THE BEE: OMAHA. MONDAY, OCTOBER 24. .1921. Volunteers Can THE GUMPS Drawn for The Bee by Sidney Smith . Copyrghl, 11(1, Ckieag Tclbae t'eatpaar UC IT IN COLOM IN THC UN0AY til PAINTED AND UPHOLSTERED .Break Strike of Rail Employes PrVpiralions Under 'Way in Eit to Mobilize All Means , 1 1 rTNt CHWtt'MX frtrrtV-v" J JHI - . M te V II iw,Mr-.,o. tri all Ny 1 U rate roi viwtHO 1 A a . I . . Kll ( .a -r?, T (THtfuuwcu -V rflr HI' (fy " " s ' Of Transportation in ' ' CaiofTie.Up. " V.. Br HOLLAND. . If -Great Briuin was able to nru ( 1 inttit; In part at kut, the atrike be un and carried on by the coal miners, there seems la be no -reason why the United , SUUi, ootn y n government and by tle aid I the people, cannot predily neutralue, or at leaat continually weaken," even a nation-wide railroad strike. Cm rena ol Great Britain, thoiwarids in number, voluntarily undertook to iclieve the situation and prevent (amine and the paralyiia.of business which would have been entailed had not the nation as a whole come to its own' aid. ' 1 Thla I. a comment which n " frequently heard In lhl city sine. n. nounr.ment wa mail that employ of th railroad would itrlk. district rter district in .ureesslon, until iranpriii throughout th United Htte ws paralysed. So It hi l.o frequently Been Mid that this ta a trlk numbering about 2.406.666 Individual worker HlnM IM government and Iht people rather than g alnai tha railroad executive. rrepar lor Tlp. ' , " Hor It mar bo In other part or th rftuntry not yet known In Nw York, but preparation ar under way her which aro cmparabl. relatively wltn the which waro undertaken mm moon tha United Htatea Jnlntd th allies In h war aaalnat O.rminy. Private Intimation rem. from Washington that If It bo neces. aary tha overwhelming power of ths onm.nt will ha utilised In Order o provont ' nation-wide suffering - which .would otherwise ho crested In ! ,la0itnk wrro J J time. f Tha powor of the -V fir Ion t for thla purpo If orn eltle rtoiion, N continued lor any !' ha k-overnment 1 uf- purpose. Mo alao In "t- praparatlona ara now undr way ir meeting ha emergency In c It hu'a rise. Thee preparations moiuu. Ing of motor Irurk and Hie u.e of air. plan... There appear to be alao PP' tlona for erurtng worklwimen who win bo employed .to operate railroad train. -Mobilising tha Truck. ' Soma time ego a trlk seriously lm. pulrd for eeverel wees one or mo tnduatrtea tn' the vicinity of New York. It waa at teat overcome through the uae of motor, truck. Now thle Induatry ha a large number of motor truck many.ot them capable of 'making through ll " (weon NOW York and i'l",'ttrn "d yJ,Z Tor and Baltimore, Theea truMt. will ' be employed In com tbore ahould. bo a railroad atrjk. ' " ' .v.. For aomo time it ha been obaorved that the llk induatry In New Jry and Eat ern Peniiaxlvania ha been employing mo. lor-trur,ke for the trannportatlori of.tholr Product to the market and for the brln. Int- baek to the Uctorlea raw .material. Kvery day niotor-tmck oomo lnto New York which were laden the day before at Ea.ton and other plate In eastern Penn sylvania brlnilnl allki to tho J?bbrj and the retailer In Hew York, f ho number of the, truck will ,wBt,ed;i5 oae ther. ! a 'ttrlk o that It la the belief thatjlttla embarraaament jjrlll be met with la. the delivery, of Bilk product from the faotorle to th tnarkota. Do) Ther Btek V. S, Control. Th. MMldent of th KrI. railroad. T, T. Underwood 1 quoted a having aia that the' real purpoae of th. etrlke to hrtnf about fovernmint eontroL If Presi dent Underwood rdld ear- thla- he fltd no. mora than erho, 'a oomment evhlch , ha been frequently'- made. If . overnment control ta " the- vnderlylng . purpoae of a atrtke then t la -pointed put that there mmmmrn tn h mnu -nconsltencr initho at- r", t... iJuttnf .(h. r.llw.v ualona J For eo far aa the bllo can make but thla trlk. la really- aejnt th. daclalon of th. railroad labor: board. That board 1 a government Imtltutlen. .