Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 28, 1921, Page 7, Image 7

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Irish Crisis Bars
Uoyd George's
Burgess-Nash Company's Downstairs Store
Journey to U. S.
English Prime Minuter Prob
ably Will Bo Forced to
Abandon Trip to Armi
Meet, Report.
London, Oct 27. Prime Minister
I loyd George probably will hive to
abandon hit visit to Washington, or
t rat poitpont it until the doting
KMioni 01 the commence mere dc
cauie of the critical tituationi in
the negotiations with Sinn Fein Ire
land, it was asserted by (event well
informed newspaper! here today.
Varioui report! concerning the
Irish negotiation! were current here
today, but they carried little weight
owing to the lerrecy observed by
hoth tides. The Daily Oraphic print
ed a rumor that the negotiation! had
been suspended.
It was laid the Dail represents
tives were insistently urging the
claims of the Catholic populations
of the counties, of Tyrone and Fer
managh for inclusion in southern
In the meantime the restiveness of
the English unionists was manifestly
increasing and although many union
ist members of Parliament still re
fused to subscribe to the proposed
vote of censur of the government,
their suspicions toward the negotu
tions were said to be growing.
Newspaper! which at first mini
mized the importance of thia union,
ist "revolt," are treating it more ieti
ously today.
Mr. Lloyd George today proposed
to the House of Common that it
set aside next Monday for a dis
cussion on the motion of unionists
members of Parliament condemning
the present negotiations with repre
sentatives of Sinn Fein Ireland. Me
said he hoped there would be a vote
on the question.
Jack and Jill
"You know that letter I gave you
last Monday morning "Jill remind
ed him.- passing the chowder which
he liked so well.
"Yep," he said absently.
"It was a letter to Aunt Mary
"Why- Jack, you know it was a
letter to Mary Frances. I told you
so when I gave it to you, and"
"Oh, yes, I remember."
He hungrily attacked the chow
der. "And I asked Mary Frances to be
sure to let me know by return mail
about that pattern, and I haven't
head a word from her. That's
almost a week and "
"That's almost a week," went on
Till relentlessly, with a stern glint
in her pretty blue eyes, "and I won
der" why she doesn't answer."
"Maybe she's sick," Jack said
"Sick I The ideal Jack, you know
perfectly well that Aunt Mary Fran
ces is never sick."
"Maybe she's gone away on a
-visit." ' '';'
"Without telephoning out to tell
us? That's too absurd."
"Lood here, Jack, did you mail
that letter?"
' "Sure," he said boldly, looking her
right in the eye. But then, that
nntUiner fat Tart alwavs
JlUVkU ItW.ltlll.l - j
looked her brazenly in the eye when
he was guilty. That time that he
swore he had cut the wood for the
fireplace only two days before, for
instance. And he had never even
gone down cellar. Just clean for
gotten it that's .all. '
"Jack, look in your inside pocket
this minute. I feel almost sure you
forgot Aunt Mary Frances' let-
. .. , ,
"Did nothing of the kind, Jill. I
positively mailed it. Give me some
. more chowder."
"Well, if you mailed it
"I said I did." .
But when dinner was finished he
rose hastily and numbled something
about his cargarets In his overcoat
packet and hurried out into the hall.
Jill heard him fussing with the coat
and she frowned crossly. So he
had forgotten the letter after all,
and was fishing to recover it now,
she thought:
He came back jauntily, which in
dicated his guilt more plainly.
"Cone on," she said sternly. "Con
less." '
"Confess what?"
V "Didn't you find that letter to
Aunt Mary Frances in your coat
nocket just now?" .
' "Say" he started, indignantly.
"Confess!" , -
"I tell you I mailed it last Mon
4ay." " '.'.'J.
The telephone bell thrilled.
And lo, it was Aunt Mary Frances
tnd she had really been away on a
visit, and was at the station right
his minute.
So Jill asked about the pattern
ind finally hung up. . , ;
"Oh, honey, forgive me for be
ing so naughty. I know you mailed
ttie letter all right, dearest, and Aunt
Mary France will find it when she
lets home tonight. But no matter.
