in THE BEE: OMAHA. MONDAY. OCTOBER 31. 1021. My Marriage Problems Allele UtfTtaua't rtiaf f "REVELATIONS OF A WIFE" Th Way Mr. Cotgrovt D!ighi4 Madge. Mri. Cosgrove looked tt m, be wiliJermrnt in every line of her fee, when I aiked her (or the loan of one of her discarded old-faihioned long ikirlt. Then I uw amuel coniirrhrnion dawn in her threwd eve, knew that the had a pretty rlrar inkling of my little scheme, an.J knew also that ine would no comiruni which would betray her knowledge. "Of coure you ean have any one of tlim you like, he laid heartily "Hut." with a dubious intonation, "you know they II wrap around you three tinicn, oont you.' I lauiihrd at her pernlexed expre ion. Mr i. Coigrove ii a coodish wav pat the half-century mark, and in Dieky'a parlance "carriei weight her own size, a. I have noticed, dt all itout women who have finally given up vanity on the subject. I wondrr aomrtiiuet if it it not a kind of armor which they put on. fling ing out a jot at their own expense to ward off the only too ready jokes ui incir lammci ana iricnas. A "Find." "Vou forsret the modern walmline.' I said. "Your skirt probably will just fit." "Yes, no doubt you'll have to let out the band," she retorted dryly, , and the next moment she had taken down from a spare closet a skirt which I seized eagerly, for it spelled in every line exactly the effect 1 wished. Black, rather full, and bear in? in every stitch the mark of an unskilled country dressmaker. 5 visualized myself in it with a mental chuckle. "This fs perfect!" I cried enthu siastically. "May I have this one?" "Of course. And, it doesn't in the least matter if you tear it or spoil it. I think I shall cut that skirt up for rug rags. There arc other better skirts here if you would rather have them. That was the first to my hand." "No, indeed." I c'utched the old fashioned garment tenaciously. "You'd have to get a platoon of state troopers to get this away from me now. But tell me, haven't you a jacket somewhere of the same vint age as this?" She turned to the closet and took down a coat such as I had not seen for 20 years. I guessed that it was at least that old, and I took it from her hands with lively gratitude, for 1 saw in it the successful fruition of my mischievous little prank against Dicky. "This ought to fit you pretty well," Mrs. Cosgrove said. "I was more your size 20 years ago. Slip it on." I did so, found that it was, indeed, a fair fit, and with a laughing ex pression of thanks to Mrs. Cosgrove I wrapped the clothing in a com pact paper-covered bundle, sped back to my bungalow and gained my bedroom without- Picky seeing me. Jack and Jill "Oh. whal a stuoid novel.' And Jill chucked the offending book on the sola beside her. "Most of 'em are, these days," said Jack, sympathetically. "I never read 'em any more." "And it's too cold to go over to the movies tonight," she complained. "Well, for goodness' sake, honey, don't propose that we go calling on any of the neighbors, because I wouldn't change my slippers for my shoes for a million dollars." "Well, it's too early to go to bed. It's only a few minutes after 8. Jack puffed contentedly on his new Christmas pipe. "Let's play " "Oh I'm s'ck of cards," Jill groan ed complaining. "And, besides, Jack, you don't know how to play. You are always making; mistakes when we T'lav cards." "Oh, alt riht." He lapsed into a brown study and seemed content. "Where's that checker set Aunt Eva Nichols sent us for Christmas?" she demanded suddenly. "Oh, I don't know. Out in the kitchen, maybe." . "A checker set out in the kitchen," said Jill scornfully. "That's non sense. " I'm sure it's in the front room." And she went to investigate this presentment, which proved cor rect for she returned with the board and counters. "Come on here, old fellow, and play me game of checkers." He sighed and they rested the : board on his knees. He nodded in agreement.