Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 26, 1921, Page 13, Image 13

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$60,000,000 Loan
. Sonjjht By Cuba
v V
In United States
Hmffitt From Financial Aid
Given Southern Republic
Reflected in Crowth ,
Of Trade.
Sixty million dollar re presum
ably to be invested in the United
Nate in irruritirt by the Republic
I tuba. Hhtn this international
transaction it completed it wilt fur
nikh attain an Impressive drmonitra'
tion of the tendency to make invest"
ment by private capital of the
United Statci in the nationt to the
south of Frequently the remark
lia a been made that if we are to aid
in relieving the itrained condition!
which prevail everywhere, we mut
in vct our own capital in the lecuri
tica issued by the government! and
ly the citizens of other land. It
srems, however, to have escaped no
tice that we have been doing this
upon a large scale in Mexico, Cuba,
thile, l'eru, Argentina and Uolma,
Th reported sddre mad a fw 4l
so by Thomas w. l.amnnt to the mem
bar of th Chamber of Commw. al
Xealca City, la taken aa Indlratlng
that air. Iimnnt ! encouraged In be.
lieving that t)i mission which ha .e
undariekan la Maalro will b aurreseiui.
lle address waa diplomatic, yery reu.
tinua and Vl thus who ar familiar with
hia manner of speaking war of tha
opinion thai thy rould rad between tha
lina and lhar tiiwovar mat n i n
fairly well persuaded that K will be able
In report aatlslertory agreement with
lexlco. If h do this ther will speedily
follow enlarged financial relations wllh
Investigation In Cuba,
It la mora than a mr coincidence that
negotiations with tha Metlcan government
and wllh aom of th financial traders In
lleo Clly. Ma 'partner. Pwight W.
Morrow, waa alio making auch Investiga
tions on th spot In Cuba, a would show
whether or not there would ba Justification
for taking of a loan by an American
avndlcat behind which would aland th
resoutrea and government ot Luna, in ag
gregate of which would certainly be
150,000.000 and perhaps as much
ISO. ooo. ooo.
Ona Influential American banker who
had already aerved In a financial ad
visory capacity In Franc when th aft
railed covenant of natlona was under
tllscueaton Is now undertaking In behalf
of American bankers to penert good ar
rangement whereby Mexico will aa soon
aa poealbl begin to meet Ita outstanding
obligations, and another American
financier. Mr. Lamont's partner, alio
repreeentlng American banker, was In
Havana and thei two partner were
separated only by tha Oulf or Meslco.
Thee two American bankers were pre
paring th way for vary large interna
tlonal financing.
If th Loan Is Made. .
If an American syndicate takes tha
proposed Cuban loan In th preaumption
that It will b apeedlly absorbed by Amer
ican investors then again will be demon
started th fact that whll Cuba Is
politically and as a nation aosoiuteiy independent-yet
economically and from an In
ternational trade point ot view It Is almost
within th United States family.
It Is an Interesting tact that just aa
th treaty of peace was ratified by the
Vnited Statea aenate, thereby removing
th last formal vldnc of war betwen
th United State and Oermany and Aus
tria a well, ther cam authentio re
ports from Washington which told of the
magnitude of our trad with Mexico.
That nation now stands alone among the
natlona of the world with respect to
neighborly and friendly relations wltfci the
United Btates. Notwlthstandlno, tha fact
that wo hav Jen alnc th armistice
technically In a state of war with Ger
many, nevertheless, our trade with Oer
many haa Increaaed amailngly. So also
whll Mexico still stands apart, not hav
ing obtained recognition by the United
Btates, nevertheless, our International
trade and our American Investments In
Mexioo properties have .become large and
are constantly Increasing,
. Mexican Trade Increasing.
If w take our trad with Mexico for
th first eight months of 1921 a proof
nf this Increase w find that In theae
eight months Mexico bought more Amer
ican commodltlee by S3 per cent than Its
people bought tn th corresponding
months of 1920. We ar not impoitlng as
much from Mexico as ws ar sure to
do a llttl later. Ita citizens have been
buying cotton cloth In th United States
In th eight months of the present year
of the value of nearly 18,000.000. Not
many persons realise that our cotton
goods manufacturers are finding large
markets In Mexico. We sold to Mexico
many automobiles, more than JOfJ loco
motives, nearly 1,000,000 bushels of corn,
S.OO0.OOO pounds of barbed wire. Othor
manufactured products than barbed wire
and locomotives which we exported to
Mexico are sufficiently good evidence that
the people of the republic are under
taking Industry upon a large scale. They
are doing this chiefly by tha aid which'
the United States U furnlahing, In eight
months th money value of our exports
to Mexico were nearly $175,000,000, or
160.000,000 greater than the exports a year
Bespond to Financial Aid.
South America is responding excellently
to the financial aid which the United
States has been giving to the South Amef
lean nations, and by th term United
States is meant th citizens ot this coun
'try who hav Invested many millions in
South American securities.
This Is demonstrated by the fact that
our trad with South America In the
fiscal year which ended on June 30, was
more than 1100,000.000 greater than like
trade In the preceding fiscal year. We
may not be Investing very heavily at
present In securities Issued by European
nations or by the citizens of those na
tions, but ar investing upon a large
cal in th securities ,of South Amer
ican natlona and also in securities Issued
by the Canadian provinces. Should Mr.
Lament return to New York bringing as
favorable repert of the negotiations
which he has been carrying on in Mexico
aa his partner, Mr. Morrow, has presum
ably been able to do since his return
from Cuba a few days ago, then In all
probability a largely increased trade with
Mexico and also Investment of American
capital In Mexican mining, oil and otter
properties will follow.
Kansas City IJve Stock.
Kansas City, Oct. 26. tu. a. Bureau oi
Markets.) Cattle Receipts, 26,000 head;
beet ateers, steady to 15o lowers best
heavies, $,00; yearlings, $10.00; other
early sales, $4.508.26; canners and cut
ters, strong; bulk canners. 3-ZS3.Bo;
better grades cutters mostly S3.0033.SS;
calves, steady to strong; . best vealers,
$9.6010.00; stock calves, weak: other
classes, steady; most cows, $S.404.O;
some sales. 14.25 0 6.0ft: early sales, shelt
ers and feeders, $S.OO6.00.
Hogs Receipts, 12.900 head; closing
fairly active, mostly 1625e lower; best
190 and 226-pound kinds, to packers.
