Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 23, 1921, WOMEN'S SECTION, Image 13

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5 U
-Benson Compmdn
Benson Womin'i Club.
Mn. K, A. luion. 2957 North
Fifty. sixth street, will be hoitfti
1 hurtday, October 27. to the mem
r.rt oi the Kenton Woman' club,
Tlit subject lor the afternoon stud
i. "Nebraska Law." Uri. E. W.
Johnson will talk on the subject of
tituen end Labor." Mr. C. II.
rri will read per en property
t.mi innrriunee law. Mrs. w, r.
Rt Uliaw iiat (or her subject, "School
t-awt.1 ,
Mr. C. X. Wolfe leave Tuet
day to attend the state convention
of the Nebraska Federation of
Women' t'lubt. convening at Sew
ard, Neb., October 18 to 25. The
program committee i making ar
rangementt (or an exhibit o( Ne
braska art, to be held in the gym
naiiuni of the Rose Hill acliool,
1 hurtday, November 10.
B. 8. Chapter P. E. O. Sisterhood.
The B. S. chapter of the P. E 0
Sisterhood will be entertained Mon
day afternoon, October 24. at the
home of Mr Charle Leilie. 4931
Webster etreet, Mn. A. V. Francei
it leader for the ttudy program,
Subject, "Comparative Humor."
Mcetchei from Irviu Cobb. George
Ade, King Lardner and A. K. Ches
terton will be uied ai illustrations.
Hallowe'en Party. '
The Misses Mildred and Irene
Tamp entertained the members of
the sophomore dais of the Benson
high at a Hallowe'en party Saturday
evening at their country home. Pine
Lane farm. The youiifr people met
at Fierman'a store and were con
veyed by automobile.
Epworth League Party.
Members of the Methodist Ep
worth League hiked to the woods
near Florence Saturday night where
they enjoyed a "weincr roast" party.
Official P. E. 0 Business
Mrs. C. P. McPherson returned
the early part of the week from
northeastern Nebraska, where as
Grand Adah, she visited a number of
Eastern Star organizations. Mrs.
McPherson will go to Dakota City,
Neb., Monday.
Benson Woman's Club Visits Dairy.
The Benson Woman's club was
the guest of the Alamito dairy
Thursday afternoon, October 20.
After the inspection of the dairy and
a lecture by Miss Bessie Stearns, tea
was served in the Alamito roof gar
den. Entertainers' Sunday School Class.
Rachel Dow entertained Thurs
day evening at her home in honor
of her Sunday school class. Music
and games were enjoyed by the
young people. Luncheon was served.
Atiss Wilda Suter is the teacher of
this class.
English Lutheran Mission Society.
Members of the English Lutheran
Mission society were - entertained
Friday afternoon in the parlors of
. t l . ir 1 C .....
ine cnurcn. iurs. vim cuic oiiawu
had the program in charge.
Birth Announcement.
A son was born Thursday to Dr.
and Mrs. C. S. Patten at the Swed
ish Mission hospital. This birth
makes the seventh grandson for Mr.
and Mrs. E,. W, Melcher . of Ben-.
Son. ,.- vri , . . .
Program for Missionary Convention.
Mrs. P. A. Legge, Mrs. Gorton
Roth, Mrs. C. E. Bowen and Mrs
E. G. Smith met Tuesday afternoon
at the Y. W. C. A. and, with other
district officers, arranged the pro
gram for the missionary convention
to be held November 16 and 17 at
the Hirst Memorial church.
Presbyterian Mission Society.
Members of the Presbyterian
M ission society will be entertained
Tuesday afternoon, October 25, at
the home of Mrs. Bert Ranz of Ben
sonhurst. Narcissus Chapter of O. E. S.
The regular invitation of the Or
der of Eastern Star was held Thurs
day evening in the Odd Fellows'
hall. The next kensington will be
given Tuesday , evening, Novem
ber 8.
Birth Announcement
A daughter was born . Saturday,
October IS, at the Fenger hospital,
to Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Yale.
Baptist Booster Club. '
Members of the Baptist Booster
club were entertained Thursday aft
ernoon at the home of Mrs. Crane.
