THE BEE: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 26. 1921. Legalization of Beer as Medicine Draws Drys' Ire "I.m Dtff ruible Than at Any - Other Time, Derlum Anti-Saloon League Counsel. ' Washington. Oct. 25. Beer n a medicine, enjoy a full legal tatu today, through th unexpected ac tion of the treasury department in promulgating regulation! permitting hi ue tor mat purpose, itiuea in accordance with an opinion ud mitied bv Former Attorney General I'almer last March J, holding the medicinal use of beer to be legal under the prohibition lawi and alter Being witnnria uncc inrn, in biuici patiott of early action by congreit on the pending anti-beer meaaure announrcmrnt of the hcer reguia tiom came at a complete mrprise to prohibition leaders. Scored by Wheiler. Predicting an immediate reaction to the treasury' announcement in the direction of increased pressure to effect enactment of the anti-beer bill dry advocates, in and out of fttongreit uia not conceal ineir uis Vaouroval of the departments action, Wayne Wheeler, general counsel for the Anti-saloon league, ciescrmea u at "less defensible than at any other time." While the new rules covering the use of wine and spirituous liquors as medicines as well as beer fix a limit of two and a half gallons, the equivalent of a case, on the amount of beer that may be prescribed to the same person at one time, no arbi trary limit is placed on the number of prescriptions one person may ov tain within a given period. Except that the amount for a single pre scription is limited to two quarts, the wine regulations are the same, while spirituous i liquors are limited to one pint within any 10-day period. Won't Help Chicagoans.. Chicago, Oct. 25. There may be beer in Chicago, but its citizens can not drink it. Attorney General Brundaee asserted today in com mcnting on the new Treasury de partment rules permitting physicians to prescribe Deer ana wine, ni thoueh Chicaco has several million v gallons of real beer on hand, the Illi nois search and seizure law specifi cally bans beer and wine as medi cines, said Attorney uenerai crun dage. No Beer in Iowa. Des Moines, Oct. 25. "There can be no beer sold in Iowa for any pur pose," Attorney General Ben J. Gib son declared today on commenting on the United States Treasury de- ' partment's ruling giving beer as a medicine full legal status under fed- ' eral laws. Iowa statutes, the attorney general pointed out, provides for the sale of liquor for medicinal purposes, but it specifically excludes malt bev- erages. Cement Monopoly in State Of Nebraska IV Alleged Washington, Oct. 25. Institution of anti-trust proceedings in Kansas City, Mo., againest the Norcros Audit bureau and several large ce ment manufacturers, was reported today to the Commerce department. " The bureau, department officiate said, acted as a clearing house for trade information for cement manu facturers operating in Iowa, Ne braska, Kansas," Missouri and QKr lahoma. The governments suit, of ficials said, was filed in an effort to break up an alleged cement monop oly. Similar proceedings have been instituted recently in New York and Chicago. ' i , Broken Bow Church Choir Sings Gaul's ''Holy City" Broken Bow, Neb.,,Oct. .(Spe cial.) The choir of St. Johns Episco pal church, assisted by other singers of the citfy, gave a rendition, of Gaul's oratorio,, "The Holy City" The affair$vas given in the auditor ium of . the church under the direc tion of Mrs, C. L. Gutterson. The singers were assisted by an orches tra. The women of St. Johns Guild served a luncheon at the rectory to ' those participating in the oratorio, Columbus Dentists Will Start "Better Teeth" Drive Columbus, Neb., Oct. 25. (Spit cial.) Beginning in November, the dentists of Columbus,' co-opera'ting with their national association," will commence the distribution of. cards . to homes in this section, giving " the association's latest advice to parents for the care of the teeth.. .Each month, for a year, will convey dif ferent suggestions and recommenda tions, and will be confined to local and common sense care of the mouth and teeth. .. f Hastings Asks Bids on Bonds To Erect City Auditorium Hastings, Neb., Oct, 25. (Special Telegram.) The Hastings city council has called for bids on an is sue of $175,000 of bonds for the purchase of a downtown park site ' and the erection of an Auduorium. These bonds were authorized more than a year ago, but so far no par bids have been offered. Recent in quiries have led the city officials to believe the bonds may now be sold at par or above. Baby Elk Day Celebrated - By: Lodge at Hastings Hastings, ! Neb., Oct 25. Special Telegram.) The Hastings Elks cele brated Baby Elk day with the inita tion of a class of 56 candidates. The black hand was in charge, and the emergency "hoosegow" erected at the main intersection did. a .rushing business all day.'