Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 23, 1921, PART THREE, Image 20

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1922 "Aulo Show
To Be Held Week'
Of March IS to 18
Automobile Dealer, of Omaha
Apjar Wry Optimistic
Over Uuiifi Outlook
' For Next Year.'
'J lie annual Hireling of the Omaha
Automohilo Dealers association was
hclj at the Chamber ft Commerce
htt Thursday, ami the following m
rectors were re-elected to erve for
the Mining year: I. T. Stewart. 2..
Hay L Sittti h. Clarke G. rowcll, Lee
Hurt and J. N. Ouiwr.
I"iIUm'inr the election of directors
the ninnlitil lyok UP the question
cf holding on automobile lioW nex,t
nirinir. livery dealer pretcut de
clared himself heartily in favor cf
fc show ami iU Jucd the active iitn
fort ot lim own organization ana
that ft the lactone represented.
Dealer! Are Optimistic.
"A I inirLitil ilitif i ftnff.
, iiittnM 'stun, v . v,-
nii-m prevailed on thf part of every
one present," said Commissioner
W'augli in commenting on the meet
ing. "The rait raon hat been an
extremely difficult one for the atito
wovtivc industry, as well as for other
"I believe that I am conservative,
however, w hin I jay that the pros
t erM for next year appear to be very
much more favorable. We confi
dently expect the I "ih annual auto
mobile fliow to' create a revival of
interest in thi territory."
To Be Held in March.
"The show will be held in the Au
ditorium, as usual, from March 13
to 18, inclusive. Plans are already
well under way to make this show
the most elaborate and unique ever
attempted in the city.
Particular attention will be given
to the accessory show which will be
ll in connection with the car ex
hibit. ..; The accessory exhibits lait
yenr attracted, much attention, and
a number of manufacturers who took
, part in last year's show have already
approached us for space."
Ebficx Announces Reduction
Of $180 on Touring Models
In connection with a second an
r.ocnccnieiit regarding the new im
proved Essex a price reduction was
als announced. Touring car and
roadster prices were reduced $180.
Sei'an prices;' Were rcduciv ,to a
greater extent. '-''
According to Guy L. Smith the
new Essex is improved in numer
ous ways. The. new car retains all
the attractiveness of its forerunner
hut is smoother-and -finer in many,
ways. Not only docs the new Es-j
sex offer greater beauty, and me-j
chauical cS'ceJIpnce )tit;t';pfovides
these qualities' at a lower price.
Already much enthusiasm is evi
dent, asserts 'Mr. 'Smith, and all in
dications aTe?,tliaHT.'IHiyfcrsTrc sat
isfied that the new 'price represents
a. rock bottom value. ... . .
. -t 1 :. v
H'upmolnle atfjhnproyecl.,...'
Car af.a Retluced Price
Hupniobilcs" took " a downward
slant Saturday, and according to J.
T.'"'Stcwart'f the -Stewart-Motor
company, there is now no doubt as
to which car ' represents the peak of
good motor ' car . -values. ' ;
In connection with-, the news re
garding', the price; reduction comes
news of numerous improvements.
Cord tires are now 'standard equip
' mcnt; thfc arburetof-has been im-
proved; the V battery, capacity in
creased 25' per',-cent; brake adjust
ment improved,: and a heavier frame
provided; All-considered,- Mr. Stew
art feels that the new, Hupmobile is
a consideb improved' car at a
lower price ' .
Improved Carburetor Is'-; ,
' Feature New Cadillac
Among the-.mecshanieal improve
ments on the' iieiy-j'Type 61 Cadillac
is a new carburetor designed, to se
cure maximum povter from the pres
ent day fuel,.-unusual flexibility and
quick 'acceleration.'':' Easier starting
in cold . weather with almost com
plete elimination Of the warming up
period add to economy of operation
and "comfort of- driving. - ,-'.' -
Two' thermostatic elements in the
new carburetor, one for the-control
of the throttle ump; action and the
other for control' of the auxiliary air
valve spring tension,- result- in a cor
rect fuel mixture for varying - tern
peratures. .. .' ' '-. . , .
Third Reo Trainload Off for Boston
WWWMMMMI I .III l,t",U..J aa-aw 0
. A pageant ' of 'prosperity was
staged recently in Lansing, MichN
when 35 Reo dealers front New Eng
land arrived to watch the dispatch
of. the third trainload tf .Reoi
shipped within a few weeks to the
Linwott Motor company of Boston.
