I r ! ' J -a f4I a . w v.Ma, .' 1T : . r ' Cranberries In Many Guises Not o many ytart go the crn- ierry v. at deemed uteful only in the nuking of tarti and piei, but today it it the feature in tauce, to be tcrved with game and poultry, and in the making of puddingt, lumpUngi, ahortcakei, Jami, pre bcrvei, jcllici, etc. Cranberriet must not be cooked In any metal vend, ai the delicate acida of the fruit injurea them by contact . with mctata, giving the product medicinal taite. which ia not natural. Betide, the bcrriea ai fume dull initead o( a bright aj pcarance. Porcelain, porcelain-lined or enameled utennila alone ahould be used in cooking. After removing all s'cmi and defective berries, the fruit tiuixt be thoroughly washed. To make a tauce to be aerved with poultry, game or meata, take one vound or one quart of berriea and add three-fourths of a pint of water and three-fourths of a pound of white sugar. Boil for about 10 min utes. While boiling they must he shaken gently, but not stirred.. The tarries will then retain their shape and attractive appearance. Strained Sauce. - One pound or quart of berries, one pint of water, half a pound of white sugar. Boil berriea and water for 10 minutes; strain out the skins through co'.ander or coarse cloth; add sugar nnd bmig' to a boil. The amount of sugar and water may be varied to suit the taste, or they may be served with powdered sugar. Je7. ' Stew in same amount of water as sauce, without sugar. When well cooked, strain through jelly bag or 'coarse cloth. Cook the juice about 15 minutes;, add as much sugar by " measure as there was strained juice; boil about IS minutes longer and turn into forms or jelly cups; dip forms in cold water to prevent stick ing. Cranberries With Raisins. ' One quart . of berries. half a pound of large, stoned raisins, three quarters to one pound of white . sugar, one pint of water. .Stew the raisins 10 minutes, then add cran berries and sugar and cook slowly till the berries have a clear',' trans parent look. Do not stir, but shake often while cooking. ' Pies or Tarts. . " For pies or tarts with upper crust, the berries should .be used whole and cooked in the pastry, us- jng about the same amount of sugar as for sauce, and half as much water. . V v Tart Pie,: ' Line a pie dish with crust, fill deep with sauce, put narrow strips of pie crust across the top and bake. Tartlets,', The cranberries should be stewed as for sauce before b.eing placed in the crust, and will be better if the skins are removed. ' Shortcake ' Make a tender crust of one quart .of flour, quarter cup of butter, two tcaspoonfuls of baking powder. Use plenty ' of cranberry sauce, " already... prepared. A' dressing of "thick, whipped cream is a great addition. :, ; ' . Pot .pie.-;, - One quart of berries, one pint of .water, three-quarters of a pound of sugan ' Place the fruit in ;a--crock or porcelain-lined kettle, cover- with 'squares of light biscuit dough and boil together 15 minutes." Serve with sauce or nutmeg and cream. . Preserved Cranberries. -Dissolve- three-quarters of a pound of sugar in -half a pint of water, and after bringing to a boil add one quart of berries.' The berries should not be over two inches deep in -the kettle," Cobfc until they break, then remove them with a skimmer; , al low the syrup to boil three or four minutes longer; Then pour over the berries, which are ready for imme diate use, or seal in air-tight jars., , ' , Steamed Batter Pudding. ' Stir the cranberries' into a light batter. Serve with liquid sauce. Stir .in as many cranberries- as are pos- sible. A quart of cranberries to a quart of flour is not too many. Steamed Cranberry Dumplings. Use cranberries instead of apples, steam about half an hour and serve .with sauce,' or -use one-half apples and 'one-half cranberries. Cranberries in Tapioca Pudding. Soak eight tablesnoonfuls of tap ioca in one quart of rich milk in a :pudding dish. Cook one pint of : cranberries in.