1 mm 12 THE BEE: OMAHA. FRIDAY. OCTOBER 28. 1921. SLEtPY-TIME TALES THE TALE OF r MRS. Qt LADYBU IV 1DTUIIB f7T?. Kill tHAI'irK AAlV. Mrs. Green's Mletake. Mr i. Ladybug ipoke at lat. Her listeners' crowded clou about ncr, joitline one another in their eager neit to hear every word fhc aaid, For Mr. Lad) bug wit recounting her adventure! at the farmhoukc. '"I Hew in through an open win ilow," Mr. Ladybug began. And she hraved a deep fcigh, a if the telling of the Ulc was costing her much pain. "I aaid nothing io nobody," ho explained, "because I 'didn't with to trouble the family. I knew I could find my way about the home alter a little. And it wasn t long oeiore I had discovered the stairway, "I didn't walk- on the itairs for fear there might be mud on my feet. aid Mr. Ladybug. "1 didn t walk but flew up to the lecond floor a in. went into the firit chamber I saw, There wan a fine, big closet off that room. The door leading into it wat ajar; 10 I had no trouble ilippmg in side it. And there, high up on i broad shelf, I picked out the very spot where I could have spent the Til let you fecide thatTHriL&dqhij replied. winter with every comfort in the world." At this point Mrs. Ladybug was overcome by her feelings for a few pioments. But the company waited politely until she could go on with her story. She soon continued. "All went well " said Mrs. Lady bug "all went well until one day this morning, to . be exact Mrs. Green opened the closet door and began to brush and sweep and wipe and dust. I heard her say that she was doing her fall cleaning. ; And, of course, that . pleased me; for I was glad to learn that she was a neat housekeeper..: "And then " here Mrs. Ladybug's voice broke slightly "and then, the first thing I knew she spied me and' cried, 'Ah, ha I A Carpet Bug!' "The next instant she whisked me off the shelf with a brush. Of course played dead the - moment she uched me. And I fell into the dust- n and never so much as wriggled a toe. ' ...j ; ( ' "Soon afterward Mrs, Green set the dustpan beside a window which she had already opened. That was my chance. , J seized it.. I flew out of the window, j. - And here I cm." Mrs.-. Ladybug's listeners shook their heads in sympathy. "Yoit had a narrow escape," they told her. .."It's a wonder you got away." ; "Yes!" said Mrs. Ladybug. "And I'm glad now that that window was open. But for a moment I didn't much care what became of me. To think that anybody should mistake mc for a Carpet Bug! Mrs. Green ought to know that the Carpet Bug family are covered with black, white and red scaler. Ugh!" - ' Mrs. Ladybug shuddered. She was smooth and shiny herself. . So it wasn't strange that she should have felt insulted. ; "Anyhow," she added, "Mrs. Green is the loser. Toward spring I would have kept her house plants free from insects. But. now, of course, she'll have to do that herself." "Well' said the ' ' neighbors (or words, to this effect), "we're glad to see you again. And now tell us! where- do you expect to spend the winter?" : ' ' ' ' - ' -"I'll let you. decide that," Mrs. Ladybug replied. -..f (Copyright, 1181... by - the Metropolitan i t . Newspaper Stv1.) . ,.. . Tomorrow; That busy Iwauty, Henrietta Hen, open a new set of Bailey tales with a loud cackle. The Rooster ta afraid of Henrietta; even oW Mr. .Crow can't scare her. And everybody envies her when she takes her Mr family to the county fair. .s ; ' ' . 1 TJ77HY io the prob- . V km of securing spate parts not exist lor tbe own er of a CoatinentsJ-eauip- : cd car or truck? On moment' notice we are ready to supply distributors of Confines tsl-equtpped vehicles with : aw pert they mayreotnre. It it only natural, there fbfs, that Prospective car ml Crock Duyers should , regard Fed Seal Service aa a very sound reason tor gKircbaslt) Continental ofjmpned shades. THE GUMPS MC IT IM COtOU IH THE SUPDAT MC JUST AS THE SUN WENT DOWN Drawn for The Bee by Sidney Smith ('H'ynts.l, , lauag Irlbaas Cmf ,h,e a. Hi sw 11 1 A " ' ' - I N ' tit walk aiiukhing tltf niahog.iy and ihrowiuii bae ball tlirough the lamp ihiniitey! Sftrft-ry of Kugincm' Hotly Main AJJrcM IIcr C. V. Urayrr, aerretary et tht Anirrit'an A"xitiou o( Knguieeri. addressed a meeting o( the Omaha chapter of the org-iniaiion on "1 he Mroader KieUI dr Knginrering Sw ift at Hotel I'onlenelle la.t night at H,W. More Truth Than Poetry By JAMES J. MONTAGUE IT DOESN'T ALWAYS WORK We felt, when our pay was three dollars aweck, That some helpful suggestion we needed; So we read with delight in a paper one night How a prosperous man had succeeded. .We did all the things that he said he had done, With a high hopeful purpose inspired; 'But we gained no success by our effort unless You would call it success to be fired. A year or two later a magazine came Which told how a dime here and there Tucked away in the banks put a man in