3 THE BEE: OMAHA. MONDAY. OCTOBER 24. 1921. Y Classified Atfvertisini lite per II trawat wr4 IM I day par una par air, i fenstcutlt It r lira tar day. T oonMeuil. o II Bar itna oar day. I a.Meultv. ala N ad lak.a for laaa I ha a a total at isa. 1 haa raio apply iiar I lh Deny ar bumla Ilea All dvrtl.nient appear In twin running and vamg dally paper twr n en rnir... CONTRAiT RATES ON APPLICATION WBt gd accepted lb following of. fleas; MAIM nrriCB... ,1'lb F.m.m Its. Sul. 4li. foul Sth M. Council muffs i been at. want ads receivlo by phon atlantic 1040 TUB KCB vlll But b raapanilbl fof flior than on Incorrect Insertion ar a 4vrtiuiHl ord.red for mar Ibaa as time, clobinci hours ron want am. Evening Kdltloa 11:41 A. II. turning Kditioa...,,. 9 .4 p, 44, ,. ,,li'"""'.'.'V H. Mm Balurd. DEATH & FUNERAL NOTICES. FI'I.TON John, m4 o at l.nicoliiii ..tr..ka, Fihlsy. lh loli.r :i. 131. ai 37 yaara, lr. Pultun la surviv.d by four itr- Mlaa Itnlilna J, Pulton. Mies Mabel Fulton ef ciinahi, Mr. U.nrge '. iieilwnit of Portland, era., and Mr. ii.rnui wetiu or Oregon city, or. Kun.rsl service will b bald Monday, October II. 121. t S p. in., (rain I'rnaiiy-Moor Funeral Home, 31th and win eta. interment Forest Laws cam tary. CEMETERIES. FOREST LAWN CEMETERY. An tdaat location Jual north of ally limit and weal of Florence wilt) mllaa or msradam pavement 130 en. Per petual car. Not operated for profit. oflc 4:'d and No. City Limit. City ornr. no Hrandel Thaatar. FUNERAL' DIRECTORS. F. J. STACK & CO., , Successor to ' Stack A- Flronr OMAHA'S IIKKT. Tlino w A M B U L A N CEff tlS J Thirty-third and rarnam. Hulse & Riepen riONEKR FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Formerly at 7ul 8. 141b St.. bav moved to 8524 Cuming St. Ja. 1336. HEAFEY & HEAFEY Undertaker and Embalmera. Phon 11 A. if,!,. Office 3611 Farnam. F'.ORISTS. LEE LARMONVDor. la. 4344 BAY IT VVjTH FLOWERS FROM HESS At SWOBODA. 141 S FARNAM STREET. JOHN BATH, 1804 Farnam. Jackson 1404. 1.. Henderson. 1507 Farnam. Jackon 1161. LOST, FOUND AND REWARD! VOH ARTICLES LOST on street car tele phone Tyler 800. W ar. anxious to re- lor loat article to rightful owner. OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS ST. RT. COMPANY LOST Lady diamond ring Saturday night, L'6th Cumin. Liberal roward. Atlantic 1900. . LOHT 8t. Bernard, light brown, female, Howard. Wal. 0S4. PERSONALS. TUB SALVATION Army Industrial bom aollclt - your ' old clothing, (urnltur. magazines, wo conoct w distribute. Phon Douglas 413. nd . our wagon will call. Call and Inapoct our nw home, 1110-1112-1114 Dodg. St. FOR HALE THE LOVE OF A HOME . LESS WAIF. PRICE REASONABLE. , WRITE BOX X-61, Omaha B.e. HATTIE Putman. Nubon Coraet Shop. 50J Karbach. Block. AT. 3843 ELECTRIC bath, massage. 318 Neville RENT HOOVER vacuum. II up Har,. 1071, EXPERT MASSAGE. DOUGLAS 9549. ELECTRIC batha, Swed. mass. WE 2911. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Accordcon Pleating. ACCORDION, aide, knife, aunburat. bar pleating, covered button, all alma and ' (it y lea; hemstitching, plcot edging. eye- let cut work. ' buttonbolea pennant. , Ideal Button and Pleating Co, SOS Prown Blk. Jackaon 19SS. NKB. Pleating A Button Co.. 1S06 Farnam .St.. 2d floor. Douglaa 6670. Contractors-Painting. BRICK plasterer and cement, new and repair work. J. Nau. Walnut 4641. Dancing Academies. (YTT.TP'Q ba" room and fancy dano J-VAJJU-lr " !ng for children. Sura method, quick reaults. Do. 8440. 181S Far nam. Dancing Tues., Thura,. Sat., Sun. . TTol "Pitiq Learn- to . Dane for S3. J-VCl-r Ul" School for Dancing. . 31424 Farnam. Douglaa TSS. LEARN TO DANCE RIGHT Mildred Maxlna teachea all Branch ' dancln. Rtndlo Leflang Bldg. DO. 476S. TVT A 1 air Stage, fancy, classic, ballroom. IVilUltJ.V ,7W nodga St AT. 1884. Dentists. DENTISTRY All kinds of dental work done at the new Infirmary of the Crelghton University College of Den tistry. Children' teeth straightened. Fees moderate.. Extraction free. New location 6th and , -California. Take Harney or Crosstown or Cuming atret car. Atlantis 2646. ; Detective. RELIABLE Retectiv Bureau. Railway Ex. Bldg.. JA. 2046. Night. KEN. S813. ludeoendent Detective Bureau, 804 Neville Blk Atl. BS01; night. Wal. 4066: K. 04(5. JAMES ALLAN. 313 Neville Blk. Evidence aecured In all case Atlyitlo 113S. Dressmaking. Ft'RS. suits, dresses remodeled. H. 6S04. rellned. ' 1 Kodak Finishing. FILMS developed; printing and enlarging. Writ, for price. Th Ensign Co 1407 Howard St. ENLARGEMENTS, oil coloring, developing, printing. Kase Studio. 213 Neville Blk. Patent Attorneys. PATENT ATTORNEYS J. W MARTIN, patent atty.. 17H Dodaa. Milcellaneous Announcements. DIAMONDS pli. p;f,h VmSSH to buy back at mall profit. GROSS JEWELRY CO.. 403 N. 16th St. Doug las S049. RAZOR BLADES aharpened. 81ngle, 35c: double edge. 45o . doa, .Mail order so , llclted. Omaha Sbarp Co., 103 N. lth. OJIAHA Pillow Co., feathers renovated and made up In new ticking. 1907 Cuming, Jackson- B4C7; ROGERS Confectionary Star. 24th and Farnam St. Jackson 9137. Fl'lX dresa and tuxedos for rent John Feldman. 10 N.'lSth St. Jackson 3t33. NEW and rebuilt' electrical apparatus; LeBron Electric 318 8. 13th St.. Omaha. OPEN-AIR 6943. laundry. Guaranteed. Har. NOT too late to build those concrete steps. Dickson 2794. BRITT Printing Co. 7 Elks Bldg. FOR SALE. Furniture and Household Goods. OAK dining room suit consisting of round extension table, six chair, with leather backs and seats, serving table; also rocking chair and two oil heaters, nearly new. Edward Updike. 