An all-day session will be held at
the next meeting.
Going Away Party.
Mrs. ' Rachel Kirtley, mother of
ilrs. Walter VVier, was entertained
at a surprise Monday afternoon in
honor of ber departure for Cali
fornia. Gusts in attendance were
the ladies of the neighborhood. Mrs.
Kirtley left Tuesday for Oakland,
Cal., where she will spend the win
ter. ' .
Royal Neighbor Kensington. '
. Mrs. A .W. Lewis of Florence
will be hostess at her home Thurs
day, October 27, to the members of
the Royal Neighbor A-ensmgion.
Narcissus Chapter to Entertain.
, Members of the Narcissus chap
ter No. 261 o fthe Order of Eastern
Star will entertain on Thursday eve
nine. October 27. in the I. O. 0. F.
hall at their, annual Hallowe'en
party. Members and friends will be
in attendance. -
W. M. F. Luncheon. -
Members of the Woman's Foreign
Mission society of the Methodist
church will entertain at a 1-o'clock
luncheon -Wednesday, October 26
at the home of Mrs. P. A. Legge.
5827 Corby street. Mrs. C. H. Pe
aoyer and Mrs William Flynn will
assist the hostess. Following the
luncheon the regular business ses
sion will be conducted. Mrs. C H,
.Fenoyer ana Mrs. c sowen wui
report on the branch convention.
Entertains at image. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Giles enter
tained at a bridge party of three
tables Thursday evening at their
home on Military avenue.
Birthday Dinner.
Mr. and Mrs. D. C Sturtz enter-
t;nit a dinner of 10 covers Sunday
in honor of the birthday of their
daughter, Mrs. Edward Urape.
Dinner and Christening.
Mr. and Mrs. C-C Beavers en
tertained at dinner at, their home
in honor of Dr. B. M. Long of Lin
coln. Neh. Dr. Lone was Mrs.
Beavers' former pastor and before
the dinner was served tne tour
youngesl children of Mr. and Mrs.
- CalI Wlaut IJ70-
Betters received th ordinance of
Luncheon Guest.
Mn. V. t. Smith his s Thursday
luncheon guest of Mrs. V. V. Kei-
Royal Neighbors Convention.
The Douglas county convention of
ine Koyai ."eighDori of America will
be held in Florence Monday after
noon and evening.
One-O'Clock Luncheon,
Mrs. H. J. Whistler entertained
at luncheon riiur.cuy when covert
were laid for Mrs. J. B, Huber, Hear,
nry, Neb.; Mist Do Brumficld,
Baltimore, Md. .and Mrs. Mephms,
Mrs. F. S. Trullenger and Mrs.
Whistler, Benson.
Royal Neighbors Basar.
The Benson camp, No. 74"8 of
Royal Neighbor, will hold their an
nual baiar Monday afternoon and
evening, November 14. Refresh
ments will be served and covert will
be laid for a hot dinner at 630. The
public is invited to this bazar. Place
to be stated later.
Sunday Dinner Party.
Mist Marguerite Liljenttoplc en
tertained at dinner. Sunday, October
16, when covers were laid for the
following guests. Dr. and Mrs. If.
Ilerkenrath, Dr. and Mrs. l.
1'latz. Mist Bee McAndrewt and
Mr. Larry Shulcr.
Mrs. O. Ekttrom returned Monday
from Minneapolis.
Mrs. K. Liljenstople returned
Monday from ScottsblurT, Neb.
J. J. Gleasou returned Monday
from a business trip to Kansas City.
Mrs. L. If. Winter is attending
the Kebekah lodge convention at
Lincoln, .eb.
M. Herr. father of Mrs. J. T.
Pickard. left Tuesday to spend the
winter in California.
Mrs. M. C. Berry returned Tues
day after having spent the summer
in western Nebraska.
Dr. W. H. Loechner left Tuesday
evening for Chicago .to attend the
Northwestern surgical meet
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Walsh mo
tored to Burlington Junction, Mo.,
where they spent the week end.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Born and fami
ly were Sundav guests at the home
of Mr. George Snelland daughter.
