I Commissioner Makes Ruling On Oil Stations New Revenue Law Applies to Retail Rather Than Whole 1 tale Companies, 0. borne Declare. Lincoln, Oct. 31. (Speclal-The term "oil distributing station" i it ppein in the new revenue law of Nebraska it construed by State Tax commissioner Usborne to rn'an "filling stations." where automobile and other motor vehicles are sup plied, and not the central tank sta tions of companiei, where on is re. ceived by carload, stored and after ward rethioDed by rail. Mr. Osborne announced, following conference with Attorney H. If. Herdman and H. W. Piermont of Omaha, that he would investigate the business of oil filling station over the itate in order to ascertain the proper divisor to be recommen ded to all Nebraska assessor a basis on which those concerns ahould be assessed, on average cap ital. Under the old revenue laws, grain dealer were a sseised on average capital, instead of their property on hand April 1. The average capital wa determined a general prac tice by taking the entire business done during the year and- dividing it by 36. This wa the theory they had made a turnover every ten daya on an average and that their capital was thus used 36 times in the course of a year. In enacting the new law, the legis lature extended this method of as aessment to cover oil distributing stations, beet sugar factories, and some other lines of business. In the cases of oil stations, a larger di visor than 36 will be used, as it is assumed that they make more fre quent turnover than grain elevator do. Brief City News 7 Dr. Oonltn To Speak Dr. Frank M. Conltn will address a meeting at tha Y. W. C. A.. Thursday, at e:s on cancer. 1 . AfUT ; Atkinson Ssrt. Ernest A. Killwyn, Canadian officer, arrived here yesterday to escort Al Atkinson to Retina tor trial on a liquor theft charge. i nnnv nuarinm Total bank clear lngs In Omaha for October of this i year were ieu.6l.fts. as compareu j to i235.271.161. the total clearings for October of 1920 . Turnkey Locked In Cha. Plotts, ; turnkey at the Central police station. 1 firolilpntnllv locked himself In a cell with several nrlsoners Sunday. It was almost an hour before he was liberated. Tourist Camp Planned Omaha will hava an up-to-date tourist camp ! If plans of the city commission to set aside a sum of money for the ramp when It prepares Its budget in January are carnea out Red Cms Drive Pat Off The Tied Cross roll cU drive baa been postponed until from November 11 to December 12. because of the large ambefldHve for funds be ing launched af the present time, To HoldvRahnlon The 4 08th tel egraph baftaUon, organised among employes of the Northwestern uen Telephone Company during the war, will hold.lta second annual reunion In Omaha next Friday and Satur day. Warmest Year - Meteorologist Robins announced yesterday that this year has been the warmest by far Blnce the government weainer bureau was established. The aver age temperature for the year to date i has been 58 degrees, he said. Diphtheria DecreaslnR Only one " new case of diphtheria had been re ported at the city health office up to noon yesterday. Dr. A. S. Pinto, health commissioner, expressed the hoDe that this decrease reflects a real betterment of the situation. i Store Receivership John A. Dill, attorney, was named receiver of the Boston Meit and Orocery company, opposite the postoftlce, yesterday, following the bankruptcy proceed ings brought against the proprietor, Jacob Raduzlner, by wholesale Arms. Talks on Cancer Dr. Anders P. Overgaard, secretary of the Nebras- ,.Ja executive committee of the Amer iV fcan Society for Control of Cancer, addressed the goodfeilowsnip com mittee of the Chamber of Commence yesterday on the observance of na tional cancer week. ' Asks $S,000 Damages John A. Enquist, 8318 California street, brought suit yesterday in district court for $30,000 damages against Robert McSasky and the Beckwlth Stove company, alleging the defend ants were