Upon arrival the party was escort
ed to the Keo club house by the
Keo band. The cavateade was head
ed by J. M. Linscott. Boston dis
tributor, who rode in one of the
frst Keos built by the Reo Motor
Car company. ' . '
If. T. Thoma. vice president and
engineer since. 1V04, is shown at the.
wheel of this antique model. Seated
next to him in the front seat is Mr.
Linscott. In the rear seat is R. C.
Rueschaw, sales manager of the Reo
Motor Car company since 1905, and
on his left is II. J.. Adams, Reo dis
tributor in Foktoiia, O.
This one-cylinder Keo is still in
good condition and there have been
no mechanical changes or repairs
made upon it since it loft the factory
15 years ago.
A luncheon was held at the dub
house at noon, after which the par
ly was carried in new Keo Light
Sevens to the loading dock, where
the third trainload of Keo cars pull
ed out for Boston.- -The picture also
! shows the 25 Buklon dealers tit the
engine which carried the Kcos cast
"Linscott" and "Trainload" hav,
become closely associated, and the
Boston distributor now is known as
"Trainload Linsrolt." Mis first
trainload was ordered July 25 and
comprised 76 freight cars. The
second was ordered August 12 and
required 3i 'freight cars. Sixty
eight cars-made up the third train
load. A total of 617 Keos have gone
into Boston territory during the last
few weeks.
Eighteen dealers frcm the Buffalo
territory will travel to Lansing this
week to (jrive back Reo passenger
cars. ' ' .''"
Light Gray Exhaust Means .
LxceoMve , Lubrication
When a light gray smoke issues
from the Exhaust in winter it may
be taken as an indication that the
oil level is high and the .lubrication
excessive. This may be due .to the
fact that' ; water ' 'or ' gasoline has
leaked into the " case and become
mixed with the oil.. If pump lubri
cation is employed water getting in
here and settling to the bottom may
freeze and cause, the oil pUmp gears
to shear -off, or -some part of the
pump driving system may be twist
ed off when, the engine is turned
over. Again, water Collecting m an
oil pipe may freeze and stop' the
flow -of oil to "the bearings. At best
the oil is thick in cold weather and
flows to the parts needing ;t ;rather
slueicishly until the engine is thor
oughly warmed up. ' '.-, . ,
v Never park ' your car just around
curve on. a narrow part, of the
road. The first driver to come along
may.5 a. combination joy. rider, ig
noramus, or road hog. . .,
Hansen Tours Territory
With New Cadillac Cars
' J. II. Hansen of the J. jf.; Hansen
Cadillac' company, "is touring the
state '.with three ncW Type 61 Cadil
lac models. , 1 he cans used on this
tour are a four-passcngcr special
phaeton, a standard; seven-passcngcr
enclosed Suburban model. Accom
panying Mr: Hansen are one sales
man and a porter."
Arriving in town, arrangements
are made to display the cars in a
prominent place.' While the porter
is cleaning the cars for exhibition,
Mr. Hansen and ,the salesman -personally
call on the leading business
men' of the town and cull on the
telephone . the people .-. they . think
might be interested in seeing the
new Type 61 Cadillac, inviting them
to call and inspect' the cars, ,
According to Mr. Hansen, several
new cars' have been sold -in this
manner , and the- interest . shown in
the-new cars is very gratifying..
Endurance, economy,- Comfort and
price are the four popular features i
of a passenger automobile. I
Sprague Urges Motorists
Buy Nebraska-Made Tires
E.-1I. Sprague of the Sprague
Tire & Rubber company, speaking
of the "Buy Omaha-Made Goods"
campaign, points out that if all Ne
braska automobile owners would
buy tires. made in this State they
would provide enough business to
keep all the companies working 24
hours a day apd necessitate enlarge
ments of the tire factories. There
ai-e 1.000,000 auto tires used in Ne
braska annually. ; '
"We must get away from the fal
lacy of thinking tires--and other
things made at a distance are better
than those made at home,'', he said.
"When we buy goods made here,
we keep our money here."
Tt Keep Spark Plugs From Missing.
In cases where a spark plug is miss
ing because of its sooted condition
and no replacement is available, the
condition may be overcome by dis
connecting the spark plug lead and
installing an auxiliary gap of an
eighth-or. a quarter -of an inch. be
tween it and the plug terminal. ,
Branch to Handle
Large Territory
Diotrict Will Include Nehru.
La, and Part of Iowa, South
Dakota, Montana and .
Wyoming. ;
Announcement lias been mailt of
the opening of a branch of the
Willys-Overland, Inc., lit Omaha,
which will control ditribution ol
Overland and Willys-Kuight aula
mobilei in Nebraska, western Iowa,
south western Souih Dakota and a
smalt territory in Montana and Wy
oming, The Omaha branch will he
under the management of W. .W.
