Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 02, 1921, Page 9, Image 9

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-J i '
Belgian General y Jiugans Home Boy
of J. E, Davidoii at the luncheon
and meeting.
The' Aero congress received en.
dorsernent by the club, and tickets to
the affair were sold tj members fol
lowing short talk in its behalf by
Ward M. Burgess.
Dr. Max Emmert, member of
the club, spoke on the prevention of
cancer, li. G. Finlayson presided as
In the days of ancient Rome mu
sic and dancing formed a most im
portant part ofgirU' education.
89th Division to Hold
year. There are 700 members of
this 'division who are residents of
Omaha and about J.50Q live in the
This reunion should bring 10,000
veterans to Omaha next year.
Motorcyclist Badly Hurt
In Collision With Auto
at Eighteenth and Podge streets, at
8 yesterday morning.
catt of Twenty-fourth, in the drive
for fJiW.OOO (or erection ol a r
pianent building fr Father l iana,
gsu'l ftoys Home on Overlook (arm.
Leo Hoffman will have the dii
trict south of Farnam, nelusive rf
the butinrtt di.tritt. J. J. Lark in
will be manager of the South Sule
end of the campaign.
Henry Mooiky, director of the
speakers' bureau dincutted the drive
Uit night before the Catholic
Daughters of America, in the
Knighti of Columbus hall, Twenty
second nad Farnam.
Coming to Air Meet R Talb to Uons Uub
1 922 Reunion in Omaha
The reunion of the 89th division
in'iy.M will be held in Omaha during
Ak-Sar-Ben festival. Omaha was
chosen by vote of the War society
of the 89th division in session during
the American Legion convention at
Kansas City.
The 8Vth division trained at Camp
Funston and waa overseai for one
1 timer was hurled almost over the
according to passersby
who rushed
him to the i oru
Turner suffered head and body
bruises. Conley wss not arrested.
District Leaden Named
In Overlook Farm Drive
W. J. Maloney has been ap
pointed manager of the business
district, Cuming to Leavenworth and
Charles Kenworthy, IJ-ytar-otd
fcoy orator at Father Flanagan'a
home lor boys, was the principal
speaker on the program of the Lions
club meeting at the Hotel Rome
Father Flanagan, who aUo made
abort talk, and Charles were guests
J. C. Turner. 2123 finkney street,
was injured seriouily when a mo
torcycle he was riding crashed into
an automobile driven by C R. Con-
ley. 2018 North Eighteenth street.
im 11 r 11111
Nuisance Taxes
Main Subject of
Debate in Senate
Democrats Charge Plan to
Strip Measure to Make Nec
essary AJoptioa of Gen
eral Salei Levy.
Washington, Nov, 1 .Luxury snd
nuitancei taxes held the center of
the icntte iUk today and tonight,
with party tin obliterated, So many
of thii clat of exric were voted out
of the revenue bill that the charge
waa made from the democratic aide
that there was movement afoot to
atrip the measure to make nccemry
adoption of a general aalea tax.'
Thii wat denied by Senator Pen
rote, in charge of the bill, who said
it waa not the time to bring forward
a talea tax. He enured the senate
that even if all the itenta pronoicd
for repeal went out of the bill, there
would be a margin of $10,000,000
between the government Income and
1 tie aalea tax discussion waa ac
cepted as notice of the fight that is
to come when Senator Smoot, re
publican, Utah, brings up his propos
al for such a tax, probably Thurs
day. He introduced two modified
and alternate aalcs tax plans. One
proposes a 1 per cent levy on all
manufactured goods where sales ex
ceed $6,000 a year, and the other
proposes a general turnover tax of
one-half of I per cent where the sales
exceed $6,000.
Cut Corporation Tax.
Senator Smoot previously had of
fered an amendment providing a
general manufacturers' sales tax of 3
per cent with certain exemptions,
this to be in lieu of alt miscellaneous
taxes. His new plans would replace
many miscellaneous excises and
would provide for a 10 per cent tax
on corporations in place of the IS
per cent tentatively agreed upon by
the senate. -
It is understood to be his plan to
offer his amendments one by one
with the view of testing senate, sen
timent on each.
