Id Clmifie, Advertitinf Rate ) eer IWM f fs U Meal da, ii ear, i tHMcaint IX kr Use day. f uuii n. ) liae ns day, I uwtalln day h 4a lakes fee im tat total ( It, , ri Mini nk.r I in Daily . All appeal la saeralaa ee eveaies Sails Mf'S CONTKAOT SAT'S OX APPLKMTfilM Wsal 4a swwettted at tea following af iiaim orrica...,tTik Fsrnsm , euia aie... 4HI Souls) Ink Ml, taunrll Jaioffa, It lean at WmI Aba RKCFIVKD bf rilON. ATLANTIC I0M THBJ E3f will sol ba raopaaetbl for nr ibasj aaa lasorrei laaertiaa ( aa a4varttftaaai wau4 fur i I baa aaa time, oiaiNa noma na wam mi Bvealag hdltlea ..! A. M, '"'" eumiaa., ..... 3. M Jfc4uia .6,06 P. M, eatutd. DEATH FUNERAL NOTICES! (AND AU Mrs. Carrie, b-lov.d wlfa of Moaara. ana la survived bIOa liar husband by Ihraa sons, Kiml, llolgar aa victor; 2, Mia. J, c, (laatrmia af Council Mufla, la., Mr a. C J. Turekse. Asblsad, Keb. karvloaa will ba bald at hom. 4111 Jackson L. Tu4sy sfurnooa at p. m. iatetwoai la family lot, Herman, nap. WAG.NKIl Mra. Amalla Jen, list Urac St., o-1, Suth. at a local hospital Services from Hoffman Funeral Horn -Wednesday at I p. ra. Interment Forest Lawn Camatarr. Deeaased la survived by II va aona, Kmsry, of Wou CHy, la. ; 1 Joseph, Jake, Thomas. Fred af Omaha and ena dauf blar, Mrs, alary Newell of umani. lOWAHD I'UMKUOV UATKS, age II yaara ana months, ann of Mr. an lira. W. If. flals. paaaad away al ths some of his parents, ill I l-oinrn street. Monday morning. Uotobar II Ha la aurvlvad by hla wlfa and llnl ana, in parania and ana sister, air a. n, r. jonnama or rremont. JJAILBV Mrs. Ida Josephine. 121 Mo. Iib Ml.. Oct. Slat Aaa II years. He -vices from residence Wadnaaday. I P. m. flurlal Thursday. Nov. Ird at 'Aurora, Nebraska. Ueceaeed la aurvlvad by huabaod, W. C. Helley of Omaha. and ona daughter, air. Vara liable i-oiony, neiem. ore. BARTIl Theodore: ased 63 yeara. Funeral Tueaday from residence, 1311 No. 1Mb St.. at I p. Dl. Interment at Mount Hope oamalary. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. F. J. STACK & CO., Bueeaaaor to Stack A Falroner OMAHA'S BK8T. arrocwAM B ULAN CE2Voi! Thirty-third and rarnam. Hulse & Riepen PIONEER FUNERAL PI RECTORS. Formerly at 701 & Hth St., hava movaa to 1211 tjumint ei. ja, ilia. HEAFEY & HEAFEY Undartakera and Embalmara. Phona HA, 166. Offlca lll Farnaro, CEMETERIES. FOREST LAWN CEMETERY. An Ideal location Jun north of city limit and weat of Floranca with mllea or macadam pavement. 12V aerea. Per petual car. Not operated for profit. Offlca 42d and No. City Limita. City oinca. Tio urandela Theater. FLORISTS. LEE LARMON VivSrSSi SAT IT WITH FLOWERS FROM HESS BWOBODA. 1411 FARNAM STREET. JOHN BATH, 1804 Farnam. Jackaon 10. L. Handaraon, 1607 Farnam. Jackaon 1168 BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Blrtha. H. C. and Mary Mooney, Twenty-third and J atraets. boy. Joieph and Anna Kapuatka, 4544 South xnirty-nintn atreet, gin. Benjamin and Leila Livingston, 2637ft Decatur etreet. boy. Jobn and Nlevea Gonzales, 6210 South Twenty-elchth etreet. ajlrl. Harry and Clara Saundera, Boaebud, S, D boy. Harry and BOa Scogln, 163 South Twenty-fifth avenue, boy. Walter and Mabel Betge, 261( North Blxtletn etreet, Doy. Homer and Frances Brumner, tfoepltal, flrl. William and Gertrude Giles, hospital, flrl. Early and Louise Little!, hospital, Kirl. Joseph and Basel Hoffman, hospital, Sir). Herold and Alice Klngsley, hospital, tin. Arthur and Gertrude Westergard, hos pital, girl. John and Mercella Buckley, hospital, tin. B. J. and Kathryn Connors, 4301 Boyd street, girl, William and Irene Orulfoyle, hospital, boy. William and Josephine Preuseer, 1003 Center street, girl. Frank and Louise Greco, 1326 South Twenty-first street, boy. - John and Marguerite Kluff, 3033 Mere dith street,' boy. Deaths. Catherine C. Smith, 36, hospital, Maria Roblno 6ena, 16, hospital. Alice Watklns. 62, 2306 North Twenty second street. 'Mrs. Carolina Peters, 77, hospital. Walter Arthur Steiner, Infant, hospital. Nellie Kenny, 31, 1642 South Twenty fourth street. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Anton Nielsen, 30, Omaha, and Nellie Manning, 21, Omaha. Sebastlnno Virgillito, 26, Omaha, and Lucia Mac!, It, Omaha. George F. Gulnotte, 22, Omaha, and Mary L, Jennings, 20, Omaha. Frank F. Pochop, 26, Omaha, and Anna Reps, 21, Omaha. Raymond F. J. Soat, over 21, Omaha, and Gladys Thompson-Cameron, over 21, Omaha. Lawrenca O. Simpson, 26, Omaha, and Anna A, Sorenson, 26, Omaha. LOST, FOUND AND REWARDS, FOR ARTICLES LOST on street cars tele phona Tyler 100. Wa are anxious to re store lost articles to rightful owners. OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS ST. RT. COMPANY. LOST An English Bull and- a Boston Terrier. Sunday evening. 2814 Caldwell St. Webster 6596. Liberal Reward. LOST Platinum pin, 15 diamonds. Liberal reward. Return to Miss F. La Boachln, Misses Dept., Brandels Store. LOST Red cow in vicinity of 43d and , Martha. Notify Walnut 6256. - LOST String of pearls. Sliver clasp; Re ward. Harney 1782. SPECIAL NOTICES. WALTER W. HOYE announces tte re moval of hla law office from First National Bank building to 707 Wood man of tha World building. Tel. Jackson 3611. PERSONALS. UOLT aeses. disfiguring scars, pox pits, wrinkles, muddy aomplexlon, sagging cheeks, moth patches, deep lines, pores, discoratlon and all other disfiguring blemish and assymetrles removed pain lessly and secretly by Dr. W. H. Bailey, Plastle and Cosmetic Surgeon. Using the Woodbury system, and th only on in this territory using th New Da Caa eagnao system for removal of scar and barns, etc.. without "cutting" or -flll--" fng." Thirteen years In Denver. Writ Bailey Institute, Suites 224, 225. 