responsible for his son re ceiving a fractured skull. MVwuut Girl Traced Miss Bertha ornhKen "25. stenographer at the Cole Creamery company, who left the ScandinavfenT. W. C. A. Work ing Girls' home Friday morning and failed to report for work, took an eastbound train out of Omaha Fri day, It was learned Sunday. Replevins Picture Mrs. Lora Glf ford, 72 North Twenty-first street, with the assistance of Constable William Fleming and Mrs. Ida Ievin of the welfare board, obtained a picture of her dead husband by a writ of replevin yesterday from Mrs. L. A. Lelber, 70 South Eighteenth street. ' To Jail for M Days George Raines, 2811 Dorcas street, was sen tenced to 0 days in. jail for running down' Mrs. Albert Messond, 1011 South Twenty-sixth street, with his: car. He was severely lectured by the police Judge -and sentenced to 80 days each on charges of assault and recklessness. Seeks' Wife and "Child M. I Krugler, Faulkton, S. D.. Is in Omaha in search of his wife and 4-year-old daughter. They dis appeared from his Faulkton home two months ago, leaving no word, he says. Krugler says he will give his wife 1100, an automobile and his gold watch if she wUl notify him of her whereabouts. , One Cent Rat Today Omaha and, Nebraska American Legion men who went to Kansas City yesterday for the legion convention were forced to pay regular rates for rail road tickets. The special one-cent rate granted these men by railroads was discontinued yesterday, but is In effect today to those going to the convention from within a radius of 200 miles. Visits Aerie Thomas E. O'Don rtel. a Philadelphia lawyer, will ad dress the Omaha aerie of Eagles at 1517 Capitol avenue. Friday evening, at which time there will be a ban quet and Installation of local officers. Verdict for Bank A Jury In fed eral court yesterday returned a ver dict In favor of the Payne Avenue bank of Sioux City. Ia.. which sued D. P. Beacom for $4,882.47, due on a promissory note. Rum Runners Fined In Federal Court; To Face Judge Again John Auld and Jack Murphy, bootlegger arrested in Grand Is land last week, and v. ho admitted rum-running from Canada wit their "business," pleaded guilty to illegal Jouession of liquor before Federal udtfc Woodrough, yesterday, and were fined $10 each. They have already paid $100 fines on a staie coarse at l-rana island. Hut their reckoning is not yet over. Today they will appear before Judge Woodrough again to answer to trie charge of illegal sale. . Auld and Murphy are the two in whose possession were found list of prominent "customer" in over a cozen Nebraska town. Police Searching for Missing Bond Salesman Faul Hutchinson. salesman, employed by the Harty A. Koch company, until several week ago, when he disappeared from the city, is now soueht by detective for bonding companies, President Koch said veitrrriiv. Hutchinson, who served in France with during the war, left many unpaid bill and shortage in the Koch company' accounts, said Mr. Koch. Hutchinson's wife returned to Umaha alter her husband disappear ed, and offered to pay all claims, but she, too, hat now disappeared, according to Mr. Koch. Salvation Army Will Assist Unemployed Brigadier William Andrews has offered Mayor Dahlman the Salva tion Army's facilities here in reliev ing unemployment, especially that of ex-service men. The brigadier suggests ' that the army's corps building at 1711 Daven port street might be used as an emergency city employment bureau. The drive for $42,600 for the- Sal vation Army's various activities In Omaha began yesterday morning and will continue all this week. John McCormack Sings for November Victor Record John McCormack, Tascha Heifetz, Mme.. Alda, Amelita Galli-Curci and Fritz Kreisler are some of the su preme artists who have new offer ings in the November releases oi Victor records. John McCormack sings "Little Town in "the Ould County Down." At the climax of the record, the voice lifts a sudden octave into a sweet, high, clearly sustained head tone. The new fox trots incude South Sea Isles," a curious intermingling of sadness and humor, jingling com binations with ecnoes of far-off love songs. This is by Paul Whiteman's orchestra. 