Mrs. George C. Robbins returned
Saturday from Rochester, Minn.,
where she underwent an operation.
Mr. and Mrs. Julius Hansen. Mr.
Jens Hansen and Mr. and Mrs. C.
O. Ilurd motored to Herman Sun
day. ;
Mrs. T. B. Huber left Sundav for
her home in Kearney after a visit
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. J.
Miss Myrtle Snell and Mrs. O.
Arthur Melcher sang a duet Sunday
at the 11 o'clock service of the
Grace Lutheran church.
Mr. and Mrs. O. Eug and Mr. and
Mrs. O. Carlson of Newman Grove
were week-end guests at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. George Sowards.
Miss Dora Brumficld, " who has
spent the summer at the home of herl
brother, C. II. Brumheld and Mrs.
Brumfield, left Thursday for her
home in Baltimore.
Lenore Stock, who has been in the
Ford hospital for the past three
weeks, convalescing from an ao-
pendictis operation, will be able to
return to her home the latter part
of the week. , '
What's in a Name?
Father wanted "Fairview,"
And Mother said "Hill's End";
Bobby called it "Bleak House,"
And Helen "River Bend."
Molly urged for "Apple Hill,"
While Harry begged for "Croft";
Sarah's name was "Sunset Lodge,"
And Janet's Hillyloft."
Though Penelope chose "The Poplar
Tree" -
And Granddad "Kenmore Hall,"
Its two years since we bought the
And it has no name at all.
Y. W. C. A.
Sunday Open houu at central bulldtn
from 10 a. m. to 8 p. m with lunch at
nominal coat served between 6 and 7
p. in. for the accommodation or out-of-town
frlenda and any othera attending- the
Qlpsy Smith meetings.
Monday A meeting for clrls at 3:30 in
the association auditorium. Mrs. B. E.
Young of the Gipsy Smith campaign team
will speaK.
Federation of Clubs supper at 6:46, fol
lowed by singing of club songs, and a
talk on "Disarmament," by Attorney J. J.
Boucher.. General Pershing club irlU pre
Classes as follows: 4 p. m.. French, Miss
Pearl Rockefeller, Instructor; 6:15 p. m.,
Miss Cella Chases class In current events;
6:80 p. m., cookery and sewing: 7 p. m..
Miss Jessie Towns, modern poetry readings
from Maaefleld; 1 p. m Interior decorat
ing class No. 2, Hugh Lswson, instructor;
7 p. m., Mrs. Gene Phelps' class In Christ
mas gift making; 7:90 p. m., Mrs. Effie
Bteen Kitteisons Class in personality;
8:15 c. m.. snorts class, competitive
games between teams from federation of
Tuesday Meetlnr for all alrls of ttlffn
school age at South Side center at 3:34
p. m., with Airs, K. K. Toung of tne uipsy
Smith campaign team as speaker.
Central Freshman club meets at 3:30 m
girls' club room at central association.
trench class at e:i p. tn.; miiunery
and cookery, :I0; business English and
E. Lewis Holland's class in advertising
at 7 o'clock.
Wednesday commerce "girl reserves
meetlna- at 3:34 p. m., in club room at
central building.
Morris Qlria- club supper at o o ciock at
South Side center, followed by classes in
Christmas gifts, singing and dramatics.
Class in gymnastics and games at South
High school gymnasium.
Individual work in corrective gymnastics
at central association gymnasium from
i:S-S:S0 p. m.
French class at 6:30 p. m.: cookery at
l:St p. m.. Professor Walter Kaisers
class in Psychology and Maurice Block's
class in history or art at i p. m. -: n
drawing-, by George Barker, Jr., at 7:30
o. m.. and class In French history by
Mrs. Ida M. Hancbett at 7 p. m.
Thursday French class at t p. tn.. sww-
ing and cookery class at :30 p. m.. Inter.
lor decorating; at I p. m.. rencn cun,
7 p. ra.; first aid class. Capt. O. R. 0
Fisher, instructor, 7:30 p. m.