226 Empire Building, Denver, Colo. AH 2 communications treated with strictest confidence. TUB SALVATION Army Industrial home solicits your old clothing, furniture, 1 magasines. Wa collect W d la tribute. . Phone Doaglas 4116 and our wagon ' will call. Call and Inspect our new noma. 1110-1113-1114 Dodge St. WILL Mrs. Sophia Krugler, formerly -i Faulkton. 8. D please address the writer. 3100 In money, a gold watch and aa automobile Is her property If claimed. Address Box x-m, Omaha Bee. MAGNETIC baths ansurpasaed for low vitality rheumatism, neuritis, nervous breakdown, weak hearts, lungs, etc Besse Marshall. 614 So. 16th. DO. 381. FOR SALE THE LOVE OF A HOME LESS WAIF. PRICE REASONABLE. WRITS BOX X-61, Omaha Bee. HATTIB Putman. Nubone Corset Shop, 63 Karbach Block. AT. 363. ELECTRIC bath, massage, 31t Neille Blk. RENT HOOVER vacuum. 31 up. Har. 171. ELECTRIC bat ba, Swed. ma WS 211. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Accord eon Pleating. NEBR. PLEATING "olTred cb": toss. 186 Farnam, ii Floor, Dg. til. BRINGING UP TOR HEAVENS fcAKC THt HOOttC It tCITTIN Of "blMOKC FROM TMInTUIIM I W fbaw W W "SW aJaTfrW 1 II I ll ANNOUNCEMENTS. Accofdeon PLetdng. ACCORD 'ON. aids, kolfa, sunburst, bsi plsallnt. covsraa buttons), all Slavs ana striae; bemstiicbtnt, picot edging, eye let out work, buttonbolsa, panaanta. Ideal Buttoo and Fl-atlog Co, III Hrown HI. Jsckaon III. Contrtctori-Painting. 1IHICK plasterer and cement, new and repair work, j. is'au. walnut aT. Dancing Academiet. VPFIP'Q ball room and fancy dano- Inr for children. Sura memo, quick result, do. 144. 1111 Far- nam. Dancing Tues., Tbuf., Sat., Bun. LEARN TO DANCE RIGHT Ulldred Maxln teaches all branches nancing. Bturllo Mflang nidg. DO. 4761. Va Pt'na School for Dancing. 31 lYCl-r IIIC Farnam. Douglas 7650. 2424 Dentists. DENTISTRY Ail kinds of dental work don at th new Infirmary of th Crelghton University Collose of Den' tlatry. Children's tsetb straightened, Fees moderate. Extractions free. New location 26th and California. Take Harney or Crosatnwn or Cumins street rar. Atlantlo 2641. Detectivef. RELIABLE! Detectlv Bureau, Railway EX. Bldg., J A. 2061. Night. KEN. 1113. Independent Detectlv Bureau, 304 Neville Blk. At 1. iboi; night, waL 4051; K. 0415, JAMES ALLAN. 313 Neville Blk. Bvldenos secured In all cases Atlantlo till. Dressmaking. FURS, suits, dreases, reruod'l, rellned. Ha. eeue. Chiropractors. TAKE CHIROPRACTIC adjuatments at your home. Dra Mortenaen. Palmer granuatea. Walnut 1910. Kodak Finishing. FILMS developed: printing and anlarclnc. writ tor prices. The isnslgn Co., 1607 nowara Bt. ENLARGEMENTS, oil coloring, develoolng. printing, Kase studio, III Neville Blk. Patent Attorneys. 'ATENT ATTORNEYS J. W. MARTIN, patont atty 171 Dodgs. Miscellaneong Announcements. DIAMONDS 'pnviiSg. to buy back at small profit. GROSS JEWELRY CO., 401 N. 16th bt. DOUg Us 604. RAZOR BLADES sharpened. Single, 15c double edge, 45o do. Mall order so licited. Omaha Sharp Co., 103 N. 16th. OMAHA Pillow Co., feathers renovated ana maae up in new ticKing. iwi Cuming, Jackson 2467. FULL dress and tuxedos for rent. John Feldman. 10 N. 16tn St. Jackaon 3126. NEW and rebuilt electrical apparatus. Lenron Electric. 111 a. utn St.. umsna. ROGERS Confectionary Store, tlth and rarnam St.. aokson 0127. BRITT Printing Co., T Elk Bldg. FOR SALE. Furniture and Household Goods. FUMED OAK dining table and 4 chairs, including arm cnair. walnut tin. TELEPHONE Walnut 0562 if you want 1 gooa iron nea ana walnut a re seer. Pianos and Musical Instruments. PHONOGRAPH BARGAINS 3225 Vlotor. 3150; 3150 Paths, 175; 165 Victor, 649.60 and many others. 1 new records, 31.00. Rialto Music Shop, 1416 DOUGLAS. GEO. A. SMITH Dealer In drums.xylo- phones, etc.; Instructions, repairing; 2761 Davenport St. Phone Harnev 2167. TRADE your used piano on a new player piano. Balance as low aa 310.00 per month. A. Hospe Co., 1613 Douglas. JOHN TAFF saxophone shop, repairing ana supplies. SOS Leflsng Bldg. D. 8476, CABLE player piano, reasonable. HA. 2140. Clothing and Furs. . FURS! FURS! Speclsl offering for SEAL COATS, of finest Quality, your choice of Beaver. Marten, Squirrel, Mink, Fitch, or Aus tralian Onossum collars and cuffs. 1150. Chas. J. Goldstein Fur Co. 16thi and Douglas. Tel. Jackson 1132, over Fry s Shoe Shop, We do expert fur renalrlna; at lowest In the city prices. FOR sale, a few unclaimed, all-wool 'Dundee" suits, cheap, alterations free. ntrwnpii' TirrrT l'xt iiti t a Northwest Cor. 15th and Harney Bts. FURS remodeled, rellned and cleaned. KIMlfiKTICK ALASKA FUR CO., 203 S. 15th St. Douglas 7288. Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS . AND ADDING MACHINES. All MAKES bought, sold, rented and repaired. Sole agent for tha CORONA. Get our price before you buy. Every machine guaranteed. Central Typewriter Exc Jackson 4120. 