Brandeis Restaurants Tenth Floor. Men's Grill Btuines Men'i Lunch, 78c Mei if Men I Art You Looking for 8enric? Tbea VUit Our Complete! Equipped Barber Shop Fourth Floor, lira.' - nii-llfflffl ' V CldDice v-s rn n Tl T n nJA A TlTl TT T T T ' Tl Golf Balls rOM f ATCRDAY OXLT Spalding's 30, 40 and 50 nnd l D. Q.. eoch, 700 Glory Dimple, Baby Dimple, Green Mesh and. Black Diamond, each, . . , rartk Ttw. r? IllfliW 0 on Formerly Sold for 37.50 Saturday's Price II 1 II 11 I I f w II I Mil Will Ti nQ Iri - I I yv ( ami a s 'j Men's Genuine Imported Gaberdine The new tan shades, belts all around; can be worn as rain or top coat; all sizes. Biggest overcoat and suit sale Omaha has seen .in years Men's classy models, finely tailored of all wool materials in the new desired shades. The overcoats for men and young men are in a splendid range of sizes in feueh models as big burly ulsters, rich plaid backs,, ulsterettes, and the fa vored balmaccans. These coats are from some of America's best makers and are tailored of the choicest American woolens. The patterns and colorings include the newest effects. The suits are of all wool materials in the new est fall and, winter models plain colors, stripes, checks and plaids in both men's and young men's models. Hundreds of patterns and dozens of styles tt select from in stotits, stubs, longs and regular sizes, Special Purchase of Hart Schaffner & Marx Suits and Overcoats-Made to Sell at 50.00 Choice at . 680 Overtokts and 1,120 Suits in This Sale The Greatest Clothing , Values in Omaha ; in This Sale ThrteV80 overcoats and 1,220 suits! In the lot and not a garmentjnade to sell for less than 60.00. The suits- are of fine worsted and cheviot materials, rich taMM, M -weaves and patterns, smart fall models for men and young ,men; remarkable values, at; f ' ; ' .; - - , .,: , - u . 35.00 .The overcoats are all new models, big, full, roomy overcoats1, great storm collars; some with belts all around, others with detachable belts; raglan or plain' sleevaa; form fitting or full fashion; three-quarter, medium or long lengths. We guarantee to fit and satisfy every man who visits our department. It's an overcoat and suit sal that this great store is prepared to back up as the greatest value giving event in Omaha. You'll get a better suit or overcoat at a lower price here at , 35.00 :' - -. -,r ; Fourth Floor. .''' ' "r Buy Your Fall and Winter Underwear Saturday MEN'S UNDERWEAR, SHIRTS AND DRAWERS ' Far be it from us to dictate just what 6tyle of underwear a man should wear. Union Suits fot men are in big demand, but there are hosts of men who prefer shirts and drawers college menx like them, service men like them and innumerable farmers and business men prefer shirts and drawers, r So this big service store has a fine selection of shirts and drawers in either cotton, cotton and wool or pure wool. Garments from 69o to 8.00 each. VERY SPECIAL Men's heavy cotton ribbed shirts and drawers; either ecru or gray; sizes, shirts 31 to 50; draw ers, SO to BO; worth 1.00; eacb, , 59K VERY SPECIAL Wool mixed fleeced back natural color shirts and drawers; sizes, shirts, 34 to 50; drawers, 30 to 50; worth 1.60; each, ; 95d Main Floor West. r Men's Velour Hats Former Price 6.00 95 5) In gray, green brown and black yelours; silk, lined in new fall- shapes; all sizes. Men's and Boys' CAPS Tweeds and imported cheviots in the new and wanted styles, all the desirable fall and win ter colorings. , - : C to all Spccnall Pnces Boys Overcoats, 20.00 Values, 13.50 These remarkable overcoats are the pride of our great boys store; warm, woolly, comfortable coats for boys from 2 to 18 years. A splendid variety of fabrics and patterns in the new-t est models, regular price $20, Saturday, 13.50 Boys' All Wool Suits, $20 Values; 13.50 - 2 Pair Knickers. . : ' ' ? These suits are in the newest fall patterns in neat mixtures and plain colors. Every suit absolutely all wool, well made and an extra pair of full cut knickers with each suit.' For. boys irom 7 to 18 years, former price $20, Saturday at lo.oU Boys' $5 Sweaters, at, 3.75 Pull over or coat styles; plain or combination colors; all sizes. Boys' All Wool Sweaters, ' at, 8.95 'v' ' 10.00 Value. Pull over or coat,, styles; high school color combinations; . all sizes.. ' ' ' Boys' Initial Belts, 1.00 1.50 Value. Genuine . leather strap with silver buckle with any initial. Boys' 1.00 Blouses at 79c Percale 6r' madras materiaLs; licht '$X r dark colors, made . with imita N tition Trench cuffs; all sizes. Boys' Flannelette Night Shirts and Sleepers, $1 Cut full and foomy; good weight -flannelette, neat1- patterns; all sizes. ,' Boys' 2.00 Pajamas at 1.50 One or two-piece styles, well made, v good weight flannelette materials " all sizes.. . . . Boys' 1.25 Shirts, 1.00 ", Percale or madras materials, col lar attached or neckband styles; all sizes. Boys' Play Suits, 1.50 to 6.95 Cowboy, Indian, policeman and firemen styles; all sizes.' Fourth Floor. 75 . Two Specials From Our Luggage Section $6 Fibre Suit Cases 9 QO Saturday at, OJ0 24 Inches inside length, 8 Inches deep; cow hide straps all around, also inside the case; leather corners put on with Bell rivets; brass trimmings; lined with hard fiber; special for Saturday only 3.98 13.50 $20 Genuine Cowhide Bags, Saturday at BWl cut, 18-inch size; 5V4-ounce cowhide stock; claw catches and trimmings of brass; leather lined with three pockets; straps all around outside of bag; in brown or black. Fourth Floor, J r Men! Our New Shoes Are Here at tins Low Price of ... . Get your pair tomorrow. ; You'll step out with a new stride iti these jaunty hi-shoes. Think of the price only, . . . ? ' 6.00 Nine styles io choose from.. Made of soft brown leather with over weight outsoles. Goodyear welt sewed, some with rubber heels. English, medium, round .and. broad toe lasts; sizes 6 to 11, widths A to D. - - ' Holland Shoes for Boys, $5 and $6 Values, Special Several hundred pair of these well known shoes taken from ourregular stocks and grouped in one big-lot and offered for Satur day at this low price. Every pair guaranteed to give absolute satisfaction.1 - Main Floor West. - . Qlr ) &Cu Fourth- Floor. . . '4. : .V .-..