Busy Circle club meet at t p. m. for
singing ahd classes In bead and basketry
work and gymnasium,
Friday W. W. O. club have supper at
J:15, followed by program and gymnasium
under Miss Annie Johnson. Burress-Nash
"cash" girls, under the leadership of
Betty Krieg, will have supper and play
volley ball with the W. W. O club.
Alumna club dinner at 6:16 p. m., at
central building,, followed by open forum.
Current events at 7:16 p. m Miss Cella
Chase, instructor. Cookery class at :'
p. m.. and millinery at S:I4 p. m.
Saturday A Hallowe'en party for the
T. W. C. A. membership, including girls
of the student clubs. Industrial Exten
sion and arymnasinm departments will be
held at Camp Brewster. Registration
must be mid by Thursday evening at
T. W. C A. office as only a limited sum.
tMr can ba accommodated. Trucks will
Isava the central association building be-
twsea 2 and 7:30 lor Camp Brewster.
World of Wear in Last Winter'
IF it is cleaned the "Dreilier Way."
The 'great Dreilier Plant,
Twenty-second and Farnam. it an
exceedingly busy place during the
firt blustery, stormy days of fall
and winter. Course one knew that
the overcoat had to be cleaned and
pressed before donning, hut how
eay to delay phoning to the clean
erst Then there were little places
at the collar, in the armholet and
buttonhole that needed the "stitch
in time," which the tailoring depart
ment of this cleaning etablihmeut
to skillfully takes. Madam knew
her fur coat was more tlun a bit
shabby, needed a thorough "going
over, but the too well waited.
And now it' cold, everyone it
scurrying to thelter from the north
wind's blasts. Phone a harry call
to Atlantic 0345: you'll fin! their
service prompt, indeed almost as
tast as the oll north wind ininteii.
Quills are being used to encircle
the hair at an evening headdress
both for bobbexl and long hair.
Hallowe'en Starts the Fall and Win
ter Holidays.
ArRETTV time for festivity is
Hallowe'en with its frosty air,
opaque moonlight, falling leaves of
varied hues. The Halloween anu
Thanksgiving hostess will be de
lighted with the great shaggy chry
santhemums in exquisitely shadings,
which they're showing in the John
Bath Flower Shop, Eighteenth and
J-arnam. fnone Jackson two tor
expert services of this art flower
Poke bonnets are given consid
erable attention. The type is some
times referred to as the tnoyem age
Delighted Throngs in Omaha's New.
Shop for Opening Week.
"pEAUTIFUL" one heard on all
D sides from delighted visitors
to the new Herzberg Shop, 1519
Douglas, during opening week. Ap
preciative comment also was heard
on prices quoted by the great sales
force. Spacious and excellently
lighted is the main floor entered
after sauntering down a metropolitan
aisle of show windows representing;
every department of the store. On
the main lloor are delightfully color
ful offerings in blouse, corset, lin
gerie. The second and mezzanine
floor the beauty shop marvelously
modern in equipment and a shoe shop
of swagger-styled footwear unusual
ly low in price quotations. The en
tire third floor is devoted to hats .
with a large sales force to find fetch
ing bits of millinery for Lady Fair.
Coats, suits and dresses will one
revel in on the fourth floor. ? A
charming junior department taking
care of modish needs Of the wee per
son as well as her more grown up
sister is to be found on the filth
floor. Omaha's newest shop opens
wide its doors to delighted shoppers.
Purple hats of velvet, duvenor.
duvetyn and felt are smart
Blankets of UnusHal Pricings
BOUGHT before the market
raised in price' Orchard & Wil-
helm's offer blankets in wide color
range at price unusualljf attractive.
Silk bound is a fine wool blanket,
warm and heavy in blue, gray and
pink at $7.50. A Wonder value is
a 70x80 size at $11.50. An early
merchandising transaction to the
customer's advantage. ,
Spanish shawls with wide fringes
fashioned with a wide openwork
stitch in flame with a cross-stitch
in black and white in an old-fashioned
pattern are being worn in
Beauty Shop Announces Price Re
MRS. VAN VARK of the Le
Bijou Hair Dressing Parlor,
207 S. Eighteenth street, announces
a reduction in price:
Marcels, ?ac.