1(12 Farnam. WE buy, sell ssfes, make desks, show cases, etc. Omaha Fixture Supply Co., 3. W. Cor. 11th and Douglas. JA. 2724. Miscellaneous Articles. SEWING MACHINES We renU renalr. sell needles and parts. MIUKEL'S 15th and Harney. Douglas 1673. : TODD checkwrlter, late model, like new, as. A. v. Rogers, 723 W. O. W. Bldg. Douglas 8047. WANTED TO BUY. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, need desks bought, sold and traded. J. C Reed. 1207 Farnam. D. 1141 HELP WANTED MALE. Stores and Offices. GOVERNMENT POSITIONS Men, 18 over. Kaiiway mall, postoirice.. Ex amination aoon. 31,400-31.800 year. Ex perience unnecessary. Full particulars f t-m TXT ( , n.l.ln,kl. C 1 i . s,,.,,. Service, 171 Pope Bldg.. Washington, Professions and Trades. WANTED Druggist for assistant man ager position, who can show by his rec ord ability, honesty, stability. Address In own handwriting. Box X-5, Omaha ' Bee. DOCTOR WANTED Good location in open district for up-to-date young doc tor. No competition. Good office rooms over drug store in brick building. Write Postmaster. Holsteln, Neb. MOLEB BARBER COLLEGES. 11 & 14ta. Write for catalog. Salesmen and Solicitors. WANTED Representative by the B. A H. Chemical Laboratories. 203 N. Msia 8L, St. Louis, Mo. We want men who ran handle th Drug Trade as well ss the proprietary field, to solicit private formula work; commission basis only; splendid Income sssnred t men whs get the business. FINE opportunity to study salesmanship downtown: night class now organising. CaU Doug. 77,4. FATHER TTTTT JAJMCi fULL 4 YOUR rJ:'W.n Classes of Help Advertised Free in The Bee No restrictions are made as to the kind of em ploye, It includes any help in the following divisions: ' 'MALE Stores, Offices, Professions, Trades, Salesmen, Solicitors, Agents, Canvassers, Hotels, Restaurants, Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Miscellaneous. Confine your ad to 18 words, bring or mail to The Bee office, it will be run 7 days without cost. This offer does not include firms or individuals outside of Greater Omaha and Council Bluffs. " The Omaha Bee 4- WANTED SITUATIONS. Male. WANTED By young msn. position driv Ing; have my own car; charge by day or week. xi. ueiiers, 101a sixth Ave. Council Bluffs. EX-SERVICE man desires position as gen era i orrice clem, caanier, cnaurreur, etc. Kererences. ttoom 132, ugaen Hotel, council murrs. WHITE man, sged 56, wants job as watenman, janitor, caanier, cigar sales man. References, cnas. Brown, 604 ft a. ism et. MECHANIC, 13 years' experience; repair and drive anything; married; take anything reasonable. Wood, 701 Park avenue. OPERATOR-MACHINIST and printer de sires forsmanshlp In well-equippea country newapaper and lob anop. Be, Box L-100. SENIOR accountant and auditor, ten years experience, wants temporary or permanent work. Teiepnone Kenwood 0306. EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER 34, single, seeks private secretarial position, tio objection to road. A-i references. Greine, Douglas 4104. STENOGRAPHER Private secretary. several years legal experience, desires position, win accept any sienograpuic position, csll Douglas 8712. WANTED Position as night watchman or Janitor work. Married: best of rei ersnees, Tslephons evenings, Co. Bluff 5216. EFFICIENT and reliable salesman open for legitimate proposition moving under present conditions, no stock consider ed. Bee, Box L-124. LUMBER and coal experience, mgr., bookkeeper and salesman, would taKe yard work for a time. Box L-107, Omaha Bee. WHITE man, aged 60, wants Job as a watenman, janitor, or low pressure steam plant; best of references, Ken wood 1671. WANTED Professional bath and mas seur work: formerly manager in ux celslor Springs, Mo.; publio or private. Webster 4766. MAN with rood educstion desires steady work. Automotme or anytning. Kerer ences furnished. Box L-123. Omaha Bee. MAN General office, shipping clerk and collection experience; wisnes posi tion with good firm. Box L-67, Omaha nee. , - MAN 44, wishes work firing heating plant, with clean, comfortable room, iterer encea . exchanged. Box L-96, Omaha Bee. EXPERIENCED painter and paperhanger would UK steady worn, can rurnisn reliable references. Box L-122, Omaha Bee. WANTED Position as cook for special occasions and parties. Jackson 2714 Ask for Terry, Leave address and name. YOUNG man wants work; It can't come any too aoqn. Exp. steno. Good ret. Single. Wsge reasonable, KE. 0639. WANTED Clerkship in hardware or kin dred lines. Flrst-ciass references.' no. 4. 320 No. 13th. Phone Douglas 8833. BOY. 17, wants work In office or print shop, Exp on Gordon ana case, niga school z yre. Box 1,-iu, omana Bee MIDDLE age man, mechanical exp., would iiKe a. iivbiuou aa cnauiieur m unvi family. Box L-105, Omaha Bee. POSITION WANTED Married man, real estate experience, in all branches. A producer. Box L-113, Omaha Bee. WANTED Inside Job, by an overseas soldier, age 25, supports motner. Ex cellent reference. Walnut 1562. SITUATION WANTED by nn all around cook, out of city preferred. Address H. H Box L-lll, Omaha Bee. SINGLE, barber wants steady lob; three years experience. Charles Sellers, 101a Sixth Ave., Council Bluffs. A YOUNG man with seil'ng ability would like to get located wltr.' large firm. H. C. Howell, 2416 S. 24th. WORK of any kind wanted by an ex-soN dier; married; garage preferred, u. Al. Ross, 30 N. 25th St. YOUNG married man wants steady posi