Fast, who has been assistant man-
Uger oi ine initago urnnen,- ,t.
The Omaha branch is to be ex
panded to meet the new plan of
operation, in addition to me terri
tory formerly controlled ny tne an
Brunt Automohile company, - (lis
tricts of the Lincoln. Hastings, lie
atrice (Neb.), Sioux City (la.) and
Lead (S. D.) distributors will be in
cluded. , , .
The parts and service departments
are to be real features' in the ex
pansion. Mr. hast, commenting on
the outlook for business throughout
the entire country said:
"It will show a consistent im
provement. We have made a careful
survey of conditions in every slate,
through personal investigation, and
in a . comparatively short while we
will see a revival of the old-time
buying -spirit. I believe this may, be
attributed to a change in the mental
attitude . of the public. In many
places there is money to buy auto
mobiles, but that money is being
hoarded carefully. ,
"Retailing of automobiles is still
an immature science and. we arc do
ing everything in out power to work
out plans to bring about adequate
sales mediums."
When asked about conditions, in
the central wist and prospects. for
bigger business, 'Mr. Fast,- pointed
to the fact that Omaha was awarded
the new branch location, which he
regards as significant.
Once-Overs. '.' ' ,
' When figuring in an automohile
accident, do not talk too much. Get
the time, the place, names of those
in the car and their addresses ii
you can, 'and by alt means take
down the number of the license and
state where issued. If. there are any
bystanders who saw the accident, it
is well to get their names and ad
dresses, even though the car is not
badly damaged.
lightens Loose .Skin, . Remove
y Deep Wrinkles. v .
; ' : . ouk "LOTTOO ;
Tike Vwra off.
Rstere. Contour.
Tightens Loom Skia
Lift : Drooping
Month. :
t-csBffii. Batr Onto)
Removes "Jowls."
Il&kra Ut, F a c
8 h p I j an
- Lifting"' en b
don without It b.-.
; '" --i - Ing not!oebl ori
4.. -J-,; interfering wltW
- .. . .. daily doUei.
kolem, Plniptee.'Varta, Superfluous Bain)
Remoil Ne Method.
AD Kose Defects Corrected -
Itiati or Drnled
Inru-sp "o "
'V . , . . .
r Colors, blue and maroon.
"TTirh Bridn."
Dnkh "Hnrnp or
Dent -Big- soc
-.-aWtekly earm-ted. wfcetfcer tram AecMea
Diaeaao r Birth.
Wl or writ for Information about tnt
,rca. Skin. Scalp. Feature or Complexion.
' . Erperiene Ooupta Seeuro the Beat.
" . . C A. Furey Institute, "
.' ""X jl Beeurltlea BWg.
Offica koora. t to I mil " U t ,
rrci a4w. 1 IV. - "
I :
. I
General Motors
famous light Six Model
B., touring and roadster.
Delivered to you . in Omaha.
Was $ 1 695
$320 Cash
Balance $65. per month.
-ScB- Replaces Word
"Conserve" in Business
I'undjMietiUl factors cf Anieriian
busincM are loukiug up. according
t9 V. N., bunch nuiuger,
wlia lias returned from Sew York
City, where he attended the mutual
contention ol the I.ic "1 ire and Kuu
brr coinpany,
"TltC keynote of the Lee coiiveii.
lion," stales Mr Haker. "was that
the greatest force in American bus
ine today i alenianhii. A year
ago the watehwurd wms 'Coiikerve;'
today it is .Sell.' In the world I
lire, the mrrchandurr of new and
guaranteed .tork has had dire coin
milt ion to meet in the cae oi the
great atuutity of bankrupt tire
(.tuck with which the country has
nee ii nooueii.
"Due M a policy of retrenchment
many executives are out of employ
ment amJ a great number at the
very top in tTirir line. One huge
fopcern recently dverticd for a
f number of officials, imluding a sales
director. 1 nc men who applied tor
thce jobs were anionx the keen
est executives of America, buf less
tll.1,1 ' H ffllt .if .It llt....j..iili .t
upplications received came- from
sales managers. I'roduction men
were easily secured, but the sales
manager a desk is still unoccupied.