Manicures, 50c.
The reduced prices are effective
only on appointment work. ' Phone
Atlantic 0991. . ,
According to fashion's dictates in
street wear the youthful type is re
tained, while in formal and informal
frocks the favored necklines remain
with an inclination to moderately
decollete and long-trained effects
for evening.
DURING the next few weeks
the shopping department is
a busy one indeed. Even
now Christmas lists are on file for
the buying of gifts which may be
purchased more advantageously
now than during the holidays.
Be sure to enclose stamped en
velope with all letters. Each order
shopped upon requires a letter
sent out at the time of the pur
chase. Don't forget to state price
you wish to pay for apparel or
dered, detailed description of your
self with full list of measure
ments. , Purchases may be sent out either
cash, by check or.C O. D.
Mr (3b iloppiii mil My
Give me a day where your colors break
Billow on billow across the lea;
Where the trees lift restless arms and shake
Showers of rubies over me; and the heart is free
Grant but a little hour or two
In an open space where my blunted gaze
THE AUTUMN, by DuBotc Hewyard (Everybody., Nov., 1921.)
. e
EVER on the alert. Milady Omaha it a bit ahead of the game this time, for there's a decided sentiment prevalent wherever the fairer ex centre
gatrt to revert to a song which runs something like this: "What do you think Marie would like for Christmas?" and "Do you know whether
Elizabeth hat an especial fondnest for boudoir accessories, capt and thingt like that?" Looks like we might do our Cliristmat shopping early, doet
it nott
. a a
Dainty Golden Rosebuds Especially Have You Seen the New Sample An Exquisite Charmfulnets in the Lovely Lustrous Luring Mlltdy't
Lovely for the Hallowe'en Hottett.
fpiIE Brandcit Flower Depart
t in
ment, main floor the Brand
Stores, nromise tcrnntinz vnluei
golden rosebuds to the Hallowe'en
Some ccats are belted snugly.
THE lure of exquisite silks will draw discriminating beauty lovers to
the exclusive new shop, 1517 Douglas (formerly Herzberg's) for
which Mr. Jones and Mr. Kahn, two well-known silk men of Omaha, have
long been preparing. Here, in a background of French gray enamel, one
will enjoy shimmering lengths of silks and velvets, hosiery in unquestioned
quality, conservatively styled, and a stock of silken undergarments be
witchingly beautiful. One might well wait to buy until viewing the mar
velous values promised m this new
The Suit Sale for Which You've
Long Looked.
LAMOND'S, . Seventeenth and
Farnam, are offering in sale ex
traordinary their entire stock of
suits at startling price reductions,
suits which you'll' at once recognize
as being up to the Lamond suit
standard of novelty styling, ultra
modish in each detail with the qual
ity for' which this shop is known.
Fur trimmed, conservatively em
broidered, beautifully lined, they are
now offered as follows:
$100 and up, less $25. "
$75 to $100, less $20. '
$50 to $75, less $15.
.,$35 to $50, less $12.50.
" (Send check with order and under
stand that sale is final.) .
. .
There's A Dainty Charm in Furs
BUT they must be becoming in
line.- - .The Goldstein Fur Shop,
Sixteenth and Douglas, over Fry's
Shoe Shop, have furs for every type
at prices marvelously low. .
NO longer does it suffice for madam to have one gown fof many occa
sions; rather is it necessary for her to appear a charmfully gracious
person in a diversity of stylings and colorings. The dress department
at Kilpatrick's presents for your viewing a ravishing array of new dresses
the tailleur of which one at once recognizes as the very thing for the club;
a semi-formal little frock delightful for dinner; the new sleeveless dance
frock so girlish in effect The prices ah, my dear, they are pleasantly
"When One Plans a Pleated Skirt
IT should be fitted to hip and
waistline measurements," says
Mrs. Tarpenning of The Mode
Pleating Co., fourth floor Paxton
block, Sixteenth and Farnam. I'll
be glad to send out samples of ma
terials for skirts, lovely blocked
woolen materials formerly selling '
for $6.50 and $7, now on sale for
but $2.95.