tion, willing to ao anytning. .Box mo. X-8. Omaha Bee. MAN desires job as night watchman or any kind of Inside Job at night; 4 years old. Jackson 0620. MAN, 30, want position afternoon, pref erably in council Biune. rnon nea 172, evenings. WANTED by high school student, a place to worx alter acnooi ana oaiuraays. Kenwood 3027. YOUNG man wants work helping plum ber or steamfitter, 2 years' experience. Jackson 0620. A DRAUGHTSMAN wants odd Jobs In the evening. (Architectural or engineering.) Box L-125. YOUNG married man wishes work; any thing considered; references. Sloan, Doug. 804. WANTED Elevator or houseman job by first-class man. Box L-64, Omaha Bee. YOUNG man with electrical experience desires paslUon. Call Atlantlo 1226. help Wanted male. Salesmen and Solicitors. SALESMEN for Omaha, Kansas City and other cities; commission; good chance. Omaha Brush Co., 23th aad Boyd, Omaha. EXPERIENCED real estate salesman; high school graduste preferred. State age, experience, married or single. Bex L-114. Omsha Bee. WANTED Salesman with Ford car to handle, quick selling article; good profit. 322 Peters Trust Bldg. SOLICITORS. experience unnecessary, good pay. Call 161 Leavenworth. 10 to 13 Monday. JOIN our new clan In salesuaanahip now organising. Bee, Box No. X-37. , Va.,f, V. . Faisal OflM IWt ir4. CJX COt-LV THE HOObE - I'M CHOKIN' FROri THAT 1 "SfNtftVf r . FEMALE Stores, Offices, Professions, Trades, Saleswomen, Solicitors, Household, Domestics, Hotels, Restaurants, Miscellaneous. WANTED SITUATIONS. Male. YOUNG man, 18, wants position; high school graduste; snything considered; office preferred; references. Mar 8078. EXPERIENCED typist would like typing to do at home. Phone Atlantlo 8168. . YOUNG man wants position driving car; any make. Web. 2560. NIGHT cook or porter will take a job In city. Webster 6188. Female. EXPERIENCED steno. desires position. Rapid, accurate, dependable. Gradu ate. Very competent. Best references. Box L-108, Omaha Bee. EXPERIENCED civil service clerk de sires clerical position. Government service four years, file clerk. Address Box L-103, Omsha Bes. MISS Bess Greenfield anonunces the opening of The "Writing" Shop. Publio stenographic work solicited. AT, 0644. 322 Peters Trust Bldg. FIRST-CLASS dressmaking for ladles and children. Remodeling, by the day, by experienced dressmaker. Reasonable, Atlantlo 2147. EXPERIENCED stenographer wishes permanent or temporary stenogrsphic and general office position. Box L-106. Omaha Bee. ATTENDENT work wanted. Caring for tubercular patient, small wagea, go anywhere. 1100 Moore Ave., council Bluffs, la. POSITION wanted by competent aten- ographer. Four yeara experience Write Miss Martha rainier, no, id uintan Apts. EXPERIENCED stenographer wants stenographic work In small office, lull time or part time. Box L-113, Omaha Bee. STENOGRAPHER desires position; over 2 years' experience: can rurnisn good rei- erences; will work for reasonable sal ary. Douglas 6206 WIDOW ladv with bov wishes steady lob. housekeeping for winter near school box 1,-1(14, umana Bee. WIDOW with bov wishes position housekeeper near school. Mrs. Marie Spencer, General Delivery, Omaha, HIGH school graduate wants position in office for afternoons. Attends van Sants school In mornings. HA. 1328. WANTED Position in doctor's office, by graduate .registered nurse. References furnished. CaU Atlantic 2335. EXPERIENCED seamstress wsnts sew ing, ladles coats and dresses, Douglas 6219. YOUNG woman wants position as P. B. X. operator, cashier or orilce clerk, Box, L-84, Omaha Bee. LEDGER clerk with 12 years experience wants position. Good reference. box L-118, Omaha Bee. THRRH vrs. exnerlence an tVDlst. - Exn. also as Diner ana clerical worK. uoou ref. Red 3389. WANTED Comforters and plain sewing at 8606 North 30th St., upstairs. .Phone Kenwood 1671. LADY, refined American, wants position as companion to Invalid. Box L-U6, Omaha Bee. MATERNITY case wanted by practical - trained nurse; 64 per day. at. asti, Mrs. Lusk. WANTED Janitor work in restaurant or business office. Box L-101, Bee. FIRST-CLASS practical nurse qualified to take any case. Phone Douglas 7572. WANTED Plain sewing. Shirt making a specialty. Kenwood 4773. EXPERIENCED nurse wishes cases of any kind. Harney 6419. Laundry and Day Work. NEAT, clean woman wants position car ing ror cniidren or aning Housework. Box L-102, Omaha Bee. WET wash, rough dry, finished bundles, curtains and blankets. Webster 4283. WANTED Bundle washing, Ironing or work by the hour or day. Webster 4796. COLORED woman wants day work or snort order cooxing. Webster 6376. DAYWORK, all kinds. Mrs. Beck, 2424 Cuming St. Douglas 1632. EXPERIENCED laundress wants day work. Csll Webster 6100. COLORED lady wants half day's, by week, references. Web. 702. BUNDLE washing or day work. Webster 0Z67. EXPERIENCED typist would like typing to do at nome. rnone Atlantic 3168. DAY work wanted. Webster 0803. Miscellaneous. MIDDLE-AGED lady would accompau Invalid or children to California for fare. Box L-115, Omaha Bee. MAN and wife with 8-year daughter want place on farm; both work. Box L-117, Omaha Bee. MAN and wife desire work of any kind. Can manage small cafe. Box L-, Omaha Bee. MAN and wife want Job in hotel in or out of city. Box L-99, Omaha Bee. HELP WANTED MALE. Salesmen and Solicitors. HARNESS SALESMAN wanted for state of Nebraaka. Muat be experienced. Young man preferred. Hess A Hopkins Leather Company. Rockford, IlL SALESMEN Solicitors, good money-making article; must be hustlers; salary, commission to right men. 203 N. 16th St. FIVE young men. who live In western Iowa; good positions. Write George Kruse, 334 N. 63d, Omsha, Neb. 4 SALESMEN to sell hospitals, hotels, and restaurants. Call Atlantic 4260. Apt. 611. Mr. Wash. SALESMAN, house to house proposition. A good romminioa big sales. 