-a very little water. Remove the. skins, add one pint of sugar (also a cup of large stoned 'raisins, if desired); cook a-few mo merits -and when cold 'place .by . snoonfuls in, the tapioca and bake. ' sWhcn cold place a frdsting on the ton,, made with two eggs beaten to la froth. and one cup of sugar; brown lishtly and serve cold with cream. Suet Puddings. These are greatly improved by p.dding the same quantity of cran berries as other fruit. . . Cranberry Roll. Roll out a plain paste. Spread with cranberries. Roll up careful ly and tie in a cloth. Steam one hour. - ;' . Cake. Four eggs, half a cupful of but 'ter. cupful of sugar,"1 tablespoonful of baking powder, half a cupful of flour; flavor with lemon; make in a sheet or split or pie pans. Fill with cranberry jelly, make a frosting fsr the top of white of an egg, tea cupful of cranWerry juice and suffi cient powdered sugar to make it stiff. The term cup means an ordi nary tea cup. r Fritters. ! '. Make a hatter with half a cupful of milk, half a cupful of sugar, one egg, one cupful of flour and about -two-thirds of a. teasnoonful of bak - ing powder. Chop three-fourths of . a cupful of cranberries, add to bat ter and fry in hot lard. Serve with very sweet sauce. .- -- Pickle. - i For seven "pounds of cranberries take four pounds of sugar, one quart .of vinegar, four ounces of cassia and two ounces of cloves. - Tie the spices in bags and . boil with the vinegar' and sugar for 20 minutes. Then put the cranberries in a boil- ;mg' syrup and let .them cook until tender, taking Care to remove them Thursday Miami university ofOxford, O., has done a new and stimulating thing. It has endowed a poet, es sayist and. dramatist. Mr. Percy Mackaye was last year appointed a' fellow in dramatic literature with a professor's salary, a house and a studio, with no assigned duties ex cept to work at his art. He is the before they crack open. Skim the berries into jars; let the syrup cook a little longer and turn over the ber ries and put the bags of spices bn tP- , . 1 "' Frozen Cranberries. Many prefer the flavor of frozen cranberries. The berries should be carefully picked and frozen solid, then thawed quickly by pouring over them hot water. They will re quire about' three-fourths' as- much sugar as before freezing,' and' it will make very hard, fine jelly or jam. Fresh . cranberries', are available from September until May and will keep with little Joss , in a cool, dry place, or they may be kept in water the year around by changing the water frequently. Things You'll Love . ' To Make Queen Josephine Slenr 1 On an evening; f rock rrtake this! interesting Queen Josephine -sleeve.l The main part of tluV 'slfcfcvtf is of plaited chiffon or geor'ttesf It' isJ made quite full and pimy..JJ,$titch the lower edge on to a narrows-band of velvet ribbon. Join a ruffling-of embroidered plaited chiffon to the velvet band. Join another ruffle of the embroidered plaited chiffon to the upper part of-the sleeve, -at the low shoulder line. Wire the edge of this ruffle with very . fine silk covered wire' to "keep"" it "standing up. A -Queen Josephine sleeve gives a'very qua;nt and charming effect to in evening" frock. . Copyright, 1921, by Public Ledger" Co. f OVERTISEMENT. a. Medicine Best f or Golds bronchitis, asthma and all throat troubles. Builds 'new Strength. NO DANGEROUS DRUGS " " GUARANTEED ANNOUNCEMENT Dr. "Alexander C Sabio hTinc returnxf from an eztcmiT Clinical .Court in the cast, an nounce that he ha reopened tally equipped offices in - Suite 3 OS-9-10 Arthur Bafldinf ISta Street at Draclaa t Speaker first poet to be thus honored by an American college. One of the objects held -in view by the university for doing this is the advancement of literary art to help the country to make its contri bution. Mr. Mackaye will speak before the Drama League in the Fontenelle Thursday at 4 p. m. There will be no reserved seats. If you want bacon to be crisp the fat must be continually poured off while cooking. -;. ''. .the right way: . Prunes, says a famous home-cooking ex pert, should be soaked in - warm water to cover, several hours or overnight if possible. Rapid cooking destroys the flavor and ap pearance of the fruit. Slow cooking develops the natural fruit sugars so that little if any sugar is required. Heat to simmering point only, cooking until-prunes are tender. " A . fireless cooker is excellent for cooking prunes. Soak fruit, heat to boiling point and set in the fireless cooker for several hours. CALIFORNIA PRUNE ft APRICOT GROWERS INC THE BEE: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 2. 