Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 30, 1921, Page 8, Image 8

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8 A
I i r?-v
Injunction on
Iowa Rail Tax
Upheld by Court
Seven of Nine Railroad Tin
Points Three Federal
Judges Concur in
I)e lUnt. Oct, ?.-UpJtoWin
every contention nude lv even of
the nine CMtiflainmit railroad com
panies., a feilwal cwri bench of three
juduei lurided down orileri for tem
porary injunction auainst the Iowa
19.M railroad a"Ciiienu.
The court, in thrsc acven cases,
rot only wi.ied out the entire in.
crease in rn.lroad taxes ordered by
U.e execute council last July, hut
ordeuJ a further rcductionn of 10
per cent in the assessed valuation
that were in force lite prcviout year.
The injunction restrain county
uditor from upreadinrf railroad a
tejsnnicnti in execs of a certain val
uation per mile, dilfrrctit in the rae
of each road. Attorney lleneral Gib
son explained that the reduction In
1921 assessments ordered was ahout
16 per cent, 0 per cent of which
icprcsented the increase over 1420
imposed ty the recent executive
council adjustment.
The reduction ordered by the court
totals approximately $14,000,000 on
the assessed valuations, or more than
$55,000,000 on the actual valuations
as fixed by the executive council.
All three judges, Kimhrotigh
Stone of Missouri, T. C. M linger of
Nebraska and M. J. Wade of Iowa,
concurred in the order. The court
held that "intentional, deliberate as
sessment of different classes of prop
erty at different percentages of ac
tual value, result in an equality of
treatment," which Iowa laws prohi
bit. The roads' contention that land
value assessments, compared to rail
road assessments, are too low is en
tirely upheld.
The case probably will be heard on
its merits at the December term
of court.
The Wabash railroad and the
Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe rail
way did not obtain the injunction.
Des Moines Citizens
Lead in Percentage of
Those Owning Homes
Charlet Chaplin Just
Groicl When Housed
From Sleep in Omaha
Washington, Oct. 29. Des Moines,
la., holds first place among cities1
of 100,000 people or over in the per-!
centagc of citizens owning their own
homcj, according to the census bu
reau. In Des Moines 51.1 per cent
of the tenants have no fear of land
lords through possession of title to
the premises they occupy. Grand
Rapids, Mich., .is next with a per
centage of 50.1.
' In New York City only one home
in eight is owned by the family liv-
inj in it, the percentage ranging from
2 in Manhattan Borough to 42 in
' The census of homes showed 54.4
per cent of the residences in the
United States are rented, 28.2 are
owned free of any incumbrance, and
17.5 are owned but mortgaged. The
national percentage of renters in
creased two-tenths of 1 per cent
since 1910.
For the purpose of the census a
"home" was talten to mean the abid
ing place of a single family."
Singer's Divorce Suit
Withdrawn From Court
After part of the evidence in her
divorce suit against her husband, Al
vin F. Kellstrom, 3837 North
Eighteenth street, had been present
ed in District Judge' Wakeley's court
' room Friday, Mrs. Adeline Kell
strom, formei; soloist at North
Presbyterian church, dismissed her
suit. Her attorneys gave no reason
for her act.
Mrs. Kellstrom filed the suit in
September, alleging that her hus
band failed to fire the furnace, and
that she was compelled to chop
wood to keep the house warm
enough for herself and her son, Carl
Alvin, 2 1-2 years old.
Mr. Kellstrom, in his answer, as
serted it was his wife's desire for a
stage and operatic career which
wrecked their happiness. Mr. Kell
strom is half owner of A. V. Harmon
& Co., wholesale soda fountain sup
ply house.
Kansas Farmer Fined
For Working on Sunday
Kansas City, Mo., Oct. 29. For
working on Supday, Charles Dutton,
' a young farmer living at Morris,
Kan., was fined $1.00 and costs, a
total of $6.40 today by Judge Wil
liam E. Carson in Kansas City, Kan.
Dutton was arrested on a com
plaint sworn to by Peter Sandberg,
also of Morris, Kan., which charged
that he "unlawfully did labor by
. hauling sand on Sunday, October
9." Dutton pleaded guilty.
The law prohibiting Sunday labor
has been in effect inKansas for
several years officials said, but they
did not recall its having been in
voked in Wyandotte county before.
E. J. Berg to Drape Living
Model at Ad-Sell Meeting
Business and. Hallowe'en capers
will be combined by the Advertising-Selling
league at its meeting
' Monday night in Hotel Fontenelle.
:L. W. Trcster of the Omaha Out
door Advertising company will speak
and E. T. Berg of the Burgess-Nash
store, past president of the Interna
tional Association of Display Men,
will live an exhibition of skill tn
draping a living model.' Decorations
will be with pumpkins, witches and
the like.- -
18 Die in Torrential
Rains in Guatemala
Guatemala City, Guatemala, Oct
29. Torrential rains in western
Guatemala have done great damage
to property and have caused floods
in which 18 persons have lost their
lives. .
