Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 27, 1921, Page 5, Image 5

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State Expense
(. Budget Shows
SlisHt Increase
Quarterly Estimate Higher to
Care for Road Construction
For Which Money Will
Be Available.
Lincoln, Oct. 26, (Special.) The
total quarterly estimates for expen
diture! for Hate government, ex
crptiug the iinivcrnity, ai approved
by Governor McKelvie, amount to
$3,253,846.6, according to a state
ment issued by I'hil Bross, secre
tary of the department of finance
and revenue. Estimate approved for
the first quarter were $2.94J.939.46.
The. increase for the second quar
iter is accounted for by the increase
'I n estimates for the road construe
Wi in order that the contractors,
who have been doing work this sum
mer, may be paid in December when
the tax money begins to reach the
state treasury.
. While the total quarterly estimates
show an increase of approximately
$JO,000, the increase for road and
bridge construction for this quar
ter over the last quarter is approxi
mately $720,000, -showing that all
other expending aRcncies have de
creased their estimate for the second
Deducting the estimate for road
and bridge construction, the estimates
for the first quarter approved outside
of the university total $1,755,728.33,
while the same estimates made for
the second quarter total $1,345,947.52,
or $409,780.81 under the approved es
timates for the first quarter.
Added to Famliy
, At Riverview Park
41 '
Riverview carle bear family has
been enlarged by the addition of
' two vounar bears presented to the
city 'by A. D. Palmer, manager of
Krug park.
The two animals were hauled to
thir new home yesterday in a truck
ana received a great ovation irom
other members of the zoo when
thev arrived.
Mike and Mabel the. two black
bears ariven to the city, are but 9
, months old. They were captured
last winter m the woods near Sas
katoon, Canada.
- Mabel now weighs 100 pounds and
Mike 150.
Oicner of 17 Car'
loads of Fat Cattle
Locked Up a Vag
, Trees on Capitol Grounds
In Lincoln to Be Removed
, imcuin, uci. w. wuc uunuicu
And twenty-five trees and clusters
. lof shrubbery, that for years have
rnade the state capitol grounds one
of the beauty spots of the capital
city, are to be the first casualties in
the program of razing that win cul
minate in the erection of Nebraska's"
new $5,000,00 edifice.
Orders were issued by the state
capitol commission for the destruc
tion vi the trees and shrubbery to
make way for the building program
that is scheduled to start- in the
spring. ' i . i
- T 1 - a Ln. aih ann
inuac uccs ui.i ai .w wu
unlit for' transD anting are to pay as
firewood in recompense for the labor
of removing them. A private com
pany will remove the trees and shrub
bery for their value. -
Fremont Sheriff Fails to
"'; Find "Oculist" Swindler
Fremont, Neb., Oct . 26. (Spe
cial) Sheriff W,"C. Condit returned
from Denver without the "oculist,"
iTaul E. Martell, who sold a pair 01
. n w . Ti 1-
Wchwab, Hooper, tor o,uw. i
check issued by Mrs. Schwab, to
Martell for $1,000 for the "diamond'
crystal glasses, which he claimed to
contain, radium, was traced to. a
Denver bank. The officials: lo
cated the Denver man' who endorsed
the check, but were unable to learn
anything from him relative to Mar
tell's whereabouts. He told the of
ficers that he had known Martell
for some time and simply identified
him at the bank.
! Missouri Pacific Safe
, , At Nebraska City Robbed
- Nebraska City, Neb., Oct. 26.
V (Special.) While Ralph Opp, third
V'trick operator at the Missouri Pa
itific passenger station, was absent
f from his office for about 30 minutes,
rhe safe at the station was entered
a Kt tlSrt in cash taken. 1 he
-theft "was discovered when( the safe
was opened. ' yV ... -;
Vr. t TTnlrl Initiation
V .
NfJ TJ-ll Toll TVirlav Nlffht
AIIU xvuii uwi j. ---o
Omaha Elks will hold the first in
itiation of the winter Friday night
next in their lodge rooms. A class
f 20 will be given the ritual, rhe
annual roll call of members wtH be
held at this, meeting.