the ranks Of people with millions to spare, We saved on our luncheons, we watked down to work, And bought only celluloid collars; And we banked every dime for a very long time, But we've only got sixty-four dollars. Another great person his recipe wrote For gaining much power and pelf; "Don't be backward, he said, "but just go right ahead And gram off a job for yourself." We looked !'round the office where we were employed Till the job that we wanted we picked; And to take it we tried, but we landed outside On the pavement, quite thoroughly licked. . So we asked of a friend who had money in heaps A man we had known from our youth, If he'd tell us the mode that he'd gathered his load And tell us the absolute truth. He told us we modelled our system on his, And got quite a nice. bunch of kale; Then something went wrong and a cop came along And brutally led us Jp jail. - , PRACTICALLY UNANIMOUS. In exoressinar the belief that iudsres ought to get $75,000 a year each r r t j.j .. . . i. . .i : i : j i l. nenry roro nas succeeaea in getting ine jmiiuiary sunmy ucumu iwu WITH THE PROVERBIAL DULLNESS. The average theatrical offering of the season seems t6 be all work and no play. EXCEPTION. Babe Ruth has certainly blown up the theory that knocking never gets a man anywhere. , , .. Common Sense ByJ.J.MUNDY. Putting Your. Best Foot Forward. You have been entertaining for some time a certain line of disturb ing thought. You find that your mind reverts to this unpleasant thought, more' and more. Soon it . may become a sertous habit of yours to think irritating things, i And the more you harbor such thoughts the more disturbing they become. v.,. ; If they happen to be relative to waning ability or the likelihood of your losing your job, they are going to hamper you greatly in your work and spoil your productiveness and possibly be the direct means of you losing your job.;. If you think you are falling down in any way, instead of worrying about it, take means to improve, instead of spoiling your chance of improve' ment by revolving tormenting, de structive thoughts. You worry so. much that you are unfit for practical work, when more thought given to improving your production would get you along bet ter. - Copyright, U31, by International Feature service, mo. I. K BEwArE oF Hotel Fontenelle Hallowe'en' Headquarters of Spooks and' Spirits If you're brave and eager for ex ' , citement a good time and a good supper accept the challenge of . black cats, goblins and witches and don't miss this gala occasion. Saturday Night Main Restaurant . Dancing During Dinner 4 to ... " More Dancing from 10 O'clock On. FUN FANTASY FOOUSHMENT No Cover Charge . - OJEL POTEIMELLE Dog Hill Paragrafs By George Bingham The Postmaster received another severe disappointment yesterday. Miss Hosteller Hocks wrote a long s ? Romance in Origin Of Superstitions letter, and while on the verge of buying a stamp, changed her mind and tore it up. Washington Hocks believes that the people are getting so smart the first thing they-know they are going to run out of something to "hink about,- then they'll be in an awful fix. Raz Barlow has a good 1920 model straw hat he would like to exchange for two overcoat buttons. 'f !?Tk f A BABY whose ornns K I f iuncnon regularly is If a laughing, happy baby. I Z.JE Whan baby criea and ia tret Ai ' ful look for eonatipation. It W r ! eenerally the forerunner Art nervoaineu, feyeriahneaa, 1 headaches, eolda and many other F'diatraaaine ailments. Gire bait a teajpoonfalof Dr. CaMwell'a Syrnp Pepain and the baby wfll quickly get well. A dose coals less than a sent DR. CALDWELL'S SYRUP PEPSIN THE FAMILY LAXATIVE Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Peptln it the lamest lelline liquid laxative in the world, Med by mothers for SO years. It la a combination of Egyptian Senna and other simple laxative herbs with pepim, the safest remedy you can give a baby. HALF-OUNCE BOTTLE FREE Few escape constipation, to turn if you Jo nee requirt a laxative at this moment let ins tend joh a Half -ounce Trial Battle of mi Syrup Pepsin FREE OF CHARGE to that yea trill Kant it handy when needed. Simply tend your name and address to Or. W. B. OiUweU, 5U VfashintanSt.. MoruiceUe, lil, Vriit mt today. WALLYREID In a Story of Modem . Gold Digger The HELL DIGGERS A Two-Reel Comedy Scream Louise Fazenda Chester Conklin IB V THE LOVE EGG , The Crater of Mt. Katmai Pictures by the National Geo graphic Society Expedition to tho Valley of 10,000 Smokes. SILVERMAN'S Orchestra Playing- tho Overture Prelude ia C Sharp Minor, by . Sergi Rachmaninoff Haupt on tho Organ. By H.IRV1NO KING. Singing at Table. To sing at 'table is a sign . you wilt be disappointed or that you will have bad luck. This superstition is rather common in the rural dis tricts and is evidently r survival from the ancient conception of a