I learned about the pattern and
sdery thing's all right. Will Jack
forgive his bad, naughty, old wife
lor being so suspicious? Why, Jack,
ihe cried in horror, "I almost doubt
ed vour word. Can ' you forgive
"Aw, that's all right, little girl,"
laid Jack magnanimously, as he
kissed her. And as he pressed her
turly head to his manly bosom
there was the faint crackle of pa
)cr. But, then, Jill couldn't be ex
pected to know what it was that lay
kidden in his inside breast pocket,
(Coprrlfht 151. Thompson Future
Executive Committee for
Boys' Home Drive Meets
The first meeting of the executive
committee which has charge of the
romincr drive to raise funds to build
Father Flanagan's new home for
bovs met at the Athletic club at
won yesterday.
The committee consists of T. E.
Davidson, chairman; E. Bucking
ham. Leo Hoffman. Henry Monsky,
W. W. Head, D. E. O'Bnen. L. J.
TePoel, Clarke Coit. Robert Smith.
John.L, Kennedy, Mark Martin, W.
C. Fraser, J. B. .Wat kins and Dr.
P. Sedlacek.
to Feature
A Feature VJeeh Sale
of Smuarft New Hats
This splendid new assort
ment offers hats of unusual
merit at this low price. In
cluded are hats for women of
all types:
Tailored Street Hats as
Well as Dress Hats
Of excellent quality fabrics in
the season's popular colors.
Specially priced for Feature
Week at $2.75.
Burfess-Nash Downstairs Stora
At Feature Week Prices
Men's shoes, half sole sewed S1.40
Men's shoes, half sole nailed 81.25
Women's shoes, half sole sewed. ... .$1,15
Women's shoes, half sole nailed 81.00
Men's half rubber heels. Wing Foot 50t?
Men's foil rubber heels, Wing Foot 55J
Women's rubber heels 40
Repairing women's heels. .20
Men's heels 35
Our truck will call for and deliver them.
Burcess-Nash Downstairs Star
lnJoircieifi)'s and- Misses'
New OTmifteir oafts
All are popular new winter models in
straightline or belted effects in such fa
vored fabrics as
Bolivia Velour Suedine Plush
with wonderful snugly warm collars of
Beaverette or self material.
Every coat in this special lot is a most
exceptional Feature Week value.
Other Coats Priced from
$10.00 to $39 JO
In Sizes 16 to 51
Other Winter Coats
American Silvertone
Velour : Polo
Cheviot and Plush
From full length models to
sport coats in the season's
popular colors for Feature
Week at $15.00. Sizes 16
to 44.
' Burgsss-Nash Downstairs Stora
IVhal's Worth Doing
Al All, It Worth
Doing Well
Many a passerby hag
stopped to watch a man
at work, simply because
he shows such an evident
enthusiasm . and enjoy
ment in what he is doing.
Enthusiasm and Pride-in-accomplishment
usually found running
hand in hand, closely fol
lowed by Success.
It is a fortunate man
who can do some one
thing just a little better
than another, however
small that something
may be.
Cafeteria Special
for Friday
Filet of Sole with
Tartar Sauce, 25c
Burgess-Nosh Downstairs Star
Children's Vests
and Pants
39c ea.
Children's fleece-lined
vests, with high neck and
long seelves and fleece
lined pants, in ankle
lengths. A very special
feature offering at 39c
Silk Hosiery
Thread silk stockings
with double soles, toes
and heels, sub standards
of a high-grade manufac
turer in black and shades
of brown, all sizes.
Burcess-Nash Downstairs Stora
A Sensational Feature Offering of
Pumps and Strap Slippers
Brown, Black
and Novelties.
Sizes AA
to D.
A wonderful purchase of the season's
newest pump and strap slippers in patent,
satin, suede, kid. All are the correct
styles for street and evening wear. Every
pair a most exceptional value at $4.95.
Not all sizes in every style, but all sizes in the lot.
Burfsss-Nash Downstairs Store
Sale : Corsets $1.00
A Feature Item
In this wonderful lot are Burgess-Nash spe
cials, also many from well-known makers:
In Fancy Broches, Coutils
' and Batistes. .