-Borneo haye doubted tho-expediency rof 'eataVHehtng a. board, or that? kinabit It waa eta.bllheij andlh' ao far a It-power gdea 'ts Wt' Ot lb,.. f.overnvenl of the ntto fitatea,. afl' Thero ta recaUed the aoknawledced hope . n. ' th labor teadera when - the war waa In prorre that .the government would take permanent poeslon and- con trol of tho railroad; Every - advance aaked for by the. rallroaB employee, when the war waa ra proree waa -granted, an a threat of a natK-wia atrlkw; Joat a we entered the Var wa overcome- br the paraage 61 th:0'aned Adanwon IW. It I bbsefveethat om of our business men are of the. opinion thar porhap the hi, Mm, wh,h it may be- the better part-1 teat the issue between employees- ana me ranroaas in mv . " ,7 1 the other hand it-seems to bo tho belief that a majority of the railroad employees, many of whom are men of Intelligence, of excellent character and proud of their cltlaeaahlp. really do not favor- a strike but . are "prepared t ,,RCOeP ,HPa"! arblf ration upon .tbo issue.-. If that . true then the atftk; can be- onljf - half hearted, a condJHott .wh(9h Inevitably fore cast failure. , , .'v":'' ..J : Omtiiba. Proiiuce Droartmrat of Arrlcultttre. Bureaa of m . Market , and Marketing. . r . Butter: The Omaha btter . market Re mained .toady-, -all week, with -no change In prloe'fTh-demand for- the- bettor gradea remain, goed, tending to4 keep the prices ateady. Wholesale dealer, are. still getting 46e to' 47o per pound on-print and 410 "to 4o on.tub butter. The. up ply of eouiitry butter-coming, into market I increasing and', the-demand for best table atock-was- insufficient to- move the unply at price quoted, thus causing a decline of -Jo-on 'be.t country butter. The price on eommon country atock remains unchanged. v u- . - ' Brs: The egf market, steady .to strong-. r thla week, with some dealer, quoting prices lc to So higher In fresh eggs to day than :"wa offered the - flret of the week. Moel of .the dealers have been pay ing 400 per. doaen on fresh No. 1 stock, with a few -quoting 4te to 4Jo today and selling at 4ovto 45c, The supply of ..fresh eggs on the market is very limited and most of tho eggs Sold now. are short held atorage egg. Wholesale 4-le,?'-.V selling No., t storage steels at S4o to S5c. Poultry:" There has been, a, - onsldsrabie falling off of th receipt ef. - poultry thl week The fatt that, farmer. --are . buoy huaklng corn tend to. check tho ship ment, of poultry to markt.- Th. market opened ratner wean mis mora .trehgth. the last bt the week. Deal ... n.vine no to 17o for spiinga th first of the week. Some dealers quot ed spring lo higher today, due to a llttl. or. itrength' in th. eastern mar ket Ther. Is 4 a limited amount -at dressed poultry being shipped in : out In the stated but continued- warm ., weather prevent shipment in great amounts. Hay: The receipt of' hay into Omaha continued heavy thla week. Demand .has also increased, especially- on - the better grade, PHee on Ho. 1 and No. S Midland pralrlo advanced aome thi week.- - Potatoew-There baa been ft very heavy shipment of potatoes into all the market tha pat two weeks. Omaha seems to be getting it share of shipment. There wr from to tse cars, of potatoes-.on track in Omaha every day last week and there ha been an average of Jive care on track .very day this week.. Eighty-four cars arrived In Omaha yesterday and ther were SS car on track thi morning. A groat many potatoes ar coming into Omaha from western - Nebraska. a well s heavy shipments from the Dakota and Minnesota. Th market on potato ha remained ult ateady all last week and the first tew day -of this week, despite, the fact that there was an increased supply on hand. "The last, three days of this -week, has ah own a heavy decline -In prices. . Ther has been a decline pt 35c to 50c per! pounds-thl. week, on So, 1 stock. No. 1 -Bed Hirer, itock. la being, quoted at tl.8Syi.M per la pound foe., track tales today tn car lota, Th. quality of thtspetatoe coming in .how a very wide range Th quality and grade tft 'tbe petatoe could b-nuich im proved by ft little clor sorting - at the loading -'. and grower -would .getmore money for their potato. Th federal in a pee tor ha been- kept more, than -busy looking over car that th grower have aold aaNo. 1' atnff,' but many-of the ears wot meet trade requirements, according- to th. United State tandards. n.uThiMl tnsoeetlon ar only on In terstate Otuft Practically a11 thepota- toes shipped .in irom weswa are Inspected at point of origin by state Inspector. . - --- - - - " fhirexe Potaie. Chicago. VDca, Ji.rotatoew Steady; re relpt. UT care: Forthera WMte. sacked, Sl.ei.; bulk. S1.SS41.S: North Da- koi a an1 sitnaeoota Jtea - 4rrr yniw. aacked. St.U&l.ttr hulk. Sa.701.S tel.; Smth. Dssou na Ohio; - bulk.