3612 Far Bam St.. Omaha. Neb. ELECTRIC washing machine, used as a demonstrator; good as new; leas than - half price; can be seen at Omaha Van Storace Co.. 14th and Leavenworth, DO. 4141 or Phone Heggblade 4 Co., DO. S731. Sunday HA. 1050. , SOLID walnut dresser. Call WE 369.1. Pianos and Musical Instruments. FOR REAL phonograph bargain, three new standard 10-inch records, 31.0. See th B I ALTO MUSIC SHOP 1414 POfOLAS 6TREET. QEO. A. SMITH Dealer In druirs.xylo pbnnes. etc; lnstructlona, rnatrlnjr; 3761 Davenport St. Phone Harnv 2947. tlOLINS. boars. eUlnse and repairing at lew eel trtee. Matthews' studio. M Doerla Blk.. op p. Hsydena AT. sot. TRADE your need piano on a new player piano. Balance as low ss 314 "0 per month. A. Heap Co.. HI J Douglaa. JOHN TAJF saxopbon abep. repairing and supplies. 04 LcflansBIdg. D. 3474. BRINGING UP I WOULOHT OrrtNO MAtE OX NOT EVTIN MELR BOT I'VE ;OT rVr.TCR! MY FOR SALE. Clothing and Furs. FURS! FURS! Wa ar offering torn vary apacln bargain la owl a. wrapa, rapes, cAatam, amies and cboker that ar worm in vstiatlng CHAS. J. GOLDSTEIN FIR CO.. Hth and Douglas, ov.r Fry' Hho. Shop, Telapbon Jarkaon 1131. Out of loan patron, write us your want. FOR aala, a law unolatmed. all-wool "Duo da' suit., cheap, alterations free. DUNDF.R WOOLEN MILLS, Northwest Cor., Ittn and Harney Sta. A VERY handanni aeal eoat. full lanath wnn extra large haav.r poller and cuff., st a great bargain. 3021 Davan port St. FUKB remodeled, rellned end vleanad, KNKETKR ALASKA Full CO.. J0I fl. Hth Be. Pnu.l.a 7JKS Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING MACHINES. All MAKES bought. old. rented and - repaired. Sol limit for tha CORONA. Oet our price befor you buy. Every macbla guaranteed. Central Typewriter Exc Jackaon 4130. 1S11 Farnam. WE buy, l fe. make deak. bow ca.ea. te. Oman Fixture 4k Supply Co. a W. Cor. tub and Douglaa. JA. 1734. Miscellaneous Articles. SEWING MACHINES W rent, repair.' tell needle and parts. MIUKEL'S 15th end Harney. ' ' Douglaa H73. WANTED TO BUY. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used deska bought, sold and traded. J. C Reed. 1207. Farnam. D. 4148 HELP WANTED MALE. Stores and Offices. CIVIL service examinations, Omaha, No- vemoer. rosition 41, 400-41, oo. Age, 18 upward. Experience unnecessary. For free particulars, instruction, . write J. Leonard (former civil service ex aminer), 303 Equitable Bldg.,' Washing ton, D. C. Professions and Trades. WANTED Locomotive engineers, loco motive firemen, conductors, brakemen, train baggagemen, yard foremen, yard switchmen and' hostlers, 'To take th place of men who left th service of th Missouri Pacific Railway company on account of order to strike t a. m., October 30, ' 1331. , Apply Monday, Oc tober !4. and until further notice to IV, North Eighth street, St. Louis, Mo.; 22 East Seventh street, Kansas . City, Mo.; '319 South Eleventh street, Oma ha', Neb.; 201 West Markham street, Little Rock, Ark.'; 105 North Union Ave., Pueblo, Colo., or to th office of any division superintendent or master mechanic ' . CASHIER with clerical exp.. wants posi tion in name or nospital ss P. B. X. operator. Box L-84. Omaha Bee. YOUNG men. who. can either sine, or play some kind of musical Instrument to travel. Write Lock Box 813, City. WANTED A paperhanger and painter. litis turning. uougiae 87.3. u. L Wiemer. t , ' ' - - FIREMEN, Brakemen, beginners S15Q. later $250 monthly. Write Railway, Box Y.1S94, Omaha Bee. WANTED Brick layers. LeMars, la., Riesche A Sanborn. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE!!. 119 & 14to. Wrtt for, catalog. Salesmen and Solicitors. SALESMAN To cover Kansas and Ne braska, experienced In general mer chandise wanted by on of the leading concern In the country. Excellent op portunity. Commission basis. New York Merchandise Co., 119 ; Fifth Avenue, New York. OVERALL business- booming., Oet fast selling, big commission, repeat-order side lln. Sell all general stores. Write today. Cincinnati Overall Mfg. Co.. (14) Cincinnati, Ohio. OPPORTUNITY for young man with banking exp. to get into the selling game. W. R. Stemm, 431 Paxton Bldg. WANTED Experienced house to house salesman. Exceptional "proposition. Call AT. 4200. Apt 611. Mr. Wash.. . TWO good salesmen, sell toilet goods on commission ; . Iowa or Nebraska. Box L-60, Omaha Bee. ' EXPERIENCED salesman to call on re . tail grocery trade.- Call Mr. Brando, Atlantic 6934, before or after 6. - IF YOU are a real salesman and know It. call Atlantic 2940. - Miscellaneous. ANY INTELLIGENT PERSON, either ex, . may earn 3100 to S30 monthly corres ponding for newspapers; 36 to. 315 per column; all or spare time; experience unnecessary; no canvassing. Send tor particulars. National Press Bureau, Buffalo. N. T.- WANTED Young man for nurses' train ing corps; board, room, laundry and salary. Addreaa Box 1619, Lincoln. Neb. , RELIABLE young man with car to drive me in city. Give charge by day or week. Box L-tl, Omaha Be. WANTED Old man to take car of fur nace; furnished room In return. Barney 4887. 