Among 5') men arretted in
roundup in downtown resort Turs
day right by Detectives I'almtag
end Paul Haze, was a man ho
gave In name a (ilenn Whitlow.
halt Lake City, lie was locked up
with the rett of the mm, though he
protested that he was not a vag.
estrrday afternoon Polite rr
grant Kinn called up Central police
station I nun the Ninth Mile.
"Have you by any chance got
man in jail there turned (ilenn
Whitlock of Salt. Lake City?" he
"Vcp. locked up for vagrancy," he
was told.
"Vagrancy I" exclaimed Rinn in
toice that made the receiver crack,
Vagrancy I ie gods and little
fishes! That man's got 17 carloads
of fat cattle in the stock yards down
here that he brought in last night.
the commission men have been
looking for him all day."
Whitlock was released and hur
hied to the stock yards.
Poet Laureate Recites
Part of His Epic Poem
To Omaha Audience!
John E. Nichardt, poet laureate
for Nebraska, will address Central
High school students .this morning
in the school auditorium. He will be
guest of the Omaha Women's Tress
club at the Brandeis Italian Renais
sance rooms at noon today.
Mr. Nichardt addressed a gather
ing in the Central High school audi
torium last night, under the auspices
of the Omaha school forum. He re
cited a portion of the epic poem he
is writing, which he calls "Songs of
the Indian Wars."
Mr. Nichardt was a luncheon
guest of the Nichardt club at the
Hotel Loyal yesterday. He is V
guest of A. E. Long during his stay!
in the city.
Baker Says Smith Law
Would Add to Profits
Lincoln, Oct. 26. (Special) Jay
Burns, Omaha baker, testified in the
Lancaster district court that if the
Smith bread law became effective
bakers would make a larger profit.
Attorneys for the state, fighting
the attempt of Omaha bakers to get
an injunction issued against the law,
claim- the bakers are spending
thousands of dollars to defeat the
law, because its enforcement would
interfere with their profits.
The bakers have brought experts
from various cities here to testify
that 'baking bread in conformity
with the law would be difficult, if
not altogether impossible.
Man Taken to Hospital
Suffering From Anthrax
Walter H. Rose, 35, 1615 Pinkney
street, was removed from his home
yesterday and taken to the Ford hos
pital, where he is ' suffering from
what physicians have 'diagnosed as
anthrax. t
This is" a bacterial " disease," found
rarely in human beings, but (frequent
ly in cattle. - , ;
A shaving brush purchased by
Rose in Norfolk will be analyzed, f
Divorced Pair United
By Babe Again Parted
Mrs. Jeanette I'rbanee, ifa of
Policeman Joe I'rbanee, ai di
vorced yesterday in di.trict eourt
from IVbanec fur the second timt
in a little more than a year,
A divorce was granted the woman
September 28, 19.11, but following
the birth of a.hilj a short time
later, the pair trt reunited. The
child did not live long and the par
ent soon grew apart.
I'rbanee became sullen and mo
rot, his wife testified, and life with
him unbearable.
Wife to Aid War Veteran
Found With Stolen Car
Joe Shanlcy, severely wounded
war veteran, held in the city jail
since lal Sunday in connection with
the theft of Kobert O'Dcll's auto
mobile from in front of the Athletic
club, wa radiant yesterday when his
wife, Lillian Shanlry, arrived here
from Ottumwa, la., to aid him in
hi trouble.
Stanley was bound over to district
court yesterday and hi bond fixed
at $7,500. It is believed that he will
be paroled to hi wife by Judge
Troup, Mr. 0'1II will not prose
cute Muuley on the charge.
Sure Relief
Hot water
Sure Relief
29 and fit Pcss Cvorywriero
Last ThreeDayoof (fMIMOMwnkm
Kelps to break
110 CQldS When you feel
A a cold coming
on, put plenty of Sloan'a Liniment
on your throat, chest and back just
before going to bed. It atarta warm,
tingling circulation that keeps the
cold from "settling" and helpa break
it up, while its healthy vapors aootha
and clear the lungs and throat. Don't
rub don't bandage it pnetraUs, ,
How Millions
Now End Corns
They First Stop the Pain Instantly
This Easy Way
COME vears aeo a famous expert
O found a new way to end corns. A -I
laboratory of world-wide fame adopted
and produced it.