61 North Sixteenth street. ICE JICCS AND MAGGIE IN TVIX TAGS OF COLORS IN THE SUNDAY SEE .oh: well- women A'T Fl far &e it TO CUTT IH- 00 1021 BY iHTf, F.ATU.f ISVC. HELP WANTED MALE. Miscellaneous. WANTED Kour flr.t-claa. brlcklsyar at Norfolk, Neb, Phone Jackaon 1263 or Norfolk 631. Alexander Back, 4ul K Ce line iimg. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores and Offices, WANTED Young ladl who desire to prapar for oiiic positions to enroll our ahort course In shorthand, type writing, romptomstry or higher account. Ing. Call at our office for consults, tlon or write us for catalogue. Address DWORAK SCHOOL OF ACCOUNTING 18th snd Fsrnsm Street. EDUCATED lady to translate snd tvoe writ short story 3,000 word from German Into perfect Kngllsh. Box L-106, Omsha Bes. WANTED Stenographer for desirable law office. State age. experience and aalsry expected. Box L-110, Omaha nee. Saleswomen and Solicitors. SOLICITORS. experience (unnecessary, good pay. Csll 1616 Leavenworth, 10 to ii Monday. Household and Domestic. WANTED Good houaekeeper, complete charge in widower'a home; stats wsge and fact In first letter. Prefer on un der 30, Address Box Y-1703, Omaha He. COMPETENT maid for general house work; must be good cook; medium stsed house; plessant room with bath, Har ney 0601. WOMAN to help with housework morn ings, to 12. Ret. Wal. 6388. Near 4tn and Harney Bts. WANTED Girl for general housework. References required. Must go home nights. Call Harney 0100. Beaton Apt. WANTED Good cook for downstairs work only. Har. 0670. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTED Hen. ladles and boys to lesrn Darber trade; big demand; wages while luarnlng; strictly modern. Call or writ 1401 Dodge St. Trl-Clty Barber college. AD WRITERS If you are interested In advertising worx, pnone Atlantlo 9I3, between 8:30 snd :30 a. m. WANTED Man and wife aa butler snd cook. Walnut 0626, Mrs. John h. Ken nedy. EDUCATIONAL. DAY 8CHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL. Complete courses In accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, comptometry, short hand and typewriting, railroad and wireless telegraphy, civil service and all larg Illustrated catalog. Address BOYLES COLLEGE. , Boyles Bldg., .Omaha, Neb. English and commercial branches. Write, csll or phone Jackson 1666 for GIRLS, HERE IS YOUR CHANCE. Training school In hair dressing and beauty culture. Position Immediately, 666 BRANDEIS THEATER BLDG. Vsn Ssnt School of Business. Day and Evening Schools 220 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 660. BUSINESS CHANCES. Lyman, Nebraska, Scotts Bluff County New town on Union Pacific's ex tension of North Platte valley branch. Ultimately on U. P. cut-off, between North) Platte, Neb., and Medicine Bow, Wyo, Has regular train servioe, fine, new depot, stock yards facilities, ele vator, machinery for flour mill ordered. Mile of cement sidewalk under con- structlon. Complete water works sys tem In near future. Irrigated Nebraska Within radius of five miles of Ly man are 60,000 acres of Irrigated and Irrigable land. Water supplied by Ger ing and Fort Laramie canal, construct ed by government, backed by Pathfind er reservoir. Immense area of land above canals to south already producing Im mense wheat crops. 100,000 acres of this wheat land within 20 miles of Ly man, which is natural and nearest rail road market. Irrigated land will pro duce wonderful crops of sugar beets, potatoes, alfalfa and wheat. Lyman Is logical point for erection of next sugar factory in North Jlatto valley, . Business Openings Splendid openings for all lines of re tall business. Dentist and physician needed. Electrlo light and power lmme. diatelv available from government pow er plant now in operation. No better place for residence building for sale or rental purposes. RITSINKSS AND RESIDENCE LOTS. For sale at prices and on terms that Insure good profits In near future. It will pay you to Investigate Lyman's possibilities. Address Lyman Townsite Co., Lyman, Nebraska, STORE for sale at 1214 Douglas; must be sold at once on account of sickness. Atlantlo 1766. FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. GET YOUR ROOM throuxh Ths Bee furnished room dl rectory. Call st office for list of choice desirable rooms In all parts of the city. A service that benefits both advertiser and room seeker. NICELY furnished mahogany room, suit able for two ladles or gentlemen; mod ern, convenient, one block to Hsrney car line. Bemis Park district. HA. 7226. NICE modern room, near two car lines. 