- Sl.teef LSi;- Booth Dakota, wait. ai.M91.l Wssntngto (S.lkr city. Xanana City, Oct. Z2. Haj Cnchanged, LiveStock Omaha, Oct It. R.c.IdU wti Cattl Hog Iheep Official Monday .17,711 4.414 11.714 Official Tuesday. ...10.424 t.D. JS.I3S T.I41 11.747 (.144 II 714 Official We.lne.clay. 7.7 Official Thuraday... S.7S4 rri(-lai rr l.jay ..... , K.tlmata Katurdav.. 174 4.014 S.C4 S.OOV SOO Six day thl. wk...4M!4 10.717 TT.064 Ham day laat wk.. 40.11 17.711 74. Oil fame I . ago ...ii.oti i,ZT .,. Mam I wk. ago .. .14.147 10,407 114,144 bam year ago .... 44,101 11,111 10,714 Receipt and disposition of live etock at th Union .took yard, Omaha. Neb., for 24 hour, ending at 1 p. m. October II, list: . ., . RECEIPTS CARS. Catll Hog. Sheep Culon Psrlflo, R. R.. C, ti S. W. Ky., esst. N. tv; y.. west 1 a i 1 1 c at.. p., sr. o ('., B. i O, Ry east. C. a it. Ry., west. Illinois central By... Total receipt S ST DISPOSITION HEAD. Cattl Hoga Shep Armour m .-u . Cudahy Packing Co., ... 138 bold Packing Co..... ., .147 Swift Co ,;, -, 14 J. w. Murphy ....... i.. 'lots Swart & Co .... . SI Totali 214S Caltle Cattle were nominally ateady today, no sale being reported. Some thlna like 174 head war received which makea the week'a total 41,700, th larce.t run of the season. Tren at price have bsen generally lower thf week. Best long fed . -native- teer hay held firm but short fed and warmed up kind have declined 2SK0a and western beeves are generally 25a lower. Cholee . native yearling aold up to $11.10 and choice western ateer.- around fT.oo. wne atocK clo.ed dull at decline of SB07&C beat grace uelng err most. Blocker ana foeder aro uneven,,-but generally ft big 2So lower than -a week ago.. -Quotations on Cattle Choice ot crime neeves, ss.uuo'iu.uu; gooa to cnoice Deeves, 17.74000; fair to good beeves, $7,009 7. 75: common to fair beeves. St.0007.00: choice to prim yearling, tlO.SOOU.tO; gooa to - cnoice yeaning, .z wiu .u; fair to a-ood vearllnaa 18.25 at. 21: com mon to fair yearling, $4.1001.00; choice t. prime graaa beeves, $A.747.t0; good to- oholc. graaa beeves, 16.76S4.7S; fair to gooa grass peeve. 4B.ooq6.7B. com mon to , fair grass beeves, 14. 004)1.00; Mexican. 43. 75(84.60! aood to ehoiaa rrass n.uers, x.iif i,u; rair to gooa grass hlfer. S3. 7504.76: choice to orlma crais cows, 44.40W4.76; good , to choice grass cows, S4.uu04.4u; rair to gooa grass cows, ..6uo3.t; common to rair grass cows, SS.6O0U6: prime feeder. 1.S66.7: rood to choice feeders, $5.(SOS.SS; fair to good leeoprs.; common to fair, feeder., $4.60 5.0O;.-good to choice .lookers, te.uuiye.iiu; rair to gooa itocs. era, I6.J5W4.00! common to fair stock era, 14.26iD5.16: stock heifers, I4.00OS.SS; stock cows, sa.uuiys.a.; siock - oaives, $4.4007.00) Veal calves, $4.0010. SO; bulla, stags, etc., .Hogs About 1,000 hogs war received today' and. trade ruled strong to ISo higher, , with most of th hog selling not far front, the dime advance. Bulk of supply went at a spread of ff.$0O?.S0 with top light bringing $8.00. Receipt ourmg, toe . Past weea navo ueen moaer- ate, but trend to Value ha been lowed and current price .how' a loss of '10 150 tor .the week. The decline ha. been much .more, pronounced on light bog , than on Heavies. HOGS - No.Av. -Sh. Pr. , No. Av. . Shi " Pr. 13. .883' 630 ; 15. , .$. . SSI ISO IS iitf..aoi azv o eu 04. .aoo xsv . p bv 83.. 184". UO S 65 ", 60..J1S C SO 311 210 4) 70 65.. 293 . 80 e BS 62.3!4.. 110 ... ( $0 70., 367 7 00 76. .114 40 4 16 41, .283 , 220 79.:.235, 80 32. ,183,.. ss, :. ;,v 7 10 X ii eS..3S0 'J80 ' 1 85 7 40. ISO ..... T SO 7 60 23. .531 7 (9 43;.1SS ' . 7 86 7 "78 S 00 . 24..2JQ. Sheen Tho. week is closing with, ft ud ply of 600 aheep,.and lambs. Prloes paid were quotably ateady.