THE BEE: OMAHA. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4. !U2l. A Glimpse of the Poet Bynner By STANLEY V. WEISER. (Omaha holds a young man, per tonal Iriend to iha poet Wittsr Byn ner, who will speak in Omaha, No vsmbsr I, Fonttnclla hoitl, befors th Fin Art society. 6tniy v. Wslser it ha. Hit friendship with Mr. Bynner hat grown largely through correspondents. He hat been persuaded to writ the follow, ing glimpse of tht poet, and to quota from one ol the many letters wmcn he cherishes, from Mr. Bynner.) Witter Bynner it not only poet. but one who seeks poetry in others. The poetry he hat inspired and the friendships that he hat quickened are at tilvery witneitet of him at are hit own word. Hit career hat been little ihort of a grand tucccs tinn of triumpht from 1907, when hit "Ode to Harvard" ws hailed by critict at one of the really great lucres 01 inocirrn jiociry, until mc present day u licit lie occupies a poll' lion of stall pre-eminence in Amerl can pnrtry at ha been accorded to few men in their lifctiinf. Hit place is iiiii'tie in the amtalt of lit erature. Mr. Byiiner is a dramatist of great note, but it i particularly by virtue of hit "Grrnstone JWms, "The New World" and "The Beloved Stranger." that he hat marked him- telf upon the best that we may to far hand down to the next genera tion. There is oriental Mood which flow in the veins of Witter Hynncr and perhapt it is due to this ancestral heritage that the prophetic uttcrancet found in our greatest port it to strongly developed in him. Mr. Byn ner hat made many visit to the orient and has become thoroughly imbued with its spirit. In Juife, iy-0, the poet sailed for China, where he spent 10 months working on his anthology of Chinese poetry. His purpose may best be expressed in hi own words in a letter which 1 received from China in August, 1920: "I am trying to do for their clean beauty what I tried to do for the beauty of 'Iphigonia in Tauris:' Ex press them in simple, human, hon est English. ' To acquire rhythmic grace in that kind of language is more difficult than in "literary' English but is, to my mind, a finer undertaking. Tart of my object is. of course, to bring across- the stas a realization that the Chinese, like any other people, arc our own close kin in the essentials. They have had for centuries the same emotions, the same hopes, the same doubts, the same devotions that we have had; and in many re spects they have solved life more sanely than we have solved it. They have a deeper sense of true value than our more materialistic civiliza tion has taught us; and in poetry as in painting their old masters have at tained a simple perfection that we are only beginning to appreciate. What I find in their art and in the individuals I meet is a corrobora tion of my faith in people every where." Witter Bynner is a firm believei in the work of American poets and has given high place to the works of Vachel Lindsay, Edgar Lee Mast ers and Edwin Arlington Robinson. Edna St. Vincent Millay he regards as "the clearest . voice in English poetry since 'A Shropshire Lad.'" "A. E. Housman first," he said re cently, "and then, Millay." Mr. Bynner is a large man, broad shouldered and very tall, informal, gracious, extremely modest, and full of easy conversation. He is a brilliant pianist. The poet's long, narrow-backed hands may slops over the ivory keyboard as he sings a Spanish song, mellow and throb bing. From it he may drift into a French song, then into some of his : cwn lyrics, improvising melodies far them as he goes along. With out the least self-consciousness and with no effort at all Mr. Bynner is one of the few really great men who have not forgotten , the meaning of ' Friendship" and "Comradcry." Centi al High Scene of Rehearsal . "Westward Ho!" came the shout from 100 lusty boy throats, accom panied by a sweeping chord from the piano "Westward, Hoi" and the opening chorus of pioneers and adventurers tramped out of the wings and on to the so-called stage for a rehearsal of. the first act ot the Fageant "Nebraska." The gymnasium of Central High was the scene of the rehearsal Wednes day afternoon in preparation for the presentation, November 10, at the Brandeis theater, before the Teach ers' cqnvention. , While Miss Lena May Williams, who is the director of the pageant, and Mrs. ntts, wno icaas tne music, watched and criticised, one chorus followed another with business-like