Hastings Youth Appointed
As Cadet to Nary Academy
Washington. Oct." 29. (Special
Telegram.) Congressman Andrews
yesterday nominating Roger M.
Griggs,, son of Kirk Griggs of Hast
ings.? the naval academy at An
napolis. I
Chsrlri Chaplin, mgtinn future
actor, patted through Oman at
9. ID a. in. yeterdy.
Kinif, queen, governor! n4
general may lava arisen from their
stateroom berths to observe the
dawn in Omaha, but not Chaplin.
Hi cnly repont to Omaha's
greeting was a growl beneath the
Passenger en the train brought
new of the new (hoc Chaplin J
wearing. They were obtained III
Pari ami are made of patent leather,
tan broadcloth and pearl button. In
a word, it wai explained, they are
khor fuch u only Chaplin would
School Election
Voters Restricted
Ruling liars Childless Persons
Without $200 Assessed Per.
sonal Property.
Lincoln, Oct. 21). (Spccial.)
Thnusand of men and women in
Nebraska will be barred in the future
from voting at school elections, ac
cording to a ruling made today by
Assistant Attorney General Charles
S. Kecd.
Jle gave his opinion that, under
the law, persons without children
cannot vote at school elections un
less they have $2li;i or more of per
sonal property which wa assessed
the last previous year before the
This applies to elections for school
bonds or trustees.
The opinion was asked by John M.
Maize n, Mate superintendent of pub
lic instruction.
Records at the county treasurer's
cfliec here indicate that 5,000 voters
in Lincoln will he barred from vot
ing at school elections under the
Salvation Army Campaign
For Funds Well Organized
The campaign to raise $42,600 for
the Salvation Army next week has
been well organized, declared Briga
dier William Andrews, commanding
officer of the Iowa-Xcbraska terri
tory, yesterday.
We congratulate ourselves on the
personnel of the Omaha advisory
board," he said.
Kabbi Cohn issued a statement ap
pealing for liberal contributions to
this organization. A number of men
from American Legion headnuartcrs
were employed yesterday putting ii
"Salvation Lassie" posters. Boy
Scouts also are assisting in this
Police Barracks at Passage,
Ireland, Are Burned Down
Belfast, Oct. 28. Police barracks
at Passage, County Watcrford, va
cated Wednesday, were burned this
morning by a number of men who
invaded the village. They warned
the villagers in the vicinity to seek
safety and then set fire to the bar
racks, l
The Corn
and Callus
This Corn Remover i Guaranteed.
Relief from corn suffering follows the
application of "Gets-It" almost as quickly
as pain follows the thrust of a pin or knife
End Pain
and Corns
into the flash. Not only hard corns or
soft corns, but every kind of corn or callus
surrenders to 'Geta-It" and peels fight
off. It takes just a few seconds to stop the
pain with two or three drops. Go to your
druggist today. Get a bottle of "Gets-It."
Costs but a trifle everywhere. Your
money back if not satisfied. Mfd. by E.
Lawrence & Co., Chicago.
Ever hear of "reconstructed"
clothes? No? Well, perhaps not,
but the fact is you see "recon
structed" clothes worn every day,
but don't know they've been "re
constructed." Dresher Brothers, Cleaners and
Dyers at 2211-2217 Farnam street,
are pioneers and chief exponents of
"reconstructing" clothes. Dreshers
take your old garments apart, clean
them, recut the pieces to conform
with present styles, sew the clothes
together again, apply new collars,
cuffs and linings, press the clothes
nicely and presto! you've a new
garment at a fraction of the cost of
clothes bought out of the shops.
You'll need more or less "recon
structing" on the garments you are
going ta wear this winter and you
would serve yourself best by having
Dreshers do the work. Better
phone Atlantic 034S for a Dresher
man, or phone Market 0050 if you
live in South Omaha, or leave work
at Dresher The . Tailors, 1515 Far
nam St, or at one of the Dresher
branches in Burgess-Xash or Bran
tieis stores.
Prices Low! j jf h S;!aYt T&1 '
Golden Finish
A moat utrful article lth
runmy Urn o ur .pais mid
iumI iImikii pniirl at lop.
A typleal
at only
Wit mahoeany fltiMi.
Nnilly turned pedestal
did special- A -
aV!..'! $2.85
Roomy Dresser!
A aroldon finished dresser,
) nut a a ahown. A rent bar
rit la Mow
Period Diner!
7-Piece Suite Mahogany Finish!
As Illustrated Here!
Attractive Denim Upholstery
A high pan.t tiat-k rhalr,
juftt aa plrturert. I'opulnr
Jui'olman ImlBh In Kuuulue
Uargula at.,
Morris Chair!
Anothar typlral apartat. A
"Koyat Kaay" raolining
type In goldon er fumed
(in I ah.
... $28.75
Big Chifforobe!!
Rtunnlnr Colonial atyla la
rich aolden oak. lima panel
door ta aide and clear mir
ror ta rlKht.