- "I can't put my mind on games," he admitted. She w.'ped out his first three men in four moves. "Oh, come. come, wake up," she said imoatiently. "You know you can do better than that." He tried to make a counter at tack, but lost another man in the operation and Jill smiled. "This is a clever game," she said calmly, "provided one- has a keen mind to see the moves far enough ahead." Jill's next four moves won four more men and gave her two more kincs. as well. . . "Mercy, but you are a stpid check er player, dear, she said sweetly, i Tack srrunted. Then suddenly something happen ed. Jill never did quite make it out, although Jack s only king maoe tne rounds slowly" and with maddening methodical oositiveness. lhat ter rible lonely king of his just wiped out six counters while Jill looked on in amazed surprise. And the final swirl of Jack's king cleaned the board of all her counters kings and commoners alike while four of Jack's odious black men re mained on the board. "Ohl" she cried and she drew back, the board falling from Jack's Knees, ana nis counters roiling on the floor. "Ohl Why. that was just horried Of you. Jack, cried rvs Jill-girl. Jack yawned and lighted a match for his pipe. "Some dav I'll teach yon chess. kid, he said, with irritating kind' ness. Can't men be just too aggravating tor words? (Copyright, 1111. Ttinqm Feature When I had caught my breath and had enjoyed quiet little anticipa tory laugh, 1 gathered up Junior's right thing i and went over to Lil lian's bungalow, where he was to sleep for the night, and where ne had gone with Marion dirertly after supper. Climb on Your Shelf." Marion greeted me rapturously from a big old chair, in the depths dt whirh she and Junior snared a large illustrated alphabet book, one which my son a adoring' grandmother had given him, and which he prized highly. "Oh. Auntie Madact" she cried, "Junior can say almot all of his alphabet. Tell mother, Junior. Get down now and stand up." My small lad slipped from his seat, put his hands behind him, and straightened himself to his lull baby height. "A, B, T, D. E. F. P." he intoned proudly, when Marion interrupted anxiously: "He can't say C and G." she ex plained apologetically, so he calls them 'V and 'U.' But he knows them. Go on, Junior." Junior went on, finished the alpha bet in triumph, and then, as if hyp notized by his own achievement, be gan at 'A' and went through the whole thing again, this time at a gallop. A he finished the "Z," Marion, with an anxious schooi ma'am air which convulsed her mother and me, said authoritatively: "That will do. Junior." But Junior had tasted applause and would not be squelched. A third time he began his rattling list, and was highly indignant when I swept him up from the floor and stopped the recital with a hug and numerous kisses. "Dooner doin read bid book " he announced proudly, and Marion looked up an answering pride in her winsome face. "He's so smart. Auntie Madge, she said, "that I think it's a shame not to improve the time with him. You don't mind if I teach him, do you? It'll be awfully good practice for me, too. Lillian grinned appreciatively at me. for she knew my pedagogical theories as tt the proper sequence of topics in child training. s "The younger generation, sne murmured mischievously. "You must be served. Better get ready to climb on your self, lady.". ADVERTISEMENT. "I Have Been .Using Mentho-Laxene for a Number of Years" The rorerolnr quotation ll Imllar to rorra of others, written by th moat In telligent people throughout America. Mrs. H. n. Bartlett, Hoperiale. Maai.. writes In part: "I have been using Mentho-Laxene for number of vears. and find It the moat effective rough remedy on the mar ket; have recommended It to a number of othera. etc." Ask yourself thla queation: Would anvone uae Mentho-Laxene lor a numW nf VMn' If It m-aa not the most (trident cough medicine on the market t" For coughs, corns. Drone nitia. noarseneea, whooping rough, catarrh of the throat, difficult breathing, and even asthma. It is iUlte the moat efficient, and cheapest good medicine anyone can find.. It Is pure and concentrated In iV, oa. bottles with direction! for making a full Pint of cough syrup easily at home. It effects a Avinflr of from two to three dollars which la easily woth while In these days of high coats. Every Dot tie is guarantee", satisfactory by the makers. Your drug gist haa it or ean get It from hla jobber. ADVERTISEMENT No More Gas in Stomach & Bowels If you wish to be permanently relieved of gas in the stomach and bowels, take Baalmann's Gas-Tablets. Baalmann'a Gas-Tablets are prepared distinctly and especially for stomach gas. and particularly for all tne bad ctrecta coming from gas pressure. That empty, gone and gnawing feeling at the pit of your stomach will disappear; that anxious and nervoos feeling with heart palpitation will vanish and you will once more be able to take a deep breath, ao often prevented by gas pressing against your heart and lungs. Your