27.66; beat 170 to 190-pounders to ship
pers, $7.76; bulk mixed droves, 17.26 0
7.60; bulk ot sales. 7.257.75; packing
Bows generally around $6.25; pigs, steady.
Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 7.000 head;
sheep, steady to strong, few light ewes,
$4.60; most fat lots. $3.9094.25; fat lambs,
generally !6o higher; western, $8.86; na
tives, $8.25; feeding Iambs, 26fj(0o higher;
best, $7.40.
Chicago U.t Stock.
Chicago, Oct. 25. Cattle Receipts,
8,000 head; beef steers and she-stock,
mostly 25o higher; some desirable corn
fed yearlings and steers and light heifers,
60c up; top yearlings. $11.50; best 1,615
pound steers, $9.60; bulk beef steers, $6.00 0
S.60; bulls, strong to highr; veal calves
steady to 26c higher; bulk to packers,
$11.00911.60; stockers and feeders, 15fi25o
Hogs Receipts, 40,000 head: opened IS
to 25o lower; later market, 25950c lower
than yesterday'a average; lights off moat;
top, early, $8.05; closing, limit. $7.80; bulk,
lights and light butchers, $7.6098.00; bulk
packing sows. $6.2590.76; pigs, , 10file
lower; bulk, desirable. $0.0098.15.
Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 16.000 hesd;
generally strong to S6e higher; native
lamb top, $S.0; bulk. $8.2596.50; top,
western, $8.00; no strictly choice hen;
balk fat awes. S2.S094.76i feeder lambs,
largely, $7.6098.00.
- 810BX City lhi Stock.
Sioux City, la.. Oct. 25. Cattle Re
ceipts. 1.600 heed; market, ateady to weak;
fed ateera aad yearlings. $6.60911.60:
grass steers, $4.0090.00; fat cows and
heifer. $4.0092 00; canners,. fl.30 9 2.50;
veals, $4.0009.00; feeders, $4.0006.00;
calve. $8.8096.60; feeding cow and heif
ers. $2.50 9 4.60; grans cowa and heifers,
Hogs Receipts. .4.000 head: market. IS
925c lower; light. $7.6907.75; mixed.
SC.6097.25: heavy, $5.7606.76; bulk uf
Bale. $4.00 9 7.50.
Sheep Receipts. 1,006 head; market, 15c
Drawn for The Bee by Sidney Smith 1
Ofyrtgfct, Colreg lriBun ltnap
I1 , T.
AMW HAA- 1 VfsaVT TO &
FO. "0t 1 WOO ME
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HWts8VHlwA4T t fVStl rxxt TVC Movty
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Sou ;uoulo vtrjaB him eta about
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P4N0 THE OTHIR Cv- Vtt tr My
VMcit tuia us vt MoHCt avj cim
VMtN VnRlTN0 MIS fgttL-
Market, Financial and Industrial News of the Day
Live Stock
Receipt werei
Official Monday ,
Ratimat Tuesday
Two days this wk
Ha im days last wk,. 24.264
Sam 2 wks. ago ...26.444
Ham 2 wks. aso
8am year ago ..
Omaha. Oot 2S,
Cattl Hog Sheep
14.246 S.472 11,468
6.400 7.000 17.600
14,46 11,471 J9.I69
10.714 41.960
0.8(0 61,221
S.694 61,166
0,163 24,48$
Receipts and disposition of live atork
at tha Union atork yarda, Omaha, Neb.,
ror ii nours enamg at a p. m., October
-V, A Si 1
Cattle Hon Sk'n Mules
ninin it. n a l
Union Parlflo R. R. 85 38
C. e N. W., east.. I 4
C. aV N. W west.. S3 36
C. St. P., M. a. O.. 8
C, B. 4k 0., east... 14 10
C. B. Q.. west.. 122 13
C, R. I. A P.. east 7 t
C, R. I. P., west T 1
Illinois Central Ry. S
C, O. W. Ry 1 1
Total receipts ... 34$ 10T IS
Cattle Hoes Sheen
Armour lo no lis uu
Cudahy Packing Co.. 1164 2106 2106
Hold Packing Co.... 322 1023 163
Morris Packing Co.. .1037 034 890
8wift at Co 1061 1261 4676
J. W. Murphy 793
Swarts oV Co 230
Lincoln Packing Co...
Wilson Packing Co...
M. Olaasburg
Hlgglna Packing Co.
Hoffman Bros.
Mayerowlch as Vail..
Midwest Packing Co.
Omaha Packing Co.
8o. Omaha Pkg. Co.
Swift Co., Denver
Ogden Packing Co
Benton & Van Sant.. 128
J. H. Bulla.. 100
R. M. Burruss A Co.. 26
W. H. Cheek 20
O. Christie Son. 108
Dennis & Francis.... 116
Ellis St Co 07
John Harvey 49
Huntslnger A Oliver. 107
J. Inghram is
F. O. Kellogg 68
Joel Lundgren 6
Smiley 4
r. L,ewis
Rothchlld 20
Mo.-Kan C. A C. Co. 71
L. McAdams 23
B. Root CO l"l
Roaenatock Bros. ... 478
Sullivan Bros. 24
W. B. Van Sant & Co. 63
Wertheimer as Degen $20
Krebbs 13
Other buyers 2782
Totals 10,655 7,353. 17,130
Cattle A rather liberal Tuesday run
of cattle showed up, 8,600 head, and the
market presented no new features as
compared with Monday. Best beeves both
corn feds and rangers wer In good de
mand and firm while tha plainer lots
including short fed nativea and Inbetween
westerns ruled slow to a shads easier.
Cow stuff found a fair outlet at fully
steady prices and the best feeders moved
a little more freely than on Monday,
the plainer lots being slow sale at un
even prices. .
Quotations on Cattl--Chole ot prim
beeves, 30.00910.00; good to choice beeves,
$7.759.00; fair to good beeve. . $7,009
7.76; common to fair beeves. $4.0007.00;
choice to prim yearlings, $10.60011. 50
good to choice yearlings,' $0.25910.60;
fair to good ytarlings, $8.2699.25; com
mon to fair yearlings, $6.6098.00; choice
to prime grass beeves, $6.7607.60; good
to choice grass besves, $5.7606.76; fair
to good grass beeves, $6.0005.75, com
mon to fair grass beeves, $4.0005.00;
Mexicans, $3.7504.60: good to choice grass
heifers, $4.7505.60; fair to good grass
heifers, $3.764.76; choice to prime grass
cows, $4.4004.76; good to choice grass
cows, $4.0004.40; fair to good grass cows,
$3.6093.90; common to fair grass cows,
$2.6003.76; prime feders, $6.8506.76;
good to choice feeders, $5.6596-36; fair
to good feeders. $6.1095.60; common to
fair feeders. $4.5005.00: good to choice
stockers, $6.0096.60; fair to good stock
ers. $5.2506.00; common to fair stock
ers. 34.25W5.25: stock heifers, $4.0096.15;
stock cows, 43.0001. so; eiocas snn,
$4.0007.00; veal calves, $4.00010.60; bulls,
stags, etc., $2.6093.35.
nirtnr steers.