Thousands of people tonight will stop
the pain throbbing and then bid fare
well to corns, torn trouDlea everywnerc
have largely disappeared.
The way is Blue-jay the liquid or
the plaster. Apply it by a touch. The
pain stops instantly. The whole corn
soon loosens and comes out.
The way is gentle.easy , quick and sure.
It is scientific. Quit old ways and try this
one now. Watch what it does too: corn.
Join your friends, who never let a
com pain twice. Begin tonight
Your druggist has
' Liquid or Plaster i
Blue -jay
stops pain-ends corns m
a Bauer & Black product
Valuc-Civing Store
Time to
Light Up
Not only to make the home
appear comfortable, but to be
comfortable yourself when do
ing your work, reading or entertaining.
A JfC Lamps, including post
? and shade. , Lamps,
equipped with ' d f Q(?
double sockets. . Y
Each base' and shade harmo
: nizes in color and from the
numbers shown it's easy to se-,
lect one that will match per
fectly with the rest of your
hojne furnishings.
It ptjri to nmi Bowtn' small dvi.
There' value offer in each one.
- Howard St, Bet. ISth and lSth.
South Side Brevities
For Rent Eight-room flat. " Market
065k. Advertisement.
; For Sale FI-hole ranee In good tondi
tlon. Call Market 1444. Advertisement.
For eale cheap. T-room, furnished flat,
4S31U South 24th atreet. Call Market
For Sale -Bedroom aet. sewing- machine
and other household goods. J8 South
Twenty-fourth atreet. Advertisement.
The OMI Neat will be shown at the
Orpheura theater Monday. Tuesday. Wed
noedar an Thursday of this week Adver-
1 The Pleasure Club Masquerade ball was
nicely attended last Sunday evening.
Tl'lyde atik of Omaha, won the ruby ring.
' Neat Sunday evening . every loth lady
will be admitted free. Lae s Dreamland
Frank and John Glowneh. brothers, were
fined S. and 110. respectively, in South
Sldo cuurt yesterday morning for hav
lnc been drunk and resisting an officer.
J. M. Vanderpol. JJItt Q street, was
fined St In South Side court yesterday
after police had raided an alleged gam
bling same in m pi-.
B-njamln . Chlcek, 45 South Nlne
. .k ...t and Mlsa Francis D. Caateel
, j j 1 j R street, were united la marriage
yesterday morning ai a i
of the bride. Rev. C C Wlleon perform
.... mnnr.v. Onir Immediate rel-
, stives were present After the wedding
gaf, elaborate wedding breakfast waa eerv--a.
after which the couple left n a
heejeyrnooa trip.
I ' TV. nUm.rv taB will be Clv-
en at the Wheeler Memorial Presbyterian
rhnrrh thla afttntmn at S:30 When the
I X tellowtnr sraaran will be rren: Serip-
-aro reading by Mrs. William Barclay;
Drover, wra. Alvernen A. Tnuriow; greei
:nc. Mrs. Arthur H. Mnrdock: vocal
I solo. Miss Laura Peterson: reading. Miss
Nam O'Bhea; instrumental solo, Mlsa
!)"-' Hennl: address on missions. Rev.
Join K. Sseneer: vocal solo. Misa Hatel
. Itercoad and benediction. Rev. Speacer.
Hardware Household Utilities
Travel West the Wonder Way
- When Canadian forests are frost-painted in brilliant
. '. colors, snow-capped mountains and glaciers look
their best Autumn is a delightful time to tratel
through the '
Canadian Pacific Rockies
Weather conditions are unusually fine, days being
, warm and bright and nights always cooL Stop at
- - ' ,Ban8 if you wish, but be sure to break your journey
' at Sicamous, British Columbia, in order to see the
. ' Wild beauty of the Thompson and Fraser River Can
' yons by daylight from the observation car windows.
And spend a day or more in Victoria, RCfCity of
. Eternal Sunshine". The beautiful Empress Hotel will
t . : ' welcome you and, make your stay there enjoyable.