" Broken sizes. '
Downstairs Store Corset Department
Infants' Bootees:
25c and 35c
In white and colors, plain
and fancy colors. Prices are
extremely low in comparison
to values.
Downstairs Stora Infants' Section
Infants' Sweaters,
Sacques: $1.65
Made of soft zephyr yarns
in white and colors," in plain
and fancy weaves.
Downstairs Store Infants' Section
women s
Dool losses
In this special group of feature dresses
are dozens and dozens of new styles in
Canton Crepe Satin
Crepe Back Satin Poiret Twill
Velvet Tricotine
' Some in youthful straightline effects
with metal and bead embroidery trim
mings; others in more fitted effects, with
trimmings of braids and buttons.
The colors are navy, brown and black.
The sizes 16 to 51.
Other Smart Dresses Are Priced
from $1045 to $39 JO
Bur(ess-Nash Downstairs Stars
Plain anndl Novelty
Silks- yard 9Sc
, In this wonderful assortment are hundreds of yards of
thS season's loveliest silks, including plain and printed
Georgette crepes, kimono silks, silk shirtings, stripe messa
line and taffetas, printed pongee and other silks.
Plaid Dress Goods:
Yard, 25c
36-inch wool finish dress goods
in lovely fall colorings for chil
dren's dresses.
Black Satin Messaline:
Yard, $1.15
Splendid wearing quality of 35
inch raven black messaline. For
Feature Week, $1.15 yard.
Crepe de Chine:
Yard, $1.19
An exceptionally good quality
crepe de chine, 40 inches wide;
Blacks and colors. A Feature
Week special at $1.19 yard. '
Satin Raya:
Yard, 69c
This is a wonderful quality of
cotton back satin for lining; in
plain colors with self - colored
stripes; for Feature Week, 69c yd.
Burcess-Nash Downstairs Store
Children's iVarm
Sturdy coats for children;' in
full length style, with collar
which buttons up at the neck.
All are lined throughout and have
belt and pockets; the colors are
navy, black and brown. Sizes 8
to 14. V
Burgess-Nash Downstairs Store
Notions at Feature Prices
Real Steel Scissors and Shears, 29c In
sizes 3 to 8-inch, very good quality.
Wash Edging and Finishing Braid, Bolt
8c All are fast colors and very
.fine quality. ' .
American Maid Crochet Cotton, Ball,
6V4c In white and colors.
Gold-Eyed Needles, Pkg., 22c Every
size, 25 to the package.
Large Package of Darning Needles, 5c
Assorted sizes.
Real Human Hair Nets, Cap Shape,
Dozen, 50c
CoIIingsbournes Fast Colored Darning
Cotton, 2Vtc All the best colors,
two spools for 5c
J. and P. Coats Machine Thread, 6
Spools, 25c Black and white, every
number, best six-cord thread.
Ladies' and Children's Garters, Pair,
15c Made of Hickory Elastic.
Wire Hair Pins, Cabinets, 5c All as
sorted sizes.
6-Yard Bolts of Wright's Bias Tape,
Bolt, 7c A good quality.
Kleinerf s Rubber Jiffy Pants, Pair, 49c
Sanitary Napkins, Dozen, 39c
Burfees-Nasa Downstairs Stora
Perfumes, 35c an oz.
Various lovely assorted
Talcum Powder, 12c
Corylopsis, rose, and
Soap Special
21 Bars of White
(laptha Soap
Downstairs Stora Drtur Dent.
Feature Items in Domestics
Pillow Tubing: 39c yd.
42 and 45-inch widths, of fine
round thread quality, without filling
or dressing of any kind. Specially.
priced. -
Outing Flannel: 1 6c yd.
Of heavy weight and soft quality,
in white and fancy stripes or checks.
, . Sheeting: 18c yd.
Fine round thread quality that will give unusu
ally good service.
Apron Checks: 12V2C'jd.
Blue and white apron checks; retains color after
Crash Toweling: 19c yd. .
The Celebrated Stevens Linen
toweling, made of very good quality.
White Lawn: 12c yd.,
38-inch width, for. making chil
dren's dresses and also used for in
terlining purposes.
Burcess-Nash Downstairs Stora