1308 So. 28th St. HELP WANTED FEMALE, Store and Offices. CIVIL service examinations. Omaba. November. Positions 31.404-11.408. Ar? 18 upward. Experience unnecessary. For free particulars. Instruction, write J. Leonard (former civil service ex aminer), 909 Equitable Bldg., Washing ton. D. C. . EXP. Multigraph operator take char, of office and handle city business. Must be competent. Box L-71, Omaba Bee. y FATHER WANT TO OI - 5CUT TO LOOK HEALTH ' FREE-in The Bee Help Wanted Ads To help relieve the Omaha unem )loyment situation, The Bee will pub ish, not to exceed seven days, all lelp and situation wanted classified advertisements. . ' : They must be confined to 18 words, originate in greater; Omaha, Coun cil Bluffs, and be taken to the office. The Omaha Bee WANTED SITUATIONS. Male. AT LIBERTY Motion picture operator. non-union, inarrieo, competent and re liable, desires position in theater In town of 3,000 or better; salary, your umii; rererencea ir aesireu. Address uox y-1701. Omaha Bee. . WANTED Young men who are willing to atari at tne oottom ana work up. Part or full time. See Hartley, Na tional Detective Agency, Inc., 19th and uougias, umana, neb. MARRIED man, 24, 3 yeara bookkeeping. aienograpnio experience. i.ast position assistant to salesmanager. . Box L-it umana Bee WANTED Position by young married . .....a. fiui.i uni h. aisTEuir ufieraior, any permanent Job. ' D. 4909; ask for Leonard. BY ex-servlcs man, 24. Stesdy worker. Have bad electrical experience. Refer ences. Will take anything. L-73. Oma ha Bee. WANTED Steady poaitlon as painter. encea; state salary. Box L-S3, Omaha EXPERT accountant will be at liberty Jov. i, yra. exp. In accounting, Bee, . credits, collections,.' Box L-79, Omaha YOUNO married man, high school and tscnntcai education, wants Job, will take anything. Box L-68, Omaha Bee. CAPABLE young man . wants clerical work; knowledge' of bookkeeping. -Can give reference. Box X-73. Omaha Be. 12 YEARS' general office experience, of- nee mrg., nooKKeeper.. cashier, iz, mar ried; references. Box L-74, Omaha Be. YOUNG married, man, telegrapher, can do any kind , office work, experienced grocery clerk. Box-X-89, Omaha Bee. REGISTERED druggist deal re position in or near umana. uooa recommendations 10 yeara exp. Box L-72. Omaha Bee. MAN with. assembling exp. and 4 month auto acnool wanta vork by mechanic or garage. J. Benett, 601 S. 13th St. YOUNO man, 20, helper to mechanic or any kind garage. work; value experi ence more than salary. Doug. S291. BUSINESS college aiyl university- grad uate wants clerical position. Think it over, then call me up. Harney 7019. STENOGRAPHER rCreighton law. night stuaent, some experience, desires a posi tion as stenographer. Walnut 0991. EXPERIENCED auto mechanic; married; will take anything steady; bandy with tools. What have you? AT. 6989. POSITION In traffic department. . gen. clerk, 12 yrs. experience In railroad cler. teal work. Bx. L-66, Omaha Bee., TWO experienced restaurant men want work out of town as first or second cook and waiter. Jackson 2722. POSITION wanted by, licensed engineer. Can do steamflttlng and macblns re pairing. Box L-46, Omaha B.e. .' EX-NAVY man, 24 years, desires position aa electrical salesman, can show refer ences. Box L-67, Omaha Bee. SITUATION WANTED By young man ex perlenced chauffeur. Good reference. Call Red 1956, Council Bluffs. WANTED Job aa-salesman or clerk. Have had experience." Can give good refer ence. Box L-69, Omaha Bee. YOUNG man wanta position of any kind; experienced in clerical .and mechanical ' lines. Box X-141 Omaha Bee. EXPERIENCED bindery paper stock cutter and paper stock man; moderate wage. Box L-73 Omaha Bee. WE deliver trunk anywhere for- 60c -to 76c' Moving S3 per nr. 34th and Leav enworth. Atlantic S9gS. WANTED Clerical poaltion by young mar Tied man. Have had six years of clerical experience. Wal. 13S3. WANTED Position Inside by an overseas soldier wbo is aupportlng mother. Bet reference. WA. 1562. WANTED Steady employment by mar ried man willing to do anything. - Ad dress 2714 Shirley St. WANTED A position as aalnman; can ell anything; A-l references. Box L-61, Omaha Bee.- YOUNO fellow of 26 wanta any Kind of work; head of atcck room jjr.fored. Box X-87, Be. EXPERIENCED cylinder feeder or all lines around shop; good - references.- I 66, Omaha Bee. EXPERIENCED wants position. 611, Mr. Wash. non-union- carpenter Call AT. 4200, Apt MAN experienced in all kinds of work desires position at once. Very capable. . Atlantic 4069. - MAN wants to. carry mail ..for company. Box L-68, Omaha Bee. UNREGISTERED drug clerk: 10 year' experience. Box L-85, Omaba Bee. OOOD MAN wants work. Will do work of any kind. 150S 11th Ave., Co. Bluffs. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Storei and Offices. OIRL over is year of age to .newer . phone, smsll salary to start - Box It 100. Omaha Bee. Suleswomen and Solicitors. WANTED Saleslady.- One who speak Italian or Bohemian. Good money. Call AT. 4309, Apt til. Mr. Wash. WANTED Experienced saleslady. Call AT. 4304, Apt. HI. Mr. Waab, - WANTED Experienced colored saleslady. Call AT. 4!0. Apt. 111. Mr. Wash. Household and Detriestic. EXPERIENCED woman for ' general housework; permanent position If sat isfactory! good wage. Harney 4414. aire. Ralph Klewltt. A GIRL for general housework. Refer ences. Mra. E. P. Smith. 490 California. WHITE laundress, experienced with elec tric machine, - Webster (033. v. . rtt ot JUffUir4 MX. OiO rou ! EAT ALUTHObC fV l'OICUTb J flXii J I OtO'ME 1 II ft W tjfl U ,and: . WANTED SITUATIONS. Male. COLORED Tuskegee Inst, graduate alec. trictan wishes work .on trade. Webster .il. EXPERIENCED hardware man want po sition as ssieaman or anytning. Retail, wnoiessis or on road, uouglas 4397, RI.nKRf.Y m.n w.nl. ' ' board, small wages; experienced; A-i iviwrvui-. aoi A.-fo, umana isee. WANTED Situation aa ass't mechanlo or service man. Call Atlantlo 4300, Apt. 611. O. J. Nolte. RELIABLE man, S3, wants work of any . kind: Interview appreciated. Box L 64, umana isee. EXPERIENCED hardware clerk wants position. Can giv good reference. Call Atlantlo 1325. MARRIED man with family wanta poal tion a chauffeur or other work. Web. 3640. COLORED boy wanta Job Ss porter or buss boy." Phone Webster 0603. Archie watt. WANTED Job a fireman or . janitor, married. Middle age. Call Mar. 1332. MAN desires position a carpenter; firat- class nnisner. Box L-44, Omaha Bee. EX-SERVICE man. drive any car. Clean . waji paper: anything. Atlantlo 0473. YOUNO man. 21. wanta position aa time- Keeper or enaurreur, wal. 4164. EXPERIENCED, houseman or porter de- nirea , position. weostcr 9UU4. WALLPAPER cleaning. 