Shims of Auto Shaft Mut
Dc of Equal Tim Lness
The utmost care must be exercised
to maintain an emiat thickness of
slums on each side of the bearing
cap in refitting or readjusting, so
the shaft will not bear on the same
place on which it bore before read
juttmcnt. wncn tne bolts are
tightened the caps may be sprung
and the. shaft will be pinched. This
will cause uneven wear on the bear
ings, which will soon need further
attention. ' ,
f -a i ! in ,
Loose Piston Pin Causes -
. Light Knock in Engine
The knock produced by a loose pis
ton pin is considerably liKlitcr thah
a crank shaft knock and is most no
ticeable when the engine is running
idle with the tlirottlc nearly, closed.
The. only cure for the knock 5s to re
pair the pin - or bushing or. both,
though fortunately this knock docs
not; indicate as dangerous a condi
tion a a crank shaft or connecting:
roa KllOCK. . .
Use Cocoanut Oil
For Washing Hair
If you wnrvt to keen your lialr In
good condition, be careful what you
waari it Willi.
Mont Boups- and prepared sliani-
poos contain too niucJi alkali. This
urres tno scalp, makes tho hair brit
tle and is very harmful. Mulsifled
cocoanut oil shampoo (which Is Dure
and entirely grcaseless), in much
l6tter than anythlnir. else you can
use for shampooing-, . aa this can't
pOHslbly Injure the. hair. " ' -
Simply moisten your hair' with
water and rub it in. One or two tea
spoonsful of Mulsifled will make an
abundance ot rich, creamy lather,
and - cleanses the- hair , and scalp
thoroughly. The lather rinses out
easily, ami removes every- particle of
dust,- dirt,' dandruff and - excessive
oil. The. hair dries quickly and
evenly, and it leaves it fine and
silky, Dt-lght fluffy and easy to- man-,
age, r . . ' -
You can get Mulsifled -cocoanut
oil shampoo at most any drug store.
It is very cheap, and a few., ounces
is enough to last everyone in the
family for months. Be sure your
druggist gives you Mulsifled. I
Head oMonlaii '
Firm Predicts
Htitiru of liu.iiirs to -Nor.
runic)' Kxnettfd Within Sis
Mouths .)eiiite Vci
miotic Views.
- aaaaajaaBWas . -1
' "We are about ! enter a new bu
ines cycle," say Edward S. Jordan,
president of the-Jordan loU Cat
"Far-siiihled lu.ipes men know,
liowevcr," says ilr. Jordan, "that tt
will require pos.ibly six months of
further favorable readjtutincnt be
fore the mass of people realize what
Iws lia(peiied. " .
"tuincs in all lines will imp'rove
gradually as the public come to re
alise the extent' 16 which, production
has bem curtailed and the extent ti
which price-euttinK hai been 'carried
in many lines.
"Some prices will be readjusted
further and all prices will level out
so that merrhandine ran he ex.
changed on a fair hsis. Already
certain prices are showing a ten-
ihnry to rise. Nothing will start a
buying movement so quickly as ru
ing prices. ' "...
"The experience in the cotton in
dustry will in a measure be repeated
n every industry producing a great
"Silk men felt -the chanw drat.
Production was curtailed. The de
pression was critical. 'Now. their
mills are ruuuing at capacity. Next,
iKt fs ro ei-t. . And, ,,f,
ilun ha cn t-avk. 'The t'ith.t
is already Isrlm tins cfUit vi i 1
.kMeiuihfB' lur the irt im
nionthi, i one of the brt niarVe.
for lordaii cars in America,
Ten.miUni will add prevail uulil
niter th tirt mi January, The very
(act that this pr,imum will coutiuun
in a mraure throutjli the winter will
ju.tify the prediction wlii'h is bcinc
made in every Irttt-r which gitt out
from the Jordan company,
"That prediction ,; 'rlJt a ,hort.
age ol good motor i am will exut be
fore March IS. 1Q.V.'"
Ford Timer Insured
For . 12 Months1 Time
- I'adercwaki insured his fntiers
Charlie Chaplin hit feel. Now a
Chicago iti4Uitfaelur.r insures hi
i.ew tmur Ur t-ordit. l'm is ptovinK
an attraction t all 'owners who have
learned how hiirh is the tat of inor
Ulitv among ordinary Ford timera. N
The Walker Insiirrd timer 'TjV.'
ti'ade of a ceramic coinponition re-J"'a,
xlimt circuit and .does nt w'ear oat.
It is absolutely insured to give Ford
owners full l month' seryicr.