- good fed wooled lamb- eelllng at $8.00 and omo good fed-shorn lamb bringing $7.75. .,- Com pared with ft week ago fat sheep and lamba .how a decline og -SOcO 11.00. Or llnary shot fed lamb and heavy, ewe have- suffered more lose-: than any other class of atock. .. Heavy ewe ar alow sale at S3.00OS.SS, with beat kind quot. ed around $4.00. Feeder trade ha been rather quiet on most day. and I. closing 26O50O lower, with good feeding lambs moving around , $7.85 0 131. Quotations on sheep: Fat ' lamb., ' good to choice, S7.S0O8.00j fair to good, $7.00 07.50, feeder lambs, good tq Choice. $7.00 jpi. !;;, rair to gooa, sg.P'.w; i Iambs, $5.006.00:-fat yearling,. $5,000 6.75; fat ewe. $3.0004.00; feeder ewe., $2.7503.50; breeding ewes, t3.60OS.00; cull ewes, S1.00OS.50. ': ' Trade Review : ' By B, -4. Dna Ci' Th possibility ot a widespread rail road strike was hot Without influence on business thla week,- but caused no - con spicuous disturbance. Belief that n walk out 'would bo averted waa -atrengtheoed aa action toward that end waa taken, and early unsettlement arising -from the threatened trouble was mainly confined -to speculative markets. While requests to expedite snipment. ot gooa unaer order were made In some Instance.- there waa no general anxiety regarding supplies of merchandise,., and forward demand were not appreciably affected. Tho pros pect of lower freight jutes I entering into cacuatlon, 'but .the dlsp.ltlon to defer commitment pending development in this connection is manifested in comparatively few quarters. Despite the existing un certainties and retarding factors, th com mercial revival is making gradual pro gress, and tho slowly rising trend of pro duction continues. In evidence. Reports on manufacturing activity disclose further recovery in different Industries from, ths point of extreme depression, and not all of the point of-extreme depression, and not all of the Improvement result, from the stimulus ot seasonal requirements. Without departure from a conservative policy, various interests now display more inclination . to moderately extend future operations, and the increased number of buyers at leading centers is a feature commented - upon In current t dispatches. Reflecting the changed sappy and de mand conditions in certain lines, the price movement 10 some commodities has undergone reversal, wun yuni ust ui wholesale quotatln thla week again show lag an excess of advances. Resistance to higher price, however, la atlll prac tically general, and offering, ot good at concession are frequently necessary to maintain.. distribution, In retail -channels. Larger September Boil ding. Despite reduction from the August fig ures, th -September building statistic, are encouraging. Aa the season.' advances toward winter, some decrease, in .construc tion activity 1. to be expected, and last month', falling off In permit. Issued at different center is sot arprllg. " When comparison 1 made with th record for September, 110. th.'exhlblt is highly fa vorable. Thus, permit to th vain of little more than $S4.00.004 war granted at 10S cities in th United Btatw daring September of hut year, whereas sin that month of thla ..year th. total exceeded Sl3x.000.000. The value ot tho permits, therefor, waa St.t per cent greater In September, thi year, than In that period of 1S24V' notwithstanding th fact that coat of both tabor and material ar now on a lower plane. ' At paints outside New York City too anere-wa At. p- cent, while at the jntrtopojl ltx wa if J. per cent. - . fc --- --.a .'...,., .-c Nothing T subBBt ft Hurry dVoped in the tree, and steel In tins try a ft rasalt ot thV thrsftlMiint raUread tabor trouble. With few exceptions, cotunranr displayed no -wierr . ov my pile - t -ertatenai. and rush order for nremnt 'delivery have been chiefly conaplruuu by lhir absenee, Tho placing 01 lutur eoniravia, moraovsa. ha not aonreelablf diminished. and strike polbtllt!e hav caused llttl oisturoaac in any quiri.r; -rai 01 m freight rale persist, following laat week' reduction on tren ere, aaeV nn withhold. Ing of (hipping Instruct ion. t noiM in eon.eaueac. From manufacturing standpoint, th allastlon I .further Im proved, steel plant IB in. i-nrsonrgn di.trlet avaraaina- about 40 r.r cent, and th largest produoer In Chicago territory reaching ft omewnai nisner rmim. nm blowing In or severs I Aill!lonal blast rur naeea I also reported. Pittsburgh. Youngs- town snd Buffalo being among the renter at which operation in pig iron ar in crtaaing. . . Quieter Dry Ueods.' - Opposite tendenele appeared In dry good channel, thl week, demand In creasing In aome quarter, and diminish ing la other directions. On the. whole, ths situation wa. quieter, but th. change lacked significance. errorts 10 naaten current shipment. -reflected th. possibility of transportation difficulties, yet