76c to S1.60 per room, i rnone , jacaeon na. COLORED man want Job a Janitor, Web. van.. . - 4 Femala STENOGRAPHER 23, high school grad- wvv, v.t., to iu.i,iiNi. oiimi noma Willi parents. Two yeara' Inauranc experience.- Bos X-74.- Omaha Bee. EXPERIENCED seamstresses want ladies' cviiiB. uua.iv or- -ureases, prices rea sonable. Your satisfaction Is bur aim. Douglas 4313. " EXP. Steno. and typist desires position of rvspon.iDiiuy, wnere accuracy, judgment and Initiative are appreciated. Box L-67, Omaha Bee; . . . WANTED Position aa teacher in private Omaha Bee. YOUNO lady with 5 years clerical and a monins scenogra-pner experience wtsnes office work. Oood references. MA. 2481. STENO and Bkkpr. Three years Insurance. experience, ana . general onice work. Webster 6674. , EXP. young woman will take care of rooming nouee tor rooms and small wages. Good references. Call At. 506!. STENOGRAPHER,, by lady, 20, with two year experience in rwnoiesaie aistrict. Can give reference. Call Doug. 6204. LADY, feflned - American, wanta position as .nousexeeper, wnere she will have mi, om u-ii, irniana Bee WANTED General . housework, five or m. kcdb, a . lo O o ClOCK. XSOX i.-so, umana ee. PRACTICAL nurse having 10 yr. exp. .-..w EUBa.iiu.ui, iu giv exceiiens rfufereneaa Vf . p. DAY WORK wanted. Experienced white -woman. - rteierences. i weosrer 594Z. Call after p. m.- EXP. young lady wishes to carb for chll- oren oy aay or nr. 20o per hr., good ref. At. 6042. POSITION on farm as housekeeper by mi wm son . is years old. . oua a'b", isee. CLERICAL, stenographic or circular mall- ... w uuiuv. . avx. , umana Bee. PRACTICAL nurse wishes esses; have reference. Phone Webster 2160 YOUNG woman wants few hours work day. DO. 6297. Laundry and Day Work. LAUNDRY work, and cleaning wanted by flrat-cla laundress; references. Web ster 2973. ' . - FIRST-CLASS laundering, all kinds. Telephone Web ; 0326. Residence -2613 Lake -St. - , COLORED lady. wanta day work of any 'Ca,, furnish references. Wb. 6443. , - - - . t COLORED woman wanta day work; laun- "'r cleaning, leiepnone Web. 4711, COLORED lady - want day work. Can give city references. Web. 6431. WET wash, rough dry, finished bundles. - uianneta. weostST 4283. LAUNDRY work with reference. WE 4004. DAY work wanted. Webster 0803 Miscellaneous. GOING to - Colorado oon. Would take Charge of Invalid or child for part far. Box X-81, Omaha Bee. HELP WANTED FEMALE. .' Miscellaneous. HOUSEKEEPER wanted by young man .on a farm. Mention wage wanted: also female , corn picker wanted. Address ' Box T-1700, Omaha Bee. SOMETHING new. needed by vry lady. Big commissions. Investigate. Call 13 to 1. 339 Leflang Bldg.. 16th and Cap itol. - . HELP WANTED. Mala and Female, WANTED Men, ladle and boy to tear , barbae trad.; big demand: wag while Juarnlng; atrfctly modern. Call or writ 1443 Dedg St Trl-Clty Barber Col leg. EDUCATIONAL. - Van Bant Scaool ef Bualnen. Day end .Kvn1g Schools, :4 Oau.be Nation! Bank Bid. Douglaa 689. i SCC JIGCS AND MACCIC IN fVLL PACl Of COLORS IN THC SUNDAY HE bV. tjOMC ONE THREW THCt)E . OUT OF A, WINDOW FROM THIt) EDUCATIONAL. DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL. Compl.t course In accountancy, ma. bin bookkeaolns. eomotoroetry. abort' band and typewriting, railroad and w Ira laaa telagrapby. civil rvle and all urg uiuatraieo catalog. Aoara BOTLES COLLEO. Havlaa Bids'.. Omaba. Nab. English and commercial brancbe. Writ, call or pbon Jackaon 1441 for BUSINESS CHANCES. START a mall order business; b Ind pendant; ix best sall.rsi all new; manu ' factuiing and ssllng plan for allvsr. J. O. H-ooton, Rawleaburg, W. Va. FOR HALE Two good m.at marketa lo cated to mile, from Omaha. Oood bull- n.a. Addreaa Bos Y-1703. Omuha He. WANT to b.ar from own.r navlng bu.l nee for aala. J. C McConney, T.r mlnal Bldg., Omaha, Neb. FOR RENT-ROOMS. Furnisncd Rooms. UET YOUR ROOM through Th Be furnl.hed room dt rectory. Call at office (or ll.t of ebole desirable room In all carta or th city. A aervlc that benefit both advertiser and room aeeker. TWO furnlehed room with board if d. aired; alao garage; In north part of city. Kenwood 3059. CHARLES St., 8876; clean, pleaaant room. ooara ir aeairea, nom privilege. DOUGLAS 4949-a.Furnlehed rooms In prl vat famuv, izio Bo. ittn at. HA 0504 Two turn.- rooms, all modern, private home, stesm heat. MODERN warm rooma, Webster 2416. Housekeeping Rooma. THE GUIDE TO th better housekeeping room I the directory furnished to advertiser and room hunter. Call at Be office for free copy containing desirable vacancies in ill parts or the ety. NINETEENTH AVE.. 2603 N. 2 rooms for light housekeeping; newly decorat- Call Webster 3049. TWO light hpkg, rms.. gas and eloc. lights furnished, 36. 3314 Msson. AT 3321. WELL furnished ssml-bssement rooms. on car line. Inquire 330 N. 23d St. DOUGLAS - 6349 All modern furnished rooms. 916 So. 20th, In rear. 3-ROO.M suite, -clean: sink, range; So. 26th Ave. Harney 4771. 650 TWENTIETH St.. 815 N. ; housek'p'g rms. Board and Rooma. ROOM, breakfast and dinner; private home.. Gentlemen preferred. 'Walnut 2371. HARNEY 1241 Beautifully furnished rm. suitable for-two. Breakfast if desired. CHEERFUL room, excellent meals. Strict ly private, 1 or 3 gentlemen. HA. 1297. FOR RENT HOUSES. Unfurnished. MODERN 5-room cottage In Ralston, 36, two blocks from car. Pbone J. T. O. . Stewart,. Balaton, .10-W. FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS. Furnished. COMPLETELY furnlsbed 2 and 3-room apartments, private bath, steam beat, walking distance, Brown Apt, 603 No. 21st St.