806 North Thirty-fourth St. HA. 4111. ROOM for two gentlemen or a young couple employed. Call Douglas 8231. NICELY furnished room strictly private family, nice walking distance. Bar. 6487. SLEEPING room for gentleman. Private nome. 131 N. 35 St. Harney 4zs. 3210 HARNEY ST. Strictly modern, pleas ant iront room; easy warning distance. WELL heated rooms. Douglas 7664. Housekeeping Rooms. THE GUIDE TO the better housekeeping rooms Is ths directory furnished to advertiser and room hunter. Call at Bee office for 'free copy containing desirable vacancies In all parts of the clty TWO rooms, furnished for light house keeping; steam heat. 2627 Harney. Douglas 4511. 2 NICELY FUR. HEATED HK. KMo., 315. WALNUT 2005. Board and Rooms. FOUR girls or 4 gentlemen In private modern home, board; 68. Walnut 1850. WALNUT 6768 Nicely furnished room witn board tor z gins. 4ia Dodge Bt. ACCOMMODATION for three for evening meals. Telephone Walnut 2517. LOVELY front rra., priv. mod. home. board, 1 child acceptable. WA. 1850. FOR RENT HOUSES. Unfurnished. t-ROOM modem bouse. 2648. Daren port St.. newly painted and decorated, now 346. J. W. Robbina, Jackson 052. 2313 SEWARD ST. Seven rooms, all mod ern. Csll Webster 112 4-ROOM house for rent; newly painted. ZSZS Reese street. FOR RENT 7-mom house, modern, close in, jacuoa sj.i. ' ( PUT OOT THAJ BOCAR DO YOU p. WANT TO CET S V- THE HOUt& FULL I rmoM HOM J inc. I hi FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS. Furnished. 160 BUYS complete furnlahlngs of 3-rm., strictly modxrn spsrlment; conveniently located, which will be vacated Immedi ately. Rent 11 per mouth. Csll At. lantlo 4633. COZY 3-room apt., 3d floor front, every, thing furnished; private family. Call after ( o'clock, liar. 167. 1121 So. Hth street. TWO snd three North 16th St. rooms, modern. Ill Warm, Cosy, Steam Heated Apartment lor Kovsmoer l occupancy. Apartments Three rooms. No. 1 Nathan, 1640 Willis Avenus $ 66.00 Three rooms, no. 16 Klngsborougn, 2613 Dodge street Four rooms, No. 8 Flo Ls, 20th and Capitol avenue Three rooms, 6 -room accommoda tion. No. 118 Turner Court, 3103 Dodge etreet Four room and dining alcove. No, 20 Mount Vernon, (26 South Thirty-first street 16.00 61.00 10.00 11.00 Five rooms, No. 4 Montlcello, (20 South Thirty-first street... Houses Six rooms, modern except 3327 Fowler avenue 8even rooms, not modern, 116.00 heat, 35.00 South Fifteenth street 22.60 Peters Trust Company, "Where Omaha Rents." Atlantlo 0644. 17th and Farnam Sis. BEAUTIFUL 5 -room apartment. 3624 No. 34th St., near Omaha University; beat and. janitor service, A. P. TUKET SON, 620 First Nst'l Bank. Jackson 4223, SIX-ROOM flat, second floor, 703 South sixteenth st.i PETERS TJtUST COMPANY, "Where Omaha Rent" AT. 0544. J7th 'and Farnam Sts. CHOICE apartment, close In. 3 rooms. 6 room sccommodatlon. If desired will sell furniture cheap. Call Douglas 8877. Peters Trust Company, WHERE OMAHA RENTS. FOUR-ROOM flat, all modern, for rent. 2013 Grace St., for colored people. MODERN brick heated apts., 340 a month, See Janitor, 2213 North 21st St. FOR RENT Business Property. WELL located corner store, 701 South Sixteenth St., 20x60 with good basement. PETERS TRUST COMPANY, "Where Omaha Rents" AT. 0544. 17th and Farnam Sts. TO LET. 2,700 square feet, each, first floor and nasemenc. iuiz f arnam Bt. Apply W. FARNAM SMITH A CO. Jackson 0664. 1320 Farnam St. MERCANTILE STORAGE AND WARE HOUSE CO., 11th and Jones Sts. KB F. D. WEAD. 310 SO. 18TH ST Garages. FOR RENT Large store room and base ment, suitable for garage and repair purposes. Phone Jackson 1323. MOVING AND STORAGE. FIDELITY VSSVA- CO. STORAGE MOVING, PACKING HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND PIANO& REASONABLE RATES. REDUCED FREIGHT RATES TO ALL PRINCIPAL CITIES. 1107-11 Howard St Jsckson 0283. METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned by H. R. Bowen Co. Atlantlo 2400. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Ssparate locked rooms for household goods and pianos, moving, packing and shipping. UEKINS OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE. (06 South 16th. Douglss"4163. KSTIMATES furnished on storage 4 mov ing, contract taken by job or nr. Glob Van di 8torage Co., J A. 4338. AT. 023. 620-24 North 16th St. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. CUT-PRICE sale on new and used Forda, 3100 and up. Coupes and sedans, 1200 up. Bulck, Dodge, Nash and other model at a discount. Ford trucks,, 3325 and up. Winter tops, commercial bodies. Cash Tl me Trade. GOLDSTROM'S AUTO SALES CO. Open day and night. Then Central Garage, 1318 Harney St. Tel. Jackson 2468. TAKE advantage of the railroad strike. Coal and food must be moved. You can pay for a Stewart or F. W. D. motor truck in a very short time. Terms w responsible parties. LININGER IMPLEMENT CO. TH AND PACIFIC. DO. 0106. (wDME bargains in used Fords; prompt delivery on new Fords. . M'CAFFREY MOTOR CO., The Handy Ford Service Station, 15th and Jackson Sts. DO. 3500. Garages we build are attractive, permanent. low priced. Mlcklen Lumber & Wrecking Co, Web. 6665. 24th and Burdette Sts. A RE-NEW-ED Marmon 84, is a better buy at its price than a new car 1 at the same price. H. Pelton. 2616 Farnam. USED cars bought, sold and exchanged, TRAWVER AUTO CO.. 2210 Farnam St. USED RADIATORS All makes for ssle. Oreenough Radiator Repair. 2S66 Farnam. LARGE touring car for sale or trade for lot or good Ford truck. Walnut 1109. WHITELY riT' Tubes, 10c; RIM REPAIRS. HOLLY, expert auto trimmer. 