1 "A tube in the home is worth two in the store'1 V ous Cleans, polishes and protects the teeth Perfectly. one WINTER CRUISES TO THE WEST INDIES PANAMA CANAL SOUTH AMERICA The Windward Islands From New York January 21 and February 21, 1922 By thj Large, Fast and Papular ' TWIN-SCREW. OIL BURNING SS, EMPRESS OF BRITAIK 22,200 Tent Displacement . . EACH CRUISE 27 DAYS $300 UP - MAKE RESERVATIONS NOW Full Information From 3. S. Agents or R. S. Elworthjr, Can. Af ent Pass. Dept. 40 N. Dearborn St., Chicago. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY . - Traffic Atsats .. . Dorit cough. PIE violent paroxysms of coughing soon eased by Dr. King's New Discovery. . Fifty years a standard remedy for colds. Children like it. Mo harmful drugs. All druggists, 60c Dr. King's New Discovery For Colds and Coughs Make Bowels Normal. Nature's way is the way of Dr. King's Pills gently and firmly regulating the bowels, eliminating the intestine clogging waste. At all druggists, 25c. DPROMPTt VTOKT GRIPS . r. Kings PiUs targe Ske2S Medium Skt 10c Burgess-Nash Company's Downstairs Store Tuesday, Dollar Day what ONE DOLLAR 4 Pillow Cases Four bleached muslin pillow cases in round thread muslin, S-inch hem. Size 42x36 inches. Burfsss-Nssh Downstairs I tart 3 Pillows 1 These are filled with silk floss and covered with bleached cambric. Limit of three to a customer. ' Burgsss-Nash Downstairs Stars New Felt Slippers $ 300 pairs women's comfortable felt slip pers; in assorted colors. Made with, white elk padded soles and heels. ' Ribbon trimmed. All sizes 3 to 8. 2 Satine Bloomers ' Women's, misses' and children's satine bloomers, in knee length, black only, 2 for Silk Petticoats 60 silk jersey petticoats, in light and dark shades, elastic waist band, pleated ripple. Limit of one to a customer. - The Burfess-Naslt Downstairs Store Women Y Muslin Gowns " Women's full width gowns, with high neck, tucked yokes, long sleeves. An unusual value. ' " Burfess-Nash Downstairs Stars Towels and Crash 12 Huck Towels Good quality and gener- size, with red border: TD dozen to customer. 6 yards Linen Crash Six-yard, aH-linen crash ; an excellent quality that leaves no lint. n Two Irish Huck Towels Size 20x40, fancy weave, with neat figures; splendid ) l for dresser scarfs. u ' Burfess-Nash Downstair Store Women's Winter Hats $ In this special group are several hundred smart hats, all in de sirable fabrics, in black and colors. Burfess-Nash Downstair Store. WONDERFUL VALUES 10 Pairs Canton FUnnsl Glorss, $1.00 2 Pair Mss's Crown Suspenders, $1.00 10 Pair of Men's Hose, double heel, toe, all colors, all sizes, $1.00 7 Pair Men's He Gauntlet Gloves, $1.00 Men's Blue and Gray Chambrajr Work Shirts, sizes U to 19, $1.00 Boys' Union Suits, excellent quality, sizes 6 to 16, $1.00 Kovera.Il, for boys and girls, ages 1 to 8, $1-00 suit. Men's Caps, all sizes, 2 for $1.00 Men's Handkerchief, ready for use, sealed packages, fine quality; 12 for $14)0 2 Boys' Stifel Stripe Overalls Boys' overalls, Stifel stripe, excellent quality, sizes 4 to 15, two pair for $1.00. . The Borgoss-Nash' Downstairs Stare THE BEE: OMAHA. TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 1. 1921. Dollar Items in every department. The whole Downstairs Store is represented. Study can buy. Don't miss this opportunity. Come early! Sale opens 9 a. m. Other Items in Other Papers IS Yards Cheese Cloth $ 9 yards Flannel $ 15 yards 36-inch bleached II Nine yards figured velour II .oi ,roi,,a u flannel. A quality that will u cheese cloUi-an unusual value Iye reaI BetW. Specially priced at $1.00. Limit of 15 yards to customer. Tuesday. Burfsss-Nask Downstairs Stars ' Burf-Nsh Dow as lair Stars Two Pairs of Men's Union Made Overalls . 