- Douglas 6644.. Unfurnished. If You Want a Beautiful - ; Apartment ' fe Make Your Selection Today y t; '.y In th new .. -, v Hanscom Apartments - 1029 Park Avenue, The building (Maltese cross type, like the-Palmer apartments) is just being completed. .We are now signing lessen for these apartments to be ready i bout November 1. There are one, -two and three-room suites, all outside exposures. Rental, rate from. 367.50 to 365.00 per month. We advise you to make your selection - Vday - at the building, then come to rental office for reservation. - , J- . . .. , (. - . , Drake. Rental Agency . 121 Drake Court, , i ' ; Twenty-second and Jones. Jackson 3805. r3 Apartments 3 rooms. No.: 13 Nathan, 1540 . Willis Ave., 360.00. 3: rooms, No.' 16 Klngsborough, 2538 Dodge" St., 366.00. 8 rooms, with' 5-room accommoda tion. No. US Turner Court, 3102 Dodge St., $80.00. 4 rooma. with' dining alcove. No. 20 Mount Vernon, 530 South 31st St., (95. 6 rooms. No. 4 Montlcello, 636 South Slst St., $116.00. Peters Trust Co., "Where Omaha Rents" Atlantlo 0544. 17th Farnam Sts. Aberdeen Apartments, 644 So. 25th Avenue. These are light, housekeeping, un furnished apt.; new, sanitary and fire proof; only a smsll amount of furni ture needed. Rent $43.50 per month. Drake Rental -Agency 22D AND JONES. JACKSON- 2806. Peters Trust Company, ' WHERE OMAHA " RUNTS. MODERN heated flats. $40: 21st and Burdett, th Burdett apartments. See ' Janitor. - - " TWO and three Tooms, modern, 311 No. 25th street. FOR RENT Business Property. 701 SOUTH 16TH . ST. Corner of Jones; 20x60, with basement, steam- heat. PETERS TRUST COMPANY, . "Where Omaba Rents." Atlantic 0644. 17th and Farnam Sts. FURNISHED office with telephone. 308 South , 13th street. Room - 404. . Doug Iss 6443. MERCANTILE STORAGE AND WARE HOUSE CO., 11th and Jones Sts. FOR RENT Store. 304 Ho. Phone Atlantlo 0161. 18th St FOR RENT Large, warm garage.' 1 or 3 cars. 8837 So. 39d 8t. SEE r. D. WEAD. SIS BO. HTH ST MOVINO AND STORAGE. FIDELITY TSSVA CO. ' STORAOE MOVING. PACKING HOUSEHOIJJ OOOD9 AND PIANOS. REASONABLE RATES. REDUCED FREIGHT RATES TO ALL PRINCIPAL CITIES. 110T-11 Howard St. Jackson 4381 METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned by H. B. Bow.a Co. AUaatt 1444. l l 3HEtB : HE MOVINO AND STORAGE. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. parat locked mom for household good and plan, moving, packing and nipping. JEKINS OMAHA VAN AND STOP. AOS), an hnuth 14th. Douglaa 4143. ESTIMATES furnl.hed on .tor.s. a mov. Ing. Contracts taken by Job or br. Olob van at morage in., J A. at. vJ, .u-i norm lib, nt 3C POULTRY AND PET STOCK. SCOTCH COLLI KB, Fox Terriers, Toy Poodles, pedigreed stock, reasonable. rarnway Kennels, :V3 South 16. HORSES AND VEHICLES. 7-YEAK-OLD well-bred ssddls horse, cost black,- . galled, inquire at Eliuwood manses, ;oi Hodge. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. COT-PRICE ssle on new and used Fords. $100 and up. Coupes and sedans, $300 up. ' Bulck. Dodge, Nash and other models at a discount. Ford trucks, 1326 and up. Winter tops, commercial bodies. ; Cash Time Trade. OOLDSTROM'S AUTO SALES CO. Onen dav. anrt nia-ht Then Central Garage, 131S Harney BU 101. dSCHiOn 24. s. FOR SALE Model 47. 1921. Hayues 7- paaaenger touring car In first-class con dition; all cord tires; taken in on legal transaction and muat be sold. Andreas j. uiauiecom, cashier. First Na tlonal bank, Havelock, Neb. SOME bargains In used Fords: primpt delivery on new Fords. - M'CAFFREY MOTOR CO.. Th Handy Ford Service Station. 16th and Jack.on Sts. DO. 8640. GarageS permanent. are attractive, low Drlced. Mlcklen Lumber & Wrecklnx Co. W.b. tuoo. z.iri ana uuraette sts. A KE-NEW-ED Marmon 34. Is a better buy at Its price than a new car st tne same price. M. Pelton. 2019 Farnam. USED cars bought, sold and exchanged. tkawver AUTO CO.. 221V Farnam St. WT-JTTlT'T V Repairs Tubes, 10c; IIUIIUUI Radiators. Tires. HOLLY, expert auto trimmer. 812 S. 24t.h. Autos for Hire. WHY not rent a one-ton truck and drive It youraelf to do your moving and haul nig? - It will save you one-half your moving Din. Drive It Yourself Co., 1314 Howard St. Doug. 3362. Accessories. WHY .buy cheap new tires when you csn get - tne cest factory adjusted tires at bargain prices. Fabrics and cords, all aizes. $3 up. , FLEISHMANS TIRE SERVICE. ' Service Garage. 16th and Leavenworth. REAL ESTATE WANTED. LIST your lot, house, bungalow, flat or small apartments wun us lor real re sults; have buyers, prompt inspection. 6 cars at your service. Osborne Realty ('o 630 Peters Trust Bldg., Jackson 3282. To buy or sell Omaha Real Estate seel- FOWLER & M DONALD list) City Nat Bk. Bldg. Jackaon 1436. HAVE inquiries tor home du you want to all your property r List it wun C A. Grlmmel. Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. CONSULT us If you contemplate building. or Wish to buy or sen omana real estate. C. B. 8TUHT.CO.. City Nat Bank Bldg. DO. S787. THE Old Reliable Real Estate Office. M'CAGUE INVESTMENT CO.. 1506 Dodge St. - Douglas 1345. LIST your property with FtTNDERBURK & BROTHERTON. Douglas 6600. 801 Omaha Nat Bk. Bldg. PROMPT- sales of your real estate; w have many buyers and solicit your busi ness. Shopen a Co. Realtora JA. 4338. BIRKETT&ffA1, ESTATE. Sells, i Rents, Insures. 350 Peters Trust Bldg. Jackson- 0633. rPTTrvO Yjr TJ A rTTVt Ileal Estate i nuo. vv . nAaJiaii Rentals 806 McCaguS Bid. DO. 8330. PTJTTTTVrTlT. Realty Co. List with OS VJAVU JJAl AVI for quick resuita 1418 1st Natl. Bk. Bldg. - Jackson 1944. Mark Martin Insurance, real estate, loans. 