Av. Pr. , No. Ave.
1277 7 00 8 825
Omaha Grain
Oct. 25,
Only 40 cart of grain were report
ed in today with arrivals of wheat
about equaling the total ot other
cereals. Trading was slow. Wheat
prices were unchanged to 2c higher.
Corn waa a cent higher. Oats were
l-2lc up. Rye and barley were
not much changed.
The advance in wheat was con
fined to about only one car or two
ot choice 'milling quality,
No. S hard. 1 car, $1.03; 1 car, ft.01
No, $ hard. 1 car. $1.09 (near dark)
1 ear, $1.03 (smutty); 3-6 car. 99a (smut
ty): 3 cars, 06o (yellow): 3 cars, 977c
(yellow); 1 car, ooo (smutty).
No. 4 hsrd. 1 car. 31.0$ (smutty):
car, $1.05 (smutty); 1 oar, 9 Jo (yellow,
smutty i.
No, spring, 1-3 car, 31.04 (northarn).
no. s mixea, z-s car, c (durum).
No. $ mixed. 1 car. 9 Bo (smutty):
car, 90o '(smutty, 22 per cent durum).
No. 1 White, S cars. 38 Vie.
No. 1 yellow, 2 cars, 40c,
No, 2 yellow, 1 car, 40c.
No. $ yellow, 1 car, 39o (musty).
No. 1 mixed, 1 ear, 88c.
No. 3 white, 1 cars. 28V.C. '
No. 4 white. 1 3-6 cars. 38 He.
Sample white. 1 car, 38Vio (21 per cent
otner gram. 33 lbs.): i car. 37 Mo (in
No. 2, 2-6 car. 60Vio.
No. 4, 1-3 car. 67 Vic.
Today Wk. Ago Tr. Ago
Wheat 42 76 3
Corn 846 693 819
Oats 18 . 162 166
Today Wk. Ago Tr. Ago
Wheat 107 163 131
Corn 10 .6 "25
Oat 7 12 19
Today Wk. Ago Tr. Ago
Wheat 64 lit) 11
Corn 65 84 26
Oats 16 S3 - 22
Today Wk. Ago Tr. Ago
Minneapoll 460 886 623
niilnt h 192 438 1
Winnipeg 1,886 1.618 1.047
Receipts - roaay ir.aio
Wheat 1,438,000 1,649,000
Corn 771,000 676,000
Oats 806,000 705,000
Shipments ' -
Wheat 1,110.000 . 65,ouo
Corn' '.. 823,000 866,000
Oats 631.600 605,000
Wheat 1,059,000 458,000
Corn S1.000 17,000
Today Wk. Ago Yr. Ago
19 ,. 63 . 183
13 10 34
t 6 44
16 14
0 0 13
78 87 130
40 41 13
3 ; 27 24
1.0 17
0 4 4
London Money.
London, Oct. 26. Bar Silver, 38d per
Money 3 per cent.
Discount Rates Short bills. 3 per
oent; 8 months' bills, 8 11-16 per cent.
Omaha Produce
8 00
38 strs ..1054 6 001
67 strs ..1070 6 80
10 fdrs. ,.1068 S 40
7 cows ..1087 4 so
48 fdrs ..1043 6 35
22 cows
42 strs .
S strs .
11 strs
16 stra .
61 stra
43 fdrs
74 fdrs
1 bull
20 strs
43 strs
46 fdrs
. 098 4 'i
.1067! 00
. 494 S 36
.1680 3 00
.1046 4 60
,.1117 5 26
44 strs ..1240 S 401 1 bull
6 hfrs .. 794 8 85 3 civs .
11 fdrs ..1034-'4 lvilt hfrs ,
14 fdrs .. 861 6 00 42 fdrs
1081 0 104 tars
,. 941 S 35
.1160 6 66
.1412 6 75
..1063 S 40
. 837 60
.1008 4 78
933 to
4 00
38 strs
14 hfrs
30 rows ..1100
4 frira ..1045 S 00
S fdrs ..637 5
.1610 4 86
. 840 S 25
. 800 4 95
, 019 6 00
. 663 k
IT strs ,
6 cows
6 cows
26 hfrs
SI stra
60T 5 40
075 6 00
810 4 26
1362 5 501 5 cowa .1058 3 85
856 3 25 8 stra ..lois s
8 hfrs ...778 4 00 12 fdrs
6 civs ,. 366 5 60 13 fdrs
i sol t nr. re
866 4 35
.1058 4 64)1
n.nthit 7.000 hoe-s were received
today and most of the offerings had to
sell at lower prices. Trade as a whole
was considered 10c to 25o lower with
light hogs showing a loss of 15 0 260, and
with heavies hardly more than 10915c
lower. Packing hogs carrying lard weight
were In much better demand than the
light bacon grades. Shippers furnished
a fair demand, but packers bought most
of the supply. Best light hogs topped at
$7.60 and bulk receipts went at a spread
of $6.2507.25.
Ne. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh.
47. .261 330
23. .360 110
71. .346 660
60. .371 180
37. .308 ...
67. .33
40. .193
43. .205
6 25
6 36
6 75
4 85
7 1
1 30
7 40
63. .348 SO
63. .330 ...
63. .300 258
68 261 ...
30. .271 70
67. .106 ...
62. .218 ...
$6. .188 ...
5 80
8 40
6 55
S 80
T 35
T $6
T 10
31. ..a. awil T a h Snmothlnr Ilka 17.-
500 sheep and Iambs ware here today and
quality ot the run was rather plain, bulk
consisting of feeders. Prices psld for
killing claases of sheep and lambs were
strong to 25o higher, trade fairly active.
Best fat lamba aold at $8.26. and other
aalea were reported at $8.0098.25 and
lees. Heavy fat ewea reached $4.00. and
some handy weights wer reported at
$4.50. Feeder trad ruled ateady to
strong with the better kinds of feeding
lamba going out at $7.2697.60.