. The Hastings Elks' band led the Elks' parade.- - ' - - Regional Conference of . -i Red Cross Held in Hastings Hastings, Neb:, Oct 25. (Special Telegram.) A regional conference of the Red Cross was held here to plan future work. Walter Davidson of Chicago, director for central divi sion, told the conference that drastic economy must be practiced in Red Cross operations, - --tf ' Hunting Season on, But ' Not for Maine Governor I Wy I BR : H llf 1 11 1 iuonueu moves To Expel Blanton From Congress G. 0. P. Leader Introduces Resolution Following Pul lieation of Alleged Obscene Affidavit in Record. Washington, Oct 25. Expulsion from the house of representative of Thomas L Planton, democrat, Texas, wa railed for in a resolution intro duced today by Representative Mon dcll. the republican leader. ' The ground for the move was pub lication in the Congressional Record Y-, -vut.V issues E Augusta, Me., Oct. 29. The hunting season is on. The rrfmrod goeth afield with his dog to seek luscious birds and other game. J here is one erstwhile mm rod who will not shoulder a gun. Once an ardent sportsman. Gov. Percival P. Baxter of Maine ha quit the chase. 1 here was a time when the governor was one of the first to take to the woods in autumn, but now he will shoot neither bird nor beast. This despite the fact that Maine is a veritable snortsman s naradice. In aHdi. to a wide variety of small jrame. deer and moose are olentiful. uovernor Baxter maintains a kennel of Irish setters as hiehlv blooded as any in the state. He has had the same family of setters for years, since the time he used them for bird shooting. He does not pretend that the aogs nave .experienced tnc same cnange ot heart as he. the governor is having erected a monument to. all the does he has owned since childhood that' have since died. His reoutation for kindness to animais, Dotn domestic ana wild, is widely known at part of an extension of remark by UUntoii of an affidavit relating to row at the government printing of fice, which affidavit was tharacteriied by some house members at obscene and unlit for transmission through the mails. In Planton' absence consideration of the resolution was deferred until Thursday. Woman and Child Thrown From Auto Escape Injury Beatrice. Neb., Oct. 25. (Special TtlegranO A lourimj car belong ing to Harold Kechtey was badly smashed when a machine in charge of Guy Miller crashed into it wet! of Ucatrice while Kechtey was mak ing repair on hit car. He escaped bv jumping. Two women and a child in the Miller car were thrown out hut were only slightly hurt. Keclilcy nay he left hit light burning while working on the car. Stolen Coal Sells Readily in Fremont Fremont, Neb., Oct. 25. (Special.) Mark Chritte nten, floater, tried out a new way to defeat the coal trust. He admit stealing sackful of coal irom the railroad yard and then peddling hi ware through the resi dential district. For 15 cent a bag, hi talc met with ready response among the poorer section, until lie was caught in the act of appropriat ing a bag of the black diamond. Chriteiucn ttated it w an easy way to make a living, with no invest ment or overhead to worry about. He wat fined $1 in police court and ordered to leave town. He laid he wai discharged from the jail at Lin coln a few month ago. '--" ' ii -- n n i,. Bowen'S' Nebraska's Woman Deputy State Sheriff I fj I If k J This is Mrs. Gertrude Thompson, State Sheriff Gus Hyers' "efficiency expert," and only woman deputy state sheriff in Nebraska. Gus' strong point is chasing big, bad, bold burglars, bandits and booze bugs. He doesn't like to be bothered by ' little details. That's where Mrs. Thompson comes in. When there s a bank robbery, she is the one who, by telephone, road maps and other means, draws the net tight wmje Ous rushes out m his high-powered car and does the rough work. And she keeps the office running smootniy an tne time. Auto Thief Escapes From County Jail at Columbus Columbus, Neb., Oct. 25. (Spe cial.) Earl Rhine escaped from the county jail here. Help from the out side and the expert picking of a lock is reported to be the means em ployed. Khine was awaiting trans portation to the state penitentiary when there wpuld be room for him there. He was to serve a term of one year on conviction of the theft of an auto from C. D. French. merchant of Columbus, whose car had been stolen one year ago, found in Wyoming. . I You Save You zet alarm tii r- for 25c. Why pay more? f- You're Sdjt Your own 'dentist' - will approve its twicoa-day use. Large Ske 25c : Medium Site 10c Pierce-Arrow revolutionized trade performance when it introduced the worm drive. The DUAL VALVE i a greater advance. 