the threat of ft .trlk affected textll market. only moderately. With the advancing sea son more buyer hav 00m to the lead ing center, to purchase merchandise for Immediate aeuvery, ana contracting tor ths future ha also brodened ft little. Recorda of production, however, continue irregular, with less satisfactory condi tions reported at silk slant, than at woolen and cotton mlllii. Talk bf further wage reauction in tn nw cngianu manufacturing fiekl hai ubldd, for th present at leaat. sv ' j . . . ..' . - Activity In Bltfi Market. With th. large tole -leather tanner again entering tn. market, sudden actlv ilv developed thla Week In domes! lo. pack er hide. At ft further price .advance of Mo, th. leading buyer, along with Inde- Sendent tanner. - ab. orbed about 86,000 randed descriptions, and the -movement in thl. Quarter had sympathetic In fluence on country hide.. Trading In River Plate frlgorlfloo steers, moreover. ha broadened considerably, with aliabl talc at gradually riling' price.' In leather, on th. otter nana, aeutana no., somewnnti abated, ana th situation in -upper atocK Is particularly irregular.- Both In leather ana xootwear, eonuuiona are -Doner in tha west than In the east, and tho larg est proportion of shoe bualnrss 1 going to thosa manuiacturera wno are am to -re duce cost and price. Th trend la toward lewer-prtcea footwear . 01 an mnas. ana fancy line, ar meeting wan less iavor, Omaha Grain ' -,; Omaha, Oct.. 22. Cash wheat oricer today were not much changed. : Receipts were light but the demand was not atrone. Corn waa unchanged to a halt.--cent lower. White "and mixed . were half a -cent off and- yellow, unchanged. Oata were 4 half to a' cent lower, Rye and barley were unchanged. Ar rivals of all grains were light. . . ' ' WHEAT.' "-" Wn 1 hirdi, 1 car. 11.04 smutty) No S hard: 1 car. S1.0S (dark. : smutty) : i or. li.oi! 1 car. St.00 (smutty): 1 car; S8o (7 .per cam aurumj; s sea yji No'. S hard: 1 ca?J 'jioi (dark, .tniftty) ; t Car, SI. 01 .mutlyVri-car,JOa .(yellow).' NO. nara: car, sto- tysuvw, nimni 1 ear,' Slo yensw). , v :. : : . v fiamnle hard: ! car, SBo (yellow, heavy); 1 Car, 85o (22 per tent rye).' -No. 2 spring: 1 car, $1.18 (dark,: north ern). - - ' - - : j No. 1 mixed: 1 car, Ho (65 per cent spring, 4S. per cent hard)i 1 car, 84c (durum). . ; - No. roixea: x car, .- i .' . - ,CORt4 ',,"'1 ' No. 1 whit: S cmi iie.'-, 7:'r:: No. 2 white: .1 cart86o; 2-5 caxr. SB4o. No. 1 yellow: 4V cars, 86c 2-6 oar, 3?4. No, I yllor-l-car, 8e, -'. , - DAIS. - i "f V. V '; ko. S whit: cars. S7Wc: 3 can, 270 (ahlpp!1 weight).: . Mn a ohttai 1'ear. 27Us" fshlODers' wtlght)! 1 car, 27o 1 car, 37o (shippers', weight). . ; -: - . Sample white: 1 car, 27c ( 21. per cent other grain); 1 can 27o C31 per cent bar ley); 2 cara,- ISHo.. '- - - RIB, ,. - : No. is 1 car, S8c No.- Si 1 oar, S8c; l;ar, -70, A r No. 4: S car,i 6o.. --. ' No. 4: 1 ear. -40b.. .K,,'!. , Rejected: 1 car, 84c- , - - OMAHA RECEIPTS ANl) ''SHIPMENTS ioaay wi,ato ir, n .... 25 ' ' 53" 130 .... 24"5, W. ,1S 33 ..... 13 , '13 30 .1.. t 2' ' 4 Today Wk.Agd- Tr. A(o SO 86 - ' ' 83 ,,.,,'8I ' "' "ff 11 Wheat . . r-A-n . . ro.t. .;v:;;: Rys ........... Barley ......... Shipments- Wheat ......... Corn ........... Oat IS ' . 14 Rye . ; 1 ' !. ' - ... Barley .' 1 . CHICAGO CAR J.Of-RECEIPTS.- Today Wk. Ago Yr. Ago Wheat 5S .. sa 2 Corn .......300 467 -.. 15 0U', .164- IIS 75 Today Wk. Ago Tr. Ago Wheat .rt.,UJ.- iiS 145 Cora l .-: - . . 10 Oats i '8 -i-ii7 . : .-: -. ST. I.OUIS KBt-BirTS..: : : . Today, Wk.-Ago Ir. Ago Wheat ,......-6 . ... H Corn ,,.:t. . ... ., oat .:. si : ..::.. ai P NORTHWE8TERN REGglPTfl OIT . WHEAT. .-'-.- - ' -!' - . ' - Today Wk. Ago Yr. Aro Minneapolis .......356 -, 448 . .. 3,97 DUluth ....-V......-.198 - 260 , . '.10$ Winnipeg ..1.882 .1.860 1,298 PRIMARY RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. Receipt Today - - Yr. Ago .1,293,000 1,633,000 .- 788,000 i 69,00 . 778,000 ; - 703,000 Wheat . . . . Corn, ...... oats - Hhlnmenta- Wheat ....t,Mi.l,8,.;.','81,M0 Corn : 1,300,000 .626.000 Oat 804,000 . .-s.zx.ofo EXPORT Ci.BAKAI4t;tiS. .- Today ; Yr. Ago Wheat 293,000 1,044,000 CHICAGO CLOSING PRICSS. By TTpdlk -Crarn Co. DO. 2427. Oct ". Art. I Open. I High. I Low. I Close. I Yeet Wht-I J Dec' 1.0 1.0S l.OGfa . 