A . V Direct rail connections for Washington; Oregon and
California points, as well as steamship connections
for Honolulu, New Zealand, Australia and the
Orient are made at Vancouver, the western termi
nus of the Canadian Pacific Railway ,.
For descriptive' literature, reservations and full par
ticulars 4 write the , x ' -
Canadian Pacific Railway
140 Sb. dark St, aar Adams, Chicago
. " Or Ccnsult Toar local Azent - -
in the
New and
5th Floor
The Brandeis Store
rMii III I nl III II illll AALJ
The time is short for you to make sure of getting one of these famous Mirro
Aluminum Sauce Pans, regular $1.10 value at the special introductory price
of 49c, also regular 30c Mirro covers to fit at 19c. Go to any dealer listed below -at
the first opportunity. The stock of pars is limited and is moving fast
the offe closes Saturday night Remember these are not ordinary pans, they
are l') -Quart, Straight-side Mirro Pans made of pure aluminum rolled under
heavy pressure, in Mirro mills, to give long-lasting service. They combine
beauty, convenience and durability. Mirro Ware is used in thousands of kitchens.
Look at these six features of durability and convenience.
1 One-piece hollow steel handle with 3 Strong, flat-headed rivets keep 5 Famous, silvery Mirro finish.
thumb notch, and eye for hanging. ' the handle firm and secure.
Heavily plated. Rust-proof. , 6 Famous Mirro trade-mark, and
2 Tightly rolled, sanitary bead, free 4 Smooth, rounded edges are your guarantee of excellence
from dirt-catching crevices. , easily cleaned. throughout.
Bailey the Dentist
Established 1883
Painless Extraction of Teeth
Dr. R. W. Bailey .' ' .
" Dr. Bertram Willamson" - ' "
Make Dentistry Easy, for You
706 City Nat. Bit, 16th and Harney
When in Omaha
Hotel Rome
IF yea are names, etopeadaat, 'wean,
ran Sawn, throat excess or ether eansw,
we want to nuB yea onr book which' telle
about SEXTONIQUK, a rartaraars rtaMdf
that will cost yon Dothiuf it yen1 are not.
earaj or bneSted. Every asn Daedimr n
teaie to evareaoas peranal wsikaaia .eta.,
ekeold (t this tree book at one. . V
440 Berry Block, NaihvUle. Tnn.
People Notice It. Drive.-; Them
With Dr. Edwards .
Olive Tablets. ' ,:
A pimply face wilt not embarrass
you much longer if you get u pack
age of Dr.-Edwards', Olive Tablets..
The skin should begirt to clear after
you have taken the. tablets a few
nights. .
Cleanse the blood, bowels and liv
er with Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets,
the successful substitute for calo
mel; there's, no sickness or pain
after taking them.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets do
that which calomel does, and just as
effectively, but their action is gentle
and safe instead of severe and' irrt
teting. - 5V,: - .
; No one-who takes Olive Tablets is
ever curse' .with "dark brown
taste," a bad breath, a dull, listless,
"no good''jfeeling, constipation, tor
pid liver, bad disposition or pimply
face. - . ,
Olive Tablets are a purejy vege
table compound mixed with .olive
oil; you will .know them by their
olive, color.
Dr. Edwards spent years' amoh?
patients afflicted with liver and
bowel complaints, and Olive Tablets
are the immensely effective tesult.
Take one or two nightly for a week.
See how much better you feel and .
look, 15c and 30c. . ,
' 'Ttt Mirirt Cthnkl Te KiitU
Tit Mirro Ctlonial Ctffe Pit
This introductory offer is made to acquaint you
with the many advantages of Mirro Aluminum
utensils. We know once you have used a Mirro
'utensil you will always be a Mirro user.
While you are obtaining your Mirro Sauce Pan,
.look over the entire Mirro line, consisting of hun
dreds of aluminum cooking utensils. Note the thick
sheet aluminum of which Mirro utensils are made
their many points of convenience their ever-'
lasting beauty. ' . . '; V . Y
Every woman can afford Mirro Aluminum. Mirro
, prices, always moderate, have been reduced to pre
war levels. And besides a low first cost, they last
a lifetime. , r
If none of the stores.listed below are conveniently
located 'to you, serid 60c for pan and 25c for
cover to our factory address below and we will
send them parcel post prepaid..