1921. My Marriage Problems Adois UarrVtuoj'a New fro a ol "REVELATIONS OF A WIFE" , lOwMi un. r a The Surprise Dicky Cave Bcii Dean. "I wish this fool stunt, wat over," Dicky grumbled as he gathered up the heavy sweaters which Mr. Cot grove had advied liim to bring. "So do I." The echoed wish came fervently from my hps. "Don't you lliink we'd better take these extra luto robes, alio? We -can spread them over the stones when we sit down." ' "You're more likely to roll your, self in one of 'em and go to sleep," Dicky gibed, "hut let me warn you again, nothing doiag unless you bun dle dear Bessie in with you and see that she goes by-by too. I'm not in the mood to wander around the dam shore no pun intended, dear heart, although you can take it either way listening to Miss Dean's sprightly comments. Not this evening, not this evening, little one I" "I'll protect you with my heart's blood," . I assured him laughingly, trying to keep down an unworthy little thrill of triumph over Bess Dean. It meant a great deal to me that Dicky, instead of being attracted to the girl, as I once had known him to he because of her undeniable pulchritude, wit and charm, was growing actually to dislike her. "I wonder what particular stunt she'll pull tonight." He turned down the light and led the wa'y to the door. "Do you know, I sometimes think all she's trying to do in this business is to get your goat in any way she can. .What's the great idea? She hasn't any grievance against you, has she? I thought you'd always treated her pretty niftily."' A Canny Qeustion. Without revealing the time-honored "Piggy go to. Cork" method which every wife of. any mentality well knows and keeps a cherished secret in her own breast! I could not en lighten Dicky;as to the reason lying underneath Bess, Dean's patent at tempts to make me uncomfortable. But I well remembered the time l. ! CaliUbmialsiaature-Bavored whe-n hy rxrrcitiiiK this method 1 rf feciually prevented Dicky from giv ing her the chance to poe for some magazine illustrations, a dunce which she sorely coveted. That she never had forgiven roe for my inter ference 1 was as sure as I was that she was trying her tct to inveigle Dicky into ume act of marked at tention to her w hich should humiliate me and give her vanity the sop it craved. But I could not tell my hus band this, definitely. "I have neither the time nor the inclination to attempt to solve the vagaries of Bets Dean's mind," I said evasively. "I'm pondering, in stead, how we're going to stow six persons one of them as heavy as Mr. Cotgrove and alt this junk in your car." "It will be a problem," Dicky ad mitted, "but we'll" Our approach to the car, to which Mr. Co!grove was attaching the lung fishing poles, interrupted his sentence. Bess Dean, an undeniably picture in her knicker suit, came running toward us. "Are you going to drive, Madge? And if you are. may I sit in tht front seat with you? I bounce around so in the back, and I do love to be close to the wheel; It's the next thing to being able to drive." Why Madge Gasped. Dicky's question was answered, I said to myself with amused exasper ation. This was the "particulai stunt she meant to pull." She knew very well that in all probability Dicky would drive. the car, and she also knew that after her plaintive ap peal there would be nothing else for us to do but to give her the seat for which she had asked. That would relegate me to the crowded back seat with Mr. Cosgrove and the twins. , I guessed that Dicky's natural ob stinacy was having a hard battle with his courtesy. I wondered how your grocer has them - Stewed or baked: Heat Sansweet Prunes slowly in water in . which they were soaked.. Cook under boil ing point until fruit is tender. If sugar is used, add after prunes are cooked, but while hot; or remove prunes, add sugar, to juice and cook until thick. To bake, put soaked prunes and water in which they were soaked in a casserole or bean pot. Cover and cook in a Blow oven until fruit is tender. No sugar is required. Send for the complete Sun sweet Recipe Packet it'a freef Address IOO MARKET STREET, SAN b would solve the problem an wished that the had not addressee her question to me, even as 1 opened my mouth to say the obvious thing, that I was not going to drive, but of course h could have the front seat. But Dicky spoke first, and hi words were so surprising that for second I stared at him uncompre hendingly. ; "Sure, Madge'i going to drive. But you mutt promise if you sit in the front seat that you'll restrain that charming chatter of your an I not distract the driver. Ve low brow masculines in the back seal will do all the talking that's neces sary." I do not think Bets Dean was ever mere surprised and discomfited in