and well-drilled assurance. Even the youngsters of the Golden Hours, mere babies, twirled and cut and gavotted with perfect aplomb. The singers, mainly recruited from" the High School Glee club, did well, anil woe be to them if they failed to keep their attention on Mrs. Carol Pitts' baton. "I don't car- if a bomb goes off under your feet," she announced from her commanding position on a chair. "Don't you dare take your eyes off me." After the final chorus, grouped about the Spirit of the West, Mrs. Pitts lost her severity. "I have to talk that way to them, she ex plained with laugh, "but they real ly behave wonderfully well, for, of course, rehearsing is tiresome." The cast was trooping off, boys and girls from Central and from the various grade schools of the city, of various ages and assorted size. Some of them had mothers around the edges of the gymnasium watch ing the rehearsal. One little girl trudged otf with a pink cheeked doll under her arm, which had re posed patiently on a table while her young mother was doing the heel and toe. Another had a little sis ter on the aide lines, a 3-year-old sister with yellow Jiair and a de termined chin, who insisted on com ing down to the "practice," and who waved her arms in time to the music and announced to thej world, "I want to dance, too." Walking Club Campfire .. i 4eW ,' J'""'"''"' , fl fa- -v.'nJJ m o A dream of the Omaha Walking club has been realized in the com r-letion of its new club house at Wiley Point, Fontenelle forett rt terve. The main attraction of the cabin it the round fireplace, built in the middle of the room. Thit type of fireplace wat used by the Indian in the early dayt and it alio mrd in the big hotels of Glacier park. In the picture from left to right "Never Again." I've spent all my money, I've worn out my clothes Of bills I've' paid threescore and ten: This vacation stuffs great, but I'm here to relate That my verdict is "Never again I" And I've sat in the shade, with the front porch brigade, And heard gossip andscandal, and then Heard them acclaim the very same dame The of Fine are the Muses Frances Zadak, Helen Chester, Allie Houston, president; Olive Fraser and Judith Corr. An average of 50 members have been enjoying the Saturday afternoon walks through Fontenelle forett. Sup per is served at the cabin and the evening is spent in singing. "Chorus singing hat become a regular feature of the hikes." tayt Edwin S. Jewell, charter member of the club. They were roasting Gosh! "Never again!" Now I'll need six more weeks to get back to my cheeks All the color I lost at "The Glen." So I think that it's best in the city to rest. And the country? Well. "Never again I" M. V. O'Connell A great convenience in the kitch en is a square of rubber sheeting which can be spread out on the table while sprinkling clothes. RGESS- BVS RYBODY& STORS 1 Greatest This Season Sailor Hats at About Hal) Price $5. and $7.50 Millinery .Trimmings Ostrich; Feather; Flowers Specially Priced Junior Millinery Also Included Sale Opens 9 Burfets-Nash MilUMrr My Marriage Problems Adela tiarrteoa's New ttaM of "REVELATIONS OF A WIFE" lOaarnaM. isti. tr The, Characteristic Way Pa Cos . rovePassed the Tims on tht Lonely Road. The motorcycle which I had heard clattering behind us slowed up as it passed, and by the light of my lamps 1 taw the state trooper turn for another look at the long fishing poles with the lantern at the end of them, which stretched out behind the iron luggage carrier at the side. Then he sped on again, while Pa Cosgrove leaned forward and spoke slowly but to the point. Stop at the first good place in the road you see, and let me think a minute," he said. "That fellow's apt to get a little fussy." We were just turning a curve. which, when rounded, brought an other to view, so that it was an eighth of a mile at least before I finally brought the car to a stop, well t the side of the road, and in a position where its lights could be seen for several rods both ways. "There's no use going the way we were going," Mr. Cosgrove mused, evidently thinking the prob lem out aloud. "That chap will just about figger out we're going down that dam road excuse me ladies, but that's just what it is and he'll be at the turn there by Hinchell's store, in the bushes, ready to trail us. Now, I think we'd better go slow past that corner, so he'll get a good look at us and come out and follow us, and then we'll beat it down