The Smoot amendments are ex
pected to meet stiff opposition.
The senate confined its operations
largely to the subject matter in the
bill, renewal of the soldiers bonus
first being deferred until tomorrow.
Senator Reed, democrat, ' Missouri,
expects to reply to a statement is
sued by Chairman Fordney of the
house ways and means committee,
who said the Reed amendment for
the bonus coming at this time would
"undoubtedly create suspicion in the
minds of the veterans and of the
senator'a sincerity.
"Very early in the coming regular
session of congress," he said, "the
house will undoubtedly pass an ad
justed compensation bill."
Taxes Stricken Out
Luxury and nuisance taxes
stricken from the bill by the senate,
included those on articles made of
fur, toilet soaps and soap powders,
tooth and mouth washes, dentistries,
tooth paste, toilet powders, and
petroleum oil, electric fans, thermos
and thermostatic bottles and photo
graphic apparatus and accessories.
Taxes retained included: Photo
graphic films' and plates other than
, moving picture films, 5 per cent;
candy. 3 per cent for all kinds, in
lieu of the present rate of 4 pet Cent!
perfumes, essences, extracts, toilet
waters, cosmetics, hair oils, hair oil
dressings, restoratives, dyes, etc., 4
per cent in lieu of present stamp
taxes; firearms, shells and' cart
. ridges, hunting and bowie knives,
dirk knives, daggers, - cigar and
cigaret holders and pipes, hiimidors
and smoking stands, hunting and
shooting garments and riding habits,
liveries and livry boots and hats
and automatic slot device weighing
machines, 10 per cent; yachts and
motor boats not designed for trade,
fishing or national defense and
pleasure boats and pleasure canoes,
if sold for more than $100, 10 per
cent; automatic - slot vending ; ma
chines, 5 per cent.;
Pawnee City Family Hurt ,
In Peculiar Auto Accident
Table Rock. Neb., Nov. 1. (Spe
cial.) Word has been received here
that Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Green of
Pawnee City and - grand-daughter,
Miss Bernice, were in an automobile
accident at Indianapolis, Ind., Sun
day, but all escaped serious injury.
They were being pulled in by a
service car. As they' were going
down a hill following the car, it
skidded on the gravel road and over
turned, throwing out the occupants.
Mrs. Green suffered a cut on her
head. Mr. Green was quite badly
bruised and Miss Bernice suffered
a sprained ankle. They intend to
start for home next Sunday. -
Alleged Slayer Is Freed
On $10,000, Pending Trial
Deadwood, S. D., Nov. 1. (Spe
cial.) Black Hills attorneys have
returned from Ekalaka, Mont., where
they argued a motion for the fixing
of a bond in the case of Paul Grimes,
charged with the- murder of his
sheepherder, Myrt Goss. Judge Pelt
granted the application, setting the
bond at $10,000. Grimes' trial wilt
be held at the next term of circuit
court at Ekalaka, to convene No
vember 29. ' .
Grimes claims he shot in self-defense
when his sheepherder became
angry and started after him with
an ax. '.. ' '
Liberty Road, Danger Spot,
At Table Rock Is Removed
Table Rock, Neb., Nov. 1. (Spe
cial.) Quite a little interest is being
manifested in the new Liberty high
way which runs through Table Rock
north into Elk Creek. The promot
ers have been keeping1 quite busy in
the grading and clearing the past
few weeks, and before long the road
will be in as good condition as the
Nebraska highway One dangerons
point near the Howard home is be
ing removed by the cutting of brush
and trees in a deep ravine.
Deaths and Funerals
Lieut. Gen Baron Jacques, said to
be the most popular hero of Bel
gium, next to King Albert, will
come to Omaha for the Interna
tional Aero congress this week.
He received the invitation from
Governor McKclvie who greeted
him in person yesterday morning in
Kansas City.