1.05H 1.01 - 1.07 ....... . l.Qi 1.0814 May 1-12 1,12 1.1SV 1.10H 1;124 1.12 H 1.10 1.12 Ry. I . i ' I , Dec. 1 .88 . . .834i . .tf .S May .18 .88 HI.. , .89 Corn I I - ' I Dec. . .47 .475, AH ..4SH ' ..46 ' ,47H ..4St Mas' -.61 .62H - .61 .51 ..51 .62 Oata - Dec ' ;13r .11 .12 .22 -.21 .22 H J. May. .37 -:is .27 .27 , .38- -I .375 .17 Pork f -lit I Jan- 15.00 15.0S 16.00 15.00 Lard I . I Oct. I 8 J S.4S f.20 8 40 8 15 Jan. J S.Oi S.OS ' S.0O S.02 S.8S . Rib f- I "I an. -7.7S 1 T.7S 7.7S i 7.7S T.SS Savannah. Oa.. Oct.- lie Tufpentiae Firm: 4c: Bale.' 133 barrel;- receipts. 119 barrels; ahipment. 21 barrels; alock. 814 Barrels. TO., 14.10: B., S4.1O04.4O; L, t4.10fJ-4.46; K., $4.6504.76; SL.; N., $6.20; WO., $1.45; -WW. IS.'- ... . . Omaha Produce Purnl.hed .by State f KSbraA,' d. psriment or agriculture, ura of k.u and marketing t L1VH POITLTRT. ' . Whole) -" Wholesale Buying Pr. Sailing Pr. n roller ....... .$0,17140.18 $0.18918 S3 Hpnng ,M8 .If .1V Ilea., light...... .164) .17' J748 u i er Hi ISO Hens, heavy .... .19 -.11 .) .13 .180 ,11 .148) 44 rock ...... .... Duck Oees 1, Turkey . i)hs3B8t:o PODLTnV." " s rtroller ,...,..... 45 O .14 Spring ...a...,... .240 .35 Hen .let Cock ',.. ...... ' .144 Duck .300 Oeesii .-449 .30 .28 .31 .30 Turkey , .148 .SO .44 EOOH. Select N'o. 1 , 40O .43 .440 .310 5 .: .34 .40 No. S... . .3741 .3 .13 Crack . .259 .30 .370 ,31 BUTTER. Creamery, prt ........... .47 0. Creamery, tub - 440. country, Peat ., ,110 .13 - .140 .14 Country, common .240 .15 . .270 ,38 BinrjiiiAr, station price ... .370 ..... ......... FRUITS. Bananas, lb., Se; oraage,' alio 25 and lareor. S7.6Otr8.O0-. ait 300-tlS. 64.00 0 7.00; else 250-2SS-324. SS.00O7.00; lemons. oox, si.uuvs.uu, grapeiruit.1 erata, ..u fvS.OO: apples. Jonathan. box. extra fancy, $3.36; Jonathan, box, fancy, $3.70 9.ou? jonatnana, oox,. v graae, f i.eoo z.7t: jonatnans. basket. 42.14: uenc ous. extra-fancy. 64.50: O grada. SS.6004.00: Rome beauties, S2.7S; Oano, baaket, S3.36 uruey, extra fancy, box, 44.00; spits, extra fancy, box. $3.50: winter bananaa. M u.jl.ou; grape. Tonay. crate, u.uu: uo. 93.0V: nsars. rt. x. meiier. box, S3.2SS.00: hbl., 67.60;. cranberrte HO-lb. bbl..- Slt.00O17.00; 60-lb. box, $8,001 flga. 34 ckss.. 8 or..- S8.S6OS.40 11 pkgs., i ox.,; tt ox. paga., gs.tu. VEGETABLES. Potatoes. Nebraska Esrly Ohio. No.: 1 per 100 lb.. $1.0003.00; Nebraska Early unio, no. z. per 100 10.; Red River, No. , 1, $2.1503.26; brown beauties, per 100 lbs., $2.50; sweat pota toes. 1 bu.. S1.75OS.00: bbl.. 86.3505.60 celery, Colorado jumbo, do.. 61.16: Mlchl gan, an., eu07tc; laano, rougn, crate, $1.10; Idaho,, trimmed and graded. 61.60: head lettuce, do., 60c; onion, red globe, no. 1. id., auettc: red xonc.iNo. a. in. 44o; Spanish, crate, $2.26; yellow, lb. no; cabbage, lb., 2 03c HIDES. ' . ' ' - Or&. salted. . ahort- balred. . Ka 1. oar 10.. so: snort natrea. rjo. z. ner 10.. so: long haired; No. 1, per lb., 4o; long haired, no. i, per id., so; green, no. i, per id., 4c. hot Hiaes L,arae. eacn. is. so: me. dlum, each, -.11.00;-email, each, 61.64). i-ony ana glues, one-hau price. Sheep pelt. 25065c , . Shearllns-s. 10ifi)20c. - urknl.-.i- ... t-... i ....... . liliuiw). l IUW - HK, Villa W1KUVB uctooer 17. ar aa follows: mo. 1 ribs. 20o: No. 1 ribs. HUc: No. 1 rlba. 13a: No. , 1 loins,. 24c; No. 3 loin. 18e No. 1 loins, 14c; No. 1 rounds, ISo; No. 3 rounds, 13c;. No.' 3 rounds, llo; No. 1 chuck, 0c No. 2 chuck. So; No. 2 chuck, 6c: No. 1 plate, 8c; No. 2 piates, so, no. plates, tc ; :v" . .hay.. . PralrlA' Vn. 1 tanland. lit (10414 Ml- "tin 2 upland, $9.00010-60; No. S upland, $7.60 -o. -i miaiana, fiu.tu9ii.uu: -Ma 2 midland, 68.60 010.00: - No. S midland. 17.00 S. 00; No. 1 -towland, S8.00OS.00; No. 2 lowland, $7.0008.00; alfalfa choice, $17.00&18.00; No. 1 $15.00 01.00;etand. ard. $12.00014.00: No. 1. 14.00.312 no: ilU. ., ...UUIg'V.UU. uat straw, js.uour J.00 ,r , Wheat traw. S7.00Q8.00. . Bank Clearings .',.' Bank clearlnn In tha TTnltaH AIiIm 4-e.i the week ending October 20, reported by telegraph to Bradstreet'a Journal, New JPV1: . aaarefftt $7,851,1S,000 against $5,689,184,000 last :week and $9,260,605,000 In thl wek last year. Canadian clear ing aggregate $277,120,000,- aa againat $267,808,000 last week and $317,662,000 In thl week last year. Following ar the returns for this week and last, with per centages of change shown thl week as compared with tftis week laat year; ' - rw.aft ' in New York ...24.180.200 0(10 13 lta soil nnn Chicago- 678,423,000" i 444,597,000 Phriadelphia . 