to the Capron corner and turn up there as if we were going to that pickerel pond. Ten to one hell go on past the corner, satisfied, and when he does we'll double back and take that road through the reservoir area, you know, boys" Sta Oman Millirierv Friday and Saturday An unequaled value-giving event, em phasizing our policy of of fering greatest values and largest assortments. The fine quality and unexcelled style of our millinery needs no foreword. Friday we are of f er ing a multitude of hats, selected in the predominat ing modes, at prices which stand unparalleled. Charming hats for street, for. dress, and for tailored wear. Also ' A. M Friday Skip ThW Floor. "Over past Lisohcris," Fred assented, "Exactly. We'll come out around the other way. It will be longer, but safer. "So fishing at night is forbidden," Bess Dean declared triumphantly. "I knew it. How scrumptiously exciting. Do you suppose we'll alt get pinched?" "I haven't said anything was for bidden, have I?" Mr. Coxgrove urowled it is the only word for his intonation, and I realized he was seriously annoyed by the girls speech "and if you know or guess such a thing, you d better forget it For if you're asked any such ques tion tonight, just remember, every one of you, that you never dreamed of such a thing as it being forbidden. Now, Mrs. Graham, drive along. I'll tell you about a mile before you have to slow down, you know by that inn where you admired all those flower-beds there's always lights there at night, so you can see them plainly." "I probably shall not need to slow down much, 1 said lightly, as I started the engine again. "I'll con- fess I don't care particularly for fast driving at night along these roads. I'd rather emulate our friend the snail." "If a few road hogs were of your thinking,' Mr. Cosgrove Answered, "there he fewer dead men at the foot of some of these precipices. See that place at the right? Two oars went oT there a year ago, four people killed. And just down the road a piece " He proceeded to describe at length all the horrible accidents, I believe, that ever had taken place on this par ticular mountain road since automo biles were invented. Almost every curve we passed had its story, and if Sale U 0 200, Fine Hatters' Plush Sailors $2.95 Untrimmed Hats of the Best Materials $1.95, $2.95, $3.95 I I were possessed of the particular brand of nerves which responds t horrort I would have stopped the car unable to drive further, uut that tort of thing affects me not at all. and as Dicky knows my tempers ntent, and knew also that I'a Cos. tirove, jovial giant, without a nerve in liis system, was absolutely ignorant of the havoc he might be working and would, no doubt, be highly con tenipluous toward any irotet. I wa ctrtain that he would make no com inrnt. and was prepared to let the monologue of terror go blithely on its way. But at the fifth recital, 0et Mean gave a little suppressed scream. l a Cosgrove, the exclaimed de terminedly. "If you tell another hor rible accident story I shall jump out ot the car, and my death will lie on your head. Madge," pettishly, "I don't see how you can drive and listen to all that. You must have no imagination at all. "A well-trained Imagination rath er." Dicky drawled. I never knew Madge to have a nerve in her body when she's doing anything strenuous l:ke driving a car or bcatuig'me up. She goes at either job at coolly al beit joyously at though the were going to be crowned CJuecn of the May." There was a note of pride under tieath hit joking which thrilled me a much at I shrewdly guessed it irri tatcd Bess Dean. But I'a Cosgrove was full of contrition, although I caught a sardonic note in hit prompt apology: You sure must excuse me. ladies. he said. "I had no idea I was har rowing up any tender feelings. But at that, I'd advise you to practice listening to just such stuff, if you plan to be real mountaineers. No place for nerves or finicky folks around these parts. Now, Mrs. Gra ham, we're coming to the inn. Just slow up ana see if that motorcycle tellow will rise to our bait. .Botocns. Value-Civing Store Friday, the Last Day of Boweri'. Big Mattress Sale By Talcing Advantage of It You Can Save Many Dollars Heavy Felt Mattress made of best art ticking $6.95 98.25 89.95. It's saving dollars to shop at Bowen's. Values in every de partment. It Pays to Read Bowen's Small Ads. wren Howard, bet. 15th ad 16th When in Omaha Hotel Rome The