Very roomy
and oniy
An iiniiennl rli.fjnv tt It Irrli.ff rniln riinln? room auitea. To
ninrrow we titter tills attractive Queen Anne Period design t
aulte, conniatiiiR of 48-lncli top tnblo whlrh extend to full ?
ix feet, t"get!ipr with six clmlrs upholstered In genuine)
leather with neat panel backs, complete at
Where could you
find a greater
- bargain than the
offer vt make
hcref Think ot
purchasing a n
ttrticilvv ton
courh Pa lied
with mahogany
frnmea and a
varied aaaort
mnt of art dn
Im utiholaterlng.
Note the emnliei
cut ahowinir box
couch beneath
sent proper. The
regular p r I c
h.n been $55,
but ta th flrat
1! customer! we
wilt make thla
isnocinl Introduc
tory Drlcc.
Bed Davenport Chair and Rocker to Match!
Can you lmagjne liow tills suite will appear In your home?
Tomorrow is your buying opportunity. Davenport opens up
to a full sized double bed in an instant and the chair and
rocker havo the loose cushions. In blua or mulberry bro-
caided velour, complete at
Unusually d7Q CA
A good wearing frQ1 7f
VfV 111 V
i B I 9x12 Royal Wilton Rugs, fringed.
) tWjiM 1 attractive patterns at
M f MMoilil&i 1 1 flxl2 seamless Brussels Rugs. Greatly reduced
for Mondars 8eUing at
Wool and Cotton Blankets, blue, pink and
gray, pair
Fancy Plaid Wool and Cotton Blankets, very Cfi
special at U.UV
Comforter Special!
Soft, Downy Comforters in fancy silkoline with jC QC
plain borders. Bargains at tJtJ.ItJ
Most Extensive Assortment g
At Mcney-Saving Prices to
Be Found in Omaha!
Cabinet Gas Range!
Guaranteed as to haltlni? Qualities. A
well known Baker mnlte, with large
baking oven. Ennmcl p n
panel door and splasher AK Kll
back and sides. No broiler. tp"IU.U
Buffet Bargain!
Do not hesitate to tnvestlsate thil
harcain. Popular size with mirror
hnck and offered In
irolden or fumed oak
finish at
Deluxe Springs!
Th3 nationally' advertised coll
spring. Ask to have the merits ot
this spring explained.
$4.95 ' f"': ' I
-r 'T , ' ..... .. . 3-
Kitchen Cabinet!
Why labor in the kitchen without a
cabinet? Our special for tomorrow has
all tho labor saving- features, with slid
ing metal top, sugar nin
and cake compartment,
etc Only
Big China Cabinet!.
Of the anuare type, ia rich aolden.1'
onk finish. Colonial style bat.
Has roomy ahelf ar- .
ranirement. Offered on ffvx
liberal term at f VMti V .
Gem Regent Range!
Complete with high closet as pic
tured. A high-grade cast range
with larue cooking surface and
roomy baking oven. Reduced tor
Hot Blast Heater!
Highest grade material and
workmanship throughout. Haa
hot blast construction, insuring
fuel economy. A bargain offer
Electric Sweeper!
Make housecleanlng easier with a
high grade Torrlngton vacuum
Rweener. Fully Guaranteed in
every respect. Asls
for a demonstration.
Very special at ....
Stylish Davenport Table!
Under ordinary conditions you would ex
pect to pay at least $55 for thla type of
long davenport table. A
Monday and Tuesday special
In rich mahogany finish at
Golden eak fin
ish. S4 Ja:hf?
high '
White enamel
l-Jtchen table. A
"Sellers" make
T w ' 1
This Buffet As Shown!
V A famous "Rnrkforrt make whlnh utanrlw
for the best In furniture. A high grade
William and Mary deslfm
measuring 60 In. in length.
Jacobean finish at
Lamp Complete!
they In
with n
A special offer while they
Mahogany finish base with
ZG-in. Trmgett snaae.
Specially priced at
Perfect Heater! ' Big Oil Heater!
In th neat
Blue Bird
. a 1 1 e r n.
peclal at
S-rvlce for
: a big:
alue at
A wonderful value and should he
bought at once. Handsomely
nickel trimmed, with large fire
pot and with all heat-giving
qualifications. Only
$7 00 Is the regular price. Mon
day, while they last wa offer
these black enamel heaters at the
ridiculous price of only
45x60 Inch-To 6 Feet! i Mahogany Poster!
A new oblong style table In beautiful
American walnut finish. Queene Anne
t.riod desian and a
value; specially priced
A special purrhnjse makes this price
possible. Neatly turned posts, full
size ana in brown ma
hogany finish. Spe
cially priced at .
flw. ineioi iaociOEaoi ia
This Library Table!
: $26.75 SIXTEENTH Between Harney and Howard
Tou choose between golden or fumed
finish at thla special marking, targe
drawer and magazine shelf below.
Compart this price else
where. Specially priced
lor Monday
Copper Bound Chest!
rrotect your clothes from the destruc
tive moths, etc. I'urchaa. this 41-Inch
cedar ehest tomorrow, j, ST
Neatly ropper bound and SZ-75
a special at 1 V .
; m n i
v;M 1
1 I
m l