V ..'
General Offices: Manitowoc, Wis., U. S. A.
Nakttl of Evttythini in Aluminum
Tht Mirr Self- BnUnf Roast tr
Tht Mirro Colonial Doubli Boiltr
Go to any dealer listed below and get your bargain price Sauce Pan early.
This special offef ends Saturday night This is your last chance act now.
' North Side :' Y' ,- l
Maurice Civia', 1410 North 24th St.
. John - Hussicv Helw, . Co.,' 2407-9 Cum. "
ing St. ' .'V-,, " i,-. r '
K(n( Hdw. Co., 2109 Cuming St. ; ,-, .
W. B. Nichols, JMth and Lakp Sts. ; ;
Tha North Side Hdw. Cq.T 4112 North '
24th St, ;; f; '
Siuipson Hdw. Co., 2416 Ames Ave.
Young Sl Henderson Co., 2906 North
jeth St. i .
-t '::;c' E South Side :
, Cody Gebrge F. Jarchow
. Columbus Boyd A Ragatz ,
Crestftn Arthur Palmateer
David City O. E. Davis
Dodge Musil & Weidner ...
Elkhorn Bull & Glandt -" '
Ericaon Marts Bros.
Fairbury B. ft M. Hdw. Co.
Fremont L. F. Holloway Hdw. Co.,
Sixth and Park Sts. -
Friend J. C. Yokel
Ft. Calhoun Otfo Kruae ' t" -
Fullerton E. B. Penney. & Son
Genoa S. T. Battles, Jr ,
Geneva Jo'e Ertel , ' -
Gibbon S. A. A. Walker 5
. Gothenburg' Gothenburg Hdw. Co.
' Grand island Hehake-Lohman Co.
" ' S N. Wolback ft Son
Greenwood E. G. Brown
tretn Hughes "ft Co., Inc.
'Stanton Edward Herbst
Stromsburg Erickson ft Son ,
Superior Johnson Bros.
Sutton Carney's Hdw. ..
. Syracuse Joyce ft Co.
Tilden H. P. Kahler
' Upland Hansen Bros.
Valley M. Johnson Co. . "
. Wahoo Smith-Hultin-Andersons Co.
Wakefield Ekeroth ft San
Waterloo The Wilson Hdw.
Wausa P. W. Hoist ft Son
iWilber Shimonek ft Son
Winside Gaebler ft Neeley
Wianer Wm. Schartow., . .'" '
Wolbach Biitell, Seavey ft Holm
. York Geo. ' Bullock ', v .
' l .,. . i i - m a .
4? rxingion i.uDeiey negert
y,t''v', Hastings Stein Bros. Co.
Kpkyavlik Ce,-4828 South 24th? iTi '
JZ " '"- B -.--V. g HoldWige The F. Johnson Co.
,0. K, Hdw. Co.!829 South 24th St. omer Rettler ft Probst
' Petersen ft Michelsen Hdw. Co., 4916 Hooper The Olson Hdw. Co.
, South 24th ,St. , ; -iV ' ; ' How'eirj J. J. Sindelar
Joseph Pipaf, 5218 South 21st St. XA' :.HmboWtFv J. Pipal
J. A. Polan Hdw. Co., 1249 South Hthl, Hnmphrey-angman Hdw. Co.
.-.! -,V ' ' . Leigh Wm. Hespe : :
?l - i. -"c"in oenway rurniiure .o., Inc.
West Side
August Feldbuseni 3925 Farnam St .
Dundee Plumbing ft Hdw Co.r 3920 - $
Farnam St. ' i
E. Mead, 2202 Military Jive. S -
Simpson Hdw. Co 2207 Military Ave." , -,
G. H., Meyers, 2915 Leavenworth St. ' ,:
,; , Denton
C. C. Johnson k "";. -.. " f
, :., Florence
J. H.' Price -i . - '
l n. nerpoiineimer uo. ,
Louisyille Stander ft Stander
Lush ton W. P. Cookus
Lyons J. B. Thomaa . .. . .