The general responded cordially
that he would be happy to visit
General Jacques was a leader of
those Belgian "iron troops" which
threw themselves in the breach and
held back the German hordes in the
early days of the war, giving France
and England time to get ready.
Find if Burch
Sane Requested
Plea Made as Trial Starts
Mrs. Obencbain Appeals to
Los Angeles Citizens Not
To Prejudge Her.
Los Angeles, Nov. 1. When the
case of Arthur C. Burch, indicted
jointly with Mrs. Madalynne Oben
chain for the alleged murder of
J. Belton Kennedy was called for
trial. in the superior court here to
day, counsel for Burch presented af
fidavits to the court, asking tni
Burch be examined as to his sanity.
The affidavits were made by attor
neys for Burch, They declared the
application for a sanity test was
based upon the "incoherent ' speech
and actions' of the defendant during
the past few days. -, .
Venire of 63. (
Venire of 63, with women in the
majority, was summoned today for
the trial of Burch, indicted jointly
with Mrs. Madalynne Obenchain for
the alleged murder of J. Belton
Kennedy. Drawing of a jury from
this number was expected to take
up the greater part of the week.
Mrs. Obenchain's trial was also
set for today but District Attorney
Thomas Lee Woolwine announced
Burch would be tried first.
Another development, was ex
pected, to be a report by the griev
ance committee of the Los Angeles
Bar association on charges made by
Mr. Woolwine against Charles Erb
stein, Chicago attorney -who sought
admission to the California bar in
order to represent Mrs. ' Obenchain.
Appeal to Citizens.
Vfre DKpnrhain in a. statement to
the press appealed to the "citizens
h( T A nervine" nni in "nreiiirlffe'
her." She declared she knew of "no
farts or circumstances which would
in s my opinion , proveu Arthur G
Burch guilty, ana catiea upon
Burch to take the stand and tell
the truth if he had any information
or evidence "which tends to show
me guilty.". She added: "There is
no reason why Arthur JBurcn ana
I should break, fall out or testify
against each other." ' ''
Seven Air Mail Planes Go
To Kansas City From Here
A squadron , of seven mail planes
will leave Ak-Sar-Ben field at 10
o'clock today bound for Kansas
City, where they will, represent
the air mail service at the American
Legion convention. Pilot Walter G.
Smith, who carried the first air mail
from Chicago to Omaha, will head
the squadron. He led a formation
of five planes that arrived in Omaha
today from Chicago.
Alexander in Belgrade!
Belgrade. Nov. 1 King Alexander
of Tugo-Slavia arrived last night
from Paris. All members of the cab
inet met his train.
Mra. If. O. Duon. formerly of Omaha.
1ed in Neltth. Nete., Monday and Will
burled here Thnreday maritime. Be
fore her marriage ahe waa Mary Alice
McCrearjr, only dauchter of tha lata Mr.
and Mra. John McCrearr. She waa the
flrat pupil at the Sacred Heart convent.
Thlrtjr-etxth an Burt treeca. and waa
graduate from there. She la urTe4
by her husband, twe daughters Helen and
Florence, and fear brothers, Harry, John.
Wallace and BaStMtt et Omaha.
Brief City News
Rummage Sale The women of
Westminster Presbyterian church,
Twenty-ninth and Maaon street, will
hold their annual rummage sale at
1403 South Sixteenth street, on
Thursday next
' 0 to San Francisco Frank
Theodos, who has been connected
with Candy Land confectionery. 1522
Farnam street, for three years, will
leave for San Francisco today to
join his brother's business Interests
Preparing for Grand Jury Mrs.
15. C Huffman, secretary in tha Lin
coln office of the United States at
torney for this district, came to Oma
ha yesterday to assist in the prepara
tion of cases for the grand jury,
which convenes Monday. .