Omaha Boo is pro. eating its ' reader with an unsurpassed Sport Pago oil the news in the world of port. s5 Ouch! Lame Back I rll m m m V Kub backache. LunibAgo. Soreness and sMmSfs way- iiy nii$! v5 Back hurt you.' Can't straighten up without feeling sudden pains, sharp aches and twinges? y Now listen 1 That's lumbago, sciatica, or maybe fsom a strain, and you'll get blessed relief the moment you rub your back with soothing, penetrat ing "St. Jacobs Oil." Nothing else takes out soreness, lameness and stiffness . so quickly. You simply rub it on and out comes the pain. ADVERTISEMENT. Why My Friends All Take Yeast VitamonTabletsNow To Make Firm Flesh, Increase Energy and Beautify the Complexion "Just u my friends all started to talk about the wonderful health and besuty giving properties of the vitamlnes in yeast and other raw foods, I heard about the highly concentrated form of true yeast vitamines called Mastin's VITAMON. Once I started taking two of these tiny tablets with every meal I noticed result, almost immediately. Others did too, for people began remarking about how well I looked how much younger and prettier and to say I felt better doesn't naif ex press the truly amaiing improvement. I have gained several pounds, my 6h is firm, my nerves are calm and there seems to be no end So my new found energy. Now my friends who so admired the change in me are all turning to the con centrated yeast Mastin's VITAMON tablets and not only find them easy and economical to take, but results are so surprisingly quick." The enthusiasm of this writer is like that Ton can set Mastin's VITAMON tablets at all food druralsU, such as Shermaa McConn!!. Adam-Haiht, Alexander Jacobs, J. L. Brandeis. Harden Bros., and Burgess-Nun, ElUblhW 1S94. RUPTURE guarantee to give satisfactory results. Our treatment has more than twen ty years of success behind ft and Is the beat In existence. We do not Inject ' paraffins, as it is dangerous. Time required for ordinary cases. 10 daya The advantages of treatment are: No danger from chloroform, shock ant blood poison, and no laying; up in a hospital. Call or write j PR. WRAY HKRNIA IXSiyTTE, 410 Peters Ttast Btdg., Omaha. Things You'll Love To Make &SSC3Al '' wj Tadirrts!Vbl Veils of all torts are popular this tall. Here it a ticil-ln-lront veil that is quite captivating. Fasten your veil around the brim of your hat. Bring tne veil around to the front and gather the bottom edge. (Make three rows of gathers.) Crochet a ball around the gathered end of the veil, rimsh with a silk tel. A tied-in fiont veil will look exceedingly smart with a small hat worn with a fall suit. (Copyright, Itil, by r-ubllo Ud.r Co.) Mrs. Carl Gray to Speak. Mrs. Carl Gray will speak before the women of the first Central Con gregational church in the church parlors at .30 rriday afternoon, JSoTDtris Valuc-Civhg Store Yes. the Vacuum Cleaner will clean house for you that is, it will clean the car pets, rugs, draperies and up holstered furniture. So Easy to Easy to Own Price on Vacuom Demonstrators, $29.75 Sold at the H. B. Bowen Co. on easy payments. Have one of these handy electric serv ants in your home, paying for it as you use it. It Pays to Read Bowen's Small AdS Hewer St, Bet. ISta aad IStk. ADVKRTISKMJEXT. CREAM CLEARS A STUFFED-UP HEAD Instantly Opens Every Air Passage Clears Throat Tee. If your nostrils are clogged and your head is stuffed because ot nasty catarrh or-a cold, apply a lit tle pure, antiseptic cream into your nostrils. It penertates through every air passage, soothing and healing swollen, inflamed membranes . and you get instant relief. Try this, uet a small bottle ot Kly s Cream Balm at any drug store. Your clogged nostrils open right up; your head is clear; . no more hawkintr or snuffling. Count fifty. All the stuffiness, dryness, struggling for breath is gone. You feel tine. 'ArtVERTIPFVFJJT. s 4 " 1; is perfectly harmless and doesn't burn or discolor the skin. Limber upl Don't suffer! Get a small trial bottle from any drug store,, and after using it just once you'll forget that you ever had backache, lumbago or sciatica, be cause your back will never hurt or cause any more misery. It never disappoints and has been recom mended for 60 years. ADVERTISEMENT. of thousands, for Mastin's VITAMON contains not only highly concentrated yeast-vitamines, but the two other stil more important vitamines (Fat soluble A and Water soluble C) which makes a proper dose to build firm tissue, itront nerves, rich blood and a keen, active brai n It will not cause gas or upset the stom ach, but, on the contrary, is a great aid to digestion and in overcoming chronic con stipation. Boils and skin eruptions seem to vanish like magic under this healthful purifying influence, leaving the skin fresh, dear and beautiful. 