Qaotationa an sheep and lambs: Fat
lamba, good to choice. 88.0098.60; fat
lambs, fair to good, $7.6006.00; feeder
lambs, good to choice, $7.3697.60; feeder
lambs, fair to good. 34.3497.00: cull
lambs, $5.00 0 6.00: fat yearlings, $6,009
6.00; fat ewes, $3.3604.50; feeder ewes,
$3.7593.60; breeding ewes. $3.60 0 6.00;
cull ewes, $1.06 9 3.60.
Kansas City Bay.
Kansas ttty, Oct. 25 Hay Choice al
falfa. $:lfO0t2.OO; No. 1 prairie. $11.60
013.50; No. 1 tlatatBTs 41S.I89 14.60.
Furnished by State of Nebraska, de
partment of agriculture, bureau ot mar
kets and marketing:
Wholesale Wholesale
Buying Pr. Selling Pr.
Broilers $0.17980.10 $0.19$0.33
Springs , .16 0 .18 .19 031 .20
Hens, light 160 .17 .170 .19
Hens, heavy .... .119 .aa .229 .
Cocks 100 .11 .HW .14
Ducks 100 .17 .150 .20
Geese 109 .14 .169 -18
Turkeys 26 ............
Broilers ,
Springs .
Hens . . .
Cocks ..,
Ducks ,.
Oeese ...
Select .450 .47 .470 .50
No. 1 439 .45 .450 .47
No. 2 330 .36 .360 .37
Cracks 30 ... .320 ...
Creamery, prta .47....
Creamery, tub .46....
Country, best . . .319 .32 .349 .35
Country, common .840 .35 - .270 .28
Station pries ... .379,... .........
Bananas, lb., 8c; oranges, sire 150 and
larger, $7.6098.00; size 200-216, $6,000
7.00; size 250-283-324, $5.0007.00; lemons,
box, $7.0008.00; grapefruit, crate, $5.00
06.00; apples, Jonathans, box, extra
fancy, $3.86; Jonathans, box, fancy, $2.70
93.00; Jonathans, box, C grade, $2,609
2.76; Jonathans, basket, $2.76; Delicious,
extra fancy, $4.50; C grade, $3.6004.00;
Rome beauties, $3.75; Gano, basket, $2.26
Ortley, extra fancy, box, $4.00; Spitz,
extra fancy, box, $3.60; winter bananas,
$4.00 0 4.60; grapes, Tokay, crate, $2.36
03.60; lub. $3.60; pears. N. Y. Kleffer,
box. $2.2643.00; bbl.. $7.60; cranberries,
100-lb. bbl.. 816.00017.00; 50-lb. box,
$8.00; figs, 24 pkgs., $ oz $2.2502.40;
12 pkgs.. 10 os., $1.60; 66 ox. pkgs, $3.60.
Potatoes, Nebraska Early Ohio. No. I,
per 100 lbs., $2.0002.25; Nebraska Early
Ohio, No. 2, per 100 lbs., $1.85;
Red River, No. 1, $2.2592.50; brown
beauties, per 100 lbs., $2.50; sweet pota
toes, 1 bu., $L7502.OO: bbl., $5.2695.50;
celery, Colorado jumbo, doz $1.25; Michi
gan, dox., 60076c; Idaho, rough, crate.
$1.10; Idaho, trimmed and graded, $1.60;
head lettuce, dns., 60c; onions, red (lobe.
No. 1, lb., 4Vi96e; red globs, No. 2. lb.,
404Vie; Spanish, crate, $3.35; yellow, lb.,
6c; cabbage, lb., 2 H 3c
Green tailed, short halted. No. 1, per
lb., 4c; short haired. No. 2, per lb., 5c;
long haired. No. 1, per lb.. 4c; long haired.
No. 3, per lb., 3c; green. No. 1, per lb., 4c
Horse Hide Large, each, $3.50; me
dium, aeh, 83.00; email, each, 31.50.
Pony and glues, one-halt price.
Sheep pelts, 35966c
Shearlings. 100 30c
Wholesale prices of beef cuts are as
follows: No. 1 Ribs, 20Vic; No. 2 Ribs.
16Vic; No. 8 Ribs. 13c No. 1 Loins,
24Vic; No. 2 Loins, 18Vie; No, 3 Loins,
14c No. 1 Rounds, 16c; No. 2 Rounds.
13Vic; No, 3 Rounds. 11 Vic No, 1 Chucks,
lOVic; No, 1 Chucks, 8Vic; Not 3 Chucks,
6Vic No. 1 Plates, 8c; No. 1 Plates, J Vic;
No. S Plates, 6c
Prairie No, I upland, 311.00013.00; No
2 upland. $9.00010.60; No. $ upland, $7.6
08.60; Nc I midland. $10.60911.00; No.
3 midland, $8.60910.00; Nc 3 midland.
37.0998.00: No. 1 lowland, $9.0099.00;
No. 3 owland. $7.0008.00; alfalfa choice,
$17.00618.00; Nc 1. 316.009 1H. 00; stand
ard. 6ii.ootri4.oo; r,o, z. 19.00e13.00:
No. 3, 38.OO0O.O.
Oat straw. 33.00 9 1.00
Wheat atraw. $7.0096.08. ,
Chicago Grain
Chicago Tribune-Omaha Be Leased Wire,
Chicago, Oct 25. There was
much selling in wheat late in the
session credited to the northwest.
This was mainly in the way of
hedges, and the popular belief was
that Winnipeg unleaded wheat on
the bulge. Locals, however, gave
the market good support and the
close was Vil'Ae higher. Corn
finished 45ic higher and oats
5o(f??oC higher. Rye advanced
iiHc while the permission to
manufacture medicinal beer caused
an advance of 2j4c in barley. Pro
visions were easy,
Wheat atarted but rather Inauaplcloualy,
but the market developed feature and
strength during the later trading. Openlna-
pricee were steady, out tne buying power
was limited, and scattered commission
house selling caused a moderate dip.
Buy on Market Break.
On the break the buying developed
greater brendth, and in a few moments
more the upward trend of prices was ac
celerated by the purchases of the same
nouses wnirn were active on the buyinz
side yesterday. .
farmers are reported to be holding
back their wheat In Canada, and hedging
pressure la missing In that market aa well
as at Minneapolis and Chicago. Report
ers continue to report no Inquiry from
abroad, and Broomhall called attention to
the Increased amount of wheat on paa-
tage on orders. Local receipts were es
timated at 20 cars.
