the alumnae association
Thursday, Friday and Saturday of
this week at the Midley Dancing
academy, 1716 Dodge street. Pro
ceeds, will be added to the buildibg
funl of the new convent and riding
school to be erected soon in Fair-
A noon day luticheon will be
served during the bazaar from 12
until 2 o clock.
Girls Community
Service League
Monday Cluga club supper, 6:30
, m.s gymnastics, 7:o0; volley
ball, 8:30.
Tuesday Wamm club supper,
6:30 p. m.; home making class, 7:00;
open house, 8:15.
Wednesday Lafayette club sup'
per, 6:30 p. m.: dramatic art class,
7:00; basket ball, 8:00.
Thursday Executive committee
supper, 6:30 p. ni.; French class,
7:00; Business English, 8:00.
Friday D. T. A. club supper,
6:30 p. m.; chorus class, 7:00.
The week-end dance will be
omitted this week. .
Sunday Open house, 3:30 to
7:30 p. m.
Testa Chapter Kensington Club Thurs
day, 2 p. tn.. Masonic temple.
Adah Kensington Club Thursday, 1
o clock luncheon. Masonic hall.
Nebraska Woman's Educational Club
Thursday, 6 p. ru., annual dinner. Bran-
dels restaurant.
Mlnne I.uut Woman's Society Thurs
day, afternoon with Mrs. J. C. Griffith,
2718 Whitmore avenue.
Dundee Morning Chautauqua Circle-
Thursday, 8:46 a. m., with Mrs. K. A.
McFanane, 6l Miami street, Mrs. A. u.
Tebbens, leader.
Alice B., Howard Chautauqua Circle
Thursday, 602 Peters National bank build
ing,. Seventeenth: and Farnam streets.
Mrs. Roy Roach and Miss Myra .Nourse,
Mothers Guild for Homeless Boys
Thursday, 2 p. m.. Metropolitan hall,
Twentv-second and Harney streets. Mem-
hers will sew all afternoon tor. boys of
Father Flanagan s hom6.
Omaha Woman's Club, Parliamentary
Law Department Thursday, 2:30 p. m.,
Y. W. C. A. Subject: "Committees." Re
ports, Illustrating lesson will be given by
Mesaames in. iv. sype-, j. jjuqub, i.
M Brown, J. W. Welshans, L. F. East
erly, Clyde Kells, G. W. Smith, Thomas
K. Jones, j, vv, jiaarmann, u. win.
terson, Edward Johnson and John W.
Welch. Mrs. A. L. Farnald, leader.
George Crook Woman's Belief Corps-
Friday, 2 p. m.
Benevolent Patriotic Order of Does,
Drove 1 Friday, 4 p. m., business meet
ing. Elks club rooms, following Armistice
day exercises at tne Auditorium.
Lectural Series Friday, 4 p. m. Du
chesne college and' Convent of the Sacred
Heart, Thirty-sixth and Burt streets. Mrs.
Anthony French Merrill of Chicago will
give second of a series of lecures on "Re
construction." Subject, "Meditations at
Home: Americanization, Accomplishment,
Responsibilities." Open to the public.
Omaha Walking Club Saturday, S p.
m., from end of Albright car line over
Walking club trail to W'lley Point camp,
Polly Bobbins, leader.
P. E. O. Sisterhood, Chapter M Satur
day. 2.3H p. m., with Mrs. F. A. Cressey,
4204 South Twenty-second street; A
musical program will be given. Mrs.
I.ula Msthews and Miss Louise Mathews,
assistant hostesses.
Free Lecture
Christian Science
at ' '
First Church of Christ,
St. Mary's Avenue and ,
24th Street
Thursday and Friday
November 10th and 11th ;
at eight o'clocjc.
j By John J. Flinn, C. S., of
Evanston, 111.
Mr. Flinn is a member
of the Board of Lecture
ship of The First Church
of Christ, Scientist, in
Boston, Massachusetts
All are cordially invited
to attend.
And in the popular Indian
Grill Room, a superior Sun
day table d'hote dinner U
served from noon until 8.30
p. m. at $1.60.
Suites and Rooms
at Special Rate to
Permanent Guests.
Problems That Perplex
Answered fey
"Can you settle a question that is making my sweetheart and me utter
ly miserable?" writes Dick. "We're not engaged, because we're both young
and I have a lot to accomplish in the line of getting my business on its feet
before I'll feel that I have a right to ak any girl to marry me. But w
both know that in another year we'll be look'ing around for a little home.
"Now the question is this: "I'm not called on to work at night, but
there are a lot of opportunities for
with my work, and there are some study clubs I like to attend. Moreover,
I belong to an amateur orchestra which meets once a week and from which
I get a lot of satisfaction and enjoyment,
"So I don't see my sweetheart more than once during the wek, and if
I spend Saturday evening with her, I go home Sunday to stay the day with
my folks in the country, while if Molly and I plan a Sunday together, I
run up home Saturday evening and spend Sunday with my mother, I
think I'm doing right. But Molly says if I really cared for her I'd give
her all my time. '
"And she thinki of breaking off with mc unless I see my way clear
to be with her all my spare time. I love her, but I feel she's all wrong
about this. Only I don't know how
there s any argument I can put upf
Dick's- letter strikes me at im
portant because it is one of several
along similar lines which have come
to me during the last few days. And
mixed in with the masculine pleas
to be set straight with girl who are
hurt at a lack of devdtion come the
feminine pleas to make masculine
persons realize that a chap owes it
to his sweetheart to give her enough
of his time and attention to make it
interesting for her. Here's Grace's
letter to offset Dick's:
"My engagement isn't -announced,
but as soon as business steadies and
settles down . I m going to be en
gaged to a young man of whom 1
think the world. But I'm far from
happy . because he doesn't bother
about me the way I think he should.