1i6 1 MIUW fTracfa FRED C. HILL MOTOR CO. Omaha Burgess-Hash Compm ivirybodyS STORK" Complete Line of Flashlights Sporting Coed DcpartnMnt Ftvrth Floor (Announcing the new EVEREADY v Focusing Flashlight , ' : With a 306-fpot i&ange ' v ,; .Today you will find displayed by Eveready Dealers a ' : new and remarkable: flashlight thej Focusing FiasIiIigL; ' the "Spotlight" type. vX y ; ; v; ' Step in and, see it, and you will see-' the greatest flash- ; . hght ever made.-. Strikingly different from any flashlight -; " you ever held in your hand. .Picture to yourself a clear, sfiarp beam of light, shot ; ' straight from your hand, a city block ahead ; picture it ; ,, pierce,the darkness, revealing a hole atyour feet as you ; walk, or "spotting" a sign 300 feet away as you motor along a strange road and you have the dramatic jpicture ' : of the Focusing Flashlight. j; ; ; ( Until you have used it, you can not know the maximum usefulness of a flashlight for outdoor, uses. Try this new Flashlight at your home Buy an Eveready Focusing Flash light at any Eveready Dealer. Take There is an Eveready Flashlight for every purpose tubular, pocket, and lantern types at prices ranging down to 70 cents, including the new Pocket Light at i.7S. The $3, oAt any 75. dealer's it home, and demonstrate it one ' evening. ' Use it indoors and out; and see it "spot" things. If then you are not eager to keep it, take it back the next day, and the dealer will refund your money. Get the new Focusing Flas2ght today. Just 3.75, including the Eveready Battery, worth 51 cents, and two Eveready Ma?da Lamps, worth 60 cents. Get it and try it overnight. You'll keep it. AMERICAN CVBRBADY WORKS, tf Mul Mi C.,' Int., LONG ISLAND CITY, NEW YORK Focusing Flashlight is - designed especially for outdoors, for auto, . mobiles, and wherever long distance light is required; , the Diffused . Flashlight for indoors, and wherever a broad field of light is needed. Only genuine Cteready Batttmi will in sun Umg-iiytd, bright-burning tenia far your Sreready FUmitfit.- ButSrtrtaJy Batteries fit and improve all flashlights. , FLASHLIGHTS Exclusive Features of FOCUSING FLASHLIGHT 11 Focusing device 2 Special Ercready Mania Lamp. 3 Parabolic Rafloctor. 4 Shock Absorber. 5 Chamber, holds a extra jEvcrcady Mazda Lamps. 6 End cap stamped with bttttty and lamp renewal numbers 1 1 Value Giving Store ' How Are You Preparing for the long (old days and night of the coming winter? Do you believe your room will be a comfortable you would like them to be? It would be far better for you to prepare now than to wait until tvto or near iero weather arrive. Bo wen Heaters trive out lo(a ot heat, burn little fuel and are ao coti tructed they last for many years. Small Size Heaters SO. 50 Medium Size Heaters $11.00 Large Size Heaters $18.50 Full Nickeled Heat- era, large size.. $22.00 Visit our Stove Depart-' ment (fourth floor), and. pick out tho Heater that will meet your personal re quirement and have it set up in your home. Sun Ray Gas Range3 With elevated oven dJCO C( and broiler, only. . P0.3U These Range are very small gas consumers and are con structed with enamel splashers, doors and drip pans. If you need a Gas Range you can save money by buying at Bowen's. Opal Economy SIX HOLE, CAST IRON RANGES These Ranges formerly sold for much more, but, as our prices are 50 per cent lower than last year, it will pay you to buy at once. Opal Economy Ranges are good bakers, small consumers &AQ SZf of fuel and give satisfaction in every particular 4Ty.Ov. Howard Street, Between 15th and 1 6th Streets. It Pays to Read Bowen's Small Ad. USE BEE WANT ADS THEY BRING RESULTS tSBAtl FLASHLIGHTS : Far aal at tha fiva . Sherman & McConnell Drue Store. FLASHLIGHTS In a complete aaaortment. TOWNSEND GUN CO. 1514 Famam St. The New FOCUSING FLASHLIGHT Any size, may be had at our Electric Shop. Nebraska rj Power Co LbA ) lllllllllillllllll iiiiiiiiiiiiiliillilllll iliiiiiiiiiiiiiilM HEY! Look!! Look!! The greatest used car and truck sale is now being staged at the corner of 19th and Howard Next to Public Library H. Oct. 25th to 28th inclusive By the Members of the Omaha Automotive Assn. Do you realize that this is the , greatest thance you have ever had or ever will have to buy a car, , . at your own price and terms SALES CONDUCTOR J. A. HARING SALES COMPANY