613 S. 24th. Autos for Hire.' WHY not rent a one-ton truck and drive It yourself to do your moving and haul nig T It. will save you one-half your moving Dill. Drive It Yourself Co., 1314 Howard St. Doug. 3362. Accessories. WHY buy cheap new tires when you csn get the best factory adjusted tires at bargain prices. Fabrics and cords, aU sixes, 33 up. FLEISHMANS TIRE SERVICE, Service Gsrase. 16th and Leavenworth. FARM LANDS. Minnesota Lands, EQUITY Land Exchange. 8t Paul. Minn. FINANCIAL, Real Estate Loans. WE have cash on hand to loan on Omaha residences E. H. LOUGEE. INC., 638 Keeline Bldg. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 101 Ora. Nat Bk. Bldg. Jackson 2716. 3 1 on to 810.00 mad p romptly. D. WEAD. Wead Bldg.. 31 8. 16th St r. Miscellaneous. HAVE a well secured second mortgage of 61.7, bearing 7.2 per cent interest, hat I will sell at a big discount for cash. Box X-84, Omaha Bee. Drawn for The Bee by McMtnut Caf-f right, 11 U Intaraallaaal Nsas tarvw FINANCIAL t Miicellaneou. HAVE a well secured second mart of 11.700, bearing 7 3 per cent Interval, that I will sell at a big discount for ranh. Has X-14. Omaha . REAL ESTATE WANTED. LET ME BUILD FOR nrrjTT I vU Plan, esllmatea. etc.. furnished; easy terms. Km m befor you buy, ss I rsn ssv you money. Ho x-sj, lie. WANT TO Blir. Hsve 4 lots as part purchaas price on new bungalow; good payments on bal ance. What have you to offer. Address omana n-e, PROMPT ssles of your real estste; w have many buyer and solicit your Dual. nesa Shopen Co. manor, ja. 411 riPTTP.MTn R'' Co. List with a viaewuai for quick results. 1416 1st Natl. Bk. Bldg. Jsckson 161 TO ouy or sen umana nsi FOWLER & M'DONALD iito city Nat. Bk. nidg. 142. WE WILL buy your r"Pir for caali. Douglas 6136. 602 Securities Bid. list your bungalow with us. II. 8. M AN VI LI. K. Realtor. AT. 2403. 616 Peters Trust Bldg. "tossiryoT,mrt.tyH lui C. A. Orlmmel. Omaha Nst'l Bk. Bldg. CONsult us if yo contempists building, or wish to buy or sell Omaha real estate, city Nat B.nBBidrTC0- do. T8T. list your prcTperTTith fcnderburk brotherto!. Douglas 6600. 801 omsha Nat Bk. Bids, TiTR V TT.TT . A k. b s t a t b. -'--' sells, Rents, insures 850 Peters Trust Bldg. Jackaon 0632. , r 7T inaurancs real Mark Martin T 75 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. to buy or aeii real estate see Giover sjc aymw, io- ivii Jackson 2850. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. 6 Apartment Brick Flat, Price $17,500 Rental, ipz,45U. T.ncntpA near 21st snd California In excellent rental district. Hss six apart- ments. modern except heat. Building veVTfin. pVee.ldCck.CE,.SdconJ dition inside and out. one of the best rkVryCUyVm.n.Se.pon.?b" party. Hastings tX Heyaen. 1614 Harney St. Atlantlo O05O. OAA finoV. PUU LaSn I have a real speculative bargain at .'tree?;5 gU.clo.e in north VaNon" and ensmel finish; built-in features; flnu Kenwood 1086. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. WILL exchange 82.000 equity in new Benson 4-room cottage tor lots, muit gages or contract. Walnut 6704. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Florence Netbaway. Flor. prop, no colorvt KE. 140 MUreiianemia. WHY PAY KtiJN 1 Our plan will enable you to buy or ...,,. . 1 riDlT with asm I amount or money you now pay lor rent. Union Home Builders. 623 Brandels Theater Building. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West. BEST offer made buys 4177 Wakeley Ave., fins 7-roora bungalow, uatnearai district Creigb, 606 Bee, J A. ojos. B. ROBINSON, real estate and Invest ment, 642 Peters Trust DO. 8067. D. E. BUCK & CO. buy and sell homes. plorth. Lady Leaving City MUST SELL QUICK. DANDY BUNGALOW. 84.60. Very neat 6-room modern home, oak finish and floors, newly decorsted and In best condition, built-in kitchen; screened porch; nice east front lot, good garage. Easy terms to suit buyer. Phone today. D. E. Buck & Co.,' Realtors. 442 Omaha Nat'l. Ja. 2000. Eve. Newton, Ha. 6843; Pero, Web. 0832. Kountze Place Bungalow Five-room, strictly modern bungalow. built for a home by owner; oak finish and floors; full cement basement, all plastered; oil burner heating plant; lot 50x140. Daved street, paving all paid: double garage; one-half block to Kountze Park, block and a hair to car line. Payne Investment Co. 537 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. DO 1780. 3200 CASH. V A aood. well-built, warm 6-room home; modern except heat; for 8200 down and 535 per month; close to Mon mouth Park school; close to Ames Ave. car; full lot, some fruit, chicken house and yard. Call Mr. Carae at Douglas 7412 days, Atlantic 3501 evenings. NEAR 27th snd Ellison, new, all modern. 6-room bungalow; complete, .!. Easy terms Atlantlo 3S40.- South. New Bungalow; $500 Cash ami halanc monthly buys brand new bungalow near 34th and Castellar; oak vn,. mn. this before vou buy. Cal basement; completely modern Price, 15,750. The Byron Reed Co. Douglas 0297. 1613 Fsrnsm St. 1726 SOUTH 26TH STREET T Rooms, Modern. Terms, 34,750. Best & Gestring Doug. 6135 602 Securities Bldg. Vacant DUNDEE LOTS. 32.250 East front, close to car. 36!ooo Double' corner. Fifty-second snd Farnam. ALFRED THOMAS at 8QN CO. JA. 004. HAVE a few sightly lots In Ralston which I will sell for real email pay ment down, and th balance easy, monthly psyments; 3200 up. Phone or. eee Stewart, rnone naistnn n-w. Miscellaneous, OUI OUI MARIE 35 Down. 6-room modern cottage except heet, 1 orated near 26th and Ames. Price 82.25. Payne Investment Co., 63T Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 173 THE Old Reliable Real Eststs Office. M'CAGUE INVESTMENT CO, I 1506 Dodge St Douglss 134. I Community Corn Cril) Ncligh Plan Commercial Club DUruisti Storage of Crop Until Trice. Are Better. Xcllgh. Neb Oct. Jt.