Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 23, 1921, Page 3, Image 3

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Monday - Pinnacle of Our Great Progress Sale
Many Other Attractive Bargains
Are Advertised in Other
Papers Today
We Reserve Right to Limit Quaw
titles and Telephone or
Mail Orders
A Few of the Outstanding Values Offered 'Hare Tomorrow
Men's Union Made
Overalls, 79c
Basement'-Arcade North
Made of heavy weight denim; indigodyed;
earn double stitched; absolutely will not
rip; cut large and roomy; sizes 32 to 42 waist
Limit of two pairs to a customer. I A
Progress Sale Price
25c Dress Gingham, 15c
Basement North
Genuine York and Everett Plaids, checks, stripes
and plain colors. Best material for house dresses
and bungalow aprons.
Progress Sale Price
$1 Children's Gowns 49c
Basement East
Flannelette Gowns Many different styles, col
ors and white. Sizes 2 to 14 years. The thing
for the cold nights.
Progress Sale Price
1.69 Wool Finish Blankets, 1.19
Basement West .
Cut single an&? whipped on both ends; in assort
cd colors with warm fluffy nap. Size 64x76.
Limit of 6 to each customer.
Progress Sale Price
5.50 Beacon Blankets, 3.59
Basement W est
In assarted plain colors with fancy washable
borders finished with 2-inch mohair binding; a
splendid value.
Progress Sale Price 3.59
$2 Oriental Baskets, 98c
Third Floor West
May be filled with flowers, fernsor fruits, one of ;
these quaint little baskets will give an informal
touch in any room. Many sizes and shapes.
Progress Sale Price
5.98 Children'sCoats, 4.95
Third Floor East
For little boys and girls made of chinchilla,
broadcloth and wool mixtures, in all serviceable
colors lined throughout Sizes 2 to 6 years.
Progress Sale Price
Draperies at Progress Prices
Curtain Material A good (election of figured madras, dotted
and figured Swiss, Quaker Craft nets and lace trimmed OQ
marquisettes; values to 85c; special at, per yard.
Voiles and Marqauettea Fine quality mercerized materials
with drawnwork borders in white, cream and beige; OP
43c values; at, per yard,
, Sixth Floor East
2.00 Seasonable
Silks, 89c
Main Floor Center
5,000 yards plain and fancy silks,
36 and 40-mch brocades, crepe
de chine, messaline, satin taffeta,
striped satin, georgette, voile,
lining satins, dress silks, wash
satins, lingerie silk, black silk
one big lot of silks ranging in
length from 2l2 to 10 yds.
Progress Sale Price
1.95 Men's Union
Suits, 1.00
Main Floor South
Best union suit you ever bought
at this price in our enlarged
,Men's Furnishings. The quantity
is limited; sizes from 34 to 48.
Heavy fleece lined; natural gray;
also an extra heavy, derby
ribbed ecru suit that is easily
worth twice the price marked.
Progress Sale Price
4.95 Bath Robes,
Third Floor South
Made of soft blanket material
in pleasing patterns; all the fa
vored shades-Copenhagen, rose,
blue, red, gray and other com
binations. Some have satin
trimmed collars and cuffs, the
very thing for cool mornings, re
duced at a seasonable time.
Progress Sale Price
1.95 Women's
Hosiery, 1.00
Main Floor North
Women's sport hose, silk,
wool and thread silk; all-over
lace effects with double soles,
high spliced heels and toes and
double garter tops; colors, tan,
Cordovan, navy, white, castor
gray. All first quality.
Progress Sale Price
$2 Dress Goods,
Main Floor Center
100 pieces of French serge An
extra fine quality of all-wool
French serge. It is soft finished
and will tailor well for suits,
dresses and skirts. The colors
are navy blue, brown and black.
It is thoroughly sponged and
shrunk; 54 inches wide.
Progress Sale Price
1.75Men sDress
Shirts, 1.00
, Main Floor South
Shirts at 1.00 are a rarity even
an ordinary shirt at one dollar is
unheard of today but Monday
you can buy a good corded ma
dras shirt in any size, 14 to 17,
in a large selection of choice, no
fade fabrics. Get yours Mon
day while the 100 dozen last.
Progress Sale Price
3.50 Silk Under
wear, 1.95
Third Floor Center
Wash satin and crepe de chine
bloomers and drawers, envelope
chemise and skirts; tasteful pat
terns both tailored and lace
trimmed; bloomers and drawers
in the much wanted shades;
Viirts in flesh 'and white. Real
.luxury in undergarments at
a real economy price.
Progress Sale Price 1 jo
69.50 Axminster
Rugs, 35.00
Sixth Floor West
54 high-grade 9x12 rugs extra
heavy quality with closely woven
deep lustrous nap in all die new
est desirable patterns oriental
Chinese and conventional de
signs in attractive colorings;
taupe, rose, blue and ivory
ground to harmonize with mod
ern decorative schemes.
Progress Sale Price tJtJ.UU
35c Handkerchiefs 19c
Main Floor Norh
For men and women; fine imported linen and
cotton satin or woven stripes embroidered
corners, cross bar patterns and plain white.
Progress Sale Price
75c Quality Hose at 25c
Basement North
875 dozen Women's Fiber Silk Hose; semi-fashioned
with double soles, toes and heels; lisle
garter tops; in dark and medium brown, tan,
dark and light gray and black; slightly imper
fect 75c quality.
Progress Sale Price
59c Infants' Bootees 22c
Third Floor East
Infants' Bootees Closely knit, in both long and
short styles; blue, pink and white; tie cords to
hold them on baby's feet
Progress Sale Price
1.25 Children's Tub Frocks 89c
Third Floor East
Bloomers to match a good assortment of
checked ginghams attractively trimmed in all
the new bright shades. Sizes 2 to 6 years. .
Progress Sale Price
$10 Natural Squirrel Chokers $5
Second Floor North m
Beautiful skins chosen for perfect quality. A
limited number of chokers that have been sell
ing regularly at 10.00.
Progress Sale Price
10c Turkish Wash Cloths 5c
Main Floor West
A large size Turkish Wash Cloth in many pretty
colored borders. A good opportunity to supply
your linen closet
Progress Sale Price
50c Window Shades. 29c
Basement West
Light and dark green; 28 and 36 inches wide;
limit of 6 to a customer. A remarkable value.
Progress Sale Price
Wall Paper at Progress Prices
Popular Cretonne and Chintz Paper, for Bedroom 1 ?
Also plain and striped effects; per roll, 1 DC
Novelty Cot Out Border.
Fine Papers on Heavy Stock, including Hawaiian Grait
Cloth Two tone and figured blends; per roll, rC
Bands and Borders
Tapestries Highly colored for dining room uppers; soft tones
for balls and living rooms; very special A Q
per roll,
Fifth Floor West