6o remarkable art the benefits from these highly concen trated Mastin's VITAMON tablets that entire satisfaction is absolutely guaran teed or the small amount you pay for tht trial will be promptly refunded. Be sure "to remember the name Mastin's VI-TA-MON the original and genuine yeart-vi-tamine tablet there is nothing else like it, so do not accept imitations or substitutes. We have a successful treatment for Rupture without resorting- to a painful and uncertain surgical operation. We are the only reputable . physicians who will take such cases upon a j Bridg Luncheon. Mrs S.iniirl toiiprr will enterUm at lumheou and brut' t ',ie home of her psienU. sir. and Mrs. C M. Williclni, on r'ruUy. American women in Chin. nuinUr 2.7011, living chiefly in Shanghai, I'rkui, iUukow, tsiiloii. Tiniuin, Nanking, 1 itochow, T.insn and thengtit, in the order n.nird, with the Uigrr numbers in Sluughai and I'ekin. AiitrNTiKr.Mttv.'. Kiddies'ColdsCan Be Eased Quickly Dr. King's New Picovwy will do that very thing, easily snd quickly. Don't say. "IW little kiddie, I wish I knew what to da tor you!" Mien the rough first comet, givt) a little 1. Kins 't New Diaroxrry as directed, and it will soon Se eased. It's a good family cough ami roM remedy, too. Loosens up the nhlegm, fltars up the rough, relieves the coa gestton. No harmful drugs. For fifty years a standard remedy for colds, coughs, grinpe. At your druggists, 60c. a bottle. Dr. King's New Discovery For Colds and Coughs Constipated?- I lere's Relief 1 Cleanse the system, with Dr. King's fills. They prompt free bile flow, stir up the (sty liver and get at the root of the trouble. All druggists, 23c D PROMPT I WON'T GRIPS r. Kings Pills Saturday Brings a Sale of Floor Lamps At About Half Price Union Outfitting Co. New Models in Davenport, Bridge and Piano Lamp Eaay-to-Pay Terms. If you want to make your home more attractive to guests and passersby this winter, you can have it so at very moderate price in the great sale of Floor Lamps at the Union Outfitting Co. next Saturday. The Bases are new 1921 de signs in every imaginable style, richly finished in mahogany. The shades are made of heavy Cheney silks in many colors, finished with fringes, beads and tassels. As always, easy terms. P0LDS 1, M of head or eheSt Afe more easily a treated externally with C3S VapoRud OeeJ7 Million Jan UteJYearly ADVERTISEMENT. TO RELIEVE CATARRHAL j DEAFNESS AND HEAD NOISES If you have Catarrhal Deafness or ars hard ot hearing or have head noises go to your dniKgist and set 1 ounce of Par- mint (double strensth), an add to It ',4 pint ol hot water and a little granulated sugar. Take one teaspooniul (our times day. This will often brine quick relief from the distressing head noiies. ' Clogged nostrils should open, breathing become easy and the mucus stops dropping into the throat. It is easy to prepare, costs little snd is pleasant to take. Anyone who has Catarrhal Deafness or head noises should give this prescription a trial. dsRrdenfkiickl)r; IN SkamHkki Mlk aln sin HIT. Surf;. SMs OjIs. Is 14 Swot Crtsst h S San. SkMStrS nmiy far s"trs Uaaa. Na fcai aftor tffacta. Safa aaS scsmeabla Dnaaas MS Sat laarlas Id HIT. iiai all at atfaatara. 4l 411 Omt-MCmli W a KILL COMPACT DETROIT ADVERTISEMENT. re RED PI IB. On Child's Face and Hands. Itched and Baraei "When my brother was two months old his face and hands began to break out with soft red pimples, which scaled over. They itched and burned and caused him to scratch. We had him treated without success. We began using Cutkura Soap and Oint ment snd after using one cake of Cutkura Soap and one box ofCoticura Ointment he was completely healed. In two weeks." (Signed) Irvin Sess, Lansing, lows. Cuticora Soap daily snd Cuticnra Ointment occasionally, prevent pirn pies or other eruptions. They are a pleasure to use. as is also Caticure Talcum for perfuming the skin. Sal.takrrMtrI!ia. AJtrM: "ertmUk TUmm. Past. ST. Mama Mm, " ftoMerarr hCT. ScwScOlntaMMSanStat. Tatamkta. utictirm 5 p absTso wttaovt aassj VcHOCOIsATEG . INNER- CIRCLE jf CANDIES CURA