1045 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. FARM LANDS. Miunestota Lands. EQUITY land Exchange. St Paul. Minn Nebraska Lands. , i, u c-t-T-a A VI i POTATOES. Are paying land ownera In the Nona Platte valley from $60 to $100 per acre thla year.. We have a few choice farms that are especially auapicu tu --'-ing of these crops which we must sell. . . . ., , D , -, Mi 1 i ,ir very aiiracuve 1109 W. O. W. Bldg., Omaha. Neb. FINANCIAL: Real Estate Loans. We have cash on band to loan on Omaba E. H. LOUOEES. INC 638 Keelln Bldg. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS. O KEEFE KtCAL tss i A i a aj , 1014 Om. Nat Bk. Bldg. Jackon 2716. inn .a tmilAn maMa nrAmutlv. D. WEAD. Weed Bldg. 310, S. ltb St REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE FOR EXCHANGE $30,000. First mort gage securea on iw acres ui iu the owners expect to eell at $160 per acre. Will take an equity In a good farm of city property up to' $25,000. balance cash. Schwab Bros.. 1028 Ply mouth Blda-.. St. Pf-' OOOD, cheap. Improved, Atouiani w.v... farms, on the GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY: for Nebraska or Iowa farm or city property. Descriptive list mail ed free, write GREAT NORTHERN DE VELOPMENT ASSOCIATION. 303 8. 13TH STREET, OMAHA. fr-P. EQUITY 6 -room home to trade for small acreage. Walnut 842. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Florence. Nethaway. Flor. prop, no colored. KB. 1404 REAL. ESTATE IMPROVED West. LEAVENWORTH HEIGHTS ONLY $1,600 DOWN. Five-room bungalow, about one year old. all oak and white, enamel finish. Very attractive and certainly a bargain at $6,750. Phone Mr. Gordy. AT. 3364. CLOSE IN BARGAIN. $1,36 Cash Prlc $6.00. T rooms, modern with sleeping porch, garage. . Pbone Mr. Gordy. AT. 3364. U W. YOUNO COMPANY. AT. 3344. 1214 First Nat Bank Bldg BUILT BY MY8ELF FOR OWN HOMR Beautiful 6-room bungalow, stucco. Come out and see It. Want to sell at once. Term. 451 Charles. BEST offer mad buy 4177 Wakrley Ave., fin 7-room bunsalow. Cathedral district. Cretgh. MS Bee. J A. 434. J B HOBINSWN. rest eat to and tavest meal 441 Peter Treat- DO. S44T. D. E. BUCK Co. ear end sell B oca North. 7-ROOM. modern bouse: ank finish: 2 lots: paved St; garage; alee '1 Dodge touring, sale or trade.- by owner. Ken wood 3343. Drawn for The Be by McManut fopingbl, Kll. Ilntl-Ht-, ha fU NOWma,4Ie Financial (SbeNeiTilJorkGitntji. Br ALEXANDER DANA NOYES, Chicago Tribune -On a ha Be Leased Wire, New York, Oct. 23. The recovery on the stock exchange from the de cline in prices which last Monday reflected the sudden. news ot '.he rail way strike order, was itself less im pressive than the fact that Monday's decline should have been so slight. In view of the financial and indus trial possibilities which would have followed the carrying out ot the rail way brotherhoods manifesto, the ab sence of any serious disturbance on last week's financial markets testified to the community's belief in what America really is politically and so cially, as well a.s economically. in a way, the incident is another fulfill mcnt of the war time prediction that the United States would emerge from. the war the most sanely conser vative of any nation in the world At present the immediate problem before the market is to what extent a further reduction in railway freight rates would injure and to what ex tent it would promote the traffic and earnings of the roads. Ihe que tion is not altogether onc-stded. Some of the most experienced rail way managers frankly said, when the 25 to 40 per cent increase of rates was authorized by the Interstate Commerce commission in July, 1920, that the new rates would turn out in many cases ttj be higher than the traffic would bear. Influence Admitted. That this consideration has at least soma Influence on the recent lu to 1. per cent shrinkage in gross earnings Is not Improbable. The question is. how much? When the effect of sn almost unprecedentedly violent trade reaction has been si inevitably great, It is not easy to determine how far a lower scale ot rates would Influence the volume of traf fic favorably without financial injury to the railwuys. It must be remembered, first, that I It had been for reduction of maintenance expenditure to a low level Impossible of long continuance, the greater part of the railways would even now Be naraiy earn In fixed deficits caused In the last year to the great industrial companies by the fall In commodity prices were lar more than counter-balanced by the large prof its carried to surplus account by the same coMD&nies during the war years and 1919, the railways, on ths other hand, were not allowed to accumulate any such surplus, even lit the recent period of the largest transportation business In their i history. . s , Improvement Certain. The real around ot reassurance tn the railway outlook lies in tne very fact mat since their present trying situation re- e.ulta nrtmarllv from bad times In trade. so their business Is certain to improve very rapidly on return ot business pros perity. Tite market and tne iraae sta tistics indicate that this return to good time la proceeding slowly. But there are strenr indications that It la st least un, der way and the visible circumstances fa. vor continuous gain which will eventu ally lead to far better business conditions. The very striking recovery of the- south since the rise of cotton prices: the ex tensive repayment of old debt by the south and west, the recent sore spots of the credit situation and th remark, able showing of strength last week by the federal reserve, are In evidence. Even our central banking organisation shews by far the largest gold reserve In its history end at the same time re. porta total rediscounts and total note cir culation at the lowest level since the signing of the armistice, tt Is plain both how complete the credit readjustment has been and -how abundant are the na tion's facilities for financing the real trade revival when It cornea Europe's situation is still a recognised handicap. Even in that direction. Iiowcver, It is Drettv well recognlr-ed thst the sterling exchange market gives Indication of the drift of 'the foreign economic situation. Last week's rise in sterling almost to the high. point of the year and within 10 cents of the highest level reached since the great decline of rates began in No vember. 