Corn is Strong. ,
Corn had a strong undertone. There was
good buying ot May by a large wire
house and the commission house demand in
general showed more breadth than for
some time. Offerings were moderate.
Receipts were light, the estimate being
for 140 cars.
A higher price range prevailed In oats.
Trade showed improvement, a fairly good
class of commission house buying, led by
a prominent concern with western con
nections being witnessed. The strength
displayed In the leading cereal was very
encouraging to the trade In general Local
arrivals were much lighter, only 65 care
being In prospect for today.
Rye was firm, cash No. 2 selling at
84c Receipts were four cars.
Pit Notes.
Information received by a leading
Argentine house places exportable sur
plus of old wheat in Argentina at 7,000,
000 to 10,000,000 bushels, against a recent
government estimate ot 40,000,000 bushels.
An advance of 2Vio In barley future
reflected the Washington ruling permit
ting manufacture and sale of beer under
certain restrictions. Tne cash market was
also a little higher. Offerings were light.
According to northwest advices, about
three-fourths of the bread wheat or tne
three northwest states has been marketed.
There Is a decided falling oft in the
movement of all grains from the farms.
Well-posted Winnipeg people state they
have gone over the peak of the big move
ment In western Canada, Pressure from
hedging sales much lighter, and receipts
are expected to drop off.
While the export demand was reported
Inactive at the seaboard, cables were said
to be much less depressed. Liverpool and
Buenos Aires futures were stronger.
Argentine wheat ngures, c. 1. 1., .cur
bean ports, about 61.32, against - gulf
wheat to continent, 31.23V4. Argentine
wheat movement Is light, with crop con
ditions excellent. Freights from Argen
tine are weak, with exporters Idle.
United Kingdom corn markets were
firmer, owing to the strength in America
and lighter offerings in both Plate and
American mixed sorts. There has been a
decrease of about 2,500,000 bushels in sup
ply, afloat for Europe.
Bv UDdlke Graln Co., DO. 2627. Oct. 25.
Art. I Open. I High.. I Low. Close. I Yest,
May L-ilyl.,1:.::" i8 l
SS'l .84' .86 .84 .86V4
May .88VL .90 .88Vs .89 .88V4
Dec .48 .40 .47 .4JJ4 " . ,
May iii..;
Sec' . :u . ..
May "'.87 "IsY- '"'.37 .38 ,37
j2I? U.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 ...J..
Oct" 9 50 9.50 9.60 8.50 9.65
Jan. MO 8.95 8.83 8.92 8:95
Oct I 5.60 6.50 6.60 5.6T: 5.60
Jan. I ?: 7.63 7.63 7.63 7.62
Minneapolis Grain.
xtinneatinlls. Minn.. Oct. 26. Flour-
Unchanged to 10c higher In car loaa
lots, family patents quoted at $7.25 07.55
barrel In 98-pouna couuu .v
Bran $12.50. .
Minneapolis, Minn., Oct. 25. Wheat
receipts, 460 cars, compared
cars a year ago. Cash Nc 1 northern.
$1.2991.32; iecemoer,
corn no. a yenuw,
Oats No. 3 white, 28 29 e.
Barley 34952c.
Rye No. 2. 76V477c.
Flax No. 1, $1.76Vi 01.63.
St. Louis Grain.
. t ..! r rit 25. Wheat De-
cemb.r7 $107 asked ;' May. $l.r 3 bid
Corn Decemoer, oo um,
bid. ,
Oats Decemper. 4c
Kansas ftty Grain.
Kansas City, Oct. 26. Wheat De
cember, $1.00; May, $1.06.
Corn December. su-,c;
St, Joseph Live Stock.
St. Joseph, Mo., Oct. 2o Cattle Re
ceipts, 3,000 head: maraet,
L,. ti sntaiir. 25: cows and
heifers' $3.00010.25: calves, $5.0008.60.
Hogs Receipts, i,bi , ,? ,riiJ
36o hlgfler; top, $7.60; bulk, $6,760
7' Sheen Receipts. 2,000 head; market for
lambs. 35060c higher; sheep, steady to
35e higher; lambs, $8.0009.00; ewes,
Liberty Bond Prices,
v.w Tmk. Oct. 15. Liberty bonds at
noon: 34a, 93.40; first 4s, 93.20; second
Am ?()- first 4 Us. 13.10: second 4s,
02.34; third 4 Vis, 94.70; fourth 4V4s, 92.70;
Victory 3is. 99.40: Victory 4s. 99.40.
Liberty bonds closed: 3s. 92.24; first
4s. 92.90 bid: second 4s. 92.10; first 4s,
93.14; second 4s, sz.zs; tnira
14.61: fourth 4V4s. 92.72; Victory 3s,
89.38; Victory 4s, 99.38.
London Wool Auction.
London. Oct. 25. The offerings at th
wool auction sales today amounted to
10.871 bales. There was a large at
tendance and competition was keen for
all grades. Recent rates were fully maintained.
Bar Silver.
New York, Oct, 25. Foreign Bar Silver
Jlciican Dollars 6:c
Chicago Tribune-Omaha Ilea Leased M ir.
New York, Oct. 25. The really
important event on today's markets
was the further advance in sterling
which was lost again, however, be
fore the close. At the day's high
price, sterling had risen since the
present month began from i.7ZlA
to $3.96H. It is interesting to ob
serve that during the same period
the pound sterling has risen 2 francs
at Pans and Brussels and S at
Rome; not to mention an advance
of 207 marks in Germany, Our
tate for Berlin exchange was a trifle
higher today.
Increased business on the stock
exchange raised the day's total to
the largest figure since September
14. This greater activity was accom
panied by numerous sharp advances
in the industrial shares: but the
railways moved very little.
Market Awaits News. -
Evidently the market was waltlnir tn
learn the result of today's hearing of
railway managers and labor chieftains
before the labor board. By way of ex
ception to the Industrial list In general,
United States steel shares did not change
In price at all.
From Wall street s viewpoint, there
was both bad and good in the corpora
tion's show of earnings for the Septem
ber quarter, given out after the close of
This is the outstanding fact of the re
port The quarter's earnings ss a whole
failed to cover the regular dlvivend on
the company's preferred stock something
which hits not happened since the March
quarter of 1915 and they left a deficit
of $6,965,000 after paying dividends on
ootn stocks.
Surplus Meets Deficiency.