Dancing Parties Woodmen of the
World will give a dancing party for
employes at the Empress Kust'
garden tonight. Friday nlgnt mo
tion -picture theater managers and
film exchange manager will enter
tain their employes at tha Rustic
7 ,
400 Striking Hats In a
Millinery Selling
A remarkable group of hats whose quality,
style and workmanship would justify a far higher
pricing, are offered for Wednesday only at $5.00.
Rich Black Velvet Hats.
Dress Hats in Brilliant Colors.
Flower Trimmed Styles.
Ostrich Hats.
Tailored Hats Smartly Conceived.
BurfeM-Nath MlUinerjr Department Third Floor.
Wednesday Afternoon Tea
in the BurgeM-Nash Tea Room I
A Concert : from 3 : 30 to 4 j 30 .
Dancing: from 4:30 to 5:30 I
The BuT$cu-Naih Salon Orchestra
under the direction of I
Mr. Robert Cuscaden .
Reception Rooms Seventh Floor West
Burfaae-Nask Ten goose Seventh Floor
Waterbury Alarm Clocks: $1.00
Priced at less than wholesale cost, these nickel
plated top bell alarm clocks are from the reliable
waterbury Manufacturers.
Burfeta-Nuh Novelty Saep Mala Floor.
in the Kodak Dept.
For This Week '
All reprint order on your kodak pictures, of what
ever size, 2V4c each.
Enlargements up to and including size 8x10 inches,
23c each.
Kodak Albums, loose leaf style, 7x11 inches in size,
with flexible cover, 98c each.
BurKtM-Naah Kodak Department Main Floor.
New Victor Record Albums
Exceptionally strong albums in two sizes:
The 12-inch with 12 pockets. .. .$1.25
The 10-inch' with 12 pockets. .. .$1.00
BurgoH-Nuh Victrela Shop Fifth Floor.
Real Leather; Bags
As Smart as They are Low in Price
J 00 $J 75 $245
Shopping Bags and small back strap Purses ft QQ
in calfskin and seal grain leathers ..........
Vanity Boxes in novelty leathers, containing three-piece
vanity article. Swagger Bags in brown, $J 7J
black and tan
Boston Bags of split' cowhide, 14 and 15-inch tt "TfC
lengths in tan and black. " :
A. splendid assortment in black and brown seal grains, novelty and
Morocco leathers. A host of different styles d0 AC
from which to choose :
i , ,
Burreae-Naah Leather Goes Department Main Floor ,
Handsome Furs
Fur Chokers in Sable,
Marten, Fox or Mink (
The choker, fills an especially important part this season in the
costume of both early fall and later winter; - Our stocks are proving
their completeness daily to many delighted customers. Among many
favorites which we offer are: . ; 1 -'
Sable Chokers: $55.00 to $79.50.
Stone Marten Chokers: $29.50 to $39.50.
Brown Fox Chokers: $29.50 to $55.00.
American Mink Chokers: $35.00. ,
Fur Coats, Correct and
Delightfully Warm
As the colder days of winter are coming nearer, the comfortable
warmth of the fur coat becomes an important consideration You will
be delighted at the assortments which we have to offer at reasonable
prices. Among many items, we suggest: . , ;,
Muskrat Coats, raccoon trimmed, $275.00.
Muskrat Coats, plain trimmed, $165.00 to $225.00.
Hudson Seal Coats, trimmed with marten of best quality
in 36-inch and 40-inch lengths, $475.00, $495.00 and
up to $650.00.
Burfeaa-Naah Fur Shop Third Floor.
Complete Line of Christmas Handkerchiefs
Delightful Gifts for Every Member of the Family
Our complete holiday assortment is in.- So charming and so delightful in variety
that passers-by stop to exclaim. Place your orders early,
The time is limited for placing orders for monograms and initials.
White Linen Handkerchiefs, for both
men and women, range in price from 20c
to $5.00 each. , ;
Madeira Handkerchiefs, with fine hand
embroidered motifs, range from 50c to
$5.00 each.