1919, la a distinctly hopeful fore cast. . . Bar Silver. New. York, -Oct. 22.-rForeign Bar Silver Mexican Dollars 54!4c REAL ESTATE IMPROVED North. Near Miller Park Will Take Lot as First Payment . The owner of this S-room strlctty rnodern bungalow, 5 rooms and bath on the first . floor, finished In oak, one room on the second- floor full cement bssement, furnace heat, large living room 33 feet, oak floors and oak fin ish. Large lot on paved street- with nice garage. Owner will consider a lot either In Mlnne Lusa or south of Miller park as first payment. Payne Investment Co. 637 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Douglas 1780. A REAL BARGAIN Vacant, Immediate possession, Elght rnoms completely modern with a fine corner lot. 60x166; garage. Cheap at 36.600, terms to suit. Phone Mr. Oordy. AT. 3366. L. W. YOUNO COMPANY. AT. 3 3 ISC. 1319 First Nat. Bank Bldg. $1,600 DOWN, $40 PER MONTH. Bua one of the best 6-room bouses with oak finish and garage; paving sll paid;-close to University of Omaha. Price. $5,809. Phone Mr. Gordy, AT. 3.146. NEAR 37th and Ellison, new, all mod-m. 6-room bungalow; complete, I4.7SO. Easy terms. Atlantic 3640. Wa Make Omaha RESIDENCE LOANS Monthly Installment Plan, Pnpayaiut aay tint. Also Laan oa Business Properties Liberal Optional Pri viler. Reasonable Commission. fl m stiii.tsj-! to:- nulla ot ) fl X t' i i. ' f i to lit i.aci: Schools and Colleges Doana College T. tsl rMtfarsaro ef tS"gli4l rhttrrae la t'r.t llaUr II I. ala. ef Ik. Hi-sMB- held la lbs first t'rinael rhuf.h but lb eteeiog mealing. T4, 4 lb )"ll rhavat rvlr Thursday were h.14 In lb. Ieee rell.ae fariorr. A eullege eboir ef 44 vale furai.b.4 bhusi u lbs first saeeie. Mra F M, Miitot, aarr.lary ef lb. wnataa verb of l he A. M A. f N Verb lily, 44rn.4 ih. .tudaiii .1 rh.p.1 Teaeday merging I'ref.Mov J, IE, Tartar, b4 ef lb (.mink snt hixmr dep.rlm.nl ef lon cull.., ... i.4 modsrsief ef IB eajfrare Th. young aapl. gel together dlna.r I li. r lord hall was ll.a4e4 by all vi.il. Ing uag peupla, leene rell.g pa-tele n4 a guod m.ay pa.iors 4 ...i. who raaie front a di.Unra. .. a4 y.ll. from Ih iNeine router ( lb. from lb various dsiegau .pk.4 lb rr.. Ian Th .v.Btng ert.- h4 In th De college rh.p.1, apen.d wllb half hur s musiral program under the 4tri'itea or Prof, (I II. Aller. Tb men's ! Hub end I. .It..' lie. rluk rh gave two eelae. Hans, a salerllnn by lbs I. die.' duubi M'l.t, ol by Mia Young and Mr. I'm. mur. a dual by Mr. Ilarnwr nd Kim Toung. nd a trie by Mim Young and th. la.ra Alter aaii Knight, rnip.Nie4 th.p rusrein which us Very nlhti Ilrally rerxvad Cnarh Juhnatnn arranged for a sperlal serlmni.gs en lbs aibl.tlo field Tuesdsy afternoon, tlaylnrd ball young woman held a ree.piinn nd open howae Wwlneaday Bftarnoor) from 4 to 4 for lb benefit of lha ti.iiora College rbapal wss addr.-a.d VMln.day maining by Juris II. W, Dungan of Hastings. Thur.d.y morning a llnl sraslao of rollegs and ronfer-nr wa held In rh.p.l. Profeaanr '. l. Carlson n4 Hv, A. II Rnherls f N.llsh g.v paper Ml ling forth lh rltlna of roll' and rhurrh. Alpha Oni.g fralernily gsv their an nual fall plcnlu Katurdsy at llnrky's perk, Professor I'. A. t'ailuw will glv hi first lecture In connection with Ih i l.n.lnn rnurae In blolgy thai b I of fering thla wint. r. Monday. Th hoano rollege player presented the comedy drama "Nothing But Ih Truth." Friday In Hokol ball. This I (he first plsy Ihsl Ih lon player bav given under their n.w organisation lh! year, K. P. Wtnond and illx llllll. Ben nett rarrled the leading role. Chadron Normal College Mr. Bright of lb rural department lis. 100 leghorn tens at th poultry yard near th normal. During lb wlni.r oma Duroo Jer.ey hog will b plared at lh dlnpoaal of Ih farm. This .lock will b used for demonairatlnn purpose and wilt supply the dormitory table. The Chadron Normal college orchestra made It first appearanr of thla eason Friday In chap.l. under th leadership of Professor Yamdley. A new feature of th orchestra wr.lcb lias sailed mucn (est snd force Is the trsp drums plsyed by Hob Ripley. Th violin consist of Pro fessor Peterson, soloist. LeRoy North, Robert Blsttery and Martin House. Eles- nor Wilson rem. In. In the role of cell- l.t and Professor Gra.nsllt as trombon ist. Professor Clements Is playing corn.t and Ruth Wilson I at th piano, lrma Storkdale Is French horn soloist. A new chanter wss added to that classic theme. "A Yankee In Europe." when Harry B. Coffee recounted to sn appreciative chapel audience the tale of his wanderings In far off lands. In a fashion which could not have failed to srouse sympathy In the shsds of Mark Twain, If he had only been listening. Sir. Coffee presented a grsphlo picture of ths Edinburgh sort egg, as it arrived at tne table precariously perched on the top of the cup. It seemed to one