Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 27, 1921, Image 9

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Our delivery trucks are rush
Ing near and far, laden with
October Feature Items,
The merchandising event of
the season: Economies, values,
tavlngs In every department.
- mv ,
77.C Fourth Bay of the Great Feature Week
Sale of 200 Street and
Boys' All Wool Mackinaws
and Overcoats
October Feature Items
The Mackinaws: $8,00 and $10,00
Splendid materials of great durability, in a
nice variety of colors. Made with stylish and
convenient patch pocket and belt all around.
Sizes, 6 to' 18 years.
The Overcoats: $7,50 to $15,00
Blue, brown and gray mix
tures, in Chinchilla and all
the most wanted fabrics
fully lined, belted and fin
ished with warm muff and
patch pockets.
Sizes, 2i2 to 10 years.
Bur.tM.Nat Bex Shop Maia Floer
Dresses for Flappers in
Wool and Silk
Remarkable Feature Values
Cunning frocks beautifully beaded anJ
embroidered, or attractively , tailored in
plainer models, in black, brown and navy.
Sizes 13 to 19.
Canton Crepe
Crepe de Chine
, Potret Twill
'- Bargeea-Nash Junior Department Third Flew.
The Four Weeks' Course in
Dressmaking and Tailoring
Under the Personal Supervision and Instruction of Mrs. Blackburn
Class A Meets at 10:00 A. M. Wednesday.
Class B Meets at 2 :30 P. M. Wednesday.
Class C Meets at 10:00 A. M. Thursday.
Class D.Meets at 2 :30 P. M. Thursday.
There Is Still Time to Join
Enrollment Fee for the
Entire Course $5.00
. Enrollment Booth, Main Floor, near Sixteenth Street Entrance.
Class meets in the Southwest Corner on the Fourth Floor.
xfternoon Dresses
Values Which Challenge Competition
' The hiaterials alone in these frocks, guarantee bar
gains for the careful buyer, and added to these values are
distinctive smart styles, and all the season's best in trim
mings. Canton Crepe Tricotine
Satin Canton Poiret Twill
Sizes 16 to 44
.BurfMa-Nuh Gewa Shop Third Floor.
, Omaha and
I Nebraska Made
Row many of vs appreciate
the fact that mora thao 28,000
f ear brother., sisters, huibanda,
wives and frienda ara employed
In tha factories of Omaha?
Wa all, who claim Omaha aa
our homa, feel a certain pride In
tha thinrs which ara made here,
especially, when far from home,
wa aea our frienda uiinir some,
thing- that la marked "Made in
Aside from tha pride and the
loyalty that wa feel for the
things that are closest to ua and
in which wo have a aharo in the
accomplishment, the prosperity
of our city dependa upon the suc
ceu of our homo industries, and
every dollar apent on home goods
means tha more work and pros
perity for aomeone at home.
The Omaha Manufacturers'
Ataociatlon ia carrying on a cam
paign asking Omaha people to
buy Omaha and Nebraska-Made
Goods. If each person, even of
those who read this little edi
torial, will do his share and ask
his friends to do the same, it will
go far towarda making: this cam
paign a success. This is the time,
now, this week and today.
Where quality and pride are
equal, buy Omaha and Nebraska
Made Goods:
Cafeteria Special
For Thursday
Boiled Leg of Lamb OA
I Caper Sauce - - OwC
' Downetalra Star
Ruffled Curtains
An October Feature
Dainty, practical curtains, of splen
did quality Marquisette, with nice full
p' r1 J' 1 : .J.V 11--
mines zy4 yaras long, wiui luiiy o
yards of material tor each pair. At a
price which scarcely covers'the cost of
the materials. ' . ''
New Curtain Voile, 39cyd,
This is a splendid quality plain voile
with finished ribbon hem - on both sides,
and is offered for this one week at just
about half the regular price.
Imported Curtain Sets, $3,95 '
These are a most ex
ceptional value, for
they are the genuine
Scotch ' Madras sets,
2U-yard Curtains,,
with Dutch Valances,
in natural colors.
fror Feature Week, $3.95.
Burfeu-Nuh Drapery Shop Fourth Fleer. -
A Wonderful Offering of Hats
A Special Thursday Feature
Featured in this offering: Street Hats of choice
velvets. Dress Hats with touches of fur, lace or bro
cade. Street Hats. . Flower Hats.
Styles to suit the most exacting tastes.
Selling Commences Promptly at 9:00 a. nv
' ' BurgeM-Naih, MUlinerjr Shop Third Floor. -
I, '
Gloves of Wonderful Values : $2.95
In white, with 12
leather, '
French Lambskin, pair, $2.95.
and 16 buttons.
Gauntlet, pair, $2.99. Of imported
strap wrist and slip-on styles.
Clave Shop Main Floor
Leather Hand Bags, $2.45
Of genuine leather, in real sharkgrain, alligator,
calf, Morocco, Cobra grain and tooled leathers. Many
styles and sizes.
' Leather Good Main Floor
A Group of Black Silks : $1.95
86 to 40 inches wide, including charmeuse,
satins, crepe de. chines, taffetas, peau de soie. Very
exceptional values.
Silk Shop Second Fleer
. Crepe de Chine, $1J89
Superior quality, heavy weight, 40 inches wide.
Evening as well as street shades. A very lovely
silken material and a real bargain.
i Silk Shop Second Floor
Haviland Dinner Set
A Feature Week Offering
This is a 52-piece dinner set in the well
known Theodore Haviland china, with
daintiest of floral decorations. Very spe
cially priced for Feature Week at $31.50.
Seamles Roasters, $2J95
Triple coated white enamel roaster,
medium sizes, complete with meat rack, 1 A
Feature Week offering at $2.95.
Convex Sauce
Five quart, triple
coated, white enamel
ed sauce pan and
cover. Specially
priced for Feature
. -. c " ; ; Week, at $1.00.
vrteee-Nea- H lifarmU-i-t Shop TmmA Fleer.
--tz-mer r
al Fed tare i n the Downstairs Store
Eur Trimmed Suits
Every suit in this lot is a remarkable value. All are in strik
ingly smart styles with rich fur trimmings. Some are in the popular
straight line effects, others belted, but all are styles youthfully be
coming. They are fashioned of an excellent quality soft finishe4
wool, velour and tricotine, : r
Bnrf eea-Neali Downstair Store
The Colors Are
Tan Black
Brown and Navy
The Sizes: 16 to 42
With trimmings of
Beaverette, Mole,
Australian and Iyed
Opossum. Many are
richly embroidered in
contrasting colors.
Drugs and Toilet Articles
At Feature Prices
One jar Creme Elcaya Vanishing Cream,
and jar of Creme Elcaya Cold Cream. Both
for 60c
. Large Compact Powder or Rouge, price at 75c'
. Imported Face Powder, 35c a box.
Less than wholesale price; all shades.
I Tory Specials
Ivory Combs, large size 49c
Ivory Clocks, Colonial style, $3-98.
Ivory Candlesticks, complete, 9 Sc.
Ivory Trays, very neavy Dubarry patterns, large
size, $2.39.
Toilet Waters Reduced
Lilac VemtaL 79c --y
Mugnet, Violet, Rose, and Heliotrope, 75c.
rivers' Le Trefle, Azurea, and Flormye, $1.79.
Rubber Goods
Hot Water Bot
tles, guaranteed
Fountain S y -ringes,
Burrw-Nuh Drat Department Mala Fleer.