Thousands of Ford owners are 'now
inniring their tinier service. Not '
only does the Walker save owners
from $6 to Jli a year in expenje. but
It . also relieves them of all tinier. '
The timer is manufactured by the x
Walker Accessories, Inc. MS South
Michigan avenue. Chicago. A Ii
months' insurance-' policy provides "1
that "any part of a Walker which, . '
in the purchaser's opinion, requires
a replacement will be exchanged
absolutely free of .charge,"
A Good Investment v
. Not only because the first cost. Is s ;
low, but also because it includes v-.
f complete equipment and assures corn-- ?
fort with economy and depend- .
' ability every Jay it is on the road. V
Touring; F. O. B. Toledo . J. '
Chassis - - - $485 ' koidster - - 595
; Coupe - - -" 8S0 Sedan - - - 895
y Completely iquipptd, including Eltctric Starter,
,. . Lightt, Htrn, Spitdimeter, Demtuntablt
'RJmt. Owners average from 2$ ta 35 miles per
. gHn gasolint , .y '
Willys-Overland, Inc.
2562-4 Farnam Street
Buy now. Don't wait un
til spring. We will store
your car for you.
re ih
We purchased these automobiles of the administrator of a late automobile dealer's
estate. They are absolutely new and carry standard factory warranty arid our service.
Please bear in mind that this price is not the result of a factory reduction. It is the re
sult of our good fortune in being able to pay spot cash for these cars to the administrator of
an estate. The cars are all brand new model B Scripps-Booth Not second-hand or : used
cars. -' ; X :.; :p:iP::ri V.'-; : i 'N.-. ;';' : " - K-' :: '-.
c This is the first time you have ever had an opportunity to purchase a NEW AUTOMO-
RIT.T! AT A TT55F.D fi AR PRTfiTI. . 1
Think of It! rD o if o ) f O ) for a Car Worth:
Almost Twice as Much '
Far Below Actual Cost of Production.
i255?: Farnam St., Phone D. 5583
Distributors for Nebraska, Iowa and South Dakota
How Yeast Vitaition Tablets
Increase Your Energy, Banish Skin Eruptions and Beautify the
f Complexion Easy and Economical to Take Results Quick.
" (6k INCHES
l ly J YJ J
I "Villi VIA
I Ii ail il 1 a
If! ff I : V M
If yea want to quickly get more strength and vitality and We
that firm fleih "pep" which makes you look and feel 100 per cent
better, just try taking two of Martin's yeast VITAMON tablets with
ads meal for a short time and watch the truly amazing results.
Sherman & McConnelL
You Can Get
Mastin'a VITAMON
(Tablet '
- - At All Good -
Druggists j .
i . and Burgess'-Nash
Thin or run-down folks will find this simple
test well worth trying: First weigh -yourself
and measure yourself. Next take Mastin'a
VITAMON two tablets with every meal. Then
. weigh - and ' measure' yourself
again. each, week and continue
tuklng Mastin's yiTAMON reg
ularly, until you are satisfied
with your gain in weight and
energy. , Mastin's ; VITAMON
tablets contain a proper dose of
highly concentrated yeast-vita-,
mines as well as the two other
still more important . ritamines
(Fat soluble A and Water Sol
uble C) all of .which Science -i
says you m ust have to. be
strong, well and fully developed.
They are now being used by
thousands who appreciate their
; convenience, economy and quick
results. - By Increasing tho
liourishing jower of 'what you
eat, Mastin's VITAMON sun--.
- piles Just what your body needs,
"to feed the 'shrunken tissues,
strengthen internal - orgaiis, clear the
skin and renew shattered nerve force
without upsetting tho stomach or laus
ing gaii. Pimples, bolls, and skin, erup
tions seem to vanish as if by magic and
the complexion becomes radiantly clear
knd beautiful But it ii not only a
question of how much better, you look
and feel or what youp friends Say and
think the scales and tape measure will
tell their own story,;. A two weeks' .test
will surprise you.- - - "
IMPORTANT While the fthmaing
health-building value of Mastin's VITA
MON tablets have been clearly and pos
itively demonstrated in -eases of lack of
energy sjervous trouble, anaemia, in
digestion, constipation, skin eruptions,
poor complexion and a generally weak- -ened
physical and mental condition, they
should not be used by anyone who OB
JECTS to having their weight, in
creased to norninl. . Be sure to remem-.
ber the name Mastin'a Vl-TA-MON '
the original and genuine yeast-vltamine
tablet there is nothing else like it, so
do not accept imitations or substitutes.
Tou can get Mastin's VITAMON Tab
lets at all good druggists, such as
Alexander. Jacobs, J. L. Brandeis, Haytlen Bros.
.. . '- AND
on Firm Flesh,' Qear '
the Skin ssnif lAcVeas
Eiieryy When Takan r
With Essssr Mel, s .r