charm as words of power cast in a metrical form to be sung or chanted. This idea has already been noticed in considering the superstition with regard to involuntary rhymes. The majority of these ancient magic songs perhaps were like the paeans which celebrated the healing power of Apollo or the healing song chant ed by his relatives over the wounded Odysseus... The Runes of the old Scandinavians are good examples of the versified chanted charm and they were not always beneficent charms by any means. Among thej northern races at least witches and warlocks "dropped into poetry," when they wove their hellish spells and cast their baleful charms. Wit ness the witches scene in Macbeth. Early man, in short, appears to have conceived the magic power of words as being greatly increased, cither for good or evil, when the words were ung in a versified form.' There was something mystic about a song: was not to be lightly dealt with. Now a person who begins to sing at table may, for all you know, be casting a spell upon the food or on the caters thereof. Some idea of runic incanta tions appears to linger in the idea that it is bad luck to sing at table. (Copyright, 1911. by tlia UCIure News paper Bynaicate.) Parents' Problems How can children best be taueht to be gentle in speech and manner? Be good examole in the home. Don't make it necessary for them to yell the loudest in order to be heard By much reading aloud and actual voice culture. A child can learn to speak softly and go softly as truly "OMAHA'S FUN CENTER" VrffXifTTl Mat- ni Nile Today V-yW5 Good ReaVdSeat 60e LAST TIMES TODAY fliS "& cTa0:.'' Emif Jazz Casper Es2 TOMORROW (SATURDAY! MATINEE WIEK ti imuft nil i v uATeny a w.ri ewin via.ae sin avn, Frollca" Lacuea- Jicaeia, isc-30c Every Week Day Harold Lloyd You enjoy, him thoroughly while seeing him.. Then after you leave you live much of the laughter over again. Then you have a third crack . at his funnier stunts when you tell your friends about him. u HAROLD LLOYD in His Latest Three-Reel Comedy Sensation -' "Never Weaken" ' See li a Dozen Timis You 11 "Never Weaken' 1 .... - . . , , , , x . - . s , On the Same Program Bebe Daniels in a story that starts on nigh and never slows up ' "The Speed Girl" This Grand Double Program Starts Tomorrow at the as he can re taught anything else. Don't let him rip and romp and tear up everything in tight, especially when vikiting. There are muscles in my arms that ache now, after years, with desire to catch certain visiting j children who were knocking holes ifi CUcuX,V ' m "w Last Two Times MATINEE TODAY,2:15 Early Curtain TONIGHT at 8 joiiPM f. Howaae a co.t is. iamis a C8; aiasoN a conmui; nai maiiarmo 4 C9. 1 M arae.1 true lamei tut Me. lane 4 Barti alit Awe't rak4et; text ei Ska Oeai eiae He. atu . IM te Mi awe tu lias. Sal. aei Sea. NiekK, Is ll.SSi mm ILJS Sab 4 Saa. Two Skawe UOm EMPRESS FLORIDA FOUR, Camnly tni H.r-MMiy Sleilntl WtU IE HALE A BRO, -Rltt el V.ue.vlll.i- FRANK 4 CRACK DK MONT, tn -NelcIUl..- MARKS 4 WISON. Cmody Slmlai, Tellilne Deaclati PheisUr AlUaclieo, "Tba Rider ol tho King Lei." STARTS SUNDAY For the very first time in the whole movie history Four Complete Storiei in One Feature mm 0 Something Different! A iSatire, a Comedy-Drama, a Dramaand a big sur prise." Four fine stories all in one unique feature. Including Wesley Barry, Lon Chaney, John Bowers, Teddy Sampspv narriet Hammond 14 STARS j Don't Forget Last Times Tonight Wanda Hawley in "Her Face Value" SPECIAL DANCE Empress Rustic Garden BIG ANNIVERSARY Hundreds of Beautiful Cut Flowers Given Away. Dancing Every Night. Big Halloween Dance Next Monday. In 9 More Days i DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS ' v 'v r , in Alexandre Dumas' . ; 'f "The Three Musketeers" Juat Nina mare fast Urine; day, then a revelation I ' For Deuslae Fair banka in "The Three Mueheteera." which will be shown to an eat erly wait inf public oa that evening, ia a etrikinf revelatioa of what can be accom plished when hundreds of thousands of dollars are spent, not extravagantly but with judgment, oa the plcturization Of a matchlessly fine story I It la a drama worthy of Fairbanks and Fairbanks baa mad a production worthy of the story 1 BECINNING NOVEMBER 6th. . STRAND THEATER 'r aVAl Dtr-t3i-n f WAT I I .-A -I A.H.BISPK 1 I NOW SHOWING D. W. GRIFFITH'S If Possible Attend Matinees d Early Evening Performance. - a Shows at 11, 1,3,5,7,9 EXTRA! School Children's MATINEE SATURDAY at 11 o'clock show all children up to IS years Admission 2Sc, including tax Two Days More "The Man From Lost River" Four Days, Starting Sunday James Oliver Curwood's "God's Country and the Law" A wonder array of trained animals.' . " a ' Tariffs 3 6:45 to I ALICE BRADY "OUT OF THE CHORUS" 1 Matineo Saturday When in Omaha Hotel Rome Have vour Bee Want Ad charged the rate is the same as cash. i