limbs, arms and fingers won't feel cold and go to sleep, because Baalmann's Gas-Tablets prevent gas Interfering with the circulation: intense drowsiness and sleepy feeling after dinner will soon be replaced by desire for some form of entertainment. Your distended stomach will reduce by Inches . because gas will not form after using Baalmann's Gas Tablets. Get the genuine In the Yellow Paekage from Sherman A MeConnell or any re liable druggist. : RemoveThoseSkin Discolorations tin The Popular Skin BeauUfler Beauty Bleach. Tonight cleanse the skin with warm water and Black and White Soap. Apply lightly te the skin Beauty Bleach a de lightfully fragrant cream. Next morning, again ck-ante the skin, rime with cool water. Then apply little bits of soothing , healing Cleansing Cream.' Your licin is -then ready for your face powder and Black and White Beauty Bleach has many met will remove tan, sunbunu freckles, liver spots, snake the akin dear soft and youthful-tinted. Black and White Ocaming Cream at ideal for cleansing the skin, reWving cheps ' and other irritatkma. - Black and White Beauty Bleach, 50c, Black and White Soap 2 Sc. Black and White Cleansing Cream 25 and 50c, can be found at food drug and department stem. Write Plough, Memphis, Teon., (or Dream Book and leaflet, which teds you all about Black and White Toilet Preparations. PNEUMONIA I - Call a physician. Then begta "emergency" treatment with V VapoRud Out 17 Million Jan CW Yterly Cuticura Soap Is Ideal for The Complexion gaasy.Ohaasst.TslBi t 'in mi ui ii ii in r i n i ' ii t and Say It Witb OURS ' Hess & Swoboda FLORISTS 1415 Farnam St.. Pastoa Hotel, OMAHA Pbona DOuglas 1501 Members Florl'ts' Telegraph Delivery Aasoeiallon. We del.ver flowers on short notice anywhere la the U. 8. or Canada. mack) asxt i Spaca Icateel for long or short terms Rate quoted upon request. svtaaaaBBil . MOTOR TRUCKS City Salea Room 816 S. 24th St. Service Station 815 S. 25th St TELEPHONE AT LANTIC 3332 International Harvester Company of America Branch House 714 S. 10th St., Omaha, Neb.'' : Ford Transfer ' and " ' j Storage Co. 813 Douglas St., . 1102 S. Main, Omaha. ; . Council Bluffs 'Prompt Service Reasonable Rates suaansTTTr '32323 9 Omaha Lace Laundry , EXCLUSIVE CLEANERS , Curtains, Panels, Cretonnes, Lace ' and Austrian ' Shades 4716 Cuming St. . Tel. Walnut I3S1 Ladies' Plush Sailors' and Velour Hats Cleaned and Reblocked ; JiMSER; . 215 South 14tb Street " TRY US FOR French Pastry Fancy Cakes KUENNE'S ' Bakery, Delicatessen and : Lunch Room 3 504 South 16th St. 2916 Leavenworth St. Order Your Personal Xmas Greeting Cards .f NOW ; ",' '' Omaha Stationery Co. 307-309 S. 17th St. Jackson 080S M raevi Ml WRECKED CARS REBUILT Fender, Top, Body Work Repairing of All Kinds NICHT AND DAY Western Motor Car Company Farnam at Blvd. HA rny 0S68 Reliable Service A specialty on Auto Topi, Winter Curtains and tailored Seat Covers. Engdahl's Auto Top Co. Douglas M77 1718 Cats St. tifiiiiuaiwiiBi 1 1 r a jones st. OMAHA Merchandise Storage and Distribution ivr.i. f. roessig OMAHA'S RELIABLE AUTOMOBILE PAINTER CADILLAC BUILDING 2570 Farnam St. . Hamer 1448 CADILLAC A Permanent Value "Always Onward" J. H. Hansen Cadillac Co. Omaha Lincoln Bring or Send Your Dress Goods to Us for Pleating - Buttons - Hemstitching Embroidering ' Braiding Beading - Button Holes (deal Button & Pleating Company ? 300-308 Brown Bids, 16th and Douglas Opposite Brandeis Stores Phone Doug. 1933 . Omaha , 900 separate fireproof, mouse proof, dustlets rooms for furniture. Come and See for Yourself Motor Vans for Removah Bekins Omaha Van and Storage 806 S. 16th St. Douglas 4163 Paxtdn-Mitckell Co. 27th and Martha Stt. Harney 1662 Manufacturers of Brass, Bronze and Aluminum Castings Standard Size Cast Iron Bushings in Stcck Closing Out THEIR ENTIRE STOCK Paints Millwork Lumber . At Rock-Bottom Prices Now Is Your Time to Get Bus C. Hafer Lumber Co. 135 W. Broad war Council Bluffs "OrMVAtRD 'W.l.S.lltll Ml I W I I ' ii i; BusinessGod's Creation By JACK LEE ' "When God created the world he also created busi ness. He knew that business would be just as necessary for its success as man. Therefore He made rules which, while governing man, also governed business, and, while man, through the centuries, has ignored many of the laws of God in private and business life, the laws still stand, as He made them, and meant them to be, a panacea for all ills." This was the answer Gipsy Smith, the