Novelty Handkerchief s, in exclusive de
signs, hand made; with gingham borders;
monogramed; of plain pongee; of linens;
50c to $4.50.
i Gift Handkerchiefs, in prettiest novel
ties and with fine hand embroidery, 50c
to $3.00.
An almost unlimited selection of exquisite Handkerchiefs, with real lace edgings:
Duchess, Princess, Rose Point, Valenciennes, range in price from $3.00 to $12.00.
' . Bureeea-Naah Handkerchief Shop Mala Floor.
Notions : Wednesday; at Special. Prices
Katax Saaitary Napkin i
J)Ri, 49c
J. A P. CoaU' Machine Tkrca!:
11 Spook, 50c
Liaaa TP 5c
, Shea Trcl 3 pairs, 2Sc
ColIin(horB'a Darning -Cottoai
ball, 2Hc
Jaraay Cororool Bust
Fermut $1.69
Gray Jeraey coveted -bust
forms in sites 82 to 44. Very
special, $1.69.
Scittar and Shear t 29e
In every size.
Face Veil! 1c each ,
Face veils in plain and fancy
figures, all the best colors,
"Carmen" brand.
Wet Electric Heir ' .
Cerlor: 19c card
. Five on a card, at 19c.
Hair Net! 10c each;
$1.00 doten
: Double mesh hair nets in cap
. - and fringe styles, every color
at, 10c each, $1.00 dozen.
: Wire Hair Piaet lc pkf.
Hat Pin le each
Headed Pin: Sc
Black and colored headed pins,
100 to cube, at Sc.
Hickory Waist! 39e each
For boys and girls. Ages 2 to
14 years. 39c each. -Darniag
Wool: lc card '
Kleiaert's Jiffy PanUi 39e on.
Kleinert's rubber infants'
pants in all sizes, special, per
pair, 39c
Corset Laceat 5c each
5 and 7-yard lengths.
'. Sanitary Bajts: 25c each
All elastic sanitary belts, every
' size. Special, each, 25c.
Barreae-rtaak Netieet Dept. Main Floor.
Sanitary Apronst 39c
The Hickory sanitary aprons,
very good quality and wash
able. Each, 39c :
Sharp's Gold-Eyed Needle: 2
legs., 5c
Hair Nets: 50c dos.
Real human hair nets in cap
shape, every color. . Special,
50? dozen.
Crochet Cotton: 6Uc ball
American Maid crochet cotton
in white and colors, all sizes,
6c ball.
Wire Hair Pins: 5c box
Elastic Remnants: 5e piece
in black, and white, to 1
inch wide, at 5c piece.
O. N. T. Crochet and Silkene -
Cotton: 3 for 25c
Strong Safety Pins
All Sizes, card, 5c.
Rust-Proof Dres Ciaaps:
Card, 3c
Women's Silk
a Pair
Women's excellent quality
pure thread full-fashioned
silk stockings with 6 thread
toes and heels and 12 strand
silk, in black,' russet, dark
brown, shades of gray and a
few evenings colors.
Sizes 8 tO10.
Bnrtaoa-Naah Stocking Shoe
. Main Floor.
The Softest and Prettiest
of Knitted Things for
Little Tots
Knit Sweater Suit $-95
Just the thing to play O
in, made of soft wool; a whole
set of sweater, leggings and
cap, in brown, tan, copen or
white, for tots from 1 to 4 yrs.
Knit Wool Leggings
Knit leggings of soft
white wool, 1 to 8 years.
Cape and T e q a e
Sacques Knit or hand $ 1 .65
crocheted, of soft
wool, with pink or blue border
and ribbons. Infants to 2 yrs.
Sweaters A very spe- $ 1 .65
knit, white and colors, in wool,
mercerized or silk. Infants,
to 4 years, 95c up to $4.95.
of soft wool, with and without
a belt. In brown, white, tan,
copen and American Beauty; 1
to 6 years.
Baby Boottees Hand OP
crocheted of soft wool, O C
with pink or blue trimmingSj
25c, 35c and 50c
Berfeat-Naeh Infanta' Department Talra' Floor.