man that tne egg Belonged ngntiuuy insiae tne run. but alas, it "went nn through." This type of egg reslly belongs In the class of beversges and should be Im bibed daintily from Its own shell. It would appear that th cup la designed on the plan of a napkin ring. Mr. Cof fee remarked that very few eggs are eaten by Americans. He said that Verdun la a solid graveyard, the graveyard of over 1,500,000 men. There Is a spot marked by a stone gsllery. where, for tU' length of a trench, bayonets protrude from ths ground. In that trench wss a company of Frenchmen with bayonets set for a charge. A monster shell exploded and the trench was swallowed. The line of bayonets continues to menace. They call It the trench ot bayonets. Creighton University The new dental college at Twenly-aixlK and California streets bss opened Its clinic, snd all kinds of dental work Is belns done In the Infirmary which occu pies the entire top floor. The flooring of the Infirmary la of thick rubber atone, which is sanitary, noiseless and easy for the feet of the operators. A number of new chairs have been ordered to he added to those brought from the former dental building; the sterilising room will have the latest equipment, and there Is a large reception room for the patients. Th clinic is open every week day from to 13 and from 1 to i, except Saturday, when it closes at 3. The superintendent is Dr. Herbert E. Ring, president of the Nebraska State Dental association, and the demonstrator ar Dr.. Rottacek, Despecher, Harms, Sattler, Sherraden, VIner. Walxem, Wonder and Woodbury. The library of the college of medicine has Istse been Increased by th secession of the medical library of Augustus M. Borgium of Harrison, Neb., who made the donation Just before entering the publlo health service at Washington, Dr. Bor. glum has his M. D. degree from Crelghton, and Is a brother of the great sculptor who has been entrusted with tb erection of the gigantic Soldiers snd Sailors mon- -ument at New York. Th sculptor is alao a former student of Crelghton and ot St. Marys college) Kansas. Rev. I. A. Hamill. principal of the high school, attended an educational confer ence in St. Louis. Creighton university held the annual meeting of its entire faculty Thursday. Professors and heada of the varloua de partments csme together in a social gathering, and music was furnished and refrehments served by students ot the uni versity. ' There are a number of new members particularly In ths faculties ot medicine and of arts and sciences, and the moving of the colleges of law and dentistry to the new buildings on the university camoua is rlvins: occasion for closer co-operation between these depart ments and the college of arts. Wayne Teachers College Work on the artificial lake on tlia southwest corner of the campus has been discontinued. The cemdjnt bottomhas been laid so that it may be flooded to fur nish a skating pond this winter. The. senior class selected Richard Hall of Tilden editor-in-chlet and Leslie Run dell of Wayne business manager cf the class annual, the Splzterlnktum, These officers, with Professor Huntemer as sponsor, will appoint various committers to help m the work of preparing the pub lication. The Northeast Nebraska Radio club has ben organised with the following of. fleers: Director, Prnf. 1. H. Britell, Wayne; president, Edwin W Gould, Nor folk; operator. Earl H. Schroer. Wayna; secretary, Prof C. R. Chlnn, Wsyne.. There are about 40 of the old members left representing 18 towns and new mem bers will soon csrry th club beyond its membership of laat year. Kearney Teachers College The Ttnv.' (Ilea club made Its Initial public appearance by singing three num. bers snd sn encore In convocation Fri day. Th. Ir.ii.inv of Seionre and Mathe. . matin." an nre-anizatlnn composed of stu dents interested In scientific research, met for the first time tnis year in me sciene Icture room Tuesday. Miss Carrie Lud den, head of the biological department and a charter member, gave a brief his tory of the academy. The academy has grown from a group of a dosen members to half a hundred. The development of chemistry was placed before the academy, in a very Interesting talk by A. C. Blsrbel, an advanced student In chemistry. Mist Grace James, representing the biology de partment, gave an interesting article on the making of "Permanent Microscopic Miuer. 1 - Food Prices Lower ' Brsdstreef s Food Index number, based on the wholesale prices per pound of 31 articles used for food. Is $3.93, com par- ; ing with $3.94 last week and 31.06 for the wek ending October 31. 1930. Tbls week's number shows a loss of seven tenths of 1 per cent from last week and ot ,28 per cent from the like week of last. yesr. . Increased. Butter, eggs, sheep, live: wool. O. half blood; petroleum, crude; csr wheis, old. Chic; steel scrsp. Chic; cast Iron, Chic; tin, spelter, yellow pine. Adlr. spruce. 1 Decreased. Flour, wheat, red; wheat, aprins: oorn. oata, barley, ry flour, corn flounr. abort rib, tallow, lard. ugar. raw; augar. re fined: coffee, cottonseed oil. potato., beeves, live; hogs, live: lamb., live; oeo oil, hops.- Pacific; hoga,N. Y.: cotton, print cloths, gray goods, brown sheetings, steel bar, tin plates, coke, copper. New York OeneraL New York. Oct 33. Wheat Spot, eaay; No. 3 red and No. 3 hard. II.I4H; No. I Manitoba, $1.16; No. 3 mixed durum, $1.03. c t U track. New York, to ar rive. Corn Spot easy; No. 3 yellow and No. 3 white. 41c: No. 3 mixed. 43HC, c L t. New York., lake and rail. oats Spot quiet; No 3 white. 44He. Lard Firm: mlddleweat $lt.HtJ19.3. Kenan City Prodaee. Kansas City. Oct 33. Butler. Ega and Poultry Unchanged,