473,000,000' " 133,000,000 no.ion ....... 664,763,000 ' 246.634.000 Kansas City... St. Louis 140,686,0011 ' 139,700,000' 150,800,000 100,335,000 102,464,0007 82,634,000 80,170,000 100,000,000 66,081,000 68,118,000 64,111,000 48,055,000 40,740,000 . 41,335,000 ' 36,336,000 .12,683,000 -: 87,367,000 86,058,000 . 29,632,000 26,729,000 ' 80,359,000 :' 25,124,000 '' 18,256,000 27,657,000 16,704,000 25,838,000 ' 14,300,000 ' 18,868,000 18,201,000 ' 143,028,000 ' J91l0,000 116,600,000 72,246,000 . 61,098,000 ' t, 977,000 78,171,000 71,869,000 46,168,000 . 42,634,000 68,883,000 44,820,000 34,786,000 31,562,000 26,814,000 :t 30,743,000 34,632,000 28,138.000 , 22,106,000 , 22,381,000 0,824,000 . 25.701,000 . 17,466,000 27,874,000 16,678,000 "19,838,000 '11,363,000 ; 14.643,000 -- 18,180,000 12,319,000 ' .-9,819.000 San Francisco Cleveland .... Detroit ....... Baltimore '. ,,, Minneapolis . . Los Antreies. . Cincinnati ... New Orleans.. Atlanta Richmond . . . Omaha , Buffalo Seattle Denver ...... Portland, Ore Dallas ....... Milwaukee .. . Louisville . ,., Houston V. .... Memphla .... Nashville .... Oklahoma . . . St. Paul Birmingham' . Fort Worth '.. Indianapolis . Wash. D. C... salt Lake City St. Joseph . . , Toledo ....... 14.786,000 10,109,000 11,699,000 Columbus .... 1 14,459,000 ... VU,488.000 4 11,810,000 .7 : 11,721,000 wicnua ....... Providence . . Tulsa ........ ': 14,427,000 10,650,000 .. 6.484.000 ,.4.- 6.997.000 8pokane Des Moines Rochester .... Akron ...,.. Oakland Hartford Norfolk -t 13,111,000 10,842,000 . S,B90,UOU , 8,670,000., - 8.091.000 3,162,0,00 6,631,00 - 8.107,000 - 7,214,000 , . 7,689,000 . 5,801,000 7.764,000 ,,S98.O0O 12,518,000 8,694,000 7,610,000, ' 6,289,000 - 8,090,000 Sioux City ... Qalveston ..... TotM.TJ-S.; 7,351,15,000 Mt(illt,0 '' St; lVonia 4Jtmti.Y:;..'rT.'-i.:r: St.- Loul. -.Oet. -22.WYmatw-TmiTnHM.r $1.05 asked; May, $1.09. - Corn December. - 44U A4144A-. i.v... May, 6Qc asked.- , Oats December, 32c; May,. ItUo asked. - ' M FEDERAL LANDBANK; . FIVE PER CENT BONDSj ' : Du May 194i f C Optional May 1, 1931 ; ' - Exempt Irom Federal, State, .' Manicipal and Local . - Taxation - - - - ). . , Price 100 and Interest Yielding 5 Per Cent . '.. : Circular en Request. ' : Call or Addra. . - i- " FEDERAL LAND BANK - Oxaaha, Nebraska "-. 120S W, O. W. Building Bonds and Notes' Appx. Rid A'hed.Tlil Am. Aa. Ch. fU. lilt Stu. 66 S . Am. T. T. Co. .. l:S 88 89 Am. T. T. Co. fs, 124 84 81 Anaconda 7s, I62S .... 81 61 1 Armoor 7. ill 88 o Belgian Oovt. . 1841. ..100 loot, llelgian Oovt. fa, 1846.110 lot II. in. Steel 7s. 1111...,. 81 84 Ilrlll.h 1, 1831 84 61 Hrltlsh 6, I82S 81 OS Can North'n 6, 1644. .101 101 C a A Q. Jt. 1 16)S.13 I0J Chll 1. 1841 64 6t 6 SI 6.41 4 41 T.60 7 41 7 41 6.65 14 4V40 D.nmsrk fa, l4a,...,.10i let SUtS Sana 71AI Du Pont T. 1611 ..... 88 66 X44 French Oovt. T. 1841.. 81 83 ill H. K. Ooodrlrh 7s. I83S. 64 86 14.43 (loodyear Tiro 8. 1841. .103 04 T.60 (ireat Northern 7a, 1816.101 103 6.60 Jap. Oovt. 1st 4S. 1831 64,., t4. Jap. Oovt. 4s. 1811'.... 68 6 , 600 Norway is, 1840 ., 104 iuo N. B. Tel. Co. 7. 1641. .104 104 - 615 N. Y. Central 7. 1610-.. .161 101- 6.44 1'enn. R. H. Co. . 130.10 1041, -4x12 I'enn. Ry. Co. . 1836.101 lmu 6115 8. B. Tel. Co. 7s. 1626... Sh 68 '77 Swift 4 CO. 7s, 1626 88 84 743 Swift Co. 7s. 1831 84 100 7.00 Swim Oovt. 8s, 1640 106 7.11 11. & Rubber 7s, 1130, .100 101 7.6.1 Vacuum Oil 7s, 1916 .11 101 - 4.117 West'n Union 0s,-lJ4.l0! .101. . J(- THE KRIEBEL SYSTEMATIC SAVING PLAN Th KriebeJ Plan will do two Unpot tant thing tor yon right oowi ' 0 ltwineaablyetstalMda4ag " of bargaia o th neck auu-sst, aa . (2) It win shew re a sew mad settsr -way IsBsessadloTMt. ,. ... t. It Unt margin tradinai It isn't a get rich -quick scheme, but a sound, practical method of investing for permanent profit" that put your money to work each month , ' and bring result" that we believe can not be secured in any other way. "Getting Ahead" la a gripping story ' that teUs ail about it Aak for a FREE ' copy today. KRIEBEL & CO. lnvttmml 5ctrrifiM -, 117 Saata la Salt. It, Wsags) 7 batuCHr lCaol Mratsaw IstksM. CWeat letrtH Ckla4 feUti CWmmII AlrNG Auto Accident Facts: Accidents : cdst Ameiicat:$2i500,(M)0j()a . a ' Fifty-four-auto'sniashtips-o a , twenty-four-hour day ' Z :.";-: v. 75 of them happen at a speed " under fifteen 'miles per hour ;v ""';.' f Every 108r mkutes etpmep killed " by-, an auto smashu'p.'