New Evening Clothes Follow Fascinating Fashions
Consistency ot preference is as
difficult of attainment, when -viewing
the new evening clothes, as con
sistency of adherence to period ap
pears to have been to the creators
of said clothes. Between the two
distinct types which most crowd up
on one's notice the waistless, cling
ing, chemise-like vestment one as
sociates with Cleopatra and the ex
TN Nu-Bone corset at the Hattie
jjVtnam Nu-Bone Conet Shop,
fifth floor Karbach block, Fifteenth
and Douglas? Perhaps you could
be fitted immediately in one of then
models. If unable to call at the
thup tend for a measurement blank.
Christmas Art Greeting Cards Now
on Display. . , - 'i
THE Omaha Stationery Company,
307 South Seventeenth street,
which sold thousands of dollars
worth of greeting cards last year,
now have placed on display un
usually appealing designs in person
al and individual greeting cards.
When engraved they carry a much
more personal note of heart-warming
greeting than one is able to con-
vey by the last-minute card pur
chase. - May I make selection and
order your engraving done now?
For We Adore Gaudy Beads and
They Are Barbaric This Season.
Almost all of us must have a hint
of the savage hidden away some
where in our makeup, judging by
the way we adore gaudy strings of
beads. They're barbaric in their
beauty this season, and of every
known ; color. - For the dark one
toned, frock they are indispensable,
and transform the whole appearancev
The Corset Keynote of Well Gowned
THE Dorothy Hill Corset Shop,
second floor Neville building,
Sixteenth and Harney, is featuring
corset models designed by Dorothy
Hill and run under her trade mark.
You are invited to call for a trial
-Top coats feature mannish lines.
tended hip line and wide sleeves of
Spain there is but a single point of
contact, that of charm.
The sinuous, classic grace of
Egypt, or the sprightly insouciance
of the Andalusian dancer! Which
will you have? Rather, when will
you have which?
For it is an indubitable fact that
theteidiametrically opposed fashions
May tour to the stars as it used to do
, In the old, unfettered days.
Show me a sweep of October sky
Stark and far; white the goldenrod
Sends forth breakers of splendor coursing by.
And oh, I think that I need not die to find my way
to God.
Smart Velours Hat.
Hp HE J. T. McQuillen Shop for
Men, 1512 Farnam, are offering
an excellent line of V'elourt halt in
all sizes in brown, black, and the
season's ultra-modish tans at $1X85,
formerly priced at $20. Thit price
it the result of a "cash-raising" sale
now in progress at this popular shoo.
An unusually advantageous time to
purcnase Christmas gutings.
A dinner gown of black net it
trimmed with black velvet ribbon
and worn over a black satin slip.
Specially Priced Ring Orouping.
rpHE John Henrickson Jewel
Shop, Sixteenth and Capitol, is
offering for a limited time on ex-
traordinary ring grouping. Bean.
tifully cut large diamonds mounted
in exquisitely designed rings. They
are ideal for the engagement ring, to
be worn later over a daintily en
graved wedding banding of the
modern art jewel conception.
An attractive model of black vel-
vet nas a nuge Busier crown couar
ot white pony skin and loose tleevet
. . n .,
with a deep square cuff effect of the
white pony.
Sale Corset' Models Fitted By Ex
pert Corsetierre.
MRS. M. C. DONOHUE in the
McArdle Hat Shop, 1613 Far-
, , . , , . .
na, has placed on tale exclusively
modeled corsets at sale prices of
from. $2.98 to $8, every purchase
giving one the privilege of a fitting
by this corset specialist
WHEN Madam Omaha slips into her "comfy" fur coat she is sure to
want a close-fitting hat. The Belle Hatch Millinery Shop, 19th and
Farnam, has an unusually fascinating assemblage of hats for wear with
furs. Especially luring is a tiny tarn-toque of bronze metal cloth and velvet
with a six-inch bronze velvet rose at brim.
Extensive Line of Art Candles for
Pre-Holiday Shoppers.