But that deficiency Is met from ac
cumulated surplus and If the rate of mid
summer recovery In earnings were evoi.
partially continued during the present
quarter,' the result would provide for all
existing dividends. How much of that re
covery Is attributable tc reduced expenbwt
and how much, to actually larger business,
the statement does not show.
Increase in operation was very sllgnt
until September and even then the com
pany's plants were averaging barely 33
per cent of capacity, as against 30 or
thereabouts In July. There should un
doubtedly be a substantial Increase dur
ing the three last months of 1921.
Cotton Takes Jump.
.,, he hicrfilv Interesting statement of
the day was the government's report ui
cotton ginned for marHet trom the present
crop up to October 18. Cotton prices had
been falling rapidly, on. predictions that
the census bureau would show an ab
normally large percentage of the crop
already ginned. Today the bureau re
ported It as 83 per cent of the agn-
i 4Anar.mAnt'M estimated yield, a
percentage larger by one-third than the
highest previous rni ""'--'.
In many cotton trade circles it was
, j ,s.a. aunt, results marked tne
department's 6,600,000 beles October fore
cast of yield as a great underestimate.
It may or may not be so. But It is
worth while to observe that a
percentage of a very small crop can
ginned as quickly as a moderate percent
Sge of a normal crop: also hat every
recent weeiuy reyun -
It.. nnlrl nlTIT.1 fit 1 Oil Of COtlO
harvesting. Today's cotton market seemed
fa perceive some force in those cona
tions; It rose nearly 1 cent a pound on
the "ginning estimate."
New York Cotton.
Chicago Tribune-Omaha Bee Leased Wire.
New York. Oct. 25. The bear menj
In the cotton marKet was nauueu
I," ,.., onorai advance re-
suned From : combination of two tallWi
factors much lower glnnings than ex
pected and renewed strength in Liver
pool. Cotton futures shot up 50 to 95
points net higher early in th? strongest
tviarirer aoen for Rome time, and the ad
vance was almost entirely maintained.
After active list opened one to i poims
better than its previous final bids the j
tn.rb.t rnaa tn B. IRVP.I nr 19.4UC lor De
cember, or 85 points over last night, and
to 19.26c for January, up 86 points or
about $3 a bale. Scattered professional
realizing around these levels accounted for
a reaction of 15 to 25 points; but the
market's undertone was strong toward
the middle of the session. Business
hnnreil ft falltncr off. hnweve.r. manv trad
ers waiting to see how the market would
act after having fully digested the govern
ment ginning report.
In the face of Increasing reaming ma
scattered southern selling the market
acted very well In later dealings. A good
demand for shorts and new buyers was
present throughout the afternoon, the
market maintaining Its strong underlying
tone. The close was a little under tne
top, 70 to 85 points net nigner.
Foreign Exchange Bates.
Fnlinwine are today's rates of exchange
as compared with th par valuation. Fur
nished by the .Fetors National oanK;
.Far valuation umay
Czecho-Slovakia . .
New York Quotations-
Ttange of prices of Ih leading storks
furnished by Logan 4k Ilryan, Peters
Trust building;
High Low Cloa Men.
A T 4 S F 14 85 $5 US'.
lialtlmor 4 Ohio 36 36 3i 36 4.
Canadian 1'aclflc. 112 UlVi IIP. 111
N Y Central .... 71
t'hea Ohio .... 64
Erl R K 13
Hrl It R 13
Ot North'n pfd... 71
Chi Ut Weat'n
Illinois Central
Kan Clt ySouth'n 24
Missouri Pacific. 19
N Y. N H H... 14
North'n Pacific Ry 73
Chl N W .... 67 s,
Penn R R 36 36
71 71 Va
64 64
11 11 -
11 11
49 10
23 24
16 19
13 13
71 73
Reading Co 69 69 69 69
12 lilt
C R I A P . 32
Houth'n Pacific Co 78
Southern Ry 19
i hi, at mi, . r. 14
union -faclfic ..
Am Car A Fdry..l814 129
Allis-Charera Mfg 83 33
77 77 77
18 is '4 is
J1W 23 23
.119 119 119 119
Am Loco Co
Ha Id. Loco. Wks.
Beth. Steel Corp.
Crucible Steel Co.
Am. Steel Fdr...
Lack. Steel Co...
Mid. Steel & Ord
Pressed Stl. Car Co 60
Rep. Iron 4 Stl. Co. 47
Railway Stl. Spring 84
U. S. Steel 79
,. 90 K9
67 62
63 60
24 23
39 89
Ana. Cop. Mln.... 41 40
Am. Smlt. & Rfg. 38 87
Chile Copper Co... 11 11
Chlno Copper Co.. zo ZS't
Ins. cons. L'op.... at jam
Kenne. Copper.... 22 21
Miami Copper Co. 22 22
Nev. Cons. Cop. Co 12 lsvt
Ray Cons. Cop. Co. 13 13
Utah Copper Co... 55 64
Atl., G. & W. I. S. S 31
Am. Inter.' Corp. . 34
130 129
33 83
92 91
31 89
53 61
62 61
24 23
39 ....
23 23
60 66
47 47
84 83
78 78
31 30
40 40
87 37
11 11
26 25
35 35
22 21
22 22
12 12
13 13
65 65
26 26
30 28
33 33
36 35
108 108
31 30
Am. Cot. Oil Co. .. 19 19
Am. Tel. & Tel. ..108 108
Am. A. C. Pro. ... 33 31
Bosch Magneto. .. 36 35 36
Am. Can Co. .... 27 26 27
Chand. Mot. Car . 44? 42 44
Cen. Lea. Co 27 26 27
Cuba Cane S. Co. 8 7 7
Cal. Pkg. Gorp. .. 66 66 66
corn rrod. K. CO. i ii sin
Nat. E. tt B.
Famous Players
Kisk Rubber co.
Gen. Elec. Co. .
Ot." North. Ore .
Gen. Mot. Co. .
Goodrich Co. ..
Internal. Harv.
Am. H. & L., pfd. 62
U. S. Ind. Al. Co. . 40
Internat. Nickel .. 13
Internal. Paper Co. 54
Island Oil . 3
A.1ax Rubber Co. . 31
Kelly-S. Tire .
Key. T. & Rub.
In. M. M., com.
Inter. M. M pfd.
Mex. Petroleum.,
Middle States Oil 13
Pure Oil Co S3
Willys-Overland Co.. 6
Paclfio Oil , 44
t'an-Am, r. x, 4t
61 63
10 10
.131 130 130 131
30 10 90 3U
10 9
31 80
78 78
20 21
41 40 41? 40
10 10 10 10
32 32 32
48V. 47V. 48V4
109 106 106 103
13 13 13
30 83 30
44 .