her life. She knew, as we all did, that Dicky loves to drive better than to do almost anything else in the world. I had driven his car enough profiting by the instructions Hugh Crantland had given me on that memorable day in North Carolina, to be able to guide it along the curv ing: mountain roads whenever I needed to do so. But I only had driven it once at night, and while I did not feel the least ner vousness over the projected trip, I guessed that Dicky would be on nettles until we were safely back home again. He had turned the driving over to me only because of his irascible disinclination to let Bess Dean succeed with the plan she had made to monopolize his attention during the drive to the fishing place. Use for Old Hose. Don't throw way black hose. Cut off the foot portions and sew the tops and bottoms of the "legs ' to gether; then fold once or twice, ac cording to size of hose. They may be used to take hold of flatirons, pots, skillets, etc. Furthermore, there is nothing bet ter to wrap around a hot water bag or irons and pla'es tor various warm ing purposes in cases of emergency. For the latter purpose sew one stock ing's edge against the similar one of its mate at the top and bottom, after splitting lengthwise. In case of a wound on any part of a limb that must be bandaged protect by wrap ping about the bandage a soft hose split lengthwise twice, after cutting off the foot as already described. JOSE, CALIFORNIA Hoses and Throats Freed of Catarrh! nunlrb at Bos and tkmtli kO seat Uill SMwirr Inn Mwa sa t'.uriml Ut basa frapd from l'te ails Its annurUK Imiium.' TImm .wt and ihfnsi. vara pMtf tad smn at lb-ni, Tiwr k4 kothwad Uiatr sanisrs fur kt pann!, THs nam Mt kaw Mnptwd up rnuu nwimil mucus Ihnwl and suite disrharsn whlra bad la la annum Ur blown out aa kuitkwehirf. Sunt af lliis moral diapi4 bits tba throats bsltstsiiif la tli sbtwe noaas and made them raw sad oi, with an aaaoyuis touuut uekitnc sas aulas. Mills wonder that tha araj saaoapaarlnt thast iumm snd throats beraaie walarr and th bnatha Ml sad th sens at small itaduall dls appraruiSi Bat alist t ehaat ass M star thea sans saasa sal Ikrasts timet Ida Malkad at trsat. swat srlalaatsd bv Cststrk SsmUIUI tar. .la. 1)2 TrasS Balltlas. Baste. Tbay baeaaia stale lbs atosr, sweat, vaatul psrtleai el Iks by thalr Craslsr laleased. The ssaal tlathaiae steasad, baeasaa than was a mars lallaaeiatlaa ad Ca. tarrb strat ts a a use It Tka vm. tha aeeea, tba tkrealt baaaai tree aid dear. Tbees etesld dell tMllaai raaltked d th luaty lasivldaals ant their trlaaSa traahlv, tretefel then seeded leaser warn mar what striata thlna their Catarrh ajlfht tawlct 1st. Fr Consultation About YOUR Nosaj and Throat Wouldn't roa like to know how yaer noa and throat mliht be freed of 1U Catarrh t Thea hut aim rour full name and tddrats, and maU b iwrlallat Spmuls's Office. ft . "i entitle) reader of this 1 IMS UOUPOIIni to eonsultatloa fret on Catarrh. rcr.r. NIMH aVDDBESS petlallat Spronle has bean In tha business of riddles noses snd throats of this Inflammation of tha mucosa membranes called Catarrh for 80 odd years after studying and fraduaUnt from Dublin Cnlrartltr, Ireland. Any man who works at t trade for SO years knows whereof bs speaks, snd he tan with all earnettneas "If your noes snd throat hats fallen a eletlm of the Catarrh term set adrks snd help speedily. Xoa may retro! delay." What year letter arrives, yet will be seat td. viae Free si te lust what yet "ay do t rid VOUR teas tad thrt f Catarrh. Find ant If there ll ssy rases why YOUR asas and threat asy set btlett t a hasty sane, rid f Cstsrrti st wall ss busdrsds sf othart It thl oountry. Don't daisy, but writ right now for adrlcs. Take pity upon that Catarrh Infested noes and throat of yours snd see If they cannot be made the healthy and comfortable parts of your body they should be. Writs now and sull to . CATARRH SPECIALIST SPROULE, 1M Trad Building;, Boston Mass. Value-Civing Store ., Carpeting by the yard Axministers,' Velvet, Brussels and Velour Bring us your measure ments select from our large stock; then let us make and lay it for you. Carpeting for the home, of fice, church or hall. Howard St., Bet. 18th and 16 th. It pays to road Bowen's r ' small ads. HOARSENESS Swallow slowly small pieces rub well over the throat. V VAPOROQ Ota 17 Million fa Uttd Yearly ADTEKTISEMKXT. How Yeast Vitamon Tablets Put Flesh on Thin Folks STRENGTHEN THE NERVES AND