-.Macon V. Snyder . ' .". .
. Madison Fred Diers ft Son
Mason City C. E. Bass ft Co.
McCook McCoek. Hdw. Co.
".. Minden L. C-Larson ,'v '
Monroe-S. T. Battles
i Nebraska City Eglsaer Brothers
; Neligh Housh A Son , '- -'
Nelson Goodrich A S toner
Nemaha Herbert Aynes "
j i- Newman's Grove A. G. Olson .
Albion A. E. Browder ' ,. ' v '"
.V -Loken Hdw. Cel .
Ansley Hoover-Weekly , ,
Ashland Fred W. BonU v
Aurora -De Waters ft. Howard .
Beatrice Klein Mercantile Co. ,
B earner E." L. Fried i ; y
Blair F. W Ami r :
Blue Hill Win. McMalW" v' ; .
Burwell Johnson Hdw. Co. '
Butte Dickersoci ft Raymer - '' -;4
Cedes Rapid! R J. Ruppreeht
Central City Ross.Cowgill ft Hart
Bishop ft McDonald
Clarke J. "H. Pollard ; V : L
Clathsisi J.'F.' Pimpef ; t ,
Clay Center Wm.' Hertel . , ' ..
5,ii' Norfellr Schurr ft Siemsen
' ; North Bend Griffen ft Son
r - North Platte Derrberry ft Forbes, Inc.
V Oakland E. F. Nelson
- Oxford Nielsen ft Mackprang
..Pawnee City J. A. Daugherty ft Son
.Pierce Pierce Hdw. ft Impl. Co.
Pilser H. W. Asch - .
, Plaiaview F. ' W. Ebinger
, Plattsmoath Bestor ft Swatek .
Prague Fsenk A. -Votrriba , : '
. Randolph Gishpert ft Son .
Ravenna G. A. Pegau
. ScboylerWm. Monger Hdw.
V Scottsblnf f McCreary Bros.
.. Scribner Fred E.' Romberg
.. . Seward J. F. Goebner ft Bros.
' Shelby W. Thelen, Hdw.
' Spauldiag Chicago Lbr. Co.
r . Springfield W. F. Glesman .
Adair A. W. D amman
Atlantic Albert Bojens
Avoca Schmidt ft Son . ' " s
Bleneoe Williams, Bros.
Braddyrilie C. D? Wort J
f Carson A. C. Si vers ;. v ' '"
Clarinda Sperry Hdw. Co. ' , ,
Coin Del ft Earl s ' . - - .
College Springs Stevenson Merc. Co.
Corning Curry ft Mack i r
Council Bluffs W. A. Maurer
j. Petersen ft Schoeninf Co.,
, 208 Main St.- - '
Creston Creston Hdw. Co.
Cumberland Boot jer ft Bond
'Dow City G. M. Goddard
Dunlap M. C. Dally Hdw. Co.
' Esser Corn Valley Hdw. Co. -'
Glenwood R. H Daniel -.
Hamburg Wert Reid , v '" -'
J. F. Reidy ... ' '
I. B.( Dinwiddie- -j ' 1
Hastings G. D. Keffer -
Imogene N. J. Hilliary ' . .
Lewis Woodard ft Gates
Little Sioux Roy Lytle i
Logan Jim Case
The Dept. Store Co. y - ' "
Malvern H. R. Landis
Massena Noel A Pickfell
' Missonri Valley I. Bolin -
Modale E. A. Drake
Mondamin Brown Lbr. ft Coal Co. '
; Neola A. E. Pearce
Oakland P. M. Heft
Randolph H. W. Nieman
.Red Oak W. T. Petersen
- Riverton Shall ft Son
Shenandoah Cooper-West Furn. ft' ;
Carpet Co.
Sidney Hiatt ft Ettleman
; Stanton Wallin Bros, ft Co.
Tabor Good Hdw. ft Furniture Co.
Villisca A. R. Means . ' - . ' X
Walnut Jud W. Forbes
. Woodbine Case ft Muir; i
Yorktown Ebetle Brot.