46 45
16 14 15
13 13
43 . 43
68 67
3Z 3Z
45 45
77 73
,. .30 .0007
. .195 .0720
,. 1.00 .92
. .27 .1935
. 4.86 3.96
. .193 .0735
. .238 .0004
. .195 .0450
. .195 .0397
. .... .0035
. .27 .1330
. .... .0003
. .27 .2120
. .195 .1842
New York Money.
New' York, Oct. 25. Call Money
firmer; high, 6 per cent: low, 5 per
cent; ruling rate, 5 per cent: closing
bid. 6 per cent; offered at $ per cent;
last loan, 6 per cent.
Time Loans per cent; 80 days, 6
06 per cent; 90 days, 505 per
cent; 6 months. 5 06 per cent.
, Prime Mercantile Paper 6 9 5 per
cent. .
Chicago Products.
Chicago, Oct. 25. Butter Higher;
creamery extras. 45c; firsts. 36 941c; sec
onds, 33934c; standards, 39c.
Eggs Higher; receipts, 1.788 cases;
firsts. 48060c: ordinary firsts, 4245c;
miscellaneous. 46048c; refrigerator extras,
33633c; refrigerator firsts. 3232c.
Poultry Alive, lower: fowls. 22c;
springs, 20c; turkeys. 28c: roosters, 14c
Chicago Potatoes.
Chicago. Oct, 25. Potatoes Lower: re
ceipts, 113 cars; total United Statea ship
ments, 1,473; Mlnnesots. Michigan and
Wisconsin, sacked and bulk. $1.7001.65
rwt; Minnesota and North Dakota Red
River Ohio, $1.7001.80 cwt, sacked and
hulk: South Dskota sandland Ohio. $1.40
01.55 cwt.; Montana russets, $2.00 cwt.
Linseed Oil.
Duluth. Minn.. Oct. 25. Linseed On
track and arrive $1.81 ...
Pierce-Ar. Motor
Royal Dutch Co... 44 43 44 43
U. S. Rubber Co... 49 48 49 48
Am. S'r Kfg. Co..-64V4
Sinclair Oil & Rfg. 21
Sears-Roebuck Co. 69
Strom'g Carb. Co. 32
Studebaker Corp... 75
Tob. Products Co. 66
Tr.-Cont. Oil.;-... 8
Texas Co 41
u. s. Fd. pr. Corn. 13
Union Carbide 43
White Motor Co
Wilson Co;.- Inc.. 36
West'se Airbrake.. 86 86 86
Western union...
West'se -El. & Mfg. 46
Am. Woolen Co... 77
Total sales. 803.000.
Money Close. 6V4 per cent: Monday's
close, 6 per cent. '
Marks close, ,0063c; Monday s close,
Sterling Close. 83.96 4i: Monday's cloaa.
$3. 96c.
The following quotations are furnished
by Logan & Bryan, Peters Trust building:
Am. Smlt A Rfg. 5s SKUffl civ
Am. Tel. Col. 6s, 1914 89 90
Armour 4s. 1939 ... 82 0 82
. & O. Ref. 5s, 1996 73 0 73
B. & O. Cvt. 4s. 1933 70 0 704t
C, M. & St. P. Gen. 4s. 1832 60 60
j m. st. tr. u. iter.
4s, 2014
C, R. I. & P. Ref. 4s, 1934 .
D. & R. G. Col. 4s, 1936 .
Ot. Nor. 4s, 1961 ,
Hi. Central Joint 5s, 1933...
Mo. Pao. Ref. 6s, 1923
Mo. Pac. Ref. 6s, 1926 ....
Mo. Pas. Gen. 5s, 1975
Rio Grand W. 1st 4s, 1939.
St. L. & S. F. Gen. 6s. 1927
St. L. & B. F. P. L. 4s, I960., 62 63
oi. u. oe a x aqj. os, xsao... 640 04
Ot. Lt. OE B. X1. inc.' bS, 160
S. T. & S. W. Inter. 5s, 1953.
Wllcon 6s, 1941
K. C. Sou. 5a, 1959
C. G. W. 4s, 1951
Sea Bal 4s, 1989
Colo. Southern 4 Vis, 1935 .
C. O. 5s
I. R T 5s
Hud! & Man." Ref'.' 6s' .','.'.'.'.'
, 63 0 63
, 71 V4 73
. 67 78
v 0 so 'A
77 77
, 96 0 96
i.870 88
81 0 84
68 69
. 48 48
.65 66
. 93 92
. 79 79
. 34 9 64
111 W 78
.83 83
, 64 0 64
. 710 71
, New York Cnrb Stocks.
The following quotations are furnished
oy nogan oe ilryan:
Allied Oil
Boston Wyoming ....
Cresson Gold
Consolidated Copper .
Elk Basin
Federal OH
Glenrock Oil
Merrit Oil ;
Sapulpa Oil
Tonopah Divide .....
U. S. Steamship .....
U. S. Retail Candy ..
3 4
.... 10 1
.... 1 1
11 11
.... 3 4
.... 70 71
36 9 38
.... (9 6
. Chicago Stocks.
The following quotations ar furnished
by Logan Bryan:
Armour A Co., pfd..
Armour Leather Cc, com........
Cudahy Packing Co., com
Libby, McNeil Libby
National Leather ...
Swift & Co...
Swift International
Union Carbide Carbon Co...
Turpentine and Rosin.
Savannah, Ga.. Oct. 25. Turpentine
Firm: 69c; sale. 200 'bbl.: receipts,
521 bbls. ;. shipments, 14 bbl.; stock,
10.168 bbls.
Rosin Firm: sales. 154 casks: receipts,
2.296 casks;. shipments, 1,084 casks; stock,
84,465 casks
Quote: BDE. $4.20; FG, $4.25; H, $4.40;
T. $4.50; K, $4.75: M. $5.1695.20; N,
$5.30; WG, $6.60; WW. $5.60.
w York Sugar.
Nsw York. Oct. 35. The raw aurar nir.
ket was firm but business was light, the
only sales reported being 1.800 tons of
San Domingoes at 2.43e c. 1. f. to Halifax.
Prices were unchanged at 4.00c tor duty
free sugars and 4.11c for Cuba.