INVIGORATE THE BODY EASY AND ECONOMICAL TO TAKE - , RESULTS SURPRISINGLY QUICK If you want, to put on tome firm. heal. thy flesh on your bones, increase your en ergy, nerve fore and power, clear your tkin and complexion and feel 100 per cent better, simply try taking two tiny Mattin t VITAMON tablet! with each meal and watch results. Mastin's VITAMON eon. tains highly concentrated yeast-vitaminet at well as the two other still more im portant vitaminea (Fat Soluble A and Water Soluble C) and is now being; used by thousands. It positively will not up- tet the stomach or cause gat, .but, on the t For Rheumatisiri J OricjinalProduct (BaumeAnalaesimi - uengue, mns;jrance) Relieves Pri Keep a Tube Handy Thnc I :... Ct r tVI l aeS asTaiMaaneaa saw. RUPTURE W. .1 a . - BnaiHMM SOW. trr V guarantee to giv satisfactory results. ty years or suecesaj Dehind it and ta the beat in exlatenoe. We do not Inject paraffin, aa it la dangerous. Tim reautred (or ordinary raxes. Id davit. Tha advantages of treatment are: No aiiwu yuwvn uv wuis u a uvliai. avu VI Write PR. WHAT HERXIA IXSTrTTJTE, tlO Fcatan Trust Blil, Omaha 11 r 'Dowent' I'aluc-Civ'mg Stort Sewing Machines Floor Samples, Demon . strstors and used ma chines, all in fino run ning order. $11.00, $12.50, $18.50, $18.75, $19.50. Have one of these machines in your home with which to do your fall and winter cow lng. And as usual, you make your own terms. It pays to read Bowtn'i Small Adt, Howard St., Bat. 15th anal 18th. ADVERTISEMENT. Free to Asthma and Hay Fever Sufferers Fred Trial of a Mdthod That Anyone Can Uao Without Discomfort or Loss of Time. W have method tor th control el Aethma, and we want yon to try It at our expenee. No matter whether your eat 1 of long ttanding or recent derelop ment, whether It it present a Hay Ferer or ehronle Asthma, you should tend for a fret trial of our method. Mo matter what your age or occupation, if you art) troubled with asthma or hay fever, our method should relieve you promptly. We especially want to tend it to those apparently hopeless ease, wherw all forms of inhaler, douches, opium preparation., fumes, "patent smokes," etc, have failed. We want to show everyone at our expenae. that our method it detlgned to end all difficult breathing, all wheeling, and all those terrible psroxymt. Thit free offer is too Important to neglect a tingle day. Writ now and be gin the method at once. Send no money. Simply mail coupon below. Do it Today e you do not even pay postage. - FREE TRIAL COUPON FRONTIER ASTHMA CO, Room 5G, Niagara and Hudson Stt., Buffalo, N. y. Send free trial of your method to: ADVKHTISF-MKNT. SIMPLE WAY TO GET RID OF BLACKHEADS There it one timple, tafe and cure wty that never falls to get rid of blackheads and that is to diaiolve them. To do this get two ounce of ealonlte powder from any drag store sprinkle a little on av bot, wet sponge rub over the blackhead briskly wash tha parts and you wiU be turpriaed how tha blackheads have disappeared. Big blackheads, little blachheads, . no matter where they are, simply dissolve and disappear, leaving the para wixnoui any oiara vnauver. discs heads are simply a mixture of dust and dirt and aecretiont from the body that form in the pores of the akin. Pinching and squeezing only eaute irritation, make large pores and do not get them out after they become hard. The ealonlte powder and the water simply dissolve the black' heads so they waah right out, leaving the pore free and clean sod in their natural condition. Anyone troubled with these utu tightly blemishes ahould certainly try this timple method. ; . When Out of Employment A Bee Want Ad ADYEKTISEMEJiT. ' ' contrary; la s great aid to disettion. td overcome constipation, and aa . general conditioner to the whole ays tern. Complete satisfaction absolutely . guaranteed -or tha trial costs you nothing. : Bei sure to re member the name Hastin'a VI-TA-MON' the original and genuine yeast-vitamtae tablet there ia nothing else like it, to do ' not accept imitations or substitute. Too. can get Mastin't VITAMON tablet at all good druggists, such as Sherman 4 Mew Connell. Adams-Height, Alexander-Jacobs, J. L. Brandeis, Hayden Broa-dand Burgees Nash. . - . . SM.tM.An Tn-.... ffR'Bowen (& without resorting to a painful and uncertain rurglcaj operation. We are tha only rcputabla phyalclana who will take such cased upon a Our treatment haa more than twen danger from chloroform, shock and v-