A LARGE line of bayberry candles,
ranging in price from 15c to 35c,
daintilv shaped, fragrant in burning.
are shown in the art department of girlie in the new Beauty Shop,
the A. Hospe Co., 1513 Douglas. The on the mezzanine floor, of
new large candles for the low poly- the new Herzberg shop, 1519
chrome bases are $1 and $1.50 a Douglas, a Marinello System shop
pair. The dainty Venetian candles, under the management of Irene
two-toned with gold bandings and Gray, who charms the childish heart
tassels outlined, are $1.50 ..a pair, of every youngster who sees her. In
New and lovely are the antique deed, it is a, treat to slip into one of
pink, blue and gold bits of daintiness her diminutive chairs for a "bob."
for the boudoir at $1.50 a pair. Or- When one is grown up her hair is
der your Christmas candles earfy. bobbed long enough to be effective-
v ly curled. Of course, Milady 1921
Georgette and crepe de chine
dresses are often trimmed with nar
row, flat silk braid in self tone.
Rarely Gifted in the Art of Designing
Well-Known Tailor is No Lets
Skilled in the Details of the Fin-
ished Tailleur.
PRDrfiPTO RRfisi 7 8 Ttalrd
ROCOPIO BROS., 7-8 Baird
block, Seventeenth and Dong-
las, offer unusually artistic design-
ing in suits, dresses and gowns. Par-
ticularly adept are they in design-
ing the lines most becoming to
madam et madamoiselle with indi-
vidually becoming touches alto-
gether irresistible.
T , . . ,
Long scarfs wound around the arm
with the ends left hanging are the
background and excuse for much dec-
oration of a very striking kind They
are usually made to wear with some
special hat. - ;
Hat, Furs, Feather and Marabou ' .
R'n. t-v -j . , .
EBLOCKED repaired and ! rt
made, at the Kruger Hat Shop,'
303 Barker block, Fifteenth and Far-
nam, A shop unique in service.
may deck with grace equal and in
disputable one and the same woman.
Arrayed in the narrow, straight
lined and heavily sequined draperies
of the east, she is seductive after a
lazy, mysterious fashion. Just as
she is piquant and tantalizing when
her fuli, short skirts swirl from her
hips or hang in frilly, unevenness
at the hem below papier, which
C! TORYBOOK ladiet of
beauty have always worn vel
vets, and no wonder one decides
upon viewing the exquisite velvet
dresses, wraps tnd Capes taking form
under the skilled fingers of Lulu
Hampton, modiste, third floor Se
curities building, Sixteenth and Far-
N'o longer are corsets the unwieldy
affair of bone and steel that they
"td to be- hav,e become plia-
ble, persuasive in their function,
gently moulding the figure to lines of
crace. To be and not to be or
U-at not to seem to be there, is the
most and the be,t requirei 0( ,ent.
They're uncommonly lovely to look
well at to wear in the new sea-
ton's models.
Classes in Marcelling on Monday
STARTING Monday evening at 7
o'clock the Drcfold Hair Dress
ing Farlor, 1001 W. O. W. building,
Fourteenth and Farnam. will con
uuii .iaa9 lit
duct clatses in marcelling at a fee
ni08t reasonabe. An excellent op.
nnrtitnirtf tn nr trial u'ArlV - Kt.
,er their pos;tioni by devoting one
evening a week to these classes. Call
Jackson 3325 for information in re
gard to the instruction.
From Pans A demure blouse
btiseT,vfer? t!i!ch rades Hy
hand. Unaffected charm lies in its
deft touches of hand-drawn work, its
delicate "hand-made" tucks and flut-
ing and above all its youthful sim-
plicity of design. Imported yet
conservatively priced.
If One Would be Youthful One's
Hair Should be Bobbed.
A when ones age
is round
about 2 to 6, it is absolutely im
perative. There's a little black-haired
bobbed locks. One of the Marinello
System Guaranteed Permanent
There's never a successful season
without its version of the always
necessary separate skirt. Plaited,
many of them this fall, a trifle fuller,
a hit longer and developed in the
smartest of 8tri d and jaiJ fabrks
o warm rich autumn tcnes
Candy Shop showg DelightM
.,.. .,...