He devotes his time to everything
in the world but the girl he's sup.
posed to love, and I'm hurt more
often than I can say. ,
"He always seems to have ex
cuses about seeing his brother in
business, and having a conference
and having to make a business trip.
Yet he says he loves me. What do
you think of ' a man who won't
neglect other interests father than
see the girl he loves setting at home.
Now while I sympathize heartily
with thje disappointed girl who finds
that having a man's love doesn't as
sure her of his constant attentions,
I realize that as long as there are
such things in the world as busi
ness and ambition and they need of
making a living, the situation can't
be bettered much. About all that can
be done for it is to bring a certain
large, calm sanity to the feminine
Love and marriage aren t picnics
or .holidays or merrymaking occa
sions. Ihey are the serious Busi
ness of life. A man doesn't lose all
desire to get ahead in the world
because he's in love. And if he did,
who would sooner feel ashamed of
him and suffer more because of him
than his wife?
The woman who truly, loves must
teach heteelf to share. a mans ambi
tions. Her love must urge him up
not down. She must have more in
her own life than the clinging-vine
But the man. on the other hand.
must make sure that his absorption
in his own viewpoints and goals
doesn't deny him the breadth of
vision which would enable him to
A Better Home for the Family
Home to the woman is the one place of greatest importance. It is at
once the .scene of her work, her recreation, her devotion. All her
interests are centered here. Her home is her life, and she craves a
.home beautiful, dignified and joyous. ' f
Nothing adds quite so much to the joy and beauty of the home as the
classic little baby grand piano. No grand piano is more beautiful
in its lines than ,
The Brambach Baby Grand
me to go to meetings in connection
to convince her of it. Do you think
see that his sweetheart Is an indi
vidual with longings and hopes and
desires to match his own.
Resorts for Week Eading Saturday. Oct. 29
Max. Win. Mean. . - Max. Win, Mean, t.
Long Bcash 71 69 6 I Pasadena 71 41 tl ,
tpo! i" . .: - . nt
with privileges of Pasadena Golf club, are the favorite
rendesvous of the winter golfer. 28 clubs within nn
hour by motor over splendid boulevards. It's Spring
time all the time in Pasadena. Only 10 miles from
. Los Angeles and 26 miles from teaches. Unsurpsased
cuisine and service. , ...
For !nformati6n. Address -
California Hotel Company, Pasadsna, California
J. B. COULSTON, President '
Com bines all th attractions and smuwments
of tbs world's most celebrated resorts. Home
of the uoted Hotel Virginia, "The House of
HosDltsllty." A city of uomes, an Important
Port of Commerce where Industry thrives. Fast
est jrowlm city tn the United States. Popula
tion orer 75.000: assessed Tsluatlon. I65.000.00fl
annual building, t10.000.0u0: snnusl payroll,
f 20,000,000: bank clearinis. tl63.000.000. Only
20 miles from Los Anscles. Ample hotel and
apartment sccommodations at all pricey Write
for tnterestlnff data. :
L. W. BALLARD, Enwutlv Secretary
Chamber of Comsieree, Lass, Beach, Calllorsls
It will make a better home for the wife. Dur- -ably
built ; classic design ; exquisite tone and fully
guaranteed. A paper pattern showing the exact ,
floor space required by the Brambach Baby .
Grand will be sent free ufJon request
Who Is IJilan7
Pear Mis tairfai: sve-ul't lid
very much to oorrmuniuat Midi the.
person whnse letter you answered In
The He, dated November 1. Her
letter w evidently tn regurd to
actresses, and th nam used We
"Miaa Lillian," I am ru'loaine my
nam and address.
If Lillian will send in Iter nam
Slid addre I will forward It to you.
Home fair Mltl(llt-Aittl Woman.' '
Mia Fairfax ha Ilia iiamn mid
ad dree of a family who would
triad to flv a home to a middle
aged woman In ext-haim fur light
duties around th homt. Th man)'
nd woman of the house wnrk.v An
Iderly mother I In th home, and
It i a companion for her lltfy wish
to find. , t.
Ijonraoincl In addition to tlin CM-'
Acquainted club you mention, there
I a community club for young; io
pl under th auMilce of th First.
frenbylerUtn church. It object I
to Bet young people together Hint
provide the right kind ot entertain
ment tor them. ".
Miss Elizabeth Fisher, professor
of geology and geography at Well
esley college, recently explored th
Morida Lvergiades. - .
rfAIL a de
scription of your wants
on a Bee Want
Ad Blank. - -
Speedy results
follow. '
; fit
The Art
and Music