300 pairs of men's union made overalls, double stitches, cut full and roomy, sizes 36 to 44. Burfess-Nash Downstairs Store. 1 Cafeteria Special for Tuesday Corned Beef and Cabbage, Boiled Potato, Bread and Butter, Ice Cream - - - 35c Burfess-Nash Downstairs Store $1 $ 10 yards Challie $ Ten yards of 36-inch challie J or 27-inch chambray. An un usual value at $1.00. Ten-yard, limit to a customer. Burfess-Nash Downstairs Store 20 yards plaid Gingham A limited amount of check plaid gingham in light or dark. colors. While it lasts, 20 yards . . Burfsss-Nash Downstairs Store 10 yards Percale$ 1 Ten yards of percale in light colors withrdark figures, also blue grounds in neat patterns. Burfess-Nash Downstair Store Tysday Men's Heavy Sox, black only, all sizes, 4 pair, $1.00 Men's Leather Belt, 2 for $1.00. All sizes.' Men' Four-in-Hand Neckwear, beautiful range of patterns, 4 for $1.00 Men's Canton Flannel Glove, heavy weight, knit wrist, 8 for $1.00 Women' Canton Flannel Glove, fine quality, 8 pair for $1.00 , Men's Balbrigfan Union Suits, light weight, sizes 34-36-38, $1.00 Men's Shirt (samples), coat style, double French cuffs, sizes 14-14 H only, 2 for $1.00 Ideal Blouse, for boys, age 6 to 15, $1 each. Men', Women's and Children's Knit Golf Gloves, fine quality, 3 pair for $1.00 Women's Knit Underwear 2 for $1.00 These are manufacturers' samples of fleece-lined vests and pants. All of fered at less than present factory cost. The Vests Vests are low neck, no sleeves; high neck, long sleeves; Dutch neck, elbow sleeves. Burfess 2 Children's Children's good weight, part woolen garments, vests are high neck, long sleeves; pants are ankle length. ;. ''V:..', : ... Burfess-Nash Bust Form Set $ uuinpieie set to uo useu aim made over your own figure. Splendid for home-sewers. Burgess-Naeh Downstairs Stors 3 yards Ribbon $ Three yards of lovely 5-inch satin and taffeta ribbon, in light and dark colors. Burfess-Nash Downstairs Store Hot Water Bottle $ II and fountain syringe. A splen did value. Comnlete with all attachments. Both for Burfess-Naah Downstair Store 8 pr. School Hose$ 1 Boys' and girls' hose in light or heavyweight black cotton, all sizes. ' Burfess-Naah Downstair Star W 5 yards Gingham Dress ginghams in all the newest colors, different sized checks, as well as plain colors. . Burftas-Nasb Downstairs Slavs 5 yard Suiting This is a 36-inch striped and plaid flannel suiting in light or dark colors. Special. Burfess-Nash Downstairs Stav 2 Pairs of Cashmere Hose $ Children's first quality, black cash mere hose ; also irregulars of higher priced hose in white cashmere, all sizes. Burg rts-Na.h Downstairs Store. Enamelware One lot enameled ware, including dish pans, tea kettles, convex sauce pans, triple coated over heavy steel. 14 Rolls Toilet Paper 14 large rolls of crepe toilet tissue paper. Very special, White Bread Box ; Medium size, round, covered bread box, with white Japanned finish. Burfess-Nash Downstairs Store Silk Camisoles Elaborately trimmed with lace, ribbon and beading; white and pink. v'c ... "V Burfess-Nash Downstairs Store. . ; The Pants Pants are ankle length, with French band or tight top, knee length with elastic at knee. All sizes in the lot. , - Nash Downstair Store. Vests or Pants Downstair Store. 2-Lb. Goose Feathers $ 1 2 lbs. of white goose feath ers put up in sacks of 2, 3, 4 lbs. Limit of 4 lbs. to customer. ( Burfess-Nash Downs talra Stors Notion Specials $ A 22 Spool J. and P. Coat' Best Ma china Thread in black and white, - all sizes, SI. 00. 25 Large Sis Real Human Hair Nets, in every color, while they last, . $1.00rf Sure eee-Naeh Downstairs Store. SALE: WHITE IVORY $ Candle Slicks, complete, 31.00. Bud Vases, $1.00. Manicure, 4-piece sets, Sl.OO. Ivory Trays, large size, $1.00. The BurgeM-Nash Downstair Store URGE TABLE CLOTHS Hemstitched damask table. ) cloths, size 58x72 inches. An unusual value. Limit of two cloths to customer.. ! Burfe-Nasa Downstair Store 1 S1 $31 Si I 1 1 f.