great evan gelist, gave me when I asked him if it were possible for a man to be religious and succeed in business. He looked at me with a sort of pitying5 expression in his brown eyes and as though remembering my youth, the pity left his' face and interest took its place. I, with the same youthful brashness, asked him another ques tion which he perhaps thought uncalled for, but which he answered. "Is it possible for a man to be honest in his religion, carry out his religious teachings in all his business deal ings with his fellow business men and become rich?" I asked. "Absolutely," the Gipsy said. "The only way a man can succeed in any business is to stand by his religious teachings, which call for a square deal to every man and honesty above all. "It is just as easy for a business man to be honest as it is for wheat to grow honestly, for millers to grind it honestly and for salesmen to sell it honestly. "The great trouble is that men do not want to make just a little or even a fair profit they want to make a lot, and there they transgress the words of Jesus, who also was a business man and understood business principles. "Jesus said, 'Do ye as you would be done by.' The best things I know in the Bible to guide a business man on a straight career, and a successful one, is the sermon on the mount and the Ten Commandments. If all the business men just for 24 hours would take these precepts and follow them closely they would think the millenium had come. "They would get such results and feel so good over real honest treatment that they would never go back to the old practices, but would continue with the new. "Because of His knowledge of business Jesus taught men not only to. live righteously in their private lives, but to do the same in business. The cleansing of the temple, when He drove out the grafting money changers, was a good example of what He thought of honesty in business." I know there are some good hard-headed, common sensed business men who will say after reading this: "That sounds all very pretty from an evangelist who knows nothing of business, who talks so prettily of theory. If I practiced the golden rule one day in my store I'd be ruined;" - Gipsy Smith may be an envangelist, but he has had dealings with business men on five continents in his 35 years as an evangelist, and for good, sound business rea soning he can attract the attention of any business man worthy the name. But, granting that the evangelist is not engaged in a commercial business, here's what a man who has his fingers on the pulse of the business world of America says. And when he speaks "Big Business" listens. "The greatest need of the hour is religion," Roger W. Babson, nationally known writer on business affairs, declared recently. When a man who is actively engaged in business, who watches it from all angles and all corners of the na tion and who is able to make a diagnosis and prescribe what medicine is needed to keep it healthy, the local business man is bound" to take his word as worthy of consideration, and not passive consideration at that. In his recent book, "Making Good in Business," Mr. Babson says: "There are many men in business who lack moral and spiritual development. Temporarily some of them make good, but over a long period no man will ultimately succeed who lacks religion." To substantiate his statement that there is a need of religion Mr. Babson has devoted several pages in his book to this discussion. For instance, in a chapter headed "Constructive Aids" he has given over a portion of the chapter to the discussion of "Spiritual Development." "As already indicated, the most important of these preliminary qualifications is spiritual development. The basis of permanent success is a well-grounded spiritual development. Such a development is far more important than the physical, mental, industrial or recreational. Moreover, I say this purely as a business man and statis tician. This aid is far more essential for individual suc cess or making good in business than any other above enumerated. Thirty per cent of our prominent business men of America are sAns of minsters and farmers. It (an investigation previously mentioned) showed that success comes to those who have been reared in a family where religion and hard work made up the program. "Spiritual development is especially necessary as a foundation to the two I's, Integrity and Inspiration. Integrity is the Ten Commandments