HaUowe en Novelties,
DEFORE buying 'sweet' favors
for the Hallowe'en dinner or
party you.n find a vis;t t0 Candy.
land, 1522 Farnam, a true delight,
for the novelties shown are uniquely
charrn;ng. Weird little jacko'lan-
terns to It th y roup on mis.
chief.bent joly caps and thistles,
a, wc of all kindSf are
shown in pleasing array.
tt . t n,
Some of the frocks made of heavy
doth are belted with narrow dot
gjrdles which are tied and hang in
long tasselcd ends below the hem or
the skirt.
often take the form of petals. Some
times the peasant apron of em
broidered muslin is added to the
Carmenesque skirt with happy ef
fect; infrequently, this last, though,
represents atrial 'by lir.e of anr
woman's adaptability to "period"
style, the bodice, at its joining witli
the fkirt, taking on the point of the
Dresden shepherdess.
Instead of a Winter Trip to the
Sunny South
ONE might refurnish the tunrooni
in lovely new wicker pieces.
lUthcr l'leaiai.t idea, it it not?
And truly there' an cmtlcit amount
of enpoynient poib!e if uiie't tun
room it properly furnished. The H,
R. Eowen Furniture company. Six
teenth and Howard, has an unusual
ly large allowing of wicker pieces,
chaise longues, da-beds and couches,
tables, desks, arm and rocking
chairs, these in the approved new
finishes. Depending upon one's
color plans the finish oi the wicker
may be ivory, either plain or with
tiny lines of color round dainty
edges, French gray, frosted brown,
all equally lovely with drapes and
upholstering of lundblorked cre
tonnes and linens. Especially pleat
ing are the prices quoted, unusually
reasonable you'll agree.
In place of ear inui'fs one now
sees adorable curl clusters, eight in
each cluster worn over the ears. The
pair may be purchased for f 5.
Three-Strap Oxford Fashion's New
ett Bit of Exquitite Footwear.
A SWAGGER bit of footwear it
the "Naomi" oxford, a three
buckled $8.00 model in patent, black
kid, black suede and nut brown calf,
shown at the Securities Boot Shop,
second floor Securities building, Six
teenth and Farnam.
Spanish shawls, the very long,
heavily colored embroidered ones
and the all white are frequently .
Ghosts and Goblins, Shakes and
HALLOWE'EN parties hold full
sway this week and you'll find
much of interest in the unique win
dow decorations of the Welsh
Flower Shop, lobby of the Brandeil
Theater, Seventeenth and Douglas.
Jack o'lantern jardenieres hold great
masses of glorious yellow "Mums"
and fluffy ferns against a back
ground of windows through which
one catches a glimpse of black owls
and bats flying against the outline of
a great yellow moon. A flower
shop of delightful helpfulness when
one is "party planning."
Window box cages are not a
novelty, but they are so pretty that
one is tempted to speak of them,
again. They are particularly lovely
in an outdoors living room or living
porch where there is shelter for both
bird and flowers, but sufficient light
and air to make the one sing and
the other bloom profusely.
What They Are
White batiste blouses run with
threads of red linen.
Draped veilings will be continued
for the coming season.
Attractive lingerie is made of gray
over flesh crepe de chine. t
Knitted slipover middies of silk
are popular for sports wear.
Novel suede bags are hand painted
in Paisley shawl patterns. ;
A smart coat of velour features
the fitted bodice and full skirt
Gray loops in silk and wool trim
a dress of black Canton crepe.
A smart cape of blue tricotine is
trimmed in lime-colored tricotine.
A ' prominent feature of the fall
frocks is the fullness at the sides.
Among dress silk novelties are
striped and brocaded Canton crepes.
Earrings are worn almost as a
matter of course with all costumes.
Single monkey fur bands are be
ing applied down either side of the
skirt on Canton crepe dresses.
Platinum grey fox is being used
as a trim for black broadcloth capes,
being used as an edging all around
the circular edge of the wrap.
The fall silhouette will partake of
the Spanish influence, showing the
side skirted effect, the long, slim
bodice and the flat front and back.
rXUi aw! Trsdtmsrk T.r, rrt& V. Ss