-(5ptc!a1.) A special meeting of the Cham ber of Commerce was railed to work nut better local market for the corn in this community. The plan of using it for fuel was diru66cd at length. It seemed to be the concensus of opinion that burning corn for fuel could not bt condemned. From present Indies tioni there will be a Urge number of bu.hel used for fuel in Ante lope county during the coming win ter. A committee wai appointed to look into the expense of building a community crib. It wat proposed that with such a crib that the mer chant would take corn on account, or for merchandise at tome fixed price in advance of the regular mar kct. The corn would be put into thit crib and when the price had reached the proper level it would be sold. If a surplus of fundi wai left f!" Pyn all expense! for the 1"'". snciiinsg ana tne like, me iarm I erj who had hrottirlit the rorn in w0,.l(l l,e rrfumleil rtro rata in ar. wol'lu ue rriunuf a, pro rata, III ac I curuancc wun ine nuniDfr 01 UtlSIl els he had furnished. Cudahy Wins Suit Against Water Board The Metropolitan Utilities district nas been reversed by the United ,.,,. .,,. t C. 1..I Minn., in an action brought by the Cudahy Tacking company, to ob lajn t(,e rcturn 0 $47,461.49. paid oy me company unacr proiesi. "e Ludahy racking company I held a contract with the former n,,u, con,pany or "rvice the rate of 41-2 cents per inoussnu gallons ,or iu years, nc- ginning June 1, 1904. The city acquired the water plant July I, 1912, before the expiration of that contract, and the water board at- tempted to abrogate the contract by establishing a new rate of 8 cents Der thousand eallons to the packers. l , -..., i . ' . ine wuudiij cuniiiy l''. new rae "d tnen brought SUlt in federal court. The decision in the lower court here was in favor ot the Metropolitan Utilities district, iL. : i, .....t t.jlf thai tht UUl tilt. si If livi vu a gsw " contract . entered into by the old water company was valid for the 10- Rock Island Freight Terminal Here Assured I . ..... The prpoSCd $35U,UUU freight ter- mjnfli 0f t,e Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific railroad here was as- sured yesterday when, the city coun- cil committee of the whole recom- mended for passage an ordinance to grant the railroad the vacation ot streets auu ancys nucisci-i tne ralroaas property. oeiween ia- eon street and the Union Pacific riaht-of-wav and extending; from r Seventeenth to NinnteentK streets, j" v ,' Boundary Commission To Hear Land Disputes The ioint boundary commission of Iowa and Nebraska adjourned its meetinsr of vesterday until Decem ber 1. when it will meet again at the Chamber of Commerce here to hear aad disputes from COUrttlcS On the I border ot each state. I he com , ..J .!.. I ... l.t. and Lake Manawa districts yester- I dav. Real Estate Transfers James H. Bulla and wlfa to 'Al- , fred N. Hagan, 21st St., 115 ft a. r of M St.. w. s. 25x130 t 2.&6S Gus F. Beavers and wife to Alfred N. Hagan, 21st st, 30 ft I. of )U St.. w. s.. 26x130 1 Cady Lumber Co., to Hattie F. Wheeler, 36th st, 214 ft n. of Farnam St. e. s. 44x103 4.760 James Ertck Almy and wlfa to Helen D. O'Hanlon, s. w. eor. 24th avenus and Miami st, 60x 120 1.300 Harry H. Bllby and wife to Charles oyer. s. e. cor. 43tn avenue and Cretchen avenue. 118x176.. 2.006 Theodore H. Maenner and wif to ' Bertha Meyer, California st, 86 I c g Montgomery, ' adm., to "inei ft. e. of 42d st, n. s. 42x100 7,041 S. Montgomery, adm.. to Inex W. Nicholas, Webster St., 248 ft. e. of 62d st. n. s. 50x135 - 6.00 . - Harry O. Montgomery to Ines W. Nichols, Webster st, 248 ft e. of 62d st. n. s. 50x136 2 60 ' Inex W. Nicholss and husband to r Ruth H. Clarke, Webster St.. .' 248 ft. e. -of 62d st, n. s. 60x136 15.00 onononoatnononoBO D Buy a Homeg M n Cathedral District 4177 JJ Wakeley Ave. Very goodJyJ , wen bunt six-room suct- o ly modern bungalow. Worth the money. a o D o a o a 9 a 9 Dundee 809 North 49th Street five-room modern stucco bungalow. Terms can be made. D Crrivh. Sons & Co. D o 07 o 0 Eublihd 1S68 0 A J. n20fl 2 608 Ba) Bldg. O inononona onoaonoi OWNERS' FURNITURE SALE From the following: 161 Drake Court, Benson home. Council Bluffs home, Osborne home and several other homes. Tuesday and Wednesday, No vember 1 aad S, at 1 P. M. , STEPHENSON'S ' 1509 Capitol Ave. Ivory and blue break fast room suite, white snd blue wicker rockers.. Ameri can walnut dining suit (Queen Ann period), walnut bed, library tables, din ing room furniture In oak, Hoosler kitchen cabinet, SO odd chairs and S tables (would be suitable for restau rant), several yards battleship lino leum (nearly newt, Simmons steel beds, sanitary base flat top desks, rugs, cof fee urn. gas ranges, coal ranges, sani tary couches, mattresses, spring and many other articles of furniture. The downtown, ground floor, pre gressiv auction house, just around the corner from poetoffice. V ft