Raw sugar futures closed: Decembsr,
I I'-; March, 2.38c; May, 2.48c; and July,
Bonds and Notes
Bid Asked Yield
Am. Ag. Chem. Ta. H41 91 16 7 17
Am. T. ft T. Co. as, 11:3 n 11
Am. T. A T. 6. 1124.... 19
Anaconda 7s, 1.' 96 17
Armour 7a, 1930 1 no H0
llelalan (lovL Ss. 1941. .100 100
HelKlan 7Via. 1945 100 n 7.16
Bethlehem Steel 7a, 1923. 98 61 7.60
llrltlah 6 s, 1133 11 18
British 6s, 1121 13 12
Can. North. 6s, 1946. .101 101
C, H. A Q. Jt. OS, 1936. .103 108
Chile 8s, 1941 19
Denmark 8s, 1945 103 104
lu Pont 7s, 1931 11 11
rrencn novi. as, ista... juo
French Uovt. 7s. 1141.. 13
14. F. Goodrich 7s. 1935.. 15
Ooodvear T. A R. Is. 1141 103 104
Ureat North. 7s, 1936.... 103 103
Jap. Govt, lat 4s, 1925 64
Jan. fiovt. 4a. 1931 68'.
Norway 6s, 1940 104 106 7.66
Nw. Bell 7s, 1941 104 104
N. Y. Central 7s. 1930. ..103 103
Penn. R. R. Co. 7s, 1930 103 103
Penn. . R. 4s. 1934... 101 104
H. W. B. Tel. Co. 7s. 1926 91 19
Swift A Co. 7s. 1925 19 100
Swift A Co. 7s, 1931. ...100 100
Swiss Govt. 8s, 1940 107 108
U. S. Rubber 7s, 1930. .101 101
Vacuum Oil 7s, 1936 103 103
West. Union 6s, 1936. .103 103
Westlngh'e Elec. 7s, 1931 102 103
Uruguay 8a, 1946 99 19
Brazil 8s, 1941 91 9
6 11
4 48
8 03
84 1.68
61 9.80
6 45
6 97
New York Produce
New York, Oct. 25. Butter Firmer;
creamery, higher than extras. 48Mc;
creamery extraa, 47c; creamery firata,
38 0 46c.
Kkks Steady; fresh gathered firsts, 65
0 58c; others, unchanged, -
Cheese Firsts, unchanged.
Poultry Live, steady; chickens by ex
press, 22025c: fowls by express, 20031c,
Dressed, steady; western chickens, 260
38c: fowls, 20037c; old roosters, 17 0 23c;
turkeys, 80945c.
Like a Thief In
The Night Old
Age Creeps On
Are you prepared for the years
that are sure to come? Are you
providing now for those years, or
are you just drifting? Poverty
in old age makes life hardly
worth living.
Our book entitled "Getting Ahead"
tells how you can easily avoid
such a situation and without
sacrifice now. Upon request we
will send it free of charge.
- Invttmunt StcaritieM
117 South li Sails U CWeago
KsMuCltr lisliMsote MUwasks leekloH
Chiui fctrait Clinkwi 51. Losii CiieianiU
South Side
Hog Prices in Omaha Show
Marked Decline in Wrrk
The hog market i on a rapid
decline, w ith the pi it e luvmit
dropped an even i hundred in thi week, being iiuoied Tuedv
at from $o.25 to f 74t for the bulk, ,
with the top only $7.60, which wa
paid for smooth lightweight. The
mpply was of fair volume, there be.
ing receipts for the day of 7,X'.
making a total of I2.47J brad for tho
two davs of the week, aa compared
with 10714 head (or the same days
bt week and 9,162 head for the same
period a year ago.
Council Files rica to Make
Iloulfvard on South 13th
A petition from property owners
asking that Thirteenth street, Mis
souri avenue to soiith city limits, bt
declared a boulevard, was placed on
file yrsterday by city council.
During recent discussion of the
subject Commissioner Hummel of
the park and boulevard department
asserted that he would put a fence
across this thoroughfare if the city
council forced it on his department
as a boulevard. He explained that
condition of his funds did not war.
rant the proposed addition to the
boulevard system.
Twelve Tons of Hogs Are
Shipped Hy St, Paul Feeder
One carload of hogs weighing
24,490 pounds, or more than 12 tom,
arrived at the stock yards from St.
I'atil, Neb., shipped by Carl Christ
enson of that place. The load con
sisted of 71 fat porkers tipping the
scales at an average of 340 pounda
each. The hogs were of all sizes and
brought $6.50 a hundred pounds.
South Side Brevities
Pniioa Juris Wannlch mad good hi
promise to fine vlolatora of speed laws yes
terday wnen aix epeenere aiirv ww.
him and were fined $10 ach.
Homer Steele, negrc 2424 Parker street,
arrested Monday night for speeding snd
reckless driving, forfeited a $60 bond by
falling to sppear In South Sid polk
court yesterday.
New York Dry Ooods.
New York Oct 26. Cotton goods msr-
kets were quiet with prices fairly steady.
Cotton yarns eased In carded lines. Dress
goods for spring wer soio moaersieiy
by th lsrger unit of worsted produc
tion. Spring silks In may new styles
were shown. Burlaps were essler. Job
ber reported a fair advance business,
but a quiet house trade.
Potomac Electric
Power Company
General and Refunding Mort
gage Gold Bonds, Series A,
7, Due 1941
Furnishes the entire com
mercial electric light and
power service in Washing
ton, D. C, and adjoining
communities. Serves with
out competition a population
of 475,000. ,, i
Price at the Market
Yielding Aboat 7.10
, Circular upon requsst for 0B-427
The National City Company
Omaha First Nat Bank Bid.
Telephone Douglas 3816
1 wT -
Don't Guess!
When considering an investment know
the facts. These can be obtained from a
reliable investment dealer.
Ask for our list and recommendations,
Burns, Brinker & Oompany
lincolh OFFICE w- ,r -orner it-& ioufiii OMAHA, NEDRT
in the careful handling of all orders
for grain and provisions for future
delivery in all the important markets.'
W Oparat. Offices at-
Omaha, Nebraska . Lincoln, Nebraska
Hastings, Nebraska
Holdrege, Nebraska - Geneva, Nebraska,
Chicago, Illinois ,
Sioux City, Iowa Oes Moines, Iowa
Hamburg, Iowa
Milwaukee, Wisconsin Kansas City, Missouri
Private wire connections to all offices
except Kansas City and Milwaukee.
We Solicit Your Consignments
of All Kinds of Grain to
Every Car Receive Careful Personal Attention
The Updike Grain Company
"The Reliable Consignment House"