boiled down into one word, while Inspiration is that faith which comes only to those who are imbued with a desire to serve. Integrity is the keynote of the Old Testament, while Inspiration is the keynote of the New Testament and is that feature which differentiates Christianity from other religions." : ; . And then he clinches this splendid argument a few paragraphs on with this statement: "Business enter prises and civilization are the products of religion." Here we have the ideas on the same subject of two men widely separated in life. Their ideas coincide and agree. Gipsy Smith, the man of God, and Roger W. Babson, the man of the world of business, who has not made Business his god, but still clings to his spiritual guide. . Gipsy Smith is not the only man of God who will declare the possibilities o success to an honest business man. Any minister will take the same stand. Roger W. Babson is not the onjy man of the world of business who will take a similar stand. Any business man honest with himself will take the same stand. He will declare without reservations that it is absolutely possible to prac tice the teachings of Christ and be successful in business. Omaha business men, why not all give Christ a chance in your business? ' - . TEETH vines Omaha1 rra wk K I a .-i-! a-i . I - vv.e. jr-wwuj ill e iic.sR.yi.f.u.r ? McKenneyDentists 14th and Streets JAckson 2872 a3sas , i hi nii.u i an .ii '-..,. nt., i i iiikmm I la Our Perfection Is Your Protection G. A. Steinheimer Co. Contracting Painters "Jarl's National Brand Solid Copper Oil Cans" All solder en the outside of the ean witb a 5. Inch serew cap. Alrlisht. non explosive and fireproof. Prices! 4-tsl., $4 00: e-sai.. moo: fitoo: lO-g-st., 116.00: 16-nal.. 121.00; 25-ksI-. 136.001 60-a-al., 161.00. ' Special Attention Clvea to Mall Orders CHARLES JARL & Company 1703 Leavenworth Street ETHEL THRALL MALTBY, D. C. !S CHIROPRACTOR tEa PALMER SCHOOL GRADUATE W C 4 Fl FIL. Rise. 1303 Douglas Street 8,000 Homes in Omaha and Council Bluffs Are Covered With Our Ready Roofing THERE IS A REASON Call us and let us explain. All work guaranteed. - Eaay terms. Northwest Ready Roofing Co.' L. Rlefenberf, Mgr. . HArney 2574 3122 Leavenworth Thirty years of experi ence in repairing and re building all kinds of ma chinery has placed us in a position to do your work ncht. We do all kinds of . automobile repairing and it is done right the first time. PflELCHIORS&SG'N 4l?-SaBthSi:OnArlA.NErJ. Use Western Bond Paper For Your Office Stationery Wholesale Distributors Carpenter Paper Co. OMAHA Welding ' Cutting Reinforced Brazing General Welding Works "WE DO IT RIGHT" We Specialize in Automobile Welding 1508 Webster St. AT. 4459 RESTAURANTS There's one near you. Highest quality foods, with quick service. Cyl in der Grinding Is Our Specialty Try us for, "Better Service" Puritan Mfg. & Supply Co. Atlantic 3753 14 Izard Neio Pressed Hoc Trough Sanitary -Solderlesa Seamless Mid. by Nebraska & Iowa Steel Tank Co. Omasa, wen. m. . Years' .K T ,804 I 1 Experience If Jr).-', ,y I ThiVw vonra of exoerl- i 'A: CI I wn n I , I Tbat Unsightly Scratch on the IjuiIjt of jrr ear ean be re muved at very sliiiht coat to you. Your ear will lok l.aJ until you have thla done. Come In and set our eatimate on cost. PFEIFFER 253S Leavenworth Street Eat. 1888 JA cksoa 3072 1 G WITH A PERSONALITY Phone AT. 4683. Li O. L. Wiemer Wall Paper, Paints, Glass, Painting- and Decorating 1708 Cuming St. - - Omaha, Neb. Phone DO uglaa 8753 The Careful Florist OF NEBRASKA 15lh and Dodge Sts. OMAHA Modern Policies, Carrying Full Protection E. M. SEARLE, JR., Pres. FALL RENOVATING of PILLOWS AND BEDDING . Feathers steam renovated and hot air dried. All yonr own feathers back when we renovate. OMAHA PILLOW CO. 1907 Cuming St. Jackson 2487 Sherman ftlcSonnell " Drug Co. All the Drugs and Toilet Articles for all the people all the time. 6 Good Drug Stores in Omaha. We Furnish Clean Linen FRONTIER TOWEL SUPPLY J. M. JENSEN, Prop. Phono Doug. 6291 1819 California Send Your Clothes to Be Cleaned DRESHER BROTHERS Dyers, Cleaners, Hatters. Fur riers, Tailors and Rug Cleaners 2217 Farnam St, Omaha We Pay Return Charges oa Out-of-Towa Orders Alexander Munroe Sheet Metal and . Furnace Works 1718 Cats St. Phone J A. 406S All American epical Co. Chemical Manufacturers and Jobbers Phone Doug. 4864. 1208-10 5. 16th St. We analyze and manufacture anything. Give Us a Call I Ii ' "V7. HA I "JIM K I I