?'.;;;:; : ')S-th' :r ' ' - Carefulness on your part will work, wonders in ; eliminating the auto' accident hazard, but to be absolutely safe1-" j ; ; ; -: . , . ; Accident and Health Insurance .r .1 '4--.: ' .rays ine 640 Firt Nat'i Bank Bldsj. Infurance--Suraty Bond 1 . : The Updike Grain Company Overating larf a, up-to-dato Terminal Elerator in tho Oman Market, i in a position' to;' handle jour ahipmemta in th) bait possible) manner il ..'cleaning, trantferrinf, atofing, etc MEMBERS Chicago Board of Trade ' Milwaukee Chamber of Com, mere t Minneapolis Chamber- of. -'. Commarc OFFICES OMAHA, NEB. LINCOLN. NEB. HASTINGS, NEB, CHICAGO,' ILL. SIOUX CITY, IA. - - Kansas . All ef these office, except Kanaa .City and Mil- - ... waukee, are connected with each other by prlvat wire. -. f:-y ' '. :.."".' -.vl'' "'.'. '-' It will pay you to wet in toach with one of our offlecl . when wanting to BUY or SELL any kind of grain. , t . . - ' . .- : -. - . "Wav Solicit .Your . . CONSIGNMENTS. OF ALL KINDS OF GRAIN ' to Omaha, Chic go, Milwaukee, - Kaatae . City nd -Sious City - Every Car - Receirea Careful Personal Attention. . ' . - - v - - j - - . , . I The Up dike Grain Company , ".' tm (Uliabl Cosudgnment HoM . I New Yrk a gar. New York, . Oct. 11. us ar fute rl.d leadyi approxlmat sale, 1,460 intisi l"imwr, j. see; January, nw March. 1 lint Mir. S 47e. New York, Oct. St. The raw sugar market wa tar na unenangea to day, - N als .war reported. Cuba war aueirll at 4.l for eenuifugal, with Only-free sugar. 4.4c, The raw auger future market era HEATH TassietIiI And Tuay Eraning IWHS5111 8:30 p. m. , TED SHAWN AMERICAN MAN DANCER . .1 Alsti By Louis Hon t, .Concert Pianist, and Matba Grahaan, Btty May and Dorothea Bowon,. Solo Dancora In Tw Spewlal Concert Engagements. Rellglou. Pictorial, Romantic mad Dra matic Dance. Tkheta, SOc, tlM, 61 M 1 and 2.00. Wednesday and Thurs- day, OcU 26-27 MATINEE THURSDAY Direct Irom Chicago Triumph at Cort TheUr Sun r1. -Mma rnMdt Grant Mitchell "The Champion" The Comedy, that tickled New1 York'ts funny bone all - .-ulait sveaaon. Priceti Night, BOc, $1.00. $130, $2.00, $2JK)l Bargaia Matin, Thursday, Baet Seata, $1 JO. EMPRESS TWO SHOWS IN ONE Cameo aivuc. prmtig tunit. See Dines; 0UN CAMIR0N8. I. "Like Ftthsr. Like Sss:" BILLY ALOHA A filRLIE, Prs. H.tlni "Sweet Hawaii. SteleSIn:" INFIELD A aoalrr. la "Th. aof Beetlt." Phtely Attraotle. "BEYOND ' PRICE," ' FMtfrlag Pearl Whit. "i . r' ,ium rpsi : i ATlantic 0360 tnrettrnanr Securiti :" . St. Laui. - Merchant Ea "--' chaag -, Kanta City Board of Trade Sious City Board of Trato Omaha-Grain Ezchanf AT . - HOLDREGE, NEB. , GENEVA, NEB. DES MOINES, I A. MILWAUKEE, WIS." HAMBURG, I A. ea.ler and eloalng price w.r 1 to point n.t lower under aelllng br comml Ion houBM. lleeeinber, S.4Sf In refined ther were ho rhingee la quotation and kualneee was .1 talr pro port Ions with tin arenulated listed at .MtJS.lO.. ' Unr4 Oil. Dnluttt, Winn., Oct. 12. Llnfeed Oa track. SUSUj. . . BrlMlaat Muilcal Brniesk Twice Daily wk Mat Today 811 PertriiM FH4a Wit. HERE AT LA$Tt DAVE MARION'S OWN COMPANY with . Emil (Jazz) Caiper ad "W1U H. Ward . "The lUnd"onrnpoiibIew, '- A Twe-Act Mualcal Revu in . : Ten Scene THE FAMOUS DAVE MARION . ' BEAUTY CHORUS NOT I RIOUCEO PRICES GOOD Stl'V'B 9af OTHER. SEAT Wilt- AT 26. ANY NITI WTt 76 II Lae-lM Tl.aete. IS a SO Em West Oar Batr carriat uints m in wne CWICVUX .TMcaSt.tH vAUoaviuc Mat. Dally, 2ilS; Every Nlfht, til JOSEPH E. HOWARD A CO. I EO. JANIS & CO; GIBSON A CONNELLIi NAT NAUARRO a CO.; Swer Broi.; Freak rtrrs; CIH N. isrre A Darllat Sltter.i A.iop'. Fable.; Toalci at th Day: Path New. Mat.., IS t SOe; MM 76 SI.N. Sat. S mm. Nleht. 160 t 81.08; nm SI.2B aat, A . "IT'S GOLDWYN WEEK" LETS GO! Right Now . To See KATHARINE NEWLIN BURTS , mi mm Featuring HOUSE PETERS SQDGfl ' - - Time Is Limited. , Engagement May Close Tomorrow "., SOGO NOW - ' . TO SEE Now and All Weak WALLACE REID IN "The HelldiRers" "PROXIES" 200 SEATS AT 15e EMPRESS RUSTIC GARDEN DANCING Carl Lamps Orchestra rasa Cl!-w TJE WOriDEtl PIGTUI1E D)